Jefferson County Historical Society

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Christopher Campbell was born in Switzerland. His parents embarked for
the United States when he was an infant, and the mother died on board
the ship just before landing in New Orleans. The father settled first
at Sandy, Jefferson Co., Mo., and his death occurred when Christopher
was six years of age.  Christopher's real name is Christopher Croft,
but after the death of his father he was bound out to John Campbell, 
who moved to Potosi, Washington Co., Mo., where he kept a hotel. 
Christopher worked in the hotel, and his educational advantages were 
very limited, having acquired nearly all of his education since grown.
January 20, 1871, he married Mary, daughter of Michael Hurst, who died 
in the service of the United States during the late war. Seven children
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of whom five are living, viz.:
Minnie L., Lula M., George A., Grace and Frederick.  Mr. Campbell 
returned to Jefferson County in 1865, settling in Joachim Township, and
removing to his present farm in 1882.