(Additional items from this page appear on
11/06/2002/transcription dated:
~Items of News~
Sassafras is about ripe, which maketh Squire McFARLAND smile.
James LAFOON had his horse's picture taken, by our special artist.
We printed invitations to an Easter Monday hop at Louis YEIDA's, Pevely.
D.L. JARVIS contemplates starting a general store, at his
place on
Rev. J. Addison SMITH will preach at Festus on the 4th Sabbath of this month.
W.H.H. THOMAS went down to Poplar, last Sunday, to look
after his land interests in
Call on W.L. & G.D. STONE, opposite the passenger depot, DeSoto, for anything in the news, book or stationery line, or for fine cigars, notions, etc,
Richard HOEKEN sold an interest in his saloon to William BRYAN of DeSoto last week. William BAKER is still barkeeper.
Martin JOHNSON, of DeSoto, was added to the list of
~Licensed to marry~
Charles M. FRAZIER and Louisa B. McCARTY
Joseph VINYARD and Martha J. MORRISON
John D. NOIDER and
George PELLERIN, one of the young men fined at last term of Circuit court for gambling, is boarding out his fine and costs at the expense of the taxpayers in the county jail.
T.L. McCORMACK, Esq., united in the bonds of matrimony, on the evening of the 14th inst., at the residence of the bride's father in Plattin township, Chas. B. FRAZIER and Miss L.B. McCARTY.
B. CHARPIE, who has recently opened up a fancy bakery and
confectionery, in PECAUT's block, DeSoto, spent a
couple of hours in
All who are in need of a coffin will do well to get it of B. LACKAMP, Hillsboro, in so doing they will get the loan of a suitable wagon, crape, and white gloves without extra charge.
Dick HOEKEN is improving his residence by building a porch to its front. He should proceed with the good work, and while he has not much else to do, put a substantial business house on the old Amor place.
Eddie WALKER left us last week, and went to DeSoto to learn the carpenter trade with Mr. HEMME. Eddie is a good boy, and we have no doubt that he will succeed in the trade he has chosen, as his genius inclines that way.
The Annual Meeting of the Rock Township Anti-Horsethief Society will be held at ZIMPFER's
hall, in Antonia, on the first Saturday in April next at
One day last week George MURRELL's two little boys were fooling with a hatchet, when one of them accidentally struck the other on the hand, cutting off one of his fingers. Dr. MOCKBEE was called on to dress the wound.
Rev. LOIZO, an Evangelist, preached in
Our special artist is now prepared to take horseographs or jackotypes, having commenced the business, this week, by taking the pictures of Old Silver Heel and Young Giant, two magnificent stallions, as well as of the fine young jack, "John." All these animals are owned by C.T. JARVIS.
Mrs. LAWRENCE, mother of Mrs. W.T. SPENCE, of near this
place, died on the 14th inst., at the residence of Mr. S. She was over 80 years of age and had not been
right well for some time. Mrs. SPENCE
accompanied the remains of her mother to
Next Saturday night is the time for a regular communication of Joachim Lodge A.F. and A. M. There will probably be work in the 1st degree. A full attendance of the members is desired, as it is contemplated to make an appropriation towards the Masonic Home, which the Missouri Mason intend building.
Our youngest brother, Osman, has
been appointed postal clerk on the railroad between Deming and
Wallace HARDESTY, a young man who was raised by John W. McCREERY, was here last week on a visit to his old
friends. HARDESTY met with an accident
on the railroad last fall, which resulted in the loss of a leg. He has lately received two thousand dollars
from the company as compensation for his injury, and is having a good time with
it. His present home is at
On Sunday, the 12th instant, Lausen FRAZIER's two year old boy got hold of some rough on rats and proceeded to dose himself with it. It is not known how much he swallowed, but it was enough to make him quite sick, and it is quite likely that the sweet milk and fresh butter, which his mother poured down him, was all that saved him. People who keep poisons around the house, should keep it out of the reach of children.
Dick HOEBEN went to
Elder J.J. HALEY, editor of the Christian Evangelist of
The Gust. HAMEL Manufacturing Co. now carries a full line of all kinds of lumber, sash, doors, blinds, shingles, etc. All kinds of mill work done to order. Office in Lumberyard corner Second and Boyd Streets, DeSoto. Also manufacture screen doors at wholesale prices.
Miss Carrie WILLIAMS' will has been filed for probate, but
will have to be forwarded to
The contest for the postoffice at
House's Springs is getting to be a serious
affair. Last week the postmaster, J.E.C.
WILSON, was arrested by a U.S. Marshal, and taken to
Died, near Hematite,
~Public Sale~
The undersigned will sell, at his place four miles north of Hillsboro and a half mile east of rockroad from Hillsboro to St. Louis, on Tuesday, March 27, 1888, four head of horses, three mules, cattle, sheep, hogs, a reaper and mower, wheat drill, two 2-horse wagons, a cider mill, harness, farming utensils, hay, corn and oats, household and kitchen furniture, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms... A. PULS
Mr. HUMES is improving his place by building a very large barn.
Joseph ROQUES, a very good citizen, will move into this neck of the woods.
Michael BYRNE's mill take the rag off the bush in making white flour; he beats them all.
Abraham CROMWELL is about to move away. We are sorry to lose such a quiet neighbor.
Over about House's Spring the people seem to have been in considerable muddle over their postoffice, but I believe the excitement is cooling down at the present time.
Andrew CHARTRAND has a daughter and son, whose combined
weight is five hundred pounds. There are
eight in the family, including the old folks, and together they pull down
sixteen hundred. What family will beat
this in
Augustus BONACKER has returned from a visit to
We understand that our old friend, Mr. Phillips, has added a small stock of drugs to his store of paint.
Quite a delegation of
Mr. T. BYRD's school closed last Friday. Quite a number of the patrons were present and well pleased with the progress the pupils had made. The two prizes were won by Master Willie NOLLNER and Miss Maggie McCORMACK.
J.W. NULL and son are off for Elmo in about three weeks. Having already ordered the machinery for a fifty barrel mill to that city, they expect to have it running in about a month. Sorry to lose such good citizens, but such is life in this world.
One good brood sow, mixed Jersey Red and
Coke BRICKEY had gone on the City of
Miss Lydia BRICKEY is visiting on Plattin, at Mr. Thomas L. DONNELL's.
Mr. Pete BRICKEY, of
Mrs. NEALE spent two days in
Miss Lilia BRIERTON returned from Hematite, Saturday, her school at that place having closed.
Mrs. Justus BEAN and daughter, Miss Clara, of Irondale, were the guests of Mrs. BRIERTON, Saturday.
Jack Jones' new house, in
Miss Anna HAAS retuned from
~Teams Wanted To Haul Clay from
Steady hauling year round. -
A new four room house, with cistern and
other conveniences, close to railroad depot in Festus. Will sell cheap for cash. Frank
~Public Auction~
On account of failing hearth, I will retire from active business, and will sell at my stand in Kimmswick, at public auction on Saturday, April 7, 1888, the following property: One mare, one young horse broke to harness, on year old colt, two milch cows, farm wagon, a cart, harness, cultivator, cider press, stalk cutter, a hay press almost new, mower, Sulky hay rake, hoes, hand rakes, and many other implements and articles.
Terms....Martin MEYER