Jefferson Democrat

January 2, 1890  


Note: Sheriff's sales and Letters of Administration could not be transcribed.


Stringtown: by W.D.

News is scarce at present. Ed HENSON has a barbershop in operation at the Springs.


The schools in this neighborhood are closed for the holidays.


Christmas passed off quietly in this vicinity, but unusually warm.


Uncle Dan BONACKER is getting so that he can hobble around a little.


Michael BOEMLER met with a loss that he sadly laments, and that is the loss of the brood mare, which cost him $120 in cash.


The warm weather we have had has made the growing wheat look green and fine. During November the wheat had a bad appearance.


Charlie HAGELMEISTER of House's Springs, caught six coons one night of last week, and it was not a very good night for coons either.


Charles GAINER, of St. Louis and Miss Agnes DEWITT were married on the 17th inst. at the residence of the bride's mother, near Stringtown.


Kirk NULL is a Wheeler, I suppose. He says that us Wheelers are going to build a warehouse in House's Springs, and hunt our grain, and store it away and wait until grain comes up. That will be, I suppose until steam boats come up Head's Creek after it. Kirk's farm produce is like mine. It would not do to throw it all on the market at once, for fear of a glut for many years. 


Our old and esteemed citizen, James FITZMORRIS, has been made to rejoice once again. Mrs. WELSH, one of his sisters, whom he had not seen since '62, paid him a visit. She resides at Portland, Oregon. Her husband went to that country in an early day, in rather ordinary circumstances, but by being blessed with good health, and success in business, he has acquired a fortune. Mrs. Welsh, although mother of nine children, is a stout, healthy and good looking lady for her age.


DeSoto: by DeSotoan

D.F. RICHARDS, grocer, has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors. H. LEPP is the assignee.


The Congregational Church was reopened for worship on Sunday last and regular services were held. On the 2nd Saturday in January, the new edifice will be rededicated, and a special service will be had.


Mr. R.M. D?? has purchased the printing end of the Tribune, and will remove it into the Opera House. The publication will be suspended for a few weeks, during which time Mr. D?? will fully prepare himself for the duties of editor.


James SHIELDS, a young man well known in DeSoto, died suddenly last Friday from congestive chill. He had been down south engaged in railroad work and had suffered severely from malarial fever, but had from all appearances recovered and was in good health.


Resolution of Respect: Hall of Blackwell Lodge, A.F. & A.M.

Providence, in his wisdom, has seen proper to remove from our midst, by death, John LONG of this lodge.


Mr. SHEIBLE lost one of the best cows in the county last Saturday.


Theodore DONNELL of Wichita, Kansas is on a visit this week to his father, Mr. E. F. DONNELL.


Daniel MILLER, an old and respected citizen of Rock Township was here last week.


Ex-Gov. FLETCHER was with the crowd that thronged the collector’s office this Monday.


Gen. GAINES, of Buck Creek, lately enjoyed a visit from his brother, of Illinois, whom he had not seen for years.


Mr. Chris SAPPAR of Mill Springs, was here this week. We understand that he is cultivating a claim on Big River.


Henry HURTGEN's father, from Warrenton, Mo. is visiting here this week. The old gentleman is hale and hearty.


Miss Winnie THOMAS, of DeSoto, will start next Saturday for Washington City, where she will spend the winter with Mrs. R. P. BLAND.


Sheriff Maupin's daughter, Emma? who has been down with pneumonia the past week, died this morning, near 6 o'clock, aged about 16 years.


Mr. Elijah KIDD, of Belew's Creek, and Mrs. Jennie C. PAIT of St. Louis county, were united in marriage at VOLLMAR's Hotel, December 31, 1889 by Squire Booth.


James J. WILSON's little boy, Arthur, has been very low the past ten days with peritonitis. It is thought that he was hurt at school while playing with other little boys.


For Rent: The E.P. BAKER farm, about ten miles north of Hillsboro.


Gus LUHN, of Dry Creek, came near getting killed last week. He was assisting his neighbor, BELEW, in tearing down an old barn, when a log struck him. He is not yet able to leave his room.


Mrs. VOLLMAR's New Years Eve party was a complete success. The ball room was well plied with young people, who all appeared to enjoy themselves. The music was made by George and Frank MOSS, and Louis YEIDA. The supper was very fine.


Mr. STEEL's family arrived and got domiciled in their new house last week. They brought with them the germs of scarlet fever, and one of the children is now down with the dread disease. Three others are sick but supposed to have other ailments. We hope they may get well without spreading the disease.


Mr. and Mrs. James L. WARE's nine month old daughter, died last Sunday night, without having any ailment that the parents know of. The cause of the death is not known.


A number of the hands working on the Mississippi and Bonne Terre Railroad celebrated their Christmas with John HEFNER at Pevely. Before leaving, one of them presented John with beautiful blue goggles, as a token of respect. John, however, does not appreciate the gift, we understand.


Licensed to marry:



William E. HOARD and Hattie VINYARD

Charles M. MADIN and Mary E. STICKFORT

Elijah KIDD and Jennie C. PAIT

Wilson J. FOWLER and M. Jane BLAND. The latter couple is colored.


James L. WHITEMAN was brought before Squire BOOTH last Monday on a charge of slander proffered by Jacob N. DOUGLAS. He pleaded guilty of the charge and paid his due of one dollar and three cents. The report on which the charge was founded had caused a great deal of pain in the neighborhood where the parties live, and the plea might satisfy everybody that there was no foundation? to the report.


The case of the State against Mr. and Mrs. Wallace MORTON for disturbing the peace of Mr. Ed SMITH was tried for the fourth time last Saturday, and resulted in the acquittal of defendants. Three former trials resulted in hung juries, but the last jury was out but a short time before rendering a verdict. Everyone in the neighborhood of Belew's Creek seemed pleased with the result, except the State's witnesses.


As Rob EVANS came down Rock Creek hill, one of the largest and steepest of all the hills on the Lemay road, last Tuesday, some thing about the ? yoke broke, ran the wagon upon the horses, which became unmanageable, and upset the small hack. The cover of the vehicle was completely demolished. Dick HOEKEN, and EVANS, who were in the hack, received no further injury than a big scare. We are told that Dick offered up a prayer as long as the hill in where the accident occurred.


Belew's Creek:

Last Wednesday evening was celebrated one of the most pleasure giving events that has deigned to pause in our vicinity for some time. It was the occasion of the union of two of our friends, Mr. W. A. OTTOMEYER and Miss Louisa BECHLER, in the bonds of matrimony, Judge Elkins officiating. A host of admiring friends were present and were amply received and entertained by the happy couple. The bridesmaids were Misses Belle MILLER and Emma BECHLER, the groomsmen John BECHLER, Jr. and Martin BECHLER. (list of gifts follows)


One of the grandest society events of the season took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred VINYARD, the marriage of their daughter Rosa to Mr. A.W. SIEGRIST. The service was conducted in a very impressive manner by Father CONNOLLY, of DeSoto at high noon. (description of wedding not transcribed)


Sulpher Springs:

Roads are bad in this vicinity.


The misses Katie KIRK, Maggie STARK, and Mary GREENE can be seen on our streets again.


Miss Katie ROEHLING has been entertaining her friends Mrs. MULLIGAN and son of Irondale.


Ben HINSON finished the new well on S.P. HARRIS' place, and is now slowly on his way to Sandy.


Mrs. Mary KIRK is home again and is well pleased. No wonder! She is thinking of someone out west.


Steve BRADSHAW is taking orders for the best sewing machines at low prices. Anybody giving him an order for one will be well pleased.


Married: BOUGHTON - JENNINGS, at the residence of Mr. Joseph ?? near Zion, December 25, 1889, by Rev. Rose, Mr. L.W. BOUGHTON and Miss Minnie JENNINGS. A large number of friends were gathered to witness the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Kate Hoar, Mr. Thomas Williams, Miss Irene Ellis, and Mr. E.P Morgan. (description of gifts follows)


List of conveyances:

Chris GILLMAN to Robert PAUL



S.T. WAGGENER to Joachim Presbyterian Church




Samuel EAKEN to G.W. BYRD


The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Dec. 2  William BAKER 65 years



Nov. 28  Mrs. Frank GRIZEL  girl

Dec. 2   Mrs. William Thos. FOSTER boy

Dec. 12  Mrs. John BECHLER  boy

Dec. 20  Mrs. Gottf'd SCHOELLHAKER  girl