Friday, May 9, 1884
Jefferson Watchman
De Soto, Jefferson, Missouri
(transcription by Charlotte Maness)
MAUPIN--REED. - Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Henry MAUPIN to Miss Annie REED, May 7th, 1884. The ceremony was Performed by his honor the mayor, D.D. GOFF. The bride was attended by Miss HICKMAN, and the groom by the bride's brother, Mr. Wm. REED, Jr. The bride was most beautifully dressed in a sky blue silk trimmed with orange blossoms. The bridesmaid was dressed in a beautiful changeable blue silk. The groom was dressed in elegant black broadcloth and his best man in the same style. There was a select few of the immediate relatives present which made one of the most pleasant companies it was ever our good fortune to be in. The spread a perfect banquet and everything that heart could desire or the most fastidious epicure could wish was on the table. We wish the happy couple a long and prosperous voyage on life's tempestuous sea with here and there a youthful progeny like a green oasis to cheer them on. Lex.
Last Thursday evening, in response to invitations previously issued, a large number of guests assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James T. MOSS in Hillsboro to witness the marriage ceremony of their daughter Melisia to Hon. Sam. BYRNS of Potosi. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.W. EMORY of De Soto. There were a large number of very handsome and valuable presents from the many friends of the happy couple. The tollitt of the bride was admired by all present. After the ceremony and congratulations were over the guests were invited to a supper such as is seldom surpassed at any place. After a few days spent in St. Louis and else-where the happy couple will take up their abode in Potosi, where they will reside for the present.
OBITUARY. - Millini E. LAMAY, the daughter of Henry and F.E. LAMAY, was born Sept. 25th, 1883, and was taken ill March 5th, 1884, and was called from this earth to heaven March 16th. She was a very bright and beautiful little darling. She was too bright for this world. She is missed very much by all those that knew her, and doted on by all the family, especially by her Mama; for she thought there was no one like her. Her little footsteps can never be heard around her anymore, and her little prattling tongue, which sounded sweeter than the sweet songs of the birds in the forest. But she is brighter and more beautiful than before. She is singing the sweet songs and praises to the God that created her. The Mama's greatest hopes are that she will meet her to part no more.
CHOICE HOTEL PROPERTY. - For Sale or Rent. - J.W.
BEMENT offers for Sale or Rent his hotel property, on North
Main Street, De Soto, together with the business and all furniture and fixtures.
The house is well situated and has a good patronage.
Possession will be given at any time. My reason for desiring to dispose of
the business is that I wish to engage in other business in another city. J.W.