January 30, 1890

Bethany, MO. was burned to death in Denver by the explosion of a lamp.

The mother and two children of LOUIS MCCALMENT perished in his burning house at
Unionville, Mo.

Ben Hinson and Company were in our town today.

Miss KATIE STAHL makes occasional trips to this place.

Glaize creek is falling and has been for several days.

Cordwood is scare at present, owing to the muddy roads.

Glen Park must be booming, judging from the mighty roaring down that way.

There is a project on foot to organize a gun club here for sport and practice.

Frederick MILLER, the ferryman, came over yesterday, and looked hale and hearty.

Our town is getting healthier, if we may judge from the looks of the young gents and ladies.

Miss Katie BOEHLING was visiting her friends in Pevely one day last week.  Mrs. JONES was also there.

Our term of school is nearing it end, being only a five months term.  We ought to have school at least nine out of every twelve months if we desire to have our children educated.      Sulphur,
January 28, 1890

 KIMMSWICK   by: Zulu

There are a few cases of the grippe to this neighborhood.

CASTILE of Glaize Creek, is quite low with pneumonia.

Prof. N.E. LUCKEY is visiting his brother at
Ferguson.  He will return Sunday evening. 

Ed  CLARK moved his family to St. Louis, Monday, and will continue in the street car business.

Philip  MEYER one of the petit jurymen returned home from
Hillsboro, on Friday evening quite sick.

ISAAC GIVENS and DELIA CRAIG were married, Saturday night, and attended church after the ceremony.

DR. KIRK and W. G. BOWMANN took a trip to
Paducah, Ky., last week.  They are much pleased with the blue-grass city.

The first ice of the season appeared in the river last Wednesday morning, and since that time the river has been falling rapidly.

F. C. MEYER, the florist, has taken a position at the fire-clay works in
St. Louis County and has moved his family in South St. Louis.           Kimmswick January 26, 1890

LOOK HERE!!!         GO TO E. DONALDSON'S , BOSS Jewelry Store DeSoto, MO.

Term Docket of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri to be begun and held in the town of
Hillsboro, in said county, on Monday, February 10.                         R.A ELKINS, judge

Estate                                 Adm. or Guard.
Bessie   L. BYRD                W. R. DONNELL
BARROWS minors             J. H. MORSE, JR.
Alfred  CALLOWAY            J. A BROWN
Katherine  FRECH              A. L. FRECH
FARRELLY minors             William  BRACKMANN
James  M. HUSKEY           Lucinda  HUSKEY
J. R. MCCULLOCH            Lester  J. HENRY
Samuel  PERRY                 Stephen  R. PERRY
F. W. REDECKER              Robert  ZISCH
Rheinbold SCHLECHT       Louis  SCHLECHT
J. S. SPALDING                 J.B.  BAKEWELL
Catherine KEEFE               J.W. STAPLES


Statement of County Warrants Issued by the County, Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and of Jury and Witness Scrip, Issued by the Circuit Clerk for the year ending February 1, 1889                           

A.D. ??









Gerhardt HAEFNER 
GEO   ????SHEIM 
Waldemar SCHUTZ 


Henry EGGERS, Jr.  





Jacob GROB

William DOERR 
Treasurer of Kimmswick, Hematite, DeSoto, Festus, Victoria
JOSEPH  PFEIL                             pauper
PETER MENG                               pauper
JACOB TYREY                              pauper
S. J.  BURGESS                            pauper
F. M. HOPKINS                              keeping pauper
T. TAYLOR and wife                      pauper
MARY WRIGHT                             pauper
MARY WIDEMAN                          pauper
William BOLY                                 pauper 

ALFRED GRAHAM                        pauper
J. B. DOVER                                  road commissioner
S. P. MCKEAN                               keeping pauper 

S. P. MCKEAN                               keeping insane pauper

S. P. MCKEAN                               sewing for pauper 
LOUIS DEGUIS                              pauper
D. F. MCKEE                                  road juror
F. H. BLACKMAN                           road juror
E. VOLLMAR                                  boarding pauper
T. BREWSTER                               county physician
R. G. MORGAN                              road d???
ELIZABETH  BEHR                        pauper
DON MCCULLOCH                        pauper
J. E. HERRINGTON                        pauper coffins 
W. H.  DONNELL                            county clerk, freight and hauling
C. W. VOGT                                    assessor 
GEORGE BARNARD                      stationery
D. B.VEAZEY                                  circuit clerk
KITTY  A. MCMULLIN                     pauper
K. J. MAUPIN                                  sheriff
D.B. VEAZEY                                  circuit court fee bills
JAMES HOPSON                            county judge
HENRY SECKMAN                         county judge 
T. A. CHARLES                               county judge 
E.B. MAUPIN                                   sheriff
F. J. SHEIBLE                                  treasurer 
J.N. CONN, Sr.                                road damages

J. D WAGGENER                            road damages

Jos. J. HOEKEN                              goods for court house and jail 
MEREDITH ROGERS                     pauper
ELIZABETH LOGAN                       pauper
Jos. J. HOEKEN                             goods for poor farm
Henry BAILEY                               road commissioner
Leo LYNCH                                   road commissioner 

N. F. MCMULLIN                           road commissioner 

********************MARCH 1889
W.H. WAGNER,                            keeping pauper
C.F.  LEE                                      road damages

WILLIAM BRACKMANN               door lock
James QUINTON                          keeping paupers 

D. F. MCKEE,                                burying pauper
HENRY STELBRINK    for JOESEPH JAEGER at insane asylum
D. VEAZEY                                    circuit court fee bills
JAMES  T. MOSS                          repairing gravel road
GERHARDT HAEFNER                repairing gravel road 
JAMES J WILSON                        advertising
GEORGE D  BARNARD               stationery 
W.R. DONNELL                            county clerk
E.J . SHEIBLE                               treasurer
WILLIE DEARING                         bring ROBERT COLLIER to Hillsboro
R.W. MCMULLIN                          blanks
J. N. DOVER                                road commissioner
THOS A COURTOIS                    county judge
JAMES  HOPSON                        county judge
HENRY SECKMAN                      county judge

***************************APRIL TERM 1889
St. Louis Bridge and Iron Company for engineering MADDOX BRIDGE   
E.  B. MAUPIN                            boarding insane 
E.  B. MAUPIN                            Sheriff
F.D. WATERS                            cash paid pauper
MRS. ED HOUCK                      pauper
WILLIE DEARING                      expense for JOS. JAEGER
J.F. GREEN                               prosecuting attorney

B.F. BOUGHTON                      taking pauper from DeSoto to county farm 

JAMES HOPSON                      judge and board equalization
HENRY SECKMAN                   judge and board equalization 
THOS.  A CHARLES                 judge and board equalization 

********************************MAY TERM  1889
J.R. DOVER                              road commissioner
JOSEPH PFEIL                         pauper
FRED MENG                             pauper
CASTY BALDWIN                     pauper
JACOB TYREY                         pauper
S.J. BURGESS                         pauper
       GARDMANN                      pauper
HERMAN HAMEL                     stationery  
S.P. MCKENN                          keeping paupers 
S.P. MCKENN                          keeping insane paupers

S.P. MCKENN                          sewing for pauper
M.J. WIDEMAN                        pauper
LIZZIE LOGAN                         pauper
JOS. J . HOEKEN                    goods for county farm
JOS. J . HOEKEN                    goods for court house, etc.

J.H. DOVER                             road commissioner
D. B. VEAZEY                          circuit court fee bills 
A.P. BOOTH                            road commissioner
W.R. DONNELL                      county clerk

W.R. DONNELL                      clerk board equalization

W.R. DONNELL                      freight etc. 

 KITTIE A MCMULLIN             pauper
JAMES HOPSON                    county judge

HENRY SECKMANN              county judge 
THOS. A. CHARLES               county judge 
E. VOLLMAR                           for  ISHAM WILLIAMS
M.  ROGERS                           pauper
JAMES BUXTON                    road damage
E. B. MAUPIN                         sheriff
R.A. ELKINS                            cost in JAEGER case
ELIZABETH BEHR                  pauper

Letters of Administration on the estate of Daniel MUELLER, deceased, were granted by the undersigned on the 17th day of January, 1890 by the Probate Court. Catherine MUELLER, administrator


Letters of Administration on the estate of Lee T. BROOKS, deceased, were granted by the undersigned on the 17th day of January, 1890 by the Probate Court. Laura A. BROOKS, administrator


Notice of Final Settlement on the estate of Samuel PERRY, deceased. Stephen PERRY administrator


Stray notice taken up by John T. CROSS, of Plattin Township


Notice of Final Settlement on the estate of F.W. REDECKER, deceased. Robert ZESCH administrator


Notice of Final Settlement on the estate of Elizabeth MEAD, deceased. S.H. MEAD executor


Notice of Final Settlement on the estate of Mahala GAY, deceased. F.C. ZELLMANN administrator


Letters of Administration on the estate of James S. WILLIAMS, deceased, were granted by the undersigned on the 19th day of December, 1889 by the Probate Court. Joseph J. WILLIAMS, administrator

Order of Publication,  State of Missouri County of Jefferson

In Probate court of said County, November 1889 Estate of CYNTHIA WILLBURN, deceased, land sale.

Mr. M. MARSDEN traded last Friday for what he supposed to be a good horse, but the animal died on Saturday. 

The party, who took my bridle reins and throat latch, will much oblige by returning same. 


Mrs. P. R. HAVERSTICK, of near Victoria, died last Friday of Puerpal fever.  She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss.   
A man named SALZMANN was put in jail last week, to serve out the balance of a fine against him, imposed on him a year ago September.
James N. WHITEHEAD Post G. A. R. of Victoria installed a new act of officers last Saturday night, and had a grand supper and a good time generally.

Beware of imitations in Dr. HOFFMAN'S Family medicine.  F. TRAUDT'S are the only genuine. 
The verdict in the case against James WILLIAMS, wherein he was fined $50 for attempting an assault on a girl, was confirmed last week by the court of appeals.

Dr. FARRAR'S only child, a very bright little girl of six years, was reported as dangerously ill with pneumonia Tuesday night. We hope she is out of danger by this time.

Little Roscoe BRYAN had a birthday party last Saturday, but on account of the mud and general bad health, but few of the little ones were able to attend.  He must try it again next year.

Mrs. Clay MOSS of Sandy, died last Friday, after a lingering illness of dropsy. She leaves three children, all boys; the youngest about four years old. The bereaved husband has our sympathy.

James J.  WILSON, Sr. has been fortunate enough to secure a re-rating of his pension and he drew last week  $109 in lump.  With it he paid off the mortgage on his house, and now feels much relieved.

Mr. Benjamin JENNINGS, brother of Mark C. JENNINGS, died at Festus on the 17th last quite aged.  We had but a limited acquaintance with him, but he was much esteemed by all who knew him.

Licensed to marry:
William M. CUMMINS  and Mary  K. WILLIAMS
John  Peter AUBUCHON and Delia CRAIG
John M. GAINES and Mary D. McCORMACK
George  FINK and Emma BERGNER

Judge Jos. J. WILLIAMS, as administrator, made sale of the personal effects of the late James S. WILLIAM last Friday.  Some articles sold very low, while others brought a good price. The sale bill amounted to $2,045.
D.M. PARK, of DeSoto announces his business in this paper.  Those desiring to buy or sell real estate will do well to call on Mr. PARK, as he is a reliable man to deal with and pushes everything put into his hands.
Frank BOUGHTON will furnish beef by the quarter, at 4 and 6 cents, two days notice being previously given him.
We notice that mining leases have been recorded from T.W. MUNSON, to Charles W. BUCHLER, and from John H. SCHNEEBERGER to William R SWAN.  The land lies  near the railroad, between Horine and Silica, and is to be prospected for coal and mineral. 
Taken up by A. CARROLL, in Joachim township, one brown or dark bay four year old horse, which if not called for, I will proceed to post before Charles G. WARNE, justice of the peace of Joachim township. 

James Watson MCCORMACK, who went from Plattin to California in 1852, has lately been heard from.  He is now at Lewiston, Idaho, from which point he lately wrote to B.C. BERRY. This is the first time anyone here has heard from him since 1873.  He is a brother of Hardy MCCORMACK of Plattin.
In this issue will be found the professional card of Joseph FLYNN. Mr. FLYNN is formerly of Ste. Genevieve, and was for years the Editor of the Fair Play. He is an intelligent, clever gentleman, and has located in Festus for the practice of his profession, the law. We commend him to those who need legal services.
MCGLEN, the man convicted of grand larceny, made a powerful appeal to the court for a new trial, but the judge informed him that he did not think another trial would result differently from the one already had, that the evidence in his judgment justified the verdict. He then passed sentence on the prisoner in accordance with the verdict of the jury, for three years in the pen.
Mrs. Martin HUSKEY and family were burned out of house and home last Friday night. The day had been comparatively warm, and there was but little fire kept. Mrs. Huskey was up sewing, till about ten o'clock, and there was no indication of danger, but after midnight, they were all awakened by the fire and smoke, and escaped only partly dressed. Two stoves and two feather beds were hastily thrown out, and that was about all that was saved. The origin of the fire is a mystery. There was no insurance, and the family are left in a bad plight. A subscription was started for them in town next morning, and sufficient raised for present emergencies.
We were informed Tuesday night, of a very sad occurrence at DeSoto, the report of it being as follows.  Mrs. EICHELBERGER, a daughter of Mr. W. H. WALKER, had been confined and a severe spell of sickness followed.  Her Aunt, Mrs. STEWART was assisting to nurse her. During a night she went to administer the medicine and though mistake gave the sick woman a dose of carbolic acid, from the effects of which she died.  This may not be strictly correct in all particulars, but Mrs. EICHELBERGER is dead, and we presume the other facts stated to be correct, or we would not give publicity to them. Of course no blame is attached to any one concerned.
We hear that Mrs. Henry NEINEMER of Morse's Mill was buried this week. She leaves a husband and some small children to mourn her death.
Circuit Court
The Sheriff was ordered to pay to Leroy BOWER, executor of estate of Wm GRAHAM, $133 out of proceeds of sale of land to partition between heirs of said deceased.
Otto HERMAN, Chris HOCK, Philip BLANK, George ROLDASON, and C.W. SCHELBING were each fined one dollar for shooting on Sunday.
Henry BLAKE, for obtaining goods under false pretenses, was fined one dollar.
Paul SPITZ was acquitted of the charge of injuring property of John ZUFALL.
In a proceeding in County Court, on petition of John GALVIN and others for a public road through land of Catherine LAUMAN, commissioners awarded eighty dollars damages. Her attorneys were not satisfied with the amount awarded, and appealed to the Circuit Court. The jury, after long consideration, gave her the same amount awarded by the commissioners, throwing her in for the costs.
The case against Robert MCBROOM attracted the largest array of witnesses. The jury acquitted him.
The case against T.W. POOLE, charged with swindling one TINDALE, brought here from St. Louis, was continued till next term.
James HALLEY was convicted of common assault and fined $1.
Samuel MEDLEY, the boy who killed his cousin, was found guilty of manslaughter in 4th degree and sentenced to six months in jail. The great disparity in the ages and sizes of the prisoner and the deceased, the prisoner being but a little boy and the one killed nearly 21 years of age and over six feet in height, and the cutting having been done in a fight, led the public to conclude that the plea of self defense would be accepted as sufficient and the prisoner acquitted, but it was shown that Sam is a bad boy and that he engaged in the fight willingly.
Louis NOCE was made a citizen of the U.S.
Ella L. EHRICHS et al, partition, Isaac S. BAKER, Chris FUNK, and J. Ed WAGGENER were appointed commissioners to divide the land.
Adolphus BAUCHIS vs. A. JACCARD on account, judgment for plaintiff for $45.
Chris BECK vs. Herman HAAS, on note, judgment for plaintiff for $3000.
GARR, SCOTT & Co. vs. Lewis HALL, note withdrawn and case dismissed.
Harry REYNOLDS, a young man from DeSoto, has got himself in jail, and is in a good way to go up higher. He is charged with seduction under promise of marriage. If he can give an approved bond of $1000 he will be released till next term.
D.F. MCKEE and J. H. HAZZARD plead guilty to having been in a game for a cow and each were fined $5.
George and Lewis ROHLFING were convicted of maintaining a nuisance, and fined $5. They are butchers, and the nuisance complained of is their slaughter house.
August SEYPOHLTOWSKI and his daughter, Lizzie, were tried for assault   on Lawrence LAUTENFELD .  It seems that Miss. Lizzie was engaged to one John STEINMANN, to who LAUTENFELD  carried some reports derogatory to her character.  Passing by Mr. S's shortly afterwards. Mr. S called to his daughter to bring the gun.  She brought it and LAUTENFELD  ran; she followed him some distance and fired the pistol, once she says, up in the air. The jury cleared them both.  Charles MCNULTY and John   STEINMANN, two of the witnesses, got drunk before they were called into court, and the judge sent them to jail to sober up.

Some time ago John WILCOX and his son Smith, who ran a ferry near Rush Tower, found a darkey in the night on one of their boats. They got their guns and ordered him away, and as he came towards them Smith shot him in the face with a load of bird-shot, which put out one of his eyes. Both the Wilcoxes were tried at this term, the old gentleman acquitted and the young man found guilty and fined $100.
Lewis OGLE and J. BRADFORD plead guilty to gaming and were fined $5 each.
H. ZERMAN and Wm. S. FRENCH were made citizens of the U.S.
Grand Jury Report:
We the undersigned committee of grand jurymen beg leave to report: That we visited the County Poor Farm and Insane Asylum, and we found that the inmates of the insane department were not provided with fire to heat the rooms sufficient to enable the inmates to live in any manner comfortable, or keep themselves from suffering from the cold. We found the bed clothing insufficient and filthy. We found that the insane were not sufficiently clothed. We found the building in need of repairs; the walls of the insane department were open in many places, thereby causing much distress to the unfortunate insane. We found the stoves in the several houses were much worn, and we suggest that the stoves be replaced and more precaution taken against fire. And we call special attention to the stove pipes, that they are in reach of the unfortunate insane paupers, and should be made more secure. We found that the fence around the insane building is in dilapidated condition, and we suggest that it be repaired. We had no means of ascertaining the quality or quantity of the food provided for the inmates. The paupers did not complain very seriously when questioned on the subject.
 Cornelius DILLON
Zion Items:
First let me introduce Zion to any reader who does not know where and what Zion is - I mean this earthly Zion. It is a pleasant and intelligent neighborhood, thickly settled. We have here the Zion church, the Zion Sunday School, the Zion Public School, and the Zion Farmer's and Laborer's Union. Rev. O.W. ROSE of Festus, has an appointment to preach here at 3 p.m. every Sabbath. Mr. R.G. MORGAN is president of the F.A.L. Union, which meets at the school house on alternate Friday nights. The church and school building are about two hundred and fifty yards apart, situated on the old St. Louis, Hillsboro, and Potosi state road, about four miles west of Horine, six miles east of Hillsboro, and three miles north of Hematite. Before the present term began, the school house was newly floored and furnished with new patent oak desks, which are very durable. Our second school month ended January 7th. The number of pupils enrolled for that month was 47; the average daily attendance 36. Those pupils whose average scholarship attained to and exceeded 90 percent on a scale of 100 are as follows: Hettie CALDWELL 96, Grace MARTIN 95, Laura GOODMAN 93, Rosa GOODMAN 90, Laura WHITEHEAD 90. This is the roll of honor. To attain this standard in school depends upon three principals namely; regular attendance, good deportment, and well prepared lessons. Most of the pupils are taking a live interest in the work.
Wedding bells echoed from the hilltops and resounded along the valley's of Zion on the eve of December 25th. The contracting parties were Mr. Lausen BOUGHTON and Miss Minnie JENNINGS.
Robert MORGAN Jr. has about recovered from a bout of pneumonia and an abscess under the right arm.
Prof. J.W. ALLEN of Hematite, organized a singing class here last week, but owing to the severe illness of his wife, he will not be able to give instructions for some time.
Died Thomas Grover , son of A.J. and Annie SPENCER, December 23, 1889, aged five years, and four months.  While parents and friends miss little Grover, he enjoys the pleasure of the Kingdom of Heaven.  

Died At DeSoto, December 20, 1889 of consumptions, Miss. Mary CRIPPIN, in the 23 year of her age.  She suffered for many years with this dreaded disease, but all her sufferings she bore with remarkable patience. She was a member of the Episcopal Church. She leaves a father and one sister to mourn her loss, besides many very warm friends. 
Rock Creek
Grandma YATES is visiting relatives in St. Louis.
Alf BECKLEG has been on an extended "tear down" to the "dead bottoms" of Sandy.
Joe SWALLER went to St. Louis to buy a light running wagon, and since he has it fifteen bushels of wheat is a good load for his greys.
Our carpenter J. H. BONACKER wears a smile on each cheek and his dip on the back of his head; all this signifies that a young Democrat is at his house.
William STRAHER was seen carrying two shocks of fodder at one load - something very uncommon for so small a man. It is a young Republican at his house that makes him so fractious.
Frank KRATOCHVILL is around butchering for the neighbors. Frank would make a better carpenter than butcher; but woe unto his fingers if he could not hit a nail better than a sow's head.
A grand ball was given at the residence of Mrs. Gebhardt KICK last Saturday night.
John HAMEL sold his grey horse to Albert MULL. The people of Luxemburg knew John's horse three miles distant; but he surprised the denizens of burg the other day by riding up on a bicycle of his own make.
Notice is hereby given that a petition will be presented to the county court of Jefferson County on Monday the 24th day of March 1890 asking for a dissolution of the corporation of the town of Hematite in said Jefferson County.
List of Conveyances:
Emily O'FALLON to John O'FALLON   in survey 747
J.A. GERARD to Anton DAVID 47 acres
Carrie BRADLEY to Thomas BANKS lots in DeSoto
Elizabeth WILKSON to HAEFNER and CONNOLLY lot in Festus
H.J. CANTWELL to Annie M. SPENCER lot in DeSoto
Herman HAMEL to E.T. STONE three lots in DeSoto
Chas. HELLER to Charles SCHNEDLE 80 acres
August KULLMAN  to Frank WALLACH 18 acres
Anna W. MORGANS to Chas. REILLY 132 acres
Lizzette AMOR to R.G. HOEKEN 120 acres
Charles B. STEERER to Geo. VOGT 110 acres (could be STEEVER)
Charles GILLMAN to George VOGT 140 acres
George RUTH to Anton RORDA ( could be BORDA) 56 acres
Edwin BOYNE to Mary L. VILLMER lot in DeSoto
Edwin BOYNE to Mary R. BURN lost in DeSoto
Resolution of Respect:
At the regular meeting of Crystal Council No. 932, A.I.O.H. held Saturday January 18th, the following resolutions were unanimously passed. Whereas, Companion George H. BRAZEAU has been a member of this council since its organization, and during that time has filled several important offices therein, and previous to his departure from this city was always regular in his attendance at it sessions, it is with unfeigned sorrow that we learn of his death.
Jan. 6  Burton HENRY  9 months
Oct 12   Mrs. Martin Ed SCHAEFNER   boy
Nov 3    Mrs. Andrew WEBER               boy
Dec 12   "      Phillip REAZ                     girl
Dec 12   "          George CHRIST           boy
       29   "      N. ALDEREEN                  girl
        3    "      Fritz ROLF                        girl
Jan. 6     "      Louis KRAUSS                 boy
       11    "      William STRAHER           boy
       12    "      Louis RE????                   boy
       21    "      Ben  HANSEL              dead girl
Wishing to devote my fill time to my occupation at the Glass Works, I offer for sale at a bargain a house and lot near the Christian Church in Festus...also my residence and lot on Adams Street, Festus....also a lot on Adams Street containing three large building lots, well adapted for business places or residences.      Fred BERGHARDT