Jefferson County Historical Society

All transcriptions are copyrighted by the Jefferson County Historical Society and are available for your personal use only. They are not to be sold or reproduced for any commercial purpose, or used on any other web site.

William Shelton Cemetery


Submitted by Dave Hallemann and Carole Goggin
T41 R4 S26

Last NameFirst NameBirthDeathCemeteryNotes
SheltonElizabethnone givenMay 12 1859SheltonAged 41 yrs 11 mo 13 days; Wife of Wm. Shelton
(stone broken in 2 pieces)
WileyAtwilda Sheltonnone givenMar 10 1872SheltonAged 28 yrs 6 days; Wife of S.S. Wiley
(stone broken in 5 pieces)