Jefferson Democrat Thursday

December 18, 1890


~List of Conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday.

Gottlieb MAY to William MAY, 195 acres, s15 t41 r3, $200

J. M. AUBUCHON to Paul GOVERO, lot in Festus, $400

Reuben POUNDS, by trustee, to Susan McCULLOCH, lot in DeSoto $45

W. W. CORCORAN, by trustee, to F. B. PIERCE, 80 acres, section 27 township 40 range 4, $400

Bessie DAVIS to Michael BAER, lot in De Soto, $25

Bessie DAVIS to Henry McKILLEN, lot in De Soto, $25

G. WHITWORTH, by administrator, to Peter MAGEE, 120 acres, section 18 township 42 range 3, $1450

W. L. STONE by trustee, to C. S. BOOTH, three lots in De Soto, $635


~ Items of News - Valle’s Mines~
Angeline SMITH, a colored woman, is very sick.

The only child of Willis McMULLIN is very sick at present.

The men on the Bonne Terre Railroad had a pay-day Tuesday.

Frank SNOW went to
St. Louis to get work, but finding no steady job, he returned home.

The F. & L. Union held its regular meeting, last Saturday night, two more members being added.

S. C. BRAINARD, who has been prospecting for lead on his land, stopped for a short time, having found nothing but a little black-jack zine.

Thomas LAPLANT, the wounded man, is recovering, through very slow; he will be up again in about two weeks, providing he don’t go out too soon.

John WEBER, our sawyer, has removed form where he was located, near FINK’s on Flucom creek. He and another man got into a fight, where hammers and handspikes were used, and WEBER came out victorious.

I am informed that Joseph TURLEY and Mr. HORA are prospecting for lead on the latter’s land with fair indications. It is also stated that Jay GOAHL has taken steps to erect a saw mill near the farm of our aged friend, Mr. J. CAPE. I hope he will go so, as the mill would be beneficial to the framers in that locality.
Valle Mines,
Dec. 7, 1890.

The wounded man is getting along as well as could be expected and will recover, but there will be a big scar left to tell of the fight.

Snow fell last, Sunday afternoon of last week, and people here about thought they were going to have Winter. This snow was instrumental in destroying the insects that troubled the wheat.

Why didn’t I write last week? Well, I did. I wrote my correspondence last week, handed it to a friend and he neglected to mail it in time, and hence it did not appear in your last issue. In future I will attend the mailing myself.
Valle Mines,
Dec. 14, 1890.


~Deaths and Births - County Clerk~

The following is a list of deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Dec. 3.………………..Phillip KLEEBERGER……………….77 years

Nov. 11.…………Mrs. Samuel LAWRENCE………………..girl
Nov. 10.……………Henry LEUTZINGER……………...girl
Nov. 19.……………Jacob LARKIN………………….......boy
Nov. 27.……………Robert McMULLIN…………….......girl
Dec. 9.……………..J. W. KING……………………........girl
Dec. 1.……………..John GIBBONS………………........boy