Jefferson County Record, Hillsboro, Mo
March 1, 1917

~ De Soto Items ~

Mr. and Mrs. Lee GOFF of Bonne Terre attended the annual chicken pie Thursday.

Mrs. Tom WILLIAMS of
St. Louis was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Henry HARRIS Thursday and Friday of last week.

The Daughters of the D. A. R. held a patriotic service at the M. E. Church South Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John REPPY of
Hillsboro who is the Regent was present and presided over the meeting. The splendid choir rendered appropriate songs. Miss Flossie HEYS gave a reading, “In 1492” and Mrs. REPPY gave an interesting address and at the close introduced Rev. ATTHEWS who delivered a stirring patriotic sermon. Rev. HEYS and Rev. GOODIN offered prayers. The church was beautifully decorated with flags and carnations.

Ivan WOODS and bride are here from
Illinois the guest of his parents.

Miss Etta Campbell spent several days last week with relatives in
St. Louis.

Lois WEEKS who has been quite ill went to
St. Louis for treatment last Thursday.

Clarence OGLE and bride were here from
Hillsboro Thursday.

St. Louis spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. O. F. MECK.

Arthur MORSE has purchased Mrs. Stella WELLS residence on
Mineral and Fifth Street.

Miss Emma SCHOELKOPF was the guest of
St. Louis friends Saturday and Sunday.

The committee on the entertainment for the Drummer’s Convention will meet Saturday and arrangements are about completed for showing these traveling men a royal good time.

George PYLE who has a good position in
St. Louis spent Sunday at home.

Ralph OMOHUNDRO arrived from
Illinois and spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Adrian STEEL.

A. E. STOCKING went to
St. Louis last week for a new Hupmobile for his father, Charles STOCKING, a prosperous farmer near Richwoods.

Fred JARENESKY and the Misses REED were at Bonne Terre Sunday.

Miss Mary Louise MOSTILLER of Bonne Terre spent Monday with her uncle, Dan ROUGGLY and wife.

Miss KNEHAUS spent Sunday with Miss BOOTH at her country home the other side of

Prof. Paul BARNETT was the guest of friends at
St. Louis Saturday and Sunday.

The teachers training class attended the school display and entertainment at
Hillsboro last Friday.

Sam McCLINTOCK, of Desloge, called on friends Sunday evening.

Sol HOHENTHAL damaged his new Super-six Hudson one day last week when he attempted to drive the car from the garage to
Main Street. It takes a long time to guide a

car just right and Mr. HOHENTHAL should not be discouraged as he has had his car only a short time.

The “Buick” agent from
Flat River passed through here Sunday with a new car.

I. N. HAMILTON and family were over in the Lead Belt Sunday.

Mrs. Robert COXWELL assisted by her Sunday School class will give a “Tea” at her home March 2nd. The proceeds go for decorating the church.

The Misses McCLURE entertained the members of the Monday Club Saturday.  Mrs. STEEL had the book review and the current events and after dinner stories were quite interesting.

Lou BURGESS was quite ill again last Thursday but is able to be at the bank at this writing.

~ Dry Fork Items ~

Well! Well! So we are still on the map. We had some pleasant weather ten past week.

Fred WEDDE is down with rheumatism.

John KENRICK who was caught under a falling tree and was seriously inured is getting around again.

John KASSEL has been cutting cord wood and clearing land the past few weeks.

H. DANNEMANN and son have been very busy making a rock wall to keep the rocks and gravel from washing down the hill.

Henry SWEHLA returned home from
St. Louis Saturday.

Theodore and Louis DANNAMAN have been cutting corn. That’s right, start in time.

Miss Agnes SCHOMAN who was in
St. Louis getting her tonsils taken out is getting along fine.

Mrs. Maggie ELKERMEYER is on the sick list.

~ Card of Thanks ~
We desire to extend our earnest thanks to the many friends of Adolph DINSE for their kindness and sympathy in his last illness.
Mrs. Adolph DINSE and family.


~ The Weather ~
Forecast for the week beginning
Sunday, February 25, 1917. For the Plains States and Upper Mississippi Valley: At the beginning of the week local snows will occur over the northern, and rain over the southern parts of these districts with warmer weather followed by fair and considerably colder Tuesday and Wednesday. After Wednesday the weather will be generally fair with rising temperature.

~ Marriage Licenses ~
James McKAY.................
Crystal City
Mrs. Mary LEAR .................
Crystal City

Gim GALIANO .................Crystal City
Stella PHILLIPS .................
Perryville, Mo.

~ Children Want Homes ~
There is a seven year old, brown eyed, energetic youngster who is most anxious for a home. He is bubbling over with pep and ought to be in a home where there is plenty of yard, so that he may romp to his heart’s content and be good and glad to sleep when night comes.

Then there is an eight year old boy who is the quiet peaceable type, who just wants a home where he will be loved and in return he will adore some kind foster parents.

That isn’t all, because there is also a thirteen year old Irish lad who has a smile that is contagious. He looks Irish and is proud of it. He doesn’t want to be petted and “fussed over: but he likes to have people “notice him” and “pleasant”. Some family with a grown son who has made good, will be the place for this lad. He is anxious to be as “good as the other fellow.”

Oh, yes, there are some girls too, and there are groups such as a brother and sister, two brothers, three little sisters, and sometimes even tiny babies.

If you have raised a family and now that they are all grown wish there was a youngster in the house again, quit wishing. Or if you are thinking of a child whom you had but a short time and then lost, don’t you think it would be good for both you and some homeless child to meet. Or perhaps even there have never been children in your home. What an opportunity to make some unfortunate child happy.

The Board of Children’s Guardians 37 Municipal Courts Building St. Louis, Mo., will be very glad to meet you. If you will write to us one of the Board’s visitors will call on you at your home. In some cases the Board will pay a sum sufficient to offset the expenses wants real homes for these children where they will be treated with love and affection and as members of the family.

~ Probate Court ~

Jas SWALLOW estate; report of sale of real estate filed.

John KOCH allowed $163.50 against estate of Fritz MUELLER.

F. H. HEILIGTAG allowed $147.25 against estate of D. Henry DIERKS.

W. B. McCARTY annual settlement filed and approved.

Samuel E. SAFFELS estate; widow is allowed $400 and not exceeding 250 for years’ provisions and order of publication to sell real estate continued to February Term and approved.

H. BRIMMER and Sons allowed $70 against estate of V. PETRON.

Anderson BOWLES estate; annual settlement filed and approved.

February Term.

George MELTON estate; real estate ordered sold.

Semi-annual Settlements Filed:

Frank BAUER estate. Louise BUECHTNG estate, Wm. BLACKWELL estate, John BROWN estate, Minnie CAMPBELL estate, Mary A. CRAFT estate, John ENGLEBACH Henry Robert GNICHWITZ, a minor, Louis ENGLEBACH, ECKLE Minors, Peter BOSTON a minor, Rose Catherine LEONARD, Anderson BOWLES, a minor.

Final Settlements Filed:

Wilson W. BAILEY estate, Clara BAGE Elizabeth MARSDEN.

Mary Jan ROSS estate; order of sale of real estate.

Harriet WILLIAMS estate; order of sale of real estate.

Letters refused in the following estates: Jacob DUESTER estate, Joseph S. WILSON estate.

Cyprian TEBEAN estate; further administration dispensed with after a compromise with B. F. BUSH, receiver of I. M. and S. Ry. for $150.

Michael SINKO, deceased $65.45 is allowed Chas. FAREK.

Settlements Continued.


~ Adolph DINSE ~
Adolph DINSE, whose serious illness was reported last week died Thursday, February 22nd. He leaves a widow, two step sons and a son and daughter surviving him. Mr. DINSE has lived for many years near
Hillsboro and was always a hard working man, quiet and peaceable and as exemplary citizen and a good friend and neighbor. He was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery. Mr. DINSE was but little over 55 years of age and was a strong robust man but the strong frame had been undermined by an attack of la grippe and pneumonia in both lungs proved too much for even his splendid constitution. He will be sincerely mourned by those who knew and understood him best for he had a heart that had no alley of selfishness.


Third Annual School Exhibit A Big Success ~
Rock Township Comes 150 Strong Festus and Crystal City Schools Have Splendid Programs.
The third annual exhibit of the work of the rural, schools closed Saturday afternoon, after a three day session. The weather being perfect, and the roads in remarkably fine condition, a fine attendance viewed the display running up into nearly a thousand each day. The displays, of writing, examination papers, sewing, carpentry, useful fancy articles in wood and in textiles, was most excellent. There were numerous handmade garments, tatting, crocheting, drawing, painting, baking (biscuits and cake), besides collections of native woods, grains, seeds, etc., and as a whole is pronounced superior to the exhibits of former years. There is genuine improvement in beauty and usefulness.

The programs each evening and afternoon in the court house were greeted with packed audiences, of visitors and town people. Supt. R. B. WILSON and wife are to be commended for this splendid exhibit in all its phases, for it is invaluable to bring the county youth and the school system as an investment before the public.

Bear Creek School came in a bus procured from Gravois Bus line. Miss Emma LISKI is their efficient teacher.

Antonia school, Geo. M. STAAT teacher came thirty-six strong in Fred BUECHTING’s truck, all very enthusiastic.

Miss Mae MEYER with 26 pupils from Moss Hollow came in Peter PAULS truck, and were a happy bunch.

Seckman School with their devoted and enterprising teacher, Miss Hannah BOLLEFER was conveyed to Hillsboro in W. ROESCH’s truck and was a merry party.

Eighteen automobiles brought the Festus School with their splendid superintendent and teachers who “displayed” well, both in the exhibit and on the program.

Crystal City delighted Saturday audiences with their splendid singing. They have a singing supervisor.

Mayfield, House Springs, and
Hillsboro put on programs that were highly enjoyable.

The McGHEHAN school, of about thirty pupils arrived in ROUSSIN’s truck, coming over 15 miles. The teacher Miss Effie DIXON, a much loved teacher.

Miss Alvina BOLLEFER brought her eight schools in the SCHWALBERT-ROESR truck and they had a fine time of it.

High Ridge came 30 strong, with Roy LEE, their efficient teacher to pilot them among the wonders of the exhibit. This is a good school with good teacher.


~ News Comment and Editorial ~
The word “Mendacious” that has such a prominent part in an “open letter” appearing in last week’s De Soto Republican, was copied, so we are informed from a personal letter written by Dr. AUERSWALD to R. W. McMULLIN.  Bill thought it was a great word, and when he had looked up the meaning, he thought he knew how to use it. Result, it makes Dr. AUERSWALD sore, and he says its Bill’s favorite word. Well Bill got it from the Dr. and he ought not to “holler” when he gets a dose of his own medicine. We intend to look that word up some time and see what it does mean, because it sure made the Dr. mad.

Some of the DeSoto papers seem to think that a personal attack is being made on Dr. AUERSWALD. No one has attacked his personal character concerning any matter

not connected with House Bill 582. If you were fighting a submarine it would be mighty poor time to try to find out who sent the submarine. The first thing to do is to sink the submarine, or get out of its way, and after that had been accomplished, it would then be well to look to see who sent it and to hold them responsible. Just now we are looking after Submarines No. 582 and 430, and when we get these into dry dock or sunk, we may further investigate to ascertain just when, where and how the idea originated and who is responsible.

The school exhibit closed Saturday gave the public a comprehensive insight on the work of our country schools. Much practical work was on exhibition and the children are being taught these days to work not only with the brain but with the hands. Educators have at least learned that the great majority of the boys and girls in the schools will in

life fulfill industrial positions, carry on the farms and attend to the homes and rule the world. These, therefore need practical training and if among the students there may genius, an embryo statesman, poet or artist, if that student has [inkblot] him the seeds of a successful career, his practical training will only aid him to reach the goal of his desire.

It was a great exhibit and
Jefferson County is proud of its splendid corps of teachers. There are some, of course, better than others, but all are good and it would not do to give any special mention without also reciting the excellence of the others.

Dr. P. F. TROBRIDGE, professor of Agricultural chemistry in the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, gives the following formula for dry-curing 1000 pounds of

pork: Fine clean salt, 40 pounds; white or brown sugar, 10 pounds; white or black pepper, 4 pounds; red pepper, 1/2 pound; mix thoroughly. Each piece of meat should be rubbed with fine clean salt and allowed to stand in a pile from 6 to 24 hours so that the bloody serum can drain out.

Rub each piece of meat thoroughly with the dry curing mixture. Be especially careful that the cure reaches the muscles around the ends of the bones of the hams and shoulders. Pile the meat carefully, with the skins down, in a cool, airy place. Avoid damp musty cellars. The pile must not be more than three feet deep. Repeat the

application in 3 days. The third application may be made in 5 or 6 days after the second. In general allow the meat to cure a day and a half for each pound. After this treatment it should be thoroughly cured.

Wash the meat with warm water and remove any extra curing mixture. Wipe it dry and hang for smoking. Smoking may be done with hickory oak apple or any wood except that of the pine family. Twenty-five wedges will give a good mild smoke. The meat should be carefully wrapped or sacked to keep out skippers.

~ Real Estate Transfers ~
Lucina WILSON and husband to James S. McKEAN, 280 acres, sec 30-41-4, $350.00

Wm. A. McKEAN and wife to E. C. HINSON, 135 acres, sec. 31-41-4, $10.

E. C. HINSON to Wm. A. McKEAN and wife same land as above $10.

Louis PRIESTER and wife to Julius GILLMAN and wife, 189.20 acres, sec.  19 and 20-42-5, $1,600.00.

Robertson, Lots 10, 11, and 12, block 88
De Soto, $175.

Miles G. BRADY and wife to R. E. ENGLAND, 65.36 acres, secs 15 and 16 50-5, $2500.00

Lewis Howard JOHNSTON  et al to Jo[h]n SHERIDAN and wife, 98 acres, in sec. 6 - 39-7, $1500.00.

Wm. O. TOWNSON and wife to John KEATON, 1-2 acre, sec 4-38-5, $1.

D. S. FRAZIER and wife to Herman WIBBLE, 10 acres sec. 24-41-5, $300.

Chas. SEYPOHLTOWSKY and wife to H. H. JAMES, interest in lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in block 8, of Landsdowne add. DeSoto, $50.

Rudolph STADLER and wife to Albina DAHL, 40 acres 34-41-4, $2000.

James R. OGLE and wife to G. M. AND N. C. EAVES, 107.52 acres sec. 7-40-5, $2,000.00.

G. A. AUERSWALD to Sam’l. E. MORRIS for life Ida H. JOHNSON remainder East end lots 35, 36, 37, 38, block 3 J. W. FLETCHER’S Add. to DeSoto, for $1,000.00

Michael BOYER to Chas. WALDRON, lots 7, 8, 9, ,10, 11, and 12, block 6 Mont. Pleasant Add. DeSoto, $280.

~ Antonia and Vicinity ~
Farmers are getting busy sowing clover and oats.

There has been a great deal of sickness here this winter.

Mrs. E. BERGMEYER is very low and not expected to live. The Squire is also sick with a relapse of the grippe.

Christ MEYER who has been sick for the past three months is not much better.

Mrs. M. BAUMBACH is reported a very sick woman and also their three children.

Chas. KLABLE has a sick boy at a
St. Louis hospital.

Ben REICHMAN who was taken to the
Alexian Bros. Hospital some time ago is not any better.

Geo. MARTIN, A. HEILIGTAG, Geo. VOGT, Ben FRIEDMAN and several others have been under the weather for some time.

Frank BOTTHEVE lost his house by fire on the 22nd. Very little was saved.  When discovered the whole upper story was on fire; a strong wind blowing at the time soon reduced the house to ashes. It was insured in the Rock Township Mutual Insurance Company.

A girl was born to Chas. DECKER and wife two weeks ago.

Chas. BAUMBACK, Jr. rented the Barnhart farm and moved there one day last week.

W. H. STRAHER is very busy making all kinds of handles for which there is a ready sale.

Ed GRAHAM, our basket maker, is now busy making ties for Geo. VOGT.

Percheron stallion, Black Napolion Reg. P. S. of A. NO. 121,958, coming four, weights 1570, also a good Jack coming four.  S. P. HARRIS,
Barnhart, Mo.

~ Obituary ~
William P. WILLIAMS died at Protection,
Kansas, February 12, 1917, and was buried there February 13, 1917.  He leaves surviving him, his widow Matilda Lee WILLIAMS and two sons in Kansas, Lawson and Jesse. He has three sons in Jefferson County, Wm. P. WILLIAMS usually known as Dexter, John F. and Luther, all prosperous farmers.  Mrs. Wm. A. WILSON and Mrs. Bertha GIFFORD are his surviving daughters. Another son is Albert who was last heard from in Montana, but who has not been heard from for many years.

“Uncle Bill” as he was called by his many friends was born in
Jefferson County, November 12, 1841, and married Matilda LEE in about 1859, while yet a boy. His father before him was also born in this county, so it can be said, “he was to the Manor born”. He was mighty hunter and never lost his love for the sport in his latter years when age had dimmed his vision he was keener for signs in the woods than any of the present generation, because he had been trained in the knowledge of the habits of the denizens of the forest.  Dr. Milton C. HARBISON, Len WILLIAMS and Jake DOUGLAS were among his early hunting friends and later R. W. McMULLIN and Cornelius MARSDEN were his companions and still later some of the younger bunch, among others the writer of this sketch. Uncle Bill and HARBISON were famous in their day as deer killers. They had well trained dogs and usually one or two slow trailers. Riding on each side of the trailing dogs, they usually got a shot, especially if it was after 8 or 9 o’clock in the morning and got their game. When the party went to Indian Creek even as late as 1885, they usually killed a wagon load of deer.  One trip Uncle Bill told me about was on Indian Creek. He had not killed a deer on that trip but he knew where a bunch of four deer used. They were packing up to go home, and Uncle Bill told HARBISON to take “Old Blucher” down to a certain corn field and as soon as he struck a trail for HARBISON to go back and help finish packing and to stop on the way at a certain ford and get him and his deer. HARBISON struck the trail and the Dr. heard him as he went over the mountain top and heard no more. When they reached the ford they found Uncle Bill and four deer, a buck a doe and two fawns. The dog was slow and the deer stayed together and Uncle Bill got the whole bunch.

The writer has been with him on many hunts and his keen eye could locate the runs and the probable haunts of deer with unfailing certitude. Uncle Bill was the sort of man who stood by his friends and was ready at any and all times to make any sacrifice to help them. He was a Christian in every sense of the world and tried to do even and exact justice to all men.

We have enjoyed his hospitality and have camped with him in the forests, been with him on the river in the night time gigging. Have fished with him, hunted squirrels with him and always found him to be a man who never exacted or expected more from others than he was willing to give. He was a Mason, and believed in the tenets of that order and was faithful to them. He sleeps on the plains of
Kansas, far away from the scenes of his early youth, his manhood and the friendships of these riper years but his memory survives and he has still an abiding place here in the hearts of his friends.

~ Hematite Items ~
Mrs. A. C. STROUPE [Stroup] and children, Mrs. J. R. ENGLAND and son Andy, have returned from a visit with relatives in

A. A. SMITH has sold his Hematite property to J. T. TIRNEY.  The Smiths will move to
Farmington this spring.

Misses Alice ENGLAND and Jessie WILSON returned home Monday evening from a few days stay in St. Louis  They were accompanied by Mrs. McCORMICK [McCormack] of Live Oak, Florida. Mrs. McCORMICK left Tuesday morning for a days visit with friends in
De Soto.  She returned to the city Tuesday after noon.

The teachers and several pupils attended the county school exhibit at display and good programs. NULL are on the sick list.

We came very near having a fire in our town Saturday morning. The house occupied by Will MEYER caught fire from sparks from the chimney. Quite a hole was burned in the roof before the flames could be extinguished. Fire insurance agent, Mr. MILLER of
Sandy was called over to write out several policies Saturday and Monday.

A. A. SMITH has a new Ford automobile.


The ouija board says Mr. T. SEITZ is contemplating buying a Ford and J. R. ENGLAND a Maxwell.

Miss Marguerite IRWIN of
St. Louis spent Sunday here with home folks.

Mrs. J. R. ENGLAND entertains the Ladies’ Aid this week. Plans for an entertainment are to be perfected at this meeting.

The many friends of Rev. WARD and wife are very sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. WARD at her parent’s home in Newberg and are hoping for her speedy recovery.


Firman PARKER has moved to Rush Tower.


P.C. McCORMICK [McCormack] spent a few days in St. Louis last week.


Mr. TIERNEY was sick Monday and Tuesday of last week and Mrs. ENGLAND taught for him.


Mrs. MALONE has been on the sick list for over a week.  She is reported better.


Mrs. Charles RICHARDSON entertained the sewing circle of the Christian Church last Saturday afternoon.


Rev. ASP of St. Louis will preach at the Christian Church the 1st Sunday in each month, morning and evening.


Wilber LEONARD is again in the blacksmith shop after an eight month stay in Texas.  He and Mr. SEAT enjoyed a 68 mile automobile ride last Sunday.


Judge BIRD and S.T. WAGGENER of Festus were here Monday buying cows.


Burt NULL is having the house on their farm put in first class condition.  He and his wife expect to move there as soon as repairs are finished.  They will be gladly welcomed by their many friends.


Jack ENGLAND was out of school two days last week on account of chicken pox.  This was the first Jack had missed this term.  No other cases are reported.


Misses Claire MALONE, Edith LEONARD and Messrs. Herbert KELLER [Heller ?] and P.C. McCORMICK attended the school exhibit at Hillsboro last Friday.


Paul BRADY of Festus was in our town Saturday.


Rev. WALTON preached two excellent sermons last Sunday to fairly good audiences.


See “The Maidens All Forlorn,” at the hall March 17.


Andy ENGLAND takes this opportunity to announce that he is in the Press Baby Contest and wishes to thank his friends in advance for their help.  He is going to make a try for one of the prizes.


~Hillsboro Items~

Mrs. W.S. WILSON, assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Ware EVANS and Mrs. Lillie PENCE, gave a very happy birthday party to her eldest son, Stanley.  Quite a crowd of little boys and girls played to their hearts content and enjoyed the lovely refreshments.


Mrs. G.W. GASCHE had as visitors during Exhibit Week, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd GASCHE, Mrs. Henry BRUNS and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur CRULL and Mr. and Mrs. Paul DAVIS.


Mrs. Clyde WILLIAMS had as her guests to the Exhibit, Mrs. Ed PINSON, Mrs. MARSDEN, and little Elizabeth MARSDEN of Victoria.


Mrs. John HELLER’s Exhibit visitor were Fern and Glenn WEBER of the House Springs School and of course, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry WEBER, Charlie BOEMLER also of the school remained over Sunday for a more extended visit.


Mrs. W.H. PILLIARD and sons, William Jr. and Max, Mrs. BLUNT, Miss BLUNT, Miss MEYERS and little Mary ENGLAND of Festus were the REPPY guests to the Exhibit on Friday.


Mrs. James REED of Danby was the guest of Mrs. Frank CLARK during the Exhibit and her daughter, Miss Bessie, visited Miss Hilda BOOTH on Sunday.


Mrs. Frank SPILKER spent a couple of days visiting and shopping in the city the first part of the week.   


Joseph HURTGEN and daughter Hazel of St. Louis spent the weekend here with relatives.


Edward WILLIAMS of East St. Louis came down for an over-Sunday visit and his wife and small son who have been visiting various relatives about the county returned home with him.


Miss Medora BOOTH of the DeSoto schools spent the weekend here at home, and had as her guest, Miss Esther KNEHANS, head of the teachers training class in DeSoto High School, for her weekend guest.  Miss KNEHANS directed her training class at the Exhibit in their observation work.


Mr. and Mrs. Tony SCHNEIDER entertained with quite a unique party Saturday evening, to which half a hundred guests were invited.  From reports it was quite the most enjoyable social event in Hillsboro society this winter.


W.R. DONNELL Jr. was in the city Tuesday and his brother James L. DONNELL held down the bank during his absence.


Mr. and Mrs. Judson B. POUNDS of Morse Mill were Hillsboro visitors yesterday.


Miss Mary SCHULZ of St. Louis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred BENZ of Festus visited friends near Hillsboro last Sunday.


The Victrola craze has happily reached Hillsboro; three new ones having arrived recently for R.A. MARSDEN, Dr. MOCKBEE and W.R. DONNELL.  Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT and the CLARK family already being possessors.


Mrs. Fred SHEIBLE and baby son, Joseph, came home for a visit during the school exhibit.


Miss Annie MILLER had several young lady guests Exhibit Week.


Mrs. L. SHEIBLE who has been spending the winter with a daughter, Mrs. Otto BRUHN of Pevely has returned and opened up her house to remain for awhile.  Her daughter, Mrs. Frank LANDIS and children of Festus were her guests during Exhibit Week. 

Mrs. BUCHANAN and Mrs. PARKINSON have made quite a visit to St. Louis relatives.


Mrs. Charles HEMME and daughter, Lillie attended a Doress Society meeting in DeSoto Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. HERMAN.


Mrs. WITRAM [Wittram], so long identified with the school life of the county, was one of the most enthusiastic visitors of the Exhibit.


Mrs. R.A. HOLEKAMP of St. Louis is making a visit to her country home of ‘Sorgenfria’ [Borgenfrio?]


Joel HONEY, late from a trip to Cua [Cuba?] has come home to spend the summer on the farm and to try his hand at farming.


Mrs. W. L.. STONE and daughter Emma are in St. Louis this week preparatory to the wedding of Miss Winnie STONE in that city today.


Miss Marguarite STITES and little brother were guests of the J.F. WILLIAMS family during the Exhibit.


~Festus Items~

Forest BAILEY and sister of Danby spent a few days with relatives here last week.


Amos COLEMAN of DeSoto made a run-over to Festus via Hematite and Bailey in his new Ford runabout.


Dr. and Mrs. LeMASTER spent a few days last week with relatives in Eureka Springs.


Glen JOLLY and family motored to DeSoto Sunday with a party of friends.


A number of new Fords were delivered last week to the following:  Ed BAGE of Horine, Lawrence GOVORO [Govero] of Crystal City and Will WINDES of Sandy.    


Miss Mildren [Mildred] TOWNE spent the weekend at her home in Cape Girardeau.


Jim DONNELL and wife with Misses Bess MOORE and Mildred TOWNE, motored to Hillsboro Thursday afternoon and viewed the display there.


The most enthusiastic basketball game of the season was played here Friday night with Ste. Genevieve boys.  The Farmington girls played our girls.  Both games resulted in a victory for Festus.  Saturday the Festus boys proceeded to Clayton where another victory was added to our list.  They celebrated Monday evening with a big wiener-roast at the High.


On Wednesday evening at the Opera House the entire school staged a most successful patriotic program.  It was the first of its kind here and thoroughly appreciated at this particular time when every American citizen must needs think of the grave problems that confront us.


On Friday about fifteen of our public spirited citizens with their cars arrived at the Grammar school about nine o’clock.  There were about ninety children and patrons were assembled to attend the exhibit at Hillsboro.  The children were to furnish part of the day’s program there.  A large parade was made and the number of cars spoke well for the interested citizens of Festus.


Ordell LEDEMAN, daughter of William LEDEMAN died Friday night.  She had been ill with tuberculosis for several weeks.  She was buried Sunday from the Catholic Church.


Much good is being done at the Baptist mission in the Brierton building on Main Street.  Several were taken into the church on Saturday night.  On Sunday afternoon a large crowd attended the baptizing at Silica. 


Miss Grace MORTON has a slight touch of tonsillitis this week.


On last Thursday Miss Nell STAUSS entertained the following girls at dinner: Miss Katie GROVES of Hematite, Misses Ethel VAUGHN, Bess JENNINGS and Stella BAILEY.  In the afternoon they proceeded to Miss JENNINGS for six o’clock dinner and from there to Miss BAILEY’s for a bunking party.


The little daughter of Mrs. Gib GRIFFITH is ill with diphtheria.


C.C. VAUGHN and sister Edna of St. Louis spent Sunday with their mother whose health does not improve.


Mr. JONES who is working on behalf of the Children’s Home in St. Louis is in our town this week.  He spoke at the M.E. Church Sunday morning and at the Baptist Church in the evening.


Ralph BROWN has been ill for several days with asthma and unable to be at his work in WAGGENER’s store.


Harry BOYER spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks.


Miss Dorothy WAGGENER entertained a number of young folks on Tuesday evening.


H.E. VAUGHN attended the auto show in St. Louis.



The Farmer’s Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Rock Township, Jefferson County, MO will hold its annual meeting at Barnhart, MO. Saturday, March 17, 1917 at 1 o’clock p.m., to transact its general business and any other business that may legally come before said meeting and also to amend some sections of the by laws.  W.F.H. DANNENBERG, Secretary    


~Administrator’s Sale~

I, the undersigned administrator of the estate of Michael CLOVER, deceased, will offer for sale on his farm, east of Cedar Hill, on March  3, 1917, at 10 o’clock, the following described property:

Two bay horses, 4 years old [list of animals: mules, cows, lambs, bulls, calves], Truck, 2 McCORMACK [McCormick] mowers, 1 self-dump hay rake, 1 wagon, harrow, etc.All sums of $15 or under cash, over $10 approved secured note bearing --per cent interest from date.
12 noon time.
Albert WEBER, Auct.


~ Executor Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that ---
term testamentary on the Estate of V. PETRAN, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 17th day of February, 1917, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit such Estate and if such claims be exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice, they shall be forever barred.
V. J. LEIGHT, Executor

~Regular Church Service~
Rev. A. HILKEMAN preaches regularly at
Hillsboro on the first Sunday
each month; at Horine on the 2nd Sunday; at Cedar Hill on the 3rd
Sunday; at
Belews Creek Church the fourth.

Methodist Church
Pevely: 1st Sunday morning and evening.

Hematite: 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings and evenings.
Hillsboro: 3rd Sunday morning and evening.

Victoria: Saturday night and the 3rd Sunday.

Everybody are prayerfully invited to these services.

Rev. George STEEL preaches regularly at
Victoria on the second Sunday
each month; at Blackwell on the 3rd Sunday, and at
Hillsboro on the 4th.
Rev. E. J. EAVES preaches regularly at the following churches:
Baptist Church, the fourth Sunday there will be services regularly
Glade Chapel on the second Sunday each month.
Regular services at
Oakland first Sunday of each month.
Upper Dry Creek has regular services on third Sunday of each month.


Regular church service House Springs Baptist, Rev. C. RADER of St. Louis.

The regular services of the Evangelical church at Cedar Hill held on Sunday March 4.

Everybody is cordially invited. S. Peter GOR---


~All Over Jefferson~

The many friends of Miss Ella FRISSELL of Frumet will be glad to know that she has recovered from her recent attack of serious illness and was able to finish her school.  The Editor and family enjoyed a visit to her home on Sunday and also other nearby relatives, the MUSE family.


The WOLF family and the ALBERT family are the new tenants of the HOLEKAMP farm coming here from Reynold’s County where Mr. HOLEKAMP was located so long.


Mrs. August GRIEWE [Grieve] and son George of Route 3, have returned from an extended visit to Illinois relatives.


Rudolph LEINHARDT of Grubville Rt.1, had business in the county seat yesterday.


Philip FINKEL, a perambulating merchant, who is well known in Hillsboro and throughout the north end of the County was in Hillsboro yesterday.  Philip has been laid up for about three months with a badly broken leg which he acquired by falling out of the loft of Clayton WILLIAMS barn.  He has many friends in the County who will be glad to know of his recovery.


Mr. and Mrs. Horace WAGGENER and Mrs. Hattie JENKINSON and daughter of Festus were among the enthusiastic Exhibit visitors.


Mrs. Peter McLOON and Mrs. YEIDA and daughter, Olive of Pevely, were most appreciative of the wonders of the Exhibit.  These ladies and enthusiastic in their work in the Mother’s Club of Pevely, and badly needed in every school district.


Mrs. Lethia HEDRICK of Advance, Stoddard County, MO was here recently in the interest of her brother, Clayton SLAUGHTER, who is serving sentence in the penitentiary, for the murder of his wife in DeSoto several years ago.


The Big Oil Engine ‘busted’ a wheel Tuesday on the McMULLIN Hill leading out of Hillsboro and stopped in the middle of the road.  The boys were doing a nice bit of grading on the hill when the wheel ‘busted’.


Rock Township as usual turned out the banner crowed to the school Exhibit Thursday.  Six big trucks brought over 150 boys and girls besides many others who came in touring cards.


Festus brought over on Saturday 18 automobiles loaded to the guards with children to attend the school exhibit.


The Union Electric Light and Power Company filed a mortgage with Recorder REINEMER this week for $68,000,00.00 [$68,000,00?].  This mortgage is to cover extension and includes the Festus and Perryville plants and so written as to cover any plants subsequently purchased.


Peter BRINKMAN living north-east of Hillsboro has rented his farm to Mack MARSDEN and is moving to DeSoto.


The Misses Jennie and Elizabeth HARRIS, popular hostesses of the ‘Cedars’ have returned from the annual winter visit to New Orleans.


A.V. POLAK of DeSoto, the Standard Oil agent for this county is ill of typhoid fever and his substitute was here on the company’s business this week.


George H. BRUNS of Dittmer motored into the county seat Saturday to attend the ‘Kid Fair’.  He was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ella and his son, Herbert, Miss Lizzie CORDES and by Miss Helen KEUL of Oerman.  They were among the scores who visited the Record Office Exhibit Week.


Rudolph STADLER of St. Louis was in Hillsboro Monday.  He has sold his farm to Harry DAHL and the present tenant, Edgar LAFFOON must locate elsewhere.


Seckman School came in the ROESCH truck to attend the exhibit.


E.S. ENNI of Horine was here Friday to attend the Exhibit and brought his young daughter who sang a solo very pleasantly at the evening program in the Court House.


F.J. ADAMS received a telegram Wednesday afternoon, apprising him of the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary E.A. BROWN.  She died Wednesday morning at 10:30 a.m. Western time.  She was living at Los Angeles, CA at the time of her death.  Mrs. BROWN was the widow of the late Thompson BROWN and her children by her marriage to Mr. BROWN were well known DeSoto folks, but we believe that Felix BROWN, who is still in DeSoto is her only grandchild living in that city. 


Mrs. William ZISKE and little daughter of Horine attended the exhibit and visited with Mrs. R.A. MARSDEN.


Mrs. Felix LEUTZINGER who has been on an extended visit in CA, with her daughter, Mrs. McNEELY has returned.


Mr. and Mrs. L.R. MURPHY and child visited the Exhibit and paid the Record a pleasant call.


~Public Sale~

I will sell my personal property at public sale, Tuesday, March 6, 1917.  For particulars, see posters.           Peter BRINKMAN, Rt. 1, Hillsboro, MO. 


~ Notice ~
Executor’s Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that I, V. J. LEIGHT, Executor of the last will and testament of V. PETRAN, late of Jefferson county, Missouri, deceased, by vested of the power and authority in me vested as executor of the Last Will and Testament of said V. PETRAN, deceased, and by virtue of the direction to me as such executor of the Last Will and Testament of the said V. PETRAN, which said Last Will and Testament, duly proven and admitted to probate by the Probate Court of Jefferson county, Missouri, is recorded in Book 4, page 169, of the Record of Wills of said Jefferson county, Missouri, will on SATURDAY, the 24th of MARCH, 1917, at the front door of the post office, in the town of House Springs, county of Jefferson and State of Missouri, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri and belonging to the estate of the said V. PETRAN, deceased to-wit:

All of the 4.8 acres of land in the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Forty-three (43), Range Four (4) East, described as follows: Beginning at a stone for the south west corner of said Section Thirty-four (34), thence east 10.01 chains, thence north 43 degrees 48 minutes, west 18.87 chains to the west line of Section Thirty-four (34); thence south 9.6 chains to the place of beginning. Also that part of the west half of lot 2 of the northwest quarter of Section Three (3), township Forty two (42) Range Four (4) East. bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the west side of the Rock Road, 200 feet south 37 degrees west of an iron pin set for George BOEMLER’s southeast corner, thence south 29 degrees, west along said rock road 150 feet, thence north 39 feet, thence east 306 feet, thence south 46 degrees east 222 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.42 acres. Excepting, however from the above described real estate that portion of said tract conveyed by Vaclav PETRON to Vencene MODER by deed dated
November 14th, 1908, and recorded in Book 67 at Page 145 of the Warranty Deed Records in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County, Missouri.
          Executor of the Last Will and Testament of V. PETRAN, Deceased.


~High Ridge~

Harry MILLER of St. Louis visited with C. WERNER and family Sunday.


It seems to be time for the spring poet to come forth with his little rhymes as well as the farmer to prepare to sow his seeds.


We wonder what attracts Arthur NORTH at Eureka.


Fred DELBREUGGE of St. Louis is visiting here.


We are glad to report Mrs. WERNER to be improving in health.


Will LEE of DeSoto visited here Friday.


Fred KREINHEDER took a large crowd to Hillsboro Thursday in his truck to the Exhibit. Everybody had a splendid time.  We extend thanks to Judge. J.P. MILLER and family for their hospitality.


Many farmers are making hot beds.  Heine DELBREUGGE was making hot beds in Tin Town.


A number from here attended the debate at House Springs Friday evening.  The subject was National Prohibition.  The debaters were: Affirmative, Arthur NORTH, Roy LEE, and Walther CLOVER; Negatives, Andrew HILGERT, Mr. ZALLEE, and W.J. CLOVER. The affirmatives won.  The next debate will be given March 10, on the Embargo Act.


 ~Teacher’s Meeting Program~

Program for the Meramec Town 1917.  The discussions will be selected from ‘Essays for College English’.

  1. The New Farming Generation, Mr. Harold BAKER.
  2. Conditions and Needs of Country Life, Mr. Herman RAGLIN.
  3. The Social Center, Mr. Arthur G. NORTH
  4. The Rural Reformation, Mrs. G.E. BONACKER.
  5. Problems of Rural Social Life, W.J. CLOVER

          Respectfully,  W.J. CLOVER, V.P.   

                                A.G. NORTH, Sec.


~ Notice of Stockholders’ Meeting~

Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholder’s meeting of the Farm and Dairy Bank will be held in the town of
Barnhart, Mo., on the 3rd day of May 1917.

Said meeting will be convened at
9 o’clock a.m. and continued during at least three hours unless the objection which such meeting is called be accomplished sooner. 


The purpose for which this meeting is called is to elect seven directors to the said bank, to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transactions of any other business which may properly come before the meeting.
Wm. SCHMIDT, President
George P. WITTE, Sec.




Yards: Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster

Groves Gratiot Station St. Louis

Planing Mill, Old Orchard



Henry HURTGEN & Sons, Horse Shoers, Automobiles Repaired, Hillsboro, MO



R.A. MARSDEN, Tools, General Merchandise, Hillsboro, MO