Jefferson County Record, Hillsboro, MO
January 4, 1917

~ Bowles Community ~

Lillian STETHEM who has been in St. Louis under treatment of an eye has returned to her home with her sight improving and is now returned to her studies.

Everybody speaks of the good time at the dance at Frank DIEHL’s.

Mr. BARTH and Wm. BOZEK, employed at the WAGONER Lumber Co. paid a delightful visit to parents and friends Christmas.

~ Hematite Items ~

Happy New Year.

Mrs. M. IRWIN spent Monday in
St. Louis, the guest of her daughter.

W. B. ENGLAND and family spent the holidays in the city.

Miss Jessie WILSON was a Festus visitor last Friday.

Idaho is visiting his grand parents, Dr. and Mrs. ELDER.

Dr. HAGAEN spent Christmas in
St. Louis with his family.

Miss Ella GROBB of Sunnyside spent Saturday night with Miss Alice ENGLAND.

Mr. and Mrs. Will MEYER gave a peanut party last Wednesday evening. It was a very enjoyable affair and several nice prizes were won. After refreshments they had an old fashioned spelling match. The guests departed at a late hour, declaring Mr. and Mrs. MEYER to be most delightful entertainers.

The Methodist Sunday School had a nice entertainment Saturday evening before Christmas, a tree and a treat for all the scholars.

Lucille HUMPHREY of
St. Louis visited here during the holidays.

Jack SPARKS and wife spent Sunday and Monday in Pevely.

The ACKLEYS entertained company from
St. Louis the first of the week.

The Misses ENGLAND of the Cape Girardeau Normal spent the holidays here with their parents, R. E. ENGLAND and wife. A young lady friend of the
Cape accompanied them. They returned to their school Tuesday.

Marshall HENSLEY of
Kansas City visited relatives here last week.

Mr. TIERNEY and family spent last week with home folks at Morse Mill.

Wm. EVENS and son Charles and Miss Marguerite GAMANCHE visited relatives in the city a few days last week.

J. R. ENGLAND and son Jack spent last Thursday   in
De Soto and took dinner with Foster DONNERLL and family.

G. J. HUMPHREY spent Sunday night with the
HARRISONS at Bailey.

Rev. WALTON preached here Sunday evening.

The Misses ROUGGLY of Plattin R. E. ENGLAND family and attended the MEYER peanut party.

Miss Frankie LEONARD and Miss Emma BIRD left Tuesday for
St. Louis to take positions in the Wholesale Millinery  house.

Mrs. Della GAMANCHE and children of
St. Louis spent Christmas with Albert GAMANCHE and family.

Mrs. N. JARVIES of Festus visited her father, S.A. SEAT last Sunday.

~ House Plants and Care of Them ~
Season for Potted Plants and Shrubs is Here - Care Should be Taken in Their Handling.

“Don’t Fuss’ with and handle plants too much. Like human beings they do not want to be nagged too much,” advises Horace F. MAJOR of the
College of Agriculture of the University of Missouri. There are four essential things, he says, sunlight, air soil, and water.

Sunlight is necessary to produce proper chemical reactions in the soil.
Air is needed for breathing for plants like humans breathe. Plants absorb carbon dioxide gas to purify the air in the home. They should be watered with judgment and washed off. Blooming plants should be repotted three times year, ferns every three years. Do not crowd them into small pots. Yellow leaves mean too much water and brown leaves mean drought.

~ Provide Material For High School Debates ~
In order that the debating teams of
Missouri high schools may be better prepared and have a greater range of material, the extension division of the University of Missouri has gathered and tabulated a large amount of material which may be had for transportation charges only.

Among the questions with which the material deals are:  
Independence of the Philippines, the Minimum Wage System, Women Suffrage, Recall of Judge, Arbitration of Capital and Labor Disputes, the Literacy Test for Immigrants and Compulsory Old Age Insurance.

~ Weather Forecast ~
Forecast for the week beginning
Sunday, December 31, 1916. For the Plains States and Upper Mississippi Valley: A general change to warmer weather is probable during the first half of the week, and temperatures above the seasonal average will continue thereafter. Generally fair
weather will prevail for several days.

~ Proceedings Of County Court ~
Usual Monthly Bills Allowed, Also Assessments Reduced. New Judge Takes Up Duties.

I. W. BLISS, assessment lot 20, block 11 Lansdowns corrected to $10 for 1916 taxes.

J. T. MILFIELD personal assessment corrected to $50.00 for 1916 tax.

S. C. LEAP personal tax stricken from book.

Personal tax of S. C. LEAP and wife corrected to $250 for 1916 tax.

J. H. ELLIOT tax on lands in survey 1996 and sec. 23-40-5 corrected to $1500 acres in section 10-40-3 corrected to $500.00.

Mary HAEFNER estate, taxes corrected to $20.

R. COXWELL and Son assessment on lot 1 and part of two, block 19 DeSoto corrected to $100.00.

Taxes on personal property of Kittie FARMER, Lizzie FARMER and Bridget FARMER stricken from book.

Assessment of W. C. BALLARD on lot 12 and 13, block ?, Allen’s add. to DeSoto corrected to $400.

FERGUSON assessment on lot 1 Herrington sub. div. corrected to $200.

Allen REVINGTON personal assessment corrected to $40 for 1916.

Ellis ROWES assessment on 8 acres sec. 22-39-5 corrected to $60.

Paul BAILEY assessment corrected to $60 on 3/4 acre 3-39-4.

W. A. HUSKEY assessment lots 4, 5, 19 to 24, block 2, Lansdowne Add. corrected to $700.

Court orders Chas. GRIM personal assessment corrected to 1916.

H. E. ZORN assessment on lots 2, block 5,
De Soto corrected to $1200.

H. E. ZORN assessment on lots 15 to 18, block 3, R. and D. Add.
De Soto corrected to $500.

H. E. ZORN assessment on lots 19 to 20, block 13, R. and D. Add. DeSoto corrected to $20.

E. C. Edgar assessment on S. E. pt. block 23, RATHBURNS’ corrected to $10.

Merchant’s assessment of J. E. HUSKEY corrected to $1000 for 1916.

Assessment of property of Consumer’s Electric L. and P. Co. corrected to 87-100 as, sur. 2008.

~ Accounts Allowed ~
Phillip BAUMGARTH, rep, red .... $ 90.52
Standard Oil, C. H. Eng ............ $7.82
S. W. Electric Co., rep ............ $2.22
Adolph HURTGEN, rep. toilet and light system ........ $7.20
MILLER and HENSLEY, treatment for poor person... $2.50
J. W. BITTICK, sup. co. farm .....$29.30
R. A. MARSDEN, same ............ $22.60
R. A. MARSDEN, same  ........... $33.55
Tri-City Independent, sta.  ......... $47.00
Buxton and Skinner, stat  ......... $1.07
New Era Pub.
Co. stat  ............ $10.00
J. P. MILLER, postage  ............ $3.43
De Soto Times, stat  ............... $48.00
J. B. PERKINS, constable  ..... $1.50
J. W. WAGGENER, room rent ...$1.50
R. B. WILSON, salary  ............ $108.34
R. B. WILSON, postage  ...........$6.15
Herman SEIMER, salary  .........$45.00
Herman SEIMER, supplies ............ $3.40
R. E. KLEINSCHMIDT, salary  ... $166.63
Harry DAHL, salary .................... $108.06
G. W. GASCHE, salary  ............ $200.00
G. W. GASCHE, incidentals ........ $19.60
Archie HURTGEN, salary  ............ $35.00
G. M. MOCKBEE, salary co. phys.... $30.00
De Soto Special, tax licenses ......$1884.24
Festus Special, same  ............ $3058.50
Hillsboro Special, same  ............ $287.03
Kimmswick Spec., same  ......... $1136.57
Harry GRIFFITH, salary  ............ $62.50
Harry D. GRIFFITH, exp.  ............ $9.50
P. L. CLERC, Jr. helping eng ..... $11.00
Leslie JOHNSON, same  ............ $1.60
T. W. M. BOONE, Jr. same  ....... $27.70
MILLER & BOREHERDING, rd. mach... $197.65
G. M. BAUMGARTH, cement.... $170.50
Frank DIETRICH, ins.  ............ $28.18
Harry GRIFFITH, culvert steel .. $17.60
J. W. ECKLE, sup.
Co. farm........ $1.70
J. W. ECKLE, C. H. and J.......... $44.56
Pat WIDEMAN, cordwood ....... $114.00
Herman DOHNER, helping eng.... $4.00
A. T. HOEKEN, same  ................. $9.25
J. M. AGNEW, salary, aass’t eng.. $47.55
J. E. HUSKEY, helping eng  ............ $4.00
De Doto Dairy Ice Supply Co. sup.
rep. Ware Grubville rd..... $10.00
Frank HUSKEY, imp.
Hillsboro and Cedar Hill road..... $70.20
J. E. HUSKEY, board of Eng. and crew  ............ $12.25
L. H. BRUNS, lumber for Cedar Hill bridge  ....... $12.50
KEUFEL and ESSER, sup. for
Eng.  ................... $7.70
Standard Oil Co., oil for road machinery  ............ $72.70
Wm. PORTER, engine for grading  ............ $19.20
Wm. MILLER, reps Hillsboro and House Springs road  ... $21.30
W. E. KIDD, imp.
Hillsboro and Cedar Hill road  ............ $46.90
W. E. EGGERS, Vineland-Kingston road  ............ $133.02
Depont DeNemours Co., dynamite  ....$50.80
De Soto Press, sup. for
Eng. ............ $25.30
Geo. CORNELL, rep. Ware and Pine Ford road  .....$112.20
Green HEARST, auto hire and dreyage  ............ $80.61
Geo. VIVRETT, rep.
De Soto and Richwoods road ..... $48.54
Emil SIEBELS, rep. Ware and Stone House road  ....... $61.15
Geo. HOLDMAN, Bonne Terre and De Soto road  ...... $91.50
MILLER AND BOACHERDING, culv. steel..... $11.00
Austin WESTERN, road mach  ............ $5.75
John GENZLING, rep. LeMay Ferry road....... $37.00
Lon WIBBLE, unloading machinery  ............ $113.88
Robert C. BAGE, imp.
Victoria road  ........... $106.86
Crawford Lumber Co., tile and cement ......... $27.40
Philip REISER, road dist. 14 .... $28.40
F. H. FISCHER, dist. 19  ............ $5.40
S. SCHUBLE, dist. 23  ........... $3.20
K. W. MILLER, dist. 38  ............ $25.15
Lon WIBBLE, dist. 45  ............... $2.20
Herman LUHN, dist. 47  ........... $48.70
Justus WILSON, dist 54  ............ $49.80
Stephen JACKSON, dist. 61....... $37.65
E. S. FUNK, dist 62  ............ $11.60
R. B. COLE, dist 71  ............ $76.00
S. G. MOORE, dist 73............ $5.05
Harry DAHL, board of prisoners..... $296.00
Harry DAHL, serving Judges of election..... $166.84
Harry DAHL, delivering election supplies...... $50.00
Harry DAHL, taking Mrs. AUBUCHON to hospital..... $22.19
W. W. POWERS granted permission to erect a telephone line on right of
way of county road on his farm to Road Telephone line.

~ Kimmswick Items ~
Miss Flora ARNOLD of
St. Louis spent New Year’s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold.

Miss Ellas VALET of
St. Louis spent New Year’s Day with “Madeline GERARD.

C. H. GERARD and family, Mr. Otto WENOM and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward GERARD took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Armand GERARD.

Miss Annie ESCOFFER spent Friday in Festus.

Miss Helen FLINN of
St. Louis was visiting Mrs. B. CASSIDY over Sunday.

Miss Bertha BECKER of
St. Louis is spending a few weeks with relatives.

Miss Pauline BECK of
St. Louis spent New Year’s with friends.

Mrs. Gus OHEIM entertained the R. A. E. Club New Year’s Day.

Mrs. K. GONZALES and daughter of
St. Louis are visiting her father, John OHEIM, Sr.

G. A. WENOM, Frank MEYER, W. H. FLECHER, and Jos. WECK went hunting New Year’s Day.

Mr. and Mrs. B. LONG entertained Mr. LONG’S nieces from
St. Louis Saturday and Sunday.

The Misses Elsie and Leona KIRK gave a party New Year’s Eve for twelve of their friends.

Mrs. G. PHILLIPS has been spending a few days in
St. Louis with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. KEMPE entertained relatives from
St. Louis New Year’s Day.

St. Louis is home for the holidays.

FRIEMAN and Gussie WENOM spent New Year’s Day with Joe and Michael EVERLING of
St. Louis who are visiting their grandma, Mrs. K. SCHALLER.
Nearly all the beautiful homes in
Windsor Harbor have been closed for the winter.  Mr. and Mrs. WHITNELL are spending the winter in Florida.  Mr. S. A. WHITEHEAD and family and Mrs. Lettie HARLOW and sons have gone to the city. Mr. S. D. SPENCER and family have gone to Kirkwood
for the winter, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. WENOM and Mrs. K. SCHALLER have taken rooms in Kimmswick.

John OHEIM was in
St. Louis Sunday.

Mrs. John J. HILGERT went to
St. Louis Saturday to visit her parents.

The Christmas entertainment given at the Windsor Harbor Presbyterian church Christmas Eve was a success in every way. The entertainment was in charge of Miss Hazel WELLS and much credit is due her.

~ Tax Payers Meeting ~
Meramec Township Tax Payers League will meet at Cedar Hill,
Monday, January 15, 1917, at 10:00 o’clock in the interest of good roads.
O. BRACKMANN, Chairman
Hy. F. WEBER, Sec’y

~ De Soto Items ~
Miss Genevieve GIBSON and brother, Walter went to
Maryville College in Tennessee Sunday.

Mr. Kern McCORMICK of Chicago stopped off Sunday to visit relatives here on his way to Farmington to spend a few days with his father, Dr. McCORMICK before going to State of

St. Louis spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ellen DEADRICK.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry BRUMMER entertained friends New Year’s Eve.

Eugene EDGAR’s new home on
4th Street is progressing nicely.

The quarterly conference was held at the M. E. Church, South New Year’s night. Lunch was served.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest COXWELL entertained with a family dinner New Year’s Day.

Miss Esther KNEUHANS has returned from
Mt. Olive where she spent the holidays.

Mrs. Fred GRATIOT spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Joe ROZIER.

The ladies of the first M. E. Church served dinner at the church Thursday.

Prof. Paul W. BARNETT arrived last week from
Kirksville where he spent the holidays.

Mrs. Edith ARMBRUSTER of
St. Louis, Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of the O. E. S. of Missouri, installed the officers for the year 1917, Monday night at the Masonic Temple. The guests were the Masons and their families and the members of the Hillsboro Chapter.

The Blue Lodge A. F. and A. M. elected officers for the year 1917, Thursday night. They are; Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD, W. M; Kirk JONES, S. W.; Sam HIBBERT, J. W. ; Elmer KEMPE, Treas.; Wm. BLANK, Sec.

A bonus of $10,000.00 was distributed among the employees of the shoe factory.

The stores were closed New Year’s afternoon.

Mrs. G. A. RATHBURN is quite ill at her home on
Easton Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan ROUGGLY entertained Mrs. ARMBRUSTER, Grand Matron of the O. E. S. New Year’s Day.

Laurence AUBUCHON is former
De Soto boy, now working at Marshal Fields Dry Goods Co., Chicago, received a bonus of $700.00. This is excellent for a young man not quite 21 years old.

Charles McCREARY’s little daughter received the auto given away at FRECH’s Saturday night.

Dr. G. A. AUERSWALD departs Tuesday for
Jefferson City to take up his duties as legislator from this County.

Miss Leah STEWART returned to
Lawrence, Kansas Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles HERMAN returned Saturday from a week’s visit at
Hillsboro with Mrs. HERMAN’s parents.

~ Fattening Poultry For Marketing ~
High Price of Feed Need Not Prevent Gains on Sale of Fowls If Proper Methods are Used.

Chickens may be taken from the range, fed expensive feeds and sold for an economical gain, according to H. L. KEMPSTER of the
College of Agriculture of the University of Missouri, birds will gain approximately 23 per cent in value in twelve to fourteen days of feeding. The gain required to each pound of gain of the chicken was three and one-half pounds or about eight cents.

The chickens were confined in coops two by two and one-half feet square with wire bottoms. Slats were placed across the front permitting them to feed from the trough out side. The ration consisted of corn meal, 7 pounds; shorts, 3 pounds; bran, 1 two pounds of sour milk. This wet
mixture was fed twice daily. The confinement encourages gain through lack of exercise, causes flesh to soften making the meat more delectable and luscious.

~ Bogus Holdup ~
We had a beautiful story of how Jim KING was held up by three auto pads, and robbed of his small change, $1.35. The story was that “Jim” and Henry MORRIS had been out late playing checkers and on their way home were held up, robbed and told that old men ought not to be out
so late. It develops, however, that “Father” J. Robert EVANS merely told the story to excite the sympathy of some of “Jim’s” grandchildren.  It was just a story to scare the “kids”, and
there was nothing to it but “Father’s” inventive and mischievous mind.

~ Walking Best Health Aid In The Winter ~
Cold Increases the Appetite and Necessitates the Taking of More Exercise.
With the coming of cold weather exercise should not be forgotten. It is needed more than ever. With the advent of winter the appetite for sweet and greasy things increases and most people over eat. To utilize this amount of food, plenty of exercise in the bracing fresh air is required.
Among the best exercises and the one which is within the range of everyone, is walking. Five miles a day is not too much for the average person, and seldom have such weather conditions occurred as to make this impossible. It is not well to walk so rapidly or so far as to induce excessive fatigue. It is not advisable to walk in the face of a strong wind if it can be avoided. Those who are not accustomed to walking should begin by going a short distance each day, preferably on fairly level ground, gradually increasing the distance and the speed.
The President of the American Walker’s Association gives this advice on the proper method of walking. “Walk upright, shoulders back, chest expanded, allows arms to swing freely, step out with a snap. Walk with the hips, not with the knees. The slow, haphazard, often slouchy gain of the ordinary citizen is not walking. It is a poor imitation that gets him nowhere and is of little
or no value as a health builder.  How different is the walk of the practiced pedestrian gliding along
with long, even stride, head erect, freely in perfect rhythm to each thrust of the opposite leg. Covering distances with little effort that to the average person would be quite impossible at the gait that surprises the casual observer, he finds his walking a pleasure second to none.
He visits places of interest impossible to reach by trolley or train, traverses roads through the most beautiful scenery, climbs up hills and down dales, and roams through fields and woods inaccessible even to the automobilist and the cyclist.  In addition, he fills his lungs with pure invigorating air, sends his blood pulsing through his veins, carrying fresh life and vitality to
every part of his body.”

~ Movies Suite Greek Letter Men of the University ~

That the general type of the motion picture play is not objectionable is the opinion of the representatives of the Greek letter societies of the
University of Missouri. A campaign against Columbia playhouses showing the general run of the silent drama is being carried on by the women’s organizations of Columbia and of the University. A vigilance committee to discourage the showing of the plays by attending only the ones considered worth while by the organizations has been appointed. The fraternity men say that unless a practical committee of censorship can be affected that no reform can be obtained.

~ Golden Wedding ~

M. S. McKAY and his bride of fifty year ago then Miss Sarah LEWIS, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at DeSoto, on
December 25, 1916. Mr. and Mrs. McKAY are the parents of Councilman Lee McKAY of De Soto. There were present on the occasion of
the celebration, fifty-one children, grand children and great grandchildren. This does not represent all the descendent of this excellent couple, but there were enough present to show that the McKAY family does not believe in race suicide. The Record wishes the bride and groom many more happy anniversaries.

~ Elmer Moreland STITES ~

Elmer Moreland STITES was born,
April 28th, 1879, at Charleston, IL, died December 10th, 1916, at Los Animas, CO.  Some six years ago failing in health he sought a different climate, going first to New Mexico, then to Boulder, Colorado, and again to New Mexico and finally
some three months ago, back to Colorado, where he died, midst the care of a devoted wife and loving father. He leaves two brothers and two sisters, one sister, Mrs. H. C. PINDHALL at
Seattle, Washington, not being able to reach home for the funeral conducted December 14th from
the old family home at Barnhart by the Rev. Geo. STEEL.

Jefferson County Record
A Partnership composed of
John H. REPPY an Albertise C. REPPY

[seal] Press Association Member

John H. REPPY, Editor
Albertise Coon REPPY, Associate Editor
Cards of Thanks, twenty-five cents; Resolutions, one dollar.
Obituary poetry, five cents per each six words

Subscription Price - One Year, One Dollar
Six Months, Fifty Cents.
In Advance

Hillsboro, Mo, Thursday, January 4, 1917

~ News Comment And Editorial ~
Peace is talked freely and more gigantic preparations for the war’s continuance are being constantly made. Our friend Villa has broken out again and it looks very much as though the Carranza government in
Mexico is drawing to an end.

All of the county officers at
Hillsboro are now filled by Republicans. The County Court remains Democratic. We want to say in passing that no matter what the politics of the officials may be they are call servants of the people, and that official who strives most to truly serve his people will best fill his office. Parties are always proud of the men who best serve the people, for by so doing they not only fulfill their duties, but aid their party. We expect every Republican official to do
his whole duty.

Judge LAMM has consented to the use of his name, to contest the election of Frederick D. GARDNER, to the governorship. The Judge says that he does so solely in the interest of the people, who have a right to know whether or not an attempt has been made to thwart their will.
Independent of the few politicians, who are interested in getting jobs, it seems to us, that no honest fair minded Democrat can or will object to a contest that will go to the root of things and disclose fraud, if any there was, wherever found and regardless of who the guilty party may be. If LAMM was the real choice of the people he ought to be governor. It our motto “Vox Populi Suprema lox esto” is to remain true, and the will of the people is to be the supreme law, then all should be interested in seeing that a fair expression of that will is not denied, by fraud, at the ballot boxes, where alone, the people’s will can be surely registered.

State Auditor GORDON, answering an inquiry of Frederick D. GARDNER, Governor elect, on the face of the returns, and now Governor by virtue of the face of the returns, admits a deficit in State finances, of over a million and approximately one and one half million dollars. That is to say: there are bills to pay aggregating almost a million and a half dollars, and the money to pay is not in sight. The last Legislature, as has been heretofore pointed out by the Republicans of the State,
appropriated over three million more dollars than the revenues of the State amounted to, which statement was also denied vigorously by Democratic Press and officials. We might make some very pointed comment, but it would do no good. The good citizen, who is really interested in good government, will know he has been deceived by those in whom he placed trust and by his party leaders for partisan advantage. If knowing this, he is big enough to resent it and demand a
square deal in politics as he does in his personal business, then the country is safe.

~ Festus Items ~

Miss Eva PILLIARD returned to
Cape Tuesday morning to resume her studies at the Normal.

Mr. Henry MUELLER of
Jackson spent New Year’s Day with his friend Mr. FRAGITT of Crystal City.

Paul and Raymond BRICKEY attended a house party in Prairie DuRocher,
Illinois the later part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. LeMASTER entertained a number of friends on Thursday evening at cards. Dainty refreshments were served and a delightful evening spent.

Ira D. PILLIARD left Saturday for
Milwaukee. He has accompanied as far as St. Louis by his mother.

Robert L. BUREN and his sister, Miss Nellie spent New Year’s Day at CROMWELL’s country home.

P. J. BUREN and H. P. FABRIUS were in Festus Thursday consulting with the business men of Festus relative to the proposed woodware factory. We did not hear the result of the conference, but hope it was such nature as to insure the early location of the new factory in our town.

C. C. ENGLAND had notaries business in Horine Monday evening.

Judge CONN spent last week in Festus assisting WAGGENER Store Co. in taking their annual invoice. He is assisting Long Mercantile Co. in the same line of work this week.

The three grand children of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. GAMEL who have been spending the holidays with their grandparents and uncle here returned to their home in
Maplewood Sunday.

C. C. ABLE and sister Mrs. Hy. --USLER [H—nsler?] spent last week visiting their mother near Belle,
Mo. They returned home Sunday evening.

A delegation of the Shekinah A .F. and A. M. spent New Year’s afternoon at the home of Wm. G. BOYCE, near Plattin. Mr. BOYCE is a helpless invalid and we understand that his fellow Masons tendered him a Christmas gift which brought him much happiness and cheer.

The condition of Mrs. W. E. OSTERWALD who has been confined to her bed for several weeks remains unchanged.

F. H. WAGGENER left Tuesday morning to resume his studies at
Central College in Fayette.

Calvin J. SMITH returned from his home in
Bellefonte, Pa. on Friday evening.

The contracting parties were
Roy A. BLUNT of this place and Miss Willie Mac THOMPSON of Wilson. Their wedding was in Wilson, La., on Christmas Day.

Miss Mary JUNCKER left Tuesday for
Cape Girardeau where she will enter the Normal.

A very pretty wedding took place ding is the culmination of a courtship which began six years ago when Miss THOMPSON visited
Crystal city. The bridal couple arrived in Festus Thursday morning where they spent a few days with his mother and sisters and on Monday departed for their new home in Kokomo, Ind. They have the best wishes of their Festus friends.

Miss Irene McCORMACK returned to her work in
St. Louis after a few days visit with her mother.

Miss Mildred FARLEY of Pevely spent Thursday and Friday as the guests of Festus friends.

H. E. VAUGHN spent Sunday in

The thieves who robbed the Funk and Smith Drug Store last week were caught in
St. Louis and brought back to Festus by Constable Carrol BYRD and Deputy Will VAUGHN. Most of the stolen articles were recovered.

~ Baptist Meeting At Morse Mill ~
The Mt. Herman Baptist church was the scene of an interesting Fifth Sunday meeting last Saturday and Sunday. Several topics were ably discussed and by the several elders present and the several sermons were preached by Rev. E. J. HAMRICK and Rev. J. P. McKAY.
A most hospitable repast was spread by the good women of the community and a generous spirit of good fellowship prevailed.
The next Fifth Sunday meeting will be held at
Bethlehem in April.

~ 5.00 Reward ~
Hillsboro, Mo., Dec 28, 1916
When I lost 15 head of cattle in Big River by drowning, I also lost one red steer coming 2 years old with tag in his left ear, “Marked, J. H. SIMCOCK, Victoria, Mo., No. 415”.

Will pay $5.00 for his return to me alive.  It may be that he also drowned. Jos. J. HOEKEN

~ Circuit Court Docket ~

State of
Missouri vs. Pierre L. CLERC, Felonious assault.

~Monday, Jan 8th - 1st Day~

State of
Missouri vs. Charles LaBEAUME, selling liquor on Sunday.

State of
Missouri vs. Thomas GRAHAM, selling liquor on Sunday.

State of
Missouri vs. Edw. Randolph robbery.

State of
Missouri s. Margaret HEMME, refusing to give assessment.

H. B. IRWIN vs. W. S. KENNERD, et al suit on note.

Jane E. BRADFORD vs. Wm. J. KNORPP damages.

Alice BYRNE vs. James BYRNE, et al; to set aside will.

Martha PLASS vs. W. G. PLASS, on note.

City of
De Soto vs. Alex Van GELS, appeal.

~Tuesday, Jan 9th - 2nd Day~

State of
Missouri vs. Chas. G. HARRIS; rape.

State of
Missouri vs. Chas. G. HARRIS; rape Ind. No. 14.

State of
Missouri vs. Oscar NEUGEBAUER, common assault.

State of
Missouri vs. William BAUER, disturbing the peace.

Clara HICKELHEIM vs. Theodore KOHLER, et al; partition

Lucy DEGONIA v. John DEGONIA suit on contract.

John H. HOPSON, et al vs. Bessie D. McNICOL, et al; to set aside decd.

State ex rel Chas. W. SHIELDS vs. Pemiscot County Abstract and Investment Company; mandamus.

J. WILLIAMSON vs. Anderson BOYCE appeal.

~Wednesday, Jan. 10th - 3rd Day~

State of
Missouri vs. Hugh MILLER, felonious assault.


State of Missouri vs. Mrs. Insom KEETON, felonious assault

State of
Missouri vs. Jacob KUECHENMEISTER, perjury.

State of
Missouri vs. Jack CANTRELL, robbery.

State of
Missouri vs. Felix HOLSTER, motion for new trial.

Jacob L. BOYER et al, vs. B. A. MAYER et al, partition.

Frank GAMANCHE vs. John H. REPPY, et al, equity.

State ex rel Chas. THOMASSY vs. R. E. BYRD, et al, mandamus.

Joseph STANEK vs. John WANDELL, et al, damages.

~Thursday, Jan. 11th - 4th Day~

State of Missouri vs. William LOESCH, burglary and larceny

State of Missouri vs. William LOESCH, burglary and larceny

State of Missouri vs. Howard WINGO, felonious assault

State of Missouri vs. Stanley BRUZZE failing to stop auto.

State of
Missouri vs. Hattie DANIELS, keeping gaming house.

State of
Missouri vs. Robert B. MUNROE, grand larceny, Ind. No. 7a.

John E. RYAN vs. Edw. R. BONACKER suite on note.

Carl Lee FINNEY vs. Ross A. VINYARD et al. partition

Petitioners for naturalization: (40a) Lorenz GARTNER, (40B) Wenzel
PAZDERNIK, (40C) Frank Jos. KOTALIK, (40D) Tony KORBELIK, (40E) Joseph
KORBELIK, (40F) Joseph JAORUS, (40G) Michel FORTON.

~Friday, Jan. 12th - Fifth Day~

State of Missouri vs. Robert MEYERS, felonious

State of Missouri vs. Robert B. MUNROE, grand larceny, Ind. No. 10A.

Bridget GARETT vs. Patrick CARRIGAN, et al partition.

Delphine ROUSAN et al vs. R. B. JONES, et al, partition.

Delphine ROUSAN et al, vs. W. P. GRAHAM, partition.

Jessie BAUR vs. Arthur BOOTHE, et al partition.

Arthy WHALEY, et al, vsfl, E. A. WHALEY, et al partition

B. J. GRUETER, et al vs. Jno. H. GRUETER, et al partition.

In removal of administrators of O. MUNROE estate, appeal from Probate Court.

Joseph CATLETT vs. Mary  O’FARRELL et al, partition

~Saturday, Jan 13th - 6th Day~

Sid R. CLIFF, et al vs. Ferd SAUR, account, appeal.

Johanna ROSE vs. August TRUNER appeal.

Effie FRAZIER vs. E. G. MANGAN [Wa-gan ?], damages.

Martha M. HURST vs. Andrew  E. HURST, divorce.

Bess? A. VAUGHN vs. Henry E. VAUGHN, divorce.

Harold REYNOLDS vs. Hattie REYNOLDS, divorce.

Marco COGNATA vs. Mas. [Maz – Max?] COGNATA, divorce.

John F. GIBSON vs. Annie GIBSON, divorce.

Anna B. LaBEAUME vs. Michael Chas. LaBEAUME, divorce.

Charles B. 
HARRISON vs. Olga A. HARRISON, divorce.

~Monday Jan 15th - 7th Day~

W. J. KNORPP vs. Harriett CARNAHAR account.

Robert Kolmett McMURREY vs. D. S. WORTH, injunction.

Crystal City State Bank vs. A. BLACK, et al, suit on note.

Frank MISSEY vs. Israel E. LEE ejectment.

Ludwig SCHULZ, admr. vs.
St. L. L. M. & So. Ry. Co., damages.

M. F. HERRINGTON vs. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Rock Township for insurance.

M. F. HERRINGTON vs. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. of
Jefferson and Franklin Counties, for insurance.

J. L. HORNSBY vs. R. B. MUNROE, on note.

State ex rel H. B. JONE, Mx vs. J. P. MILLER, P. J. mandamus

B. K. VANCLEVE vs. A MARLI, et al replevin.

~Tuesday, Jan 16th - 8th Day~

Jane PINSON, et al vs. Roscoe B. JONES, Exer.
et al, set aside will.

WAGGENER Store Company vs. A. F. ZEITINGER, et al, account.

P. S. TERRY vs. Vitagraph Lubin Selig E. Co., et al, attachment.

Albert ROESCH vs. Chas. F. NAUMANN, damages.

L. E. COLE, et al vs.
St. L. I. M. & So. Ry. Co., damages.

Fred POLITTE vs. M. B. and B. T. Ry. Co., for wages.

Chas WACK vs. Catherine YEAGER, et al, partition.

Selma KOHLER vs. Anslem KOHLER injunction.

Ellis R. BAGE et al, vs. Mary I. HOYT et al, partition.

I. SACKS vs. Chas. BLUM, appeal.

~Wednesday, Jan. 17th - 9th Day~

E. E. KNICKERBOCKER vs. St. Joseph Lead Co., damages.

Walter H. ZOLL, et al, vs. Rolla MATHIAS et al, damages.

Michael BAUER vs. North American Union, to recover insurance.

W. H. PILLIARD et al vs. Singer Sewing Machine Co., account

George H. ELDERS et al vs. L. S. COLEMAN, to recover money paid on judgment.

Wallace WALTON vs. Pittsburg Plate Glass Co., damages.

R. B. VOLLMAR vs. H. R. SORGE, on note.

D. W. FOLEY vs. W. C. FISEBER, appeal.

Samuel HILL vs. Hattie HILL, divorce

~Thursday, Jan 18th - 10th Day~

Esther VAUGHN vs. Chas. Grant HARRIS, damages.

Blanche VAUGHN vs. Chas. Grant HARRIS, damages.

O. B. MARTIN vs. Clara MARTIN, divorce

Ben JARVIS vs. Clara JARVIS, divorce

Selma KOHLER vs. Anslem KOHLER, divorce

Emil FAHR vs. Atele FAHR, divorce.

Laura B. LEWIS vs. Albert LEWIS, divorce

Edward OGLE vs. Lolo OGLE, divorce.

Lorenz KRODINGER vs. Mary L. KRODINGER, divorce.

~Friday, Jan 19th - 11th Day~

Sarah A. JOHNSON vs. Chas. I. JOHNSON, divorce

Frank DIETRICH, adm. vs. Ross JONES, appeal from Probate Court

Cleo M. HASKINS vs. Gordon HASKINS, divorce.

Charles H. WYSONG VS. OOOrp? WYSONG, divorce.

Martha LAWTON vs. Ernest LAWTON, divorce.

Jay B. GREEN vs. Aubrey GREEN, divorce.

Pearl WASHINGTON vs. Joe WASHINGTON, divorce.

J. W. HASTINGS vs. Georgia HASTINGS, divorce.

Marcia WARE vs. James WARE, divorce.

Lizzie SCHAFFER vs. G. H. SCHAFFER, divorce.

~Saturday, Jan 20th - 12th Day~

Myrtle FILKINS vs. Robert FILKINS, divorce.

Twin City and Creamery Co., damages.

~ Stockholder’s Meeting ~
Notice is hereby given that the annual stock holder’s meeting of the Bank of Kimmswick will be held at the bank on Monday, January [22], 1917 for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and will transact other business as properly come before them at that
Charles H. GERARD, Pres.
G. A. WENOM, Cashier.

~ About Others and Us. ~

County Court met Monday and will meet next Monday as will also Circuit Court.

Colds and coughs of light form are prevalent in spite of the phenomenally mild weather.

James JOHNSON of Ware, the new assessor circulated among the Court attendants Tuesday.

George P. DOVER, an enthusiastic good roads man had business with the County Court yesterday.

Chris H. KNOKE and John DOLL of near House Springs were in the county seat on business.

Frank BECHLER now living in
St. Louis was in Hillsboro one day last week transacting some business.

Hoyt HOECKEN who is employed with the Packard Co. in
Detroit made a New Year’s visit to his parents.

Miss Anna HURTGEN of
St. Louis has been here making a New Year visit to her father and brothers.

G. J. JOHNSON has completed his new house at the edge of town and moved his household into it January 2.

De Soto was in the county-seat on Tuesday, also C. C. MITCHEM and other De Soto citizens.

Hillsboro Chapter O. E. S. initiated Miss Katherine MILLER into the mysteries Tuesday evening at their regular meeting.

Z. T. EATON of Ware was called to Bonne Terre on account of the illness of his brother Jesse, who died and was buried last Saturday.

Fred BOEMLER of House Springs accompanied Judge Christ MILLER to the county court Tuesday to assist in running the Judge’s new car.

F. A. HARBISON of Grubville came into the county seat on Tuesday to bring his holiday guest, Forest BARFIELD of St. Louis to the train.

Miss Legia HILL who was the guest of Mrs. ULRICH and daughter Norma during the holidays has returned to her work in the
Mt. Olive School.

Supt. Herman SEIMER and wife gave the 18 inmates of the County farm a Christmas treat which was the only one they received this holiday season.

Mrs. Judson POUNDS who was operated upon for cancer some months ago is doing fairly well but has to make occasional visits to the city for treatment.

T. B. EAVES and wife and Mrs. Millard HERRINGTON and daughter of DeSoto were here yesterday on probate business connected with the estate of the late Millard HERRINGTON.

H. H. GENRICH and his son Russell made a trip to
Delphia, Ind. where they went to attend the funeral of E. CAMPBELL who was the husband of one of Mr. GENRICH’s sisters.

Miss Minnie BERGNER, daughter of Frank BERGNER of Belews Creek is in a hospital in
St. Louis for treatment and operation. Her brother, D. J. BERGNER of Eureka is home meanwhile.

H. H. GENRICH, T. S. BAKER, T. S. WILEY, T. S. PRISSELL and others from the Ware and Dry Creek neighborhood were in the county seat yesterday in the interest of good road in their neighborhood.

Santa Claus accompanied Mrs. Clyde WILLIAMS and children to the city when they went up for a little visit. Now Mrs. WILLIAMS wears a beautiful diamond. Good company.

Mrs. T. F. SCHNEIDER and babies and Miss Emma SCHNEIDER accompanied their father, Mr. SCHNEIDER as far as
St. Louis on his return home to Dixon yesterday. They will visit relatives in East St. Louis.

Charley QUINN’s automobile stopped at the bottom of Bakewell Hill and refused to budge farther. His passengers had to walk the mile and a half into the Hub. Our local garage men put them in shape for the return trip.

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. MERICKS of
St. Louis arrived Saturday evening to visit Mrs. MERICK’s brother, W. J. A. SCHUBEL and family. Sunday the latter took them to visit another brother P. E. SCHUBEL and family near Cedar Hill.

A special meeting of the O. E. S. was held Friday evening of Christmas week, to initiate Miss HARRISON of Morse Mill. This special meeting gave opportunity of attendance to the Christmas home comers, who are members.

Perry GAMBLE, a former resident of
Central Township died at the Mayfield Sanitarium in St. Louis Sunday after noon. Mr. GAMBLE has lived in Herculaneum for some years and was recently taken to St. Louis for treatment. He was buried at Ware Tuesday afternoon.

The usual charming weather of early January is with us with plenty of sunshine and mildness. A heavy warm rain with lightning fell Tuesday night, January 2nd. Muddy roads are to be reckoned with now but all this is preferable to the zero weather just before Christmas. DeSoto registered 16 degrees below zero the morning of December 22 and Cedar Hill 14 degrees.

W. S. WILSON was re-elected Supt. of Hillsboro Sunday School and Mrs. Albert MILLER, first assistant. Ed. C. HINSON, secretary, John David REPPY assistant, Miss Leona RILEY treasurer. Mrs. DIETRICH, organist and Martha REPPY assistant organist. The teachers are Supt. R R.
WILSON, Mrs. J. H. REPPY, Mrs. Albert MILLER, Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT, Miss Tessie ADAMS, Miss Mayme HELLER, W. S. WILSON and Mrs. Frank DIETRICH.

H. T. EAVES of
Jefferson City visited here the week-end.

Dr. PARKER of Cedar Hill was a
Hillsboro visitor Saturday.

Julius ZIMERMAN of
St. Louis, a former Hillsboro boy, made a holiday visit here.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul DAVIS and W. L. HENKE were guest at the HERICH-McKEE wedding Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy RHES, and Mr. S. SCHNEIDER, Christmas guests of Tony SCHNEIDER, have returned home to
Dixon, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred WILLIAMS of Morse Mill, were out last Sunday to make the last visit of the year to John F. WILLIAMS and family.

Attorney Albert MILLER and son Alvin spent Friday in
St. Louis and attended the show which Alvin pronounces “ Some show.”

Sam ECKLE, departed Monday afternoon for
Detroit, Michigan, where he goes to take a position with the Packard Motor Company. Sam is a very worthy young man and one of the sort that makes good any where he is placed for the reason that he always brings to any job he has, a
conscientious effort to fill the position full and to give full service to his employer. Such men always succeed.

Judge Christ MILLER assumed the job of acting Judge of the County Court for the 1st District Tuesday. The Judge looks well on the bench and will do all he can for his constituents, but, his constituents will be wise, not to expect too much, for on a show down the Judge can only get
what the other fellows allow him to have. We believe however, that in matters pertaining to roads in his district the Judge will be given just consideration and his wishes generally followed.

~ A Day’s Enjoyment ~
The Belews Creek Presbyterian Chapel had a very happy Christmas celebration. The 24th being the regular preaching date of Rev. A. HILKEMAN there was preaching service at
eleven o’clock. Then the noon hour was a basket lunch occasion and period of visiting. The afternoon embraced Sunday School, Christmas tree and program and after intermission the evening service. This enabled the entire community to enjoy all of the services and exercises with Making but one trip, a most satisfactory arrangement. The tree and treat were a happy feature for the young and old alike.

~ Stockholder’s Meeting ~
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Hillsboro will be held at the bank on
Monday, January 8th, 1917, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may properly come before them at that
Geo. M. MOCKBEE, President
W. R. DONNELL, Cashier

~ Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of
Mary HAEFNER, deceased
were granted to the undersigned on the 3rd day of January, 1917 [...]
Nick ROESCH, Executor

~ Partition Sale ~
By virtue and authority of a decree of partition and order of sale made and entered by Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, at the September term, 1916, thereof, and on Tuesday, September 12, 1916, in that certain partition suit wherein Clara HICKELHEIM, William KOEHLER
and Josephine WASHFORD are plaintiffs and Theodore KOEHLER and Anne OTKE are defendants a duly certified copy of which said decree of partition and order of sale dated October 5, 1916, was to me, the undersigned, sheriff directed and delivered, and by virtue whereof I, the undersigned sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri, will on Saturday the 13th of January, A.D., 1917, sell at the front door of the Court House, in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, at public venue to the highest bidder the following described real estate situate in Jefferson County, Missouri, to-wit: the Northwest quarter of section thirty-six (36), township forty-three (43), Range four (4) East containing one hundred and sixty acres upon the following terms to-wit: Fifty (50) per cent of the purchase money cash and the balance of the purchase price to be paid in one year and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of sale or all cash at the option of the purchaser.
Harry DAHL, Sheriff.

~ For Rent Or Sale ~
Small farm, 27 acres in cultivation near High Ridge on good road, suitable for berries or for chicken farm. 60 acres in tract. Apply to J. P. MILLER,
Hillsboro, Mo.

~ Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the
Estate of
Levi SCOTT, deceased.
were granted to the undersigned on the 12th day of December, 1916 [...]
W. R. DONNELL, Jr., Administrator

~ Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of
Wulf SCHUETT, deceased
were granted to the undersigned on the 20th day of December, 1916 [...]
Christina SCHUETT, Executor

~ Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of
Joseph ZIPP, deceased
were granted to the undersigned on the 13th day of December, 1916 [...]
Helena ZIPP, Executor

~ Executor’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given, that Letters Testamentary on the estate of
Albert Edward Ferdinand PAGEL, dec.
were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of December, 1916 [...]
Clara Olvina PAGEL, Executrix

~ Trustee’s Sale ~
Whereas, Henry F. WINTER and Minnie L. WINTER, his wife, by there certain deed of trust, dated March third, 1915, and recorded in the recorder’s office of Jefferson County, Missouri in Book 45 at pages 626 and following, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the real estate
situate in Jefferson County in the State of Missouri, described as follows, to-wit:

All of the South-east quarter of the North-east quarter (S. E. 1/4 of N. E. 1/4) of section thirty-three (33), containing forty (40) acres, also the South West quarter of the North West quarter (S. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4) of Section Thirty four (34) containing 41.30 acres, all of said land being in township forty-one (41), Range four (4) East.

Which said conveyance was in trust to secure the payment of certain promissory notes therein described, and whereas said property has been conveyed by said Henry F. WINTER and wife Minnie L. and is not the property by mesne conveyances of Henrietta WARE, and whereas although the payment of the past due interest notes has been demanded of said Henrietta WARE, the same remain due and unpaid, by reason whereof the whole debt becomes due at the option of the holder and owner of the said notes, now, therefore, I, the undersigned, trustee, at the request of the holder of said past due interest notes and all the notes therein
described and pursuant to the powers given me by said trust deed, will on Monday, January 8th, 1917, at the front door of the Court House in the Town of Hillsboro, in said County and State, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of said
day expose said real estate at public venue to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the whole of the debt secured by the said deed of trust.
Hillsboro, Mo., Dec. 14, 1916.
Albert LIPP, Trustee.

~ Administrator’s Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of
Henry MAY, deceased.
were granted to the undersigned on the 2nd day of December, 1916 [...]
William MAY, Administrator

~ Stockholders Meeting ~
Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholders meeting of the stockholders of the J. M. ENGLAND Farm Co. will be held at the office of that Company, on Monday, January 8, 1917, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year.
J. R. ENGLAND, Pres.
W. R. ENGLAND, Sec’y.

~ Antonia Items ~
A delegation from
Rock Township consisting of Fred HEILIGTAG, Geo. H. MARTIN, Theodore KOHLER, Philip KRAUS, Edward C. STAAT and Arthur ZIMPFER were in town Tuesday before the County Court asking for appropriations for the roads about Antonia.

Fritz GLASS, an old and respected citizen of this County was taken from his home near Antonia last Sunday by his son-in-law, George MARTIN, to St. Mary’s Hospital in
St. Louis. Mr. GLASS is suffering from a complication of liver and heart trouble and while not seriously ill, his condition was such that it was deemed safest to place him in a hospital where he could have constant attention.

Christ MEYER is very slowly improving from a severe attack of pneumonia.

Mrs. Edward BERGMEYER is critically ill and her recovery is doubtful.  Her trouble has been diagnosed as cancer of the stomach, but we hope that the diagnosis may prove incorrect and for her speedy recovery.

Andy KOHLER of
Great Bend, Kansas, who has been visiting Jefferson County relatives for the past three weeks, departed for his Kansas home Tuesday.

Ed HEMME, son of Henry HEMME, one of our prominent citizens is home on a visit after and absence of eleven years. He now lives in
Canada and owns a big farm and is prosperous and looks it.

The two churches of our neighborhood gave Christmas entertainments on on Christmas Eve and the other Christmas night. Both events were well attended.

~ Suggests New Highway Dep’t ~
In suggesting the addition to the state highway department of an estimate man who would be at the service of the public when cost of bridges concrete or steel, are wanted, and Oklahoma good road builder writes the Ozark Trails headquarters in Oklahoma City as follows:
In spending money there are so many men who like to get their hands in the public pocket so well that we very often fail to get a dollar’s worth of road or bridge for a dollar’s worth of money, and the need of such a department is great.

~ Some Good Shot ~
H. A. McALLISTER, our Hiberian neighbor, who claims to be a full fledged, dyed in the wool Orangeman, had a unique experience Saturday before Christmas. His wife woke him EARLY, he was sleeping late, and called his attention to the fact that two large fat, robust turkeys had
flown down into the yard, especially for their Christmas dinner. Mack arose, partly dressed himself and hied himself out of the house to grab Mr.
Turkey. He took the wrong road around the house and the Turks were well on the other side. Mack says they were too far away and he didn’t
even get a feather. Mrs. Mack says that next time a voluntary turkey feast is offered she will do her own shooting and then wake Mack up to bring in the game, that he is entirely too slow, for a well bred Jefferson County wild turkey.

~ Trustee’s Sale ~
Whereas, Frank F. JOHNSTON and Emma JOHNSTON, his wife, by their certain deed of trust dated the 31st of May, 1916, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of deeds for the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, in book 53, page 185?, conveyed to the undersigned, trustee, the following described real estate, situated  in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, to-wit: All of lots four (4), five (5) and eight (8), that lie East of the St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Railway right of way, as shown by the report of commissioners in a certain partition proceeding, wherein Elizabeth M. HORINE and others were plaintiffs and William L. RILEY and others were defendants, which report and the plat accompanying the same are on record in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County, Mo., in the book “A” at page 405 and following, reference to which is here by made and said plat and report are made a part of this deed for a more perfect description, said land being a part of section 26, and U. S. Survey No. 924, excepting, however, forty-five acres off of the East end of lot five, sold to E. SCHLAFFKE by Thomas C. MATHER and others; containing 231 acres, and also lots one (1) and two (2) as shown by plat “B”, as shown
by the plat returned by the Commissioners appointed in the partition suite of Ezra CADWALLADER and others against Samuel POLLARD and others as appears in their report dated January 22, 1875, and recorded in book 9 of Records of Deeds in the Records of Jefferson County, Missouri, at page 220, and following, reference to which is hereby and report and
plat are made a part of this deed for a more perfect description, said land being a part of the Northwest fractional quarter of section twenty-five (25) in township forty one (41), range five (5) East, containing twenty-eight and 44-100 acres (28 44-100) which conveyance was made to the undersigned in trust, to secure the payment of certain notes in said deed specified; and, whereas, four of the principal notes and one of the interest notes in said deed of trust described are now
past due and remain unpaid; now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said notes, and in pursuance of the conditions in said deed of trust, the undersigned, trustee, will sell the property above described at public venue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, in said County of Jefferson, on Saturday, January 20, 1917 between the hours of nine o’clock in the fore noon and five o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and the cots of executing this trust.

Walter G. THIELECKE, Trustee

~ Lee Vicinity ~
Mr. John and Michael RIORDAN of
St. Louis were the guests of Will LEE the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard SEMPLE are visiting friends and relatives in
St. Louis this week.

Mr. and Mrs. George BROWN of
St. Louis were visiting Mrs. BROWN’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George CASTILE last week.

The Old Bachelors are out running around again; they say all danger is over. One old bachelor said that he was going to the New Year’s ball, but we don’t know whether he went or not. He said they had been taking dancing lessons but we don’t know where he was taking lessons unless it
was over the phone.

Mrs. George CASTILE is visiting relatives in
St. Louis this week.

~ High Ridge Items ~

Many rabbits were killed during the holidays.

C. WERNER and family entertained relatives and friends from
St. Louis Sunday.

Frank WALLACH’s barn burned down one day last week.

Mrs. Herman KREINHEDER is visiting relatives in
St. Louis.

Roy LEE visited home folks near
De Soto during the holidays.

An auto was found by the cemetery here Friday morning. It is said it had been stolen and got out of order and was abandoned, however the owner came from
St. Louis and got his car.

Another year has been numbered among the annals of the past, a new one begun and passing. Our last year’s resolutions were made and kept or broken. Let us make the most of this year, to do the best and be the best we can and resolve to attend the literary society meetings here.
Friday, December 5, the subject is Resolved: that the Pen is Mightier than the Sword.

Everybody invited.

~ Obituary ~
George KIDD, aged nearly 90, was buried at Cedar Hill cemetery December 29th.  He had lived his life in
Jefferson County and died on the old home stead from which his wife preceded him about twenty years ago. His son William E. and family have lived with him for many years, and gave him the tender care and attention that his feebleness the past two years necess[itated], here in the county and two in Texas.
Mr. KIDD had the universal respect and esteem of those with whom he spent his life and had the reputation of being a man of worth and kindliness.

~ Notice ~
Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholder’s meeting of the West Kimmswick Farmers Bank will be held at its banking house, at
West Kimmswick, Missouri, on Monday, the 8th day of January, 1917.
Said meeting will be convened at
10 o’clock A. M. and continued during at least three hours, unless the object for which such meeting is called be accomplished sooner.
The purpose for which this meeting is called is to elect seven directors for the said bank, to serve during the ensuing year, for the consideration of voting on a proposition of procuring larger quarters, or to build a banking house, and to change the name of said Bank, and for the purpose of transaction of any other business which may properly come before the meeting.
E. J. WHITE, President
Wm. F. LUDEMANN, Secretary

~ Charity and Good Roads ~
Once each year the great public mellows up and remembers the poor which “ye always have with ye”. For one day they are dragged into the limelight and held up as horrible examples of what they ought not to be, stuffed with turkey and sweets and forgotten for another year.
The fact the poor are becoming greater in numbers each year in the face of greater prosperity is an illustration that the average man is giving little or not thought to the public good. An examination into the cause of this distress on the part of so many people reveals the fact that a large portion of them have drifted into the cities and towns from the country for the purpose of enjoying greater school and social facilities, driven off the land on account of poor roads and poor schools. The natural results followed, and many of them became objects of charity.

Good roads in the country will bring good schools and the drift to town to educate the children will stop. The country will become a more desirable place to live and the drift will be toward it rather than, as now, away from it.

If the time and energy, and the money that now goes to relieve the sufferings of the poor for one or two days in the year were devoted to the improvement of the public roads and public schools “poor” problems would not be hard to solve.

Let’s give some thought to finding the cause and applying the remedy.

  ~Advertisements in this issue~

P. A. puts new  joy into the sport of smoking!
You may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it’s certain-sure you’ll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with
Prince Albert tobacco!
P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction if offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch! You can smoke it long and hard without a comeback!  
Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality!
Prince Albert affords to keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kickback!
Introduction to Prince Albert isn’t any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for “a supply of P. A. “ You pay out a little change, to be sure, but its the cheerfullest
investment you ever made!
Prince Albert is sold everywhere; 10c: handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors - and - that clever crystal-glass pound humidor with sponge top that keeps the tobacco in splendid condition.
Prince Albert - the national joy smoke
R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co.,
Winston-Salem, N. C.
Copyright 1916 by R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co.

KIRSTIN Stump Puller - One Man - Horse Power
The most complete line of land clearing machines in the world. No matter how difficult your stump may be there is a Kirstin to solve it.  Horse Power Pullers, many models, for the deeply imbedded roots of all kinds and sizes, and stumps; Machines that clear your land rapidly and economically - that will pull anything they tackle.  One Man Stump Pullers get the biggest stumps too. One man can carry, set and work them……Horse Power machines equipped with power device which greatly increases the pulling power, without strain on man, horse or machine. One Man Pullers equipped with double leverage with gives an ordinary farm boy a giant’s power. The automatic take-up a time-saver, on all machines, one man power and horse power.  Send Today for Our New Free Book - “The Gold in Your
Stump Land”…. A 15-year guarantee against breakage. A warranted saving of from 10% to 50% over all other methods. A profit sharing plan.
A. J. KIRSTIN Company - Largest Stump Puller Manufacturers In The World -  Michigan

Children Cry for FLETCHER’s Castoria
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over
over 30 years, has borne the  signature of Chas. H. FLETCHER and has
been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no on
to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good”
are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants
and Children - Experience against Experiment.
What is Castoria - Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea - The Mother’s Friend.  Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of
Chas. H. Fletcher - In Use for over 30 Years - The Kind you have always bought
The Centaur Company,
New York City

Henry HURTGEN & Sons - First Class Horse Shoers
All kinds of Machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see, automobiles repaired.
Hillsboro, Missouri

Buy your Keen KUTTER Tools etc. from R. A. MARSDEN, dealer in general
merchandise, harness, shoes, etc. Hillsboro

HOLEKAMP Lumber, Distributors of the renowned Baever Board, Certain-teed Wall Board, Bishopric Board For inside and outside work. Give us the size of your building and we
can tell you the amount required, also the cost.  Yards:
Afton, Kirkwood, Old Orchard, Webster Groves, Gratiot Station, St. Louis, Planing Mill, Old Orchard

Castoria - For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years - Always bears the Signature of

Read My Prices On Dentistry and then come to see me.
Lady Attendant - Examination Free. All Work Guaranteed
Gold Crown $4.00
Bridge Work per tooth $4.00
Porcelain or White Crown $4.00
Set of Teeth, either upper or lower plate $8.00 up
Enamel Filling $1.00
Gold Filling $1.50 up
Alloy Filling 50c
Dr. W. H. G. WHITE, Dentist
Old Post Office Building Phone Office 197, Residence 197
De Soto, Missouri

Satisfaction is Our Motto
Because we want your future business as much as we want your first
order we have a splendid line of fall and winter samples and would
appreciate your coming in and looking them over before buying.
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
BELEW & DEMETRY, Merchant Tailors
Union Shop.
De Soto, Mo.     Phone Red 32


Dodge Brothers Motor Car with Dodge Brothers Service means 365 days of
real pleasure and satisfaction in the year. If you don’t believe it,
just ask any owner of a Dodge.
Demonstration by Appointment.
The J. W. DUGAN Automobile Co., Herculaneum, Missouri

State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County,
Frank J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. CHENEY & CO. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS
for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of
HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1916
A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public (seal)
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggist
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.

Care for Cholera Moebus
“When our little boy now seven years old, was a baby he was cured of
cholera moebus by CHAMBERLAIN’S Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy.”
writes Mrs. Sidney SIMMONS, Fair Haven, N.Y. “since then other
members of my family have used their valuable medicine for colic and
bowel troubles with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a
remedy of exceptional merit.” Obtainable every where.

The Big Brick Store wants Your Butter and Eggs
We continue to offer a full line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Rubbers, Notions
Groceries, Paints, Hardware, Dishes, Fruits and Vegetables in season.
Hillsboro, Mo.

GERARD Milling Company
Proprietors of Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yards
We manufacture Gold Seal, White Seal, Red Seal Flour
We handle all kinds of Food, Hay, Grain and Seed, also all kinds of
Lumber and Building Material
GERARD Milling Company, Kimmswick, Missouri

Adrian STEEL, Lawyer
Practices in All the Courts
Office in KNORPP’s Building
De Soto, Missouri

Fred J. MEYER, House Mover
Houses moved and raised in all parts of the county.
Call or Write Fred J. MEYER
Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Route No. 10

Just the thing for Diarrhea
“About two years ago, I had a severe attack of diarrhea which lasted over
a week, “ writes W. C. JONES, Buford, N. D. “ I became so weak that I
could not sit upright. A druggist recommended Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera, and Diarrhea Remedy. The first dose recovered me and within
two days I was as well as ever.” Many druggists recommend this remedy
because they know that it is reliable. Obtainable everywhere.



Jefferson Trust Co., Hillsboro, MO



Service Shoe Shop, DeSoto, MO

We are now open for business and are temporarily located in the Crawford Building on Easton Street.  H.G. KRAUS, Prop;  B. A. WIDEMAN, Mgr.



Albert MILLER, Attorney At Law, DeSoto, MO



Robert E. KLEINSCHMIDT, Office in Trust Building, Lawyer, Hillsboro, MO



The Mid-Winter Term – The DeSoto Business College, L. D. THOMAS, Principal



Picture Show, J.W. Cadwallader, Operator – West  Kimmswick, Sunday 2:00 p.m.;

Maxville, Wednesday; Barnhart, Friday; Fenton, Sunday nights



The Officers and Directors of the People’s Bank of DeSoto extend to their friends and patrons their very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.