Jefferson County Historical Society

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George R. Foster, division roadmaster of the First Missouri Division,
Iron Mountain Railroad, was born in Cook County, Ill., seven miles from
the courthouse, January 18, 1858, and is a son of George Foster, of
Schererville, Ind., who for the past twenty two years has been section
foreman on the Chicago, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad.  George J. Foster
was but nine years of age when his parents moved to Schererville, Lake
Co., Ind.  He received his education in the common schools.  His first
work on the railroad was as water boy on the Chicago, St. Louis & Pacific 
Railroad, and later he worked three years as a section hand.  When
seventeen years of age he was given charge of a section, which he had
charge of one year, and then went on a construction train, doing new
work for various roads, viz.: Chicago & Western Indiana, Wabash, Grand
Trunk, and Chicago & North Western.  Mr. Foster came to De Soto in 
1882, where he was foreman of the track laying in the yards, and was
also roadmaster for some time.  He went to Arkansas in 1885, and was
foreman of an extra gang on the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad a
short time.  In 1886 he accepted the position of roadmaster of the Belmont 
Division of the Iron Mountain Railroad, which position he held until 
September, 1887, when he took charge of the first division of that road 
at De Soto.  April 30, 1885 he married Ella, daughter of Christopher 
Findlin, of De Soto.  They have one child, Clara.  Mr. Foster is a member 
of the I. O. O. F.  Mrs. Foster is a member of the Catholic Church.