Jefferson County Historical Society

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Mrs. Rachel A. McClure and daughter, Alice M. Dunsford, of Vineland,
Jefferson Co., Mo., reside on a fine fruit farm of 120 acres, sixty of
which are cultivated.  They came to Jefferson County in June, 1879,
from Gallatin County, Ky., in which State both of the ladies were born.
Mrs. McClure's maiden name was Hughes, and her father was Cornelius D.
Hughes.  She married Dr. Virgil McClure, of Anderson County, Ky., and
they became the parents of one child, Alice M.  Alice was married to
the Hon. Gilderoy Wells Griffin, an attorney at Louisville, Ky., after-
ward United States Consul to Denmark, Samoan Islands, New Zealand,
Sydney, Australia.  One child blessed their union, Virgiline Griffin,
who is a girl of rare talents and a skilled violinist, also a composer
of music, although very young.  She inherits music from her mother, for
Alice is an expert in music.  Both Mrs. McClure and her daughter are 
literary, each having contributed extensively to newspapers and magazines.  
Mrs. Dunsford is the author of a book of poems, and has two books yet 
unpublished.  One of Mrs. McClure's latest poems was to her granddaughter, 
Virgiline, and bears marks of great talent and rare culture.  Mrs. 
Dunsford is a widow for the second time, her last marriage having been 
contracted with an English gentleman whose name is Mr. Frederick Dunsford.  
Mrs. McClure is a Universalist, as was also her husband, the Doctor, who 
died in that faith.  Mrs. Dunsford affiliates with the Christian Church.