Jefferson County Record


June 5, 1913



Rural Commencement at DeSoto

Regular Festus Correspondent


Mrs. T. B. LEAGUE accompanied by her little niece, Helen WELSH of Sikeston left Thursday a.m. for Steelville to visit relatives.


E. C. FLINT who travels for a Boston Fruit Product Co. left here Sunday night for a trip to Kentucky, Tennessee, Kansas City and Iowa.


Mr. and Mrs. John HEDDELL came down from St Louis Sunday to visit Mr.

HEDDELL'S mother.


Prof. ABERNATHY, Principal of the Herculaneum school left here Monday for his vacation. He has been re-employed at an increased salary.


Mrs. Emil SANTCHI of St Louis visited her mother, Mrs. SIZEMORE here last week.


Miss Margarette ROBERTSON of DeSoto was the guest of Miss Leola MOORE during the convention.


Loyd and Leah MANESS of DeSoto visited Miss Celeste DRAKE last week.


Miss Alice JENNINGS has accepted a position in the News office.


Rev. PAXTON returned to Bismark Saturday after visiting several days here with friends.


Misses Octavia and Leoua[?] WEHNER and brother, Albert of Ste. Genevieve visited at Mr. William WAHNER 'S last week.


Mrs. FRAME, and daughter, Mrs. PARKER visit in Festus last week.


Mr. and Mrs. C. R. JENKINS of St. Louis are the proud parents of a fine boy which arrived May 24. Mrs. JENKINS, before marriage was Miss Oliva MOORE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred MOORE of Festus.


Miss Mena KERNS of Ste. Genevieve returned to her home last Friday after visiting several days with the family of Pete GETTINGER. She was accompanied by her little nephew, Harry GETTINGER.


Mrs. Henry MARTIN died last Tuesday after an illness of two weeks. Her remains were taken to Hematite for burial. Mrs. MARTIN was a good wife and mother and leaves a little 3 year old girl and husband. Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN were very devoted to each other and it seems hard that they must be separated.


Vest McCORMACK of Maplewood visited his parents here last week.


Roland SCHAFER came down from St. Louis last week to visit his parents.


Banker L. BURGESS of Pevely had business here last week.


Miss Marguerite McDONNELL entertained Misses Jessie and Elva ROCKANCAMP of Kinsey during the convention.


W. K. KAVANAUGH came down Sunday and went on to Selma for the day.


Born to Gus MEDLEY and wife a daughter May 30.


Born to the wife of John BOND on June 2 a fine girl.


Prof. A. G. PICKENS left last Tuesday for his home at Cape Girardeau. We understand that the professor said he did not get rich "Wielding the rule in the school-room" and will turn his attention to other pursuits.


Chas. BRAINERD, connected with Franklin Electric Co. of  St. Louis attended the convention on Friday.


Miss Jennie McCLAIN has gone to St. Louis to study to be a trained nurse. We wish her success.


Mrs. J. J. MURPHY has moved into her new home.


Mrs. S. A. CAMPBELL entertained her nieces, Misses Annie, and Mamie CAMPBELL and her nephew Phillip CAMPBELL of Potosi during convention days.


Mrs. Kate BAKER made a business trip to St. Louis Monday.


Mrs. B. CORDELL and sister, Miss Clara MALONE visited in Festus during the convention.


Miss Madge JARVIS of Hematite stopped over night in Festus enroute from Bloomsdale.


Mrs. Chas LEWIS was the guest of Mrs. Fred MOORE last week.


Mrs. Fred WALTON and daughter, Miss Virgie visited in St. Louis last week.


"Uncle Eli" DONNELL and daughter, Miss Alta visited in Herculaneum Wednesday.




The Circuit Court of Jefferson County by its Judgment set aside the will of the late Patrick BYRNE. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court handed down the decision reversing the judgment of the Circuit Court and remanding the case for a new trial. There was no division among the Judges, but the opinion of the Court has not been filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, hence we cannot give the reasons assigned for reversing the case. The case will no doubt be docketed and tried anew at the September Term of the Circuit Court.




John WELSH, by adm. to W. M. MAYER,  40a, 1-39-4....$1120

Merseal Timber Co., 40a sur. 1976 41-5.......750.

Wm WILLIAMS to Stanton MAXWELL, 180a, 4-41-4.......3600

E. G. FUNK to Carrie E. SENNERT. 30 ft in Festus......425

G. W. RICTNER to Jos PHILLIPI, sur. 160 & 315-40-6.......500

Herman DICKERMAN to J. CARLY, 1a, 21-40-4.....115

W. J. HILL to Rosa E. OGLE lot in Spring Valley.......205

J. D. DeBUCHANANNE to J. W. DUGAN, Lot 4 Herculaneum......2

C. T. JARVIS to Mary A. FLETCHER, 2 lots Fletchers ad to DeSoto.......135

Walter HEIN to Amer. R.E.B. & I. Co., 7.37a, 3-39-4.......10

Wm. WILLIAMS to S. MAXWELL 20a, 4-41-4 ....100.




Miles BRADY and wife visited friends in our town, Saturday and Sunday.


John ACKLEY and Frank ELDER are home for their vacation.


Mr. DUTTON spent Sunday with his daughter Mrs. W. R. ENGLAND .


Hal STRICKLAND, wife and little son were at Mrs. PHILLIPS Saturday and Sunday.


Miss Lettie ENGLAND was a St. Louis visitor Saturday and Sunday. Lucille HUMPHREY came home with her Sunday evening for a weeks stay.


Rev STEPHENS baptized Lillie SPARKS and Geneva BOYER Sunday p.m. He will assist Rev EDWARDS in a protracted meeting at the Christian Church beginning June 15.


Hester STROUPE, Edith LEONARD, Katie GROVES, Eli DONNELL and several others attended the graduating exercise in De Soto last Saturday.


Marguerite IRWIN spent Sunday with home folks.


Mrs. COBBLE returned to the city last week, leaving her little son Wayne with his grandmother Mrs. PHILLIPS.


Charley COCHRAN has gone to Kentucky, Norman LEONARD has gone to St. Louis and Oscar and Will COPLIN have gone to Festus.


Paul BRADY spent Sunday and Sunday night in our town.


Ed MALONE is home for a few days rest after school and before going to work.


Jess ZELTNER and mother from Zion attended church and Sunday School here Sunday morning.


Joe FARLEY and family from Pevely and Lee KEITH and family from St. Louis spent Sunday at Mr. Jack SPARKS.


Rev. HOLMES and wife were De Soto visitors last Saturday.


Mrs. P. C. McCORMACK doesn't seem to get much better, she is still able to be up however and her many friends are hoping for her speedy recovery.


Mr. BAKER and family spent Sunday at Mr. Joe JANES.


Charles RICHARDSON and Jack IZERMAN were in DeSoto Monday.



Ninety-Three Graduates Receive Diplomas

The rural commencement and medal Contest of 1913 have come and gone.

Ninety-three graduates received their diplomas for completing the eight years work in the district school. The program was opened by an invocation by Rev. Arthur WELLHOELTER of Hillsboro followed by music by the Misses KIRK of Kimmswick and a song by the Antonia School. Then followed Hilda McCREARY of Rush Tower with "Ambition"; Amelia KNORPP, Flucom "Nobodys Child"; Herman ZISKIE, Zion, Class Poem; Walter BOLLFER, Four Ridge, "The Judge's Reason"; Eric FRIEDMAN Antonia, Valedictory. Rev MILAAR of DeSoto made the address to the class and presented the diplomas. Supt. SELLMAN, on the behalf of the DeSoto school board awarded the scholarships as follows: Central Township; Hulda HURTGEN of Hillsboro school Valle, Ira WEBER of Highfield, Joachim, Leona HEINER of High Ridge. Rock township got a scholarship and also the attendance banner for they were there 86 strong..... Mr. P. P. HINCHEY'S gold pen for penmanship went to Lillian SHANNON of DeSoto and Mr. J. J.

HILGERT'S cash prize went to Barbara MRAZ of the Bowles school a fourth grade pupil. The Chillicothe business college gives a scholarship to the graduate making the highest grades. Hulda HURTGEN who won the DeSoto scholarship wins this also, two honors for a Hillsboro girl.



Final settlements in the following estates were made.

Estates.............adm......or Executor

J. Y. BUREN dec........Lucy BUREN

Anton KLAHS...........Elizabeth KLAHS

Emeline ROUSSIN.....J. E. COOK

W. H. BARBY dec....Albert BARBY



Frank BURKART.........Mary BURKART

Frank WHITE........Nelson HUNT


Walter ENNIS.......Elinor ENNIS


Annie FOX......Felix LEUTZINGER


Patrick FARLEY......P. P. O'BRIEN

Richard FRANCE......George MAHN


W. S. JEWETT.......Jessie JEWETT

Martin JEUDE dec........Clocleid JEUDE

Elizabeth HARNESS......Geo. HARNESS

Elizabeth JACQUEL......Jos. JACQUEL


Jas. E. KIDD.......Felix LEUTZINGER

J. G. MARRIOT dec.........Mary MARRIOT

Thomas LEE.......Jennie L. LEE

Jno MAHLER dec..........Felix LEUTZINGER

E. G. SMITH.........Harry DAHL

Elizabeth SIMON.......George SIMON

John Walsh dec….. Felix LEUTZINGER



Chas H. KLEINSCHMIDT dec.......Teresa KLEINSCHMIDT adm.

Robert RICHARDSON  dec.........Curtis RICHARDSON adm.





Estates..........adm or Ex or Cust

Emil KASSELL minor......Fred H HEILITAG

Thos. HAMPTON dec......Christina HAMPTON

Albert HENDERSON minor........J. V. DENNY

Bertha RICHARDSON minor,.......J. C. LEROY

August  MEYER insane........Julius G. MEYER

Maggie HUCK dec.......Felix LEUTZINGER

John JONES dec......Felix LEUTZINGER adm.

Louis SCOTT dec....Felix LEUTZINGER adm.

Berry WAGGONER partnership......S. T. WAGGONER adm.

Margaret BROWN insane,......Jepha LONG guardian

James HEAD dec......Joseph HEAD adm.

Annie SIDES dec.......Felix LEUTZINGER adm.

Christina SCHOEN dec.......Henry SCHOEN adm.

Christina HAMPTON dec. Thomas HAMPTON adm.

Maggie HUCK dec.......Felix LEUTZINGER adm.

Ethel PALMER minor.........Frank HOFFMAN curator.

Stella THACKSTON minor.......R. B. JONES curator.

Henry G. WEISS dec. Henry WEISS adm.

Lawrence WILLIAMS, minor, John HULAHAN, curator.


Upon petition, court orders the administrator of est of Jennie VREELAND dec to sell the equity of redemption in said estate for cash in hand at public or private sale and report.

Sale bill in the estate of Geo. RAPPER, dec, approved.

Court appoints Mary MRAZ curator of the estate of the MRAZ minors, inventory approved.

Court orders guardian and curator of est. of Felix C. ROZIER minor, to sell minor's interest in the real estate as for cash in hand.

Sale bill in the estate of Mitchell McCORMACK dec approved.




Jefferson Theater is Packed at Medal Contest.

The Medal Contest packed the Jefferson Theater though the afternoon was sweltering. The program opened with music by the Hillsboro Brass Band and which interspersed the program with numbers most enthusiastically received.

The contest program was given with rapid interest and was spirited to the last, the audience convinced that each in the succession was the winner.

At last the judges, Reverends G. W. HOLMES of Hematite and BULLINGTON and MILAAR of DeSoto handed their decision to Mr. John H. REPPY, who presented the  Reppy Medal to Leona HEINER of Pevely and the Dunnigan Medal to Dorothy TOULOUSE of Plattin. There were five other contestants, Carl HERING of Herculaneum, Mary LEUTZINGER and Floyd ADAMS of Hillsboro, Adelia BOLLEFER and Fritz FRIEDMAN of Kimmswick routes. The interest was great, even more that usual.



All officers present

Dramshop license granted as follows:

J. H. ESCOFFIER.......Kim......New

Geo. L. CRULI......Cedar Hill......New

F. VOTOW.......House Spgs.....renewal

John MARGET, DeSoto......renewal

T. H. G. Blesse lot in Sulphur Springs corrected to $120. for 1911 Orders to Highway Engineer, as follows:

Culvert near PATTERSON'S on Rush Tower road repaired at once.

2. To make estimate for culvert on state road near L. M. BAKER'S in Dist number 53.

3. To make estimate on cost of steel concrete bridge at JENNI'S south of Crystal City.

4. To make estimate on cost of concrete culvert at H. B. DRAKE'S and report.

5. To have State road at Barnhart repaired improved and widened.

6. To purchase steel and have concrete culverts built as per his report at St. Louis T?eis on Le May Ferry road..

Engineers report on proposed culvert on Victoria and Rush Tower road filed and continued.

Anna McGLURE appointed a member of county book commission.

Dr. W. HULL presented petition and subscription of $273.50 for improving Sulphur Spgs. road. Approved and like amount appropriated, W. W. HULL to oversee.

W. J. HARNESS exempted from poll tax work.

Petition of Martin MEALEY as Justice of the peace at Kimmswick con't.

Anna BIERMAN ordered placed on Co. Pension list at $12. per yr.

Account of John F. WILLIAMS for widening and improving Hillsboro Victoria road, in the sum of $774.65 allowed. Judge KERCKHOFF dissenting.

Account of J. W. ECKLE in the sum of $101.07 for supplies furnished J. F.

WILLIAMS for widening and improving above road, allowed, Judge KERCKHOFF dissenting.

F. P. BOEMLER presents subscription in the sum of $757.50 for repairing and improving Eureka and Byrnesville county road, approved by court and like amount appropriated and clerk ordered to certify to state auditor.

Court orders court to make requisition on state auditor for all road fund due Jefferson County.

Accounts allowed:

Cunningham-Hamel, paint ....................$1.00

Judges salary, 1 day.........15.00

James MANESS, care and burial of J LAROL.......10.00

Stephen JACKSON, rd dist No. 61.....6.89

Stephen JACKSON, repair road.......35.10

Austin Western Co. road grader..........391.38

Frank BECHLER, repairing grader......12.85

Austin Western Co., grader blade.....8.00

W. C. KERCKHOFF freight on engine......70.45

Standard Ptg. co. stationery.....54.65

Buxton SKINNER, stationery......22.30

George D. Barnard co. Stationery.......

DeSoto Press, stationery......47.00

Desoto Press, pub annual statement.......125.00

Festus news, stationery......2.50

Mo Training school, board ....60.00

C. J. DAVIDSON, elect sup........1.50

Festus spec rd. dist. tilling......149.20

J. F MEIER, oil for engine.....54.42

Peter McLOON, repairing state rd.......1,000.

J. W. ECKLE, sup c h & j......41.83

J. W. ECKLE , sup co. farm......25,55

J. W. ECKLE, engine oil......19.52

Clarence PARTNEY, sup. Co. farm....5.00

J. W. ECKLE, sup Hematite road.....2.25

Edgar MARSDEN, Co. Farm Supt......45.00

Edgar MARSDEN, burial pauper..........10.00

Julia BOYER, temp relief...10.00

H. P. GRAHAM, repair culverts Gravois rd......20.40

Jno DALTON, rep rd grader......8.00

W. J. Johnson & sons, conc mixer....162.50

Iriquois Mfg. Co. bridge paint.....27.66

Blackmer Post Mfg. Co. tilling....148.74

Theo HURTGEN, state co survey........8.05

S. C. CAMPBELL, sal and stat etc. 186.85

Jackson SCOTT, concrete culver......25.00

Township Supply Co. culvert form....124.05

L. J. SCOTT, concrete culvert.....64.02


BIG POWER HOUSE TO BE BUILT AT BYRNESVILLE W. G. THUMMEL was in town yesterday to see about some plats Theo. HURTGEN is making for him. He has lately made a survey of a line from the Byrnes Mill dam to Eureka. A power house is to be built to furnish light to Eureka, to the Famous Outing farm, and to Crescent to the large county estate of MILLIKEN, the big breakfast food manufacturer. They are also procuring a right of way for a possible electric line between Eureka and Byrnesville and extending down the Big River valley, this way, Hillsboro extends a welcome to this end.



To County Clerks-

You are requested to inform this department of each case where a school tax levy is attacked this year, the name of the one making the attack, the taxpayer he represents and the ground of the attack……

The reason for this request is that information has come in that certain railroad representatives go to the counties and by some means find technical excuses to avoid paying just and legal taxes that all other taxpayers pay.  I have positive information that the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Co. refused to pay such a tax in a little struggling town too weak to fight the company.  I am informed that there are two other railroads that have a like practice.

There are two railroads that I have been unable to find any transgression against.  I am glad to announce this, as I believe the public want to know its friends as well as its enemies.

It is my purpose to give full information to the press July 1st showing those who break the law and those who do not…..Yours Truly, Wm. P. EVANS


Miss Viola ENGELBACH left Thursday for her home at Pevely.  Miss ENGELBACH was one of the high school graduates.


The High School graduates and a few of their friends enjoyed a hay ride to Hillsboro Wednesday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Sam HIBBERT left Friday for Columbia to attend the graduation exercises.  Their son Russell is a member of the class.  



Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Long hold Family Re-Union Regular DeSoto Correspondent Mrs. PARKER who spent a week with relatives has returned to Little Rock Arkansas.


Mrs. PARKER who spent a week with relatives has returned to Little Rock, ARK.


Mrs. BUTTON of St. Louis spent a few days with Mrs. W. HIGGINBOTHAM.


Miss McCORMACK of Farmington was the guest of her Uncle Steve AuBUCHON and family last week.


The Misses Toinette and Emma WEINBERG DuQuoin Ill. who has been the guests of their Aunt Mrs. O. F. MEEK returned home Monday morning. Mrs. MEEK went as far as St. Louis with them and spent the day buying goods for the store.


Gust HAMEL Sr. left Friday night for New Port Ark. to visit his son Gust and family.


Miss Gussie SIEVERS left Friday for her home in Herculaneum.


Miss Bertha GOWAN arrived home from Cape Girardeau Friday to spend the vacation with her parents.


Mrs. R. R. TULEY and two children of Teague Texas arrived last week for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. LONG.


Mr. HEADLY who has been making him home with his sister Mrs. R. E. SINGLETON the past six months left last week for Vincenne Ind.


Mr. and Mrs. E. A FAUTH celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary at their home on Fourth Street Wednesday evening.....


Mrs. and Mrs. Roy POLK have a baby girl at their home on Third Street.


Mrs. Charles BOOTH and family have returned to their farm near Hillsboro.


Mrs. Roy CHEATHAM died at her home in the north part of town Thursday after an illness of several months, and was buried in the city cemetery Decoration Day.


Mr. and Mrs. W. T. LONG held a family re-union at the home last week.


William PAUL departed Friday night for his home at McGhee Ark. While here he visited Charles HOPSON and family.


Mr. BEAN left Friday for a few days visit with relative at Irondale.


L. S. McKEE has returned from a trip to Oklahoma.


Mrs. T. Coke BRICKEY went to Fredericktown Thursday to accompany her daughter Miss Gwendolen who has been attending Marvin College home to spend vacation days.


Mrs. W. B. CROSSLAND and daughter Miss Bertha have returned to New Port Ark.


Mrs. Stella SEMANDS is clerking in the Meek Store.



Julius A. KOHLER has purchased a Dorris Truck and is prepared to handle all fruits, berries, vegetable, eggs and poultry entrusted to him on commission.  Call on me at one and I will furnish you will all particulars.  Antonia, MO.


Savings Accounts for Wives and Daughters….The People’s Bank Of DeSoto, MO.


John H. HOPSON, DeSoto MO.  Lumber, Shingles, Paints, Lime, Cement & Plaster.


Telephone or Write Us. DeSoto Ice and Fuel Company.  Phone 216 Ice Cream Cones.


Jefferson Trust Company, Hillsboro, MO. - J.V. DENNY, Pres., Clyde WILLIAMS, V.P,  W.J. KNORPP, V.P., Frank DEITRICH, Secy.;  Directors and Officers: W.A.WILSON, C.W. HAVERSTICK, John KEISKER, John HELLER, E.L. HINSON, Dave BALLARD, W.E. KIDD, John F. WILLIAMS, John H. HOPSON, F.T. REINEMER, R.A. MARSDEN


J.P. BOEMLER, Bell Phone 002.  Eureka No. 18; Ford Automobiles and Farming Implements.

Two miles Northwest of House Springs.


ECKLES Groceries, Hillsboro, MO.


MARSEN’S in Hillsboro; Groceries and Dry Goods


C.H. GERARD, Kimmswick, MO; Manufacturer of Flour, Meal & Feed; Dealer in Lumber & Building Material. 


Bank Of Kimmswick – C.H. GERARD, Pres., M. ZIEGLER, V.P., G.A. WENOM, Cashier.


Henry HURTGEN & Son, Hillsboro, MO – Horseshoeing & Blacksmithing.

Jefferson County Bank, DeSoto, MO – O.M. MUNROE, Cashier. Established 1885.


Frank BECHLER, Blacksmith, Hillsboro, MO


Herculaneum Lumber Company, J.W. DUGAN, Pres.


HINCHEY’s, DeSoto, MO – wall paper, millinery, ice cream parlor, phonographs, records.




Henry J. SCHOEN of Murphy came to Hillsboro on business Thursday.


Miss Lulu PIERCE leaves Monday to attend summer school at the Cape.


Oscar OGLE of Hematite was here Friday closing a land purchase of 350 acres.


Miss Legia HILL and Stella SMITH leave Monday for summer school at the Cape.


James SIMCOCK of Victoria helped to swell the throng of visitors of the county's capital on Monday.


William S. SPRINGMEYER was in town Friday and made the final settlement on his father's estate.


FOR SALE: 3 horse colts, 2 young mules and a fine Holstein bull apply to John EICHEM, Horine, Mo.


J. F. WILLIAMS and family et al attended church at Morse Mill Sunday and spent the day with old friends.


Mrs. Ed MAUPIN and daughter, Mrs. Lucy JUNGE of Valley Park came to attend the Decoration day exercises.


Mrs. M. E. MORRISON of St. Louis was here Thursday making a final settlement of the estate of her father the late Joseph G. MARRIOTT.


Open-air Band Concert next Monday night on the Court house square.  Come out to the opening concert which is the first of the series.  Ice cream afterward.


Supt. R. B. WILSON had a visit from his mother over Sunday. She accompanied Elasco GREEN thus far as he came thru to attend the rural Commencement.


Mrs. W. H SECKMAN and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Sam MARSDEN of Goldman and their daughter, Mrs. N. C. GRAHAM of St. Louis attended Decoration day exercises here.


John T. BRYNES and Frank CREAM of Byrnesville and Gotleib SIEVERS of House springs motored to the Hub in Mr. Brynes car Monday. They brought a petition to the county court for a road from Byrnesville to Eureka.


Mr. and Mrs. A. D. THOMURE were in town Monday. Mrs. THOMURE had a suit in Circuit Court against the Frisco Ry, the claim is breaking her leg when alighting from a train in March. Mrs. THOMURE is able to get about on crutches now.


Hillsboro certainly seemed to be putting on a metropolitan appearance Monday, when no less than six automobiles were lined up before the court-house.  Certainly a great improvement upon the old hitch racks that formerly lined the court house square, with the consequent flies and dirt.


Decoration Day was observed here with appropriate exercises at the cemetery.

The Sunday school marched carrying flowers for decoration.  Rev. Arthur WELLHOELTER gave a religious and patriotic address which was followed by the singing of national hymns after which the graves were decorated. A number of out-of-town visitors were here to decorate the graves of loved on gone before.


W. H. PILIARD was in St. Louis Tuesday.


Squire BERGMEYER of Antonia was in town Friday.


Will MARSDEN of Victoria was a county seat visitor Monday.


R G. HOEKEN and wife and T. B. MOSS of Sandy were here Decoration Day.


Alfred SMITH and daughter Miss Stella visited county seat friends Monday.


Harry FOREST has bought the saloon from Andy PETERSON who returns to De Soto.


Ed HAYS of Kimmswick Route 3 came to the county seat Monday and engaged in settling a case.


FOR SALE - about 4 tons good bailed timothy hay E. BERGMEYER, Antonia Mo.


Will WILSON of Cedar Hill and W. P. WILLIAMS of Morse Mill  were county seat visitors this week.


Mr. and Mrs. G. W. GASCHE and family spent Sunday with Fred GASCHE and family at Morse Mill.


Mr. and Mrs. Albert MILLER and son and Mr. and Mrs. Green HEARST made a motor trip to St. Louis Sunday.


Miss Bessie GRIFFITH has returned from her years study at Cape Girardeau and expresses herself as having passed a most happy and profitable year.


The ladies of House Springs gave Mrs. Henry BRIMMER a surprise birthday supper Sunday evening upon her lawn. The event was a most happy one.


Frank WEBER, seventy years old, living on Antyre Creek near House Springs was stricken with paralysis last week and is considered in a serious condition.


Mr. and Mrs. F. E. SPIKIER, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore HURTGEN and Fred EVANS left at five o'clock this morning to enjoy an automobile ride to St. Louis.


W. S. WILSON'S sister, Mrs. H. S. LAUNHAM of DeSoto and niece, Miss Ruth WILSON of St. Louis came for Decoration Day exercises and Miss WILSON remained until yesterday.


Mrs. C. S. BOOTH, who with her daughter and son have spent the last two school years in DeSoto have come home to the farm. Miss Medora will enter the Cape Normal next year.


Mr. and Mrs. John HELLER took in the exercises at the Barracks on Decoration Day. They went by way of House Springs in their machine and took Mrs. Henry WEBER and children with them.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles HERMAN of DeSoto and Mr. and Mrs. Ware EVANS has an outing on Decoration Day on the banks of Joachim. It was too hot and dusty to be very enjoyable, was the report.


Miss Annie HURTGEN of St. Louis came down to attend the rural commencement where her sister Huldah graduated and who won the DeSoto High School scholarship awarded to Central township. Miss Huldah's average was four points higher than any other graduate from the rural schools in the county.

Congratulations, and best wishes for next years work in high school. She is the youngest child of our fellow townsman, Henry HURTGEN.


Among those from Hillsboro who attended Medal Contest, besides supt. and Mrs. R. B. WILSON, the school children, and the brass band, were Rev. WELLHOELTER, the ADAMS family, the REPPY family, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis EAVES, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. SPILKER, Mesdames P. M. BAILEY, C. H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Theo. HURTGEN and the Misses Katheryn WILLIAMS, Anna HURTGEN, Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT and Messrs Harry DAHL, Harry FORREST, W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Will LEUTZINGER and others said all were greatly interested in what they saw and heard.


Miss Annette EVANS is visiting Goldman relatives.


Supt. and Mrs. R. B. WILSON spent Monday in St. Louis.


Mr. and Mrs. Curtis EAVES heave returned from a visit to St. Louis.


The Jefferson Trust Company has engaged the services of Mr. Areble WEASE of Desoto as assistant in the bank.


Ed HAYS of Rock Creek was in town Monday on legal business and we regret to learn of the death of his wife in the early spring. For some reason the papers were not apprised of the fact which is the reason no obituary has appeared. Mrs. HAYS failed to wake in the morning when her husband called her and though she retired in usual health she never woke again. Heart failure.


There seems to be a hitch in the Courthouse sewerage proceedings, W. W.

POWERS whose property is at the other end of the proposed pipe enters a nuisance protest.



James M McGHEE......DeSoto

Rita McKEE............Victoria


Andrew PORTELL........Crystal City

Emma BECK.............Festus


Ed BILLS...........Herculaneum

Georgia FENILL.....Herculaneum


Clarence AuBUCHON......Festus

Ora O'NEIL................Hematite.