The following interview was from a 1975 assignment given to students at JEFFERSON COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE in Hillsboro, MO. They were to select a longtime resident of the county and ask them a prepared list of questions about their recollections of their family's experiences in the county.

                        Interview with Ada Edwards of De Soto Missouri

 Ivr:   One of the things that I was really interested in was the trains.  Because I can tell by looking at the area that the trains must have really had a tremendous impact. Did you travel by trains back and forth to the city a lot?


Ive:  Yes, that was usually the way we had to go.  Now I would hesitate to give you a, as far as dates, I could just be as wrong as could be and somebody'd come up and say who gave you this information you know.  I mean you know.


Ivr:  Just general.


Ive:  Well at one time I would say there was oh at least six passenger  trains through here a day.


Ivr:  Oh wow, you could go into the city?


Ive:  At  most  any time.


Ivr:  Do you have any, any memory of how much it used to cost?


Ive:  About a dollar and a half, a dollar and eighty-five cents


Ivr:  Round trip?


Ive:  No,    about   three   dollars   round   trip.


Ivr:  Boy   that   was   incredible.


Ive: And   then   they   used   to   give   ten   ride   tickets   which   I   don't remember    what   they   were   but   it   lessened   the   fare   you  know. But   with   working,   people   who  worked   here   and   or   lived   and worked   in   the   city  would   buy   a   ten-ride   ticket   and   that   cut the   fare   down   quite   a   bit   you   know.      And   there   was   freight trains,    this   was   the   liveliest   place   between   here   and Little   or something like that to go to St. Louis. Rock,   Arkansas;   I'm   sure.      It   had   the   most   freight trains   running,   it  was   a   real   busy   town.      And   then if   you're   just   wanting   to  know   about   trains   particularly?


Ivr: I'm really interested in that because I have no experience with trains at all and I really wish there was one I could ride downtown now.


    Ive: Well,   I   don't   know   what   else   I   could   say   really,   except that   we   had   that   railroad  station   was   open   day   and   night down   here   you   know.      We   had   a   telegraph   operator   that  was there   and   a   passenger   agent   that   was   there   all   the   time, You   could,   there   wasn't   a  time   day   or   night   that   you couldn't   get   into   the   station.      It   seems   that   the   horrible part   of   the   whole   thing   is   that   you   can't   get   anyplace by   train   now.      I   mean   nothing   stops   here,   you  know.


Ivr: Right.


Ive: And   at   that   time.,   and  during   the  war   days   when,   when trains   were   made   up   of   soldiers   you  know;   that  was   a lot   of   fun.      I   mean   we   were   young   then   and  you  know   we used   to   enjoy   being   out   on   the   streets   and   seeing   all   the soldier   trains   you   know.      And   cars,   train   after   train   load
of   soldiers.      Lots   of   times   they   stopped   and   the   boys   would get   off   and   course   the   young   girls   all   had   a   yen   to   get over   and   see   them   you 

Ivr: Girls   are   always   that  way.


Ive: Always   that   way   and   so  were   the   soldiers   always   that   way.


Ivr: I   guess.


Ive: And   I   guess   the   trains   were,    I   guess   this   Missouri   Pacific train   was   about   18   and   55   because   my   father-in-law   was born   in   1858   and   it  was   a   new   thing   when   dad,  Edwards was a little boy.  The train was new.  I can remember hearing him say that he came to Camel's crossing which is, do you know where he lives?


Ivr:  No,.


Up here about two miles.  And the train, to see the train but we lived up Selzers lived.  I mean dad did when he was a little boy, dad Edward.  So I guess the first trains ran through here I'd say about 55 because dad was a little boy then.


Ivr:  1855?


Ive::    Yes


Ivr:  The state had only been a state for thirty years, or 34 years.


Ive:  Yes.


Ivr:  Did   many   people   live   in   St.    Louis,   or   work   in   St.    Louis

and   live   in   De   Soto?


Ive:  No,   not   too   many.      Not   too   many   worked   then   because   the

only   way   would   have   been   by   train   you   know.       There   was

an   early   morning   train   that   went   and   the   men   who

did   work   in   the   office   or   whatever   in   St.    Louis   would   ride

that   early   train   up   about   three   O'clock   in   the   morning

which   would  put   them   in   the   city   at  working   hours   and

then   there   was   a   train   came   down   about   eight   o'clock   in

the   evening   that   the   working   people   came   on.      Course   there

was   a   good   deal   of   commotion   then   because   there   were   no

paved   roads   to   St.   Louis.


Ivr:  Oh   that's   incredible.


Ive: You   know,   you   couldn't  get  there   any   other way but by   train.


Ivr: Did   most   people   have   horses   and   buggies?


Ive: Oh   yes,    that   was   it.


Ivr:  Were   there   livery   stables   and   things   that  you'd   have?


Ive:  Oh   yes,    down   here   where   they,   where   they   on   Boyd   Street where   is   that   Shell   Filling   station,   yes   it   is.       That   was a   livery   stable   and   barn.      You   know  where   they   kept   horses and   livery   stable.      And   farther   down   I'm   not   sure   just exactly   the    location,   there   was   another   one   but   my   brother used   to   get   livery   horses   and   take   their   dates   out   you know .


Ivr:  Ye ah ,    oh   my .


Ive:  But   we   had   our   own,   but   then   that   was   some   place   if   you came   to   town   and   the   drummers,   you   know,   salesmen   always came   in   on   this   train.      They   had   no   other   way   and   they'd get   off   of   the   train   with   a   lot   of   cases    like   they'd have   to   have   and   they'd   have   to   get  horses   from   the   livery stable   and   carriages,   you   know   them.


Ivr:  About      how   many,    about   how   many   horses   would   a   livery stable   have,   do   you   have   any   idea?


Ive:  I   really   don't   know.       I   would   have   an   idea   they'd   have, I   don't   know   really.      I   would   say   ten'  or   twelve   ,or   maybe more .      Maybe   more   than   that. 


Ivr:   Yes, I would say you could. But   you   could   walk   and   get   the   necessary   sales? Yes,    1   would   easy   you   could,   but   I,    I   just   don't   have   any idea   how   many.       And   then   of   course   I   saw   the   first automobile   that   came   to   town,       T.B,    Maness   as    far   as   I know   had   the   first   one.      And   they   would   go   from   here to   Hillsboro   and   maybe   it'd   take   an   hour   and   a   half.



Ivr:  I came home in the snow the other day and it took just about that long.


Ive:  So I saw all the streets paved.  WE were in business on Main Street and about 19 and 22 or along that time and I saw all the streets paved by WPA.


Ivr:  Oh, it was all during the Depression.


Ive:  Yes, oh absolutely.  The streets were paved during, after

the 1929 slump you know.  And the man who had charge who was the engineer of all the paving lived up where your sister lives.


Ivr:  I'll be durn.


Ive:  Mr. Robert Hearst.


Ivr:  Now how many houses were in the town then?  Was the town pretty well built up?


Ive:  Oh yes.  Yeah, pretty well.  Not the subdivisions, this part oh part of the town was here.  This is the old town edition, but of course you can drive around and see the subdivisions are new, but this was the old town part and it was pretty well here.  But the schools, the Central School and there was a junior high school that they've torn down.  But this old Central building was there and the year that we moved here they put this school where it is.


Ivr:  When?




Ivr:  1926.


Ive:  19 and 26.

Ivr:  So you've been in this house almost 50 years then?

Ive:  Yes.   Next   year   it   will   be   50   years.


Ivr:  That's   a   long   time   to   live   in   the   same   house.


Ive:  Long   time,   yes   it   is,


Ivr: I   guess   you've   had   your   furniture   every   way   you   could possibly   have   it.


Ive: There's   only   one   way   you   can   put   it.      That's   what   I   say, there's   not   much   you   can   do   with   there   houses   the   way the   windows   and   doors   are   arranged.   I   mean,   I   don't   know  what   you'd   do   with   them   really   and   truly.      If   I   were   to take   a   fortune   to   go   buy   furniture   I   wouldn't   hardly   know how   to   buy   to   furnish   this   house.      I   mean   it   is   hard.But   it's   just,   you   just   move   them   and   put   it   where   you   car

and   that's   the   way.   Make   yourself   happy   that's   all.


Ivr: What   kind   of   business   were   you   in   town?


Ive:  Meat   and   grocery   business.


Ivr:  Meat   and   grocery.


Ive:  My   husband   was   a   butcher.


Ivr:  He   did   all   the   cutting   and   everything?


Ive:  They   did   all   the   cutting   and   everything.


Ivr:  Where,    I   guess   you   remember   the   nickel's   worth   of   round steak   days   then?


Ive:  Yes,   I   sure   do,   and   the   good   soup   bone   that   went   into   the box   for   the   dogs   you   know.      Now   you'd   pay   oh   a   dollar   for

it.      The   same   thing   you   threw   away.


Ivr:  Sure.


Ive:  Six pork chops for a quarter.


Ivr: With a family of growing children like I have that sounds lovely.


I    ve: Yes , indeed.

Ivr: Did you buy produce and things from the local farmers?

Is that where you got your produce?


Ive:  Oh no, no.  Sometimes we did, but they were, well about

the time that we went into business was about the first

that you could buy say lettuce and that was all packed

and shipped out of St..Louis.  I mean nothing here.


Ivr: Did that come on the train?


Ive: I mean out of season.  Oh yes it came by freight, all our produce that we bought came by freight.  But we did buy from farmers when they had it.  But of course it was too,

well when frost came and all that time from that time on it was shipped in you know and shipped to St. Louis and we got it by freight.


Ivr: When was canned goods, when did canned goods start coming in?


Ive: Well we bought, there was a salesman for canned goods.  We used to buy from Weather Owl and General Foods, just like except that they were shipped in by freight all the time. They came by and got your order you know.


Ivr:You didn't do business by telephone?


Ive: No, no indeed you didn't.  No, the salesmen came and got your order and I don'-t remember how long it took but a resonable time we'd get our order of canned goods that came in wooden boxes you know then.  And . . .


Ivr:  How many stores were there?  Were you the only one or were there other stores?


Ive:   Oh no, oh no, there were a lot of businesses.  More than there is now really end truly.  More because we were here before Kroger’s or any of the chain stores came see here.  Well

Ive: When   the   Kroger's,   when   the   chain   stores   came,    Kroger
was   the   first   I   believe,   and   then   A   &   P,    (correction :  A & P came a few years first) small   people couldn't   compete.      And  we   were,   we   went,   we   came   into business   about   1922   and   the   Depression   in   1929    about cleaned   us   out   see.      We   did   a   credit   business   and delivered  with   a   little   pick-up   truck.      And   people   had no,    I   mean,      now   I   look   back   and   people   had   no,    I   don't know  what   to   say,   no   idea   of  what   it   cost   to   run   a business,   you   know.         If   down   in   the   north   end   of   town somebody   wanted   a   loaf   of   bread   for   dinner,    they'd   just call   up   and   we'd   send   it   down,   see,    they    ,    the   shops   closed down,   they   went   on   strike.       And   it  was   one   of   the   biggest shops   in   this   part   of,   on   the   system,   on   the   Missouri
Pacific   System.       They   had   a   strike   and   all   of   those   men were   our   customers.       I   don't   mean   all,   but   they    very  our   customers,    they   made   our   living   for   us.      And   when   they struck   nobody   knew   how   long   it   was   going   to   last.       So   my husband   said,   well   they've   been   my   living   while  they while they were working,    and   I   can't   cut   them   off   immediately  because   maybe   the   strike   will   be   over   and   to   our   ruination, we   carried   them   too   far.      So   then   nobody   could   help   us. They   were   good   honest   people,    all   of   them,   but   if   you don't   have   it,   you   don't   have  


Ivr:             What  year  was   this,   do  you  remember?


Ive:             1919   and   29,   31,   32.      During   the


Ivr:              They  were   on   strike   during   the   Depression   then?


Ive:             No,   it   was    later.      I   would   say,   no   it   wouldn't   have          been   1929,    that's   why   I   say   I   get   the   dates   mixed   up. It's   probably   about   32,   would  be   like   that's   more   like it. I   would   say,    I'm   not   sure   about   that.


Ivr;   Did   people   always   p?»y   you   iri   cash   or   did   you    ,   did   you trade?


Ive:      Oh   no,   people   paid,   paid   in   cash  when   they   got their paydays.       They'd   trade      oh   sometimes   the   farmers   you   know you'd   maybe   there'd   be   a   little   trade   if   they   had   produce or   something   you  know.      No,   the   general   rule   was   cash. And   they   were,    De   Soto   always   had   good   honest   people.      It was   not   they   didn't   want   to  pay,   it   was   just.      And   then another   drawback  was   the   independent   stores   and  we   weren't the   only   one.      It   was   all   of   them.      After   the   chain   stores                      came   they   brought   in   volume   you   know.      They   bought   a   carload   we bought   a    jag (small lot)   you   know.


Ivr:    Right.


Ive:    And   they   could   sell   cheaper.      And   then   there   were   some who   would   take   their   cash   and   buy   cheaper   from   Kroger's and  we'd   carry   them when   they   ran   out   of   cash  we   wouldcarry   their   accounts.


Ivr:    The   chain   stores   did   they   carry   credit   accounts?


Ive:    NO,   no.      So   that  was   you   just   can't   compete   with   big

business. So that's when it was nobody's downfall but our own. I mean and that it just happens everywhere. It's happening today, it always did it always will.


Ivr: Were there people who spent their whole life in De Soto and didn't travel into the city at all into St, Louis?


Ive:  I  wouldn't know. Oh you  mean  just  never   did   go to St. Louis?


Ivr: Right, just you know was De Soto self-sufficient in those days?


Ive:  It was self-sufficient.


Ivr: People could do that?


Ive: Yes, it was, a lot more than it is now in that where as with now I don't know, not having any men in the family for a long time; I don't think you could just say there is a good men's clothier here in town, would you say?  I haven't seen one.  I don't know.


Ivr: There's one called Howards that's quite expensive.


Ive:  Well ok, well, there used to be several men's stores, just men's stores.  And well so there you're not self-supporting anymore because people go into St. Louis. I mean it's too easy, you know.  It's too, so I would say a long time ago you could have lived in De Soto without ever going to St. Louis and do very well.  I mean, I don't know what you could have needed you couldn't get.


Ivr:  Do you remember the first time you went into St. Louis?  


Ive:  To the World's Fair.


Ivr:  Oh wow.  What was it like?


Ive: Well I went with my sister.  She was a little older than I and an .uncle of ours took us.  And well we went up on this early morning train-left here I guess six o'clock and spent the day at the fair.  That's the first time I'd ever seen or ridden on a street car.  And I was kind of dodging all the time because thought they'd eventually ran, I mean must have had tracks pretty close together.  because,  I suppose they did, because I can remember as a kid I kind of dodged when one would pass.  My uncle laughed at me because I  didn't know if it was coming right through you know.


Ivr:      How old were you then?


Ive:      Well I was born in "91 and that was 1904, I would have been 7 years old.  No, I was born in '91.

Ive:  And   that  was   in   1904,   the   fair  was.


Ivr:   So   you   would   have   been   13   years   old   I   guess.


Ive:   No,   I   wasn't   that   old.


Ivr:     What?


Ive:  Couldn't   have   been,   well  where's   your   mathmatics ?


Ivr:    From   '91   to   1900   would   be   nine   years.


Ive:      And   four,   yeah   I   guess   I   was.      Well   that  was   the   first
time   I   was   in   St.   Louis.      Yes,   you're   right.


Ivr:  Did   St.   Louis   seem   really   big   to   you?


Ive:  Oh   yes.      Of   course   we   went   straight   to   the   fair and  you have   no  idea

        of w hat   that  was   like.


Ivr:   It   was   still   out   in   the   country   wasn’t    it,   more   or   less?


Ive:   Out   where   Forest   Park   is.


Ivr:    Yeah,   well   I   mean   but   that   wasn't   considered   the  city?


Ive:      Oh   no,   no,   no.      But   it   was,   I   can't   even   imagine   now  you  were   just   agog. (amazed)     I   mean   it  was   so   big   and         so   many things.      You   spent   a  whole   day   and  you   couldn't   imagine all   the   things              you'd   seen.      But   it  was,      and   then   I   did go  back   a   few      times,   but   that  was   the   first   time   I   was in   St.   Louis.      I   did             go   back  when  my   mother   and   dad  did.     


Ivr:     So  people   were   not   down   to   deadrock   by   any   means. There   was   some   good  homes   and  people   were   pretty   well on   their   feet,


Ivr:    I   was   intrigued.      1   was   reading   some   clippings   from   a   man in   Kimmswick,      He   had   saved   a   lot   of  newspaper   clippings and   in   one   newspaper   that  he   had   saved   it   said   that   the mayor   of   De   Soto   said   that   there   was   absolutely   no   factory space   available.      Recently   a   doll   factory   and   a   string
factory   had   opened   up   and   there   were   more   businesses   that wanted   to   come   to   De   Soto,   but   there   was   no   available   place. I   was   intrigued   by   the   doll   factory.      Do   you   remember anything   about   the   doll   factory?


Ive:    Yes   I   do.       It   was,    I   think   the   building   has   been   torn   down  now,   but   I   think   it   was   in   a   brick   building   south   of   the, north   of   the   depot   it   would   have   been,   that   was   put   there by   the   railroad   company.      And   I'm   sure   that's   where   the doll,   I   think   that's   where   the   doll   factory   was.      Well   the reason   I   think   they   would   of   years   ago  have   said   that   .    .    . now   you   can   see   for   yourself   that   there's   lots   of  places you   could   go   out   now   and  put   a   factory   and   I   guess   they're crying   for   them  now.      But   here   we   were,   or   here   we   are between   two  hills   and   the   railroad  was   here.      Where   were
you   going   to  put   anything?      I   mean   there's   no   place   t6,   the creek  was   over   there   and   there   wasn't   they   didn't   extend themselves   like   they   do  now.      You   take   this   Walker   addition   over here.  And   anyway,    I   mean,   why   couldn't   you   go   down   and put   a  whole   factory,


Ivr:   Right,   now   you've   got   these   big   Caterpillars   drive   through   these   hills,


Ive:  Well that's right, that's right.  And otherwise there's no place to go.  You were between these two hills.


Ivr:     What kind of dolls did they make at the factory?  Did you ever see any of them?


Ive:      I  really don't know.  I really don't know.


Ivr:      My mother had some incredible old China dolls.


Ive :       Did she ?


Ivr:              They   belonged   to   my   grandmother.


Ive:             I really don't know. I do remember there was a doll factory here, I never did factory work like the shoe factory or, or and there was a dress factory here at one time.


Ivr:                       Has   the   shoe   factory   been   here   for   a   long   time?


Ive:             Yes,   it's   been   here   oh   I   would   say   oh   I   would   say   70   years anyway    (1907)


Ivr:              Oh that's a long time. I didn't even know it existed until recently I ran into a woman who said she worked there.


Ive:             The   first   people   who   came   here   was   the   Peter   Shoe   Company. They   were   the   first  people   who   came.      It  has   changed   hands
a   time   or   two.      I'm  not   sure   just  how   many   times   since   that time.      Ant   it's   had   it's   ups   and   downs,   you   know.


Ivr:              Did  people   vacation   back   many   years   ago   like   they   do  now. or  was   everybody   just   too  busy?


Ive :                      No,      people   didn't.      No,   not   too  much   I   wouldn't   say.

There   was   no   way   to   go   except   by   train   and   not   much   way to   go  after   you   got   there.      You  know,   I   mean   it's   not   like it   is   now,      I   mean   you   couldn't   get   in   your   car   and   go, and  nobody   had   a   car  when   you   got   there ,   you  know   what I   mean.

Ivr:               What   did  people   think   about   the   cars   when   they   came?             Were people skeptical? They said it will never last, or was everybody enthusiastic?


Ive:  Well, we had no roads for one thing.  So that would, was not  inducive  But well I suppose it's just like everything else, 1 guess everybody wanted one when they saw the possibilities, I guess.  But until we got roads then there wasn't much.


Ivr:    What, how about -gasoline?  I wonder, if you're the first guy           in town, where do you buy gasoline for your car?


Ive:     I don't know.


Ivr:  I wonder  what   Mr.   Maness   did   then?


Ive:  I   don't   know,   I   really   don't.


Ivr:  How   about   city   services?     It   occurs   to  me   that   if  you   have a   whole   population   that   gets   around   by   riding   on   horses you  must   have   a   certain   amount   of  manure   and   that   kind  of  thing that accumulates in the street. Did the city do any clean-up work like that or did it just get ground in?


Ive:   I   have   an   idea   it   just  went   in  with   the   mud,         I've   seen Main   Street  when   it  was   nothing   but   a   mud.      I   mean   there was   no  pavement,   no  blacktop,   no   anything.      So   I   suppose   it  was   just   the   droppings   were   there   and  went   on   in   I   guess.   I don't   remember   that  we   had   any   particular   city   service   on  the   streets.    I  don't   remember   what  we   did.


Ivr:  How   about  weather,   was   weather   a   lot   different  back   then? People   always   say,   well   they   used   to   take   sleighs   and   stuff across   the   Mississippi   River,   cause   it   froze   over   and everything.


Ive:  Well   I   can   remember   that   it,   the  winters   were   colder   I'm sure   because   when   we   lived   out  where   the   Silby’s    live   nowthat's   where   I   first  married   and  went.      And   there   wasn't a   road   built,   they   were   just   gravel   roads.      And   no  bridges.


Ivr:     You  had   to   go   through   creeks   and   things?


Ive:     Through   the   creek.       I,    would   say   that  we   crossed   the

creek   seven   or   eight   times   to   get   from   Silsby's   place   to De   Soto.      There   wasn't,   the   way   the   creek   ran   the   road  was right   down   the   creek.      I   mean   you  weaved   in   and   out   of water.      And   I   have   seen   this   creek   get   so   high   that   you couldn't   go   up   this   Walker   addition   up   here,   you   couldn't have   gone   through   that   road   because   the   creek   was   so  high. See   they   have   deepened   the   channels   I   guess   and   there   used to   be   a   lot   of   willows   grew   along   the   creeks   and   all   and the   creek   just   spread   out   all   over   the   place.      Now   they   have dug   out   the   channels.      I   suppose   that's   the   reason,   or   else we   don't   have   that   kind   of   flood   or   rains,    I'm   not   sure. And  my   dad  used   to,   my   own   dad   used   to  haul   cord  wood   like everybody   else   did.      And   just   cross   the   creek   on   ice,   I   mean they   didn't,    occasionally   they'd   break through. They always   took  an   ax   along   in   case   they did.



Ive:      That's right.  So that was pretty, and you never see these creeks, I mean you don't, but I don't ever see these creeks frozen no where enough so even kids could skate on them anymore.


Ivr:      No, that's true,


Ive:      So the, evidently there is a change in the weather, there evidently is.  I mean winters must not be so bad as they were .


Ivr:          Oh,  Really?


Ivr:       Did your dad farm?


Ive:      Yes.


Ivr:      So did you have a lot of farm chores to do when you were?


Ive:      Well, I guess I did, yes.  I liked the farm and liked to work outside better than I liked to work in the house. I did, I always did and my older sister would do the house chores and the sewing and all that sort of thing and help mother.  And I helped my dad and more outside because my brothers were older and they got away from home earlier. So I, I guess I loved the farm.  I really do.  I do now. I always would,


Ivr:      And then,.when you got married, how old were you?


Ive:      Twenty-two,


Ivr:      Twenty-two.  And what kind of a man did you marry?  Did you already have that store?  Did he have the store when you got married?


Ive:         No, I married a farmer. Married a farmer.


Ivr:      And they were living on the farm where Mrs. Silsby lives now.  Do you know where the old Silsby farm is?


Ivr:     I have seen the mailbox I'm sure.  But I can't exactly place it


Ive:      Well, well that was what my husband's home when we lived there for oh about five years and then he went .into business and we came later into De Soto.  And well they were, you're not asking anything about them, but they were livestock breeders.


Ivr:        Oh I see,  


Ive:        They had breeding barns? 

Ivr:        Yes, I'd like to know about them.  I'd like to know just how   it  was .


Ive:   Well   then   we   had,   they     own   breeding  barn   and   the   first stallion   that  we   had   I   can   remember   that  we   had  was   one

that   won   the   blue   ribbon   in   the   World's   Fair   in   St.    Louis.


Ivr:     Oh,   what   kind   of  horse   was   it?


Ive:       He   was   a   saddle   horse.      Highchief   was   his   name,   Highchief. And   then   we   had   a   lot   of   good   horses.      A lot   of   had,   they had  well   some   of   the   best  horses   in   the   state   I'd   say.


Ivr:    Did   you   ride?


Ive:    Yes.


Ivr:    Did you drive a horse and buggy?


Ive:   Oh yes, that's the only way I came to town.


Ivr:    Oh well I can't imagine tbat.  I've never driven, I've never even ridden behind a horse.  We have horses and we ride them but . . . did you have any favorites or did yov just take whatever horse was there?


Ive:   No, no we had favorites.  You, you had one you like to ride better than the rest of them.  But, and some you liked to drive better.  Yes, we had very, very fine

horses and I did love them.


Ivr:   Did you ride side-saddle?



Ive:   Yes, I ride side-saddle.  Everybody did then.


Ivr:    That would be hard.


Ive:   Well it wasn't if you knew how.  And I mean it just came as easy as could be.


Ivr:   How about clothes, did you buy clothes or were your clothes made for you?


Ive:    Either way.  You usually had your when I was a kid mother did all of our sewing for us you know.  And we went to school, didn't have too many clothes either.  But when you could, the Huntshalls  (Hoethhalls) had a very fine clothing store.  Right at the foot of the hill down here and you could buy some good clothes there.  But you could buy as good of clothes as you can now.  I think even better.


Ivr:      I didn't have any idea that you could get ready made clothe


Ive:       Oh yes, you could get beautiful clothes.  Yes you could.


Ivr:      When you went to school, did you come into town to go to school?


Ive:      No, I went to school out in the country.  I went to a country school when I was growing up.


Ivr:      Did you walk?


Ive:      Three miles.


Ivr:      Did anybody ride horses to school?


Ive:      No, except when the creek was up, and you couldn't get

     across the creek.  We always went where we went we had to cross the creek here.  And we had horses or maybe some of the neighbors would hitch up a team of horses and take the neighbor kids in the wagon you know and get them all there together.  And those ones that were on the way you know would pick up the kids as it'd g'o along.


Ivr:  How many people were there in school, how many children were there?



Ive:      Oh.


Ivr:       Just roughly.


Ive:      Oh I'd say kids, there used to be a lot, say forty-five or fifty kids in one room.


Ivr:      Wow and one teacher?


Ive:       And one teacher, oh yes mam.


Ivr:      Oh, that must have been a busy teacher.  So she had children of all different ages and grades?


Ive:      And all grades.  I taught school before I was married,


Ivr:      You did?


Ive:     And   I   had   at   one   time   fifty-two   children   in   school.      Taught  all   the   grades   beginning   from   the   lowest   up.


Ivr:     And   did   you,   did   the   one   room   school  house   go   all   the   way through   the   twelfth   grade?


Ive:          No,   just   the   eighth   grade.


Ivr:        Eighth   grade.


Ive:      Eighth grade.


Ivr:      And then, if students wanted to go on?


Ive:      They come to high school here in De Soto or whereever.


Ivr:      Did many people go on and og to college?


Ive:      Not many people.  We were talking about that the other night.  And the thing that just floors me is that I look back now over that age group, let's say kids that we had in school then, and I can think that more of then on an average went places and got to be somebody and did things than they do now.  Now that's for sure.


Ivr:      I wonder what, what's the difference?'


Ive:      I mean I can look, I don't know,  I think they had such a hard time and went through so many hardships going to school in the country that when they went to high school they took advantage of every minute and everything and I don't think children do now,

Ivr:      That's it.  Children have a lot today just given to them.

Ive:      Absolutely, absolutely. 

Ive:      And we were discussing that, my nephew and I the other day.  And I said we just named over a bunch of these in his age group and I said they're just people

you could be real proud of.  Maybe percentage wise there's as many now, I don't know, but you just marvel if they ever got anyplace.


Ivr:  Did you have any discipline problems when you were teaching?


Ive:  No, no.  Children respected the teacher.  No, you didn't have.  You had a slow people in school just like you do now.  I mean, but we gave more than the teachers do now.

I mean we try.  I know we tried herder because many times we'd give up our recess and noon and take in the youngster who was having difficulty with maybe mathematics or whatever and you'd sit sown with him along and try your very best. I don't believe they do that now.  I don't believe too many people do that now.


Ivr: Yeah, it takes a lot of commitment.


Ive:  Yes it does, yes it does.


Ivr:  How long did you teach?


Ive:  I taught four years.


Ivr:  Four years?


Ive:  Yes.  I taught one year after I was married I believe. No, I didn't.  I taught one year after I was married and then the war came along, that would have been about ' 42

I guess,  teachers were short.  They, a lot of them were drafted into war and I took another two years of teaching.  And I'd been out an awful long time, but they were so short of teachers out   of   North   town   here. And   I   could   see   the   difference in   children's   attitude   in   the  interim  between      the   time I   had   taught. I   taught   said   my   last   year  would  have been   19   and   oh   18   perhaps   and   then   from   that   time   to '45   there   was   such   a   difference   in   the   oh   the   attitude of   the   children   in   their   desire   to   learn,   or   I   don't  know what   the   change   was,   but   I   could   see   a   marked   difference.


Ivr:   I   see.   So   you   remember   any   of   the   suffrages, the   people who  were   trying   to   get   the   vote   for  wonen?  Was   anybody in   De   Soto   involved   in   that   at   all?

Ive:   Well,   let's   see,   that   I   don't   know.      I'm  not   sure   about   that


Ivr:   That  would  have   been   around   1920.

   Ive: Yes,   well   I   wasn't   living   in   De   Soto  in   1920.      I   came   in               about   '22   or   '23,   something   like   that.


Ivr:   I   see,


   Ive: I   really   don't   know.      Oh   I   guess   there   was   women   of   this town   were   always   pretty   active   in   all   the   civic   affairs.


Ivr:   You   interested   me   when   you   said  you  helped   to   run   the  business   because   then   many   years   ago  you  know   there   just wouldn't  have   been   too  many   women   deeply   involved   in doing   things.      Do   you   think   farm   life   was   a   lot   different back   then   than-it   is   now?


   Ive: Oh   definitely.      I   mean   nobody   had   farm   machinery.      They didn't   have   anything  but  horses   and  mules   and  plows.
And  when   we   farmed,   my   dad   farmed,   nobody   had   a   tractor.
We   did  have   a  binder   to  bind   the   wheat.      And   maybe   a  hay(  rack,   but   my   goodness,   this   heavy   equipment   people   have  now-they   never  heard   of.


Ivr: Right.   I guess  farms were a little bit smaller.

Ive:  Oh sure, they would have to be.


Ivr: Did you have a lot of hired people that worked on the farm?


Ive: No, not a lot of hired people.  Most of the farms weren't  that big, but you couldn't afford to keep them.  People had help, my husband's dad always kept help.  A couple of men helped them farm.  But there were in the first place farms             didn't pay off, you couldn't keep help, you couldn't afford to.


Ivr:  Had   to   be   a   family   effort.


Ive: Had   to  be   a   family   operation   or   you   couldn't   do   it.


Ivr: Did  you  have   to  pitch   hay,   all   the   hay   by   hand?


Ive: Oh   sure,   sure   you   did.

  We’d  go   out   and   get  bales   of  hay   for   our  horses   out   of   the  field,    that's   a   lot   of   work   and   I   look   at   that   and   think  if   you   had   to   do   it   all   with   a   pitchfork.     


Ivr: Did   you   help with   that?


Ive:  Oh   yes.      We   had   a   mower   to   cut   the   hay.


Ivr: Did   the   horses   pull   the   mower?


Ive:  Yes,   which   was   horse   drawn.      And   a   rake   to   rake   up   the hay,   it  was   horse-drawn   too.   They   raked   it   in what   they   called  wind-rows,   you  know   across   the   field   and then   from   that   we   pitched  hay   onto   a   frame.


Ivr: Did  people   get   hurt   a   lot   farming?


Ive  No.


Ivr: No?


Ive:  No, no not too much.  People were aware of things.  People     very rarely got hurt, there was some occasional accidents course, but not often.

Ivr: I guess so.


Ive: And then it was put into barn lofts.  Most people didn't stack their hay out and that was a hard job.  Somebody pitched the hay into the loft and somebody that was already in the loft, and they moved it back you know and made room for that carload, truckload, wagonload, there were no trucks.   So it was a slow process and same way wit! wheat harvest.  That was quite a deal.  Thrashing was a lot of fun.


Ivr: Did, when did thrashing machines come out there?  You mean you used to do that by hand?


Ive: No, no I never knew that.  We always had a thrashing machine but it was well, what could I say it was?  It was an engine kind of a steam engine operated thing.


Ivr: Oh I see.


Ive;             And   they  were   slow   and   they  would  break   down   and   you'd have   your   dinner   all   ready   and   the   next   fella  would  be
broke   down   someplace.      I   mean   it  was   a   sort   of   a   slipshod thing.


Ivr:              Right.


Ive: But it was a lot of fun.  All the neighbors helped everybody else and the women always went and helped cook.  Maybe we'd 25 or 30 men you know by the time they all got around there having a thrashing,


Ivr: You mean everybody would do it together?


Ive: Everybody, well no I mean if I were getting thrashing

     dinner for them thrashing at my house, the neighbors came and helped me you know.  Maybe there would be a dozen women come and help you. It was quite and ordeal.


Ivr:    I   see.    I   guess   there   was   a   lot   more   community   kind   of            feeling,


Ive:     Oh   yes,   oh   yes,   oh   yes.      There   was   a   different   sort   of  you           knew   your  neighbors   then   and   you  don't  now.      You  know, I   mean         you   knew.

Ive:     If   you  were   going   to  build   a   barn   or   something,   did everybody   do   their   own   barn   building   or  were   there
contractors   that   you  would   say-I   need  a   barn   built?


Ive:     Well   everybody,   they'd  probably  have   a   day   of  work   day

    and   all   the   neighbors   would   go   in   and  help.         And   it  was the   same   way   with   they   traded  work.      I   mean   if   maybe somebody   would   come   and  plow   for   you   all   day   and   you   and you  would   exchange   work   is   what   I   want   to   say.      You  know everybody   helped   everybody.


Ivr:     What  happened   in   those   years   when   you  had   a   really  bad
growing   season   and   everybody   had   really   bad   crops   and everything?     How   did  people   get   along?


Ive:       Real   rough.      Sure   it  was.      In    '19   and   I   think   it  was   4  we had   a   drought.      I   can't   remember   too  much   as   I   was   not   as concerned   then   as   I   wasn't   old   enough   to  be.      But  we,   the people   mostly   depended   on   their  wheat   crop   because   they'd sell   their  wheat   or   have   it   ground   and  exchange   it   for   flour
and   sell  wheat   and   that  was   going   to   pay   the   taxes   and   all that   stuff.      People   had   a   real   rough   time   that   year,   that particular   year  we   always   referred   to   it   as   the   dry   year   -- an   entire   failure   in   crops.      And   this   was   just,   how   do  we   manage now  when   things   go   wrong? We’d  just  plow   through,   we’d  manage.


Ivr:    Were,   were   banks   here   then.      I   mean   did  you   go   to   the     bank and get a loan?

Ive:      Oh yes.  Yes, you could, yes you could.  I saw several bank failures in this town.  People's Bank closed here.


Ivr:      And then people would lose all the money they had in that bank?


Ive:      Well practically.  And Farmers and Citizens Bank is downs believe me.  And it's really, they've been pretty

    good I'd say.  They stayed in and pitched pretty well I think

Ivr:      How about medical care back when you were a child? Or when you «ere newly married, were there doctors?

Ive:      Well, there were, oh yes.  And it was different.  If you another bank that closed and De Soto has had its ups and

     called a doctor then you got they were general practioners  And any time day or night they'd go in horse and buggy you know.  That's the only way they had to go.  Course we weren't too far out of the town, let's say a couple, three miles out and they came.  And they came.  And the doctors then had a, well, they weren't bus$ I guess as much as they are now.  They had a different attitude.  We've had the doctor come to the farm and stay all night.  Just come and stay all night.  Just take bed there and if we needed him in the night,  My dad Edwards had very bad sick spells and he'd just stay all night.  Next morning he'd eat his breakfast with us and you could die now if you could get a doctor to do that, I mean you'd fall dead if you got. a doctor now cared enough about you to come and stay.  And doctors were I guess they were less busy and could do it I suppose.  Or  had.  I don't know whether they were more sympathetic or what it was.


Ivr:        Maybe   it  was   just   a   different   attitude.


Ive: Different   times   I   think.


Ivr: Everything seems   to   move   so   much   faster   now   than   it   did.


Ive: That's   what   I   say.


Ivr:  How   about   hospitals?     Were   there,   if   somebody   were   terribly sick   were   there   hospitals   where   they  would   take   them?


Ive: Not  here   in,   there's   always   been   hospitals   in   St.   Louis.

As   long   as   I   can   remember   of   course.      But   there   was   none   local nothing   local.


Ivr:  How   about,   well   then   the   babies   in   the   area  were   always   born at   home.


Ive:  At   home.


Ivr: And did the, were there midwifes or did the doctors assist?


Ive:  The doctors did but  there were midwifes.  I think I imagine there were more babies born by midwife then by doctors:.  But the babies were born at home because there was nowhere else, no place§, you know.


Ivr:  Everybody just accepted it and nobody worried about it?


Ive:   That's right.


Ivr: Do you know of people who maybe died in childbirth?  Was that common at all?


Ive:  Not common, no.  There might have been a case or two of cases that even nowthey couldn't save the mother I guess. But it was rare.  Very rare.


Ivr:  How about doctors fees? Were doctors fees relatively high or?


Ive:   Not compared to now. 


Ivr:   No, how about compared to groceries or other things?


Ive:   Yes, they were perhaps, yes.  I expect we thought doctors’ fees were pretty high then.


Ivr:      Were the dentist's?


Ive:      Yes, not to compared with now.  Not by any comparison,not by any comparison then dentists weren't.  But doctors for heaven sakes groceries didn't cost anything in those days


Ivr:      True,  How much were groceries per week for a family on the farm


Ive:      Well we were, we raised, mother always had chickens and we had we made butter to sell and I guess I don't remember, it seeme to me we'd get about fifteen cents for a dozen eggs.  But we used .to buy three pounds of coffee for a quarter,


Ivr:      For a quarter?


Ive:      For a quarter.  R. Buckles coffee, three pounds for a quarter,  I can remember that but it was for coffee beans and we had to grind it at home.  But sugar was, I can't remember,  just a minimum cost of what it is today.  And we didn't buy many groceries.  I don't know, the farmers just didn't buy many groceries.  We raised our living.


Ivr:      I guess since you were raised on a farm you raised everything you needed.


Ive:      You raised your living.  We had I often think that we lived better then we can today, and we didn't have anything. I mean we raised cur garden and we buried turnips and parsnips and cabbage.  They'd dig a hole in the garden and fill it with straw and then put these things in and then put some more straw on top of that and put the dirt on and there would be times when we couldn't possibly get to that hole because of snow and ice.  But there it was. And apples, burying them by the bushel.


ive:      Now that served just like a fruit cellar did.


Ive:      Well sure, sure.


Ivr:      I had no idea you could do that.


 Ive:     Oh   yes.      Kept   just   as good,   and   apples   tasted  better   dug   out   of  that  hole   than   you   could  buy   them   any   place cause   there's something   about   that   and   it  was   just   snappy   and   brittle   as could be.      So   we   buried   and   raised   potatoes   why   we   never bought   a   potato   in   our   life   you  know.      And   mother   canned fruits   and  made   apple butter   and   dried   apples   and   dried peaches. 


Ivr:      How   did   they   dry  things?


Ive:    Well they would peel the   apples   and   cut   them   up   and   took   out   the   cores   and   sliced them   and  put   them   onto,   well   of  you  had   corrugated   tin   or iron   or   something;   whatever,   and  we   had,   we   had   rail   fences and   if  you  know   how   a   rail   fence   is   built  you  know   you   could put   a  board   in   the   corner  you  know   how   a   rail   fence   is,   and spread   those   apples   out   there   and   then   at   nights   we'd   bring   t in   before   the   dew   fell   and   then   next   morning  we'd   scatter them   out   again   on   that   and   dry   them   or   sometimes   people had  porches   that   they   take   them  up   lay   them   on   and   dry   them, or,   or  where ever.      Anyplace   you'd   get   the   sunlight.


Ivr:    How   long  did   it   take   to   dry   those?


Ive:    Oh   I   expect   it   took   nearly   a  week   to   dry   fruit   good.      And then   they   just  packed   them   and  put   them   in  paper  bags   or whatever   and   course   it   took   a   long   time   to   cook   apples,   too. But  boy,   they're   good.      The   best  ever.      And   the   same   way with   peaches.      They,   they'd   half   the   peaches   and   took   the  seeds out and turned the, the half side up, I mean you know.


Ivr:                They cut the side of it?


Ive:              Cut   side   up,   that's   what   I   want   to   say.      And   then   put   them
out   just   the   same   way.    And  mother ………


Ivr:              Did   birds   try   to   eat   them when   you   did   that?


Ive:             I   don't   think   so.      I   guess   we   must  have   had   them   close

around   the   house   most   of   the   time   I   think.         And   my   mother used   to   dry   pumpkin   and   she'd   slice   the   pumpkin,   she'd   cut them  in   rings   you  know   and   it'd  be',   like   in   rings and  a bout,   seemed   to   me   like   they   were   about   half   an   inch thick   or   so   and   put   them   on   a  pole.      Just  put   a   pole   through those   rings   you   know   and   out   them   up   on   something   and   they dried.      And   then   they   made   hominy.


Ivr:           Now   what   is   hominy   made   of?


Ive:                  That's   corn,   white   corn.


Ivr:              What   do   you   do   with   this?


Ive:          Shell   the   corn,   well   that's   quite   a  process.   Then  they,   shelled the   corn   and   then   it   was,   you  brought   lye,   you   know  what  that   is?


Ivr:              Yes.


Ive:             Not,   my   mother   didn't,   my   mother   made   the   lye   out   of   ashes, out   of  wood   ashes,   andf   the   lye   and   she   soaked   the   corn into   that.      She'd   take   the   husks   off   and   then   it  was   cooked and cooked and cooked until it  got   tender.      But   that's   how   they   cooked   the   husks   off   and then   you   washed   it   and  washed   it   and  washed   it   I   don't
know   how   many   waters   before   you   cooked   it   to   get   that   lye taste   out.      But   then   after  people   got   concentrated   lye,   you know,   they'd   use  
that   instead   of   the  wood   ash  




Ive.   But   I  don't   know   how,   I   can't   remember   how   mother   did   that.


Ivr:   Then   did   she   can   it. when   it   was   all   through?


Ive:    You   didn't  have   to   can   it.        You   just  put   them; you just put them out .  They   had   big   earthin   jars   and   put   it   in   a
big   earthin’ (crock)   jar   and  my   mother   used   to   take   a   piece   of   that brown paper and make a paste with flour and paste it over the top, you know. That’s all you did to seal it.

Ivr:  Oh   I   see   it   didn}t   spoil   or   anything?


Ive:    No, no. No, no, no. So we had our living on the farm like I said. We depended on the wheat of course to take it down and exchange it for flour and we'd have the winter's flour and maybe the whole year, I don't know.


Ivr:   Was   there   a   mill   in   town   that   ground   flour?


Ive:    Yes,  Lep’s  Mill   was   here   in   town   right   at   the,   down   here where   the   City   Hall   is   now.      And   that  was   I   can   remember
very   well   and   then   this   town   used   to  have   Artesian  wells.


Ivr:  We   have   an   artesian   well.


Ive:  Yes,   well   this   used   to  have   flowing  wells.      There   was

      one   down   by   the   mill   and   there   was   one   down   by ….•on   Easton Street  where   Norma's   Beauty   shop   is.


Ivr:  Yes.


Ive:  And   the   drugstore   is   down   there   and   oh   I   remember   I can't   just   remember   but   I   remember   those   two   very   well. The   water   flowed   all   the   time.      And   that's   where   the farmers   would   take   their   horses   to  water  when   they   came to   town   you   know.


Ivr:  Did   the   houses   in   town   have   wells   or   cisterns?


Ive:  They   had   cisterns   and  wells.


Ivr:  And they caught rainwater from the roof?


Ive: Before there was, I don't remember when De Soto got the

water system it has now, I don't remember, I'm not sure.

Sure is interesting to think about. How about the churches? Were there always a lot of churches in town?


Ive: Oh yes, yes.


Ivr: What kind of services did they have?  Did a lot of people go to church?


Ive: Oh I think people went just about like they do now. I think so.  I think so.


Ivr: Did they have a lot of, were there a lot of activities centered around the churches' social life and everything?


Ive: I would say so, yes.  I think people were pretty active in all of the church affairs as far as I can remember.


Ivr: Yeah, we have a little chapel out at our farm.  And apparently the people built it for the farm and I guess they had a priest come out.  It was a Catholic chapel and everything.


Ive:  I guess so.


Ivr: It's   really   something   if   all   the   neighborhood  people

must  have   come   there.


Ive:  I   don't   know   about   that.      I   was   not   out   there   then   and I   didn't   know   about   that.      I   don't   know.


Ivr: How   about,   were   people   tolerant of   other   people's   religion’s or  was   there   a   tendency,   for   instance,   if   there   were Jewish   people   in   town.      Did   everybody   accept   them   just like   everybody   else?


Ive: Yes,   yes.      Most   of   the   businesses   were   run   by,   I   mean clothing    business   was   run   by  Jewish   people.


Ivr:      And the black people always just got along with everybody got along well together?


Ive :      Yes, oh   yes.


Ivr:   That's   really   a  nice   thing.


Ive:   There   is   a  little   different   on,   maybe   not  with  everybody but  I   think   it   used   to  be   that   the   Catholic  were kind   of  far   out,   as   far   as   we   protestants   were   concerned   you   know what   I   mean.      And  I   believe   they're   different,   maybe  you're   a   Catholic,   I   don't   know.


Ivr:   No,   I'm   not   a   Catholic,


Ive:    Maybe,   maybe   they  were   different   than   now,   I   mean   I   think they   were   more,    .    .


Ivr:    I   think   they've   loosened   up.


Ive:    I'm   sure   they   must   have,   because…………


Ivr:     I   wanted   to   ask   you   about  when   people   got   married,   when young   men   and  women   started   going   out   together,   what  was it   like?     What   kind   of   social   things   did   people   do?


Ive:    Well,   when   I   was   a  youngster   growing   up  we   had   singing,   you know,   say   on   a   Saturday   or  any   nigh. Somebody,  most everybody   had   organs   or   a  piano   and   they'd  have   a   group singing,   you   know.      And   all   of   the   young   folks   would   go   to  a   singing   and   that  was   a   lot   of   fun.      And   they   used   to
have   candy   pulls,   you  know.      Somebody   would   make   taffy   and ……


Ivr:    Would   that   just  happen   in   somebody's   kitchen?


Ive:    Yeah,      I,   somebody's,   yeah.      And  maybe   several   couples

                 would   go   and   have   taffy   pulls.      And   then   we   used   to  have play   parties.      They   didn't   call   them   dances,   but   they   were play   parties,

Ivr:     Where,   where   did   you  have   those?

Ive:          Anybody's   home.      They'd   just   clean   everything  out   in   one room   and   they'd   just   cut   the   mustard”,   you   know.      They'd have   more   fun,   they'd   sing  songs   instead   of  having   music, you   know.       They   sang   like   little   old   play   party   songs   and they   had,   churches   would  have   things   in   the   evenings,   you know,   and  that's   another  place   the   young   folks   got   together on   Sunday   nights.      It  was,   I   guess   in   a   lesser   degree, young   folks   were   always   young   folks.    

Ivr:   They   found   a   way.


Ivr:     Did   you   go   out   driving   in   your   buggy?


Ive:    Oh   yes,   yes.


Ivr:     Was   that,   did   the   older  people   frown   upon   that?


Ive:     No,   no,   no.      There   was   not   the,   I   don't   know  what   I   could say,   but  young  people   were   more   dependable   that   they   are now.      I   mean   there   was   no,   not   so   much  hanky-panky   these   days


Ivr:     Maybe   a   little   bit   more   mature.


Ive:      That's   right.


Ivr:     Were   most  people   around   22   or   23  when   they   got   married?



Ive:    I   expect   the   average   people   were,   they   didn't   take   this 14,   15,   16   year   old  stuff   that  now,   I   mean   like   they   do now,   I   don't   think   so.      There   was   some   younger  people married  but   evidently   they  were   more   mature   or  knew  where they  were   going  more   than   they   do  now   I   think.      Or   maybe I   just   don't   understand   the   young  people,   I   guess   that's   it.


Ivr:    Well   I   don't   know,   I   think   it's   a   little   bit   of   both.


Ive:      But   I   think


Ivr:   Did  most people   get  married  with   the   idea   they  would have large   families?


Ive:    I   don't  know   about   that.      But   most   of   them   did.

Ivr:  Most   of   them   did.


Ive:  Most   of   them   did.


Ivr:  Wasn't  much   choice   about   it   then?


Ive:  No,   no,   I   don't  know   that   they   had,   I   don't   know   that   they even   speculated   on  what   about   that.      But   then   it   was   kind  of   a,   I   guess   that's   the   way   it  was   and   they   accepted   it whatever   it  was,   and  made   the   best   of   it.      And   they   did a   good   job      doing   it.


Ivr:   How   long   did   you   go   out  with   people   before   you   got   married?


Ive:   Oh   then,   that   depended   I   mean,   just   like   it   is   now.



Ivr:   You   just   dated?


Ive:  Yeah   a   lifelong   courtship   or  maybe   a   short   one   depending the   way,   people   are   no   different   in   a  way,   I   don't  think then   they   are   now.


Ivr:    That's a totally different world.


Ive:   Yes, it is, but it's kind of fun to think that you've seen it all.  I mean I don't know what the next 25 or 30 years are going to bring, but I mean the fact that you came from

                  there to here.


Ivr:  That's incredible.


Ive:  It's a lot of fun.


Ivr:  It's incredible just to be able to adjust to it and appreciate it.


 Ive : Yes, but you do it so it comes so gradual and you just kind of go along with whatever happens, what else can you do?


Ivr:      True.  What impact did, when airplanes came, when the Wright Brothers started flying their airplane do you remember that at all?


Ive :          Yes,    I   don't   remember  particularly   that.      Well,   it's

           just   like,   I   can   remember   the   first  highway   they   put   in was   old   61   and   I   can   remember   my   dad   saying   "Well,   we'll never   live   to   see   it   finished.",   you  know.      You  know   I mean   when   you   start   laying   that   concrete   from   say   St.    Louis to  where ever   they   went.      I'm  not   sure   what   their   destination was,   you   don't   think   you'll   ever   get   it   done.      I   mean   my dad   couldn't   see   they'd   ever   finish   it,   well   you   don't believe   they're   going   to   get   them   off   the   ground,   but   they do.      So   you   accept   it   and   like   it.


Ivr:     Have   you   flown   an   airplane?


Ive:       Oh   yes.      Two   or   three   trips.      I've   gone   to   California   and I   like   it.      I'm  not   crazy   about   flying,   but   I   like   it, I'm   not   afraid.


Ivr:     Oh   I   did  enjoy   it.


Ive:     I   like   it.


Ivr:     Let   me   think,   there   must  be,   oh   I   have   to,   Oh   I'm

                  supposed   to   ask   you   about  hunting.      When   you   lived   on   the farm,   did  your   father  hunt?


Ive:     No,   my   father  didn't  hunt,  but   none   of   my   men folk   were hunters,   really,   neither  were   my   brothers,   but  my   husband was. Had   a  big   old,   I   guess   hound   dog   named  Drum   and  well they   usually  had some hired   help..      And   I   can   remember   when   we   were first   married   in   the   fall   of   the   year   and   in   the   wintertime old   Drum,   we   always   called  him,   did  night  hunting.      He   was a   coon   dog.      That's   what   he   was.      And   way   in   the   night   you'd hear   old   Drum   someplace   and,   Newman  was   my   husband's   name, he   never    let   that   old   dog   down.      He   called   this   fellow   from   the   house   and   say  I   hear   old   Drum.      He's   got   a   coon”,   and   they’d   get   up   in   the   coldest  night   ever  was   and   dress   and   go to   that   dog   and   they   always   got   a   coon. I mean   they got   results,   he   didn't   let,   they  wouldn't   let   that   old dog   down   and   he   didn't   let   them   down.      But   really  he was   not   a  hunter.


Ivr:    Did  you   eat   the   coons   then?


Ive:    I   don't   think  we   did.      I   have   eaten   coon,   but   I'm   not sure   I   did   at   home,   I'm   not   sure   that  we   ever   did.      But they   were   good,    they're   real   good.


Ivr:   Did   the   people   who  hunted   then,   you   think   the   hunting was   better   then   than   it   is   now?


Ive:      Oh   yes,   yes.      Because,   well,   the   country   wasn't   settled then    like   it   is   now.      There   was   more,    the,   the   idea   of   night hunting,   I   mean   they   used,   the   whole   skins,   you   know. That's   the   idea   I   guess   in   my   time.      But   I   don't   think people   ordinarily,    coons   were   good  eating.      I   don't   think we   ever,   I   don't   remember   of  ever   having   cooked   one,   but I'm   sure   people   did.      They   are   clean   meat,   they   never   eat anything   filthy.      They   are   nice   clean   meat,   so   it  would have   been   good.      But   I   think   the   idea  was,   I   guess   it  was, I   guess   that  was   their   thing   just   like- football   and   soon   is now   with   everybody.      I   guess   it  was   just   fun   to   go.      That was   their   sport   I   suppose.


Ivr:      Yeah.


Ive:      But I never had any, and my men folk,   oh maybe went squirrel hunting a few times, but not, they weren't hunters.


Ivr:      Do you know anything about the fur industry? For instance, where we lived used to be a fox farm and they used to raise foxes for furs. Do you know if there were people in the  town who bought furs?


Ive:     I   really   don't   know.      Not  here.      I'm   sure   they   didn't  here, they   must  have   had   a   market   other   than   local.


Ivr:     Must  have   gone   into   the   city.


Ive:     They'd  had   to   gone   some   place   else,   there   wasn't  nobody here   who  would  have   bought.      When  we   were   in   the   meat
market   and  we   did,   had   our   own   butchering   done   over   in   the, slaughter  pen,   over   on   the   Eastside   and   there   was   a  big
market   then   for   cow   hides,   but   they   were,   people   would come   down   from   St.    Louis   and   do   the   buying.


Ivr:     Oh,   the   shoe   factory   didn't  buy   them?


Ive:      No,   no,   no,   no.      Because   they   had   to  be   tanned   and   all   that, you  know,   so   they   couldn't  have   used   them.      They,   they
bought   the   rawhide,   somebody   from   St.   Louis   came   down   and bought   them   and   I   suppose   that  was   the   tannery.      I'm  not
sure   who   did  buy them,   but   some   tannery   I'm  sure   and   then I   guess   they,   where   you   sold,   maybe   I   don't   know  where   they went   from   there,


Ivr:       I see, do they have a general store? You know, stores where you could go in and buy just about anything? Or was everything divided into specialty shops, clothing shops, shoe shops?


                 Ive:       Oh   no.      Well,   rather   so,   now   stores In    the   country   had everything,  

                                     but   I   mean   here   in   De   Soto   they   were   rather specialized.      They   were,   well,   could   you   say  we   had   a  special   shop   now?   Hardly.   I   mean   you   go   into   a   drugstore and   you  buy  anything,   like   a   thrashing  machine   or   anything else.      I   mean,   I   don't   think   there   are   any      specialized oh   a   few,   clothing   or   dress   shop   or   something   or   shoe store.


Ivr:  Did   these   houses   have   gaslights   in   them?     Or  was   it electricity at that time?


Ive:  Guess   then   electricity  was   more   common,      I   know   I'm sure   they  were   some.


Ivr:       How   about   telephones,   when   did   telephones   come   in?


Ive:   Well  we   had   telephones   on   the   farm   and   they   were-I   was thinking   about   that   the   other   day.      Maybe   six   or   eight people   in   a   neighborhood   got   together   and  decided  we   needed telephones   and   that  was,   the   telephone   company  was   owned by   Coxwells   who   lived,   who   are   native   De   Soto  people. They've   always   been   here,   the   Coxwells.      And   it  was   always the   Bell   Telephone,   but   I'm   not   sure   they   called   it   South­western   Bell,   but   it  was   Bell   I   think.      And   the   men   of   the neighborhood  would   decide   they   could  have   a   telephone,   or would   like   to.      They   cut   their   own   poles   and   they   bought their   own   telephone   boxes.      You   know   they   were   then   the boxes  that   you  put   on   the   wall.


Ivr:    Just  hung   on   the   wall?


Ive:  And   the   company,   I   suppose   the   Coxwell   Company   evidently wired   them,   must   have   strung   the   wire,   I   don't   know,   but   they set   the   poles.      The   farmers   did   themselves   and   they   could only   have   so   many   on   the   telephone   line,   say   six   or   eight. And   it  was   always   funny   the   way   we'd  have   two   short   rings and   two   long   ones,   that  was   ours   and   somebody   else   would have   two   short   rings   and   somebody   one   long   ring   and everybody   knew  whose   ring,   telephone   was   ringing   I   mean  you know we didn't have numbers, we just had rings we'd use, would recognize by the ring your own number, your own ring.  And they kept their own, they did the work on the lines pretty well.  I mean if something happened and you couldn't get your neighbor, well you must have known a limb had blown on the line you know.  And all that stuff and the men would get out and go through.  They'd follow the line until they found the trouble and maybe a pole had blown down or something you know, but they maintained their own telephone lines pretty well as far as I could remember when we were on the farm,


Ivr:      Did they have an operator and when you wanted to call somebody you would?

Ive:      Yes, yes you could.


Ivr:      So what, what would you say?  Would you?


Ive:      Now on our own local line let's say, people, we didn't bother an operator, we just rang the number,


Ivr:      How did you?  You mean you had a dial on the phone?


Ive:      There was a crank on the phone and you just rang two shorts like that, see, and then ring two longs.  There was not an operator connected with it in any way, you did your own,


Ivr:      Well, could you call St. Louis?


Ive:      You could through an operator.


Ivr:      Through an operator,

Ive:      You had to call De Soto and say?

Ivr:  And   then   what  would   you   say   to   her?     Would   you   say   you


wanted   a   certain   number  in   St.   Louis?     Or   a   person's

name?      Or   how?


Ive:      I   have   an   idea   more   the   address   than   anything   else.

the   address.    


Ivr:      Gee,   that's   incredible.      Was   the   operator always   there,   I   mean   like  was   the   switchboard   in somebody's   house?


Ive:   No,   it  was   on   Main   Street.      I'm  not   sure   how   about   the night   calls.      We   could   always   get   a   call   through,   but   the

telephone   office   was   on   Main   Street,


Ivr:      So   they   must  have   had  more   than   one   operator.


Ive:    Evidently   did,   I   just   don't   remember   about   it.      But   I

know   where   the   office   was,      I'm   sure   you   could   have   made a   telephone   call   any   time.      You   could  have   gotten   through  to   St.    Louis   any   time   you'd   want   to,   I'm   sure.


Ivr:    Who  were   some   of   the   first  people   that  had   a   telephone,

do   you   think.?


Ive:   Rurally we were, I think.


Ivr:   How about radio?  Do you remember when radio came and people started listening to the radio a lot?


Ive:   Well, I couldn't give you a date on that or anything like a date, I just don't remember.


Ivr:    How about just electricity when you were on your farm when you were a little girl?


Ive:   No, we didn't have electric, no.  We just had coal oil lamp;


Ivr:   How did you heat?  All wood furnaces?


Ive:   Stoves and fireplaces, we had stoves.  And cooked with wood and had a little range of some kind.  Some people had ranges, some just had little stoves.

Ivr:                          How   did   you   regulate   them  for   like  if you  were   going to  bake   a   cake?


Ive:  You   just   didn't  put   so  much   wood   in.


Ivr:   You  had   to   kind   of  watch   it?


Ive:   Oh   you  knew,   you   learned,   it  was   just   something   you                                knew. You  knew   about   how   much  wood   it  would   take   to  heat   your oven,   you   learned,   you  knew.      And   like   the   houses   were all   lighted  with   coal   oil   lamps.      I   can   remember  when, after  I   was   married,   one   of  my   neighbors,   one   of   our neighbors,   got   a   Delco   light   system  put   in.    

          I   don't know  what   that,   how   that's   operated,   I   don't  know.      But anyway,   they   used   to   always   kid   me   and   say   I   could   never see   by   lamplight   anymore   after   the   neighbors   got   the   Delco. Then   I   had   trouble   seeing  by   lamplights.      And   I   hated   lamps


Ivr:    Did   anybody   have   fires   because   of   them?     Did   they       get knocked   over   at   all?


Ive:   I don’t think so.


Ivr:    What   did   they   do   if   they   had   a   fire?     Did  everybody               just gather   together?


Ive:             The   neighbors   went   and  helped,   that's   all.      And  most          of   the time   it   just  burned   up.      You  know,   well   that's     just   all  we could   do.      The   neighbors   would   go  help,   but              that,   we   didn't have   the   rural   fire   department   then.


Ivr:    Its   really   changed   a   lot   in   the   last   few   years.      What                do you   think   has   been   the   biggest   change   you've   seen?            Oh   say in   just   the   last   ten   years?     Could   there   have     been   such   a change   you   know,   people   moving   into   the          county   in   the   last ten   years?

Ive:       The   last   ten   years,   I   wouldn't  hardly   know well, anything that should be done about the new population, new services?


Ive       No I really wouldn't.


Ivr:     I guess because De Soto is so self-sufficient it always has been.  Maybe it's less effected than areas like Arnold and that type of thing.




Ive:     Well I don't know exactly what your question would pertain to.  I wouldn't have any idea how, you mean change things, or improve things?


Ivr:    Yeah, if there should be better medical facilities, maybe a Central County Hospital, or something like that. Well, we could go for a clinic of some kind.  A medical clinic in this town I'd say.  And we don't have, course we're pretty near Jefferson Memorial out here and we sure do need, I would say more doctors in this town.  It's almost impossible to get ah appointment with a doctor, any more.  I mean a medical doctor.

Ivr:   Right.


Ive:   We certainly do need that.  But I guess that's something everybody needs, that there's a shortage somewhat I'd say everywhere.


Ivr:   Does the population change worry you at all?


Ive:    Not at all.  Not at all. in?


  Ive:   No,   not   at   all,   no.      The   fact   that,   well   that's   just   a   thing,  You're   not   worried   about  having  new   people   move   that's   just   time   moving   on^      The   fact   that.      There   was a   time   in   this   town   when   I   used   to   speak   to   and   call   the name   of   everybody   in   this   town.      That's   right.    I   mean we   were   in   business   and   I   would   say   that   that's   a   true statement.      Now,   I   can   go   to   church   or   walk   down               Main   Street   and   I   don't   know   anybody.      The   people   have changed.      And  even   the   people   who,   that   I   should  know,   I guess   its   because   I   knew   them  when   they   were   young   and   I will   say   they've   changed,   and   I'm   not   saying   this   to   flatter myself,   but   they've   changed   more   than   I   because   they   grew up   and  have   changed   in   looks,      I   mean   they've   matured, And   I,   I   just   don't   get  with   it.      I   mean   they've   changed I   think,   that   age   group   I   mean   you   take   from   the   time   a kid   is   out   of   school   and   then  when   you   see   them  when   they're 25   years   old  you   can't   imagine   unless   you   see   them  everyday, which   I   don't,   and   there's   just   so  many   people   that   I   don't know   and   then   they   marry,   I   don't   know   their   married  name   am its   just,   and  I  worked   all  my   life   until   I   was   76   was   the last   day   I   worked.      And   I   kept   pretty  well   in   touch,      Since that   time   I   don't   go   downtown,   I   don't  have   occasion   to   I mean   maybe   a   time   or   two   a week.      But   I'm  not   on   Main Street   like   I   used   to  be,


Ivr:        Now  where   were   you  working when   you   retired?


Ive:              At  Hirsch's.




Ivr:        Oh,   I'll   be   darned.


Ive:          P N Hirsche’s. And I, I guess people had, for instance, going on this side of me down here until you get to the corner, I have no idea who lives in one of  these houses.


 Ivr:        I   guess   the   whole   population   has   changed.


Ive:       The   thing  has   changed.      And   I   don't  know,   I   suppose   each person   is   self-sufficient.     But   I   used   to,   well   like
everywhere   you   knew   everybody.      Now   the   whole   thing   is changes.  And some of them don’t exactly extend yourself because   you   don't  know  whether  you  want   to  know   them
or   don't,   I   mean.      So,   except   the   ones   who   are   and  people   used to   own   their   own   homes.      Everybody   owned   their   own   homes. Now   they   come   and   go.


Ivr:       Deeper   roots   I   guess.      Are   there   many   people   around still   that   you  went   to   school   with  when   you   grew   up?


Ive:         No,   not   too  many.


Ivr:       Not   too   many.


Ive:         Even   in,   the   last   fifteen   years   I've   made   the   biggest

                    change   in   my   friends.      With,   I   mean   I've   lost   more   friends in   the   last   fifteen   years,      We used   to  have,   I   used   to belong   to   a   bridge   club.      And   out   of   that,   there   was   twelve of   us   that  played   and   out   of   that   group   now   there's   three available.      That's   real   tough   you  know,   and   the   same   way with   our,   our  pinochle   club.      We'd   have   one   per  month and   there'd   be   a   group   of  men  with   their  wives,   you  know, there's   just   none   of   them   left.      They're   all   gone.


Ivr:       That's   hard   to   take.


Ive:      That's   hard   to   take.


Ivr:        It's   amazing   to  be   able   to  deal  with  that  and  adjust and
live   your   life   and  be   happy   and  everything,  

                      A  great   admiration   for   you.





Ive:      Well,   thank   you   very   much,      I   don't,   I   mean   I   take   it   as it   comes,   try   to,   because   I   don't  know   what   I   could   do   about   it.


Ivr:       That's   the   only   thing   that  would  keep   you   sane.


Ive:         I   think.


Ivr:       Well,   I   think   we'll   close   and   I   really   appreciate   it,


Ive:      Well,   I   would   rather   my   name   wouldn't  be   used  because   maybe some   of   these   dates   or   times   would  be   wrong.      I   mean,   if it's   been   a  help   to  you   I'd  be   glad   to   it.


Ivr:       It's   a   great  help   and  if  you   don't wish   us   to   use   your name   we   wouldn't   do   it  without   you;   but   dates   aren't important,   the   main   thing  we   wanted   to  know  was   just   how   it was.     Because   to   a person   like   me.   envisioning,   not  having a   road   to   get   on   to   go   to  St.   Louis.    That's  the   important thing   because   it's   really   hard   to,   cars are   so   much   a  part of  my   life,   I   can't   even   remember   having   a   time  with   not getting   in   the   car   and   going,


Ive:         Well  yes,   yes.      That's   right,   that's   right.


Ivr:          So   that's   the   important thing.      And   the   school   will   send you   a   transcript,   they'll   type   it   up   and   it  will,   you  know, you'll  be   able   to   read   it   all   and   they   won't  use   it   at all   without  permission   from  you.      It's   all   up   to  you.


Ive:         I   see.


Ivr:          You've   been   really   helpful,


Ive:         Well,   I   don't  know  what   I've   done   that's     helped,   but  I   didn't  want  you   to   think   I   was   dodging  you   ,   it   was   just that……..    .


Ivr:         Oh   no,   no.      We   just   had   trouble   making   contacts,



Ive:         That's   right,   that is   right.      I   didn't  want   to   get   myself involved   or   tied   up   till  I   couldn't  be  with   my   nephew when he was here.


Ivr:       Sure.


Ive:      See.  And I never knew just what they wanted to do or where they'd want to go.  And now that he's gone for a week to the Leadbelt to visit with his friends and her family, why……….


Ive:     But   I   didn't  know  how   to make   a  promise,

Ivr:     Well   you   sure   are   a  busy   person,

Ive:     Not   too,    just   enough.

Conclusion   of   interview.


Ada Mae Winer Edwards

Birth:      Jan. 14, 1891

Death:      Nov. 12, 1987