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Florian Jenni, farmer and stock raiser of Jefferson County, Mo., was born in Switzerland, in 1837. When he was but eight years old his parents, Peter and Kunigunde (Jost) Jenni, immigrated to the United States, and for a period of eight years were residents of St. Louis, Mo. The mother died in that city, and there Mr. Jenni married his second wife. He afterward moved to Jefferson County, and settled on Dry Creek, where he died in 1867, leaving three children: Peter, of St. Louis, Andrew J., of Jasper County and Florian. The latter
received a good common school education, and in 1858 was united in marriage to Miss Emily, daughter of Daniel and Margaret Stirzel, natives of Saxony, and immigrants to the United States in 1845. Mr. Jenni and his wife became the parents of ten children, the following three of whom are living: Mary C., Peter and Henry F. Mr. Jenni lived on Dry Creek until 1883, then moved to Plattin Township, one mile south of Crystal City, where he holds a good farm of 370 acres, 175 being under improvement. All of this he has acquired through his own industry since the panic of 1873, when he was financially ruined. In politics he is a Republican, and his first presidential vote was cast for Lincoln, in 1860. He and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.