FEBRUARY 20, 1890


T.B. MOSS is building a fence around Mrs. VOLLMAR’s lot, opposite her hotel.


M.J. DUNNIGAN, of Byrnesville, is visiting his brother Dr. J.P. DUNNIGAN at Sullivan, Mo.


The Sheriff took Mrs. Matilda SMITH to the State Lunatic Asylum at Fulton last Saturday.


W.H.H. THOMAS went to Macon Mo. last Monday to visit his daughter Mrs. SHORTRIDGE.


Mrs. John CAREY, who recently had her arm dislocated, is getting along as well as could be expected.


Serious sickness is reported in the family of Herman SIEMERS and Chris. HULEN? near Hillsboro.


Miss Belle McKINNEY of St. Louis, has been visiting the Misses PERKINS and Miss Etta STONG of Hillsboro.


Mrs. George WALLACE of near Silica was buried on the 9th inst. She leaves a husband and several children.


Mrs. Essie KEISOR of Poplar Bluff came up last week on a visit to her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. W.H.H. THOMAS.


W.S. CALVERT, a Missouri born Democrat of Barton County, has bought land near Victoria and will move onto it soon.


Mrs. D.B. VEAZEY went to Bismarck last Saturday night to attend the funeral of a little child of Mr. & Mrs. Alison VEAZEY


Thos. W. POOLE furnished bail and was released from jail last Friday. His attorney, Marshall MacDonald came down with the bond.


Mr. MAHLER, who runs a saw mill on Sandy, passed through town Monday with a yoke of steers he had purchased from John CAREY.


We learn that Mrs. Tom WALKER sold her place near Hillsboro to a St. Louis party and intends to make her future home in this town.


Matt WYNN hereby notifies all persons not to cut any timber on his land. He will prosecute anyone whom he fins cutting timber on his land.


OGLE and JOHNSTON’s saw mill, which has been in operation near Sandy Bridge, was hauled through town one day last week, enroute for Hematite.


Tuesday begins the sale of the personal property of the late John M. WILSON, at Grubville. It is the largest sale of the kind had in this county for years.


Mrs. William BROWN of near Hematite, died last Sunday night of pneumonia, leaving a family of six children. Her husband died something over a year ago.


Our ‘fat man” tried to go to Mr. SEEMEL’s last Sunday in his buggy. He got as far as the HOFFMAN place and then turned around, because there was no ferry to cross the mud in.


“Uncle Dick” MARSDEN has bought another blaze faced sorrel, which is a real beauty. We trust he will have better luck with this one than he had with that recently purchased of Mr. DAVIS.


Sheriff MAUPIN, assisted by Frank KENNER, took Bob COLLIER to the lunatic asylum at Fulton last Saturday, and they got back safely. We presume there will be no further doubt as to Bob’s insanity.


John HEINER, of Pevely, seems to have more than his share of affliction this season. He had been confined to his room some three or four weeks, and now his wife is down with typhoid pneumonia.


Licensed to marry – Jacob BLANK and Jennie M. RIEGHERT, Claude V. PHILLIPS and Charlotte M. CURTIS; Lucien DUCIOS and Cornelia POLITTE, Robert RICHARDSON and Susan BOYD, John D. FISCHER and Hattie F. NORTH.


James H. LITTLE of Illinois, brother in law of Mr. MILLER, who recently rented the ARMSTRONG place, has moved onto the HUSKEY place just west of town. We trust the family will be pleased with their new home and neighbors.


For the edification of the dwellers along Little Creek we will state that Bob RICHARDSON is about to give up single ??. He has taken out a marriage license and will probably enter into the matrimonial state this week. Don’t tell Peter STROUP about this please.


John HELUEMANN, who was in jail a while with POOLE and McGINN says that they had keys made in St. Louis with which to unlock the jail doors. They had secured paper patterns of the keys. It is probable that Mrs.POOLE rendered them some assistance in the business.


Hillsboro is coming out of the “kinks” as it were. She now has a barber in the person of John I. HULL, late of St. Louis, who is domiciled in the room formerly used as VOLLMAR’s saloon. Johnny is a fair workman, and we hope he may receive enough encouragement to permanently locate here.


Last Tuesday’s St. Louis Republic contains the following special, dated at New York, Feb. 17th. “CRAVATH, of DeSoto, Mo., killed himself tonight, about 10 o’clock by shooting himself through the head in front of 168 Perry Street, between Washington and West streets. CRAVATH was a machinist.”


Dr. J.R. PRITCHARD, of Valles Mines, went to St. Louis last fall to complete his course in the Medical College, but instead of medical lectures, he has been taking doctor’s physic, and under the surgeon’s knife. For five weeks he has been in bed from a surgical operation for appendicitis and is now only able to sit up for a few hours at a time. He will not be able to work for some time, but hopes to soon be able to visit his friends in this and St. Francois counties. We are sorry to hear of his affliction for he is an excellent citizen and had good success as a physician.


Sulpher Springs

Mrs. A.J. RANKIN, of Westen, Ky. Spent a few days with her brother Dr. HULL.

The family of John STAHL has been quite sick. Farmer MARRIOTT has also been on the sick list.


Belew’s Creek – Feb. 16, 1890

Dear Editor, At certain times my house was haunted by what we supposed to be a ghost. My folks could see lights around the house and hear rocks falling on the roof, when I was not at home. So Friday night, the 11th I got on my mare and rode away to get somebody to help me haul hay the next day. I left home about sundown. I suppose the ghost thought I would be gone all night. I never dreamed of seeing a ghost and returned home shortly after dark. We went to bed early and about 9 o’clock my dogs made such a noise as though they were tearing some one or an animal up. I got up and saw something like a lantern. I sat down by the window and watched it about an hour, and the light got worse and “more numerous.” So I said to my wife; “I am going to put on my boots and see what it is.” Then I went out and hissed my dogs, and the ghosts ran like good fellows. I took after them, halloing? at my dogs. I ran one of them into a thorn bush, but he got away before I could get there. I ran one of them about one hundred yards and gave up the chase. The next morning I tracked them some distance. I believe the tracks to have been made by human beings. (I) think from the sized tracks one wore No. 8 or 9 shoes and the other No. 6 or 7. That is the kind of ghost that has been scaring my family when I was absent.     W.M. ARMSTRONG



F.G. HAMEL and John HOPSON Jr. are in Oregon.

The widow of Lay BYRD has removed to St. Louis with her family.

The Commercial Hotel is closed and undergoing extensive alterations and repairs.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a fair and festival on Friday evening at Opera House.

George DORMAN, formerly barkeeper for H. HOFFMAN but lately of Texas has returned to DeSoto and accepted a position at the Commercial.

A club of DeSoto men, holding tickets in the Louisiana lottery drew five thousand dollars at the last drawing, being over two hundred dollars each.

Mr. W.C. McDOWELL, late host of the Commercial Hotel, will go to Washington Territory in a short time, whither William LACKIE, the jeweler has already gone.

DeSoto’s population is only a few less than four thousand.

The McGEHAN School, taught by G.W. LANHAM closed last week.

DeSoto can boast of having a No.1 artist in the person of Mr. Harry DORRANCE.

Mr. J.McGLASHEN, our civil engineer, is about through with his work on the St. Joe R.R.

Mrs. S SUBLETT left DeSoto for Kansas City, which place she and her husband will make their future home.

Emmet HINCHEY, who was badly hurt by the cars is able to be out again, but will not do any work for some time.

Prof. ALLEN of Hematite has been discoursing some of the popular airs for the citizens of this place. He is highly spoken of as a music teacher.

The city is having the Grand Canyon Street fixed. People can now stand on the bridge and look up at the precipice. It will be a good job when completed.

We had some of the Jefferson Barracks soldiers in town Saturday night. We did not learn their business. They took their departure for another point on Sunday morning.

Mr. WYNN, the artist, went on a mineral prospecting tour on Saturday. He has been taking quite an interest in the examination of minerals of late. We wish him success in any enterprise he may embark in.

Dr. KEANEY Jr. has been chosen medical examiner of the Catholic Knights of America for the southern half of the city of St. Louis. He is also lecturer on anatomy in one of the colleges. We like to hear of the Jefferson county boys doing well.

Mr. Charles PURDESKEY returned from his trip to Europe on Saturday. He visited Southern Prussia and Berlin, where he has a brother engaged in the profession of teaching. He reports a great improvement since he last visited the country nine years ago. He will again engage in railroad contracting.


Births recorded during the past week

Dec. 30  Mrs. Wm. DETWILER   boy

Jan. 26   Mrs. Wm. HAYES   girl

Jan. 16  Mrs. John HALLENBERGER   girl

Jan. 22   Mrs. John AUERBECK   girl

Jan. 19  Mrs. Henry GEITZ  girl

Feb. 3   Mrs. David A. MUNROE  boy

Feb. 2   Mrs. Samuel ALLEN  girl

Feb. 9   Mrs. Robert RASCH  girl


Obituary – Died at her residence near Silica, Mo., Feb. 15, 1890, Mrs. Cynthia DONNELL in her 63rd year. Deceased was a daughter of James and Margaret MCCORMACK, who were among the first settlers on the Plattin.   She was the widow of Samuel Oscar Donnell.   She was one of a family of eight girls; all noted for their character as estimable Christian ladies, and by many she was considered the best of the family. She was a professed Christian nearly all her life and lived up to her profession, and was therefore perfectly prepared for death. She retained her facilities to the last, and no doubts or misgivings as to the future disturbed her mind. She leaves one sister, Mrs. T.A. CHARLES, and one brother Mr. Hardy MCCORMACK, and it is probable that her youngest brother, who went to California in 1849 is still living somewhere in the West. She was buried in the family cemetery on the old homestead on the Plattin, now owned by Mr. Mitchell MCCORMACK. Rev. SRONCE preached an appropriate and very feeling sermon, to a large audience, most of whom were relatives of the deceased, and while viewing the solemn scene caused by her separation from loved ones here, we could but think of the joyful scene caused by her reunion with loved ones who had passed on before. The beautiful floral cross which adorned the casket was a tribute from Judge CHARLES, and eminently appropriate; the white flowers emblematic of her pure life, and the cross of the foundation of her faith and trust. The undertakers, Messrs. WELCH and BRANCH of Festus did their part well.


Obituary – Died at Paola, Nov. 1st, 1889, Mrs. L.H. HENDERSON, wife of F. HENDERSON, of Lane, Kans. She had an only daughter living in Paola, where she had gone on a visit. She took to coughing, broke a blood vessel and died in 15 minutes. She was a sister of J.I. RUSSELL of this county. When very young she joined the church in Tennessee, and has been a faithful Christian ever since, and was fully prepared to go out and join her loving Savior. It is hard for husband and friends to give her up. But the way of that mysterious Providence is always pure and right and holy. Let us ever be reconciled to His holy decision.


List of Conveyances filed during the week

John JONES to Nancy A. JONES

John JONES to Samuel P. JONES

John JONES to Milton P. JONES

C.E. HOPSON to Elizabeth KLENN

Mark PERRY by Sheriff to S.R. PERRY


J.L. BYRD by adm’r to L.K. and B.B. BYRD

William CLARK by adm’r to J.J. HOEKEN

E. VAIL et al to J.J. HOEKEN




Philip KRAUSE to Fritz GLASS

Nancy GAMEL to Zeno LAROSE





Col John H. MORSE had a very hard chill Sunday morning.

At the public sale of Mr. STONG’s on the 18th, property brought fair price.

Frank PERKINS has been confined to the house owing to an attack of the mumps.

Mr. CORNMAN of St. Francois County was up looking for a farm which would make him a pleasant home. He may probably locate near Vineland.

Mr. Ashley MCKINLEY and family, formerly of St. Louis, will move back there in a short time. We are sorry to lose such a desirable citizen and neighbor.

Mrs. George WILKSON died February 12th and leaves a family of seven children. Mr. WILKSON has the sympathy of the community in his sad bereavement.


Rock Creek

K. KROPER is the leader of the Bohemian lodge.

The Wheel had a meeting at J. BAKER’s shop and a large crowd was in attendance.

P HAMPEL says he has the “grip” but he grips the maul handle and the axe handle.

The weather has been pleasant for the last few days, but our dirt roads are nearly impossible to travel.

W. BECKLEG went to Sandy on a visit and to take a hunt, and we expect him to bring a load of game home with him.

J. SCHWIDLER sold his gray mare to George NOLAN for $180. It seems God is with Joseph everywhere.



Mr. Charles LEWIS of Grubville is very sick, with poor hopes of recovery.

No sleigh riding for the boys and girls, the mud is too deep under the snow. We have now the heaviest snow of the season, which will greatly benefit the wheat crop, which at present is very promising.

The Union store at Grubville is meeting with great success. They sell everything at strictly 12 percent above wholesale prices.

V.P. CARNEY is county organizer of the Farmer’s & Laborer’s Union. Any place where they are not organized, but wish to be, they should drop him a letter to Grubville, and he will attend to it as soon as possible.

The people on the west side of Jefferson County think they are entitled to a rock road leading from the Franklin County line, past Grubville and Oerman, to intersect the St. Louis rock road between Morse’s Mill and the old Maddox Mill stand.            W.J. MCDERMOTT


Resolution of Respect by Mount Pleasant Lodge of Dittmer’s Store for Henry REINEMER

Judge W.W. EDWARDS of the nineteenth circuit decided the case of
Jefferson County vs. St. Louis County, in favor of the latter.  The case was an action brought by Jefferson County to compel St. Louis County to pay a proportion of the cost of building and repairing a bridge between the two counties and used in common.