Jefferson County Record

Hillsboro, Missouri

June 19, 1913



Cordial Welcome to Picnic Saturday

Regular Hematite Correspondent


Rev. WELLHOELTER spent last Saturday in our town.


Clark and John ACKLEY came from St. Louis Sunday morning in an automobile. It was a trim little machine of their own, and made the trip in three hours. They retuned to the city Monday afternoon.


Miss Viola HENDERLITE from Bonne Terre is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. H. PORTER.


Mrs. Catherine RICHARDSON and Frank ELDERS are on the sick list.


Mr. ENGLEBACH from Pevely was in our town Sunday.


Oscar and Willie COPLIN are working at Crystal City. They attended the social here Saturday evening.


Miss Katherine ENGLAND was a DeSoto visitor last Wednesday.


Oran JARVIS has purchased a car load of corn.


C. F. BIRD spent Sunday in Hematite.


Will NULL spent Sunday with home folks.


The ENGLAND boys are rolling and dragging their corn, a dry weather cultivation which seems to be very beneficial


Miss Ethel RICHARDSON came home Sunday morning after spending a few days with her sister in St. Louis. She was accompanied by her little nephew Howard NULL who will make an extended stay with his grand parents.


The EDWARDS meeting began Sunday and promises to be an interesting and profitable one. Rev. EDWARDS is an able preacher, an earnest worker and a sincere Christian. Don't fail to hear him every night at the Christian church.


Mrs. R. E. ENGLAND spent Monday in St. Louis.


Mrs. P. C. McCORMICK will go to St. Louis this week where she will remain a while for medical treatment.


Mrs. J. R. ENGLAND's Sunday School class gave an ice cream social last Saturday evening on the JARVIS lawn. It was a pleasant affair. They cleared about seven dollars which will be used for the meeting now in progress.


Miss Jessie WILSON was a city visitor two days last week.


Mrs. SNIDER and son from Sunnyside and their friend, Miss Jo ROBINSON from St. Louis attended church here Sunday morning.


Mr. TURLEY from near DeSoto was here last week to buy cattle.


Mrs. L. R. MAUK returned to her home last Thursday after a few weeks visit with her parents Wallace LEONARD and wife.




Otto BROCH….Byrnesville

Rosilie?  TOURTHAM ..Byrnesville


Edward NAUCHE….Herculaneum

Lula WIGGINS….Crystal Heights.




Lawrence O'BRIEN and Miss Florence GARNER were married June tenth in the Catholic church at Byrnesville, the Rev Father TRACEY performing the ceremony with nuptial mass. The groom is a son of P. P. BYRNES of Allenton and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli GARNER of Byrnesville. The young couple will make their home at Byrnesville where the groom has made a home for his bride among a wealth of good wishes from all the country side.




Mrs. Alice MILES of Texas who sued the Naomi WHITESIDES estate in Kimmswick for $900, service for taking care of the old lady, in a protracted fatal illness, and for running her home and premises got judgment for $500.  Distant relatives, her only heirs, came on and contested the case and lost.  Motion for new trial continued.

W. T. DARDEN'S fine of $200 for maintaining public nuisance in De Soto has been reduced to $1.00.



The farmers are all about done making hay and the wheat will be the next on program.


Mrs. AGRICOLA of St. Louis spent a few days last week with Mrs. Francis HOOK.


Mrs. Wm. SCHYTT and daughter Hazel and her niece, Gladys WEBER went to St. Louis to visit her sister, Mrs. Wm. HAEFNER and also to attend her nephew’s school picnic.


The bass and shot gun which was raffled by Joe KROBER at West Kimmswick some time ago were won by Harvey KOHLER and Louis RIEBOLD [REIBOLD].



The cooking club made a visit to surprise Mrs. Tony SCHNEIDER at her home on Friday afternoon. They carried Cooking Club lunch and had a fine time.  Instead of the customary shower she was presented with a club present, a hand painted cake set.



Gustave LUHN, a prosperous and highly esteemed farmer of Big River township, died at his home Tuesday morning and will be buried at Dry Creek church cemetery this afternoon at two o'clock. Mr. LUHN was a native of Germany but has lived most of his seventy-three years in the county. One daughter, Mrs. Pink EAVES has conducted his home since the death of his wife several years ago. There are seven children, all married, one Herman A. LUHN living in the county, and at whose home the funeral service will be held today. Mr. LUHN stood very high in the community and township where his loss will be great, for he was a fine man and a good citizen.



Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Build Hay Shed

Regular Festus Correspondent.


W. B. GAMEL spent Sunday in De Soto.


Dr. J. F. DONNELL had business in Bellville, Illinois last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Rome McDONNELL visited friends in De Soto Sunday.


Mr. Jake BOYER of Bloomsdale visited in Festus Monday.


Roy DIXON has been confined at his home for several days with tonsillitis.


Will MADISON is all smiles over a fine boy which his good wife presented him a few days ago.


Mrs. Alex BAILEY made a trip to St. Louis Monday.


Mrs. W. S. BROOKS was a Rush Tower visitor last week.


Miss Maude KELSO left last week for Greely, Colorado to enter school.


Pros. Atty. MILLER of Hillsboro was in Festus last week.


Foss DONNELL of Hematite had business here Wednesday.


Mrs. DEITRICH of Hillsboro visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. BYRD last week.


Miss Estelle HAEFNER spent last week with relatives in St. Louis.


Miss Lucille SCHAFER will spend several weeks with her sister in St. Louis.


Mrs. Jennie SMITH visited at Rush Tower last week.


Brooks WARNE who is working in St. Louis came down Sunday to visit his children.


Mr. and Mrs. F. X. RESCHT of Crystal City are the proud parents of a fine boy which arrived Monday night.


Arthur CRUMP and family will move to St. Louis where Arthur has employment.


Misses Sallie GRIFFIN of Rush Tower and June SMITH of Festus visited in St. Louis Saturday.


Mesdames M. F. BERRY and R. F. BERRY and children visited relatives in DeSoto Wednesday.


H. A. LITTLEFIELD of Blythedale has been employed as pharmacist by the Funk & Smith Drug Company.


Pete GETTINGER is rejoicing over the arrival of a fine boy baby presented by his good wife Monday.


Hon. DUGAN, Representative of Webster County was in Festus Monday.


Dr. LUCKEY of Maplewood is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. FUNK.


Miss Angie REICH has been quite ill for several days.


Clift, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. SEIGRIST who has been attending school in Rolla has returned home.


Mesdames Emma SEMEL of St. Louis and Louise KLEINSCHMIDT of Higginsville visited the family of Wm. KLEINSCHMIDT here Wednesday.


T. S. BYRD and Mrs. Frank DIETRICH of Hillsboro attended the funeral of Mr. S. AuBUCHON in De Soto last week.


Meyer MILLER went to St. Louis last week to visit his sister-in-law and nephew both of whom have recently been operated upon for appendicitis.

Another member of the same family died from an operation for appendicitis a few weeks ago.


Another burglary at the Frisco depot last week in which several boxes of shoes and other articles were taken.


Mrs. Emma DODDS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. DONNELL left for her home in Pennsylvania last week after visiting several days with her parents.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry EVANS and children visited on Plattin last week.


The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. is building a large hay shed in the company meadow.


The many friends of Mrs. Anna CRAIG will be pained to learn that she is suffering with heart trouble, and is under the care of a St. Louis doctor.


The Festus News says "Congressman HENSLEY is having a hard time deciding whom to endorse for the De Soto Post Office. If he cannot find out any other way he might consult a leading politician of Washington County for information on the subject."


Mrs. T. H. LEAGUE of Festus and Miss Helen WELSH of Sikeston arrived Saturday from a two week's visit in Steelville.


F. O. HORN is having his new machinery for cleaning and pressing put in shape. Nick WALLS is doing the work.



The summer term of the Cape Girardeau Normal School is starting out with excellent prospects. The enrollment to date is 535 and will, no doubt, reach a total of more than 600, which will be the banner attendance for the Southeast Missouri Intuition…..Cape Girardeau county leads with 91 students enrolled….Other counties with their enrollment follow…Jefferson 23.…

The following students enrolled from Jefferson County: Imaneul Wm.

DANTENHAHN, House Springs. From Festus, Estelle Anna BAILEY, Elizabeth

BLUNT, and Lucetta WAGGENER.  From De Soto, Emily J. BERRY,  Felix Thornton BROWN, Cora Mabel COLLINS, Grace HOPSON, Dorothy MARSHALL, Marie Ethel PARKER, Mabel SHOWMAN, Ethel Violet WEASE, and Matie WEIER. From Hillsboro, Ross F BLEIKER, Lena HILL, Lula May PIERCE, and Stella SMITH. Herculaneum, Gertrude BONE Cattawissa, John C. GEATLEY. High Ridge Wm. J. HILGERT, Eureka, Anna OZARK, Kimmswick, Hazel L. WELLS.



They young men of the town gave a dance at the Masonic Hall Thursday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tony SCHNEIDER which was a very pleasant affair.  The Maxville Orchestra was engaged for the occasion and was much enjoyed.


A large number of friends attended the funeral of Mrs. A. HALTER in St. Louis last week.  The remains were taken to her old home St. Joseph, IL for burial. 



Number of DeSoto People Attend Edward's Wedding.

Regular DeSoto Correspondent


Mr. Ed WILLIAMS and two sons Horace and Richard of St. Louis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. WILLIAMS.


Miss Frances MILAAR left Wednesday for Grand Rapids where she will study music for two months.


C. T. JARVIS spent Monday at Potosi on business.


Mrs. E. S. COXWELL and daughter Miss Rhonda has business in St. Louis Monday.


Tony KARTE arrived from Michigan Sunday for a weeks visit with his parents.


Mrs. Robert COXWELL will entertain the Junior Endeavors at her home Thursday.


Miss Addi LOGAN visited her sister Mrs. Will LONG at Illmo, MO this week.


Miss Hazel SHOWMAN departed Monday for Sheldon, MO.


Mrs. A. S. MORSE has returned from St. Louis to spend the summer months.


Mr. and Mrs. W. T. DARDEN and two sons Sperry and Edgar left last week for the East where they will spend the summer.


Mr. and Mrs. A. E. STOCKING and daughter Adele were St. Louis visitors last Wednesday.


Mrs. Lily BENCINI departed for Columbia last week where she will attend school.


Miss Vanita MILLER is spending a few weeks in the country.


Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MURDOCK arrived from the South Friday.


Mrs. A. J. BLAIR and daughter Miss Eugenia returned from a few weeks visit with relatives at Florissant, Mo.


Mrs. Manuel FREY and children returned to Herculaneum Friday night after a short visit with her parents.


George DEVLIN and wife are occupying the MUELLER cottage on 5th Street.


Mrs. Warren FARRIS returned to Sedalia last week.


Mrs. WOODS departed Friday for a short stay with friends at Poplar Bluff.


Mrs. Robert COXWELL has returned from a months visit with relatives at Texas.


Frank RICHIE of Kansas City is here visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A. D. WILLIAMS.


Pyle and Blazer are painting Dr. L. A. CHAMBERLAIN'S home on 4th Street.


Mrs. A. S. MEYERS on Boyd Street is entertaining her nieces Lydia BERRYMAN and Mabel HILL of Poplar Bluff.


The grading on 5th street from Boyd to Landsdown is finished and is quite an improvement for Mt. Pleasant.


Mr. and Mrs. S. W. CRAWFORD and Misses Julia KLEUN, Chessie LONG and Harriet MEEK attended the wedding of Miss Gussie SEIVERS to Mr. Howard EVERETT of Canada at Herculaneum, Wednesday. Miss SEIVERS cousin, a minister from Paducah, Kentucky will perform the ceremony.



H W. Beck & Co vs Albert S. ENNIS, judgment for $318.33.


M. B. HARRIS vs St. Joe Land Co., con't by agreement.


Sophia THOMURE vs Frisco, damages $3000. Appealed to St. Louis Court of Appeals, bill of exceptions on or before Sept 8, 1913.


State vs W. H. VAUGHT, sixty days in county jail for larceny.


Merseal-Alle Timber co., vs J. H. CHILDERS, con't.


Vina BOUGHMAN vs Merseal Alle, con't.


G. T. LANHAM vs est. James HOGAN, con't.


State vs Mary LAURA, con't.


Oscar NUEGGEBAUER excused from jury.


Jos. CROSS vs M. R. & B. T. Ry., dismissed.


Rose AMELSER et al vs Deitrick MEIER et al., trial by court. Evidence submitted, deft's offer demurer to testimony and case taken under advisement on demurer.


The following person in relation to the De Soto special road district obtained judgments & cost against

Joseph BRADFORD et al. Lee PLYE $15.

R  ALDERSOD 20.50,

F DOUGLAS 10.50,

Tom RILEY 10.45,

Joe GOLLIER 10.80,

Matt GAMBLE 2.25,


George RUPKE 10.05,

Mack HUFF 9.75,

Albert GAMBLE 48.45,

Joseph GAMBLE 29.70,

C. H. DOUGLAS, 10.50,

Ross GAMBLE 27.00,

T. BRADFORD 37.00,

A. B WELCH 62.35,

Grover GAMBLE 9.75,

S. W. Crawford Lumber Co. 85.25,

J. BOYER 10.50.


Oscar EDWARDS vs John A. TUTTLE, Con't.


Helmer OBERGFELL vs Sophia A. HAMPLE con't.


City of De Soto vs Edw. JARVIS, con't.


Poindexter MANESS vs William KELLY, con't.


Thos H. FORRESTER vs John F. COFFMAN et al, con't.


Divorces granted. Arthur EWING vs Ella EWING.

Eliza J. WILSON vs William WILSON.

Stella MATHEWS vs John MATHEWS. 

Hattie J BEELER vs John M BEELER,



Fred Schafer vs Ray TOWNSEND et al, judgment for $75.00.


Alex WILSON vs St. Joseph Lead Co., con't.


State vs P. L. ELLSWORTH, def't discharged.


State vs C. A. STEPHENS, ordered to pen.


State vs John EMILY, Prosecuting Atty. Enters a rolle prosequi.


S. T. WAGGENER vs Maria F. BERRY et al: --Modified decree of partition granted. Find Maria F. Berry to have a life estate in an undivided 1/4 of real estate herein. Minor heirs to have an undivided one-sixth interest in said real estate subject to life estate of Maria F. BERRY to have no interest in said real estate. Renewed order of sale made. Terms 25 per cent cash and balance in one year.


State vs Thos. FLETCHER, eight months in jail.


State vs Frank SCOTT, thirty days in jail and a fine of $100.00 Stay of execution granted for 90 upon defendant giving bond for $200.


State vs Harrison ANDERSON, three months in county jail.





Mrs. OSBORN is entertaining her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. SWARTZ.


Mr. and Mrs. HOFFMAN are visiting Dr. and Mrs. OSBORN.


Miss Carrie SIMMS was the guest of Miss MABEL BEATTE, the latter part of the week.


Henry OSBORNE has returned home after a short stay in the city.


A crowd of young people enjoyed a fishing trip last Saturday.


The M.A. F. O. Lodge will give an ice cream social next Saturday evening June 21.  Everybody come.


A farewell party was given last Wednesday night at the home of Will WINES for Arthur HENDRIX.


? THURMAN has returned from Wisconsin where he has been for several months.


Don WAGGONER visited his father. J.E. WAGGONER a few days last week.


Miss Lily WAGGONER has returned from her visit in Festus.


Mrs. LUPKY [Lucky ?] and baby are spending a few days with her father and brother here this week.


Miss Dollie GANSNER gave a dance Saturday night.  Quite a crowd attended and everyone had a good time.


A.C. HENROID and family of Buckeye visited Albert WATT and family last Sunday.


Miss Hattie WATT spent Sunday with home folks.


Lynn WAGGONER is entertaining his cousin from Festus this week.


Miss Ruth HILL of High Ridge was in Danby Sunday.


Claude BEATTE had business in the city last Wednesday.


Little John SEIFERT entertained some of his little friends last Saturday as it was his sixth birthday.


Miss Margurette BAKER has returned home after a short stay in St. Louis County.




All the final receipts in the estate of Richard FRANCE, dec. filed and the executor of said estate is discharged.


Final settlement of Alex BALLEE [Allee ?] adm. of the estate of Frank STOW dec. approved and adm. discharged.


Final settlement of Hy SCHMIDT ex. of the estate of Frederick WEDDE dec. approved and the executor will be discharged upon filing of all receipts.


Final settlement of Martha WELKER, admx. Of the estate of A. W. WELKER, dec. and approved and admx discharged.


Letters of administration on the estate of Valentine LEIGHT granted to Petrolena LEIGHT and her bond approved.


Curator’s report of sale of the real estate of the estate of Felix ROZIER, a minor, May 3.  Appraisement list approved.


Appraisement list of the real estate of the estate of Mary DONOVAN, dec. approved.


Will of Frank X. DEHNER, dec, probated and letters granted to Odelie DEHNER without bond.  Appraisement list filed and approved.


All final receipts in the estate of Frank BURKHART filed and admx discharged.


Final settlement of Frank PERKINS adm. of estate of Benjamin MITCHELL, dec. approved and adm discharged when all final receipts are filed.


Inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of Valentine LEIGHT approved.


Annual settlement of Ida HEARST, admx of the estate of Joseph HOOBER, dec. approved and admx discharged.


Final settlement of Lee F. KOHLER, curator of the estate of Ira E. KOHLER, minor, approved and curator discharged.





Mrs. and Mrs. WARD were visiting town last week.


G.A. WENOM and wife made an automobile trip to Kirkwood Sunday.


Mr. LY?LE formerly agent at this place and wife Millie WUERN are in this town today.  Their home is now in Texas.


Charles OHEIM and wife are visiting their home folks in Kimmswick today.


Mrs. Alleck MILES and sister are up from Texas to attend a law suit on the 17th in Hillsboro.


Mr. Frank MEYER and wife went on a visit to Kirkwood Sunday with Gus WENOM and wife.


Mrs. Myra HARLOW of New York is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gus MATHIES.


Miss Pauline BECK of St. Louis is spending a few weeks with Miss Flora ARNOLD.


Misses Leona and Elsie KIRK attended the Matinee Saturday in St. Louis.


Mrs. Fred OBERMILLER spent two days in St. Louis last week.


Mrs. Grover BRISTOL and sons of Hillsboro spent three weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. WATERS.


Mr. and Mrs. Jim TIERNEY of Glen Park spent Sunday with relatives.


Mrs. Charles DUERENHEIM returned home Saturday after a week’s stay in St. Louis.


Mr. and Mrs. John HOGAN entertained friends from St. Louis last week.


The R.E. C. Club met at Emily LANGHENNY [‘s] Wednesday.


Mrs. S. A. WHITEHEAD and daughter Edna were in the city last Wednesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Edward GERARD gave a party Saturday evening to their friends.


Miss Jessie CASSIDY of St. Louis came home to spend Sunday.


Miss Pauline MEYER of news paper fame was in Kimmswick one day last week and went out to see her mother whom she had not seen for ten years.  Gus OHEIM conveyed her out in his automobile.


Miss Grace GRIFFITHS is visiting her aunts, Mrs. Mary DIARD and Mrs. Joe ARNOLD of Route No. 1.



Jas. G. BERKELEY to F. E. BURLESON 25a, 24-40-4….$625.

E. WASHER to Brand & Hoover 1/2a. 26-41-6….$65.

M.E. FITZGERALD to Herman F. PETWOLD, 33-42-4….$1.

Chas. WHITSON to J.M. EARLL lots in DeSoto….$1.

F.B. GREEN by trustee to F.J. FATLEY 40a…$50.

Citizen’s Gas & Fuel Co. to W.J. KNORPP lots in DeSoto….$275.

J. St.MARY to Anthony O------nx lots in Festus….$1250.

Frank J. H--- to Crawford Lumber Co., lot in Festus….$275.

Same to same lots in Festus…..$375.

Same to same lots in Festus…..$375.



Mr. and Mrs. Ed WILLIAMS and Dave CURTIS of East St. Louis and W. WILLIAMS were guests of John WILLIAMS over Sunday.


Personal Chat


Steve COLE was in town a few hours Monday.


C.H. BISHOP of Jackson was here on business Monday.


Oscar EDWARDS the big horse breeder of DeSoto was here to attend a law-suit.


Atty. Charles J. WHITE of Crystal paid the county seat a visit several days ago.


Mrs. Olive Stone HONEY has returned to her home in Florida after a months visit in Hillsboro.


For Sale  - 3 horse colts, 2 young mules, and a fine Holstein Bull.  Apply to John EICHOM, Horine, MO.


Leon HERRICK, superintendent and buyer for the Crawford Lumber yard was here on business Saturday.


Raymond and Delmont GASCHE made a week-end trip to Morse Mill on their bicycles to visit their uncle.


Hon. Walter HENSLEY was here Monday looking over the post-office situation for here and DeSoto.  His brother Thornton was also here.


Atty. Clyde WILLIAMS, John F. WILLIAMS of Hillsboro and Frank PERKINS of Vineland are attending court in Poplar Bluff this week.


Three new automobiles are expected here this week, Dr. MOCKBEE, a Hupmobile, Riley WILLIAMS of Morse Mill also, and Robert KLEINESCHMIDT, a Reo.


P.C. McCORMACK and granddaughter, Margaret ENGLAND of Hematite came out Saturday to see Mrs. McCORMACK who seems to make a little improvement.


For Sale: Horse, buggy and harness $75,  Cow $30, garden implements, lawn mower, 15 gal brass kettle and household furniture all go cheap, 3 miles west of Horine at Zion Church.  Jacob WITTMEYER.


Rev. Mr. HOLMES preached a splendid sermon here Sunday morning, again in the evening and at Victoria in the afternoon. Rev. E. J. HAMRICK preached in DeSoto and Rev. Arthur WELLHOELTER at Cedar Hill, Rev. Mr. HAMRICK will preach here next Sunday.


For sale – Fresh milch cows.  Rudolph HOMBERG, Hillsboro, MO.


Dr. BRISTOL’s wife and baby sons are home after a visit to Kimmswick.


Frank BECHLER and Will HENCKE caught a thirty-five pound fish in Big River Sunday.


J.J. HOEKEN has been the victim of a summer cold and cough for some weeks and was confined to his room yesterday.


Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT leaves next week to take a summer course in Expression in New York to be gone for several weeks.


William KING of Route one came to town yesterday on business and to meet Mrs. Ina SECKMAN who has returned from St. Louis.


Mrs. W. R. DONNELL and Mrs. Maria BERRY and Jim DONNELL drove over from Festus Tuesday and visited Ross DONNELL and J.J. HOEKEN and family.


Ed KERRUISH and sister, Mrs. Nellie BERRY were here Tuesday to have a guardian declared for the BERRY children heirs of the Robert BERRY estate.


Kimmswick was pretty generously represented here Tuesday appearing in court in connection with the MILES case.  Among them were Dr. and Mrs. KENNEDY, Dr. KIRK, Gus and Otto WENOM, and J.J. HILGERT.