Jefferson County Historical Society

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Doctor F. McKee, general merchant, and dealer in lumber and grain, Victoria, 
was born in Valle Township, Jefferson County, March 16, 1834,and is the 
youngest of ten children born to William S. and Mary F. (McKay) McKee.  
William S. McKee (deceased) was a native of Abbeville, S. C., and a son of 
Adam McKee, a native of Scotland, who immigrated to the United States, and 
settled in South Carolina during the Revolutionary War.  William S. McKee 
settled in Gasconade County, Mo., in 1817, at a time when the country was a 
wilderness, and his nearest neighbor twenty miles away; he removed to Jefferson 
County in 1823, first settling in Central Township, and afterward in Valle 
township.  Doctor F. McKee was brought up on a farm and obtained his education 
in the primitive log school.  January 3, 1859 he married Elizabeth Wilson, a 
native of Big River Township, Jefferson County, and a daughter of David Wilson 
(deceased). To Mr. and Mrs. McKee have been born nine children, of whom eight 
are living, viz.: Geneva (widow of Aaron Pinson, has one child), Edward, Anna 
(wife of W. L. Vobertson, of Valle Township, has two children, Jessie and an 
infant), Freeman married Edward Raymond, of Helena, Mont., Brunette, Phil S., 
Kate, Hattie and Helena.  Mr. McKee served in the late war in Company I, 
Thirteenth Missouri Infantry, and was afterward transferred to the Twenty-second 
Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He participated in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, 
Corinth, Vicksburg, Little Rock and others. He was engaged in farming until 1886, 
having removed to Victoria in September, 1884.  He is a member of the Masonic 
fraternity, the G. A. R. and Columbia Union.  His political preferences are 
Republican, though he is not a politician. Mr. and Mrs. McKee are members of the 
Christian Church.