Friday, April 8, 1870
The Jefferson Democrat
Hillsboro, Jefferson, Missouri

(transcription by Charlotte Maness)

FINAL SETTLEMENT - Creditors and others interested in the estate of Henry I. BEHRENS, deceased, are hereby notified that the undersigned Administratrix of said estate, will apply to the County Court of Jefferson county, Mo., at its April term, 1870, to make final settlement of said estate. Elizabeth BEHRENS, Administratrix.

CORPORATION NOTICE - An election of officers for the Hillsboro and Victoria Gravel Road Company will be held at the Court House in Hillsboro, on the 11th day of April, 1870, at 2 o'clock, P.M., at which all stock holders of said Company are expected to be present, either in person or by proxy. John L. THOMAS, President; E. AMOR, Secretary.

ESTRAY NOTICE - Taken up by Henry GASCHE, and posted before the undersigned Justice of the Peace, in and for Central township, Jefferson county, Mo. two strays; one a white heifer, supposed to be about two and a half years old; red ears and red around the nose and over both fore feet; no other marks or brands perceivable appraised at eleven dollars. Also one sow, 1 1/2 years old, of bluish white color; tail cut off; no ear marks--appraised at six dollars. James C. POWER, Justice of the Peace

FINAL SETTLEMENT - Creditors and others interested in the estate of Daniel WALDRON, deceased, are hereby notified that the undersigned administrator of said estate will apply to the County Court of Jefferson county, Mo., at its April term, 1870, to make a final settlement of said estate. Charles WALDORN, Administrator.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of John McKEE, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson county, Mo., on the 10th day of March, 1870. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same for allowance within one year after date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not presented within two years after date of said letters they will be forever barred. Given under my hand, this 16th day of March, a.d. 1870. D.F. McKEE, Administrator.

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE - By virtue and authority of an order of Sale made by the County Court of Jefferson county, Missouri, at its January term, 1870, I will, on Wednesday, April 20th, 1870, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the north front door of the Court House, of said Jefferson county, in Hillsboro, in said county, and while the said County Court is in session, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right, title, and interest of Julius WUNSCH, deceased, in the following described real estate, situate in said Jefferson county, Missouri, to-wit:
      The south west quarter of section eight, in township forty-two, of range five east, containing one hundred and sixty acres, except the following portions thereof, to-wit--Beginning at the north east corner of the south west quarter of said section, thence west twenty-seven chains and seventy five links, thence south twenty-one and one-half degrees, east forty-three chains and eight links to the south line of said section thence east along said south line twelve chains and twenty-five links to the south east corner of said southwest quarter; thence north forty chains to the place of beginning--containing eighty acres, and therefore leaving only eighty acres to be sold. John NENZEL, Adm'r Est. of Julius WUENSCH, deceased.

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE - By virtue of an order of sale, made by the County Court of Jefferson county, Missouri, at the January term, 1879, thereof, to sell the real estate hereinafter described, I shall on Wednesday, April 20, 1870, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, at the northern door of the Court House of said County in Hillsboro, in said county, and while said County Court is in session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, upon terms hereinafter mentioned, all the right, title, and interest of Daniel DEARRIE, deceased, in the real estate hereinafter described, situate in said county of Jefferson, to-wit:
      The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section nine, township forty-two, range five east, containing forty acres; also, the north east fractional quarter of north west quarter of section thirty-three, containing twenty-five and 20-100 acres, and the south west quarter of south east quarter of section twenty-eight, containing forty acres, and the south west fractional quarter of section twenty-eight, containing 24 acres, all in township forty-three, range five east; also, the north west quarter of north east quarter of section twenty-eight, in township forty-three, range five east, containing forty acres.
      Terms of Sale--Cash in hand for first mentioned tract of land; and for the remaining tracts, one half of purchase money cash at sale, and the balance on credit of twelve months, for which the purchasers will give bond with good and sufficient security. John SCHIFFMANN, Adm'r of Estate of Daniel DEARRIE, deceased.

FINAL SETTLEMENT - Creditors and others interested in the estate of Peter JENNI, deceased, will take notice that the undersigned Administrator of said estate, will make application to the County Court of Jefferson Co., Mo., at its next term to be held on the 3d Monday in April, 1870, to make final settlement of said estate. Florian JENNI, Admr.

ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of John VINYARD, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson county, Mo., on the 25th day of February, 1870. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same for allowance within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if they be not exhibited within two years, they will be forever barred. Given under my hand, this 20th day of February, 1870. Sarah Ann VINYARD, Adm'x.

TRUSTEE'S SALE of REAL ESTATE - Whereas William HANSEN and Josephine, his wife, by their certain Deed of trust, dated the first day of December, 1868, and duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Jefferson county, Missouri, in Book No. 2, page 163, Trust Deeds, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described tract or parcel of land, situated in the county of Jefferson, State of Missouri, to-wit:
      The west half of the south east quarter of the north east quarter of the south east quarter of section number fourteen (14), of township number forty-two (42), range No. five (5), containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres--
      Which said conveyance was made however, in trust, to secure the payment of three certain promissory notes, in said deed fully described, and whereas one of said notes is past due and remains unpaid, by which, according to said deed of trust all of said notes have become due and payable, now therefore public notice is hereby given that the undersigned, at the request of the legal holder of said notes, and in pursuance of the terms of said deed of trust, will, on--
      Saturday, the 9th day of April, 1870., between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the front door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, Jefferson county, Missouri, proceed to sell the above described real estate, for cash, to satisfy said notes, together with the expenses of said trust. Bernhard STERNBERG, Trustee, March 1, 1870.

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE - By virtue and authority of a renewed order of sale, made by the County Court of Jefferson county, Missouri, at the January term, 1870, thereof, I will on -- Friday, the 22d day of April, 1870, -- between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and while said County Court is session, at the northern door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, Mo., sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, in terms hereinafter mentioned, all the right, title and interest of Fred RENNEBACH(?), deceased, in the following described real estate, situate in said county and State, to-wit:
      The north east quarter of the south east quarter and south half of the south east quarter of the north east quarter; also, five acres off the north west quarter of the south east quarter of the north east quarter--all in section one, township forty-two, of range four east, containing in all seventy acres.
      Terms of Sale -- One half of purchase money cash at time of sale, and the balance on credit of six months, purchaser to give bond with approved security. John THORMAN, Administrator Est. of Fred. RENEBACH(?), dec'd.