Jefferson County Record

February 20, 1913     




Michael BOEMLER entered into rest, Saturday morning, Feb. 8th at his home in St. Louis, after a short illness of only two days, at age 74 years and 3 months. He was laid to rest in the High Ridge Cemetery, Feb.10th. The funeral service was preached by Rev. GOEBEL of St. Martin's Church of which he was an active member. He was born Nov. 9, 1838 in Alsace, France.  At the early age of 16 years, he came to the United States and passed his first five years in Case Co., IL  In 1860 he went to St. Clair Co., IL. In 1864 he married Miss Caroline GEISSERE, who was also a native of Alsace, France. He remained in St. Clair Co. until 1878, when he came to Jefferson Co. and settled on a farm on Big River and where he lived up until five months ago, when he moved to St. Louis. He is survived by his loving wife, five sons and one daughter and sixteen grandchildren. The five sons, who still reside near the home place are: Fred, George, John, Charles and Emil. The daughter, Mrs. Phil TRAUIMANN, who lives in Sweet Springs, Saline Co., Mo.  Besides his family, he leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.


~Big Meeting at Eastern Star~


Mrs. J. A. TUTTLE of Guthrie, Kentucky, Mrs. George BIRK and daughter, Miss Margaret, Mrs. George HARNESS of Byrnesville, Judge and Mrs. J. H. WINER, Mrs. Gertrude WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Ed WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. George HARRISON and Miss Myrtle of Morse Mill, Miss Huldah GONZ of Cedar Hill and Mrs. W.E. BOHMIE of St. Louis were the out-of-town members, who attended the meeting of the Eastern Star, Tuesday night, which had an unusually large attendance. After the regular meeting, a spread and social followed, which was in the nature of a farewell to Dr. and Mrs. J. E. JONES and daughter, Miss Susie, who have been members of the order the past five years and are leaving to make their home in DeSoto. In recognition of the service to the chapter by this family, a beautiful piece of china was presented through Mr. J. A.  SCHUBEL......

Mrs. J.A.TUTTLE, a former member, on her way to her new home in Kentucky, was unexpectedly present and was included in the farewells............


~Ex-Sheriff Maupin Dead~


Edward B. MAUPIN for two terms, Sheriff of this county, died Sunday Feb.16th, at his home near Eureka. His demise was sudden and wholly unexpected, for he had not been ill. Sunday morning he was called to breakfast and said he did not feel well and would not get up. In the afternoon when they called him, he made no response and going into his room, he was found dead. Heart failure was unquestionably the cause of his death. When he lived here he was perhaps as well known as any man who ever held office and had friends by the score. He was a successful farmer before coming here and made the mistake of his life, accepting office. He was of the most hospitable turn of mind and in a public position, found people even ready to enjoy his hospitality. His very genial, kindly disposition was his undoing and he gave all of his substance and much of his time in entertaining friends. He was his own enemy and had none others, but even in misfortune, the same cheerful, helpful spirit continued with him. In sickness, he was the first to proffer and give help. In charity, he was always willing to give the utmost of what he had and no one who was needy, ever applied to him in vain if he had or could find the means to help. If he had faults, he also had virtues, if he had weakness, he also had strength; and in the story of his life we can’t write that he was a failure, for he takes as much away, as any can and he leaves in the hearts of many, tender memories of unfailing kindness in times of sorrow and despair and recollections of kindly deeds that were prompted by a heart that was filled with love for his fellows.  He was buried in Hillsboro, Thursday.


~John W. CHOTT  - Sane~


Quite an interesting case was tried here Saturday, before a jury in Judge DUNNIGAN's court. Information was filed with the Judge by Justices DIEHL and MARX of Rock Township, that John W. CHOTT was a person of unsound mind and incapable of managing his affairs and this was the issue to be determined by the trial Saturday. Albert MILLER and Clyde WILLIAMS represented those who desired Chott adjudged insane. Amandus BROCKMAN and John H. REPPY represented Chott.

There was a big array of witnesses and two neurologists who qualified as experts testified. Dr. Theo. ROMITZER of the Alexian Bros. Hosp. staff, where Chott was confined, testified that in his judgment, Chott was demented. Dr. HOOGE, formerly superintendent of the Fulton Asylum, testified that he was not insane in his judgment. CHOTT himself was put on the stand and his testimony convinced the jury that he was able to manage his affairs successfully and nine of the panel signed a verdict finding him of sane mind.




Grace C. TAYLOR to Geo. L. TAYLOR, 7.28 acres Sulphur Springs...$1.00 etc.

Augusta FELDMAN to Nicholas A. FELDMAN, 84 acres Sur. 1832, 40-4..$1.00 etc.

Festus Merc.Co. to W. LaROSE, Lot in Festus...$300.00

Georgia E. AMES to J.E. WILLIAMS, 6 lots in DeSoto ...$1150.00

Rose WEBB to A.R. PILLIARD, 156 acres, 12-18-39 ....$800.00

L.F. McKEE to C.W. McKEE, 58 acres, Sur 2126 ....$400.00

Victor PODESTA to J.C. PODESTA, 120 acres....$1.00

Claude P. GIBSON to Sophia KNORPP, 4 lots Boyns ad. DeSoto...$400.00

August G. NAHM to W.C. HILMER, 79 acres, 7-42-5...$200.00

C.H. GERARD to Mrs. Nettie KOHLER, Lot in Pevely...$150.00

John F. BROWN to Arthur RIEFFER, 80 acres...$3,500.00

J.P. ANDERSON to Catherine NULL, Lot in Victoria...$600.00

J.W. THOMAS to Malone BUCKNER...$600.00

Louis ARNOLD to Geo. ARNOLD, 10 acres....$650.00

E. L. PARTNEY to Gus TOMLINGON...$1,800.00


~Marriage Licenses~


Jessie BOWAN    Herculaneum

Myrtle C..?... (Count)  Herculaneum


~Hillsboro Valentine Party~


This Valentine Social was the prettiest thing held in the hall since it was built. The booths were gay with bunting, crepe paper streamers and peach boughs if full bloom.  There was a post office, mail carriers and an abundance of home made candy and valentines was sold. Delightful refreshments were served at dainty tables, presided upon by dainty waitresses. A pleasing feature was a reading by Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT and a pantomimic tableau entitled "A Bachelor's Reverie on the Evening of his Wedding". The bachelor, Robert KLEINSCHMIDT, sat smoking and through the mazes of tobacco smoke, he saw his past sweethearts flutter by. When at last the bride appeared, he woke to reality and rose to meet her with the wedding ring. His first sweetheart was a tiny school child, Martha REPPY, followed by a high school girl, Ruth LEUTZINGER, then a college girl, Miss Hazel BOYER, an athletic girl, Miss Tessie ADAMS, summer girl, Miss Ella ASHBY, a farmer girl, Miss Blanche FRAZIER, a winter girl, Miss Mary HOEKEN, nurse, Mrs. Theodore HURTGEN, western girl, Miss Mamie HELLER, suffragette, Miss Laura WILLIAMS, merry widow, Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT and lastly, the bride, Miss Kathryn WILLIAMS. The feature was accompanied with music furnished by Ernest and Frank FRAZIER on guitar and violin.


~Two Violent Deaths this Week~


William GERBER, a young farmer living near Hematite, was found dead near his home about 8 o'clock on the evening of the 12th. He was returning home from a Festus trip and although no one saw the accident, indications are convincing that he was thrown from his buggy and his head struck a tree, killing him instantly. It is supposed that some part of the harness broke, causing the runaway, the horse being considered gentle. Mr. GERBER leaves a wife and two small children. His is the second death within six months, in a family of twelve grown children, a brother having died suddenly, in August.


Frank CHENOWITH, an electrician in DeSoto, met his death Saturday night by contact with a live wire, while on duty. He leaves a wife and children.




Mr. and Mrs. POSTON of Palestine, Texas came to attend the funeral of Mr. Poston's two sisters, who were both buried last Sunday.  Mr. Poston is the brother of Mrs. John WEAVER of Festus.


Mrs. W.L. TOWNSEND was in St. Louis Thursday.


T.M. TURK of Colorado, who has been visiting his parents here, left Thursday for his home.


Mr. and Mrs. D. ATKINSON visited friends in Festus last week.


Ed ELKINS is laid up with rheumatism and is unable to work.


Miss RIEF entertained the co-workers Saturday afternoon in honor of her sister.


V.A. ASHBRIDGE of Salem, Mo has been employed as pharmacist for FUNK and SMITH at Crystal City.


R.G. TOWNSEND has been employed as chief booker at Crystal City.


Mr. Wm. KURTZ of Danby brought a load of hogs to Festus last week.


Olan HOLT and Miss Edna GORMAN eloped from Festus last week and were married. Mr. Holt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Holt and the bride is a daughter of Wm. Gorman, Sr.


Mr. and Mrs. SONTAG of Crystal City lost a little child by death last week. The little one had tonsillitis and was sick several days.


T.V. ROBINSON, barber for Holladay, was called to his home in Flat River by the illness of his father.


Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.P. BUREN, who is attending a business college in St. Louis came home sick last week.


Candidates for City officers are circulating petitions as this is the law now. R.C. REVIS, for collector; Wm. GRIFFIN, for Marshal. The others are not out yet.


The stork left a new baby with Dr. and Mrs. LUCKEY, February 14th.  We suppose they will christen it Valentine.


Little Eugene MO-?-- [Morris ?] died last week and was buried in the Catholic cemetery.


~Festus Cont~

Ed COOPER was seriously hurt in the machine shop at Crystal City last week.


Prof. LUCKEY lectured here Saturday night on Germany and Switzerland.


Miss Catherine BURUM of St. Louis came down in the interest of her mother and succeeded in letting the site for the glass works, which will be on the farm of C.G. WARNE.


Robert FROST has returned from Ottawa, IL where he has been for several months. A part of the glass works there was consumed by fire.


~Probate Court Docket~

February Term, Monday February 24, 1913


Name of Estate        Kind of Settlement


ARMBRUSTER, Lenten, dec, 

Mary ARMBRUSTER, ex         Annual


BAUER, Frances, dec

Robert BAUER, adm                  Final


BROWN, Peter, dec

Felix LEUTZINGER, adm.           Final


BAST, Stephen, dec.

Maggy BAST, ex                     Final


BOYER, Paul E., dec.

Sophia BOYER, admx               Annual


BLOECHER, John, dec

Minnie BLOECHER, ex            Annual


BOUGHTON, Alex, dec

Hettie BOUGHTON, admx          Annual


BAUR, Margarethe, dec.

Henry BAUR, ex                         Final


BRADY, Robert, minor

W.R. DONNELL, cur.                 Annual


CLAY, Alfred, minor

O.M. MONROE, cur.                   Annual


CRAIG, Susan R., dec.

L.A. CRAIG, adm                         Final


CARROLA, Joseph, dec

Felix LEUTZINGER, adm.              Final


CAPE minors

W.E. PYLE, cur                             Annual


DICKERMAN, Philip, dec.

Sarah E. DICKERMAN, admx          Final


DOUGLAS, Walter A., dec

Susan I. DOUGLAS, admx.          Final


DOVER, Nancy J., dec.

George DOVER, adm.                     Final


Tuesday February 25, 1913


DREW, George, dec.

Edward DREW, adm                        Final


FLINT, George, dec.

Charles HEMINE [Hemme ?], adm.  Annual


FELDMAN, Aber, dec.

Felix LEUTZINGER, adm                Annual


FEISELMAN, Edna J., dec

Ed H. FEISELMAN, adm                  Final


GILL minors

A.N.CHARLSTON, cur                    Annual


GRAB [Grob ?] minors

Peter GRAB [Grob ?], cur             Annual


GOFF, W.G., dec

Emma GOFF, ex                            Final


HOGAN, James, dec

Felix LEUTZINGER, adm                Annual


HEINES, Gertrude minor

H.G. BUXTON, cur                        Annual


HAMPTON minors

W.R. DONNELL, cur                     Annual


HUNNING, Martin, dec

Fred HUNNING, adm                   Final


HYDE, Mary J., dec

Alfred A. SMITH, ex                     Final


HOFFMAN, Andrew F., dec

P.S. TERRY, adm                           Final


HUBER minors

George HUBER, guar & cur         Annual


HENTCHER, Rennette, dec

Frank E. HENTCHER, ex              Final


HEINZ, Emile, dec

Louise HOFFMAN, ex                    Annual


Wednesday February 26, 1913


HOELZEL, M.B., dec

Zelma HOELZEL, admx                  Annual


HIGHFIELD, George, dec

Rosie HIGHFIELD, admx               Final


KURTZ minors

W.R. DONNELL, cur.                 Annual


KELLER, Jacob, dec

Annie KELLER, admx                  Annual


KISER, Edward, dec

Felix LEUTZINGER,                    Final


KREIGBAUM, Elizabeth, dec.

John KREIGBAUM, adm.            Final


KRAMME minors

Anna KRAMME, cur                   Annual


LEIGHT, Henry, dec

Anton LEIGHT, adm                   Final


LAVENING, Casper, dec

W.J. HAMPEL, ex                         Annual


LaBRYER, Louis A., dec

Malinda LaBRYER, admx                Final


Thursday February 27, 1913


MITCHELL, Benjamin, dec.

Frank PERKINS, adm                    Annual


MILLER, Isabelle, dec

Angie MILLER,                       Final


MILLER minors

Angie MILLER, cur                       Annual


MOORE, Della E., dec

L.F. MOORE, adm                      Final


MADISON Part Estate

W.T. MADISON, adm                  Annual


MILES, Alex, dec

Alice MILES, admx                    Annual


McCARTY, W.B. minor

Emmet McCARTY, guardian       Annual


McCARTY, minors

Wm. McCARTY, cur.               Annual


MADISON, R.G., dec

Mary E. MADISON, adm }

S.T. WAGGONER, admx }          Annual


McCLAIN, Irene, minor

W.R. DONNELL, cur                      Annual


MANESS, Mary A. dec

Dr. G.A. AUERFWALD, adm        Annual


MANION, Dewey L., minor

W.C. MANION, cur                      Annual


McCULLOCH, Joel B., dec

Winnie McCULLOCH, cur             Annual


McMULLEN, Etta B., dec

John L. McMULLEN, adm            Annual


MEYER, Aug E., insane

Julius G. MEYER, guardian         Annual


Friday February 28, 1913


NOONAN, Rev. W., dec

O.M. MUNROE, ex                      Annual


OGDEN, Maria, dec

Felix LEUTZINGER, adm              Final


PARKER minors

W. R. DONNELL, cur.              Annual


PIERCE, minors

W.R. WILLIAMS, cur                Annual


PIES, Cristina, dec

John J. PIES, ex                         Final


PALMER, Ethel, minor

Frank HOFFMEISTER, cur          Annual


PETERS, Fred, dec

Josie PETERS, admx                     Annual


RUST, W. H. A., dec

Frank FROELICH, admx              Annual


REHEISSE, Peter, ex

Jennie REHESSE (?), admx       Final


RITCHER, Louis, dec

F.R. RITCHER, adm                  Annual


RULO, Jefferson, ex

Louis RULO, adm                   Annual


REABAN, Jacob, dec

Ed REABAN, adm                Final


STEWARD, Harriet C., dec

W. H. WALKER, adm                Annual


SMITH, Chas. F., dec

King D. SMITH, adm              Final


SEAT, Emilly, dec

Samuel SEAT, adm            Final


SCHLOSSER, Michael, dec

Fred and Elizabeth SCHLOSSER, exs   Annual


SCHMIDT, Frank, dec

W.M. SCHMIDT, adm                 Final


Saturday March 1, 1913


St. Mary, A. S., dec

Joseph St. Mary, admx             Final



Felix LEUTZINGER, adm            Annual


THACKSON, Stella, minor

R.B. JONES, cur                            Annual


THEOBALD, John, dec

Susan E. THEOBALD, ex                Annual


VINYARD, Reuben, dec

Rosa VINYARD,  ex                          Annual


WILLIAMS, Emily J., dec

Felix LEUTZINGER, adm                     Final


WIDEMAN, F.M., dec

Wm. M. WIDEMAN, adm              Final


WIDEMAN, Dorsey, minor

J. W. ANDERSON, cur              Annual


WHITESIDE, Naomi A., dec.     Final

F.D. WATERS, ex.


WILSON, James W., dec

W.C. MANION, adm              Final


YATES, Charles, dec

Jonas YATES, adm             Final


YATES, Stella, minor

Jonas YATES, cur                  Annual


For Sale: My fine Percheron Stallion and Black Mammoth Jack. This stock was awarded 1st. premium at the Washington fair last fall. For information, address C.B. JONES.


~Belews Creek~


Look at gardeners for March looks as if the ground hog made a mistake this year.


Mrs. T.B. LEWIS has moved to DeSoto.


Baker School is progressing nicely, under the management of our able teacher, Miss M.R. SPEIDLE, who is planning another entertainment.


~Notice of Final Settlement ~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Martis HUNNING, Deceased…

Fred HUNNING, Administrator 


~Notice of Final Settlement ~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Frank SCHMIDT, Deceased….

W.M. SCHMIDT, Administrator 


~Personal Chat ~


The warm weather has brought some shirt sleeves and early garden makers into evidence, and broods of baby chicks are reported; sure signs of spring if it is only February 20th.


Mr. and Mrs. Jeff ATKINSON nee Lalla BYRD of New Brunswick are here in the county visiting relatives and arrived here Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank DEITRICH.


Dr. and Mrs. Grover BRISTOL enjoyed a visit from the doctor’s mother, Mrs. R. M. BRISTOL of St. Louis last week and now Mrs. BRISTOL’s mother, Mrs. B. F. WATERS of Kimmswick is paying the a visit of a few days.


A recital of readings and music will be given at the hall Saturday, March 1.  The program is a good one, to be rendered by Rev. G.W. HOLMES, Mrs. Frank DEITRICH and Misses Carrie and Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT and Zoe BOOTH.


Earl GERBER and Junius KELLER of Hematite were here yesterday.


Peter BRINKMAN of Route 2 had business in the hub Tuesday.


P.P. O'BRIEN of Allenton and son, Thomas of Byrnsville, were here on business yesterday.


Byron SCHUBEL, who has had an attact of pneumonia, is on the road to well-ville and is nearly there.


Dr. DALTON and numerous other residents from Fenton and there abouts were here in attendance at the CHOTT trial, Saturday.


Amandus BRACKMAN, a prominent attorney of Clayton, who with J.H. REPPY, defended John CHOTT, in an insanity charge, spent Sunday with John HELLER and family and returned home that evening.


Assistant State Veterinarian, RIEBOLD was here yesterday on his way out to Morse Mill on professional business. W.P. WILLIAMS has lost two horses of mysterious sickness and has another sick in the same manner. It is supposed that this trouble is caused by drinking Big River water that is polluted by the lead mines up stream.


Raymond FORREST, of Chicago is home on a visit.


Tony SCHNEIDER spent the weekend at home in Dixon.


Mrs. F.E. SPILKER's many friends are glad to see her out and about, after a months illness.


Mr. and Mrs. Ed WILLIAMS of Morse Mill were here to attend the Valentine Social.


W.H. PILLIARD spent Sunday at home in Festus and included Ste. Genevieve before his return.


Wanted:  Stallion to stand on shares at Antonia. Write to M. ZIMPFER, Antonia, Mo.


Peter E. WILLIAMS of Victoria was in town Monday and advertised some hay for sale.  Very unlike conditions last February.


Mrs. Lila McDONOUGH, nee FOREST, of Chicago is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin FOREST and other relatives and friends.


Wanted: Housekeeper at once, salary as per arrangement, no trifling. Call on or write Louis G. WEPPNER, Pevely, MO R 1.


A bunch of the boys went down to see Mutt and Jeff at the Jefferson, in DeSoto, Saturday night and say it was great. That caused them to oversleep Sunday morning and they all failed to show up at Sunday School. That wasn't so nice.


For Sale: Almack Wilkes dark bay stallion..., combines blood of Wilkes, Champion and American Eclipse families, Pedigree on application.  Ellis T. MARRIOTT, Barnhart, Mo.


Deputy Sheriff Henry HENKEL brought a couple of young boys here Tuesday night, wanted as witnesses against four men confined in jail here on a charge of car-breaking, The boys started Saturday to DeSoto, when they were captured near Riverside by some tramps and placed in a car to hand out stolen goods to them.  Hearing the approach of someone, the thieves slammed the car shut and made their escape. The boys, by kicking and yelling, got help and were liberated.


The lecture Course entertainment Wednesday of last week, was greatly enjoyed by Hillsboro people, among who were Mr. and Mrs. Felix LEUTZINGER, Mrs. J.H. REPPY and children and the Misses Mamie HELLER, Bess KLEINSCHMIDT, Clara LEUTZINGER, Katherine WILLIAMS, Hazel BOYER, Mary HOEKEN, Kathleen REPPY, Birdie WILSON, Huldah HURTGEN, Ava HUSKEY, Messrs. Herbert and Adolph HURTGEN, Sam ECKLE, Bert HOEKEN, Robert KLEINSCHMIDT. This ends the course for the year...


Joseph J. HOEKEN made a recent trip to the Capitol.


Miss Hazel BOYER spent Sunday with DeSoto friends.


Mrs. Ned STONE visited St. Louis Thursday and Friday.


W.J. HILGERT of Kimmswick was in our little city Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. R.G. HOEKEN of Sandy, spent Saturday here.


Romine SPITZ of Heckman, made a record trip to the county seat.


Theodore FRISSELL of Fromet, spent Sunday in the County Capital.


A.G. MEDLEY of DeSoto, Public Administrator was here Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Lee HUSKEY welcomed a little daughter on the 18th.


Ross DONNELL made his usual end of the week trip away from the burg.


Floyd RIESER [Reiser] of DeSoto has been out here to make a few days visit to his parents.


Mrs. R. A. FRAZIER and Mrs. A. J. SHEIBEL visited Mrs. Reuben SHEIBLE in DeSoto Monday.


Clay KING and Clarence MARSDEN of Goldman have been County seat visitors within the last few days.


Rev. G.W. HOLMES preached here Sunday and at Victoria in the afternoon. He was accompanied by Mrs. Holmes and baby daughter.


Mr. and Mrs. POWERS went down to DeSoto Sunday to visit their niece, Miss Mary PIERCE who is slowly recovering from an attack of appendicitis.


B.M. LANHAM of DeSoto visited relatives here Sunday.  Among them was Uncle Henry LANHAM, now 82 years of age and who is in very feeble health.


Highway engineer, S. C. CAMPBELL has moved his household, including wife and baby, to the County seat and will occupy the WALKER property. Welcome into our midst.


Mrs. Ware EVANS entertained for her little sister-in-law, Vivian EVANS Saturday, when a most enjoyable afternoon was spent by the little girls. Games and delightful refreshments were the order of the exercises.


For Sale: 40 acre farm, log house and other out buildings, good springs on Lemay Ferry Rock Road 1 1/4 mi. from Hillsboro County seat.  Ralph STADLER, Hillsboro, Mo.


For Sale: 16 ton of hay, 8 of millet, 8 of clover. Call on Peter E. WILLIAMS, Victoria, MO.


Public Sale:  I will offer for sale at Public Auction at my farm 1 – 2 miles north-west of Goldman on February 26, 1913, the following property to wit: 3 work mules, 1 work horse, 9 head of cattle, 5 fattening hogs, 4 shoots, 4 dozen chickens, 300 bushels of corn, 5 or 6 tons of hay, 15 bushel Irish potatoes, 1 farm wagon, 1 spring wagon, 2 turning plows, 1 walking cultivator, 1 Deering mower, 1 hay rake, 1 corn drill, 1 five-tooth cultivator, 1 cane mill, 1 road scraper, 3000' of lumber, 1 cutting box, 5 hot bed sashes, 1 grind stone and other household and kitchen furniture, too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash for sums of $10 or under. On sums over $10, credit of six months will be given on bankable note bearing 8% interest from date of sale. 5 per cent discount for cash on sums over $10.  John A. KLEY


~Public Sale~

 All breeding stock of the Walnut Grove Stock Farm; John Jay NELSON, owner, will be sold at Public Auction on the farm 1 and 1/2 miles north of Hillsboro, Thursday Feb. 20th. Sale to Commence at 10 o’clock a.m.  Among other stock offered, will be two fine stallions, two fine Jacks, 2 yr. old horse colt, two span of mules, two or three cows and calves, thirteen sheep, hogs and lot of corn and corn fodder, hay wagons, harness, plows and all farming implements. Terms of sale: All sums under $5 – cash; All other sums, a credit of one yr. will be given, purchaser to give Bankable Note bearing 6 per cent interest from date.

John Jay NELSON, George W. RUSSELL, auctioneer.




Mrs. Charles S.S. MUSE arrived home from Hot Springs Saturday and is very much improved in health. Mrs. Muse will leave for St. Louis, Tuesday where she will spend the remainder of the week with her brother and family


Mr. Frank CHENOWORTH was electrocuted at the Electric Light Plant, Saturday night. The family has the sympathy of their friends.


Miss Margaret GLENDENNING was the guest of Mrs. CRAWFORD a few days last week.


Miss GRATIOT spent the weekend with her sister, in St. Louis.


W.T. NICHOLIS, of St. Louis was here Thursday.


Dave MALLICOAT and family were in Hillsboro, Sunday.


Dr. James EDWARDS and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd YOUNG went to St. Louis, in the formers automobile, making the trip in two hours Sunday afternoon.


It is reported that the R.R. shops will be lighted by power from Keokuk Iowa in the near future.


The DeSoto Women's Club will meet Friday afternoon at half past two with Mrs. A.L.

AMIDON. The afternoon will be devoted to Colonial Days and Dames.


Miss Viola ENGELBACH spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Pevely.


Miss Tillie CAMPBELL entertained her club Friday night with a Valentine party.


Dr. LUCKEY of Festus was here Sunday, the guest of Dr. W. E. GIBSON.


Mrs. J. HANCOCK and little son of east St. Louis are the guests of relatives for two weeks.


Fred GRATIOT of St. Louis was in our town Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. B. MANHEIMMER returned from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. GOODWIN and family at St. Louis Sunday. Mr. MANHEIMMER has been confined to his home most of the winter and his friends are glad that he is able to make this short visit to the city.


Miss Julia KLEUN, who is principal of the North Ward School, has been ill and unable to teach since last Wednesday.


Miss HELLER and Miss JONES of Hillsboro, were in our city, Monday.


The Monday Club meets February 24th with Miss Julia JARVIS.


Mrs. Wm. MUSE who has spent several weeks in DeSoto, returned to Frumet Sunday.


Miss Theresa BURGESS entertained her class Saturday night at her home on Pratt Street.


C.T. JARVIS spent Sunday with his wife.


Rev. SHERMAN returned to his home at Kansas City after spending three weeks in DeSoto. The members of the Presbyterian Church are in hopes he will return as pastor of their church.


Miss Katie MINER, the milliner, returned from the city last week, where she was buying goods.


For Sale-- Pierpoint white Wyandotte’s, a few fine, well matured pullets and cockerels at reasonable prices. Eggs for hatching.  Exhibition stock $5 per 15 eggs. Utility stock $1.50 per 15 eggs. I guarantee to please you or will refund your money.  F.E OBERMILLER, Kimmswick, Mo


~Hillsboro School Notes~


The pupils at each room are striving for the Honor Roll with the hope of 1/4 of the last day of the month as a holiday. The room which has the largest Honor Roll will be the winner.


Friday afternoon, after recess the time will be devoted to a Washington program. We hope many patrons will manifest their patriotism by spending the time with us.


The attendance has been much better the last two weeks. We appreciate the spirit with which everyone entered into our little Valentine social and helped us. The $12 made in this pleasant way will be used in the school.


We are very sorry that Byron SCHUBEL and Milton REINSTEDLER must be out of school through illness.


~Seckman School Notes~


The visitors last week were Mr. A.L. KOHLER, Mr. WUETENBURG, Mr. Wm. BECKER and the Misses SPECKS. We were glad to see them and wish that more of the patrons would visit the school. We will always be glad to see you and give you a hearty welcome.


Hazel HEMLEIN and Laura WUERTENBURG who have been absent from school for some time on account of sickness, are back in school. We are glad to say that Hazel and Laura seem to be quite well again and are ready and willing to resume their school duties with renewed energy.


The weather is fine for school-going and consequently the attendance is good. Those not missing a day since school began, are: Hugo PAUT [Pate ?], Andrew LUDWIG, Fred ROLF and Oren BECKER.


J.A. TUTTLE a leading farmer and stock raiser of this county, has sold his fine stock farm at Vineland and located in the Blue-Grass region of Kentucky. Mrs. Tuttle and daughter, Miss Gertrude, who are visiting J.F. WILLIAMS and family, leave Saturday for their new home.


~Notices of Final Settlements~

LEIGHT, Henry, dec

Anton LEIGHT,  adm   


REABAN, Jacob, dec

Ed REABAN, adm     


FEISELMAN, Edna J., dec



BAST, Stephen, dec.

Maggy BAST, ex      


WHITESIDE, Naomi A., dec

F.D. WATERS, ex.


~Letters of Administration~

R.G. MORGAN, dec

Robt. D. MORGAN, adm