Record on Inventories and Appraisements

Estate of Insane Persons 1908

Book #511 at the Jefferson County History Center, Jefferson College, Hillsboro MO


Transcribed by Carole Goggin



Name                                Description            Page

Brown                               Insane                   4

Boothe R. M.                     ---                         7

Brownfield, W. J.               ---                         8

Biermann, Anna                 Insane                   15

Boothe, Ann                      Insane                    6-17, 22-27, 28-29, 46

Bage, Annie                      Insane                    21- 22, 44-45

Bryan, Chas. E.                 Insane                    66-68

Boston, Peter C.,               a minor                  68

Cella, Rose                       unsound mind          7-39

Davis, America                  Insane                    6

Diehl, Sophia                     Insane                    18-21

Dinse, Augusta                  Insane                    61-65

Fickert, Lena                     unsound mind          47-49

Guthorel, Bridget               Insane                    11

Haberberger, Joseph         Insane                     9

Hamel, Gustav                   Insane                    39-41

Meyer, August                   Insane                    1

McFadden, Katie               Insane                    52-54

Nolan, Agnes                     unsound mind          57-61

Oster, Peter                      Insane                    30, 33

Pelley, Fanney J.               Insane                    12

Spence, Harry                   Insane                     5

Scheve, Henry                   Insane                    10

Streiff, Rudolph                 Insane                     14

Shores, Minors                  ---                          70

Tomsick, Mary                  Insane                    13

Tschumfert, Peter              Insane                    42

Walldorf, Jacob                 Insane                    2-3