Jefferson Democrat

February 22, 1888

(Additional items from this page appear on Charlotte's Pearls/ Archived Dates: 10/31/2002 & 11/02/2002)


Henry SEEMEL is visiting friends in St. Louis.


C. H. KLEINSCHMIDT went to Troy, MO on business this week.


James T. MOSS is in St. Louis this week as juryman in the U.S. Court.


Gus SPILKER and J.F. GREEN, who attended the A.O.U.W. Grand Lodge, at St. Louis last week, have returned, and are well pleased with the session.


Pede (Pode?) MALLORY says he paid a dollar one day last week, for a common horn button.  The button got into his little daughter's nose, and he paid the Doctor one dollar for extricating it.


All persons are hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by a woman representing herself to be my wife.  Francis M. OWEN.


A pleasant surprise party was given at J. LYNCH's of Meramec Township one evening last week, and a big crowd of young folks was present.  All enjoyed themselves very much until the early dawn scattered them to their respective homes.


Nearly all the pupils of the 'little room' of the Hillsboro school had the biggest time they ever had last Wednesday evening, at the residence of W.H.H. THOMAS, Esq.  The occasion was the anniversary of Frankie THOMAS' birthday, he having arrived at the age of 8 years.  None but those in his school room were present, except little Bert HOEKEN and his father, and ye fat man.* The latter was permitted to remain because he looks so thin since his illness, while Postmaster HOEKEN was there to take care of Bert, who is about 4 years old but seemed to enjoy the games, etc., as much as any of those present.  A fine supper was the first on the programme, consisting of turkey, cake, nuts and candies, to which the youngsters all did justice as only children like them can and each carried away some candies and nuts in its pocket.  The supper was a sight to behold.  Just imagine some 25 or thirty girls and boys, from 6 to 12 years of age, all around a table loaded down with all a child cares for!  After supper Miss Fannie THOMAS played for them on the piano, while Master Harry accompanied her with a French harp, to which music the youngsters danced - some the 'racket', others waltzed, and some cut a figure at polka and schottish.  All the modern parlor games were indulged in, and every child that was present says it had a jolly good time.  They owe much of their enjoyment to Miss Fannie and Master Harry, who never tired in trying to amuse Frankie's little guests.

*(Note - 'ye fat man', in past issues, seems to refer to the editor) -Kay


"When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war," so thought Constable FORREST one morning last week after being outwitted by a young man, named MUSICK, of near Pine Ford.  Ed went to the house late in the evening, armed with a State warrant for the young man and a self cocking pistol and inquired for the right road to a man's house who he knew lived about five miles distant; the young man's father gave the desired information, when the officer asked to stay all night.  After assuring the old man that he was not from Hillsboro, but that he hailed from the House Spring's neighborhood, Ed was permitted to stay.  At the supper table he met 'his man,' but it being dark and the roads heavy, he said nothing of his mission, and slept in the same bed with the man he went after.  After breakfast the following morning, the young man and the Constable went to the stable and saddled the latter's horse, which done Ed told MUSICK, "I suppose you had better go to Hillsboro with me, Johnny, as I have a warrant for."  Then there was MUSICK in the air.  The boy cursed, while the old man swore that had he known Ed was an officer, he should not have staid the night.  The old man then asked Ed to let the boy cut some stove wood, while he went to a neighbor for a saddle so that he could accompany his son to Hillsboro.  Ed consented and the boy cut a lot of wood, after which they went to the house, where the young man said he wanted to put his good clothes on.  After seeing the boy don a 'biled shirt' and laying out his 'Sunday-go-to-meetin' pants', Ed became a little less vigilant, and while talking to the old lady, his prisoner noiselessly opened a window and has not been seen since. FORREST says the next time he lays hands on the young man, there will be a different tune of MUSICK played.  


~Stanton, MO Feb 6th~

...On the 27th of January I wanted to take some horses form Fenton to Stanton, and desired Mike ROSENAUER to accompany me, as he is a good trader; but he did not want to go where there were not pretty girls, so I had to convince Mike that there were some fine ones over at Stanton.  We traveled to Catawisa, some 35 miles, through mud knee deep, and after we got there the river raisen so we could not cross, neither could we get food nor shelter for ourselves or horses, and had to spend the night on the ground.  Next morning we hired a car for $11 to take us to Stanton.  Here we unloaded and had two more miles travel through the mud.  Mike kept in good spirits hoping to see those pretty girls; but when he found none at the place we went to, he was mad, but concluded to make the best of a bad bargain.  He has since been prospecting some and it would not surprise me if one of Franklin county's best girls is missing soon.  I advise Mike to wait till the roads get better, as he has only one horse and the girl is a large one.  The boys at Fenton must be ready for tin pan and cow bell music for a serenade when the time comes. 

Thomas M. WALL



F. C. SMITH has at last closed out his business in DeSoto, and left for San Diego, CA, last week, in company with Dr. AUERSWALD, who has been here the past two weeks, have come to St. Louis to buy goods for a new drug store.  H. N. JENKINS has charge of Mr. SMITH's insurance business.  DeSoto, February 20, 1888.


~Sulphur Springs~

Dr. MORRISON's son was down, this week, looking after his father's interest.


We learn that John JOHNSON, colored, formerly of this place, was shot by another roustabout, in St. Louis, lately.


A Mr. SEXTON of St. Louis has purchased the Dr. REID house and 40 acres of land south of the burg, and will use it as a summer residence.


~From Plattin~

James PORTER of Kansas, nephew of J.J. PORTER, visited relatives here.


We hear our worthy friend, P.B. McCORMACK, will be home soon. His many friends will be glad to see him, his aged father especially, who has been sorely grieved on account of his promising boy having to undergo such hard trials.


Mrs. Cora IRVIN, nee GOWAN, was buried, yesterday, near her father's home. We were very sorry to hear of her death.  She lived several years in this neighborhood with her uncle, J. T. McMULLIN.


One of George TUCKER's little boys had a finger nearly cut off by a hatchet in the hands of a younger brother.  About a year ago, the same boy cut the end of his own thumb off and lost it; it could not be found, or they would have put it back.  The naked bone was exposed to view for a long time, but finally flesh healed over it.


Miss LEE, daughter of James I. McCORMACK, came very near losing her life by jerking a broom straw, one half inch long down her throat; it lodged about the root of the tongue, going into the flesh.  Two physicians were called, who said they could do nothing for her.  It ulcerated and ran considerable. She is greatly relieved, but does not know if the straw is removed or not.  It was feared she would die of strangulation - her throat was so dreadfully swollen.