County, MO
This is a story of two men, William ‘Bill’ Longley and Chester “Eugene” Longley, who moved to Jefferson County, Missouri. Bill was born in Arkansas and came to Jefferson County, MO in 1953, when he transferred as a telephone cable employee. Eugene, also born in Arkansas, came to work at
Ralston Purina (St. Louis) in 1957.
In 1960, Chester Eugene Longley married Donna Torrence, daughter of Wilbern & Katharine Torrence of Herculaneum. Donna worked as a waitress at Liberty Creamery, a small local restaurant at the stoplight (corner of Main Street and Hiway 61-67). Bill Longley often stopped there for coffee. On
particular morning in 1961, the owner of this restaurant jokingly said to Bill,
“Mr. Longley, let me introduce you to Mrs. Longley”.
Over the next fifty years, the two
families often wondered if they were related….
In 2011, the familial ‘jesting’ was
proven true. Researched by Kay
Clerc-Fakhar, it was discovered Bill is the great-grandson of Andrew Jackson
Longley [by his 2nd wife] and Chester Eugene is the great-great-grandson
of Andrew Jackson Longley [by his 1st wife]!
During this research it was also discovered that both Longley families of Jefferson County, MO are related to the notorious "Wild Bill Longley" (Oct. 16, 1851 Mill Creek, TX -Oct. 11, 1878; Burial: Giddings, Lee Co, TX), a notorious outline considered one of the deadliest gunfighters in the Old West.
[“Wild Bill Longley”, born William Preston Longley, was the son of Campbell Longley (1816 Sevier Co, TN - 1907 Lometa, Lampasas Co, TX) and Sarah Ann Henry (1821-1890) and the grandson of Joseph Longley (1794 Rockbridge, VA - 1829 McMinn, TN) and Priscilla Patterson (1795 - 1852) and
the great grandson of William
Campbell Longley (1761 Hunterdon Co, NJ - 1841 Benton, Polk Co., TN) and
Mary Ann Bodine (1766 - 1841).]
William Campbell Longley
(1761-1841) is a direct ancestor of:
Wild Bill Longley,
- William
‘Bill’ Longley and
- Chester
‘Eugene’ Longley
Summation: from New Jersey to Virginia to Tennessee to
Arkansas to Missouri
->Joseph Longley [born apprx: 1734
Hunterdon Co., New Jersey – died after 1810, Loudoun Co., Virginia]
->>William Campbell Longley [born
1761 Hunterdon Co, New Jersey – died 1841 Benton, Polk Co., Tennessee]
->>>Andrew Jonathan Longley [born
1788 Loudoun Co., Virginia – died 1851 Benton, Polk Co, Tennessee]
->>>>Andrew Jackson
Longley [born 1816 - 1880 Strawberry, Sharp Co, Arkansas]
->>>>>>>Child w/ 1st wife:
Nehemirah M Longley [1849 Benton, Polk
Co, TN - 1916]
-> James Wesley Longley [1887 Thayer, Oregon
Co, MO - 1970 Thayer, Oregon Co, MO]
-> -> John Coy Longley [1911 Mammoth
Spring, Fulton Co, AR – 1967 Mammoth Spring, Fulton Co, AR]
Chester Eugene Longley [1939 Thayer, MO – 2012 Jefferson Co, MO – 2012
Jefferson Co, MO]
->>>>>>>Child w/ 2nd wife:
A Longley [1856]
-> Nelson Alexander Longley
(1880 AR]
->-> William ‘Bill’ Longley [1927]
Campbell Longley 1761 – 1841
Revolutionary War Pension Application:
State of Tennessee, County of McMinn.
On this 3rd day of June personally appeared in open Court, before the Justice of the County Court of said county, William Longley a resident of said county and state, aged about seventy-two years, who being first duly sworn according to the law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress,
passed June 7, 1832.
That he entered the service of the
United States under the following named offices, and served as herein stated.
He entered the service as a drafted man, in the militia of the State of Virginia, in the month of October, 1780, as well as he could recollect, in Loudon County in said State, where he then resided with his father, under this command of Major Armistead, whose direct name is not recollected - Captain Thomas Humphries, Lieutenant John Bartlett. There
were about 700 troops from said county of whom declarant was one and he thinks they were called light infantry. These troops were marching from Loudon County to Williamsburg in Virginia where they were stationed in the barracks for several months, and from wherein parties of our cause were detained to hold the British forces under Arnold in
check. After being stationed here one month, declarant does not recollect the precise time, the British forces landed at Burrell's ferry at the mouth of the James River, where about 200 men and declarant one of them, were stationed. We stood our ground and fired upon the enemy until our cartridges were exhausted, each man of us having fired
near 30 rounds, when we were so far outnumbered that we had to retreat. We retreated to Williamsburg, 6 miles from the above named ferry and on reaching there all our troops retreated from town and the British marched in and occupied our barracks that night. We had retreated only a mile or two into the woods from there, after night set in we
marched back to town and attacked the enemy, drove in their pickets, and fired on them until outnumbered and drove from Nogfield. Next morning we were marched for Richmond and on the same day the enemy left Williamsburg, crossed James River at Jamestown, and marched up the country. Near the same time that we got to Richmond the
enemy arrived at Manchester on the opposite side of the river, and commenced destroying property and burning large quantity of tobacco stored there. We were stationed on Chucks Hill. When the British appeared a part of our men were stationed on the bank of the river to prevent them crossing, and if any had attempted it they would have met
with a warm reception as we were very hungry and greatly incensed at them. We had but one field piece, a six pounder and it was placed on the hill before mentioned and leveled against the enemy and its effect to do well amongst them that they were quickly induced to leave off their off and quit the place. The enemy left Manchester and pursued
their course still further up the country and after some time turned their course and marched to Yorktown. Declarant and his comrades were stationed at Richmond as he thinks, about six weeks, when they were marched from there and joined the army under Gen'l Lafayette at Yorktown on the Glouchester side of the river. About this time or shortly
after, the siege was formed, as the army under Washington shortly after arrived. Declarant was at this time constantly employed in working on the entrenchment and other works, that was going on. During this siege declarant was in several skirmishes with part of the enemy. On one occasion after fighting 200 of the Virginia troops, declarant one of
them, with 500 of the French under the command of Lafayette were marched to make a track through the enemy's line on the Glouchester side, another detachment having made an attack on this side. Declarant recollects getting so near the enemy works that he put his hand upon them and looking up he saw the tar barrels placed on the hearthworks
to be lighted in the event of an attack. The firing having ceased on the York side, we were then fired upon, as were mentioned. The enemy having discovered us, and opened their guns upon us as they thought, but their balls went far above our heads. Declarant was one of the troops forming this hollow square into which the prisoners were marched
when Cornwallis surrendered. The prisoners taken on the Gloucester side were marched to Winchester in Virginia, declarant being one of their guards. These prisoners were guarded at Winchester three months, as declarant thinks when they were marched into Frederickstown in Maryland, where declarant was discharged in February as well as
he recollects, 1782. Declarant cannot recollect the precise time he served, he will set it down at fifteen months, as he is confident he served that long. Declarant was born in the State of New Jersey in the year 1761 as he was informed by his parents - has no record of his age nor has he seen one as well as he recollects. He resided in Loudon County
for a short time after this war, then in Shenandoah, then in Rockbridge, then in Washington, all in Virginia, wherein he removed to Sevier County Tennessee in 1800 where he resided until he came to the County of McMinn Tennessee, where he now resides. He received a written discharge from the service at Shephardtown, VA from Col Niswonger
but it is lost, and he knows not
where it is. James D Sewell, a clergyman, John Grisham, George Long, &
Jackson Smith, are some of his present neighbors and can testify as to his
veracity, and their belief of his service as a soldier of the Revolution..
He hereby relinquishes every claim
whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name
is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed the 3rd day of
June 1833.
A. R. Turk, Clerk, William Longley.
We James D Sewall, a clergyman residing in the county and state aforesaid, and John Grisham residing as aforesaid, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with William Longley who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; and we believe him to be 72 years of age; that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides,
to have been a soldier in the
Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion..
Sworn to and subscribed the 3rd day of
June 1833.
A R Turk, Clerk, James L Sewell, John
And the court do hereby declare their opinion, after investigating the matter, and putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above applicant was a revolutionary soldier, and served as he states. And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that James Sewell who has signed the preceding certificates, is a Clergyman, that
he and John Grisham, who has also
signed it are resident as they therein state, and that their statement is
entitled to credit.
Amos ?, John Miller
NOTE: William Langley/Longley’s pension application is found on Heritage Quest, along with Affidavits filed by his wife, Mary Langley, his son John C Longley and Wm Patterson son-in-law the husband of Abigail. When William Longley applied for his pension he stated that he was born in 1761 in New Jersey, removed to Loudoun CO, VA, as a boy, and
was living with his father in Loudoun CO when he enlisted there in the Virginia militia sometime in Oct 1780. He further stated that he served as a private in Captain Thomas Humphries' Company in the "light infantry", under Major Armsted with the Virginia Troops. He was in the battle of Burrell's Ferry, Williamsburg and the Siege of Yorktown; was one of the
soldiers forming the hollow square where Lord Cornwallis's sword was surrendered by his aide to Gen. Washington's aide. He was discharged in Feb 1782 and lived in Loudoun County a short time after the war, and then in Shenandoah, Rockbridge and Washington Co’s, VA. In 1800 he moved to Sevier Co, TN. On 3 June 1833, then a resident of
McMinn Co, TN, he applied for and was allowed a pension for that service which was approved to be effective from 28 Sep 1833. (Transcription below). William Longley appears on the 1835 pension rolls of McMinn CO, aged 73 years, drawing a pension at the rate of $50 per year. Included in the Pension Application file is a Statement made by Mary,
wife of Wm Longley, dated 22 Jan 1844, Polk Co, TN, stating she is age 78 years and declaring they were married in 1784 [as best she can recollect, it was on the 1st day of September]. She further states that her husband died on the 7th of Nov 1841 and that she has remained a widow since. Mary does not state her maiden name. On 4 Nov 1844, J
ohn C Longley, of Polk CO TN, son of William and Mary Longley, made a Declaration that he was the their youngest child, and was the Administrator of Mary Longley's, deceased, Estate, that his mother Mary died on the 9 June 1844 leaving children: Jonathan, Joel, James, Mercy, Abigail, Sarah and said John C. Longley. On 22 Nov 1845 Joel Longley
under oath made statement that he was the son of William and Mary Longley deceased, late of Polk County, Tennessee, that his father, was a Revolutionary pensioner up to the day of his death. Joel further stated that he was born on 1st Sept 1791, and his said father and mother William and Mary Longley, lived together as husband and wife up to the day
of his death. He further stated that he is the 2nd son of the said William and Mary Longley deceased and that Jonathan Longley is his eldest brother and that his parents William and Mary Longley always said that his brother Jonathan was 2 years and 2 months older than him. On 25 May 1854, in Catoosa Co, GA, William T Patterson, in right of his wife
Abigail who was daughter of William & Mary Longley, appointed Chas C Tucker of Washington DC lawful Agent & Attorney to represent and exam all papers and documents pertaining to claim, and to further prosecute the claim of Mary Longley, deceased, widow of William Longley, and the claim of her heirs. On 27 Sep 1854, in Catoosa Co, GA, on behalf
of a claim for pension money by the heirs of Mary Longley, Mrs. Etha
Burk stated she was a sister of Mrs. Mary Longley. Of their eight children, son
Joel Longley (1791-1878) was 1st married to his presumed first cousin, Nancy
Bodine, daughter of Francis Bodine.
about Generation #1
[born apprx: 1734 Hunterdon Co., New Jersey – died after 1810, Loudoun Co.,
Spouse1: Mary Campbell [1700 – 1765]
Spouse2: Sarah Nicholson, born 1717 NJ
– 1756 (death date not yet proven)
[D/O Samuel
Nicholson 1710 – 1750 & Sarah Burrows 1703 – 1732]
1: Joseph Longley (born apprx: 1760
– died apprx: 1830)
2: William Campbell Longley (born 1
Sep 1761 Hunterdon Co, NJ – died 7 Nov 1841)
Census: 1810 Loudoun Co.,
White Males 45 and Over: 1
White Females 16 to 25: 2
White Females 45 and Over: 1
about Generation #2 (Child 1)
Joseph Longley [apprx: 1760 Hunterdon
Co., NJ - apprx: 1830 Rockingham Co., VA]
Spouse: Unknown
1: Edward Longley (1800 - bef 1850)
Spouse (1) Unknown (1798 - 1828)
1: James J Longley (1820 - )
2: John Joseph Longley (1828 - )
Spouse (2) Phebe Armentrout (1808 - ) md: 13
Sep 1828 Rockingham Co., Virginia
1: Mary A Longley (1831 - )
2: Frances Longley (1832 - )
3: Jacob Longley (1835 - )
2: Rebecca Longley (1809 - )
Spouse: Jonathan Lewis (1805 - )
3: Joseph Longley (
Spouse (1) Laurene Grady (1812 - 1851) md: 19 Oct 1832 Rockingham Co.,
1: Emsey A Longley (1834 - )
2: Charles W Longley (1838 -
3: Virena Longley (1840 - )
Spouse (2) Harriet Knicely (28 Jun 1828 - 9 Dec 1916) md: 1 May 1852
Rockingham Co., Virginia
1: Sarah Francis Longley (
2: Marcena David "Orsini" Longley (
3: Mary Ellen Longley (
4: Irene Virginia Longley (
4: Charles S M Longley (1823 - )
Spouse: Evalene McCollough (1828 - ) md:
1: Mary Longley (1847 - )
2: John W Longley (May 1850 - )
Census: 1820 Rockingham Co
White Males - Under 10: 2
White Males - 10 thru 15: 1
White Males - 45 and over: 1
[Engaged in Manufactures]
White Females - Under 10: 2
White Females - 45 and over: 3
1830 Rockingham Co
about Generation #2 (Child 2)
Campbell Longley (
Spouse: Mary Ann Bodine (1766 -
- [D/O James
Bodine 1747 – 1810 & Mary Polly Rose 1747 – 1802]
1: Andrew ‘Jonathan’ Longley (1 Jul 1788 -
19 Feb 1851)
2: Joel Longley (
Spouse (1) Nancy Bodine (1797 - Sep 1835) md: 26 Dec 1815 Centerville,
Fairfax Co., VA
1: Unknown son Longley (1816 - )
2: Hanna Longley (1823 - 1864)
3: Unknown son Longley (1826 - )
4: Joel Young Longley (1832 -
5: Elizabeth Longley (
6: Andrew William Longley (Sep
1835 - 22 Jun 1904)
Spouse (2) Mary Polly Johnston (1801 - ) md:
Dec 1835
Joel Longley & Mary Polly Johnston
1: Nancy Ann Longley (
2: Unk daughter Longley (1838 - )
3: Matilda Longley (1841 - )
Spouse (3) Jane P Lovelady (Nov
1840 - 8 May 1907) md: 13 Dec 1871 Catoosa Co., Georgia
3: James Longley (
Spouse (1) Nancy Long (1804 - ) md 1818
E. Longley [1 Oct 1792 Rockbridge, VA - Jul 1870 Ringgold, Catoosa, GA]
1830 McMinn, Tennessee
1840 McMinn, Tennessee
1860 Catoosa, Georgia
1870 Ringgold, Catoosa, Georgia
1: Unk daug Longley (1819 - )
2: Unk daug Longley (1820 - )
3: Unk daug Longley (1822 - )
4: Nancy Longley (1824 - )
5: George W Longley (1825 - )
6: Isaac W Longley (1827 -
7: Unk daug Longley (1830 - )
8: William Penn Longley (
9: Sarah Abigail Longley (1834 - )
10: Unknown Longley (1835 - )
11: James L Longley (1838 - )
12: John M Longley (1841 - )
13: Thomas Jefferson Longley (
14: Malinda Longley (1845 - )
Spouse (2) Mariah Frances Haddock (10 Dec 1837 - ) md. 1855
2: Martha Ann Longley (
3: Lewis Houston Longley (
4: James Emedore Longley (
5: Melissa Elizabeth Longley (
6: Jess Hugh Longley (
4: Joseph Longley (1794
Spouse: Priscilla Patterson (1795 -
Spouse (1): Sarah Ann Henry
1: Mary Catherine
Longley Clark (1839 - 1919); md1: Charles Marion Tyler: 12 children; md2:
Samuel M. Clark
2: Martha Jane
Longley Carnes (1841 - 1870)
3: Francis
Caroline Longley Lawrence (1844 - 1865)
4: Alexander Campbell Longley
(1846 - 1865)
5: George Washington
Longley (1849 - 1918)
6: William Preston Longley –
"Wild Bill Longley" (Oct.
16, 1851 Mill Creek, TX -Oct. 11, 1878; Burial: Giddings, Lee Co, TX)
7: Elizabeth
Longley Walton (1854 - 1885)
8: Joseph Longley (1857 -
9: James Stockton
Longley (1859 - 1938); occupation: lawman
10: Alexander
Campbell Longley (1867 - 1943); md: Mary Ella "Mollie"
Risinger [
- (child: Alexander
Leon Longley (1890 - 1975))
Spouse (2): Mary Catherine Dockray
Longley (1861 - 1945)
Married: After 1890
2: Mary Longley (1822 - 1901); md. James D.
"Pap" Dotson
3: Alexander Preston "Press" Longley (
4: Caleb B Longley (1820 -
5: William Tennessee Longley (1820 -
6: George Washington Longley (1824 - Sep 1844)
7: Caroline "Callie" Longley (1825 - )
8: John Posey Longley (19 Mar 1829 - 1896)
9: Martha Jane Longley (
5: Mercy Longley (1797 - )
Spouse: William Tryon Patterson (bet 1790 and 1795 - )
1: Unk female Patterson (bet 1815 and 1820 - )
2: Unk male Patterson (1820 - )
3: Unk male Patterson (bet 1825 and 1830 - )
4: Unk male Patterson (1830 - )
6: Unk female Patterson (bet 1835 and 1840 - )
6: Abigail Longley (1799 - aft
7: Sarah Longley (1803 – bef 1844)
8: John C Longley (
Spouse: Hanna Ray (1810 - 11 Jan 1892)
2: James W Longley (
3: John Louis Longley (1832 - bef 1880)
4: Mary Ann Longley (6 Mar 1835 - 1905)
5: William Jasper Longley (Aug 1837 - 7 Jun 1904)
6: Francis Marion Longley (
7: Martha Longley (1839 - )
8: Elizabeth C Longley (1842 - Oct 1910)
10: Louisa Longley (
11: Sarah Caroline Eliza Longley (1847 - )
12: Henry G Longley (Aug 1850 - )
14: Elvira Longley (1853 - bef 1870)
Census: 1830 McMinn
1840 Polk Co.,
Note: There is a "William F
Longley" with 12 children listed in a biography in "A Standard
History of Georgia and Georgians", written by a grandson. [Is this the same William F. Longley? His 2nd son's last marriage took place in GA].
about Generation #3
Jonathan Longley (
- Note: He always used the name Jonathan; a
record has not been found to validate the first name of Andrew.
- served in the War of 1812. His name has been
DAUGHTERS OF 1812--#30536, NOVEMBER 19, 2011.
Burial: Zion Hill Baptist Cemetery, Polk County,
Spouse: Sarah Oldham (1791 - aft 1872)
[D/O: James
Oldham 1745 – 1828 & Leah Stevens 1770 – 1827]
1: Nancy Longley (1811 - )
Spouse: James Monroe Burk (1804 - )
1: Jonathan Burk (1832 - bet 1865 and
2: John Burk (1833 - )
3: Sarah Burk (1836 - )
4: Effie Caroline Burk (
5: Mary Atilla Burk (1839 - )
6: James A Burk (1841 - )
7: William A Burk (1843 - )
8: Samuel H Burk (1845 - )
9: Nancy Elizabeth Burk (Sep 1848 - )
10: Lavinia Evelee Burk (
11: Martha V Burk (1853 - )
2: Unk daughter Longley (1813 - )
3: Andrew Jackson Longley (1816 - 22 May
1880) died of typhoid fever Strawberry, Sharp Co, AR
4: Unk Longley (1817 - )
5: James Longley (
Spouse: Mary Hilliard (1826 - )
1: William Braziel Longley (
2: John Lattimore Longley (1852 - )
3: Henry Preston Longley (
4: Julia A Longley (1854 - )
6: Margaret Longley (1825 - bef 1870)
Spouse: Marion A Blair (1820 - )
1: James H Blair (
2: Nancy J Blair (1850 - )
3: Francis B Blair (1854 - )
5: William A Blair (Apr 1860 - )
7: Jonathan Longley (1825 - )
8: Reuben Langley (1826 - 27 Dec 1864)
Spouse: Eliza Frances Rebecca Landers
1: J Susan Langley (1849 - )
2: Luke Harrison Langley (Aug 1856 - )
3: James Lafayette
4: John Langley (1857 - )
9: George Washington Longley (
Spouse: Mary Curd (
1: Sarah Elizabeth Longley (1851 -
2: Eliza E Longley (1853 - )
3: Joseph Asbury Longley (
4: Mary Tennessee Longley (1858 - )
5: Jefferson Longley (1861 - )
6: Heeley Longley (1864 - bef 1900)
7: Margaret F Longley (1866 - bef 1900)
8: Baba Longley (Jul 1869 - )
9: Cora Longley (1871 - 1888)
10: Mintie F Longley (1873 - )
11: George Browder Longley (
Spouse: Fannie Jane Rogers (
1: Mary L Longley (1852 - )
2: George F Longley (1854 - )
3: Isaac A Longley (1856 - 1912)
4: Sarah J Longley (
5: Travis Elijah Longley (
6: Josephus Arnold Longley (
7: John Henry Longley (
11: Sarah Jane Longley (5 Jun 1832 Polk, TN - 9 Apr 1863 Missouri City, Fort Bend,
Spouse: Josephus Rogers (20 May 1824 - 1901)
1: William Rogers (1851 - )
2: Sarah A Rogers (1852 - )
3: Travis E Rogers (1854 - )
4: Mary Jane Rogers (1855 - )
5: Amanda Rogers (1858 - )
6: Josephine Rogers (1860 - )
7: Nancy E Rogers (1861 - )
8: Martha Rogers (1864 - )
9: Henry A Rogers (1865 - )
10: Susan B Rogers (Sep 1869 - )
11: Josephus Yancy Rogers (1872 - )
12: Leann Longley (1837 - )
13: Elizabeth Longley (1839 -
Spouse (1) Pleasant Rogers (21 Nov 1836 - 9
Mar 1863)
1: Travis Henry Rogers (
2: Sarah P Rogers (1863 - )
Spouse (2) Larkin Lewis (15 Jul
1830 - 24 Mar 1908)
Doctor "Doc" Calvin Lewis (
2: Carrie Narcisus Lewis (
3: Lou
about Generation #4 (Part 1)
Jackson Longley (1816
TN - 22 May 1880 Strawberry, Sharp Co, AR); died of typhoid fever
(1): Martha Everett
1840 Hamilton, Tennessee
1860 District 8, Hamilton, Tennessee
Margaret Longley 40
Sarah E Longley 20
Mary M Longley 17
Nancy A Longley 12
Nehemiah Longley 10
Elna M Longley 9
Buennavista Longley 6
W A Longley 4
Margaret Longley 2
1870 Strawberry, Lawrence, Arkansas
Andrew J Longley 53
Margaret Longley 50
Buena Vesta Longley 16
William A Longley 14
Margaret J Longley 12
Children (5):
1: Sarah E Longley (1842 - ) md Abraham Kagler/Hagler Jan 8, 1869 pg 79 Bradley Co, TN
2: Mary M Longley (1843 - )
3: Nancy A Longley (1848 - )
4: Nehemirah M Longley (1849
TN - May 27, 1916) md. 1868 Dec 20 Bradley Co, TN (Bk 1, pg 78)
Spouse: Elizabeth Lucinda/Louisa Long b: 1852 - d: Sept 1940, Sharp
Co, AR (d/o Alexander C. Long & Sarah A. Finney)
Md: Nehemiah Longly - Lucinda L Long Marriage: 20 Dec 1868 Bradley Co, TN
Pg 78
Dec 16, 1868
District 3, Bradley, Tennessee
Miray Longly 21
Lucinda Longly 16
John Longly 1
Lynn, Oregon, Missouri
N. M. Longly 30
Lucinda Longly
Sarah Longly 8
Martha J. Longly 3
Mary I. Longly 1
Thayer, Oregon, Missouri, Census
Nehemiah Longley M 52
Wife Lucinda Longley F 48
Daughter Sarah A Longley F 29
Daughter Josephine Longley F 23
Daughter Mary J Longley F 20
Son John D Longley
M 19 Missouri
Daughter Dona J Longley F 17
Daughter Elmira Longley F 15
James W Longley M 12
North, Sharp, Arkansas
Nehemiah Longley 61
Lucinda Longley 58
Elmira Longley 23
Lower North, Sharp, Arkansas
John B Longley 38
Lucendia F Longley 67
Elmire Longley 36
James W Longley 33
North, Sharp, Arkansas
Lucinda Longley 87
John D Longley
Elmira Longley 54
Elmira, Willie Melton, Albert Melton, Nehemiah Longley, Gaye Melton, Elizabeth
Lucinda (Long) Longley
Nehemiah Longley Elizabeth Lucendia Louisa Long
Children (9): (Note – John,
age 1 is listed in 1870, but has died prior to 1880)
1: Sarah (Sally) Ann Longley (Aug 2,
1871 Smithville, Lawrence Co, AR -Nov 22, 1940; bd Oregon Co., MO)
Spouse: George Washington Denton;
md: 1904 (b.
1855 North/South Carolina – d.1936 Oak Grove, Oregon Co., MO)
2: Martha Josephine Longley (Feb 11,
1877 Cape Girardeau Co., MO - June 29, 1969 Denver, CO)
Spouse: Charles Monroe Melton (
3: Mary Dora Longley (April 17, 1879
Thayer, Oregon Co., MO -
Spouse: William (Bill) Wood (.
1880 - Ft
4: John Dedrick Longley (Oct 11, 1881
Thayer, Oregon Co, MO - Oct 8, 1964 Thayer, Oregon Co., MO)
5: Dona Jane Longley (Aug 31, 1883
Thayer, Oregon Co, MO – 1966 AR)
Spouse: Frank Dunham (Aug 28,
1877- Oct 1939; bd. Old Walnut Ridge Cemetery, Lawrence Co., AR)
6: Ellmira Longley (Dec 16, 1885
Thayer, Oregon Co., MO - Jan 12, 1961 Thayer, Oregon Co., MO)
7: James Wesley Longley (Jan 6, 1887 Thayer, Oregon Co, MO – 1970
Thayer, Oregon Co, MO)
WWI Draft Registration
James Wesley Longley,
age -9, born
RFD #3, Thayer, MO; Self-employed
farmer in Sharp Co, AR
Single, medium height,
medium build, blueish gray eyes, dark hair
Spouse (1): Lou Lowder (1887- )
Spouse (2): Mary Ellen Wales (Mar
10, 1920 - Sept 1, 1947)
Spouse (3): Martha Ellis (1887 - ) daughter of Lytle Ellis
(1850-1936) & Adaline [nee Davis] (1860-1929)
Note: Martha
Ellis was also the mother of William Lytle Ellis b. 1915
Cemetery [Thayer, AR]
Ellis, Martha E., Dau of E.L. & A
Ellis, 10 Jan 1888-28 Nov 1924
Ellis, Lytle, 1 Feb 1850-16 Mar 1936;
Adeline Davis, 18 Apr 1860-22 Apr 1929
Ellis, Thomas L., 1895-1959, son of E.
Lytle and Adeline Davis Ellis
Longley, Kenneth Leon, 26 Jan 1936-9
Aug 1985, Pfc US Army
Longley, Coy, 10 Jan 1911-18 Oct 1967;
Lucinda, 19 Aug 1911-8 Aug 1967
Rock, Pulaski Co, AR Cemetery
Ellis, Lytle E & Ellis, Mona A. (Wife of Lytle Eric)
ABNER ELLIS 02 Jul 1900 - Jan 1970
Last residence: (Fort Wayne, Allen, IN 46808) SSN issued: AR
Lytle?} 06 Mar 1918 - 27 Feb 2003 (V)
(Ventura, CA
93006) SSN issued: MI
City Cemetery (West) Maricopa, AZ
Ellis, Oris P. 12/28/1922 -
2/26/199 [md: JAN. 29, 1941]
1920: Mammoth Spring, Fulton, Arkansas
Lytle E Ellis 69 [1 Feb 1850-16 Mar
Adline Ellis 59 [nee Davis; 18 Apr
1860-22 Apr 1929]
Martha Ellis 30 AR daughter, divorced
[10 Jan 1888-28 Nov 1924]
Abner Ellis 20 son [see poss. death
date below]
9 AR grandson [father b. MO, mother b. AR] 10 Jan 1911-18 Oct 1967
William L Ellis 5 grandson
Note: Martha Ellis died 28 Nov 1924
1930: Mammoth Spring, Fulton, Arkansas
Jos D Ellis 38
Alpha Ellis 31 [Alphadine]
Oris Ellis 7 [see poss. death date
Jos D Ellis 2 7/12
Lytle Ellis 80 [father]
P Longley
19 AR nephew [Coy P. is on the transcript; the actual record does not list the
1st name]
Lytle Ellis 15 nephew
John Coy Longley (10 Jan 1911, Mammoth
Springs, AR - Oct. 1967 Mammoth Spring, Fulton Co, AR);
-killed by
falling boulder along hiway); md: 06 June 1933 Oregon County, Missouri
Spouse: Lucinda Mask (19 Aug
1915 - 8 Aug 1962 Fulton Co, AR; bd. Davis Cemetery, Thayer, Oregon Co., MO)
-d/o Joseph
Mask (1874 - Davis Cem, Thayer, Oregon Co., MO) & Georgia Bradshaw (1878-
Davis Cem, Thayer, Oregon Co., MO)
1: Clara Louise Longley (
Spouse: Mahan
Kenneth Leon Longley (
Chloe Sharon Longley
Spouse: Fernimen
Child: Steve
Chester Eugene Longley (29 Aug 1939, Thayer, Oregon Co, MO – 24 Dec 2012
Jefferson County, MO)
Spouse: Donna Torrence
1: Denise Longley [2 children;
father: Matt Smith];
2: Rhonda Longley [spouse: Clay
Chiles; 3 children];
3: Paula Longley [spouse: Dave Cox; 1
4: Cindy
Longley [spouse: Jeff Drinen; 2 children];
5. Gene Longley [spouse: Brenda
Myers; 2 children];
Continued (children of Nehemiah
8: Karen Louisa Longley (Sept 19, 1890 Thayer,
Oregon Co, MO - Dec 23, 1890 Thayer, Oregon Co, MO)
Continued (children of Andrew Jackson
5: Elsea M. Longley (1851 –)
about Generation #4 (Part 2)
Spouse (2): Margaret Evitt
Buena Vesta Longley (1854 - )
Spouse: Silas Lamb; md: 1873
1: Margaret Cassandra Maggie Lamb (1874 – 1966)
2: Madora E Dora Lamb (1875 –
3: William H Willie Lamb (1880 –)
4: Edward Anderson Lamb (1887 – 1944)
2: William A Longley (12 Sep 1856 -
25 Mar 1882 Lawrence Co, AR)
Spouse: Mattie E. Hopper
Nelson Alexander Longley (12 Nov 1880 Lawrence Co, AR – 17 June
1947 Independence Co, AR)
Spouse (1): Ruth Dobson (Jan 6, 1894 - Nov 29, 1927 Independence Co, AR; died 4 days
after William’s birth)
-daughter of Mr/Mrs. W.P. Dobson
1: Martha ‘Letitia’ Longley’ md. Clark Stevens
William ‘Bill’ Longley (1927 - ) Festus, Jefferson Co, MO; 5 children
Spouse (2): Ernestine Smith (Oct
12, 1906 - Jan 14, 1987 Batesville, Independence Co AR);
- Md:
1: Sarah
Longley md: Jim McAuley (Nov 1933, living in Dallas, TX); 1 child
3: Margaret
J Longley (1858 - )
- per 1918 WWI draft reg, Nelson
Alexander Longley was the clerk of Co., courts in Mt. View, Stone Co, AR;
Listed as: paralyzed on his left side.
-per 1942 WWII draft card, his wife's name is Ernestine (was he married
twice, or was his first wife’s name Ruth Ernestine?);
Occupation: city recorder in St. Batesville,
Indiana Co, AR
Census Records:
District 8, Hamilton, TN
Margaret Longley 40
Sarah E Longley 20
Mary M Longley 17
Nancy A Longley 12
Nehemiah Longley 10 TN
Elna M Longley 9
Buennavista Longley 6
W A Longley 4
Margaret Longley 2
Strawberry, Sharp, Arkansas
Matilda Longley 45 widowed
Sarah D. Longley 14
Strawberry, Lawrence, Arkansas
William A. LANGLEY Self M Male
W 24 GA TN
TN Works In Store
Mattie E. LANGLEY Other
M Female W 22 AR
Keeping House
District 84, Lynn, Oregon, Missouri
N. M. LONGLY Self M Male W
30 TN TN TN Farmer
Lucinda LONGLY Wife M Female W 28 TN Keeping House
Sarah LONGLY Dau S Female W 8 AR TN TN
Martha J. LONGLY Dau S
Female W 3 MO TN TN
Mary I. LONGLY Dau S Female
Thayer, Oregon, MO
Nehemiah Longley 51 TN TN TN
Lucinda Longley 47 {Elizabeth Lucinda
Long; md. 1868 TN}
Sarah A Longley 28
Josephine Longley 23
Mary J Longley 20
John D Longley 18
Dona J Longley 16
Elmira Longley 14
James W Longley 12 {James Wesley b.
Upper North Township, Sharp Co, AR
Longley -
Lucinda L. 67 widowed TN mother [father born TN; mother born
John B. 38
single MO farmer [father born TN; mother born TN]
Elmire 36
single MO sister [father born TN; mother born TN]
James W 33
single MO brother [father born TN; mother born TN]