Jefferson Democrat, Hillsboro, MO

Chas. A. CLARK & Chas. D. REPPY, Publishers

January 6, 1866


We present to the people of Jefferson county, the first number of the Leader, a weekly newspaper, to be hereafter regularly issued on each Saturday morning from our office on the first floor of the Masonic Hall building in Hillsboro. At our pleasant and comfortable room, we shall always be found ready to give a cordial welcome to those who may visit us and give us any facts or suggestions for publication which may be of value to the people. All are welcome, for we trust all are our friends, since our prime object is the promotion of the best interests of the entire community.


The task before us will be one of vast importance to the people of Missouri. A vast tide of immigration, long held in check by the presence of slavery, will before the close of the year 1866 spread over our entire state. Every town and county will feel the awakening impulse and trade will reach an extant heretofore unknown…..Jefferson County will not lag behind. Her towns are eager for the race.


Gen. BOWEN – Among the earliest patronage of the LEADER, we are glad to receive the name of that true patriot and gallant soldier, General T.M. BOWEN of Hanover, in this county. If our effort to establish a Union paper in Jefferson county shall receive the approval of men of the high character of Gen. BOWEN, we may well feel assured of its immediate success.


The Jefferson County Horticultural Society holds its annual meeting today at Victoria. We expect a report of its proceedings for next week’s issue.


DeSoto, Jan. 4, 1866

Herewith I send a statement of the earnings of the Iron Mountain R.R. for the year ending October 1, 1865 at this point. This must not be taken for the amount of business that would have been done, having lost two months by the freshets washing away some ten bridges and otherwise injuring the road bed, not forgetting the visit of his serene highness “Old Pap.”                      

Freight earnings for 1865 ending Oct. 1st


Received…………   2836.15

Passenger earnings  ..3709.60


Comment is unnecessary. I am respectfully, L.J. RANKIN


The County Court – The regular quarterly session of the County Court commenced in this town on Monday, the 1st. All the Judges were present. The occasion brought together most of the leading men of the county, and among them we have made many acquaintances we hope to long retain. The business of the Court has received the closest attention of Judges BECKETT, SULLENS, and HENDRICKSON, and yet it has been found impossible to conclude this week all the cases requiring attention at this term, and the Court has adjourned to the 18th inst.

Arrested – Jackson PEPPERS, who with Len. and Gus. WILSON was concerned in the murder of Michael NULL in June 1861, was arrested and lodged in jail at this place on Thursday. Gus WILSON was sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years for his part in the affair, but Len has so far escaped arrest. On the first trial of this case in 1861, PEPPERS took a change of venue to Washington county and was released on bail. Becoming alarmed at the developments in the WILSON’s trial, he “cleared out.” Recently, however, his bondsmen discovered his whereabouts and he is now safe in jail.


To His Excellency Thomas C. FLETCHER, Governor of the State of Missouri.

We the undersigned citizens of Jefferson County, Missouri would … respectfully recommend to …Excellency the appointment of the Hon. Isaac SULLENS to be Supervisor of Registration for this county, under the Registration Law and as in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray.


Sam'l A. REPPY















Obituary - DIED. - On the 24th ult., at his residence on Big River, Jefferson County, Mo., James McCOLLOCH, aged 59 years.  Judge McCOLLOCH, was one of our oldest and most respected citizens. He was born in 1806, at the same home which witnessed his peaceful end. He has always occupied a leading position in this county and was identified with its history and progress since his childhood. For many years he held the offices of Constable and Deputy Sheriff and in 1850 he was elected Sheriff of the county. Possessing still the public confidence he was re-elected Sheriff in 1852 and in 1854 was chosen the honored representative of this District in the lower house of the Legislature. Serving well there, he was again the choice of the people for Judge of the County Court in the year 1858. A man of good sense and sound judgment, all of these positions were credibly filled. He was twice married and leaves a wife and four children to cherish his memory.


Administratrix Notice on the estate of H.N. STONE, deceased, Laura E. STONE, administratrix


Administrators Notice on the estate of James WILLIAMS, deceased, Willis J. WILLIAMS, administrator


Trustees Sale; John R. CAMPBELL and Elizabeth, his wife


Order of Publication, estate of Christiana STEINMEIER, deceased, Peter STEINMEIER, administrator


Executor’s Notice; Estate of James R. HERRINGTON, deceased, Sullivan FRAZIER, executor.


Trustees Sale; George HENDRICKSON


County Officers of Jefferson County


Sheriff and Collector – C.C. FLETCHER

Clerk Circuit Court – Sam’l. A. REPPY

Treasurer – Fred K. ROHL

Public Administrator – Gustavus HAMMEL

Assessor – Thompson MCMULLIN

County Attorney – Jos. J. WILLIAMS