Civil & Criminal Docket Special Court  – 1933

Book 376  I-B-F; Location: 2nd floor, Jefferson College, Hillsboro, MO


Edwin BUCHARDT vs. Jesse MEYER   Pg. #1

House Spring Bank vs. Martin BURGESS  Pg. #4

HOLCAMP Timber (Lumber?) Co. vs. Martin BURGESS & wife  Pg. #6

Marvin BLACK & Emma MERRELL – Marriage Special Docket #1

Geo. BATEK – House Springs Garage vs. David PERRY  Pg. #10

Geo. BATEK vs. Vern SHUBLE  Pg. #11

Bank of House Springs vs. H.B. WHITE  Pg. #12

BECK & CORBETT vs. W. J. LEIGHT  Pg. 20 



Special Docket

Coroner Inquest held on the body of Bernard SOLDOFSKY, 5753 Easton Ave, St. Louis at Echo Lake near Byrne Mill on Aug 21, 1933.  Testimony of Ben LAMBERG and Abe ASHEROFF, witnesses proved without a doubt that the Bernard SOLDOFSKY came to his death by accidental drowning in Echo Lake after falling out of a canoe he was in alone.  The following jurymen: John BYRNE, foreman, Pat BYRNE, George BRUNS, Ralph SHEPARDSON, Fred HELLER, Walter BERTICHI gave a verdict of accidental drowning. 

Louis K. STARR, J.P., acting coroner.

Fee Justice 9.61

Constable   5.60

Doctor      10.00

                 25. 21

Jury Fee      6.00    Paid Sept 12, ’83 [sic]



Special Docket 

Coroner Inquest:

This is to certify that I on April 19, 1935 held Coroner inquest on the body of Mrs. Mary KLEINMAN of High Ridge in Maxwell addition which was found in basement of her home burnt to death.  Her home was burnt to the ground which caused her death.  The following parties were the jury: Ed BRACKMAN, foreman, Roy A. BRUCE, Marie A. BRUCE, Walter KILLES, Walter VAINEY, Claud T. MILLER, jurists. 

Verdict death by burning in residence which was burnt to the ground by fire. Costs:

Justice      7.91

Constable 2.50

Jury          6.00

Witness    1.00

Louis K. STARR, acting coroner


Coroner Inquest:

This is to certify that I on July 1, 1935 held coroner inquest on the body of John G. DELBURGGE of High Ridge found in the field of wheat on Henry HOFFMEISTER’s farm on Bear Creek having been killed by being struck by lightning.  The following T. BIENMULLER, Aug. NOLLMAN, A.L. HILGERT, Ed OBER, Ed NOLLMAN, Oscar FINBERGER were jurors.  Henry HOFFMISTER [sic], Witness. Verdict accident by lightning.  Costs:

Constable 2.30

Jury          7.00

Witness    1.00

Louis K. STARR, acting coroner



Special Docket

Coroner Inquest:

This is to certify that I Louis K. STARR acting coroner held inquest on the body of Mrs. Ella J. OTTERMEYER on the OTTERMEYER farm on Belew’s Creek at Old Mine Hole found drowned.  Verdict by jury: suicide by drowning.  Expenses as follows:

Adolph BAUER, Constable

Summoning Jury                     1.00

Summoning 3 Jury witnesses  1.50

Mileage 20 miles at 8--           2.00



John BOHLE $1.00, Arthur CRULL, $1.00, Chas BUXTON, $1.00, Ralph BUXTON $1.00, Robert WHOLBOLD $1.00, Roy WOLDBOLD [sic] $1.00.

Total                                       $6.00


Walter BOHLE,   $1.00 mileage, .64

Theodore ROSE   $1.00 mileage, .64


Total                 $2.00            $1.28


James A. TOWNSAND        $1.00

Justice Fee                           $10.04 [sic]

Total Costs