The Jefferson Democrat

March 28, 1888


~Items of News~


Our Public school closed for the term yesterday!


We printed bills for Thomas MUNION’s horse and jack.


One million clapboards wanted by M. ZIMPFER, Antonia, Mo.                


Most of the youngsters in Kimmswick are having a tussle with measles.


Rev. NOLLNER will preach, at Hillsboro, next Sunday, both morning and night.


C. MARSDEN, of Victoria, would like to know the whereabouts of a large bluespeckled hound, with a stump tail.


Died, at his residence in Richwoods, Washington County, on the 23rd instant, Robert Findly LETCHER, aged 54 years and 26 days.


Mrs. Thomas TRUE, of near Kimmswick, died on Monday of last week.  She leaves a husband and many friends to mourn her death.


James WILCOX, of Kimmswick, died last week of pneumonia.  He was a familiar figure about that town, and will be missed by many.


We are under obligations to Mr. GUY, the Kimmswick florist, for a handsome supply of flowers, and to John WINOM for the loan of a horse.


Call on W. L & G.D. STONE, opposite the passenger depot, DeSoto, for anything in the news, book or stationery line, or for fine cigars, notions, etc. 


Mr. ACKERSON of the Crystal Plate Glass Co.'s Store, was in town yesterday, and nearly every man he came to see happened to be out of town.


There will be services at the Presbyterian Church, at Festus, on Sunday, April 1st, morning and evening at usual time, by Rev. MITCHEL of Potosi.  All are invited.


'Squire MCFARLAND stove off the bloodthinning process a couple of weeks longer, on the 1st of March, by uniting in wedlock John F. ROBERTSON and Miss Lulu M. FERGUSON.


Mr. BRYANT, who purchased an interest in HOEKEN's saloon, has rented the CASHELS property, and will bring his family out to live in the healthiest town in Southeast Missouri.


A Mr. WILLIE, claiming to be a champion wrestler, athlete and elocutionist, spent several days in town this week.  He told a number of yarns, but got nothing to wrestle with save red liquor.


D.L. JARVIS, of Sandy, offers a shop, free of charge, to a No. 1 blacksmith.  This is among one of the best farming regions of the county, and there is no shop within six miles.  Reference will be required.


The Annual meeting of the Rock Township Anti-Horsethief Society will be held, at ZIMPFER's hall, in Antonia, on the first Saturday in April, next, at 4 p.m.  Members all requested to attend:  election of officers.


Dick HOEKEN is the happiest man in town.  He succeeded in buying a jack, with a good pedigree and monstrous ears and a voice that can not be surpassed in the country.  Dick had us to photograph his pet and sent the picture all over the county.


All who are in need of a coffin will do well to get it of B. LACKAMP, Hillsboro.  In so doing they will get the loan of a suitable wagon, crape, and white gloves without extra charge.                                                                                                 

Mrs. Emily, wife of Florian JENNI, died at her home, near Crystal City, on the 20th last.  We understand that the disease was typhoid pneumonia.  We extend to Friend JENNI our heartfelt sympathies, but human sympathy is poor recompense for such a loss as he has sustained.


We learn that Frank WILLIAMS has gone out to his mother's farm, near this place, there to die.  Frank believes he has quick consumption; and has sent for his brother, Willis, who is in Arizona, to come and see him once more.  We sincerely hope that Frank is mistaken as to his condition.


The residence of Sylvester FRAZIER, of north of Hillsboro, was destroyed by fire last Thursday.  Mr. FRAZIER was in the field at work, and his wife discovered the flames and tried to extinguish them, but failed.  The fire started in the roof.  They saved some of their household goods, but lost two hundred bushels of wheat, which was stowed away in the house.


Mr. Tom MCMULLIN arrived here Monday and expects to remain a few days before starting for Phoenix, Arizona, his present home.  His brother R.W., the editor of this paper, knowing Tom's love for fowl and not wishing to sacrifice all his yellow-legged hens, started on the same day for the lakes in Illinois, in search of wild geese, ducks and snipe, and we hope he will be successful in his hunt.


Ralph HUNT, who has been down in Butler county's swamps until the grim reaper was about to garner him in, is at Kimmswick trying to recruit his shattered health.  "Lafe" looks read bad, but there is no doubt that Oheim's strengthening cordials, together with Uncle John's Bavarian pills, will soon restore him to his wonted vigor.  He reports Joe MUSE as "fat and sassy" and doing well, at [Harvard, Harviel?].


Sullivan FRAZIER, county deputy for the Agricultural Wheel of this county, organized a subordinate Wheel at the school house, near Henry SEEMEL's, with nineteen members, on the 20th last, and he will lecture on the subject of Agriculture, at the MANESS school house, on Thursday, the 29th of March, at 7 p.m., and organize a wheel if they wish it.  Members of the order and everybody else invited. 


The following items, from Oermann, this county, bearing date the [?th] last., reached us last Monday, and had been to Washington City for more explicit address on the envelope, as all that was put on it by our correspondent was "R.W. MCMULLIN, Editor and Publisher, Jefferson county, Missouri."  John OERMAN went down to see his Uncle BONNEKER. He says he had a good time.  F.W. SCHUMACKER's boy shot a hog for Mr. Aug. NOLLMANN, of High Ridge, and the matter is not settled yet.  There is soon to be a wedding in this neighborhood; at least some one is infesting heavily in furniture.  A woman out here loves her husband so much that she bathed his head with milk and rubbed the scalp with the crock.                                                                                                           GREEN TREE.


Last Thursday night our neighbor, Gus SPILKER, met with a series of misfortunes.  He was returning home from De Soto in his two-horse spring wagon, and at the first crossing of the creek he was spilled out and received an ugly cut under the left eye.  His team ran away and he went back to De Soto and hired a horse and buggy.  Two young men came along with him in the buggy, and at Victoria they found SPILKER's team and wagon undamaged.  They all got to Hillsboro without further accident; but before Gus got to his home, a little beyond the town, he had further trouble, getting his wagon broken and his mule crippled.  His two comrades, attempting to start back to De Soto, made too short a turn and the buggy was upset and they spilled out.  The horse started on a run and in about fifty yards the buggy became unoccupied, and he left town drawing only the front of the vehicle and making the best time possible.  Saturday evening the horse was found several miles east of Victoria, while SPILKER was at home under the care of a doctor.


A press dispatch, to the St. Louis dailies of last Wednesday, states that Judge HAGAN of Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, received notice of the killing, by Indians, of Wm. M. PIPKIN and two other men, who were out in the mountains prospecting for gold.  We had a letter from Mr. PIPKIN, last Fall, in which he informed us that he was going on a prospecting tour clear beyond the bonds of civilization and during the ensuing six months would not be where any mail or news from the settlements could reach him, and promising an account of his trip when he returned in the Spring.  The news of his death comes through friendly Indians, who report that he and his comrades were murdered by the hostiles.  There is a bare possibility that the report is false, but we do not base any hopes on such possibility.  William was the eldest son of the late Phillip PIPKIN and has many relatives here to whom his tragic death will be a severe shock.  His wife and son live near Kimmswick, but for some reason they had been estranged from each other for some time.  He has spent several years in the gold regions hunting the precious metal.  Several times he thought a large fortune almost at his grasp and, though as often disappointed, he still clung to hope with an energy and perseverance that deserved a better fate.  Though he was of a disposition somewhat wayward and wild, we were proud to number him among our friends.


SALINE CREEK, March 24th - Editor J.D.:  For the benefit of those of your readers, who do not know where Saline Creek is, I will state that it is in the northeastern part of Jefferson county and has one of the most fertile and healthy valleys in this county.  Its principal products are wheat, corn and hay; the average yield of wheat per acre is 25 bushels and corn 40.  Land sells here at from twenty to ninety dollars per acre.  The principal manufacture is char coal and char-coal people are sociable and accommodating only to themselves, but extremely industrious.  The inhabitants mostly speak English, but you find Germans, Bohemians and French here.  In politics they are mostly Democratic, in religion Catholics, and while they are the most sober and prosperous people in the county they are anti-Local Option.  They are firm believers in the doctrine of Christ, and say that since God created all things for man's good they are against Prohibition, but not in favor of the abuse of any of the Creator's gifts.  Wm. HILLIARD and Co. have moved their sawmill and engine to Andrew NOLAN's, and are ready to accommodate the public with lumber.  Mr. NOLAN has completed his house and blacksmith shop, and as he always keeps a good supply of iron on hand, he is ready for all customers who may come for a good job in his line. Mike SLAVIK and Martin ROSENAUER announced that they were going to the old country and the public believed them, as they were both old bachelors and had nobody at home to care for.  SLAVIK started first and ROSENAUER at a later date.  Neither was gone more than four or five days, and each returned with what they went for - a wife.  Bro. Mike ROSENAUER is now about to start on a trip, and I suppose our friend, Lou's SCHIECHT, will be next. Hubert HAND and George FING took the contract for cutting the timber off an acre of land, belonging to school district 1 of 5, at $1.25 per cord, and they made a good job of it, though it took them thirteen days for eight and one-fourth cords. Our eight-months school is being taught by George STAAT, who seems to give satisfaction and have the respect and confidence of the pupils and parents. Roman SPITZ, Sr., has been very sick, but is now recovering.  Mathias SCHMIDT's 9-year-old son, George, has been speechless and unable to walk for the past three months, caused by paralysis of the liver and lungs.  Dr. THURMAN is putting him in shape again. Mike ROSENAUER is now [sole?] agent for the all-steel Dearlsing self-blader, which was awarded first premium at last St. Louis fair; also agent for all kinds of farm machinery, from a hand rake to thresher, and he guarantees satisfaction. Martin ROSENAUER rented out his farm and is moving to the city, where he will go into business. Wheat looks well here and there are prospects for a good harvest.  Farmers are busy preparing their ground for early potatoes and corn.                                                                                                        ANONYMOUS.


~Deaths and Births~

The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:


DATE.              NAME.                                     AGE.


Feb'y 20,          Joseph EICHEMEIER,              8 months

Mrch 11,           Edward BECQUETTE,              76 years

        12,           John R. STOW,                                    72 years

        13,           John W. PARTNEY,                  1 month



DATE.              NAME OF MOTHER.                SEX.               

Feb'y.  5,          Mrs. William DACE,                  girl

          14,         C.W. BROOKS,                                     boy

          26,         G.W.L. THOMPSON,                 boy

         [2?],        Peter STROUP,                                     boy

          28,         W.S. POE,                                boy

March  1,          O.H. DONNELL,                       girl

            2,         Thos. ARMSTRONG,             two girls

            10,       C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT,               girl

            13,       Adam VOTAN,                            girl






The work of clearing away the old building on Mr. MATHIEU's Main-street lots is completed and work commenced on the new building.


The frame work of Dr. DEADERICK's new house is completed and, from appearances, the Doctor will have a handsome residence when finished.


Dr. FARRAR has purchased from Mrs. KNORPP two lots on South Second street near the German Methodist church, and will erect two cottages this Spring.


The city public schools closed last Friday, after a term of only six months.  It is hoped that the next term may be a full one.  There are already a large number of applicants for positions as teachers, but it will be some time before the engagements are made.


One of the most important transactions in city real estate, since the great railroad strike, was consummated last week, when H. HOHENTHAL purchased from L.J. RANKIN the two Main-street lots, upon which formerly stood the European hotel building.  The price paid is understood to be $2000 and the property is considered a bargain at that figure.  Mr. HOHENTHAL will erect a two-story brick business house on the lots as soon as the work can be done.


The new general superintendent of the railroad paid a visit to De Soto, last week, and spent several house in looking over the company's property here.  Among the work, which the company will do here this Spring, will be the enlargement of the passenger depot, so as to accommodate all the railroad officers stationed here and give better accommodations to the traveling public.  Other and more important works are hinted at but definite information is impossible to get, and we will have to "possess our souls in patience" until the workmen come.


The movement recently started for the purpose of organizing a company to prospect for coal, oil, mineral, etc., is gaining sufficient proportions to give certain promise of ultimate success.  At a meeting, held last Wednesday evening, after considerable discussion, it was decided to solicit subscriptions to the stock until a sufficient amount for the object is obtained and immediately set to work.  Aldermen SERRIN and BERG were present and stated that the City Council had made arrangements to expend a liberal sum of money in sinking deep wells for the purpose of obtaining notes for sanitary and fire purposes.  This amount, they thought, could be given to the prospecting company and accomplish the objects of the city at the same time, the company boring the city wells first and thus gaining a knowledge of what is to be found in the earth as deep down as it would be necessary to go for water.  The committee has met with liberal subscriptions so far, and there is little doubt felt that, with the co-operation of the city as above suggested, the company will soon be at work.


Teams Wanted

To haul clay from Regina to Victoria.  Steady hauling the year round.  I. MANDLE, Regina, MO


For Sale

A new four-room house, with cistern and other conveniences, close to railroad depot in Festus.  Will sell cheap for cash.  Frank KENNER, Festus, MO


De Soto, March 26, 1888.


~A Little About Nothing~


Talking about fox hunting, there is a young trapper here, on Dry Creek, who loosened eight of the Reynard family out of the clamps of his steel traps the past season, and is still on the lookout for more.  Bazil HINEY, Jr., has done more in the way of trapping 'coons, 'possom, polecats and foxes, than any other boy in this neighborhood, and it is a blessing for us all, as it was a very common thing to hear the death-cackle of our hens in broad daylight and see the flock grow thinner daily.  "Bass" is as good a farmer as he is trapper, and by rights ought to tell us how he managed to raise such enormous watermelons and potatoes last year, when the rest of us could only look on.  I hope he will make the beginning, for you see now, Mr. Editor, what your well-meant invitation amounted to; although there are doubtless many who look for the expected items in the J.D., and who would eagerly read, yet there has been so far not one single dip of the pen in favor of the farm and its many interesting topics, troublesome and intricate, yet so easily handled by some that even the farmers' sons and daughters are capable of giving us an inside into that which would be of immeasurable value, by imparting a useful knowledge to us all.  But the farmers in general cling to the old saying, "slow and sure," and the only way to get us on a quick-step march is to start a literary somewhere within a radius of five miles; then you can see us go, each trying to get there first, and these farmer boys, who will not write a line to tell how they raised such splendid crops through the seasons of drought when no one raised a haulm, and who will not tell their plan of ploughing and sowing, of reaping and mowing, will make haste to get there in time to help argue the all-important question of "Who was the greatest man, Christopher Columbus or George Washington?" and the rest of us, we older and wiser ones, run to hear them speak, as a debate on that subject is always interesting, while on one side of the fence the potato bugs are getting ready for Spring work on the new potatoes and the other side the chinch bug, stretching himself after his Winter nap, but we have no time to see whether he makes his Winter quarters in the wheat haulms or in the corn stalks, for it would be an irredeemable loss to miss that debate, you see.


One of the farmer's surest signs to go by is the ground-hog. The mean, deceitful thing!  Well, we have one - not a ground-hog, but only one of the little bulbs we read about in the Globe-Democrat last Winter.  It is new; a perfect stranger in the land; and its name is - is - well it's a florist's put on and only a florist may pronounce it, but it began blooming on the 11th of March - a cold, windy Sunday - and is still putting forth buds and flowers in spite of snow and ice, and winds and March; and every morning we peep in through the garden fence to see the bright little golden bells all aglow, smiling as if the breeze were a breath of May instead of the fierce blizzards of mid-Winter.  Easter flowers and meadow diamonds used to be first, but this beats then all for earliness and beauty.                                     M.L.M.


~Crystal and Festus~

Hermann POSCH has a child dangerously ill.

Mrs. F.K. HOLMES has been quite ill, but is getting better.

Mrs. MALONE, who has been very sick, is slowly recovering.

The most prominent features hereabout are rains and mud.

Charlie BIEWEND died on the 25th.  The bereaved wife has the sympathy of all her neighbors.


The M.E. Church, South, got up a donation or surprise for Bro. NOLLAER, last week. All seemed glad to help.

Mrs. Thomas EAVES, who has been an invalid so long and it was thought could not live the Winter out, is thought to be improving somewhat.

Our sickly season still continues, almost every one having their share.  Mrs. C. WHITEHEAD has had some very sick children, but they are getting better.


Died, March 18, 1888, John Homes BECKETT, aged seven months, son of John and Clara BECKETT.  He was buried in the Presbyterian graveyard near this place.  Their little daughter was not expected to live at the time.  She is now getting better.


The Mirror states, the M.E. Church held a donation for their minister, D.W. CROW, where all enjoyed themselves.  We can find none that attended.  It must have been a very select affair, as some of the first members of the church know nothing about it.


The Mirror correspondent, in stating [?th] CROOKS arrest, forgot to add that he kicked a hole through the roof of the calaboose, crawled through, jumped down and hollered "good by, boys," and lit out as fast as his legs could carry him; he was recaptured.

We are to have an election of officers for our year-old city, this week.  Those who are in are sick of the business and do not want to run again, and those that are out are afraid they will get sick of it and don't want to run; so this year, instead of disputing over who shall have office, the dispute is who shall not.


We would ask those, who keep cigars and cigarettes for sale and sell to young boys, to draw the line somewhere.  If they must sell to their fellow beings something that undermines the physical constitution and weakens and dulls the brain, draw the line at that and not sell a brand of goods that gives as a prize indecent pictures, which undermine the morals as well.  Is the sale of goods, wrapped up with indecent pictures, lawful?                                                             M. ILLINOIS



~Public Auction~


On account of failing health, I will retire from active business, and will sell at my stand in Kimmswick, at public auction, on Saturday, April 7, 1888, the following property:  One mare, one young horse broke to harness, one year-old colt, two milch cows, farm wagon, a cart, harness, cultivator, cider press, stalk cutter, a hay press almost new, mower, Sulky hay rake, hoes, hand rakes, and many other implements and articles.


Sums of five dollars and under, cash; on sums over that amount a credit of six months will be given, purchasers to give notes with approved security.

From and after this date, until all is sold, I will also retail my stock of merchandise, Consisting of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, crockery, hardware, harness, saddlery, etc., at wholesale prices, less 10 per cent. Discount on bills of $10 or more, in cash; or will sell at reduced rates bills of $10 and upwards, from April 7, 1888, on six months' credit, on notes with approved security.

I invite the public, one and all, who can avail themselves of this opportunity, to come and examine my stock; those who come first will get the best selections.  

Martin MEYER       Kimmswick, March 21, 1888.


~Notice to Contractors~

The contract for repairing the walls of the fill of the south abutment of the bridge, near the TATUM farm, on De Soto and Victoria gravel road; also for repairing the gravel road at the ford where said road crosses Joachim creek, will be let out to the lowest responsible bidder, at public outcry, in Hillsboro, on Saturday, the 7th day of April, 1888, at 1 p.m., the contractor to give bond with approved security for the faithful performance of the work; said work to be done according to the specifications now on file ins the County clerk's office, at Hillsboro, Mo.

J.B. DOVER.                Commissioner of Bridges.


The contract for rebuilding the bridge on the Hillsboro and Lemay Ferry gravel road, near Mrs. ZEDAR's residence in Central township, will be let out to the lowest responsible bidder, at public outcry, at the bridge, on Monday, the 9th day of April, 1888, at 11 a.m., the contractor to give bond with approved security for the faithful performance of the work; said bridge to be build according to specifications now on file in the County clerk's office in Hillsboro, Missouri.

J.B. DOVER                 Commissioner of Bridges.



The Eldridge B

The Athlophoros Co.

The Jefferson House

Parker's Spavin Cure

Chas. E. ELLIS General Merchandise

Jewel Top Lamp Chimney