JAN 9, 1890

A woman about 50 years old was found in a ditch by the side of the Frisco tracks, near Lyman Station.  She was taken to a farm house and shortly expired.  She is supposed to be Mrs. ROBBINS, of
Dixon, Mo., on her way home from a visit Van Buren, Ark., but whether she jumped from the train or fell off is not known.

A Cyclone struck VanBuren 6 O'Clock Saturday night and destroyed the
Baptist Church and school house, three residences and several other buildings. Loss of property, $6000.  No one seriously hurt.
In accordance with time honored custom, GEO. FRANCIS granted two Christmas pardons.  The lucky men were GEORGE DEMASTERS of
Jackson County,  and FELIX ?OGAN, alias BACON of St. Charles County. Each had served 13 years
Mrs. LOUISA BUFORD, wife of JAMES BURFORD, a prominent citizen of Iron County, was run over and instantly killed by the Memphis Cannon ball train at Iron Mountain on the morning of the 26th inst.


For cheap goods go to HOEKEN'S Cash Store,
This weather is bad on the Sheriff's triennial harvest. 

See the bargains in dry goods at JOS. J. HOCKEN'S Cash House.
Burns, cuts, etc., can be cured by using DR HOFFMAN'S Golde’s Ointment.
WILL. P. PRENDEGRAST and ELLA BALL were the only couple to secure marriage license this past week.
For drugs, medicines, etc. go to the OPERA HOUSE DRUG Store,
De Soto.
If you are looking for a heating stove, go to HOEKEN'S Cash Store,
A full line of trimmed hats are from 75 cents up to $10, at MRS. PRIMM'S, Desoto.
CHRIS VOGT tells us that on New Years Day he had a find mess of frog legs. 
Sandy Creek got on a boom and washed the frogs out.
County Court will meet on the 20th inst. At that time an effort will be made to secure the building of a bridge at

KING & Co., of the Depot Saloon in DeSoto are now selling whiskey by the gallon at wholesale prices.


The flood of last week carried down the bridge across Sandy Creek, on the county road near Pevely. Roadoverseer Davis at once went to work to replace the structure.

FRANK BOUGHTON will furnish beef by the quarter at 4 and 6 cents. Two-day's notice being previously given him.

There were three days the past week that Hillsboro was cut off from communication by mail with the outside world. For lack of a bridge at Victoria, no one could get to or from the railroad.

JOHN W JEUDE sued the BonneTerre Railway Company, for $75, damage for cutting some timber on his land, The company settled the matter without going into court by paying MR JEUDE $50 and the costs.
MR EDITOR:  We desire, through the medium of your valuable paper, to extend our heartfelt thanks to the people of
Hillsboro, for the kind assistance and friendship on our late bereavement.  E.R. & ANN MAUPIN

William PLASS has concluded to raise some good sheep instead of the common scrubs he has been handling. Last week he received from Greensburgh, Indiana, a shipment of twelve thorough-bred Southdown ewes, four of which are imported animals.


We have received a detailed report from the Presbyterian Sunday School of Festus. The school was first organized by Mr. George M. MCNUTT. The following are the present officers. Superintendent Florian JENNI, Assistant Ephraim WILLIAMS, Secretary Arnold SANTSCHIE, Treasurer D. HOLMES, Organist Thomas WILLIAMS, Librarian George MOORE, Collectors Charles FROST and Ed OSTERWALD. School was held every week during the year.

Mr. J.W. CANAGE, representing the White Hall Nursery of Illinois, is making a canvas of this county.  He is a gentlemanly fellow.
Squire RUSTIGE sent the treasurer this week, two dollars, fines collected from Joseph SWALLER and Mike BOUDA for assaulting and beating Willie GILLERT.
FOR RENT:  The E.P. BAKER farm about two miles north of
Hillsboro. Apply to Thomas & Horine, Hillsboro; To right man will be let cheap.
Cotter Creek, Jan 6-- New Liberty Union is progressing nicely and there is plenty of material left.  Our 4 months term of Public school just closed.  We have Sabbath school every Sunday and preaching twice per month. This creek was on a big bum; New Year's Day and is filling up again. 
Considerable damage was done to water gates and fences.  Health is good in this neighborhood so far as I know.


Died at Hillsboro, January 2, 1890, Emma, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. E.R. MAUPIN, aged 16 years and 10 months, of pneumonia. Miss Emma was the healthiest, strongest, looking member of a large family, and gave promise of a long and useful life. Like other young people, unaccustomed to sickness,  when first attacked by the dangerous disease, she thought it but of slight import, but when at last forced to her bed and a physician called in, it was found that the disease had such a hold that human skill could not avail. She was a bright young lady, a general favorite, and very dear to parents, brothers and sisters. Her untimely death is a severe affliction to them, but they are comforted by the positive assurances she gave that she was prepared for death and was only going home to meet her Savior. It was the desire of her parents to lay her remains beside those of other loved ones who had gone before in the family cemetery near Eureka, but owing to the high water, it could not be done. She was added to the silent host in the Hillsboro cemetery, Rev. SCRONCE conducting the funeral services in a solemn and impressive manner. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all their acquaintances.


Labarque, December 30

Christmas came and parted. Tom WILSON gave the young folks a dance on Christmas eve, which was an enjoyable affair, and everything passed off nicely until a late hour, when a dispute arose between two young men. For convenience, I will call one F. and the other S. The latter accused the former of stealing his hat, which made F. strike S. Then F’s brother declared they would do S. up. Finally they were separated and everything went on good till they were ready to go home when S. presented himself before G. and told him to name his time and place to meet him, and they would have a fair fight. F. said that he would meet him at 1 pm in Mr. FLANAGAN’S orchard on Christmas day. The time and place were agreed upon. S. went to Eureka and dispatch for Dorie BROWN to come and second for him. F. had C. WHITWORTH of Cheltenham for his second. When the time came, both parties were on the ground in their fighting clothes and some fifty spectators to witness the fun. Luckily some of the old neighbors begged both parties to settle without fighting. They came to a compromise without anybody being hurt, save one drunken man who was knocked down.


We were surprised to see William DETWEILER all smiles the other day, and soon learned that a little boy was at his house. Our school is flourishing under the guidance of Mr. DUNNIGAN.


OBITUARY – Died at her home in Big River Township, Jefferson Co., Mo.. October 29, 1889, Mrs. Margaret A. LEE, wife of L. H. LEE, in the 66th year of her age. Mrs. Lee’s maiden name was GRAHAM. She was a sister of Madison and William GRAHAM, who were well known citizens of this county. Her surviving sister, Mrs. John M. WILSON is the only member of the large family of Graham’s of that generation now living. Mrs. Lee was born near Frumet. March 15, 1839 lacking at the time of her death but two months of rounding out the cycle of fifty years of married life. Her husband, five daughters, three sons and numerous grandchildren are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Lee was converted in early life, and was baptized by the pioneer Missionary, Alvin P. WILLIAMS. She united with Bethlehem Baptist Church in her 14th year and remained a member of that church until the organization of Grubville Baptist Church, about 11 years ago. Since then she lived in the fellowship of that church. Mrs. Lee spent all her life in her native county, and was highly respected by a large circle of friends and neighbors, many of whom testified their esteem by attendance at her funeral, October 31st at Bethlehem cemetery. Appropriate services were conducted by Elders William MCKAY and J. N. SHORT.


Sulpher Springs

Plenty of rain and mud again. Ben HINSON  the artesian well digger, is still here, being unable to move through the mud to Pevely, where he intends to do some digging.

Our village carpenter, Mr. Robert CASTILLE, is doing some fine work in building a two story house for Mr. MARRIOTT, and is progressing splendidly.

Our neighbor, Frank STARK, has been carpentering during the summer season and is taking a rest.

Strother BURGESS has gone to Hot Springs on a visit.

There is a project on foot to improve our sidewalks with rock and cinders. Let each citizen of the town do his full duty.

Glaize Creek has been on a tear, and is booming for several days.

The farmers seem to be housed up, as few can be seen in our town.

It has been raining and sleeting all of yesterday. The roads are bad at present, and have been for some time.

Dan GREENE, telegraph operator, has been transferred from Blackwell Station to Jefferson Barracks, and is now on duty there.


The ALLEN farm on Big River, now occupied by Frank WIDEMAN, is for rent for a term of five years. Apply to Thomas & Horine, Hillsboro, Mo.


List of Conveyances filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday.

Thomas WILSON to Silas P. MAUPIN

James A. WILSON to L. E. LEE





Conrad MEYER to F.A. HUBER


W. R. DONNELL to Gustave and Emil RAUSCHENBACH


In Memoriam – Whereas on the 17th day of December, 1889, it pleased the All-wise Creator above to call our worthy brother James S. WILLIAMS (fraternal resolution)



The estate of James S. Williams, deceased, Friday, January 24, 1890


For Sale or Rent: 93 acres within one fourth mile of Hillsboro; good dwelling and outhouses; 35 acres in good state of cultivation and fine bearing orchard. Enquire of  A.J. HUSKEY on Dry Creek, or R. W. MCMULLIN of Hillsboro.


Death and Births filed with the County Clerk during the past week.


Dec. 19          Henry ROBERTS      71 years

Dec  27          Daniel MILLER          62 years



Oct 28            Mrs. Richard A. FRAZIER            boy

Dec 18           Mrs. George William GREEN    girl

Dec. 21          Mrs. Samuel HEBARTH              boy

Dec  13          Mrs. K. HOOK                                girl

Dec 10           Mrs. Aub. CLELLAND                  girl

Dec. 12          Mrs. William MCCORMACK       girl

Dec. 7            Mrs. Richard HENDRICKSON   boy

Dec 8             Mrs. Edward HUSKEY                 girl

Dec 4             Mrs. T. CHRISTOPHER     dead boy


Notice of Final Settlement

Elizabeth MEAD, deceased            F. H. MEAD, executor

Mahala GUY, deceased                  P. C. ZOLLMAN, administrator


Administrator’s Notice

James S. WILLIAMS, deceased    Joseph J. WILLIAMS, administrator

Henry EULER, deceased                Maria EULER, executrix

Margaret SLATTERY, deceased     J..B. BAKEWELL, public administrator

Frederick MOHRER, deceased      J. B. BAKEWELL, public administrator


Trustees Sale

Thomas I. WILLIAMS and his wife Rebecca A.               Elijah BURGESS, trustee


Sheriff’s Sale

William SMITH and William MCCORMACK

Thomas C. FLETCHER and Louis J. RANKIN

Samuel ECKER


Order of Publication, Probate

Estate of Cynthia WILBURN, deceased         Philip Meyer, executor


Sheriff’s Sale in Partition

Sarah I. CORNELL and M. W. CORNELL, her husband, plaintiffs against Martin U. GRAHAM, George W. GRAHAM, Mandora K. EAVES and Thomas B. EAVES, her husband,  Bertha May GRAHAM, Arah Ellen GRAHAM, Mary Jane GRAHAM, Margareth V. BLAKE and Harden BLAKE, her husband, Annie A. COUCH and George W. COUCH, her husband,  ? COHEN, W.H.H. THOMAS, and Leroy DOSER, defendants


Sheriff’s Sale

William BLYTHE

William BROWN

William W. GILL

Walter ALLEN