Jefferson Democrat

February 8, 1888

(Additional items from this page appear on Charlotte's Pearls/Archived date: 10/03/2002)


Rev. NOLIDER had a chill, last Sunday afternoon, and could not hold evening services.


Mr. SHEIBLE is up and at work again, looking not much the worse from his spell of pneumonia.


Chris HUSKEY has moved down from St. Louis and is now living with his father, "Uncle Dilly."


J. W. GARRISON has just received a fine lot of the best laundry soap, and sells six bars for 25 cents.


Rev. G. W. NOLLNER will preach at Hematite next Sunday at 11 a.m. and Pevely at 7:30 p.m.


For Sale - Cheap, a No. 1 Work mule.  Address: Austin FRAZIER, Hillsboro, MO.


Fred QONET(?), who was jailed for petit larceny, served his time out and was discharged last week.


Constable FORREST has moved onto Chris HUSKEY's place, just west of town, and is now much closer to his business.


Recorder COLEMAN is disgusted with leap year.  Two weeks have passed now without a marriage license being issued.  This is something that has not occurred since the license law passed.


Martin ZIMPHER wants 50,000,000 hoop poles for which he will pay the highest price.  He must have them by spring in order to fill a New Orleans contract, so take your poles to Antonia.


Sheriff's Sale, Friday, March 2nd, at the court house door, on execution in favor of L. BONNET and against Anton STEINMEYER, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 5, of Rockport subdivision, of survey T605.


Our friends, Charles STUMM, John H. GEHRKEN and George RICHTER, of Dittmer's Store, were in town last Monday, attending court. The former did not wear Mother Hubbard pants, but seems to be trying to catch up with SHEIBLE's avoirdupois.


A deaf mute, named HOWELL, was in town, last Sunday, enroute for House Springs.  He is a minister of the gospel, printer, Mason, Odd Fellow and member of the G.A.R.  A lengthy conversation was had with him by means of slate and pencil...he was very bright on mystic signs of Odd Fellowship.  He is to unite in the bonds of matrimony, a couple of deaf mutes, near House Springs today.


Belew's Creek - Feb 6 -... We had this winter a four-months school at the oak Ridge schoolhouse, taught by Edwin HERRINGTON.  At the close of the term, the boys demanded the promised treat, and appeared before the teacher with badges on, demanding their dues.  It is said that they had provided a rail, on which to give the teacher a ride, in case he refused their demands; but he compromised with them by paying them a dollar.