April 03, 1913 


Mr. and Mrs. Walter BLACK of Silica spent Sunday in our town.


Mrs. CRAWFORD's Sunday school class, seventeen young men, gave a musical in the parlors of the congregational church last Thursday evening.  The entertainment was a great success.  The decorations were in class colors Yale blue and white.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank WAGONER of Arkansas are visiting Anton MILLER and family.


Miss Clara VOLLMAR and Miss MALLICOAT of St. Louis were the guests of their uncle, W.B. MALLICOAT and family over Sunday.


George PYLE of St. Louis spent Sunday here.


The K. of P. convention held in our city was well attended by the delegates.  A splendid banquet prepared by the ladies of the Congregational church, was the closing feature of this meeting.  P.P. HINCHEY was toast master and speeches were made for the good of the order.


Miss Justine BURGESS returned home Monday evening from a few days visit with friends and relatives at Festus.


Mrs. Henry LEDERER and daughters Misses Dorothy and Trix were in St. Louis Saturday to attend the matinee "The Rainbow" at the Century.


Mrs. J.G. BERKELEY went to St. Louis to see Ben Hur at the Olympic Saturday.


Mrs. J.F. CARLEY and daughters Misses Gladys and Margaret were the guests of relatives in St. Louis Saturday.


Adam MUMMERT spent Sunday with relatives in St. Louis.


Mrs. R.E. CURTIS has returned home from a weeks stay with her parents at Ironton.


Mr. and Mrs. J. BOLAND of Clayton spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. O.M. MUNROE.


Mrs. Willard HUSKEY of Nevada, MO is here visiting her mother Mrs. A.F. SLAWSON who has been quite ill with rheumatism.


Miss Elizabeth HENCHER Saturday in St. Louis.


Mr. and Mrs. A.E. STOCKING attended the matinee in St. Louis Saturday.  Ben Hur at the Olympic.


Everrett MARSHALL of Little Rock is staying at home for a short time.


Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOPSON, a baby son, Tuesday March 25.


Harry MILLER of Festus was a DeSoto visitor the first of the week.


Mrs. Louise SUDDICK went to St. Louis Friday for a few days visit with relatives.


Mrs. Sophia EHRICHS entertained the J.C.T. Club Wednesday afternoon.


Miss Gussie SIEVERS spent the weekend with St. Louis friends.


~Accidentally Poisoned~

Mr. and Mrs. Henry HURTGEN were seriously poisoned Sunday by eating poke root which they mistook for horseradish. A bunch of horseradish was gathered, but only one root was prepared for dinner and very little used as it seemed of poor flavor. Some time afterward they became violently ill and but for the timely arrival of their son Archie, who immediately came back to town for Dr. MOCKBEE. He worked four hours with them before they were out of danger. It is probably the mistake that would have terminated fatally. Both have recovered and seemed to be none the worse for their experience but in the future, hope to be more critical even of their own family horseradish bed.


~Resolutions of Respect~

As it has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst on March 6, 1913 Brother John W. ROSENAUR, therefore be it resolved that Antonia Camp Number 5860 M.W. of A, has lost a kind and esteemed neighbor and the community, a faithful, honest and respected citizen.  Be it further resolved that we express our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved ones and that our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days.  Be it further resolved that a page of our Record be set aside as a memorial to our departed brother and a copy of these resolutions be spread thereon.  Be it further resolved that to Rev. Father TRACY we tender our sincerest thanks for courtesies and comfort in this sad hour, and that a copy of these resolutions be presented to the bereaved family, one to Father TRACY, and one to each of the county papers for publication.

                 Com.} Hy HOFFARTH, L.H. DIERCKS, Wm. KEONZIE




Lavada HOLMAN et al to Sterling BAILEY, 190a, Sur 1863-38-7...$ 200

Mrs. M. KERRUISH to Frank GRAY, 42a, 21-39-4.........$1

Mrs. S.E. KIRKPATRICK to Ella & G.G. BRYAN, 2 lots in Allens ad DeSoto.$1

W.B. SEIBERT to Walter ROTH, lot in Derby City.........$1075

A.T. HARRIS to S. GAST, strip 2991-43-6.............$ 200

Felix LEUTZINGER to Alex HUSKEY, 20a, 35 41-4, other consc. and......$85

Bonne Terre Farming & Cattle Co to Otto ROLUFS lot sur s028-41-6.....$150

J.B. BAKEWELL by trustee to F. LEUTZINGER, 20 35-41-4...$ 85

Ralph WARNE & Willie BILLIE minors by guardian to Festus Glass Co...$66.67

Trustees of J.C. BAKEWELL est to W.R. DONNELL Jr., 32-41-4..$1

John K. WEBER   to W.J. KNORPP, 6 lots in DeSoto...$1600

George SIMON to Frank GRAY, 42a, 21-39-3…$1400

M.F. HERRINGTON to R.B. JONES,40a, 32-40-4...$1300

Louis KRAUS to Wm. KRAUSS, 2 lots 25a, 16-42-5…$2144

Phillip KRAUSS to Wm. KRAUSS, land 16-42-5...$34.00


Harvey PAUL of McGhee Arkansas visited Charles HOPSON and family lately.


Mr. Ward CUNNINGHAM has returned from Florida where he attended the International Hardware association.


Miss Edna BOYNE of St. Louis, returned home Friday after a weeks visit with her cousin Mrs. Estell SEAMANDS.


~Record Makers in the Record~

Are you a Van-Guardsman or a Tail-Ender?


How much intelligent examination and appreciation do you give to the local advertising in the Record?  Have you noticed that the Jefferson County Bank and Peoples Bank both of DeSoto and the Kimmswick Bank are hustlers for business, and are advancing not only their own business but the status of sound finance in our county?


Have you ever noticed that DeSoto Roller Mills and the Kimmswick Roller Mills keep the advertising of their business, down-to-the-minute, look again and you will note that for hardware and ware of like nature the CUNNINGHAM-HAMEL Merchantile Co. of DeSoto is easily leader.  That for farm implements, and general black smithing, Henry HURTGEN & Son and Frank BECHLER, two Hillsboro firms, are promptly yours to command. That when it comes to eatables and drinkables Hillsboro presents E.A. MARSDEN, J.W. ECKLE, and F.E. SPILKER who can attend your wants on short order, and most acceptably too.


Then again there is J.M.CHRIST the DeSoto baker who is not at all averse to your knowing of his superior ice cream and bread.  Go in and see for yourself.


The HERCULANEUM Lumber Co. offers all kinds of building materials and handles a large stock of only the high class and artistic.  Antonia sends Julius A. KOHLER to the front and besides selling all sorts of desirable things offers a fine line of millinery.  Monuments and marble work is done by C.A. SCHOLLKOPF of DeSoto an artist in his line and the oldest in that business.


Dr. CHAMBERLAIN is a popular DeSoto dentist who looks after the comfort and good looks of a large number of Jefferson County citizens.  Kimmswick is ever the front in good business, and M. ZEIGLER the jeweler and watchmaker has patronage which is not confined to Rock and Joachim township by any means.


"HINCHEYS" of DeSoto is a household word all over the county.  They have two stores where you can buy anything under the sun but a beef steak.


Jefferson Co. is a strong leader in poultry, F.E. OBERMILLER the prize winner at Kimmswick, Henry RUNGE at Barnhart, and Mrs. Ray CALDWELL of Hillsboro being chicken fanciers right.


The farmers interests are looked after by the WILEY Mercantile Co. of DeSoto who are offering a car load of seed potatoes in connection with their general merchandising. Speaking of farmers, reminds us of real-estate and you will note in the Record that Chris JENNI of Festus and F.J. ADAMS of Hillsboro are in the business and make a specialty of farm property. Good farm property makes for good roads, and good roads encourage the automobile, and our automobile man is J.P. BOEMLER, Eureka, RFD.18 and he certainly sells them, for he is a hustler.  So you see they all want business and they use business methods to get it. The man who advertises is up to date, ready and active.  He is more likely to give you prompt service and fresh up to date goods than the fellow who waits for you to drop in.  We think that the list of advertisers in our columns, are entitled to consideration and that you should give it to them.


~Grow Corn, Get Into the Contest~

We want to interest every boy in Missouri in the Boys' Corn Growing Contest for 1913. …..Send in your name at once, secure some seed corn from a reliable grower and plan to be one of the winners.  Write me today for any information and be sure to enter the contest.  T.R. DOUGLASS, Secretary Missouri Corn Growers Association. T. R. DOUGLASS, Secretary Missouri Corn Grower’s Assoc.


Young Women, there is a shorter course in agriculture for you.  Are you planning to take it?  This year it runs seven weeks and begins October 31.  Better plan to go.  Woman’s work on the farm is important, noble and praise-worthy.


She, too, should have the best aid the Stat can render. Embrace your opportunity and keep the date in mind.   A Country Woman’s Club is thriving over most of DeSoto.  They have helpful, happy meeting.  What do you do in your neighborhood?

Authorities are saying that the best varieties of corn for this State are the Commercial White, Boone County White and Reid’s Yellow….and St. Charles White for the river bottoms of the South-east….


Housewives, how do you like Miss BRIGGS cooking lessons running in our column the past few weeks?  Tried any of them? [Note from transcriber – the text of these weekly published recipes has been to small to read/transcribe.]


Next week we shall tell you how Potosi’s Corn Show for children is put through.  Supt. Burwell FOX considers this great movement in his school work.


~Our School Meeting Saturday~

The Educational meeting held Saturday was highly interesting to those who were fortunate enough to attend.  Supt. Burwell FOX of Potosi, a stalwart school man gave an interesting account of the getting up of school exhibits. Miss Roberta BRUNER of Cape Girardeau gave a most excellent address upon 'Ventilation and Heating' was most able and convincing.  Our Hillsboro teachers gave excellent papers; Miss WILLIAMS on Reading and Miss BOYER upon Cooperation of Patrons and Teachers. A number of patrons also spoke. One school meeting a year ought not to be too rich for Hillsboro blood but attendance is never what it should be.


~Appeal To Progressive Citizens~

   The Jefferson County Record intends to devote some of its space to the formation of societies for the promotion of the public welfare.  By this we do not mean that we intend to seek to create sentiment to do impossible things, but rather to cause things to be done that are obviously needed and can be done without crippling the finances of the community, the town or city.

   We shall start at home. Hillsboro needs lots of things but it needs things that it can get without crippling anybody. We want a new cemetery fence around the rear of the cemetery. We want a road way, and we get it.  We can get the additional ground for the roadway.  We want the money to pay for the fence, for the grading of the roadway, and to have the ground plowed. Those who are interested can send the money to promote the work to the Bank of Hillsboro or the Jefferson Trust Company.  If you have the Banks notify us we will acknowledge the receipt of the money through our columns.  We want to start with 100 subscribers as $5.00 because we want enough money to put the Hillsboro Cemetery in first class shape. The Record starts the ---- with its contribution of $5.  Come on and let get busy.


~Our School Meeting Saturday~

The Educational meeting held Saturday was highly interesting to those who were fortunate enough to attend. Supt. Burwell FOX of Potosi, a stalwart school man gave an interesting account of the - - of school exhibits.  Miss Roberta BRENER? of Cape Girardeau gave a most excellent address ….Our Hillsboro teachers gave excellent papers; Miss WILLIAMS on Reading and Miss BOYER upon Co-operation of patrons and teachers.  A number of patrons also spoke. One school meeting a year ought not be too rich for Hillsboro blood but attendance is never what it should be. 


~Lee Vicinity~

HENDRIX's sale last Saturday was well attended. Many came from surrounding districts as well as neighbors, and all stock and machinery sold at a good advantage.


Paul LEE and sister, Mrs. LEWIS were DeSoto visitors last Saturday.


Peter LEE is on the sick list this week.


Ura WEBER has recovered from the mumps and is again attending school in DeSoto.


We are glad to learn that Mrs. D.C. JONES and daughter Mrs. SHELLY arrived safely in New Mexico and had gotten through Kansas before the storms.


R.M. THOMPSON of Bonne Terre made one of his regular visits here last Saturday.


Lon LITTON of Festus and Miss Leota ALLNUTT of Meadville, MO were united in marriage last Thursday and arrived here Thursday night and are now at home to their friends in one of W.H. WAGGONER's houses on Russell Ave.  We do not know Mrs. LITTON but Lon is one of Festus' most respected young men and has many friends who wish them a long and happy married life.


~Morphine Given by Mistake, Child Dies~
Ministers form an
Alliance – Lon Litton Married.


Burnham LONG of Washington County was here last Sunday.


J.F. PAPIN spent Sunday with St. Louis friends.


Miss Bertha SCHAFER entertained Misses Luella WALTHERS and Edna HAMEL of DeSoto Friday.


Hon. Sam BYRNS had business here Wednesday.


Albert WALKER of Bonne Terre was here on business Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. John HEDELL spent Easter with Mr. HEDELL's mother.


Willie MCCLAIN and son, Cole of Plattin were in town last week.


Geo. NEES of Bonne Terre, son of Judge NEES of Festus was operated upon in St. Louis (last) week for appendicitis.


Mr. and Mrs. Horace WAGGENER, Mr. and Mrs. Gabe BYRD and others who spent the winter in Florida arrived home last week.  They all reported a pleasant time but were pleased to be home again.


Edward RUE of St. Louis and Miss Alberta RUE of Festus were married last week.  They will make their home in Festus.


Miss Celeste DRAKE visited friends in DeSoto Saturday and Sunday.


A new baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex NINGLE Tuesday.


Fred WALTON's store was burglarized last Saturday night and Mr. WALTON swore out a search warrant and found some of the goods at the home of John GILBERT. Mr. and Mrs. GILBERT and son were placed under arrest.


Vida, daughter of John WHEATLY was given morphine through a mistake which resulted in her death.  She was buried in the Catholic cemetery.


The minister of the different churches met last Tuesday and organized a ministerial alliance will which meet once each month.  Rev. EVANS, Pastor of the M.E. church was chosen as secretary.


Alf PORTER who was so seriously burned a week ago is still in very serious condition and it is thought doubtful if he survives.


Mr. RUFFER who was stricken with paralysis several weeks ago was able to walk out on the sidewalk last week.  He carries one arm in a sling and has no use of it at all.


T.V. ROBINSON who was working in HOLLADAY's barber shop had to take a lay off on account of an infection in his eyes.  He is having them treated and thinks he will still be able to go to work in a few weeks.


A.W. LITTON has the contract to build a thirteen room house for John HUDSON of Washington County and will leave this week to begin work on it.


~Dansby Items~

Our school closed March 21st after a very successful term of seven months…  The morning session was the regular school work, but the afternoon was given over entirely to the school Literary Society which was organized by the school children…The program consisted of songs, recitations, readings and the School Journal edited by Gladys McMULLEN.  Sadie McMULLEN, Margaret BAKER and Irene PILLIARD …[debate]... James McMULLEN Blanche KOLLER, and Mabel DANSNER...  The president, Roy PILLIARD, then made an address thanking the members for the hearty…and earnest co-operation during his term of office.  He was followed by the Secretary, Blanche KOLLER who in a few well chosen words reviewed the work of the society during the year.  This was Mrs. STRAUSERS third term hear and in that time our library has increased from sixty to eighty volumes to two hundred and fifty-six….Pres. PICKINS talk on Individuality was hold the undivided attention of the crowded house until he suddenly contradicted himself so flatly that he was compelled to join in the laughter, Mr. WILSON hurried forward to make his announcements with the remark that he would be brief and proceed to ‘curtail’ his remarks by stepping on a dog that lay stretched out on the floor and which ran yelping from the room.  The papers by Misses BLUNT, HEATON, SMITH and Mr. DIXON were excellent and just the kind for such a meeting presenting the subject of the listener…..

Dinner was served in Woodman Hall and was of the quality the housewives around Danby always serve, the very best.  Before adjourning the teachers moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. STRAUSER for her services as vice-president… The Reading Circle also felt very grateful to Principals PICKINS and ABERNATHY ad the Misses June SMITH and Grace SKEWES, all of whom generously gave their time to make this meeting a success….Miss BLUNT, who is teaching her first term missed only one session… Mr. DIXON and Mrs. M. McKay STRAUSER were present every meeting….Mr. Eph BLACKWELL in bidding the teachers goodbye, expressed the pleasure the School Board felt in having them meet in Danby….


~Advise to Poultry Raisers~

[Not a local article; no surnames mentioned] –published by Seth BABCOCK.


~Cedar Hill~

Hello!  Here is Cedar Hill again.  She is still on the map in spite of all the rain and high water.


The ball here last Saturday night was well attended and all reported having had a good time.


Louis ROSE while going home from the ball Saturday night got his horse down in the mud and had to get out and unhitch it where the mud was knee deep.  Louis says next time he goes to a ball the roads will have to be dry.


Pitching horse shoes is all the go here on Sunday.  Fred DETJEN and Lee CRULL being champions, Tuth MAY and Dr. DENNY second.


I wonder what happened to Henry he started to the ball but we did not see him there.


Louis ROSE has sold his part in the tile factory to his brother and he is going to St. Louis to work.


Will STOVESAND is making some improvements on his farm.  He is getting a cellar drain put in.


Will HENKE of Hillsboro came down Saturday to take in the ball and spend Sunday with friends in Cedar Hill.


We are having some fine weather, rain, storms sunshine and snow.  The Meramec at Fenton was very high.  No traffic on the Gravois Road.  A small bridge was swept away by the river so no one could cross.


Wheat is looking fine in this vicinity.


A few of the boys have the mumps and sore throat.


R. DELOHUE is working on the cellar of his new home.


Louis HERZOG is on the sick list.


Oat sowing is about due.


H. KASTNER is building a large bay barn.


A.T. BOWLES has his home nearly completed.


The dance at Charles BOWZEKs Sunday evening was well attended.


J.M. DAEHN is visiting Bourbon.


J.W. CHOTT, our busy blacksmith made a flying trip to St. Louis and brought back an intended bride.  The knot to be tied April 2.  Look out!  It’s catching.


George SULLENS is improving slowly.



Mrs. Fred OBERMILLER entertained friends from St. Louis Sunday.


Miss Edna WHITEHEAD is visiting friends in Michigan.


Jim TIERNEY and wife of Glen Park were here Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives.


George NAUMAN and wife of St. Louis spent Sunday at Wm. WHITE’s home.


Twenty ladies were present at AID SOCIETY last week.  They met at Mrs. B.J. WATERS.


Logan HARLOW is in Charleston, MO., where he has a position with Bell Telephone Co.


The Woodmen Ball Saturday night was a success, and everybody had a good time.


F.D. WATERS who was very sick for four weeks is much better and able to be out.


Messrs. H. and J. OHEIM of St. Louis spent Sunday with their father.


Ethel  DUERENHEIM and Mable McMINN were home Sunday.


G.A. WENOM and G. OHEIM were trying their new automobiles Sunday.


Johnnie WENOM of Fenton was here in his machine Sunday.


Miss Edna ERRAN/Ecran(?) of St. Louis is visiting Miss Flora ARNOLD.


Mrs. MAYEL and daughter of St. Louis are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter HENDRIX.


C.H. GERARD was ill a few days of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Edward SHUBERT, Mrs. William PIPKIN, Mrs. LANHAM, and Mrs. Fred PETERS joined the Presbyterian Church Sunday.


Mrs. Bob HALL and children have been spending a few days in St. Louis.  


The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Capt. HALL this Thursday.


Minnie MEISNER of Bushberg and her cousin of Chicago spent one day of last week with Mrs. Fred OBERMILLER.


Mr. and Mrs. BAHR spent Sunday is St. Louis.


The Kimmswick Dancing Club will give another ball some time in April.


Mrs. L.K. WATERS entertained relatives Sunday.



~Marriage Licenses~

George J. DEVLIN…DeSoto – Christina MERSEAL…DeSoto

J.W. CHOTT…Murphy – Joan JOHNSON…St. Louis

Edward WHITIER…Blackwell – Julia MECY…Blackwell



Just received a barload of seed potatoes…WILEY Mercantile Co, Sixth & Boyd St., DeSoto, MO.

Eggs For Hatching ….Henry RUNGE, Barnhart, MO


~Personal Chat~

Were you an ‘April Fool’?


How do you like the ‘Stolen Singer’.


County Court meets next Monday April 7.


Mr. and Mrs. S.C. CAMPBELL spent Sunday with DeSoto relatives.


Mr. and Mrs. Milton MOSS of Pevely made a visit to Hillsboro relatives Monday.


John STOCKEL and Joe OTT of Maxville were in the county seat Monday on business.


A. H. KAUSIER of DeSoto the ‘broom man’ was here selling his wares on Monday.


“I by Iron rags and rubber’ is the way a sign read on a wagon which visited this town on Monday.


Miss BOYER’s room had a half-holiday Friday having exceeded the little folks in point of good marks.


Henry J. ROSS of Cedar Hill was here Friday on business.  Mr. ROSS is in the concrete and cement business and spring business is opening up with a bound.


Miss Roberta GRUNER of Cape Girardeau who was one of the speakers at our Educational Meeting was the guest of Miss Katherine WILLIAMS over Sunday.


Reuben SHEIBLE of DeSoto came out to spend Sunday and took his wife and baby daughter who have been visiting Judge FRAZIER and family, the past two weeks, back with him.


Sheriff DAHL has a force of jail patients cleaning the court-house grounds which has added much to the appearance.  A daily sweeping of halls and walks would also be a good thing and give the aforesaid patients some beneficial exercise.


Dr. J. W. WORSNOP, the presiding elder, preached a most vital, helpful, and simple sermon Sunday night which is an inspiration to all who heard it. Never, never miss one of Dr. WORSNOP’s sermons or any other, for that matter. Hillsboro is not overburdened with an excess of gospel preaching.


J. H. LIBERTY, a St. Louis decorator, who has owned a farm out on Route I, where his family have lived the past two years has sold out and returned to the city.  They have bought a modern seven room residence in Kirkwood, which besides being a more desirable home, is nearer Mr. LIBERTY’s work.  


Hon. Sam BYRNES was here Monday.


Miss Susie JONES of DeSoto has been here visiting for a few days.


Mr. and Mrs. H.T. EAVES are home from Jefferson City on a two week visit.


Mrs. J. W. ECKLE who has been suffering of an attack of rheumatism is able to be up again.


Oscar TAUBOLD of Kimmswick has gone to Denver to visit a couple of months with his wife and boy who are there for Mrs. TAUBOLD’s health.


For Sale: Mare in foal, and yearling mule colt, and also a good big work mule five years old. Henry WOHLBOLD, Hillsboro RFD 2.


Eggs For Sale…..Mrs. Ray CALDWELL, Hillsboro, MO Rt 1


Watches, Clock, Jewelry…..M. ZIELGER, Kimmswick   


These pupils who attained the March Honor Roll were: Room 1: Mary LEUTZINGER, Norma ULLRICH, Agnes REINSTEDLER, Burnell SHUBEL, Josephine DICKERMAN, Blanche PIERCE and Myrtle GRIFFITH.  Room 2: Leona RIELLY.


For Sale or Rent – Blacksmith shop, good stand and well equipped.  A bargain to the right man.  Shop will invoice $225.00  Will rent tools, building , good three room house, barn out buildings and large truck patch for $14.00 per month.  Arthur BEATTE, Danby, MO.


Tuesday’s election here resulted in electing to the town board, J.J. HOSKEN, Dr. MOCKBEE, W.J. A SHUBEL, and Albert MILLER.  The new school director is W.L. STONE.  Now gentlemen, put the town on the waked-up list.  Hillsboro has slumbered long enough.  Give every man, woman and child a square deal, and remember you are all stewards of the community’s welfare.


Notice is hereby given that on the last day of March 1913, the OERMANN Mercantile Co. of Oermann, MO sold their entire stock of goods, wares, and merchandise to Jesse O. CRAIG, who assumes to pay all the outstanding debts and claims that may hereafter come against said company for collection relieving said company of all debts that may be presented for collections.  John H. POERTNER, President, John WEBER, Secretary.


For Sale – …eggs… – F.E. OBERMILLER, Kimmswick, MO


Mrs. Ware EVANS and Miss Lillie HEMME spent Tuesday in St. Louis.


Felix LEUTZINGER, ex-public administrator sells at the court house door, on Saturday, April 5, two farms and a house and lot in both DeSoto and Festus.  A good chance for house buyers.


The Two Buzzards was a very entertaining play given at the Hall Saturday evening by the Hematite talent, and was far above the average amateur effort.  The cast consisted of Guy W. HELMAN(?), Glenn MOD—(?) and the Misses Evelyn IRWIN and Alice MAL—(?).


For Sale – 14 inch sulky John Deers, John Deer disc cultivator, a Kingman one horse plow, Richard Schroeder, Hillsboro, MO.