Friday, April 29, 1870
The Jefferson Democrat
Hillsboro, Jefferson, Missouri
(transcription by Charlotte Maness)
COUNTY COURT - The April session of the Jefferson county court began on Monday, the 18th, and ended on Saturday. A great deal of business was transacted, as will be seen from the following memoranda, which however comprises only the most important items.
The sum of fifty dollars was given Peter MARX, who lately had his possessions burned in Rock Township.
M.W. HORINE, was appointed Court House Janitor, his duty being to keep the yards clean, rooms swept, &c. Dancing is prohibited in the Court Room.
Henry STELLBRINK, Treasurer, presented county warrants, jury scrip, coupons, &c. to the amount of $5,553.11, all of which were examined and destroyed by the Court.
A. WEBER, Jos. J. WILLIAMS, and W.S. BOYCE were each allowed the sum of $320, for services rendered in investigating the County Treasurer's books.