Thursday, March 13, 1890


Louis RIEGMANN of Antonia has had his pension increased.
Miss Mary O'CONNELL of
St. Louis was visiting last week at Mr. J.M. BURKE's.
Peter WILLIAMS of Hematite was added last week to the list of U.S. Pensioners.
Mr. LYNCH of
Sandy lost a fine young horse one day last week.  He was trying to get out of the way of a kicking mule when it got its leg broken in two places and had to be killed.
SHEKINAH LODGE A.F.& A.M. meets now in its new hall at Festus on the second and fourth Saturday evenings.  Visiting brothers are invited, and there is generally degree work to do.
We understand that the Stringtown bachelors want a female person to cook and iron.  They will engage the first one that comes along. ___ age, beauty and color will receive due recognition.
Fidelo ROGERS, of Glaize Creek, sold his fine young stallion to Thomas MANION of
Big River Township for $500. The horse is but six years old and can show as ?? and as many colts as any horse of his age.


DeSoto was voted into a city of the third class last Tuesday. We are not informed as to the advantages to be gained by the change, but we presume they are important as the majority in favor was quite large.
Frank SKWOR, of High Ridge, traded a young stallion not three years old to a gentleman of
St. Louis County for another stable horse nine years old and $300 in cash. From this it would seem that it pays to raise good horses.


William BRACKMANN __________ died last Tuesday at his home in High Ridge after a short illness of pneumonia. He was a man well like by everyone and will be missed (the rest is illegible)


Mr. STEEL was here last Saturday distributing the circulars announcing his school which opens here on the ? of April for a six week term. This is a school which should be well attended, as the same character and amount of instruction cannot be obtained so cheaply at any other school. It will be especially valuable to young teachers and those who want to prepare themselves for teaching.
Squire George MCFARLAND of Frumet has lately returned from a trip to
Lexington, Kentucky where he went to see about his wife’s interest in an estate of an old maiden aunt, lately deceased.  The old lady had lived for 87 years in a log house in which she was born, that was built at a time when settlers had to prepare for defense against Indians, and therefore had no windows in it.  He brought back with him some old-time relics, including a knife and snuff box, 90 years old.
Monthly Report of Oak Hill Public School for the month commencing
December 21st 1889 and ending January 17, 1890 including the average grades of some of the advanced pupils in their respective studies and department.  Geo BECHLER 90, Mary BECHLER 87, William SCHUBEL 87, Geo OGLE 86, Rhoda LUCAS 85, Thos LUCAS 85, Ben OTTOMEYER 85, John GONZ 84, William OGLE 84, Ida GONZ 84, Albert MEDLEY 83, Frank SCHUBEL 83. Number of pupils attending during the month, 48; average number of pupils attending each day 37


A serious accident occurred last Thursday afternoon to Mr. Patrick KAVANAUGH, of near Hematite. He and James REID had been to Hillsboro on business and when they started home, their horses were cold and anxious to go, so it was easier to ride fast than to hold the horses. When they got to where the Hematite road turns off from the rock road, they were still going fast, and KAVANAUGH’S animal, a spirited young mare, attempted to follow the gravel road, but when she saw REID’S horse taking the other road, she turned suddenly, and KAVANAUGH’S head and side struck a tree and he was knocked off. ___ she got home. A wagon was secured and Mr. K was hauled in to Mrs. VOLLMAR’S hotel. By the time he arrived here, he had regained consciousness, but was all bloody from the wounds on his head. The worst cut was on the right temple, but he suffered most from a bruise on his right side. Dr. BREWSTER was first called in, and afterward Dr. MOCKBEE, and proper care was given him. His brother Jerry arrived that night and nursed him till Saturday afternoon, when they took him home in a spring wagon well furnished with feather bed and blankets, but it was a risky trip. This is an accident that is not attributable to whiskey.


Obituary: Died March 1, 1890, Anna YATES, wife of Jonas YATES,  aged 31 years 11 months and 24 days. Mrs. YATES, whose maiden name was DRISSEL died after a lingering illness. ____ wife, mother and sister died in the prime of her life. (the rest is illegible)


County Court

Reports were approved of inquests by Coroner BRUCE over bodies of Louis SCHMIDT and Charles LUCAS.

J. D. FAY granted license to keep ferry over Meramec River Bald? Ford.

D.F. McKEE appointed Justice of the Peace for Central township in place of Thos. A. WILLIAMS, deceased.

John O’FALLON cited to give new bond to the school funds.

Order heretofore made forbidding repair of bridge by C. FUNK, overseer, was rescinded by Judges CHARLES and SECKMAN.

Laura K. STONE, J.J. PORTER, and H.M. FORREST ordered to pay up their bonds to school funds or give new security.

Theo. AUBUCHON granted license to keep a dramshop at North Crystal.

Report of commissioners on road from Morse’s Mill to Peter MOORE’S approved and road ordered opened and established. Warrants issued for damages awarded to Peter MOORE, Thos. PIERCE,  A.J. HUSKEY, S.S. WILEY, M.P. GRAHAM, A.E. DAVIS, J.P. CAREE, Jas. QUINN, Lem C__?, Ed HENSON, J.R. HARRISON, Dennis WILSON.


Accounts were allowed against the county as follows

J.J. ENGLEBACH  coffin for pauper

R. MARSDEN  taking grand jury to county farm

C. RUPPEL work on road

D.B. VEAZEY cir. Court fee bills

Eric PAUL road commissioner

R.S. HICKS  road commissioner

J.B. DOVER road commissioner

Malinda STROUP pauper

Geo MARTIN work on bridges

John CARREY work on bridges

R.? J. SHEIBLE county treasurer

R.? J. SHEIBLE advanced to lunatic asylum for ??

R. COXWELL  coffin for pauper

F.B. MAUPIN sheriff

C.W. VOGT bridge lumber

D.B. VEAZEY circuit court fee bills



J. J. WILSON advertising


Undoubtedly, you have been fully informed of the post office robbery here last Tuesday night, and therefore I will be brief in my statement about particulars of the affair. The thief or thieves seem to have had full knowledge of the premises. In the rear of the building, a hole was cut through a panel of the door, large enough to admit a hand, and through this the strong bolt on the inside was pushed open. An entry was gained easily after doing so. The burglars traces led to Silica. East of that place were found a number of letters, some ripped and others unopened. The total loss to the government is ?? in cards, stamps, and stamped envelopes, while OSTERWALD will lose about $4 in coppers. Mr. Charles MILLER is the loser of $21.65 which he mailed to some lodge as dues on that day. Take it all in all, the loss is not so great as first anticipated, but many business letters are missing.



Miss ?? WARNER, who lived with her parents two miles east of the city, died on Sunday last after an illness of several weeks. Funeral on Tuesday.


D.M. PARK spent last week in Nashville, Tenn., whither he went as a State delegate to the convention of Republican League.


F.G. HAMEL has returned from his Western trip, after journeying almost to British Columbia. He saw some attractive country, but none he preferred to Old Jefferson.


Mr. and Mrs. H. LEDERER had their new son circumcised on the 1st instant, the ceremony being witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends.


Max FROMHOLD and Mrs. Anna HOFFMAN were married on Sunday the 1st instant. A lively serenade and treat occurred on Monday evening.


Dr JAMES has moved his office from the CRAWFORD building, and now has commodious quarters over BERRIN’S news stand.


The DeSoto Coronet Band has engaged the services of Prof. KINDIG as instructor for the coming year. The professor formerly belonged to the famous GILMORE band and great benefit to our band is anticipated.


The institute held at Desoto on Saturday was pretty well attended. About twenty teachers were present and if the roads were not in such a bad condition, no doubt there would have been several more.



Mrs. Jonas YATES, nee Anna DRISSELL, was buried at the Kimmswick cemetery last Monday afternoon. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral.


Prof. Thomas LASSATER lost one of his children last Sunday, by death, resulting from scarlet fever.


Fred WISHZENUS? has removed his family from St. Louis to his Windsor M___ residence. His law office will remain in the TEMPLE Building, St. Louis.


C.H. SPENCER is having a new roof put on his house and will return with his family to the country about April first.


Prof. LUCKEY visited DeSoto Friday evening and attended the teacher’s institute at that place on Saturday. Miss Nellie M EHAN attended also.


The Christian Endeavor Society held a sociable at J.W. NORTH’S on Friday evening.


Wednesday night was the coldest of the winter __ below zero.


Mrs. John FISHER of DeSoto? and the Misses Meisner of Bushburg attended the Christian Endeavor Sociable at __ Friday evening.



Jan.  ?  Mrs.  ___ YOUNG          girl

                      ___GIERTH          girl

                     Andrew ATKINS    girl

                     James GIBSON   girl

                     John WALTHER   girl

                     Ellen SEIFFERT   girl

                     Nicholas O’BRIEN  girl

                     Wm. STONE         girl

                     Henry S. SELF     girl

(there were other that could not be read)


Sulpher Springs

Strother BURGESS returned home from Hot Springs Ark. where he had been visiting the past two months.


Gabriel MILLER has been down with a severe cold and la grippe the past week, but is improving.


Carpenters STARK & CASTILE have finished the roof on the old brick church, and are now inside repairing. Go on with the good work and let’s have a church.


Died, Feb. 24th, Miss Nora, second youngest daughter of Prof. LASSATER.


Miss Katie KIRK has been entertaining her young friends the Masters Willis MASON and R. CASTILE Jr.


Our former citizen James SWEENEY has returned to our town after an absence of several years on the ? in the Missouri river near Florissant, and he intends to locate here again.


The brother of Steve BRADSHAW has moved here from Kimmswick with his family.