Jefferson County Record

Hillsboro, Missouri

June 12 1913



To Manufacture Gum and Match Machines

Regular DeSoto Correspondent


Dr. E. C. McCORMACK of Farmington arrived here Monday to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Steve AuBUCHON.


Mrs. Sam BYRNS and niece, Miss Melissa left Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. R.

HOEKEN on Sandy.


Mr. and Mrs. Sam HIBBERT and son, Russel, have returned from Columbia.


Mabel SHOWMAN left the first part of the week for Cape Girardeau to attend the normal.


Mrs. John BOLAND of Webster Groves entertained a house party of DeSoto friends last week. Those who were there from DeSoto were the Misses D. and T. LEDERER, D. and M. MAUTHE, Melissa BYRNS, Justine BURGESS, Nan MUNROE and Emma SCHOLEKOPF.


Miss Isabelle DEVIN arrived from Washington the first of the week to spend the summer.


DeSoto is to get a new factory in the near future. The company manufactures gum and match vending machines, lawn swings, sash doors and blinds.


Mrs. Zoe LaBEAUME left Sunday for a two weeks visit with her daughter Mrs.

Ed STEFFIN in St. Louis.


Miss Viola ENGELBACH of Pevely was the guest of Miss Harriet MEEK from Thursday until Sunday.


Invitations to Miss Gussie SIEVERS of Herculaneum and Mr. EVERETT of Canada wedding have been received by DeSoto friends. The ceremony will be performed at the bride’s home at 8 a m Wednesday June 18th.


Miss Katherine THOMAS left Saturday evening for a short visit with St. Louis relatives.

A surprise party was given Saturday evening in honor of Kern and Paul DEVIN who will leave shortly for Washington to join their father.


Charles CURTIS of Festus spent Sunday here with his wife who is visiting her mother Mrs. W. HEARST.


Miss Corine WOODS of Illmo is visiting Miss Lucile MISSEY.


J. HAMMIL of St. Louis spent Sunday with home folks and is much pleased with the business in St. Louis.


Dr. James EDWARDS was in Bonne Terre Sunday. He has opened an office in that city and Dr. SMITH his assistant is in charge.


Mrs. NORTON and son of Salida are the guests of her brother I. MASON on Kelley Street.


Mrs. JOHNSON and sister Mrs. Charles MANESS left Wednesday for a visit with their sister at Poplar Bluff.


Miss Justine BURGESS is spending two weeks with relatives and friends in St.



Misses Dolly MARSHALL, Ethel PARKER, Grace HOPSON and Mattie WEIR left Sunday for Cape Girardeau where they will attend the Summer Normal.


Mrs. Steve FENWICK and children of St. Louis are spending a few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Amos COLEMAN.


Misses Alice and Tillie CAMPBELL left Wednesday for Columbia where the latter will attend school. Miss Alice will remain only a few days.


C. A. CLEMENTS of Poplar Bluff spent Sunday with DeSoto friends.


C. A KINCARD has accepted a Y.M.C.A. position at Horace Kansas and will leave some time this month.


Steve AuBUCHON died suddenly Sunday night after a few hours illness. At this writing arrangements have not been made for the funeral. Ancil and Ray AuBUCHON of Chicago arrived Monday. The family has many friends who sympathize with them.


Mrs. L. BRENNEKE arrived from St. Louis Saturday night.


Mrs. D. J. McDERMOTT spent a few days in St. Louis last week.


Malcolm CUNNINGHAM is entertaining a college friend this week.


Mrs. Walter EVANS spent Thursday in St. Louis


Mr. and Mrs. Willard HUSKEY and baby of Nevada Mo., spent a week with his parents at Ware, Mo.


Lynn DEADRIK had business in the city Wednesday.


Maxville has a New Bank

Enterprising citizens of Maxville organized a bank with $10000 capitol.   The first board of Directors consist of nine shareholders and are – Charles J. SEIDLER,  Henry MARX Sr., William SCHWALBERT, George D. DaBUCHANANNE, John R. BAKER, Anton KOHLE, William V. BLANK, Albert MALL, Louis J. ROESCH.

The list of Shareholders, and number of shares are as follows: Fritz VOGEL 2, Joseph McCLAIN 1, Aloys OTT 1, John OTT 5, Frank STECKEL 1, Peter FREDERITZI 3, John R. BAKER 2, William VOGEL 2, Otto LINESWEDEL 1, George P. CHRIST 4, James A. GRAY 1, William SCHWALBERT 4, R. STADELMAN 3, John KLOES 1, Anton KOHLER 2, Henry NOLL 3, Albert MALL 2, Louis J. ROESCH 2, Charles J. SEIDLER 5, Otto HOOGE 1, J.D. DeBUCHANANNE 4, Geo. D. DEBUCHANANNE 5, William V. BLANK 3, Philip GANGLOFF 2, John J. MILLER 2, William MALL 2, George DOHACK 2, Henry MARX, Sr. 5, Mike ZIGLER [ZEIGLER] 1, Joe GANGLOFF 2, Thos. J. KIRK 1, J.F. MILLER 1, Frank BENDER 1, Joe VOGEL 2, Frank VOGEL 2, Benno MAYER 2, M.F. BECKER 2, J. ARNOLD 1, D.J. HERRELL, Hy ZIEGELMEYER 2, George RIESER 1, Mike STECKEL 1, Charles ULRICH 1, John WILDE 1, Nick ROESCH 2, Henry J. JENNEMAN 1, Henry LUEBKE 1, Louis SCHREYER 1, Charles METTE 1.




James J McKEEVER….DeSoto

Myrtle HUSKEY…..DeSoto


Lawrence O'BRIEN…..Byrnesville

Florence GARNER…….Byrnesville


John L. DRISSELL….Crystal City

Leora VILLAR ……Fetus


Tony E. SCHNEIDER….Hillsboro

Kathryn WILLIAMS…Hillsboro



Fish-fry and barbecue on June 21st at Hematite


The entertainment given at E. L. Hall Saturday evening was first class in every way. Rev. WELLHOELTER gave us some rare violin music and Miss KLEINCHMIDT was at her best in her numbers Rev. HOLME'S selection was splendid. Miss Zoe BOOTH was on the program, and we were very much disappointed at her absence.


Mrs. Charles RICHARDSON and children were visiting Mrs. RICHARDSON'S mother at Blackwell.


Rev. GAYLE from Plattin who was to have filled the M. E. pulpit Sunday evening failed to come, the audience however heard a very able sermon from Rev. HOLMES.


Miss Ora O'NEIL and Clarence AuBUCHON were married in St. Louis last week.

They have the best wished of the many friends.


Mrs. J. R. ENGLAND spent last Friday and Saturday in De Soto taking the teacher's examination.


Mrs. W. H. NULL accompanied her sister Mrs. SINGER to St. Louis and they spent a few days there, Mrs. SINGER returned to her home in Wichita, Kansas.


Mrs. L. GERBER and children from Seattle Washington are visiting the GERBER'S


The MALONE boys were all home over Sunday.


Miss SIMCOX from Victoria attended the entertainment here Saturday evening.


Glen HOLMES spent Sunday in our town.


Miss Lettie ENGLAND spent Tuesday at Rush Tower.


Herman PARKER has a very sore hand. He was driving his team and one of the mules jerked the lines cutting his hand badly with the snap of the line.


Miss Marguerite IRWIN spent Sunday with home folks.


Miss Jessie WILSON visited friends in De Soto last Friday.


Katheryn ENGLAND is home from school.


Mrs. McCORMICK is still on the sick, but is in Hillsboro to be in care of her brother, Doctor MOCKBEE.


Miss R. GERBER spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives.


Miss Dorothy ENGLAND attended the commencement exercises at Fredricktown.



Diplomas were granted to the following Jefferson county young people who have completed their studies in their respective courses. In the Advanced Professional, Alison REPPY, Hillsboro, Luella WALTHER and Naomi CHEATHAM of the De Soto and Grace BRACKMAN of Eureka. Clyde HARBISON formerly of this county receives a college degree, Stanley WALLACH of the north end of the county get an Elementary Professional diploma.



Well Hello, Sunny Side is still on the boom. The farmers are sharpening their sheep-shears and getting ready to cut oats, all expect a rich crop.


Miss Mary HAAS is spending a week with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Jno HAAS.

Miss Katy HAAS returned to her work as nurse in the City Sanitarium in St.

Louis last Wednesday after a few days visit with relatives.


Miss COMPTON of St. Louis spent a few days with Miss Tilda HAAS last week.


Mr. and Mrs. George VAUGHAN spent Sunday on the Plattin.


We are glad to hear that Mrs. Fona CHEEK is improving in health and long to see her up and around again.


Marion DOSS of Flucom will preach here at the church the 6th of July at 11 o'clock am.


Mr. and Mrs. GRUBB have built a new barn which improves the looks of his place a great deal.


M. DOSS and Hardin MEDLEY called on Uncle Lee MEDLEY Sunday.


Fred REID has started up a new barber shop at Plattin, all wish him success in his new trade.



Stephen AuBUCHON died suddenly Sunday night of a paralytic stroke. Mr.

AuBUCHON had been in the mercantile business in De Soto twenty seven years.

He was born in French Village forty-nine years ago. Surviving him is his widow, formerly Miss COLE, and two sons in Chicago. His funeral was conducted from the Catholic Church in De Soto. He leaves a large number of relatives and friends among the prominent people of the county.



The sad intelligence of the death of Wesley HEARST of St. Louis reached here yesterday. He died by his own hand Tuesday night. He had been out of employment for seven months and was very despondent. The young man was not yet of age and his desperate deed was a great shock to his family and many friends here where he is well known. He was the son of John HEARST and a nephew of Green HEARST of Hillsboro. His funeral takes place today in Hillsboro.



Ladies of Sandy Baptist church are requested to send twenty-five cents during June to the president or secretary to help furnish the church Mrs. H. G. HOEKEN Pres.

Mrs. L. E. ADAMS Secy.



George Bennett Gets Nose Broken

Regular Festus Correspondent


Mrs. Stephen HUG was stricken with paralysis a few days ago and has been in a very critical condition ever since. Her sister and daughters were summoned and are now with her. The last report was that she is improving.


Billie HEDDEL and Pearl BIDDICK eloped to Illinois last week and were married. The children are at Mrs. HEDDEL'S and are very happy and may their happiness continue.


James HEDDEL of Festus and Miss Birdie PITTS of Sullivan were married in St.

Louis last Wednesday. Misses Annie and Essie, sisters of the groom attended the wedding. They will reside in Crystal City where Mr. HEDELL has a house ready furnished. May success and happiness ever be theirs.


A  PORTELL of Crystal City and Miss Emma BECK of Festus were united in marriage last Tuesday in the Catholic Church by Father HOLTD. The groom is a worthy young man of Crystal City and the bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. And Mrs. George BECK of Festus. May their pathway be strewn with flowers.


Masters Raymond BRICKEY and Paul WAGGENER visited Lynn WAGGENER at Danby last week.


Miss Pearl GROSSMAN visited in Herculaneum last week.


George BENNETT, sr. was the victim of quite a painful accident Saturday night of last week. His horse which he was un-harnessing from the buggy ran over Mr. BENNETT, knocked him down, broke his nose and otherwise injured him. However he was not dangerously hurt and is much better.


Mesdames Alfred PRUMAN and A. J. WOODWARD, sisters who have been in failing health for some time, left last Tuesday for Texas for their health.


Oscar FRAZIER visited him home people at Valle Mines Sunday.


Mrs. J. H. HENRICH of Crystal City visited at Wellston last week.


Rumor says that the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company at Crystal City will put on 500 more men July 1st.


J. V. BARSOTTI of Rush Tower was here on business Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. R. F. PANCHOT and children visited in Ste. Genevieve last Sunday.


Dr. C. G. HARRIS and son, Everett had business in St. Louis last week.


Mrs. John MOTZING and children are visiting Mr. MOTZING'S parent near Steelville.


Twin sons were born to Mr. And Mrs. John TINDALD last Saturday.


Mrs. E. M. BROWN is entertaining Mrs. ROBERTS of Brickeys.


Mr. and Mrs. BORGMEYER of St. Louis came down Sunday to visit Mrs. Aaron MOORE.


Mr. and Mrs. W. S. WILCOX of Illinois are visiting Mrs. Stephen HUG.


Mr. LANNING went to Jefferson Barracks Saturday of last week to attend Decoration exercises.


Mrs. Frank SMITH entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey THEIRMAN of Herculaneum Tuesday.


Mr. Emil THOMURE of St. Louis is visiting friends here.


Mrs. Phil BRECKENRIDGE of St. Louis is visiting her parents this week.


Marion WALTON of Caledonia and Charlie RUSH of Mineral Point visited their Uncle Fred WALTON last week.


Mrs. Gene HENNESEY and baby are the guests of Mesdames CARROW and LEDERMAN. Mrs. HENNESEY'S home is East St. Louis, Ill.


Mrs. James DIXON, formerly of Festus and Miss Lee BAILEY, daughter of Mr.

James BAILEY were married St. Louis last Sunday. May they always live happily together.


Main, Mill and Adams Streets are being oiled. The businessmen have a ten-thousand gallon tank full of oil for that purpose.


After visiting her daughters, Mrs. Mary CARROW and Mrs. Wm. SEDERMAM for several weeks, Mrs. Clara HU?TER [HUTTER - HOLTER ?] returned to her home in Valmeyer, Ill.


Mrs. Fred SUTTER informs us that her husband who was operated upon in the Rebecca hospital for appendicitis is very little better and is very low. The doctors say that it is one of the worst cases they ever had.


Rev. W. C. SCHUPP, State Supt. of the Anti-Saloon League delivered an address in the M. C. Church Sunday night to a large audience.


The M.A.C's met at the home of Miss Frances WARNE last Friday evening.

Refreshments were served on the lawn. Games played and all had a good time.


Miss Inez KNOTTS of Crystal City was given a surprise last Tuesday night on the sixteenth anniversary of his[her] birth, by about a dozen couples from here and as many more from Crystal City. Refreshments were served and all spent a pleasant evening. Miss Inez received a number of presents which will cause her to long remember the occasion.


Misses Elizabeth BLUNT and Stella BAILEY left Monday for the Cape to attend summer school.


A party of young people went on a grand hayride Thursday night to Herculaneum.  There had been a picnic there that day and a dance was in full blast too, which some of the hayriders went.


A farewell party was given Miss Elizabeth BLUNT at the home of Mr. Wm.

PILLIARD Saturday night. About seven couples attended and all spent a pleasant evening and wished Miss Elizabeth the best of success while in school.



Mr. Tony SCHNEDIER and Miss Katheryn WILLIAMS were quietly wed in DeSoto on the evening of June 7th.  Rev. J. Hall GLANVILLE of the Presbyterian Church united them in marriage and Miss Kathleen [sic] REPPY and Mr. Edwin MARSDEN were their attendants.  The bride is a popular girl, rich in youth and beauty, besides having numerous accomplishments both useful and artistic.  She is the daughter of Mr. John F. WILLIAMS, a prominent Big River farmer, the very best stock in the county, and she was a much loved teacher in the Hillsboro schools during the past year.

Mr. SCHNEIDER is also Missouri born and his home was Dixon.  In the months of his residence in Hillsboro, in his position as foreman of the Record office, and as organizer and director of the Hillsboro band, he has won all with whom he comes in contact to be his friends.  He is a man of sterling character, education, and is every inch a gentleman.  They have a bright outlook, through a wealth of friends, for a happy useful life with Hillsboro for their home.


Sulphur Springs

The strawberry season is about over on account of dry weather, the crop was very short.


Mrs. BOLLHEIMER of Mount Vernon, IL, is visiting her son here.


Mr. and Mrs. C.C. CABLE and children have returned from Tucson, Arizona, where they spent the winter.


Mr. R. B. SWIFT of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. J.M. GREEN of East St. Louis spent a few days at the home of Mrs. GREEEN.


Dr. HULL and family are making good use of their new Ford machine.


Mmes. CURLY, MARSHALL and REARDEN spent Friday and Saturday in St. Louis.


The S. S. CLUB of St. Louis are spending their vacation at their Club house on the hill. 


Mr. O.E. SHELTON and a friend from St. Louis spent Sunday at home.


Eddie and Morrison ST. JOHN and Mrs. G. W. SPECK of St. Louis are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ST. JOHN.


Mrs. FRITSCH and daughter, Josephine have gone East to spend several months.


The Catholic Young Men’s Society? Of St. Louis, 1000 strong, held their convention at Montesano Park June 1st, and was well attended by the people of the vicinity.


Walter SANTEE who was operated on for appendicitis in St. Mary’s Infirmary several weeks ago, will have to undergo another operation in a few weeks.


Frank NAES, Jr. and wife of West Kimmswick drove into town Friday in their new machine.


George EIFERT and Chester WALLACE attended the Graduate Exercises in DeSoto.




The Maxville correspondent has been afflicted with the book work. However a few good things have happened around our town, which though a little stale, still are worth mentioning.


Johnny HOPMEYER, is the father of a bouncing baby boy. The neighbors say John acts like he is the mayor of Lone Dell ever since.


Willie MILLER and Miss OVERBECK, who recently entered into marriage kingdom, have rented the HABERBERGER place and have gone to house keeping.


Wm EHLERS, better known as "Billy" stole a march on the Jefferson County girls and went to Oakville for his better half. He married a Miss GEBHART.

Billy says he is now no longer the cook and the dished get washed every meal.


About a hundred young couples assembled at Barney BECKER'S Sunday night and gave him a real surprise party. Barney however was equal to the occasion and saw that every body waltzed, drank, ate and enjoyed themselves.



The Rev. Arthur WELLHOELTER preached to a large company of Negroes in the home of Mr. WILLIAMS last Friday evening.  On Sunday afternoon a Sunday school was organized and put on a running basis in the same colored home. Officers and teachers were appointed.


Miss V. MILLER of DeSoto will spend the summer with Hillsboro friends and is now with the family of Felix LEUTZINGER.



Hon. H. H. WEAVER of Rush Tower had court business here Monday.


Mrs. Frank DEITRICH and children are visiting her parents G. W. BYRD and wife in Festus.


William ROSE and son William Jr. of Cedar Hill made the county seat a visit on Friday.


Miss Kathryn WILLIAMS made a week-end visit to the family of J. H. MORSE near De Soto.


Mrs. and Mrs. Ferd GASEHE of Morse Mill spent the day here with his brother George and family.


Miss Carrie ESHBAUGH of St. Louis was here Saturday on business connected with the ESHBAUGH estate.


For Sale – About 4 tons good baled timothy hay.  E. BERGMEYER, Antonia, MO.


Joe HURTGEN of St. Louis came down to see home folks Thursday and remain a couple of days.


Some of the town ladies got together and gave the church a cleaning and laid new carpet all of which improves its appearance.


Frank HOUSKA and William HIAVA of Route 3 were in town Saturday on business.

Mr. HOUSKA reports timothy hay greatly damaged by the drought.


Mrs. Will SECKMAN, who is making her home with her father, Robert KING of Goldman for the summer, has been spending the past week here with her sister, Mrs. Tom WILLIAMS.


Asa P. HAMRICK has returned from William Jewell College where he has spent the past year. He looks well, happy, and quite intellectual with eye-glasses astride his aquiline nose.


Judge S. A REPPY and wife, of De Soto and Henry T. REPPY of Minnesota and Mrs. Mabel WILCOX and her three children of Atchison, Kansas, paid the editor and family a visit on Thursday.


Joseph J. HOEKEN just returned from the CLARDY farm where he attended the sale of saddle bred horses. He reports that Lynn sold eighteen head of saddle horses at satisfactory prices. The sale was conducted by Colonel Ike HOWARD, who has sold more horses at auction than any other man in the state. The beautiful black gelding Black Jack sold to Mr. Bailey F. WAGGENER, of Atchison Kansas for $500. Mr. John HOOK of Hook and Wood, Paris Missouri paid an average of $225 for three mares.


Hoyt HOEKEN of St. Louis was home to spend Sunday.


Miss Zoe BOOTH has returned home for the summer.


Sixty teachers took the examination in DeSoto last week.


George P. DOVER of Frumet was a county seat visitor Tuesday.


Mrs. Ellen McCREARY and Miss Diora SHELTON were in St. Louis yesterday.


Frank FRAZIER and his sister Mrs. Reuben SHEIBLE spent Monday in St. Louis.


Attorney Jos. G. WILLIAMS of St. Louis was here on legal business Monday.


Mrs. Ware EVANS and little son are visiting relative near Bonne Terre.


The library entertainment to have been given Friday night, is postponed for a time.


Hart DONNELL, wife and little folks of Sandy, spent Sunday here with F. J.

ADAMS and family.


Misses Daisy WILSON and Luzern HARRISON of Morse Mill were the guests of Mrs. Tony SCHNEIDER Tuesday.


John BECHLER was here Monday making a trustees sale of a piece of land near Valle Mines. Atty. FAKE of Bonne Terre bought it in for settlement.


The small boys have a tennis club and court and practice daily. They are Floyd ADAMS 13, John REPPY Jr. 12, Burnell SCHUBEL 13, Ralph WARNE 13.


The Misses Huldah and Anna GONZ of Cedar Hill visited their grandparents here on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. E. BURGESS.  They were accompanied by a cousin, Miss Naomi GONZ.


Mr. and Mrs. E. BURGESS spent yesterday in St. Louis and visited their grand-daughter, Mrs. Gertrude WILLIAMS who is slowly recovering an operation for appendicitis in a sanitarium.


P. C. McCORMACK and wife of Hematite came up to the county seat Monday where Mrs. McCORMACK may be under the care of her brother Dr. MOCKBEE. She will be here some weeks if necessary.


Dr. HENSLEY of Pevely is in St. Louis taking a post graduate course at the St. Louis University. Dr. Jules BARON who is spending the summer in the country will have charge of his office two hours a day.


Dr. Charles H. WILLIAMS of House Springs was a county seat visitor Tuesday and made the Record a pleasant call. The doctor's health has greatly improved since returning to Jefferson County two years ago and he boasts of a gain of twenty-four pounds in weight in a year.


Hon. Politte ELVINS and Hon. Moses WHYBARK are among our visiting lawyers.


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HILL rounded out their fifty years of wedded life June tenth having been married in 1863. But one of their eight children were home, Mrs. Alice FRANCISCUS, and one grandchild Miss Lena HILL, all others being in distant homes. The Ladies Aid of which Mrs. HILL is a member, made a surprise party of the occasion and spent the afternoon in very pleasant fashion. This worthy old couple have the best wishes of the entire community with them in these golden anniversary days. A gold coin and refreshments were carried to them.


Gotleib SEIVERS of House Springs was here on business Tuesday and was the guest of his friend Supt. R. B. WILSON.


Hon. John E. SWANGER was in our burg last week. Mr. SWANGER is now with the Mercantile Trust Co. of  St. Louis and visited our local Trust Company officials and many of his old personal and political friends about town.

SWANGER made a good Secretary of State, a good Bank Commissioner, is a good fellow who makes good any where you put him.


Annual Picnic and Dance to be given in M. ZIMPFER’s Grove, Antonia, MO on Sunday June 15th.  Music will be furnished by HAEFNER Bros. Orchestra.  Music to begin at 3:00 p.m.  Refreshments of all kinds.  Admission – Gentlemen 50 cents.  Ladies Free.



Chas. EDINGER has just completed his new barn which is one of the largest in this community measuring 46 ft. x 60 ft. and 20 ft. high.  He says its fun and pleasure to make hay and story it with a harpoon fork.


John REISER is busy painting the interior of Ed ROESCH’s residendence.

John SCHWALBERT and Jos. BECHLER are busy cutting clover hay on the MULLEN farm recently vacated by Martin REITER, Jr.


Chas. EDINGER, local agent for the International Harvesting Co., representing the McCormick division has quite a lot of mowers and rakes and has been very busy setting up and starting machinery to work.




Ben GANSNER fell off a load of hay last Saturday and broke three of his ribs.  The wagon ran over his chest and side and he is bruised up considerably.


Gus SCHMIDT was in Danby last Sunday visiting his sister Mrs. John LIEPP [LEIPP].


Miss Maggie BAKER has gone to St. Louis county.


Carl McMULLEN has gone to Illinois to work during the harvest.


A party was given at Miss Elsie HENDRIX Saturday evening for Carl McMULLEN who left Sunday morning.  Most everyone attended that was invited despite the rain as no one wished to have Carl leave without telling him good-bye.


John SIEFERT lost one of his hogs last week.  It was overheated and was the cause of its death.



Charles J. DAVIDSON to DeSoto Lodge No. 119, Lot in DeSoto….$1100.

T. G. SEEMEL to Theo. HURTGEN, lots in DeSoto….$100.

Jacob GLATT to Frank C.  [533 acres?] 36-43-5…..$1500

Sam BYRNES to J.R. SPENCER, lots in DeSoto….$300

Anna WAGNER to C.H. GERARD, lots in Kimmswick…..$700.

A.F. ACHTER to Aug. KOEBBLE, sur 74742-……..$325.

Carrie ASHBAUGH to W.B. GAMEL, lot in Festus….$100.

Merseal ALLEE to John JOHNSTON, 40 acres 7-41-4…..$750.

H.T. EGGERS to Wm. SPRINGMEYER, 12 acres 34-42-3 [31?-42-3]…$240.

Edw. WHITE to J.P. GILLMAN, 4 lots sur. 659 & -  42-6….$1850  

 M.F. HERRINGTON to Merseal ALLEE T. Co., lots in DeSoto….$2500.

S.W. CRAWFORE to Ida BRAZIL, lots in DeSoto….$75.



Dr. BAKER, a physician of ten years experience has located in Maxville having rented Mr. KOHLER’s house opposite B—KER Bros. store.



Wm PARKS vs Pittsburgh P.G. Co., Judgment.


John LaBOUBE vs Pittsburgh P.G. co., judgment


Geo. BO?? [Bond ?] vs W. B. PATTERSON, et al, judgment for $50 by agreement Costs taxed against pltff, by agreement.


Stix, Baer and Fuller DG Co. vs Ethel L SHUTE, pltff. Files petition, writ of attachment ordered. Order of publication.


Geo. H. HEMPKER vs C T. DANIEL, continued.


W. A. WELCH, trustee vs Geo. E. KENNER, judgment for pltff.


W. A. WELCH, trustee vs Mary E. KENNER, continued by agreement.


State vs Chas. KELLEY, two years in pen. From May 9, 1913.


State vs William H. VAUGHT, Pros Atty. Files information charging defendant with larceny from dwelling house. Placed on docket.


State vs John TURNER, three months in jail for concealed weapons from date of incarceration.


Bank of Pevely vs Carrie L. ASHBAUGH et al, judgment for $426.66 again Carrie L. ASHBAUGH & A. C. ASHBAUGH and cause dismissed as to deft N. T.



State vs F. E. SKINNER, con't by agreement


Appointment of Allen BURGESS as deputy sheriff approved.


State vs W. F. SANSOUCI, concealed weapons, fine $100. Parole bond fixed in sum of $200, paroled upon condition that bond be filed and deft pay all costs herein.


State vs Jennie VENABLE, parole continued.


Dora WEAVER EHRICHS et al, vs Exparate, decree of partition granted with order of sale. 50 per cent cash balance in 1 year.




School Dist No 77 et al, vs De Soto Special Rd Dist et al, motion for new trial con't.


Charles A STOVESAND vs Annie STOVESAND, dismissed by pltff.


Stokley T. WAGGENER vs Maria F. BERRY, exceptions to report of sale sustained and report ordered not approved.


R. G. HOEKEN excused from petit jury.


De Soto Spec Rd Dist ex re: Geo. RUPKE vs Joseph BRADFORD et al, 18 similar cases.


Carrie L. ASHBAUGH vs  R. K. VANCLEAVE, pltff. files bond for costs.


C. G. HARRIS  vs  W. P. BRENT et al con't.


W. R. WILLIAMS vs  Midland Casualty Co., Con't


Jones ? PARKER – W.E. CAMPBELL of St.Louis


Thos. PIPKIN excused from petit jury.


Samuel [HASE ?]  vs. unknown – of Horace GAYLORD et al, decree for plaintiff…..


Thos. EVANS vs. John F. BROWN – jury finds losses for the plaintiff.

T.B. EVANS for $175 and 6 percent interest --- for time ---petition?


Charles P. ? – Alexander YOUNG vs. ? ? ? Co. of DeSoto, MO. – acknowledged deed un execution conveying lots 13, 14, ?, 16 Blk 43 O.T. – W. – KNORPP for $376.




J. F. MEIER made a trip to – the first of the week.


William T------ELL is home visiting his wife for a few days.


Dr. A. E. HENSLEY is in the city for six weeks.  Mrs. HENSLEY accompanied the Doctor.


Miss Ina COPLIN of Hematite has been visiting the ENGLEBACH family for a few days.


Master John HEINER Jr. has been visiting his sister Mrs. William SMYTHE in St. Louis.


Mr. and Mrs. Carl WEIGMANN of East St. Louis have been visiting in Pevely for a few days.


Katherine RAPP of Eng—station was in town today taking a music lesson from Miss Flor. ARNOLD of Kimmswick.


William SCHAFER is reported on the sick list this week.


Mrs. ALBERT WESLER [Wessler] is visiting in the city this week.  


Mr. John YESBERG Sr. of Sandy was the guest of his three sons, John, Fred and William YESBERG Sunday.


W. RAPP was the guest of her friend Miss Edna.


Mrs. Ferdinand YESBURG who has been in failing health is improving, but slowly.


Henry HEMME of Glaize Creek was a visitor to his father last week.


Mrs. Henry STANGELINE has been right sick but is getting along all right.


Miss Anna CURTIS has been visiting Potosi friends for a week.


Miss Lena WAPLER of Granite City is visiting her parents for a few days.


The young folks gave a surprise on John HEINER, Jr. Sunday to celebrate his birthday.

Guess Who.



Rev. A. WELLHOELTER will hold services in our new church June 23.