Jefferson County Record, Hillsboro, MO.
April 5, 1917


“De Soto Items”
Mrs. John DUFFY spent the greater part of last week with her daughter Mrs. Press KENNETT at
St. Louis.

The high school pupils enjoyed a social at the high school building Friday night. Mrs. George MUNROE, a former teacher in English was present.

Prof. Paul PARNETT spent Saturday in
St. Louis.

A number of ladies of Bonne Terre attended the Missionary Society at the home of Mrs. E. S. COXWELL Tuesday afternoon which was profitable and pleasant.

This week we have “Booster Day” and Election Day.

Mrs. A. E. ??? and daughter Adele and son Charles spent Friday and Saturday at Silica with the BLACKS.

The revival meetings at the M. E. church, South closed Sunday with several additions to the church.

The Dorcas Society meets with Mrs. Frank KAYLER Thursday afternoon.

Henry Harris has leased the DeSoto Press. Mr. HARRIS has worked in the Press office for years and has had almost entire charge of the paper for the past year.

Next Sunday is Easter and at all the churches there will be special sermons and singing.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. JONES entertained a few friends at their home on
4th Street last Thursday evening.

The Masonic Club was organized last Thursday night. Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD was elected president, Dan ROUGGLY, vice-president, secretary and Charles MANESS, treasurer. The lower hall of the
Masonic Temple is being fitted up for the club rooms which will be ready for use when the Drummer’s Convention meets here so that the visiting members of this organization can be fittingly entertained.

Miss Lois WEEKS took up her school work Monday morning after an absence from the school room for several weeks.

Mrs. Lee GOFF of Bonne Terre was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles POOL Tuesday.

Dr. P. H. DAVIS and Mr. CHARLES left Monday for
Kentucky where they will hold a meeting.

Skelton HORN of Bonne Terre had business here Saturday.

Dr. L. A. CHAMBERLAIN and family spent Sunday with friends at Bonne Terre.

Mr. NELLIGAN returned from
St. Louis Monday where he spent several days on business. Mr. NELLIGAN has purchased the BUCKHOLTZ farm and is making extensive improvements.

The down pour of rain for about 14 hours raised the
Joachim Creek so high that automobiles were unable to ford it Sunday afternoon.

Rev. MORSE of
St. Louis preached two excellent sermons at the Congregational church Sunday.  Mr. and Mrs. Robert COXWELL entertained the minister during his stay in our city.

The bible class meets with Mrs. James ALLEE Wednesday afternoon.

The Embroidery Club met with Mrs. OWEN Wednesday of this week.

Mrs. Hattie ALLEN spent Monday in
St. Louis on business.

Mrs. Kirk JONES and mother, Mrs. BISSEL were shopping in
St. Louis on Thursday.

Mrs. HIGGINBOTHAM and Mrs. John CLYDE shopped and visited in
St. Louis Thursday.

“Real Estate Transfers”
Charles WILLIAMS to Albert R. WEBER lot in House Springs, $1.
Wm HENKE to Frank KOHR, 15 acres
Sur. 2991, $2400.
A. G. MEDLEY to W. J. PINNETT, 2 lots in Fletcher’s addition
De Soto, $625.
T. B. EAVES to Ida M. KANALY, 10a, 5-39-4, $575.
J. F. ROWE to Sarah J. ROWE, 40a, 32-39-5, $1.
Katherine SCHAFER to Herman J. SCHAFER, lot in Pevely, $1.
Rudolph GABRIEL to Adolph STERNECKER, 5 acres, Sulphur Springs, $5.
T. B. EAVES to W. L. SIMPSON, 60 a. [50 a?], 6-39-4, $1350.
W. J. DICKINSON to B. F. MARTIN and E. M. FLINN, 80 acres, 7-42-3, $200.
Eliza WISCHEROPP to Henry HERDLEIN, 75 acres, 11-39-4.
Pittsburgh P. G. Co., to Lizzie E. SCHERER, lot in
Crystal City, $2200.
J. F. MANESS to J. R. TURNER, lot in
De Soto, $1.
Finance Co. to Richard FRANCIS, surface rights to lots in
Herculaneum, $1000.
Finance Co. to Richard FRANCIS, surface rights to lots in
Herculaneum, $1500.
Geo. A. PATTERSON to A. ASHLEY, 79a 36-40-4, $2500.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. to W. B. ANDERSON, lot in
Crystal, $750.
E. C. HOLT to F. J. PRATTE, lot in Festus, $1600.

“Golden Wedding Anniversary”
Mr. and Mrs. James MURPHY of Pevely celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home in Bonne Terre, March 25, with a family reunion.   There were just fifty relatives and their friends present, among whom eight of their ten living children and their families as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Frank MURPHY, son and daughter and Mr. Dan Murphy and son of Pevely, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Murphy and son of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and three sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy and son and daughter of Desloge, Mr. and Mrs. George PRATTE and daughter of Bonne Terre and the Misses Ella and Belle MURPHY of Kansas City. There were three persons present that were at the wedding fifty years ago. The day, which was an ideal spring one, was spent with music and singing, and telling stories and experiences of the past, and feasting, which was no small feature as a delicious dinner and supper were served. Afterward, all departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. MURPHY many more anniversaries, at which time all present decided to make the occasion an annual reunion.
-- A guest.

“Heads Creek Items” 

 The farmers in this vicinity are all very busy planting potatoes, sowing oats, hauling logs and repairing watches and clocks. Everybody seems to be in a happy and industrial mood.

Mr. Frank DANNAMANN is still busy building and repairing roads.

Edwin BECK is noted for his excellence in bicycle riding, especially down the school house lane.

Mr. J. P. GILLMAN is still on the sick list.

Willie DANNAMANN is also very busy plowing and burning weeds.

Raymond LEICHT has gone to
St. Louis to work.

Chrich KNOKEN is cleaning up the new tract of land that he recently purchased from Dennis BURGIN.

“Festus Items”
The four new bottle blowing machines and air compressors for the bottle factory have arrived and are now being installed. They expect to put fire in the furnaces about next Sunday and the first bottles will likely be blown Monday, April 18.

Misses Mabel BEATTE and Meoma AKINS of Danby spent Saturday with Mrs. Geo. SEIFERT.

Mrs. Fred SCHAFER and daughters, Bertha and Lucille spent Friday night and Saturday in the city.

Miss Ernie SCHAFER of
St. Louis spent Sunday with home folks.

Roy HOPKINS attended a house party at the Cedars last week-end.

Miss Mildred TOWNE spent Saturday and Sunday in
Herculaneum visiting Mrs. James SUTTON and family.

P. H. WAGGENER, C. J. SMITH and Leland MCCLAIN motored to
St. Louis Saturday and attended the first baseball game of the season.

Mrs. Dr. LUCKEY entertained a few friends on Monday evening at a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. L. J. FUNK who will leave soon for
Detroit. Mr. Funk has been employed for several years with the WAGGENER Store Co. Mrs. Funk is an active member in all the women’s departments of the M. E. Church South. They are estimable citizens and we are very sorry to lose them from our midst.

The Festus high school boys proceeded to
Flat River Saturday night where they played the second game of basket ball which was to determine the winner of the cup. Festus was again successful and is now considered champion of the northern and southern divisions.

Mrs. Jessie MAUPIN is improved at this writing. Her son Leslie who has been enlisted in the army for the last two years in
Texas has come home to see her.

Mrs. W. H. PILLIARD and Stella BAILEY were in
St. Louis shopping Saturday.

Mr. Wm. BOYCE of the Plattin who has been ill for some time does not improve.

ENGLAND of WAGGENER Store Co. accompanied by A. B. TROMBLY, manager of the Carr-Trombly Mfg. Co. of St. Louis attended the Lumbermen’s Convention last Thursday and Friday in Cape Girardeau.

Mr. Henry MUELLER of
St. Louis spent a few hours with Festus friends Wednesday evening enroute to his home in Jackson, Mo.

Mrs. C. E. MILLER and daughter, Miss Francis were
St. Louis shoppers last Thursday.

Mrs. Will ENGLAND and son of Hematite spent Wednesday with Mrs. C. C. ENGLAND and family.

Wm. MURPHY and family who have been visiting Festus friends this winter have returned to
Springfield. They will dispose of their property there as soon as possible and will probably return to Festus to reside.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack VEAL of
St. Louis are spending a few days with Mrs. Veal’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed VAUGHN of Crystal City.

“Road Department”
The writer passed over the Festus-Ste. Genevieve road and out at the WRIGHT farm saw what has been accomplished thus far in road improvement work. A complete transformation has been the result, roadplows and scrapers, heralds of twentieth century highways, have cut down embankments and leveled low spots that one traversing only at irregular intervals must marvel at the change. If this work and evidence of road widening work further south is to be a criterion of the efficiency of the County Court then we say let’s hold no more elections until that bond issue money has been expended, for we are firmly convinced that three better custodians safeguarding the public’s money and expending where dollar returns a dollar many times over could not be found. Fair and impartial, their very acts show the efficiency of their calibre. -- Tri-City Ind.

“Confirmation Easter”
On Easter Sunday, Rev. A. HILKEMAN confirms a class of four at Horine at the
eleven o’clock service, Cybilla CORDS, Henry Cords, Pauline STANGLEIN, and Clara STANGLEIN.

This will be the first service in the auditorium of the new church, tho the services and Sunday School have been held in the basement since the first of the year. All are invited to this service.

“The Battle Cry of Peace”
“The Battle Cry of Peace” is the first motion picture to be used to exploit an important, nation-wide propaganda. Its object is to bring to the notice of the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time the defenselessness of our country; not only to make the American people realize our condition as a nation, but to show them also the consequences to which this condition may lead, and finally to show them how to remedy this condition.

“The Battle Cry of Peace” is a call to arms -- not for war, but for PEACE.  It will be shown in motion picture theatres, schools, colleges and churches thruout the length and breadth of this country. It will arouse in the heart of every American citizen a realization of his strict accountability to his country in time of need.

Scores of prominent Americans -- in Army, Navy and Administrative circles of our government -- have contributed to this great production. Notable among its sponsors and endorsers are Dr. Lyman Abbott, the Honorable Lindley M. Garrison, Major General Leonard Wood and Admiral George Dewey, representing the Church, the State, the Army and the Navy.

Every man, woman, and child should see the treatment of this vital and present-moment spectacle of war scenes and equipment. A thread of romance binds together facts, scenes, and information that should belong to every mother, growing boy, voter, teacher, preacher, business man and statesman all in this splendid production, The Battle Cry of Peace.
Saturday, April 7th, at
2:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m.

“Marriage Licenses”
Charlie POLIEGOS -- Crystal City
Edna MCNULTY -- Crystal City
Henry H. KIERSPE [?] -- Labaddie
Lillie ANDERSON -- St. Louis
Jos. Wm. GEHRS -- Festus
Bessie A. VILLAR -- Festus
George CONDRUK -- Crystal City
Mary REPKA -- Crystal City

"J. Scott WOLFF Elected Mayor of Festus”
They had a red hot election in Festus. The principal contest was for mayor. Judge P. S. TERRY at the earnest solicitation of friends made the race for a third term. His opponent was J. Scott WOLFF, who was finally elected by a majority of fifteen according to the latest reports. It seems that Judge Terry’s advocacy of the sale of the municipal light plant made some very active enemies and this coupled with his enforced absence at
Hillsboro on the day prior to and on Election Day no doubt contributed to his defeat. Mr. Terry when advised of the results promptly called Dr. Wolff and congratulated him on his success and pledged himself to aid the Doctor in every way to upbuild the city in which both are so vitally interested.

F. J. SHEIBLE, a former citizen of the county seat, was elected assessor.

Charles CANEPA was elected Treasurer. B. C. REVIS, Collector; Wm.
GRIFFIN, Marshall; and A. W. SIEGRIST, Police Judge.

J. R. Funk and R. F. PANCHOTT were elected members of the school board.

“Board of Equalization Meets”
The State Board of Equalization raised the assessed valuation on Cattle in
Jefferson County 26 per cent above the present assessment.

Horses were also raised 20 per cent and mules ten per cent.

The following raises on real estate of the county have been made.
J. M. HULL [HALL?], 104 acres, N. part lot 2, 1915, 1916, $1500 to $2000.
Hy. KYBARTS, 70 acres, part E. pt. S. W., 3-39-5, $350 to $400.
Hy. BRUEDIGAN, 17 acres, pt. E. pt. S. W., 3-39-5, 00 [sic] to $100.
Anton MILLER, lots 3, 4 and 5, block 2 R. and D, Add.
De Soto, $800 to $1000.
Jas. R. OGLE, 107 acres, S. W. frl [?], 1/4 7-40-5, $600 to $700.
Adolph SCHMIDT, 100 acres, E. 1/2 lots 1 and 2 N. E.; and E. pt. W. pt. lot 3 N. E., 1-36-6 [?], $1300 to 1600.
P. B. MCCORMICK, 321.76 acres, lot 2, sur, 850, $600 to $3000.
Frank BOLLEFER, 176 acres, W 1/2 lots 1 and 2 N. E. and S. W.. S. E., 5-42-5, $1000 to $2000.
Andrew HILGERT, 185 acres, pt. S. W. and E. 1/2 lot 1 N. W., 6-52-5, $800 to $1000.
E. W. KESSLER, 40 acres, S. E. S. E., 4-42-5, 00 [sic] to $100.
EAVES, H. T., 40 acres, N.E. N. W., 23-42-4, $50 to $100.
L. D. KING, 40 acres, N. W. N. W., 23-42-4, $50 to $100.
Bessie L. TOWNSEND, 2.28 acres, part sur. 160, $720 to $1000.
Peter STREET, 8.15 acres, pt. S.E., 32-41-6 $150 to $250.
F. HOLDINGHAUSEN, 57,54 [sic] acres, N.W. pt. N.E. and E. pt. N. W. , 32-41-6, $750 to $1200.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., lot 193, $100 to $200, 193 1/2 $100 to $200; 194 $100 to $200; 194 1/2, $100 to $200; 195 1/2 from $200 to $300.

“Lee Vicinity”
Mr. and Mrs. Richard SEMPLE motored to
St. Louis last week.

J. M. LEE and John FISCHER are building a bridge over the branch by Fischer’s house.

Olive LEE had a severe attack of pneumonia last week, but is getting better under the care of Dr. KEANEY.

Our school closed Friday after a six months successful term with Miss CHEATHAM as teacher.

A party was given at the home of Richard WARNER Monday evening. Lunch was served and all had a good time.

Circuit Court, Special Term
J. B. ALDERSON  et al, vs. S.F. PRONTY et al, proof of publication filed 
State vs. Fred WIGER  $5 fine 
State vs. Elmer HUNTER, continued generally 
State vs. George WRIGHT , defendant charged with forgery 
Emil FAHR  vs.  Atele Fahr , defendant files motion for alimony pendente lite  

L. E. COLE  and Co., vs. Iron Mt. Ry. Co., motion for new trial overruled. Plaintiff files affidavit for appeal. Appeal granted to St. Louis Court of Appeals. Appeal bond is fixed in sum of $200, bond to be filed with and approved by clerk if filed in vacation, within term. Plaintiff granted leave to file bill of exceptions within 90 days. 


Ten days after the adjournment of this 
Edna PROFFIT  vs.  Chester Proffit , plaintiff files affidavit for order of publication. Publication ordered to Festus News.  

Allen WILLSON vs.  Frank J. KNAPP, et al., now comes plaintiff by his attorney and files his petition for damages. Summons ordered issued to Jefferson County.


Andrew GILBERT vs. Emma A. CALAHAN, et al. Plaintiff files petition in partition. Summons ordered to issue directed to Sheriff of Madison County.


State ex. relBenj F. BUSH , Rec. vs. Public Service Comm.. Plaintiff files petition for writ of ? 

Appointment of Louis ROTH as deputy sheriff approved by court.  

Twin City Ice and Creamery Co. vs. M. R.  and  B. T. Ry  parties and jury 

W. H. J. SHAW  and G. J. Johnston placed on regular panel of petit jury.

Emil FAHR vs. Atele Fahr, defendant allowed $25 as attorney fee and $25 for suit money, and plaintiffs petition dismissed.

J. W. HASTINGS vs. Georgia Hastings plaintiffs petition dismissed. 

H. H. JAMES vs. A. G. SEYPOHLTOWSKY, et al, proof of publication filed.


Probate Court

Final settlement of estate of Edwin SCHULZ minor and curator dismissed

Mary SCHLENKER, appointed curatrix for  Arthur, Edwin,  and  Elmer Schlenker, minors. Inventory list filed and approved.

Henry LANDUYT is appointed guardian and curator for Landuyt minors 

J. L. STEVENSON appointed guardian and curator upon filing bond in sum of $100 for Helen KEAN, minor 

Upon petition, the court orders appropriation of $288.00 out of estate of Robert and Paul REMICK, minors for board, clothing, and schooling.

Semi annual settlement in the estate of REMICK minors, estate is found exhausted and the court suspends further settlements.


Final settlement filed and approved in estate of J. F. Carl KARTE and Exx. discharged. 

John H. GRUETER vs. estate of John B. GRUETER, dec., on demand of $1610. Case tried but not allowed.  
Demand of William SCHLENKER for $250 against estate of Regina Schlenker , decJudgement of $75 and costs. 
Augusta HILTERBRAND appointed guardian of Hilterbrand minors, and her bond approved. Inventory list filed and approved.

Collateral inheritance tax upon estate of Wm. H. SWEET, dec. is sixty five cents. 

Distributees bond of Joseph HAGUE as principal and F. J. SEWALD  and A.P. MARKLEY as sureties in the estate of George HAGUE dec. filed and approved. 

Supplemental bond of $500 in estate of Adolph DINSE, dec. is approved. 

Robert M. SPITZ granted letters testamentary upon the estate of Robert SPITZ Sr. without bond.

Henry MARX and Charles J. SIEDLER appointed witnesses to inventory.

Letters of administration granted to Louis BEQUETTE upon estate of Augusta BEQUETTE dec.. P. S. TERRY and Floyd GRIFFIN appointed witnesses to the inventory. 

Quite a contingent of Festus people were in town the first of the week on witness duty in the W. H. PILLIARD case.  


In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri in vacation, March 10th, 1917

August DELBRUEGGE, Plaintiff,  vs. unknown consort heirs, devices, donees, alienees, immediate, mesne or remote, voluntary or involuntary grantees of Hermann KOERNER, deceased, who departed this life intestate on the __ day of __ in the year ___ who claim to derive an interest in said real estate ....of the said Herman KOERNER. Plaintiff further alleges that he is the owner in fee simple of the real estate hereinafter described, and that he and those under whom he claims have been in possession of said real estate for thirty one years prior to the date of the filing of this petition.        W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk County Court 

Executors Notice 
V. PETRAN , dec.,    Testamentary letters granted,  Exec. V. J. LEIGHT

Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Adaline CAVNESS, John G. BRUNS, Administrator 

“All Over Jefferson”
Jacob LEUTSINGER has been on the sick list but is out again.

Judge E. A. ROZIER of
Farmington is attending Court here this week.

Mrs. Charles HEMME attended the Dorcas society in
De Soto last week.

Judge DEARING arrived Monday to conduct a special term of Circuit Court.

Judge W. C. KERCKHOFF and Frank RUSSELL are among the Pevely visitors Monday.

Attorney Ernest GREEN and his partner of
St. Louis attended court here Monday.

Judge Tom DONNELL of
De Soto ambled among the court crowds Monday greeting old friends.

S. T. BRADLEY living North of Hillsboro has sold out and leaves for
St. Louis in a few days.

H. H. GRIEME of Pevely is here on jury duty this week, and made the Record a friendly call.

Crystal City and De Soto were greatly in evidence at the Board of Equalization meeting this week.

Mrs. CRAWFORD, Walter BLACK, and Mr. and Mrs. Del STOCKING were in the County seat Monday on business.

An entertainment and box supper will be given at Mayfield, (Morse Mill) school on Saturday night, April 14. Ladies please bring boxes. Boys, please bring coin.

Messrs. ROZIER and FRAZIER of Valle Mines were in the county seat Monday and viewed with great satisfaction the specimens of “jack” from the
JOHNSTON mine east of town.

Atty. James BOOTH of Pacific motored into our county seat on business Tuesday. He reported the roads on the way, the “worst ever” since the fourteen hour rain of Sunday.

W. H. PILLIARD of Festus formerly of the county capitol, is in town this week, in a law suit to recover damages from the R. R. when his ice plant was destroyed by fire last summer.

Brother Ray TOWNSEND of the Crystal Press was in town yesterday attending court and made the Record office his headquarters while awaiting the procedure of court.

Theodore WALTHERS of
De Soto was in the county seat on business yesterday. He was also advertising “The Battle Cry of Peace”, which will be at the Jefferson Theatre in De Soto, next Saturday, April 7th, at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. 

The rain Saturday night and Sunday arrived at a most opportune time for gardens and crops. Gardens are pretty generally planted. It is common comment that the season is most satisfactory one, plowing and planting going forward without delay from rains and the consequent wet soil.

W. H. J. SHAW of
Victoria has business in the county seat this week. Mr. Shaw’s vocation is a most unique and unusual one, (that of making lifelike wax figures for museums, theatres, etc of notable people and his orders come from all over the world. Just now the warlords and military spot lights are favorite subjects in these orders.

Dave PETERINE of Silica was in town Monday and asks us to correct a statement that BEFFA  and Peterine are to open a summer garden at Sillica. Mr. BEFFA is the sole proprietor and expects to open this pleasure resort in the near future. A dancing platform in a good looking structure is in readiness and an electric piano and lights are already placed.

John Jay NELSON of
St. Louis was in Hillsboro on Monday circulating among his friends. Mr. Nelson was of the opinion when he sold his beautiful farm North of Hillsboro some months ago and returned to his city home, that he was inconsolable without his vines to dig and his swine to feed. He has found that his back yard garden in town is sufficient to exercise his talents and to nurture his soul besides to throw a package at H. C. L.

Mrs. John DUFFY of De Soto was in the county seat Monday and as usual dropped into the Record office for a little visit. Mrs. Duffy and Mrs. MUMMERT have recently returned home from a trip to South America, Cuba and Porto Rico besides New Orleans. They made the trip with Mrs. Duffy’s daughter and son-in-law. Mrs. Duffy talks most entertainingly of the sights, and people met, but is deeply grateful to be in Missouri again and to be a Missourian.

Wanted: Single man for general farm work by month, apply to Albert STITES,
Barnhart, Mo.

Pierre L. CLERK was arrested last night by Sheriff Clark for loud and offensive conversation and disturbance of the peace.

The base ball season opens in
St. Louis April 11th. It will give a few folks opportunity to talk of something else besides the war.

The Senate Tuesday voted for a declaration of war against
Germany. It is expected that the House will also vote for the measure.

The proposed army bill as outlined in the papers contemplates compulsory service in the
U.S. armies of boys between the ages of 19 and 23.

It is rumored that an action will be begun shortly to restrain the County Court from further expenditure of the Bond Fund until the legality of the issue is finally determined.

Circuit Court will adjourn as soon as the Twin City Creamery Co. case against the Bonne Terre Railroad is decided as Judge DEARING is obliged to leave Friday.

On account of the fact that the Twin City Creamery case was prolonged much over the expected time of trial the case of Selina KOHLER vs. Anslem KOHLER which was set for April 4th, had to be continued to the May term.

Our friend Henry W. HARRIS has leased the Press at
De Soto. “Heine” is a versatile writer and an all ‘round good fellow. If he makes as good a paper as he is a good fellow, the other papers of the county will have to hustle to keep up with him. We wish him unbounded success in his new endeavor and assure him that the Record folks can be counted among his sincere friends.

“Statement of Ownership” [for the Jefferson County Record - names mentioned:]
Publisher, New Era Publishing Co., Hillsboro, Mo.
Editor, John H. REPPY, Hillsboro, Missouri
Managing Editor, Albertise C. REPPY, Hillsboro, Missouri
Business Managers; Albertise C. REPPY, Hillsboro, Mo.
...the owners are: John H. REPPY and Albertise C. Reppy

“Order of Publication”
In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Mo., in vacation, March 13th, 1917.

Lillie R. PENCE, Plaintiff, vs. Frederick H. Pence, Defendant a non resident of this state. ....has commenced a suit against him, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce on the grounds of general indignities

Buy Your Keen Kutter Tools etc from R. A. MARSDEN
dealer in General Merchandise (…), Harness, Shoes etc.
Hillsboro, Mo.