The following articles concerning Jefferson Co., MO, gleaned from newspapers across the United States, are in chronological order.

Transcribed by Lisa K. Gendron



Daily National Intelligencer, (Washington DC) February 6 1821
Died Near
Herculaneum, Missouri.

Near Herculaneum, in Missouri, about the 25th of December last, Daniel Addis, Esq. lately of New York, and formerly of Philadelphia, Counsellor at law. Mr. Addis was overtaken by a snow storm, in which he nearly perished; a traveller passing by saved him, but he had his hands and feet so much injured by the cold, that there was necessity for amputating all his fingers and toes, except one of his little fingers. He was attended by Dr. P. Findley, or Herculaneum, Missouri, to whom his relations or friends may apply for further information.

Niles' Weekly Register New Series No. 20-Vol. X, Vol. XXII-Whole No. 566.  Pub. in Baltimore by H Niles. July 13, 1822 

Shot (lead) is made in any quantity, at Herculaneum (MO), 30 miles below St Louis at about two cents above the price of lead, which is five cents a pound, and of a quality so superior to the English that it regularly commands a cent more per pound in the New Orleans market. At Herculaneum there are towers not made by the hands of man, but of perpendicular rock, from 100 to 300 feet high on the margin of the Mississippi, from the top of which the melted lead is poured, and taken up in shot at the water's edge and conveyed in boats wherever it is wanted,


Daily Commercial Bulletin - September 14 1835 - St. Louis, MO
Died: On Sunday, August 30th, Mr. Alden HAMMOND, of Jefferson County, near Herculaneum.


Daily Commercial Bulletin - June 1 1836
Newspaper published in: St. Louis, Mo.
Married - on the 15th ult., at Big River Lead Mines, Jefferson Co., Mr. Joseph W. Walsh, of this city to Miss Elizabeth Eastwood, of the former place.


Daily Commercial Bulletin - June 13 1836 - St. Louis, MO
Monticello, the New County Seat of Jefferson County.
The sale of lots in this town will take place on the 21st day of June, 1836. It is in the heart of a mineral country. The district in which it lies is very well watered - the negro fork of the Maremech, called Big River and the Joachim and Platten creeks flow not far from it. It is on the direct route from St. Louis to Belleview or the Iron Mountain, and the rail road must pass immediately by it. This is a portion of that finely timbered mineral region, well adapted to the production of wheat and small grain, which is now attracting the notice of the community. As to the present mode of travelling there, a passage from St. Louis to Herculaneum of about three or four hours in a steam boat can be had any day of the week, from which a ride of fifteen miles will take the traveller to Monticello, which is the centre of the county of Jefferson. Monticello is in the vicinity of the Big River Lead Mines that now afford the finest prospects.


Daily Commercial Bulletin, St. Louis, MO - July 6 1836

We have seen a Mr. Jesse RAY, of Jefferson county in this state, just returned from a visit to Kentucky, who informs us that within a quarter of a mile of Paris, in Edgar county, Illinois, at the place where they had encamped, he saw twelve Indians who had been slain by the inhabitants of the town. The party, on their arrival at that point, consisted of 14 men, who had obtained whisky from the people of the town, and were intoxicated and noisy. In the attack, twelve of the number were shot, and the surviving two were pursued through the woods. The Indians, it seems, were going up the Wabash, and were all mounted, but had left their horses at the camp. We could not learn to what tribe they belonged. Our informant states that the number of white men assembled at the scene of slaughter was about 60; that they were mostly intoxicated and threatened a like fate to all Indians who should come to, or pass through their county.


The New Hampshire Gazette, (Portsmouth, New Hampshire) July 9 1839
Capt. Isaac Ross Makes Bequest to the Colonization Society.

It is stated that the bequest of Capt. Isaac Ross, of Jefferson county, Missouri, and of his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Reed, to the Colonization Society, comprise an estate valued at $200,000.


Daily Missouri Republican, St. Louis - March 25 1841

Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Mo.
Messrs. Editors – Some time last winter I saw an account of a robbery and an attempt to murder a Mrs. VAN HARTEN in the county, and it may be that the public has a curiosity to know what has become of the perpetrators of the offence. Therefore, if you think the following statement of sufficient consequence you are at liberty to give it publicity in any manner you think proper. On Wednesday, came on for trial in this Court, State vs James TOY, Jr., on indictment for the murder of Jacob R. KINGER. The jury, after retiring from the box about three hours, returned a verdict of “guilty of murder in the second degree,” and sentenced the defendant to fifteen years confinement in the Penitentiary, Judgment of the Court accordingly.

Monday, 22d March, 1841. This day came on for trial, State vs. William JOHNSON and William ROGERS, an indictment for robbery and an attempt to commit murder (on Mrs. VAN HARTEN,) last January. The case was submitted to the jury, and after retiring for about twenty minutes, returned into Court with a verdict of “guilty of robbery in the first degree, and sentenced the defendant JOHNSON to imprisonment in the Penitentiary ninety years, and the other defendant, ROGERS, forty years.” The same defendants were indicted for stealing Mr. VAN HARTEN’s horse the same night – both found guilty by the jury and sentenced to four years imprisonment in the Penitentiary for the offence. There were a number of witnesses sworn and examined, and proved in substance that the defendants and a man who called himself John or George FRANCIS entered VAN HARTEN’s house on the 22d last January between 9 and 10 o’clock at night, after the family had gone to bed and asleep, armed with a pistol, dirks and clubs – went up to the bed where VAN HARTEN and his wife were sleeping, and with a lighted candle in the hand, opened the curtains, told them if they attempted to rise of make a noise they would be instantly killed, while one of the robbers went to the bed where the children were, and told them not to move or speak or they would be killed. Mrs. VAN HARTEN was so much alarmed she hallowed more than once in hope of being heard by some of the neighbors or some one else who would come to their assistance, upon which one of the robbers, while the other held the candle within the curtains, shot her through the breast nearest to the right shoulder, the bullet passing through her body and coming out below the shoulder blade. The robbers then plundered the house of some silver spoons, two silver watches, one taken from Mrs. VAN HARTEN’s bosom after she was shot, thirty dollars in silver and eighty dollars in bank paper. Several other things and the horse, saddle and bridle from the stable. After having torn up a table cloth and sheet and tied all the family with their hands behind them and their feet together, they left the house, and were apprehended in St. Louis, brought here and tried, as above stated. The ring leader and principal man among them has never been apprehended. It is supposed from rumor he has been apprehended in Illinois for robbery. From the investigation of these several cases, and the punishment inflicted – the good people of St. Louis and this State need not apprehend that the Criminal Law cannot be enforced in Jefferson County.

 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) December 8, 1845

Attempt to Murder a whole Family Frustrated

A few days ago there was a daring attempt to murder a whole family in Jefferson county, Missouri. A slave dealer named Kennedy, put up at the house of a man named Phillips, and was supposed to have money, which excited the cupidity of a young man at work for Phillips. When they went to bed, Kennedy and the young man were put in one bed, and Mr. Phillips and his wife occupied the other bed – both beds being in the same room. The young man got up in the night, went out in the yard and got an axe, with which he struck Kennedy on the head, knocking him senseless. He then went and struck the old lady, Mrs. Phillips, on the head also, and knocked her senseless. Raising the axe a third time to strike the old man, he accidentally awoke; seeing the raised axe, he jumped up and received the blow in his side. He, however, seized the man, and with the aid of a daughter of the old people, succeeded in securing the scoundrel, and he is now lodged in jail. The old lady is still in a critical state, but it is thought will recover. Mr. Kennedy is also out of danger.


Daily Missouri Republican, St. Louis MO - August 1 1849

On Sunday, July 21d at his residence near Herculaneum, Jefferson county, Mo., of the pestilence now prevailing, Dr. Lawson COOLEY, in the 47th year of his age, formerly of Harford county, Maryland. Baltimore papers please copy. This notice will grieve the hearts of many, and none is more grieved than the writer of this, who knew the deceased well, and loved him tenderly. Dr. COOLEY had lived in the neighborhood where he died for fifteen years, and has not departed without leaving a memorial behind him. As a citizen he was highly esteemed, as a neighbor, greatly beloved, as a friend tenderly cherished, as a husband and parent, he had the devoted attachment of those who were allied to him in those tender relationships, and as a physician, his work of charity among the poor will be ever remembered. The writer of this esteemed it a privilege to have been with him in his sickness and death, and to have followed his body in its burial. May Gods blessing rest upon his bereaved and weeping household.


The Hamilton Telegraph (Hamilton, Ohio) Oct. 18, 1849

The St. Louis Union related the following as a fact, singular as it may appear:

The town of Hillsboro, Mo., lies about thirty five miles southwest of St. Louis. That town and region of country was entirely exempt from cholera until two or three days subsequent to the 2d of July, when it broke out and raged with great virulence, carrying off many of the Inhabitants of the place, as we have been informed. It will be remembered that on Saturday night, the 2d of July, we had the streets illuminated with innumerable bonfires, for the purpose of freeing the city of cholera. For several successive days prior to this, the wind had blown from the south-east, but on the evening following, it veered around and blew from the north-east. We learn from reliable authority, that directly after the wind shifted, the fumes from the tar and stone coal used in the fires here were distinctly smelt by the inhabitants of Hillsboro, and in a day or two after the cholera made its appearance in the town, and now since the disease has left the country, and the people have commenced once more to move about and enquire into past events, it has been discovered that the cholera swept like a tornado in a direct line from this city to Hillsboro, and onward a distance of thirty miles, confining its ravages to a tract of country not more than three or four miles in width, and extending in a straight line about sixty five miles to the southwest. This line included the coal mines near our city, where the disease was awfully fatal, and from that point onward to its termination. It decreased in its ravages, and after passing Hillsboro, rapidly so. The cholera did not make its appearance on any of the public roads through that region of country, except where they intersected this tract through which it passed, and at these junctions it was frequently very bad. What agency had the fires in this city, if any, is causing the cholera to spread through the country? What agency had the wind in carrying the disease? Why did not the wind take a wider range in its passage?


Daily Missouri Republican (St. Louis) - July 9, 1854  (transcribed by Larry Mears)


Not withstanding the intense heat of the weather a large number of the citizens of Jefferson county assembled at a place prepared for their accommodation; on the beautiful grounds of the late Major B O’Fallon to celebrate the anniversary of our National Independence.  The meeting was held in a bower made by the roadside in the forest, and opened in a few appropriate remarks by Mr. John O”Fallon, Jr.  The Declaration of Independence was then read by Mr. Dunklin, of Jefferson county, after which Mr. Wm. G. Blackwood, Esq., of this city delivered an oration.  It was not written, and all who are familiar with the production of its gifted author will appreciate the difficulty of an attempt to sketch it from memory. A fine commanding voice accompanied with harmonious, expressive gesticulation, the calm and firm manner of intellectual strength exerted without effort, a deliberate but unfaltering use of language, clear and vigorous thought graced with imagery of peculiar freshness and beauty, were distinguishing marks of the address of which only a bare and disjointed sketch can be presented to the reader.  The speaker commenced with an allusion to the character of the day, and the sublime fact that it was kept as the Sabbath of Freedom by the whole people occupying so large a portion of the habitable globe as that which stretches from the Aroostook to the Rio Grande and from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  It was a matter of pride and joy to be the citizen of a country whose power was symbolized in a domain so vast, and whose condition was signified in the festivals which were being held thoughout its entire extent to celebrate the day which gave birth to the liberty its people enjoy.  In this connection a happy contrast was drawn between our own country, filled with the notes of rejoicing, and the old world resounding at the very hour with notes of preparation for deadly strife and the horrid din of battles waged to increase the power and enlarge the area of despotism.  The speaker then reviewed the history of the Revolution and the present federal government, chiefly in its moral aspects.  He maintained that both were the development and practical application of principles that were formed and cultivated in the bosoms of our fore-fathers, long before the principles had acquired such strength that resistance to them was intolerable, or the organized expression of them possible.  The war of the revolution was one to which nothing less powerful than inveterate habits of thought and feeling would have driven the colonists.  It had no allurements for them but the hope of securing rights of which they were as conscious as to the existence that they periled in their defense.  Comparatively few in number and feeble in material force, our fore-fathers had no armies of long ranks, gorgeous in scarlet and gold to face the magnificent arrays of the gigantic power which they had challenged, and privation and destruction forced them at every step in the contest.  But it ended fortunately and its close left them in exigencies which called into still further exercise the spirit and principles by which they were actuated.  A Government was formed over Colonies distant from one another in geographical position, and in the circumstances controlling their respective interests and sentiments, and absolutely independent in their political relations.  The grand truth that civil liberty does not consist of concessions, exhorted by the desperation of oppressed subjects, from a reluctant government, or of concessions gained in any way from say earthly power, but from the original, inherent rights of human beings living in a political corporation organized by themselves solely to protect and serve them, and deriving all its powers from them, was the rock on which the sway of England had been broken, and it was the cornerstone of the Federal Constitution.  Self-government was the supreme idea.  The States were united under a compact which left them still sovereign, except as in specific powers delegated to the Federal Government , and limited by the specific purposes of its establishment.  In congeniality with that ruling idea followed the policy of non-alliance with foreign States.,  through which the management of our own domestic concerns was exempted from extraneous interference, however contingent, indirect or remote. Mr. Blackwood proceeded from this point to make a eloquent demonstration of the moral connection notwithstanding the political disconnection, of the United States with the rest of the world.  He portrayed the conquest of our victorious example over those nations which had been moved to meliorate their constitutions conformably to ours, and other whose people, though crushed now under the power of tyranny, are daily acquiring a free spirit, which will sooner or later triumph. He closed with a notice of the danger which threatened the destruction of the Union, whose formation and value he had depicted, and exhorted his hearers to obviate that danger by observing the great principle which lay the foundation of the constitution- self-government, unconstrained by foreign intervention.  Let this be done, said he and we may look forward to the realization of the Republic of which Plato, the first and best of Philosophers, dreamed. After the honors of the occasion had been performed, the audience, comprising ladies and gentlemen, partook of a generous barbecue dinner, and amused themselves with the sylvan dance during the remainder of the afternoon.  A large portion of them were entertained in the evening at the hospitable mansion of Mr. S. O’Fallon.  Long will that day be remembered in Jefferson county.


Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield IL) May 22 1861

The Missouri Republican of yesterday, announces the demise of this distinguished resident of that state, on Sunday night last, at his family home at Selma, Jefferson county. The Republican closes its notice with the following in memoriam:
Col. KENNETT was always known as a prominent member of the democratic party. He represented St. Louis county in the legislature for one term and took a leading part in its proceedings. Afterwards, he was elected president of the Bank of the State of Missouri, and made himself exceedingly popular in that capacity. When the Mexican war commenced, he was among the first to volunteer, and was elected major of the St. Louis battalion and continued in service until discharged. A truer friend, a better man, is rarely found, and we mingle our regrets with those of his family and friends for his too early death."


Janesville Daily Gazette  (Wisconsin) – Dec. 23, 1861

From the Eighth Regiment, Camp Curtis, Sulphur Springs, Mo. December 19th, 1861

Messrs. Editors: Thinking the friends of Company G, 8th regiment, would like to hear how they are getting along here, I write you again a few lines. The health of the regiment is much better here than it was at Pilot Knob. But one man has died at this post since we have been here, and he belonged to the 11th regiment. I have but three men now in the hospital; A. Paul, James Smith and P. Anderson. I have increased the number of my company to 84 men, besides three transferred to the band. I would say for the benefit of friends at home that my company stands second to none in the regiment. The men are well drilled, and we get our new uniforms the 1st of January. We are to have blue coats and pants, the regulation but with feather and bugle. Our pay rolls are being made out, and expect to get paid soon. My wife and daughter are here with me in camp. Two of our companies, I and K, are on the bridges 25 miles south of here. We have a splendid view of the river. A large number of gun boats have passed here the last two weeks; 21 mortar boats passed in one fleet a few days ago. The gun boat Benton passed fully armed and manned. She created quite an excitement on the levee. The soldiers gave her three hearty cheers as she passed, which was returned by the jolly crew on board. We drill four hours a day now, mostly in battalion and skirmish drill. The men of my company are anxious to know what has become of the box of goods that was to be forwarded to them from their friends at home. I suppose you have the cartridge box and bullet I sent you as trophies of the Fredericktown battle. The weather is very warm; lots of the men run about with their bare feet during the day. Col Murphy still commands here; he makes a splendid officer, and the men fairly worship him. There are three companies of Wisconsin cavalry here now. The men all want to go down the river. They are tired of stopping here. We get no papers from Janesville; I supposed they are not forwarded from St. Louis.

W.B. Britton, Capt. Co. G, 8th Reg’t Wis.


Janesville Daily Gazette (Wisconsin) – January 21, 1862

From the Eighth Regiment, Camp Curtis, Sulphur Springs, Mo., January 18th, 1862

Messrs Editors: I informed you a few days ago of our having orders to leave for Cairo by boat; the large steamer Continental with the 7th Iowas on board, which was to take us on, now lies on a bar blocked in with ice here. She lies about ten rods from shore crosswise the river. They have been workign to get her off for the last forty-eight hours without any success. Fears are entertained for her safety; she has, besides troops, a large amount of ammunition, three large 32 pound siege guns, several large mortars, some 20 brass field pieces, and a large amount of stores on board. Should she go to pieces the guns probably will be lost, for it is impossible to land them here without great expense. We have just received orders to bo by rail; the men are now loading the baggage on the cars, and we leave here in the morning for St. Louis, and then proceed to Cairo by rail through Illinois. I boarded the steamer this morning, the troops seemed to be in good spirits, but did not seem to realize the danger that surrounded them. I think they will be landed in the morning and follow us by rail. The weather is something warmer today, and the ice may break around the steamer and float her off, but it is doubtful.

Yours, W.B. Britton, Capt. Co G, 8th Reg., Wis.


Janesville Daily Gazette (Wisconsin) – February 15, 1862

The eleventh Wisconsin regiment is at Sulphur Springs, Mo., guarding the Iron Mountain railroad and capturing “butternut secesh.” A correspondent of the Beloit Courier says: We have about 200 sick of the measles, typhoid fever, and pneumonia. The number at present of new cases seems to be decreasing. Spring will make sad havoc with our men, I fear. This part of the state is said to be very unhealthy, and the topography indicates it. I do not believe anybody but a butternut-colored Missourian was ever intended to live here. The atmosphere is very clear. Today I heard our band playing and the bass drum beat very distinctly when I was 12 miles down the railroad.


The New York Times – Aug. 28, 1864

John A. Harrington, of Jefferson Co., Mo., for saying “I am a rebel and I don’t care a d___ who knows it,” has been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment and to pay a fine of $500.


The New York Times – Feb. 17, 1869

Two men named Charles Bigford and James Quick, charged with murder, were taken from the jail at Hillsboro, Jefferson Co., Mo. at 2 o’clock yesterday morning by a large crowd of men and hanged.


New York Herald July 17, 1869

The recent furious floods sweeping down the Plattin river, in Jefferson county, Mo., cleaned thousands of acres of their just cut wheat crop and lodged it at a bend of the river, making a bridge, as the waters subsided as high as a house. The loss is estimated at over $10,000.


New York Herald, Aug. 25, 1870

Remarkable and Sudden Death

A Young Lady Found Dead in Bed

(From the Hillsboro Mo. Democrat, August 20)

One of the most startling occurrences that has taken place in this county for many days occurred in the vicinity of Rush Tower, on the Mississippi, some eighteen miles from Hillsboro last week. A young lady from St. Louis was visiting at the residence of Mr. W. B. Weaver, who, besides the remainder of his family, had two twin daughters, aged upwards of fourteen years. On Thursday evening, the 11th inst. quite a gay company of the young folks were assembled at Mr. Weaver’s. The entertainment was kept up until after ten o’clock, when Miss Weaver, now deceased, retired to bed with a Miss Conn, one of her visitors. At an early hour in the morning the other Miss Weaver came upstairs to waken the young ladies. Miss Conn was asleep, Miss Weaver stepped nearly to the bedside, when she stopped, turned and ran screaming down stairs crying that her sister was dead. A wild rush was made by the family below, and the room soon contained all the occupants of the house. Miss Conn awoke, and jumping up, ran from the room in a fright, ignorant of the cause of the excitement. The scene in the room has often been equalled, but never described. The young girl was stone dead. She was lying upon her back, with her hands crossed upon her breast, as if she had died while sleeping, and this she probably did. Although cold when they discovered her dead, she could not have been lifeless for any great length of time. Preparations were made for burial, but before the body could be placed in the coffin the corpse began to swell, and great quantities of blood poured from the mouth, nose and ears. It could not be staunched, and with difficulty was kept from saturating everything around the body. The features became distended, and the color of the body black, the whole change occuring within a short time after the discovery. The young lady was buried on the 18th inst. No inquest was held, we believe. Taken altogether we consider this a very strange case. Disease of the heart is the cause to which is attributed the untimely demise of Miss Weaver. No exercise or indulgence of a character to bring about such an event was partaken of by the young ladies, and it is probably that the calamity could not have been averted by any change of exercise beforehand. The sympathy of the neighborhood is enlisted for Mr. Weaver and family, and the amiable young lady is mourned by all who knew her.


Jefferson Democrat, Hillsboro MO May 1872

We have heard many complaints last week from citizens of Rock Township of the carelessness with which those infected with the smallpox act, by which the disease is communicated to their neighbors. We were informed that the Priest, Father BROCKHAGAN, positively assured the people that there was no danger of contracting the disease in a holy place like the Church and while attending to their religious ordinances, and that the corpses were brought to the Church and the rites performed in the presence of the congregation and school children, and that people attended the Church with their faces covered with scabs. If any person thinks himself wronged by the above statement we are ready to give our informant. We are not prepared to take anything back, for we think it time that people guilty of such inexcusable negligence or foolishness should be handled without gloves. If a pastor is so ignorant as to mislead, or so depraved as to delude his congregation, or the people so infatuated as to believe such nonsense, they need exposing; while, if such is not the case, they can easily produce the evidence.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - March 10, 1876
A Father Accomplishes the Ruin of His Own Daughter.
S. B. Moss, Sheriff of Jefferson County, this state, arrived in the city yesterday morning with a warrant for the arrest of John Rainer, charged with committing a rape on his own daughter, aged sixteen years. Rainer is a resident of Hillsboro, and is aged about fifty years, being the father of a large family, the youngest of whom is the daughter he so heinously assaulted two weeks ago. The charge upon which the unnatural father was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Moss was preferred directly by the daughter, who has used the most persistent efforts to have him apprehended. She told a plain story to the sheriff, embellishing no portion nor tried to aggravate the crime beyond what it merits. She said that her father had often importuned her to get the part of a wife, her mother having died some years ago, and had tried to accomplish her ruin by reasoning that such an act would be perfectly proper and scriptural. She had always expressed her contempt for such unnatural proposals, and threatened to leave his house if he persisted in asking her to become his wife or mistress. He always approached her in a tender and affectionate manner, and did also on the night the crime was perpetrated. She occupied a room by herself, in the second story, and it was here that the father gratified his beastly desires, by overpowering and forcing her to yield to his lust. The sheriff returned to Jefferson county last night, with Rainer, whose trial will doubtless go hard with him; he may consider himself fortunate if more summary justice than the law will give is not dealt out to him by an exasperated community before being arraigned.


Helena Independent, (Montana) June 7, 1878

A Mississippi Mystery

An old row boat floated down the Mississippi with a human skeleton in it. A negro fisherman discovered the water beaten craft with its cargo of bleached bones – those of Julie Leblanc, who disappeared from her home in Jefferson County, Mo., six years ago. Julie had many lovers, being very pretty and vivacious, some of them may have been attracted too, by the fact that her father, Francois Leblanc, had held some title of nobility in France. One evening she dressed for a party in the neighborhood and went into the garden to get some flowers for her hair. She did not return and her parents supposed she had gone to the party, but in the morning continued absence alarmed them. She had not been at the social gathering. The woods for miles around were thoroughly searched and footprints of a man and girl were found leading to a creek where a boat had been kept. The boat was gone. One of her lovers was missing also, and another went away soon after. These two young men had been rivals for her favor. No trace of them has ever been discovered. The finding of her skeleton indicates that she was murdered. A conjecture is that the two lovers fought over her, and that she and one of them were killed by the young man who disappeared after the tragedy.

Here is the complete article from the St. Louis Post Dispatch


Reno Evening Gazette (Nevada) Aug. 20, 1880

Andrew Wilson of Hillsboro, Mo., took no pains to conceal from his wife and neighbors his intention to elope with Martha Shultz. He announced a day for his departure, and the girl as openly made her preparations. At the appointed time, the pair put their baggage into a wagon and started for the railroad station. In the meantime, however, Mrs. Wilson’s father and brother had decided what to do. They lay in ambush until the runaways came along, and fired upon them, killing them both.

St. Louis Globe Democrat
Crystal City, Mo., January 5, 1881
Another shooting affair took place at Tanglefoot, near this place, last night, about 7 o'clock. A white man named VAUGHN had a difficulty with a colored man named WHITENER, at one of the stores at that place. They stepped outside, drew their revolvers, and VAUGHN shot twice and WHITENER once. The colored man died this morning at 9 o'clock. VAUGHN is not expected to live.

Jefferson Democrat - April 19, 1881 (transcribed by Tom Fea)

DE SOTO ITEMS - De Soto, Mo., Mr. James FEA, formerly of Potosi, but for sometime a resident of this place, met with a painful accident Sunday night.   There were no witnesses, but the supposition is that Mr. FEA, having been out in town during the evening, was on his way home, about 8 o'clock p.m., and in attempting to cross the main track at the depot, he was knocked down and run over by engine No. 38, which was switching in the yard at the time.  The coroner's inquest elicited nothing in addition to this.  During his residence here, Mr. FEA had made many friends.  He was married here last fall to a Miss SILVERS, who deeply mourns his loss.  The remains were taken to Potosi yesterday for interment--under escort of Industry lodge, No. 2517, I.O.O.F., of this place of which he was a member.  The I.O.O.F. lodge of Potosi met the funeral cortege at the depot of Potosi, and participated in the last sad rites.  The turn out of the citizens of Potosi was unusually large, showing with what respect Mr. FEA, was held by his former fellow townsmen.


 Decatur Daily Republican (Illinois) – April 4, 1883

The Marsden Gang of Hog Thieves

Hillsboro, Mo., April 4. In the case of M.H. Marsden for hog stealing, John Marsden, who has been evading the officers since the warrant and reward has been issued against him last night offered to give himself up, provided he is allowed to turn State’s evidence. There is no doubt that if John Marsden is caught either by the officers or some of the citizens, and if he is persuaded to “squeal” the whole crowd will be captured before morning, as the people are all convinced there is a gang of them. The state accepted his offer, and John Marsden was brought here yesterday, but it appears they have not got any of the balance. About thirty men brought Marsden in, all mounted and well armed. Another delegation of about 25 or 30 armed men have just arrived with Mack Marsden, the leader, and Jesse G. Johnston. John Marsden has squealed, and there is still one at large of the gang whom they have not got, but no doubt will be here in a few days. His name, according to Marsden’s statement, is Allen Hensley. John Marsden wants to place himself under the protection of the citizens, as he is afraid of the crowd hunting him. This is evident by his giving himself up. He makes the following confession to the citizens: “The last gang of hogs, those of Wm. Plass, are the only ones I helped steal. Mack Marsden gave me a 16-shooter Winchester repeating rifle, and they were to give me $150 to leave, but have not done so yet.” John Marsden is confined in one of the cells in jail where he is perfectly contented and willing to await results. Jessie Johnston is held by the sheriff and constables in default of $1000. So also is Mack Marsden for an additional $1000 bond. It is questioned whether they can give it or not.


Newark Daily Advocate (Ohio) April 10, 1883

A Crazy Man’s Deed

St. Louis, April 9 – Michael Hoffman, an old bachelor living a short distance from Hillsboro, Mo., set his house and barn on fire about 12 o’clock Saturday night, and then killed himself with a Winchester rifle. He had no relatives, and was considered insane.


Newark Daily Advocate (Ohio) April 11, 1883

Marsden, the Hog Thief Reported Lynched Still in the Land of the Living

St. Louis, April 10 – At Hillsboro, Mo., what was yesterday a great sensation has dwindled into a story of a lynching. The account was related on all sides yesterday of how Mack Marsden, the “terror of Sandy Creek” thief and murderer, had been hanged by a party of Jefferson county farmers and details of the tragedy at the little hamlet of Victoria were told by those who claimed to have been with the vigilantes, and the account was sent off by telegraph. Today it is known that Marsden was not hanged, but that an attempt to lynch him failed. Marsden had been arrested in St. Louis for hog stealing, and his preliminary examination was to take place on Saturday, at Desoto before Justice Rankin. The bare fact that the desperado had been arrested created no little excitement, and on Saturday bands of horsemen came riding into Desoto from all directions. It was nearly noon when Marsden and a band of friends, armed with shotguns and revolvers, rode up to the office of the Justice, the crowd making way rapidly for the rough looking band. Inside Marsden jauntily announced that he waived examination and was ready to give bail to await the action of the grand jury. Bail was fixed at $2500. The bond was signed by Marsden’s father and uncle, and then, mounting their horses the group rode away at a rapid pace. Hardly had the desperado and his friends quit the town when fifty or more determined looking men took horse and galloped after them. The Marsden party were going at a rapid rate, and the pursuit became exciting. For over four miles it continued until the party in the lead had passed through Victoria.


The Hopewell Herald (New Jersey) June 6, 1883

While returning home from church in Jefferson county, Mo., a young man and woman were met by an acquaintance, who, with a shotgun, killed the former, mortally wounded the companion and then committed suicide.


St. Louis Post Dispatch  - September 25 1883
DeSoto, MO., Sept 24.
County Collector Douglas is in town collecting taxes
Thos. Davis, who was shot on last Tuesday morning, is very low.
Prosecuting Attorney Green was in town today attending the trials of Rooker and Donaldson for grand larceny.
Jos. C. Fox is quite sick at Fredericktown.
Mr. George Hamel's daughter Emma died on last Friday. Miss Emma was 17 years of age and was a truly pleasant young lady.
Mr. Ed. Madison is here on a visit. He reports business lively in Montana.
The DeSoto Gun Club captured the first prize at Fredericktown last week.
Col. Fletcher's new hotel is nearing completion. It will be an ornament to the north end.
Circuit Court will be in session this week.
Sheriff Weaver will start for Jefferson City this week with four or five criminals for the Pen.
We are informed that Louis Schiller has given up the idea of taking the opera house.
Business in our city is picking up.


The New York Times – May 5, 1884

Ex-State Senator J.H. Morse was appointed Postmaster at Morse’s Mills, Jefferson Co., Mo., during President Pierce’s Administration, and has held the office ever since, nearly 30 years.


The New Era (Humeston, Iowa) July 16, 1885

Wm. H. Moon died at his residence near Humiston, Sunday July 12th, 1885, aged 62 years  6 months and 29 days. Deceased was born in Jefferson county Mo., 1823. Arriving at manhood he emigrated to Rock Island, Illinois, from there on to Muscatine Iowa and seventeen years ago came to this township where he resided since. He was the father of nine children of whom six and his wife survive him......The remains were followed to their last resting place in the Malette Cemetery by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and sympathizing friends.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - December 22 1885
Rev. Dr. J. H. Foy arrived in the city this morning and brings particulars of a horrible murder that has wrought up the inhabitants of the little town of Crystal City, in Jefferson County, eighty miles south of St. Louis. The first intimation of the crime was received when the dead body of a man was found in the woods just back of the village school house yesterday noon. Examination of the remains at once proved them to be those of Martin Thorpe, a trusted, sober employee of the Crystal Plate Glass Company and well-known in the community. The murdered man was last seen Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and it is presumed that he was on his way home from the village of Festus, a mile distant, when he was set upon and killed for the purpose of robbery. The head had been crushed in as with some blunt instrument, and other marks of violence were visible on the corpse. A valuable gold watch had been taken, and the pocket-book of the victim was found at some distance in a rifled condition. Thorpe was in the habit of carrying considerable money on his person, and this is supposed to have been the exciting cause of the murder. The deceased left a wife and child in Bethlehem, Pa.


Newark Daily Advocate (Ohio) May 17, 1886

Could Not Wait for Justice

St. Louis, May 17 – The circuit court room at Hillsboro, Mo., the county seat of Jefferson county, was the scene of a bloody affray. Several weeks ago B.B. Bird, a farmer, was arrested for making a criminal assault on Mrs. Kevins, wife of another farmer. The case was set for trial Saturday. After a long legal battle a continuance was granted. Immediately after the judge’s ruling Kevins left the court and stationed himself in the corridor outside. Bird was among the last to leave and when he stepped into the corridor, Kevins drew his revolver and began firing. As Bird fell Kevins stooped over him and sent another bullet into his body. The slayer then walked into the clerk’s office with his smoking pistol in his hand and said: “I want to give myself up. I killed that d__n ___ __ __ ___ as I swore to.” Although shot through the head and twice through the body, Bird is still alive, but not expected to live many hours. 


St. Louis Post Dispatch - May 26 1886
DeSoto, May 26. James DAWSON, alias "Electricity Jim," who was indicted for offenses during the strike, escaped from jail last evening.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - November 19 1886
DeSoto, Mo., November 19.
Samuel LaTurno was drowned last evening in the Big River near Byrnesville in attempting to ford it with a two-horse team.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - November 22 1886
Reports from Tenbroeck, Jefferson County, about ten miles below Carondelet, say that the wife of William Richardson, a well-to-do farmer, committed suicide by drowning herself in the Meramec River early Saturday morning. The cause of the deed is supposed to be insanity. The body has not been recovered.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - March 1 1887
DeSoto, March 1.
Patrick Lynch was found dead in an orchard yesterday. He had fallen from his horse under the influence of liquor.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - May 14 1887
Hillsboro, May 14.
The jury in the case of Garrett P. Whelehon and wife accused of the murder of a little girl by whipping and cruel treatment generally, returned a verdict last night finding Whelehon guilty of manslaughter in the fourth degree and assessing his punishment at three months in jail and a fine of $100. Mrs. Whelehon was acquitted.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - July 20 1887
Hillsboro, July 20.
Jacob GROGAN, an old man of 70, was found dead yesterday in a fence corner. He was a heavy drinker and it is supposed that he was overcome by the heat.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - July 25 1887
Kimmswick, Mo., July 25.
Jacob Schinler, a farm hand, came across the river on Saturday night with John Rochelle, after being paid off, and they spent the evening at various saloons. After closing hours they walked to the brow of a hill north of the town and fell asleep. A train passing in the morning aroused Rochelle, who discovered that he had been robbed. He found Schinler's dead body 100 yards away. He had been murdered for his money. An inquest was held in the afternoon, and the body buried in Kimmswick Cemetery. There is no clew to the murderer.


St. Louis Post Dispatch  - August 1 1887 - St. Louis, MO
About 10 o'clock this morning Constable John DAVIS of Joachim Township, Jefferson County, ran down and arrested Ellis Westover, colored, alias Claiborne Sanders, who is wanted at Kimmswick, Mo., for the murder of Ellis Bouser, also colored, at a colored picnic held at the above place on August 4, 1886. SANDERS was seen by DAVIS this morning on Michigan avenue and Stein street with a satchel containing a heavily loaded revolver and other deadly weapons. He was immediately put under arrest and taken to the police station whence he was removed to the Four Courts. The full details of the murder were published in the Post-Dispatch on that date. The killing originated over a fight for a woman, supposed to have been Westover's wife, when the latter pulled out a revolver and shot Bouser twice, inflicting wounds that terminated fatally almost immediately.


St. Louis Post Dispatch  - October 28 1887

Otto Blank, a farmer, residing in Jefferson County, near the Meramec River, was thrown from his wagon, while out riding yesterday, and dislocated his neck, causing his death instantly. Blank was well known in this portion of the city. He had just passed his 26th birthday, and was comfortably situated at the above place. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss.


St. Louis Globe-Democrat November 9 1887

De Soto, Mo., November 8.--Mrs. Mary Ferrell, one of the oldest settlers of this county, died at her son's home in this city, at the old age of 83 years, after a lingering illness of several months. She has been a resident of Missouri since 1830, most of that period being spent in this county. She was born in Allen County, Ky, in 1804. Her remains will be interred tomorrow at the Stafford burying grounds in Big River Township.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - February 15 1888

DeSoto, Mo., February 15
Landy VINYARD, the boy who struck Sam STROUP in the head with a club on Sunday last at Victoria, was captured at Knobel, Ark., yesterday by John STROUP, brother to Sam, and brought back to Hillsboro, the county seat. STROUP will likely recover.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - March 11 1888

De Soto, Mo., March 10.
The remains of Mr. Henry EULER, who was formerly a prominent citizen of this place, arrived here today. Mr. EULER went to California last summer with a view of regaining his health. He will be buried tomorrow.
The remains of Miss Carrie WILLIAMS, who left here some time ago to seek better health in the climate of California, are expected to arrive here tomorrow. She was a daughter of the late ex-Collector John WILLIAMS, an educated and accomplished young lady, and her many friends will be pained to hear of her early demise.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - June 8 1888

De Soto, June 8
Samuel POST, a carpenter at work on a roof yesterday afternoon, was killed by a stroke of lightning.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - June 10 1888
A Widow's Misfortune. Robbed by a Man and Woman She Had Taken in - A Moving Tale.
Mrs. Eliza Walters, an aged widow, residing on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern road between DeSoto and Victoria stations, called at the Four Courts last night and made a report of a robbery that is strikingly said in its particulars. She owns a farm down there on which she lives, and it is all the world she possesses. Last year was a very bad one with her. First her crops failed, then the railroad company destroyed her fences, and the old woman met with one misfortune after another until she was in most straightened circumstances. To purchase food and sustain life she had to mortgage her farm. Matters went better with her this year and she managed to save $400. In addition to this she still had $110 of the mortgage money which she had not used as she had exercised the strictest economy. This money, $510 in all, she kept in the pocket of her dress. She wanted to sell her farm and in case she failed to do this intended paying off the mortgage with the money. A couple of weeks ago there came to her place a man and woman who wanted to work. She told them she had nothing for them to do, but they said they had walked all the way from St. Louis and must have something to do and somewhere to stay. They would remain with her and do what work they could and sleep in her barn. Mrs. Walters had no employment for them and consequently they would be of little use to her. They said they had been sick and told such a sad story that her pity was enlisted, and as they were determined to stay anyhow, she would not hear of their sleeping in the barn, but insisted they must sleep in the house while they remained. Their clothes were ragged and they looked like tramps. The man said his name was Peter Engel. He was a German about 23 years of age and could scarcely speak any English. His wife gave her age as 20 years, and said she was born in St. Louis of German parents. Her maiden name, she said, was Lily Deitenbroch, and her family resided on the St. Charles Rock road, St. Louis. The woman claimed her father was quite wealthy, owning the St. Charles Park, as it was called, and other places. An Uncle of her owned a lot of property out there. She had not been well treated by her father, and worked in restaurants. It was thus she met Engel, who was then a soldier. Last summer they were married, he playing off lame and sick, so as to secure his release from the army to marry her. Her story completely won over Mrs. Walters. The old lady permitted them to remain at her place, feeding them all the time, though they did what little work they could to help her. Yesterday morning about 10 o'clock Mrs. Engel told her she was going to DeSoto where she had a promise of employment. Both she and her husband left. In the afternoon about 3 o'clock Mrs. Walters discovered that her $510 had been stolen from the pocket of her dress which she had carefully left in her room under her pillow. She realized immediately that Engel and wife had taken it. She went to DeSoto, where she learned Engel had purchased a new suit of clothes and he and his wife had taken the train for St. Louis. She followed them there, and was referred by the depot police to the Four Courts. At the Chief's office she made a full report of the matter and gave a description of the parties. It is believed they have given her bogus names, as their names cannot be found in the City Directory. The old lady is very disheartened as she will now be unable to meet the mortgage falling due on her farm, they having taken every dollar she had in the house. The money with which she came to St. Louis in pursuit of them was borrowed by her for the purpose.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - August 11 1888
Found Dead in Bed.
DeSoto, Mo., September 11.
This city was this morning thrown into a great excitement by the announcement of the sudden death of one of DeSoto's most prominent business men, Mr. Otto Rohlfing. Mr. Rohlfing was with the parade last night, and retired at about 12 o'clock in his usual good health. He was found dead in his bed this morning, having died presumably with heart disease.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - September 10 1888
Dropped Dead.
Crystal City, Mo., September 10.
A Frenchman named Jean Baptiste Deutch, who has been in the employ of the Crystal Plate Glass Co. for several years in the smoothing department, dropped dead in Sween's saloon at North Crystal, Saturday night, from heart disease. He was unmarried, and had recently had considerable property left him by the decease of a relative in France.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - September 12 1888
Bade His Friends Farewell. August Barxell, a Swiss, Commits Suicide at Crystal City.
Crystal City, Mo., September 12.
A Swiss, named August Barxell, had been missing since midnight Monday, when he bade his landlord, C. Guiot, good-bye, and gave his trunk to a fellow-boarder, stating that he would not need it any more, but as he was intoxicated no attention was given the matter. His coat and vest were found on the river bank yesterday, and today his body was found a few feet from the bank. He had been working in the neighborhood for some years, but latterly had been drinking hard.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - October 1 1888
Violent Death in Hematite, Mo.
Hematite, Mo., October 1.
Mrs. Peter Guthrell of Pevely was yesterday thrown out of a buggy and badly hurt, and Joseph Govereau in attempting to stop the frightened horse at the railroad track was run over by the cars and killed.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - October 18 1888
A Fatal Chill.
DeSoto, Mo., October 18.
Wm. Brown, who lives near Hematite, this county, came to town Tuesday afternoon and became intoxicated. In starting for home, about 6 o'clock, in company with his son, a lad of 15 years, they stopped at the creek near town to water their horses. Brown stepped out on the tongue of the wagon to let the reins down for the horses to drink when one of them became frightened, throwing him into the creek and trampling on him. He finally, with the boy's assistance, got in the wagon. The boy drove on home, thinking his father would be all right. In an hour after reaching home he took a chill and died in a few moments. Brown was about 45 years old, and had been a resident of the county for a number of years.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - November 19 1888
A Tale of Woe. The Story of a Young Girl Who Wanted to Commit Suicide.
Police Matron Harris today took Annie McKeever, the girl who approached Officer Basquil on Fourth street and Washington avenue, at 12:30 this morning, and inquired the way to the river. When asked by Basquil why she wanted to go to the river, she burst into tears and said she wanted to drown herself. She was taken to the Chestnut street station and this morning was forwarded to the Four Courts. There she was placed in the hands of Police Matron Harris. Annie McKeever is a 19 year old girl, who came to the city from her home in Burnsville, Jefferson County, Mo., some three years ago. Her story is the old one of woman's trust and man's perfidy. She went to live at Mr. Gilly's residence, No. 1215 Clinton street, where she met a young man, a driver for a wholesale grocery house. Four months ago he, under promise of marriage, she claims, betrayed her. At 4 o'clock yesterday she met him by appointment at the house of George Elbreck on Montgomery near Sixteenth street. At 10:30 o'clock last night they left to go home. He told her he had to go to North St. Louis Turner Hall after his sisters and left her to return home by herself. His action made her despondent. She had read of Sara Stewart's suicide and thought how similar was her own case. Then she determined to end her life, too. She started for the river to drown herself, but must have weakened somewhat in her purpose, as she stopped to inquire her way of a police officer and told him her story. The girl is in a delicate condition. She says her father, Thomas McKeever and her five brothers live at Burnsville. Lately she has been stopping with friends, the family of John Shaughnessy, 2717 Dickson street. A young lady cousin of hers called to see her this morning and remained several hours with her. The McKeever girl at first agreed to enter the White Cross Home, but afterward refused to do so. She will be held until her parents can be heard from concerning her.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - January 13 1889
Shot at Sulphur Springs. The Town Up in Arms Over the Killing of a Citizen.
A gentleman who left Sulphur Springs, Mo., on the 5:40 o'clock train yesterday evening informed a representative of the Post-Dispatch that shortly before the above time a man named Alexander was shot and mortally wounded by some unknown man who quarreled with him over a trifling offense. The unknown individual after the shooting made good is escape. Sulphur Springs, Mo., is a little town abut twenty miles south of St. Louis, on the Iron Mountain Railroad. The gentleman said that he was attracted to the scene by loud talking, and, while walking slowly to the place where the men were standing, saw one man pull out a revolver and fire. As the train for which he was waiting was approaching, he got few particulars. Some of the bystanders said that Alexander was shot because he informed the officials of the town that his assailant was conducting an illegitimate business. Later reports were to the effect that the townsfolk were up in arms endeavoring to find Alexander's assailant. Sulphur Springs cannot be reached by telegraph after 6 p.m.


Semi Weekly Age (Coshocton, Ohio) January 15, 1889

The private residence of Judge Newcomb of Kimmswick, Jefferson County, Mo., was totally destroyed by fire recently. An extensive law library, together with several paintings and a cabinet of rare curiosities were among the property destroyed. The loss is estimated at $36,000.


St. Louis Post Dispatch - September 13 1889
A Fatal Affray. Bud MEDLEY Stabs His Cousin Will in Festus, Mo.
Festus, Mo., September 13.
A serious cutting affray took place in this vicinity between Will and Bud Medley, cousins, aged respectively 19 and 16 years. The quarrel was the result of a family feud, extending back some two years. Will Medley was stabbed in the side by the younger Medley and died from the wound at 1 o'clock Thursday morning. The constable went to Rush Tower and brought Bud Medley to this place on a State warrant issued by Justice M. C. Jennings. The Coroner, Dr. Bruce, held an inquest yesterday afternoon. The funeral of Will Medley took place at 12 o'clock today.


The Olean Democrat, Olean, New York, December 19, 1889

The following queer marriage notices have been culled from old newspapers published within the last hundred years. Some of them seem, it must be admitted, to have been made up for the occasion, and we do not vouch for the fact that any one of the notices is genuine, except the first (not included here) which reports the marriage of one of the most famous New Hampshire politicians.

At Herculaneum, Mo., May 28, 1821, John W. Honey, Esq., to Mary S. Austen.

From sweet flowers the busy bee

Can scarce a drop of honey gather

But, oh, how sweet a flower is she

Who turns to Honey altogether!


The Jefferson Democrat, Hillsboro, MO May 1 1890

Mr. Walter BURPEE and lady arrived in our town last week. Mrs. BURPEE is a sister of Mrs. W. T. MOCKBEE, whom she had not seen for 16 years. We believe they intend to make this their future home. They came from Glen's Falls, N.Y.


Fort Wayne Sentinel, (Indiana) Nov. 28, 1890

St. Louis, Nov. 28 – John G. Morse, an employe of the Jesse French piano company, of this city, was arrested here Wednesday night for embezzling $12,000. The accused man is well connected, and is the son of John H. Morse, of Vevland? Jefferson county, Missouri, who was at one time the republican candidate for congress from the tenth district. Business speculations and gambling are the causes of young Morse’s downfall.


Indiana Progress (Indiana, Pennsylvania) March 9, 1892

Some Little Known Religions

Seven Communistic Societies

There are seven communistic societies in the United States, including the Shakers, who number 1728, and are too well known to require mention, and the Bruderboef Mennonite Society, whose religious peculiarities have already been treated. The others are the Amana Society, number 1600, located in Iowa County, Iowa; the Harmony Society, numbering 250, located in Beaver County, Pennsylvania; the Society of Separatists, numbering 200, located in Tuscarawas County, Ohio; the New Icaria Society, numbering 25, located in Jefferson County, Missouri. The aggregate of their numbers is only 4176. The chief feature is the community of property and the rights and privileges between the sexes. The Shakers and the Harmonyites are celibates: the Separatists permit but do not approve marriage; the other societies do not interfere with marriage or family affairs.


The Sumner Press - Sumner Illinois, September 1, 1892

The "Survivors of the 11th Missouri" reunion was held at Olney, Illinois in August 1892. "Among those present from a distance were.....and John Judy, the old sergeant major  of Jefferson county, Mo."   


The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur, Illinois) Feb. 18, 1893

Loss of the Crystal City

The Boat Cut Down by the Ice and Sunk

St. Louis, Feb. 16 – News was received of the loss of the Anchor line steamer Crystal City. This boat was lying at Clif Cave, some 6 miles above Kimmswick, Mo. Wednesday night the ice started down the river and struck the boat, cutting her down, and it is feared, totally wrecking her. Capt. Isaac M. Mason went to Cliff Cave to make an investigation. While the Crystal City was not one of the largest of the Anchor line boats, she was one of the best of her class, having been built with particular care. She was of light draught and plied between St. Louis and Chester. The loss is estimated at $60,000; partially insured.


The Weekly Herald Dispatch (Decatur, Illinois) August 18, 1894

The body of the suicide found in the Meramac river near Pacific, Mo., August 4, has been identified as that of Edward Hird, of Jefferson County, Mo.


New York Times June 19, 1895

C. F. Schmidt, President of the Colorado Mining Stock Exchange, died at Denver Monday, a victim of consumption. He was born in Jefferson County, Mo., thirty years ago.


Naugatuck Daily News (Connecticut) – February 7, 1898

Cow Causes Fatal Train Wreck – Hematite, M., Feb. 7

A cow derailed the north bound train on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railway near this place. James Franey, the engine driver, and W. Childs, the fireman, were killed. When the information reached Mrs. Franey that her husband had been killed, she became prostrated with grief. It is feared that she will die.


Portsmouth Herald (New Hampshire) November 20, 1900

Remains of Giants

St. Louis, Nov. 19 – C. W. Beehler, a farmer living near Montesano, Mo., forty miles south of this city, has discovered the fossil remains of three enormous human beings who apparently existed in a prehistoric age. The bones were dug up at a depth of forty feet, in a rock formation, which had preserved them probably many centuries. The skulls are much larger than those of present generation of men, and it is calculated that if the bodies were in the same proportion, these giants must have been nine or ten feet tall.


The Sunday News Tribune (Duluth, Minnesota) October 1 1901
He Brained Them. Confession Made of Double Killing in Missouri. William Greenhill Enraged at Finding Sister Sitting on Man's Knee Kills Them Both.

DeSoto, Mo., Sept. 30.--William Greenhill tonight made a confession to Prosecuting Attorney Williams, in which he says his brother, Daniel Greenhill, killed their sister, Mrs. Sadie Uren, and her suitor, John Meloy. The confession says that the brothers objected to Meloy's attentions to their sister because he was a spendthrift and wanted to marry Mrs. Uren because she was wealthy.

On the night of the murder Daniel entered Mrs.Uren's room, according to the confession, and found the woman sitting on Meloy's lap. In a fit of rage Greenhill grabbed a hatchet and sank it first into the skull of Meloy, after which he brained his sister. He then took a revolver from Meloy's pocket and fired into the wounds he had inflicted with the hatchet. After the confession a warrant was sworn out for the arrest of Calip Andrews as an accessory and he was arrested. The confession does not implicate Andrews, but intimates that he was a witness to the murder. The Greenhills and Andrews are heavily guarded tonight against any attempt at lynching. The trio will be taken to Hillsboro tomorrow to prevent lynching as the feeling is intense.

The News (Frederick, Maryland) January 14, 1902

Mrs. Habersham of Annapolis, a granddaughter of Francis Scott Key, the author of “The Star Spangled Banner,” has received news of the death of her brother, Francis Key Steele, who died suddenly of heart trouble at his home in Jefferson County, Mo. The deceased was the son of the late Henry M. and Maria Lloyd Steele, and was in his 65th year.


The Marion Daily Star (Ohio) May 14, 1902

On Trial For Most Revolting Murder

Hillsboro, Mo., May 14 – William and Daniel Greenhill are on trial here for the murder of their sister. Mrs. Sadie Uarn, and John Meloy, at DeSoto, on the night of September 2, 1901. The killing was one of the most grewsome crimes ever committed in Missouri. Three doctors testified at the hearing that the victims had been assassinated with an axe or hatchet and that three bullets had been fired into their bodies.


Fort Wayne Sentinal (Indiana) – December 23, 1902

Big Fortune Awaits Heirs - St. Louis, Mo.

Property valued at $1,500,000 awaits the heirs of Samuel L. Hicks, who died fourteen years ago at Horine, Mo. The fortune is the estate of his sister, Frances Augusta Hicks, who died eight years ago in Canada. Mrs. E. Engel, of 1716 Ohio Avenue, St. Louis, and Miss Mamie Hicks and Mrs. FA. Fotheringham, both of Denver, claim to be heirs to this rich inheritance. Mrs. Engel is a half sister of the two Denver women. They claim that John Hicks, who married an Illinois widow twenty years ago and who was a brother of their father, Samuel Hicks is the only other heir, and they are not sure he is living. Samuel L. Hicks lived a life of mystery and only shortly before his death told one of his daughters that he would come into posession of a valuable estate in Canada upon the death of his (text missing) He showed papers (text missing) and these papers are now needed to establish the right of the Denver and St. Louis women to the estate. It is believed they are in the possession of John Hanks, who lives in or near Alton.


The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) April 30, 1904

World’s Fair Excursion Strikes an Open Switch With Frightful Results

St. Louis, Mo., April 30 – An Iron Mountain train running as a World’s Fair special struck an open switch at Kimmswick, Mo., thirty-five miles south of here today, and was wrecked. It is reported the casualties will reach fifty. Engineer Bailey was killed and Fireman Gumpert fatally injured. Nine bodies had been removed from the wreck at noon, only one of which was identified. Six passengers were seriously and twenty slightly injured. Among the dead are: Master Mechanic Tabor, DeSoto, Mo.,

Among the injured are Express Messenger DeGroat, fatally; B.G. Grant, J. Casey, Rev. W.E. North, Edward Besibarth, Harry Hamel, A.K. Vick, all of DeSoto.


Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) May 3, 1904

The Penalty Was His Life

An Iron Mountain Passenger Engineer Either Forgot Or Misunderstood

Eight Persons Are Killed

Failed to Reduce the Speed of His Train As it Passed From Main Track to a Siding.

Kimmswick, Mo., April 30 – A misunderstanding of his orders by the engineer of train No. 18 on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railroad resulted in a wreck today at Wickes sideing, one and a half miles north of here. Eight are dead and fifteen injured. The dead:

James Bailey, engineer

Al Gumpert, fireman

A.E. Taber, master mechanic

Express Messenger Groat

Edward Bisibard, DeSoto, Mo

Three unidentified passengers.


The injured: J.C. Austin, conductor, St. Louis

Joseph Dalhaff, St. Joseph, Mo

John Casey

Rev. W.E. North

Harry Hamel

A.J. Dick, all from Desoto, Mo.

William Leavitt, Chicago

W.A. Mattock, St. Paul

A.P. Evick, Evansville, Ind.

Fred Ross and Ulrich Ross, DeSoto, Mo.

J.J. Howland, Little Rock, Ark.

Fenwick Bebuth, Jonesville, La.

W.J. Lynch, Peoria, Ill.

L.M. Dwan, Louisville, Ky.

F.L. Merrill, St. Louis

All of the above were more or less hurt. The indirect cause of the wreck was the breakdown last night of a journal on a freight car of a fast freight train on the main line between the two switches of Wickes siding. It was necessary to leave it on the track, the freight preceeding southward. All trains had to take the siding at Wickes as the main line was blocked. Five trans safely passed the obstruction between the time the car was abandoned and the arrival of No. 18. Conductor Austin of the wrecked train declares that at DeSoto he read the order to Engineer Bailey and handed a copy to him. Either the engineer forgot the order or made a miscalculation as to his location for the train struck the switch at Wickes at a speed of nearly forty five miles. The engine turned a somersault and Bailey was buried beneath tons of steel. Master Mechanic Tabar of the Iron Mountain system who was riding in the cab, was also instantly killed. Fireman Gumpert jumped but was killed. The baggage car landed in the ditch and the smoker and the coach following immediately toppled to one side. Five passengers in the smoking car were killed.


Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel (Indiana) Aug. 30, 1905

Shot in Dispute over “Lid”

St. Louis, Aug 29 – In a dispute yesterday as to whether the “lid” is on in the small town of Kimmswick, Mo., Lewis Hall, who is postmaster and justice of the peace, shot and probably fatally wounded Chief of Police Henshel of that place. The shooting followed an argument started by a publication in a Kansas City paper to the effect that Kimmswick was still “lidless.” A wordy war in the postmaster’s office culminated in blows, after which the police chief was shot in the groin.


Dallas Morning News, (Texas) December 28 1905
Dastardly Act in
Missouri. Four Men Take Girl From Her Escort and Assault Her.

Festus, Mo., Dec. 27.--The community is greatly excited over the fact that Miss Bessie Neisler, 18 years old, was taken from her escort, Mervin George, at the point of a revolver, by four men last Saturday night as the couple were returning from a Christmas Eve entertainment, forced to go into the woods, where she was assaulted and then allowed to go home, arriving almost unconscious. Four men have been arrested on warrants. One is a nephew of Miss Neisler's uncle, whom she has been visiting for three months.


Reno Evening Gazette July 13, 1907

Anxious Mother Asks News of Boy

Eight years ago he was stolen by Miner and all efforts to find him have been fruitless

Back in Horation, Jefferson county, Mo., Mrs. Margaret Hughes, is mourning for her little twelve year old son, who was stolen from her eight years ago by a miner named John Hurley. She has had detectives trace this alleged kidnapper all over the country and has never given up hope of someday clasping her son to her breast and telling him that she is his mother. The poor woman declares that she is now penniless and unable to employ detectives, and in a letter to the Gazette asks that this paper assist her in searching for the missing boy.


Mrs. Hughes states that her boy was stolen from her home in Horation about eight years ago by Hurley, who sought revenge on the child’s father. Hurley and the boy were traced to Montana, but before the officers could arrest him he took the child and fled to Denver. He was traced to that city, but again escaped the officers and fled to Reno. Learning that he was here, officers were arranging to capture him when he went to Tonopah. Since going to Tonopah he has disappeared from sight, and Mrs. Hughes states that the officers are unable to find any trace of him or the boy.


John Hurley, according to a description furnished by Mrs. Hughes, is about 58 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs about 169 pounds. He has light blue eyes, and dark hair, mixed with gray.


The Humeston New Era (Humeston, Iowa) August 7, 1907

Mrs. C. A. Sanford

Mrs. C.A. Sanford passed away at her home in Humeston, Monday morning shortly after six o’clock, after an illness of several months duration. While she was afflicted with that dread disease, cancer, she seemed to be getting along nicely, being able to be up most of the time, but a change for the worse came Sunday night and she gradually grew worse until the end.


Clara Ann Bates was born in Jefferson county, Mo., in 1826 where she grew to womanhood. In 1851 she was joined in marriage to Dr. H.C. Sanford at Keokuk, Iowa. The fruit of this union were five children, four of whom survive her. The eldest daughter preceded her to the better land twenty years ago. The children living are Heck Sanford of Humeston; Harry Sanford of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Mrs. M.O. Barnes of Basin, Wyoming; and Mrs. Minnie Hasbrouck of Buffalo, Wyoming. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. C. B. Christy, and a brother, Edward Bates.


Mother Sanford was a woman of deep christian character and her life was full of goodness, kindness, and thoughtfulness. She was a noble mother, a true and helpful friend, and within her great tender heart there was always room for all. Her death has caused the deepest sorrow in the heart of everyone who knew her.


Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday, conducted by Rev. G.H. Putnam of the Congregational Church, and the remains were taken to Leon and laid beside her husband, who passed away in 1875.


Washington Post (DC) Sept. 24, 1907

Seek Drowned Man’s Relatives

Two pictures found in the possession of Henry Clark, of Pevely, Mo., who was drowned in the Mississippi River several days ago, have been received at police headquarters. Dr. O.H. Hensley of Pevely, who forwarded the pictures, requests Capt. Boardman to make an effort to locate the owners, who are relatives of the dead man and who are believed to reside in this city.


The Chillicothe Constitution (Missouri) Jan. 10, 1908

A St. Louis Man, Who Had Been Shot Twice Had His Assailant Arrested

St. Louis, Jan. 9 – A policeman was accosted today by G.P. Manuel, a builder, who, pointing to Harry Cochran, exclaimed: “Arrest that man. He has a revolver in his pocket.” The policeman found Manuel’s statement was correct and arrested Cochran. Thereupon Manuel pulled a bullet from his pocket and handed it to the policeman, remarking, “Here’s the bullet he fired into me and there’s another in my jaw still. That’s about all his bullets I want.” Cochran admitted he had shot Manuel in Hillsboro, Mo., recently, because of attentions by Manuel toward Cochran’s mother and sister.


Oakland Tribune (California) December 7, 1908

Heirs Struggle for $500,000 Estate

Pasadena Man Makes Strong Fight to Hold Half –Million Dollars Left Him By His Late Wife

Los Angeles, Dec 7:

A contested will case in which Samuel S. Dickinson of Pasadena is making a hard fight to retain possession of the half-million dollar estate of his late wife, came up this morning in the United States Circuit Court on injunction proceedings. Fourteen blocks in the Wilshire Boulevard Heights tract, seven lots in Alhainbra and $175,000 in local banks constitute the prize for which several heirs of Mrs. Rachael Dickinson are struggling.


Already more than $100,000 worth of property in Kansas City has been divided, but by injunction the attorneys for the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Dickinson hope to tie up the money and real estate here until a final adjustment is reached.


Henry C. Schargtzer, F. Henry Williams and George W. Wilson, of San Francisco representing the contesting heirs, and David Fanning, a prominent Pennsylvania lawyer are expected here soon to take part in the proceedings for the same clients. Dickinson has retained local and Kansas City attorneys and a prolonged legal battle is anticipated.


Mrs. Dickinson died in Jefferson county, Missouri, 1905, and shortly afterward her will was offered for probate by her husband. By his terms practically all the estate was bequeathed to Dickinson.


John W. Patterson, Samuel C. Patterson, Mary J. Mason, Eliza A. Woodard and Ellen D. Clark, brothers and sisters of the deceased at once filed a contest. The case came on for hearing last year and the lower court ordered the will probated. An appeal was taken and the will was set aside, any counsel for the heirs, the property being ordered divided as if Mrs. Dickinson had died intestate.


The complaint filed by the attorneys for the plaintiffs sets forth the former proceedings and asserts that an Appellate Court of Missouri has decreed void the will on which the husband relies. After a preliminary injunction shall have been obtained, the case will come up for hearing.


Kansas City Times, (Missouri) July 25 1909
Love's Patience in Vain.
A Missouri Girl Who Says She Waited 17 Years, Sues.

St. Louis, July 24.--An engagement that lasted seventeen years is recounted in a breach of promise suit filed by Miss Lucy Maupin of Valley Park, St. Louis County, against Richard Marsden, postmaster of Hillsboro, Mo. Miss Maupin sues for $15,000, which is $1,000 a year from the date which, she says, was fixed for the wedding when she and Marsden became engaged.

Miss Maupin has turned over to her lawyer a package of letters she received from Marsden in the last seven years, that is, since she moved away from Hillsboro.

Marsden, who has had the office of postmaster at Hillsboro for eight years and recently was reappointed for another 4-year term, denies that any engagement to marry Miss Maupin existed when he married Miss Edna Ziske of Horine, Mo., June 1. Marsden is 46 years old.

"I had know Dick Marsden about three years and we had been good friends," Miss Maupin told a reporter. "Then he asked me to marry him. We became engaged June 14, 1892.

"He had no regular occupation at that time, and he told me he expected to run for county recorder of deeds in November, 1894. He intended to run on the Democratic ticket and felt sure of being elected, he said, telling me that when he had the office he would be in a position to take care of a wife.

"I told him I would wait willingly. He got angry at the Democrats, though, and became a Republican before the time when he was to have run for office.

"Nobody ever had more faith in another person than I had in Mr. Marsden. The knowledge that he had married another girl after keeping me waiting for seventeen years was the greatest shock of my life. He has not written to me or communicated with me since the marriage, not have I with him.

"Last spring, when I was house cleaning, I burned up a lot of letters he had written to me, but I kept a lot, too, for I had many."

Miss Maupin refused to say whether her motive in filing suit was to punish Marsden or whether she thought that she should have some recompense for her seventeen years of waiting.



Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California) November 17, 1909

MemphisWhile her mother, a paralytic, watched her, Miss Ida Kohler, 26 years old of 3004 St. Vincent avenue, took a bottle of carbolic acid from under her pillow Tuesday and drank on third of its contents. She died half an hour later without telling her reason for ending her life, although for several minutes after taking the poison she was able to talk.


The Kohlers moved to St. Louis from Antonia, Jefferson county, Mo., so Mrs. Kohler could have expert medical treatment. For a year the mother had been bedridden and her three daughters slept in her room, so they might always be within call. While Miss Emma Kohler was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, Ida sat up in bed and called to her mother.  Mrs. Kohler, lying in a bed across the room, said,

“Why, Ida, you are not going to get up so early, are you?”


“I am never going to get up again, mamma,” replied the young woman.


Mrs. Kohler, unable to mover hand or foot, saw her daughter take a bottle from under her pillow and place it to her mouth. Ida fell back on the pillow and said; “I have taken acid.”


Mrs. Kohler’s cries attracted other members of the family and Ida’s brother, Ollie, called Drs. Urban and Herchenroeder.


Though the young woman at times spoke to her relatives while the physicians vainly tried to save her life, she would not answer their questions as to her motive. Members of the family say she had been melancholy since she was 5 years old and that she had frequently threatened to take her life. Some of these threats were made in the last few days.


After coming to St. Louis, the young woman worked a short time in a bakery and also as a housekeeper for a South St. Louis family, but she gave up her work to nurse her mother.


The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska) May 29, 1910

Married in Nebraska – Whitsell-Trimble

Nebraska City, Neb., May 28 – Ernest J. Whitsell and Miss Marie E. Trimble, both of Hillsboro, Mo., came to this city yesterday and were married. They had eloped from parents who opposed their marriage, and say they will remain here until they are forgiven and are asked to return home.


The Indianapolis Star, April 14, 1911

Valley Mines & Cadet Mo. are Swept Away in Death Dealing Tornado

Four negroes are known to be dead, a number injured, one seriously and three missing, following a tornado which wrecked the town of Valley Mines, Mo., forty miles southwest of here, at 2 o’clock. The dead are A.C. Baker, Mrs. A.C. Baker, a daughter of the Bakers and her husband. The injured include Postmaster Buncie, who will die. The Bakers, their daughter and son-in-law were killed when the Valley Mines postoffice and general store crashed in upon them. Postmaster Bunce, who is believed to have been the only other person in the place was taken from the debris by rescuers half an hour after the storm. He is said to be dying.


News of the storm which damaged much property, paralzyed wire communication and blocked railroads, was received first at Festus, Mo. A train carried terrified passengers out of the danger zone. They knew only that a disastrous storm had occurred. Relief parties from Festus tried to reach the stricken town, but found the roads blocked by high water. No word has come of the Valley Mines since 5 o’clock. It is believed that a second storm visited the place, as the one which demolished Cadet, Mo., ten miles south of Valley Mines, was reported from DeSoto as sweeping in that direction at 4 o’clock.


The Indianapolis Star Mar 28, 1911

Think Dead Man Lived Here

Missouri Officials Ask Identification of Body Found Beside Track

Police authorities yesterday afternoon received a communication from Dr. O.E. Hensley, coroner of Jefferson County, Missouri, soliciting aid in identifying the body of a man found along a railroad track there, who is believed to have lived in Indianapolis. The only clew was a railroad ticket from Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Indianapolis and an overcoat bearing the name of a local clothing store. The description follows; Height 6 feet; weight, 135 pounds; age, about 50 years, gray hair; smooth shaven; blue eyes and high forehead. The man wore a black and white check suit and a hat with a brown band and braid. He wore a black overcoat bearing the name of Bert B. Goldberg, 348 West Washington street, Indianapolis. Seventy dollars was found in his pockets. Death resulted from a fracture of the skull at the base of the brain. It is believed by Coroner Hensley that the man stepped from a passenger train. The body will be held pending information from the Indianapolis police department. Inquiry at the Goldberg clothing store last night disclosed that they could recall no man as described in the letter who had purchased an overcoat.


The Indianapolis Star April 3, 1911

Believes Dead Man Cromley

Frank D. Sackett Say Missouri Victim Was New Bethel (Ind.) Citizen

If the conclusions of Frank D. Sackett, 406 West Washington street are correct, the man found dying near a railroad track in Jefferson County, Missouri several days ago was James Cromley of New Bethel, Ind., who had been missing from his home for two weeks. During that time his wife, Rosa Cromley, had heard nothing from her husband. The description of the dead man sent here by Coroner O. E. Hensley of Jefferson County tallies with that of Cromley. According to Sackett, Cromley left Indianapolis two weeks ago bound for Poplar Bluffs, Mo., to purchase farm land. He carried $100 in money with him. The man found had $70 in his pockets and a railroad ticket to Indianapolis. It is supposed he fell from the train. He died before regaining consciousness. The Jefferson County authorities will be communicated with today, and an effort made to identify the dead man positively.


San Antonio Express (Texas) March 31, 1912

This Murder Trial Promises Sensations

Mrs. Annie Hunning and Jospeh Seidl jointly charged with the murder of Martin Hunning, the woman’s husband, on their farm near Hillsboro, Mo., are on trial at Hillsboro. Seidl has written a confession. Letters are said to have passed between the two prisoners since their incarceration filled with endearing terms and assusions to the crime. Sesational developments are expected. (Note: pictures of the two accompany the article)


Lincoln Daily News (Nebraska) April 3, 1912

Sent to Prison For Life

St. Louis, Mo., April 3 – Joseph Seidl, charged with the murder of Martin Hunning, was found guilty by a jury at Hillsboro, Mo., today and sentenced to life imprisonment. Seidl was accused jointly with Mrs. Anna Hunning of her husband’s assassination on December 9. A confession made by Seidl figured prominently in the trial.


Chillicothe Morning Constitution (Missouri) July 20, 1912

Postal Sleuth Traps Yeggs

Important Arrests Made At St. Louis; Five men are charged with robbing several post offices in Missouri

St. Louis, Mo., July 20

Five alleged yeggmen suspected by local postal authorities of having blown numerous safes and terrorized the residents of many Missouri villages for the past two months, were arrested yesterday and brought to St. Louis today.


Post office inspector A. D. Bunson, who caused the arrests, declares that the gang is a dangerous one,  has blown many post office safes, escaping with several hundred dollars, and has terrorized railroad detectives and sheriffs in many parts of the state.


The men are specifically charged with robbing the post office at Pevely, Jefferson county, Mo., on May 17, and the safe at Pendleton, Warren county, Mo., April 21. The men were examined before United States Commissioner Mitchell this afternoon and were held to bond of $2500 each. Unable to give bond, they were sent to the City Jail.


The men arrested are; Frank Cole, Flat River, Mo.; Clarence Marler, Bonne Terre, Mo.; Riley and Louis Thurman of Flat River, brothers, and Arthur Thurman of the same place. Deputy United States Marshal J. J. McLaughlin, Inspectors Bunsen and Router, and Deputy Sheriff Jacob Schaeffer, made the arrests yesterday.


Inspector Bunsen charges that the men are representatives of an outlaw gang that has for many years terrorized residents of the southern portion of the state, and that they have been implicated in many robberies.


He states that in the two robberies with which they are charged the alleged yeggs removed the safes from the postoffice building and carried them several blocks away where they were blown and looted. The men deny that they are guilty. The hearing is set for next Monday.


The Humeston New Era September 6, 1916

Funeral of Humeston Pioneer Held Saturday at Methodist Episcopal Church

William J. Wood, aged 77, and one of the pioneer residents of Humeston, died at 6:40 o’clock Thursday night. He had been in ill health for several months and his condition was critical for several weeks. Mr. Wood was born in Jefferson County, Mo. in 1839. He came to this township in 1870 and resided on a farm a mile south of town until a few years ago, when he moved to town. For more than forty years he was a faithful member of the M.E. Church and had served as steward and trustee for many years. He was a member of the Masonic and Eastern Star orders. He served as Park commissioner for several years and held other positions of trust.


His life was modeled on strictly moral lines and he held strong religious views. He was a man of high ideals, quiet tastes and peculiarly fond of his home life and unselfishly devoted to his family. His many friends remember him as a kind, courteous, and friendly man.


He is survived by a wife, seven children, two sisters, and eight grandchildren. The children are; Katherine of Hyrebad, India; A.H. of Winnepeg, Canada; Mrs. D.S. Moore; George and R. O. of Humeston; W.W. of Bismark; N.D.; Mrs. A.A. Miller of Council Bluffs. The sisters are Mrs. Fred Fisher of Humeston and Mrs. Elizabeth Williams of  Tyrone, Mo.


The funeral services were held at the M.E. church at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon, conducted by the Masonic order. Rev. M.B. Wilson preached the sermon. The pall bearers were H.M. Hart, A.D. McCullough, A. McCabe, J.K. Young, R.L. Bott, and J.L. Irwin. The Masonic and Eastern Star orders attended in a body. Many friends paid last honors to the good man. Burial was made at Humeston cemetery.


Charleston Mail (West Virginia) September 13, 1916

Woman Finds Her Son After 55 Years Search

She Also Discovers That Her Brother Long Thought Dead Is Still Living

Vineland, Mo., Sept. 12 – Mrs. Ann Rupkey, 90 years old, and her son, Elias M. Miller, 69 from whom she was separated at the beginning of the Civil war, were reunited last week. Mrs. Rupkey searched for her son for years without result and gave up, believing he was dead. A sister living in Belleville, Ill., however, continued the search and finally located her brother in the Federal Soldiers Home at Marshalltown, Ia. As soon as Miller was advised that his mother was living he came to Vineland. Mrs. Rupkey also learned her brother, P.P. Howard, long believed dead, is living in Iowa. Mrs. Rupkey married twice after the death of her first husband. She will make her home with her son in Iowa.



Belleville News Democrat, (Illinois) October 17 1918
Files Suit to Divorce Wife he Married Twice. Henry Feist States That Wife and Child Have Disappeared

In the Circuit Court, Henry Feist has brought suit to divorce his wife, Margaret Feist, charging desertion. He states that he was married to the woman twice, the second time being August 16th, 1913. They have one child, a daughter named Clementine, now nine year old. October 5th, 1916 the wife left him. Feist charges taking with her the child. She refused to return to his home, Feist charges, and was last heard from at DeSoto, Missouri. Diligent search has lately developed the fact that she left that city and her present whereabouts are unknown.


Woodland Daily Democrat (Woodland, California) February 14, 1920

Mrs. Torrence, Woodland Hotel Proprietor, Is 81 Years Old Valentine Today

Woodland has a living Valentine in Mrs. E. Torrence, for the past 41 years proprietor of the Capital Hotel, First and Main streets, over the Shelton drug store, and who today dedicated to good old St. Valentine, is observing her eighty-first birthday. Although the snows of as many winters have left their tinge of gray, the sunshine of summers leaves the venerable woman in possession of all her faculties, still active, happy, congenial and enjoying all there is that is human and interesting.


“I am nearly a hundred year old valentine,” said Mrs. Torrence this morning, in talking over her active life with the “Democrat.” She was born in Jefferson county, Missouri, in 1839, and crossed the plains with her father in 1854, accepting the perils of the plains with the same good grace she has lived out her four-score and one years with the promise to make Father Time stop, look, and listen, before he swings the scythe on the century mark.


Mrs. Torrence is one of fifteen children, fourteen of whom are living and respected in their various residences. In the family there were eight girls and six boys, one being the toll of nature.


She came to Woodland in 1877, or forty-three years ago, and forty-one of those years have been spent in the landmark known as the Capital lodging house. Quietly she is observing her birthday today, but not without many congratulatory messages from friends far and near who marvel at her activity, her interest in the charms of life, and the remarkable hope she has for the great round future.


Incident to the observance of the occasion, Mrs. G. H. Hollingsworth, daughter of Mrs. Torrence, is giving a birthday dinner late this afternoon with Mr. E. Clark, also a Missourian, and cousin of Mrs. Torrence, as special guest. Many pretty little surprises are planned for both Mrs. Torrence and her cousin during the function.


Stevens Point Daily Journal (Wisconsin) August 14, 1920

Find Negro Exhausted – Lynching Party Feared

Vineland, Mo., August 11 – The unidentified negro who attempted to attack 12 year old Gertrude Wilson of this place last Wednesday and who had since led posses a chase of more than 100 miles was found exhausted and wounded four miles from the scene of the crime today. It was feared he would be lynched.


The Charleston Daily Mail – August 7, 1922

Investigation Started – All Hands Point to Dead Engineer as Chief Blame for Killing of 38 Persons

Sufferings Described – Sulphur Springs, Mo.

Eye witnesses were summoned today before a coroner’s jury at De Soto, Mo., to recount details of the rear-end collision of two Missouri Pacific trains here Saturday when 37 are known to have been killed and 138 injured. Just south of the scene of the disaster there is a curve in the road, and this cut off view of the local train, standing at a water tank, from the engineer of the limited. Missouri Pacific officials, however, emphasized that the block signals were operating in perfect order, and Engineer Glenn, of the fast train, should have slowed his train down to such a speed that he could have come to a halt almost instantly Survivors drew a vivid picture of the accident. A blast from the whistle of the limited told of its approach around the curve along the high towering bluffs and this caused a few who had alighted from the local to look back nervously. Rushing around the curve came the fast train. There were shouts, then the roar of the crash, cries of women and moans of men. The rear coach was hurled down the embankment. The next two cars standing on the trestle across Glaize Creek, and on the embankment were crushed and splintered. The fourth tumbled down the incline north of the creek. The roof of one of the demolished cars fell spanning the creek, and afforded a bridge for the rescuers. Where the day coaches of the local had stood across the trestle, now stood the steel cars of the flier. The locomotive had plowed its way through more than half the length of the halted train, and come to rest across the trestle, steel girders bent around its forward end and splinters of what had once been a car compresses into a space about ten feet before it, against a coach which seemingly ws uninjured.


Coroner Elders promised a thorough investigation of the disaster, the worst train wreck in the history of this part of the country. While Matt Glenn, dead engineer of the fast train which ploughed through four coaches of the local train near the station, was blamed for the accident, according to John Gannon, assistant general manager of the road, relatives of the dead and injured joined in demands for a thorough inquiry. The crews of both trains were summoned by the coroner to testify. Officials of the road declared the block signals were found to be in order after the crash occurred, and all asserted that Engineer Glenn did not heed the warning signal.


All day yesterday rescuers removed bits of wreckage in their search. A ghostly slence hung over the scene and was broken only by the muffled grind of the wrecking crews cranes. Tales of many miraculous escapes were repeated, mingled with stories of pathos and horror. Stories of young girls offering their assistance in caring for the injured and dead were numerous. Some were seen hurrying from one victim to another, bandaging their injuries, washing their wounds and giving what assistances they could. The impact hurled two of the local coaches down a fifty foot embankment and telescoped four other coaches, crushing a number of passengers to death in their seats. Both trains were behind time, the fast passenger running from Fort Worth, Texas, to St. Louis, carrying 150 passengers and the local 100 persons. According to Mr. Cannon, Matt Enger Glenn of St. Louis, engineer of the fast passenger, failed to heed a block signal warning him the track was NOT clear ahead. Glenn, 57 years old, an engineer for 35 years without a black mark against his record was killed when he jumped from his cab just before the crash. Edward Tineley, also of St. Louis, fireman of number four, remained at his post and was injured seriously. Engineer Glenn shortly before arriving in Sulphur Springs received orders “on the run” to pull over on a siding at Cliffe Cave, ten miles north of here to allow “sunshine special number I” enroute from St. Louis to Texas points to pass, and Mr. Cannon explained the engineer failed to heed the signal because he apparently was reading these orders when he passed the block. The orders were found near his body.


Ghouls appeared on the scene shortly after the crash and robbed the dead and dying. Only one was arrested and he said he was William Halt of St.Louis. Several pieces of wearing apparel taken from the unfortunate were found on his person and a bible was in his waist. The bible, it was said, had been the property of the Rev. V.O. Pensley, of Desoto, one of those killed. The dead and injured were spread over an area of several city blocks and chicken crates, automobile cushions, baggage, and the railroad tracks constituted their couches. This little village of village of 150 inhabitants was unable to care of the injured and they along with the dead were taken to St. Louis and Desoto. Dr. W.W. Hull was the only physician administering to the injured for several hours until relief trains arrived. “Had I had some assistance, we might have saved some of the dying,” Dr. Hull told a representative of the Associated Press. “At one time I was trying to treat 25 persons simultaneously.”  The cries of the injured had to go untended in many cases. Mothers begged for news of their babies and children cried for their parents. One fourteen months old child, unable to tell her name was found a mile from the scene of the disaster asking for “Mama.” A woman from St. Louis took her in charge.


One of the saddest cases reported was that of the Degonia family of St. Louis. Five of the family of six were killed and the father is reported dying in a St. Louis hospital. Four of the Degonia children, Mildred, 7; Ralph, 6; Melvin, 5; and Robert 14 months lay dead to the right of their father, before he could be removed and Mrs. Degonia lay dead to his left. Mildred had been mumbling audibly the Lord’s Prayer and just as she recited, “Thy will be done,” death sealed her lips. Mr. Degonia, in his delirium clasped his infant son to his breast repeating between groans of pain, “Thank God, Bobby, we’re all alive,” not knowing the hearts of his wife and children were stilled. In the confusion, several bodies were hustled on the relief trains before being checked, leaving the number of deaths uncertain. Many of the bodies could not be identified because their effects had been scattered over such a wide area.


The railroad tracks parallel the Mississippi river and the tracks on which the disaster occurred spans Glaize Creek where it enters the river. As a result, a report ws current that a number of bodies were washed into the Mississippi, but there was no way of verifying this report. Rescue work was hampered by lack of light. This village is without electricity and the rescue workers and morbidly curious made their way among the twisted steel and wooden coaches by the aid of lanterns, torches and candles. Thousands of persons visited the scene late last night and today and roads were blocked for three miles. Dr. Hull said bodies were found 300 feet from the scene of the accident. One body was buried waist deep in a bog. Dr. George W. Elders, coroner of Jefferson county said a thorough investigation of the accident would be made.


List of Identified Dead

John Crafton, United States Soldier, Oran, Mo.

A.E. Dynan, Isabelle Howe, Milda & Mildred Robey, W. Ward, Dr. Charles A. McClellan, Sam Davis, Eugene Clemens, a boy scout, Mrs. E. Degonia and four children, and Engineer Glenn, all of St. Louis

Irene Moon, Festus, Mo.

Alice Cooper, Festus, Mo.

Rev. V.O. Pensley, Desoto, Mo.

Essie Potters, Herculaneum, Mo.

William Goeff, Cadet, Mo.

James McKeener, Winchester, Ill.


Among the injured

Henry Wilson, Godfrey, Ill, fractured shoulder

Levi Woodlock, Piedmont, Mo., fractured leg

Carlisle Hann, (negro) Tory, Mo., fractured leg

Morris Schumer, Conway Springs, Mo., lacerations of the body

A. B. Anderson, (negro) Herculaneum, Mo., abdominal wounds

Bernice and Mary Campbell, McCammon, Mo., lacerations

C.C. Dotson, Potosi, Mo., fractured ribs

J.J. Hamilton, Desarc, Mo., probably fractured skull

Robert Thomas, Desarc, Mo., fractured hand

Mrs. Essie Wilson, Monterey, Mo., scalp wounds

Obi Anderson (negro) Herculaneum, Mo., head wounds

Paul Smith, Piedmont, Mo.

Miss McDonnell, Crystal City, Mo.

Lucille Burlem, Dallas, Texas

__ Whitlock, Piedmont, Mo.

Mary Hahn, Fredericktown, Mo

Matthew & John Pink, Panama, Ill

E.H. Robinson, Jefferson City, Mo

Nellie Hicks, Fredericktown, Mo.


(For a photograph and more info on this wreck, please visit the St. Francois Co. Genweb site.)


The Davenport Democrat and Leader, (Davenport, Iowa) -  April 2, 1922
Potosi, Mo - A mistrial was declared this afternoon when the jury announced it inability to agree, in the case of Otto and Jesse Thomas, brothers, of Festus, charged with first degree murder in connection with the death of Andrew Deck of Herculaneum, alleged prohibition informer.


Chillicothe Constitution Tribune – July 24, 1923

Seward is Denied Writ by Higher Court – Supreme Court Refuses Mo. Murderer Habeas Corpus

Is Second Futile Attempt Made for Slayer of Prohibition Officer, First Was By Sen. McCrawley

Wife Interviewed

Jefferson City, July 24 0 The supreme court today denied the application for a writ of habeas corpus of Frank Lanquist, St. Louis attorney, acting for James Seward, convicted of the murder of a prohibition enforcement officer at Hillsboro, Mo. Seward will hang July 25 at Hillsboro unless he receives executive clemency, according to J. D. Allen, clerk of the supreme court. This is the second futile attempt by attorneys to save the life of Seward. The first was made by Senator A. L. McCawley of Carthage who, while visiting the capital, saw Mrs. Seward and her three children, who were here to intercede with Governor Hyde for her husband. McCawley attacked the constitutionability of the state capital punishment law, declaring that it was passed in an illegal and unconstitutional manner by the state legislature in the special session of 1919.


The Chillicothe Constitution – July 25, 1923

Seward Dodges Noose Until U.S. Acts on Case

Hanging Set For Today At Hillsbor Is Halted

James H. Seward, sentenced to be hanged today at Hillsboro Mo. for the murder of Andrew Deck of St. Louis, voluntary dry law informer, who was slain near that place in February1921, again escaped the gallows, at least temporarily, when the state supreme court Tuesday granted an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. The state court at the same time granted a stay of execution until such time as the federal court of last ? acts on the appeal. Seward’s attorneys have thirty days in which to prepare the appeal and file it in Washington. The United States Supreme Court will not be in session until October and then will decide whether it will hear the appeal. If it accepts jurisdiction the case will be set for argument and it will be months before the court hands down its decision. Seward was convicted at Hillsboro and his punishment fixed at death, the jury returning its verdict July 1921. He has had four reprieves the first being granted by Gov. Hyde and the others by the state supreme court. Eugene Hayes now is under a death sentence, and his brother William Hayes, is now under a sentence of life imprisonment, both having been convicted of complicity in the murder of Deck. Both have appeals pending in the state supreme court. Ernest Hayes, father of Eugene and William Hayes, was acquitted of a charge of murder by a jury at Hillsboro June 22. The acquittal came at his second trial. He had been convicted and sentenced to death at the first trial, but the state supreme court ordered a new trial. Seward’s appeal to the United States Supreme Court was granted on the ground that Seward is about to be deprived of his life without due process of law and covers all of the points raised in the several habeas corpus proceedings. Seward said today: “I believe I’ll get justice this time. I refuse to worry. No one has any idea what a strain it has been to me to have this hanging put off five different times. The first date set was August 1, 1921. Then it was reset for January 26, 1923. Then I got a ninety-day stay of execution, which was later reduced to sixty days, and which expired March 28. I got another stay until May 25 and the last date set was July 25. The people down there are fifty to one for me. They heard the evidence. They have furnished the money to pay my lawyers. The Lion’s Club and the American Legion have been instrumental in rasing money for my lawyers.”




Gastonia Daily Gazette (North Carolina) Jan. 11, 1926

Say Police Chief Aided Bank Robbers

Hillsboro, Mo., Jan. 11 – Chief of Police L. W. Hurst of Desota is in the county fail here charged with having aided the escape of the bandits who robbed the American bank of Desota of $10,644, December 30. Hurst is charged with having advance information of the route to be taken by the bandits in their flight from the bank and with progress led his posse on their trail. Hurst, according to Desota authorities denies having been in on the loot, but admits ownership of a rifle found.


Decatur Evening Harold (Illinois) Oct. 10, 1927

Man is Killed As Cars Collide

Crystal City, Mo., Oct. 10 – Roy J. McKee, of Festus, Mo., was killed here Shunday night in a collision between his automobile and another car driven by Col. G.D. Eaton of Western Military Academy, Alton, Ill. Five occupants of the Eaton car suffered minor injuries. A coroner’s verdict of accidental death was returned.


The Chillicothe Constitution (Missouri) Oct. 21, 1927

Woman Held in Bank Robbery

St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 21 – Alice Weingartner, 26 years old, was arrested at her home here last night and will be taken to Hillsboro, Mo., to answer to an indictment charging her with being an accessory in the $26,526 robbery of the Citizens’ Bank of Festus September 25, 1926. Following the robbery, Roy Schooley, St. Louis county lawyer and politician; Francis M. Ball and Fred Weingartner and the wives of Ball and Weingartner, the women being sisters, were arrested. The women later were freed. Schooley and Ball were convicted of the robbery and sentenced to prison. They have appealed. The reason for the indictment of Mrs. Weingartner at this time was not made known.


The Washington Post, Dec 8, 1928

A warrant charging second degree murder was sworn out today against Sol Hohenthal, 59, wealthy, retired merchant, in whose bachelor apartment Pearl Potoskey, 25, St. Louis beauty shop proprietor, was found dead Sunday night. Hohenthal surrendered and was released on $10,000 bond.

Faces Hearing; In Slaying. De Soto, Mo., Dec. 8, 1928

Sol Hohenthail, wealthy retired merchant, will be given a preliminary hearing tomorrow, morning on a charge of second degree murder, growing out of the finding of the body of Miss Pearl Potoskey, St. Louis beauty shop operator, in his St. Louis beauty shop operator, in his bachelor apartments December 3, Prosecuting Attorney McCormick of Jefferson county said today. Hohenthal has been free on a bond of $10,000. 


The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), Thursday, December 6, 1928, Page 5

It was at Hohenthal's bachelor apartment in De Soto, Mo., that Miss Potosky, a beauty shop owner, was found dead Sunday. Her skull had been fractured and there was a bullet hole in her head. Hohenthal said she killed herself. Relatives have requested an Investigation. No explanation of the arrest was made other than that Hohenthal, a wealthy retired merchant, was carrying a concealed weapon. 


The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York) Dec. 7, 1928

RETIRED MERCHANT ACCUSED OF MURDER - Sol Hohenthal Arrested in Death of Beauty Shop Operator, Found Slain in His Apartment. De Soto. Mo.,  

Sol Hohenthal, 59 years old, wealthy retired merchant of this city, was arrested and released on a $10,000 bond today, on a warrant charging him with second degree murder in the death of Pearl Potoskey, 25, St. Louis beauty shop owner, found slain in his bachelor apartment last Sunday, a bullet through her brain and her skull fractured in three places. Hohenthal has asserted Miss Potoskey, with whom he associated for nine years, ended her own life but her sisters and mother testified he frequently had threatened to kill her. Prosecuting Attorney George V McCormack of Jefferson county swore out the warrant after hear ing some of the testimony when the inquest was resumed today at the De Soto city hall. He took the action without waiting for the coroner's jury to return a verdict. Open Verdict Returned. The coroner's jury returned an open verdict finding that Miss Potoskey died from a gunshot wound inflicted by "person's unknown to this body." A preliminary hearing will be held December 9 before Justice of the Peace H. W. Harris here. Second degree murder is punishable by inprisonment for ten years to life.  A statement from two police firearms experts at St. Louis, who examined the rusty pistol found beside Miss Potoskey's body and reported that iT could not be operated because of rust and disuse, caused the prosecuting; attorney to issue the murder warrant. He said he had delayed action pending receipt of the experts' report. The inquest was reopened before a crowd of curious people in the council chamber of the city hall. Smoking black cigars, Hohenthal, who with his late father- conducted a prosperous dry goods business here, walked up and down Main street while the crowd was gathering. Mrs. Joseph Potoskey, mother of the slain girl, testified of her experiences with Hohenthal. "They came to the house Saturday night about 11 o'clock," she said. "His face was red and angry and he looked like he wanted to kill her or punch her. He told her, 'If you go to the Coronado dance, I will shoot you." Begged Her Not to Go. "I told Pearl not to go with him but she said. 'I'm going to get my cat at De Soto. Don't worry, I'll be right back." I begged her and begged her and begged her not to go with him. That was the last. Mrs. Potoskey testified that a little more than a year ago Hohenthal "wanted to kill Pearl, but she took the gun away from him." "She told me to hide the gun," she said, "and I've got that gun yet. About a year ago they had a fight and split, but they got together again about three months ago. 'My God, don't do that,' I said to her. I would do anything to stop them from getting together again I said, 'Don't go back to him, because an old man is jealous of a young lady.' Mrs. Marie Johnson, a sister of the girl, testified that Hohenthal had made several threats to kill her sister. 


The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York) Nov 1, 1929

 EFFORT TO SHOW THAT GIRL KILLED HERSELF defense of Hohenthal Is Expected To Rely On His Original Story

Sol Hohenthal, 59 year-old retired De Soto merchant, testifying today in his trial on a charge of murdering his sweetheart, Miss Pearl Potoskey, St. Louis beauty shop owner, denied he killed the woman and the defense contention that she shot and killed herself. Hohenthal admitted he had quarreled frequently with Miss Potoskey during the years of their acquaintance, but denied he had threatened her or had abused her. Miss Potoskey was found dead in Hohenthal’s apartment at De Soto last December 2, a bullet wound In her head.  Asked by one of his lawyers, 'Did you kill Pearl Potoskey or did you have anything to do with her death? ’ Hohenthal replied; "‘Not any more than Judge Dearing (the presiding ---) --- yourself letters purported to have been written to him by Miss Potoskey in which she Indicated a morose and despondent temperament. He related that he and Miss Potoskey arrived at his De Soto apartment about 2 a.m. December 2, having driven from St. Louis. I read my mail while Miss Potoskey lit the stove, he said. “Then we sat around drinking beer and I went to bed about 6 a. m.’ He said he awakened that afternoon to find Miss Potoskey’s body on the living room floor and concluded she had committed suicide. After failing to get any response in telephoning three physicians, Hohenthal said he went to a corner poolroom where he reported her death and was accompanied to the apartment by an officer.  ---- death he Is now on trial on a first degree murder charge in circuit court here, ---committed suicide, it was Indicated by the opening statement late yesterday. Hohenthal, a wealthy retired bachelor merchant from De Soto, Mo., declared he found Miss Potoskey’s body in his apartment on December 2 last, dead from a self-inflicted bullet wound. E. C. Edgar of DeSoto, one of Hohenthal’s lawyers, began a lengthy opening statement following the overruling of a defense motion to squash the Indictment, made as soon as the state concluded its testimony. Edgar told the jury the defense expects to show Miss Po­toskey threatened to commit suicide on November 16, when drinking beer with Hohenthal in his apartment. He also declared the girl obtained poison and that Hohenthal knocked It from her hand as she attempted to take It, that she turned on him and began attacking him with a shoe. In defending himself, Hohenthal pushed her against a bedpost and in a fall both her eyes were blackened, Edgar said, explaining bruises on Miss Potoskey’s face. Edgar also said the defense would introduce letters written by Miss Potoskey in which she threatened to commit suicide. The first witness called by the defense was Dr. W. E. Gibson, of HILLSBORO, Mo., Nov. 1.—The defense Is expected to rely on Sol Hohenthal’s original story that Miss Pearl Potoskey, St. Louis beauty parlor owner, and for whose De Soto, Jefferson county coroner, who declared he performed an autopsy on Miss Potoskey’s body immediately after the inquest and before one performed by physicians who testified for the state. Dr. Gibson’s testimony was in conflict with that given by state witnesses. Dr. Gibson declared fractures of the skull had been caused by the firing of a revolver at close range although Dr. William Winn, autopsy surgeon for the St. Louis coroner, had testified blunt Instruments had caused at least three of eight distinct fractures of the skull that he found. His testimony was corroborated by Dr. Edwin VIit, of St. Louis, who was present. The defense expects to take all of today in examining witnesses. The case will probably go to the jury sometime Saturday afternoon. 


Jefferson County, MO Record March 14, 1929
Missouri Mother Hangs Her Son And Herself
Imperial, MO. March 8th
The bodies of Mrs. Blanche Frederitzi, 32 and her 9 year old son, Herrill were found hanging on the premises of the confectionery operated by the Frederitzi family here late today. It is believed the mother, deranged from an unknown cause, hanged the boy and then committed suicide. The boy's body was discovered when the father, Otto Frederitzi, returning home at 6 o'clock tonight, found the front door locked. He went to the rear and opening the basement door, found his son's body suspended from the ceiling. Justice of the Peace C.H. Clement was summoned and an inquest was about to be held when friends found the mother's body in a similar position in the garage in the rear. She evidently had suspended a rope from a rafter, tied it around her neck and jumped from a truck parked in the garage. Both had been dead several hours. Neighbors said they last saw Mrs. Frederitzi about 10 o'clock this morning. The confectionery, which stands on the town's main street had been closed since about the middle of the forenoon. The family lived in the same building that housed the confectionery. Frederitzi collapsed when the discovery was made. He could assign no reason for the act. (Globe Democrat)


The Edwardsville Intelligencer (Illinois) Sept. 16, 1929

Arrested For Murder

Hillsboro, Mo., Sept. 16 – Clarence Cook, 27, was held in Jefferson County Jail here today charged with first degree murder in the fatal shooting of Russell Becker, 26, his brother-in-law, during a quarrel at the Cook home at Hematite, near Festus, Mo.


San Antonio Express (Texas) Feb. 1, 1930

Slayer Gets 3 Months

Hillsboro, Mo., Jan. 31 – Miss Helen Vachua, 20 year old roadhouse proprietor at Imperial, Mo., today was sentenced to three months in jail and fined $100 by a circuit court jury after convicting her on a charge of slaying her stepfather, William Zaruba. The girl testified she shot Zaruba because he had knocked her mother down and threatened her.


San Antonio Express (Texas) May 8, 1931

Woman Carrying $800 In Purse Found Slain

Fredericktown, Mo., May 7 – A body believed to be that of Mrs. Emma Cole, 59, the wife of a variety store owner of Peverly, Mo., who left her home last Feb. 24, with more than $800 in her pocketbook to visit relatives near Fredericktown, was found wrapped in a blood-stained blanket in a junk heap near here today. The body was found among some abandoned automobiles and was covered with automobile fenders. It was discovered less than a quarter of a mile from the abandoned Catherine mine shaft, where clothing was found Fe. 28, which was identified by the husband as belonging to his wife. Coroner C.U. Davis said the clothing on the body was similar to that worn by Mrs. Cole when she disappeared. Mrs. Cole left Pevely with her 19 year old cousin, Amos Lewis, to visit relatives here. She began the trip in a rented automobile hired by young Lewis, and has not been seen since that time. Lewis also is missing, and Sheriff Clark of Jefferson County has warrants for his arrest.


The Newark Advocate (Ohio) August 7, 1933

Angler 90 Years Old

Hillsboro, Mo., Aug. 7 – B.F. England, 90 years old, who has bought a hunting and fishing license every year for 25 years, recently made a catch of nine trout.


San Antonio Express (Texas) December 15, 1933

Former Legislature Succumbs in Abilene

Abilene, Tex. Dec. 14

J.F. Cunningham, 74, widely known attorney and former state representative, died here early today. He had been ill since September. The funeral will be held from his home tomorrow evening. Cunningham had been a resident of Abilene since 1896. He moved here from Jones County where he located in 1883. He served one term each as county attorney and county judge of Jones County and in 1888 was elected district attorney of the 39th judicial district, then extending from Shackelford and Throckmorton counties to the New Mexico line. In 1892 he was elected state representative from the district composed of Taylor, Callahan and Shackelford counties. Since moving to Abilene, he had been associated with his brother-in-law, Bruce Oliver, in the law firm of Cunningham and Oliver. Born in Jefferson County, Mo., he moved with his family to Arkansas at the outbreak of the war between the states. He was educated at LaCrosse Collegiate Institute, LaCrosse, where he later was licensed to practice law. He was married there to Lelia May Oliver in 1883. Survivors are his widow and six children, Mrs. W.P. Tandy, Miss Natalia Cunningham of Abilene; Mrs. Maud Zorns of Lubbock; Mrs. M.V. Ballew of Dallas; Oliver Cunningham, former state senator of Abilene and Viola Cunningham.


San Antonio Express (Texas) Sept. 18, 1935

Lad Faces Shooting Officers With Father

Hillsboro, Mo., William Nelson Yarberry and his nine year old boy fought a losing battle with the law on a moonlit hills county farmyard early today. Yarberry, pursued since Saturday when he allegedly shot and wounded Deputy Sheriff James Boughton, walked into a trap as he and his little son returned to the farm where Boughton was shot. The father was killed in a gun battle with Sheriff Thomas Inham and State Highway Patrolman E.F. Dampf. “About 2:30 a.m. we saw him and the boy come out of the woods,” the sheriff said, “and without a word he opened fire. About the same time Dampf fired his sawed-off shotgun and I opened up with my sub-machine gun. The boy yelled out for a gun, his father handed him a pistol, and dropped, wounded. When the boy saw his father was dead he ran, but we picked him up.” The sheriff said during the gun fight he shouted to the boy several times, telling him to get out of the range of fire, but the lad refused to leave his father’s side.


The Lead Belt News - Flat River, MO Aug. 12, 1938
STEWARTS Bought Festus Newspaper
The old Festus News, which a year or so ago was renamed the Jefferson County Jeffersonian, on last week again went into new hands. This week it will resume the former caption. The News at one period in the history of Festus was an outstanding paper, but has changed hands several times in the past decade. The new owners are Paul, Jess and John STEWART, who also publish the Bonne Terre Bulletin. We quote from an editorial which the Festus News will carry this week:
"Mr. Frank SHEIBLE, former owner of the Jeffersonian, has sold this newspaper to the STEWART brothers of Bonne Terre. The new owners took charge last Friday and will continue to publish it henceforth each week. We have decided to change the name back to the Festus News, with the Jeffersonian as a sub-title. The father of the young men who are to edit the paper will continue his regular work in the ministry and the publication of the Missouri Methodist, a semi-monthly church publication for Missouri. We wish Mr. SHEIBLE success in whatever plans he may have for the future." (Tri-City Independent.)


The Daily Independent (Monessen Pa.) May 17, 1940

Missouri Hills Yield Culture 500 Years Old

Festus, Mo. – Remnants of a civilization more than 500 years old have been uncovered in the limstone hills near here, according to Robert McCormick Adams, director of a crew of excavators which has been working in this area since January. Adams said the most important finds to date are several pottery items, chipped stone instruments, bone ornaments and the remnants of three thatched roof houses. Two spots are being excavated, work alternating between a ledge under a jutting cliff and a village site in open ground. “The ledge evidently was an often used stopping place for nomadic hunting parties for thousands of years,” Adams said. “We have found traces of a pre-pottery people under 10 ton boulders. How long the boulders have lain there we can only guess.” Adams said the village site centers around a man-made mound, now almost destroyed by cultivation of crops. The three houses found so far, he said, are different. The first was about 25 feet square with a fireplace in the middle. The roof was supported by wood posts four inches square, set in a ditch. A storage bin, containing parched corn, was found near the fireplace, indicating an agricultural people.


Sheboygan Press (Wisconsin) April 21, 1942

Add Fish Stories – Timepiece Turns Up

The Mississippi is the father of many fish stories, but fisherman J.B. Shelton, of Sulphur Springs, Mo., walked into a jewelry store and related a dandy. Reaching into his coat pocket, Shelton brought forth a watch of old vintage with silver case and blue Roman numerals and the jewelry firm’s name engraved on a porcelain face. Shelton explained he found the watch in the stomach of a 200 pound gar he caught in the Mississippi. “—and that isn’t all,” he asserted, “there was a silver fork and spoon there too.”


San Antonio Express (Texas) July 8, 1945

Laredo Officer Shot to Death

Laredo, Tex., July 7:

Deputy Constable John Novoa was shot fatally Saturday as he attempted to arrest two men who were near a filling station here about 2 a.m. Police Chief Dave Gallagher said that one man, resisting arrest, fired shots at Novoa at close range, that both men fled, and were alter caught. He identified the two as seamen and said that in signed statements they told of being AWOL from the Kingsville, Tex., naval auxiliary air station since July 5. Dist. Atty. E. James Kzazen filed charges of murder in connection with the case against George Anthony Baker, 17 of Jefferson County, Missouri, and Thomas J. Larkin, 18. An examining trial was set before Justice of the Peace Leo Villegas.


Joplin Globe (Missouri) July 31, 1945

Gun Discharges, Boy Killed

Hematite, Mo., July 30 – Robert Hammond, 19, was killed today when a shotgun he was cleaning discharged accidentally, wounding him in the left side of the chest. A verdict of accidental death was returned by a coroner’s jury at Festus.


Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska) October 29, 1945

Civil War Vet Dies At 101

Hematite, Mo. – Edward Keller, 101, Civil war veteran who had been a Jefferson county farmer for more than three-quarters of a century, died at his home near here Saturday. A native of France, he served in the Union army of the Potomac.


The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska) May 24, 1948

Near Sulphur Springs, Mo., an AT-6 training plane, believed to have been piloted by a reserve officer from Scott army air base near Belleville, Ill., crashed and disappeared into the Mississippi river. Officers at Scott said an AT-6 was overdue at the base but declined to reveal the name of the pilot.


Pottstown Mercury (Pottstown, Pa.) May 27, 1948

Dies With Hand on Throttle

(picture caption)

The twisted wreckage of an AT-6 attack bomber is hauled aboard the Coast Guard cutter Poplar from the Mississippi river near Sulphur Springs, Mo., wher ethe plane crashed during a training trip. The body of the pilot is still in the cockpit. The flier was tentatively identified as Lt. Gene Moore, 26, of Pearl Ill., a hero of the Pacific.


Waukesha Daily Freeman (Wisconsin) August 12, 1948

Takes Day to Free Dog Trapped in Fox’s Den

A mongrel dog that wandered into a fox’s den was free today after 28 hours of hammering and chiseling by twenty volunteer workers. Farmer Charles F. Williams heard the dog’s barks on his farm near Hematite, Mo., last Sunday. He found the animal trapped in a fox den on a rocky hillside. A humane society directed the rescue team. Workers began opening a hole in the den Tuesday and yesterday lowered a small boy with a rope fastened around him into the den. He pulled out a frightened dog. The foxes, which the dog had evidently been chasing, were nowhere to be seen.


Sedalia Democrat (Missouri) August 19, 1949

Festus Mo., Gets Television Channel

Washington, Aug. 19 – The Communication Commission has announced six changes in its proposed reallocation of television channels across the country. The changes include Allocation of channel 42 to Festus, Mo. the first assignment for that city.


Sedalia Democrat (Missouri) Jan. 30, 1950

Student Found Dead

Festus, Mo., Jan. 30 – Donald Regan, 27 year old University of Missouri student, was found dead in the rear seat of his car which had plunged into Joachim Creek, two miles west of here yesterday. Police said Regan had apparently drowned after a tire blew out, throwing his car out of control and down a 40-foot embankmanet into the creek. The car was partially submerged. An inquest was postponed pending an autopsy.


Sedalia Democrat (Missouri) April 9, 1950

Farm Wife Shot and Killed Husband

Hillsboro, Mo., April 8 – State highway patrolmen reported tonight that a 45 year old farm wife shot and killed her husband because he beat her 15 year old son by a former marriage. Troopers said the woman was Mrs. Bessie Alice Snodgrass Jones of route 1, Grubville. She is being held in the Jefferson county jail here. Victim of the shooting was John William Jones. Patrolmen said the woman told them her husband beat her son because he failed to feed the hogs. Mrs. Jones was quoted as saying she got a .22 caliber rifle, grappled briefly with her husband, then stepped back and shot him in the abdomen.


New York Times July 18, 1950

Richard M. Thomas, a retired Washington lawyer, died on Friday in the Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md. His age was 72. Born in Hillsboro, Mo., Mr. Thomas was the son of the late John L. Thomas, an assistant attorney general in the administration of President Grover Cleveland. He was graduated from Randolph-Macon Military Academy and the National Law School. For a time he resided in Darien Conn., and was an attorney for the City Investment Trust, Inc., and the First Air-Postal Service. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Anna T. Thomas; a daughter, Mrs. Ludwell Lincoln of Waco, Tex.; a sister, Mrs. F.W. Hamel of Beverly Hills, Calif., and two grandchildren.


Joplin Globe (Missouri) October 4, 1950

GI Once Reported Killed Is Alive – Wife, Who Refused to Believe He Would Not Come Home, Learns Of His Liberation

Milton, Wash., Oct. 3 – Despite conflicting reports from the defense department, Mrs. Raymond Becker, 18, refused to believe her husband was not coming home from the Korean war. Private First Class Raymond Becker, 20, was variously reported as missing in action, killed and alive. Today he was listed as one of four Pacific northwest soldiers liberated from North Korean prison camps. Mrs. Becker said a “man from Fort Lewis” told her later in the day Ray would have to be hospitalized three months, but that he probably would be sent from Tokyo hospital to Madigan army hospital near Tacoma in a month. “He said there was nothing wrong with Ray that rest and good food won’t fix up,” she said. “He talked like the North Koreans marched Ray for two weeks without shoes and he was badly beaten and didn’t have enough to eat. But he’ll be all right,” she beamed. Becker was shipped from Fort Lewis July 16 with the Second division. He entered the army from high school at Hematite, Mo., where he lived with his grandmother, Mrs. Emma Cook. The Beckers were married in July.


Chicago Daily Tribune (Illinois) August 21, 1958

Alison Reppy

Stamford, Conn., Aug. 20 – Alison Reppy, 65, author and dean of the New York law school, died Wednesday in Stamford hospital of a heart ailment. Dean Reppy wrote several books and numerous articles on law and wills. A native of Hillsboro, Mo., Reppy was graduated from Missouri State university and the University of Chicago law school.


Reno Evening Gazette – January 13, 1960

Judge Obliges Man’s Unusual Plea For Term

Hillsboro, Mo., - A St. Louis man told the Jefferson County Circuit Court he’d rather go to prison than live with his wife today. The judge obliged him. Harold F. Tobin, 38, pleaded guilty to cashing a bogus $93 check. Judge Edward Eversole said that inasmuch as it was Tobin’s first offense probation would probably be considered. “I don’t want that,” Tobin blurted out. “I want to go to the penitentiary. That’s one way of getting away from my wife.” The judge gave him two years.