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Douglass Jersey Cattle Company, exclusive breeders of registered A. J.C. C. 
jersey cattle, established their business in 1887, the firm consisting of 
W. R. Allen, president; H. W. Douglass, vice president and manager, and 
William Welker, secretary and treasurer.  They have just erected a 
magnificent barn 84 x 124, two stories high, the lower story of stone, a 
wall two feet thick, 120 stalls for cattle, with several box stalls for 
calves, and with convenient alleys and driveways, etc. The upper story is 
one single room used for the storage and the preparation of feed; cost 
about $12,000.  They also have another fine barn 60 x 80 feet, and one 
40 x 50.  The whole is supplied with water through suitable pipes from 
one of the best springs in the county, which has a fine spring house and 
attachments that cost about $2,000. A beautiful residence is in process 
of erection, situated on a prominence overlooking Pevely and vicinity.  
They have 200 acres of as fine and productive land as is to be found in 
Jefferson County on "Sandy", which affords abundance of pasturage, and 
from which most of the rough feed is supplied.  In every field and lot is 
an abundance of fresh, living water.  They have about 140 head of fine 
thoroughbred Jerseys, the finest herd in the West. During every exhibit at 
the St. Louis County fairs they have taken four-fifths of the premiums and 
frequently competed with cattle from the East which had never before been 
excelled.  Many of the cows are imported stock. This is an institution and 
an undertaking of which Jefferson County may well be proud, furnishing
a means by which she can easily and readily improve her cattle as well
as supply other States with the same.  The milk and cream are shipped 
daily to the Southern Hotel, at St. Louis, they furnishing the entire
supply for that hotel.  Mr. W. R. Allen, the proprietor of the hotel, 
is president of the company.  Henry W. Douglass, the vice president and
manager of the company, was born in St. Louis, in 1855, and is the only
son now living born to Daniel and Helen (Watkins) Douglass, natives of
New York, where they were married, and in 1852 came to St. Louis, where
Mr. Douglass was one of the leading produce and general merchants for
many years, and where Mrs. Douglass died in 1876.  Mr. Douglass then 
removed to Jefferson County and purchased the farm now owned by the
Douglass Jersey Cattle Company, where he still lives.  He was for many
years a prominent merchant of New York State, and at one time was a man
of great wealth.  Henry Douglass was educated at Washington University,
from which he graduated in civil engineering, at which art he has few
equals.  The architecture and supervision of the buildings on the 
Jerseydale farm were all the work of Mr. Douglass.  He also assisted on
the St. Louis bridge.  In 1877 he married Miss Maggie Postal, daughter
of Capt. William C. and Citia B. Postal, formerly of St. Louis, now of
Chester, Ill., where Mr. Postal has charge of the coal company.  He was
for many years a successful and extensive Upper Mississippi River 
steamboat man; founded the "Anchor Line."  Mrs. Douglass died in 1882,
leaving three children: William P., Helen and Maggie.  Mrs. Douglass
was an accomplished and refined lady.  Mr. Douglass is a Democrat in
his political views.