Jefferson Record

January 9, 1913


~New County Court~

J. WINER, Presiding Judge

Wm. SCHWALBERT, Judge 1 Dist.

W.C. KERCKHOFF, Judge 2 Dist.


Albert MILLER, Pros. Attorney

W. H. PILLARD, Clerk Co. C.

Harry DAHL, Sheriff


Dram Shop License granted to:

A.C. PETERSON, new, Hillsboro

F.E. SPILKER, renewal, Hillsboro

J. HEINER, renewal, Hillsboro

Gus OHEIM, renewal, Pevely

Phil McKEE, renewal, Festus

A.D. THOMURE, renewal, Festus

James N. WATSON, new, Festus

Chas. LaBEAME, renewal, DeSoto 


                                  Rd. Dist.  Amt.

F.W. RAEBEL…………26…$23.02

A.A. WHITE…………..27…$52.20

Bert GRAHAM………..18…$13.01

Fred BAUER…………..20…$49.80

L.J. SCOTT……………55…$  6.15

John CONRAD…………2…$85.89

Peter LEE……………...64…$  3.40

Wm. WALLACH ….……3...$35.00

Albert BROAK………….6...$41.94

Geo. BENDER…………13...$19.50


Accounts allowed as follows:

Theo. G. SEEMEL, Assessor

On Account……………….$100.00

F.W. RAEBEL, repair rds............................................$  28.22

Austin Western Co. Road Crusher……………………$975.00

Austin Western Co. Road Grader Repairs..…………..$  10.00

A. JOHNSON suc. & appr nem Fletcher……………..$120.50

Edgar MARSDEN salary and burial of pauper…..…...$  55.00

Jas. Q. WILSON sub. and appr. DeSoto Frumet Rd….$280.50

H.H. GENEREID Frumet Ware Rd…………………$  87.85



F.A. SEITZ, State Rd. and Barnhart…………………..$162.00

Jno. F. MEIER, burial of pauper………………………$  10.00

Festus Spec. Rd. Dist………………………………….$   18.00

Miller and Borcherding, Muddy, Sugartree &

             Pevely Bridges……………………………….$2704.50

W. H. MILLER, bridge lumber Tiefenbron bridge…...$   51.57

S.C. CAMPBELL, salary, etc…………………………$ 113.35

Mott MESSBAUER, sub & appr……………………...$ 329.00

L.B. HENTCHER, sub. & appr……………………….$ 232.00

A.N. MORSE sub. & appr…………………………….$   81.00

W.H. PATTERSON, sub & appr, Rush Tower Rd….$  100.00

John GENZLING, Pevely & Goldman Rd……………$  146.58

Herman SEIMER, supplies for Co. farm……………...$    27.00

H.B. DRAKE, overseeing Sugartree Bridge……….…$    15.00

?.H. WEAVER, overseeing Muddy Bridge…………...$   11.25

O. FISHER, painting danger signs……………….…...$     1.00

Hy OBERHAUS, making fill near Meremac Bridge…$   23.10

Wm J. HAMPEL, overseeing State Road contract…...$   10.00

V.W. ECKLE, supplies C.H.& J. and Co., farm……...$   86.54

J.W. ECKLE, wood for C.H.& J. …………………….$   52.87

?.F. WEPNER [WEPPNER], taking pauper to Co. farm..$ 3.00

W.P. CARROW, repair culver and road……………..$    19.30 

W.H. PILLARD, salary……………………………....$  163.87 

Wm. FREDERITZIE, repair bridge……………….…$     8.80

?  QUINN, pauper to farm……………………………$     3.00 

? W. MURPHY, repairing bridge……………………$    10.35   

J.F. WILLIAMS, repair Lemay Morse Mill Rd……..$    24.70   

J.F. WILLIAMS, building Morse Mill Hillsboro Rd.. $1566.30    

G.M. MOCKBEE, Co. physician……………………$    80.00

Herculaneum Lumber Co…………………………,,$    28.00  

Festus Spec. Rd. dist. Dramshop, etc…………… $   801.43   

DeSoto Spec. Rd. dist. Dramshop, etc……………$.  359.54 

Frank BECHLER, repairing C.H.& J………………..$     1.25

Green HEARST, drayage……………………………$     1.50

Hy. ROSE, culver tilling…………………………….$      3.00

Albert MILLER, salary……………………………...$  200.00    

STUPP Bros., bal on Pine Ford bridge……………$ 339.75

Albert BRONK, repair culverts……………………...$   10.23

Geo. BENDER, bal fill Pomme Creek bridge……….$   22.20 

E.C. MERSEAL, -- tax refunded…………………….$    9.38

R.B. WILSON, salary, etc…………………………...$ 364.70   

Hy HURTGEN, repairs……………………………...$   13.85

Wm. FROMICH, tilling……………………………..$   48.95

J.D. Wm. MILLER,  -……………………………….$ 353.01

J.L. HUCKLER (?), board of prisoners and salary… $ 591.90


~Mr. and Mrs. Louis BURNS celebrate their Wedding Anniversary~

On New Year’s Day was celebrated the twenty-second wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Louis BURNS, nee Hannah MEYER, of Morse Mill.  More than a hundred guests were present to extend congratulations and enjoy the wedding feast.  The beautiful mild weather permitted the younger set to enjoy outdoor amusements.  Mr. BURNS is the proud possessor of a home our famous Big River farms and his hospitality and prospitality and prosperity are notable. 


~Wed in St. Louis~

William SCHNEIDER and Miss Anna ROSE were married in St. Louis January 2, accompanied by the Indis brothers, William and Henry ROSE and the Misses Nellie SCHNEIDER and Bertha DICKERMAN.  This worthy young couple are natives of Belews Creek district of the Bernard SCHEIDER and Wm. ROSE families and are fine specimens of good citizenship.  Mr. SCHNEIDER, who has taken his bride to his home in Doniphan, Nebraska, is followed by the good wishes of all who know them.


~Teacher’s Meeting~

A meeting of the Rock township teachers will be held at the Bowles Schoolhouse on Saturday, Jan. 18, beginning at 11 a.m.  A good program will be rendered including several lectures on special subjects by teachers of Harris Teachers College.  As this may be the last meeting of the season in this township, ever teacher should strive to attend.  The public is cordially invited.  John J. A. HILGERT, V.P.


~Big Bird Show at DeSoto~

The Poultry Show at DeSoto last week was a huge success.  350 birds were shown.  There were entries from Kimmswick, DeSoto, Bismark, Flat River, Fredericktown, Jackson, Farmington and others and represented 35 breeds.  This has become an annual and popular institution and there will be a bigger one next year.


~New Year Party~

Miss Tenz WALGAST entertained a few friends on Jan. 1st.  The afternoon was spent with games and music.  Then a delicious supper was served after which all joined in playing more games and having more music and songs.  Those present were Misses Lena OETGEN, Adelia and Hulda WERNER, Laura HELLER, Katherine and Anna MILLER and Louise KREIENHEDER [Kreyenheder], Charles SCHYTT, Will and Walter WALGAST, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. MILLER and Mr. and Mrs. VOGT. – A Guest.



Mr. and Mrs. Geo. OSTERWALD came in Wednesday and George went to Holden, MO where he has accepted a position in a drug store.  His wife will visit here for a month before joining her husband.


Chas. WALLER and family have moved on a farm near Bonne Terre.


Tom BECKER of Rush Tower transacted business in Festus, Saturday.


Miss Eva MARLER of Crystal City visited her parents in Hopewell, Washington County last week.


Homa SEIFERT of Festus spent last week at Danby.


Chad LONG and family have moved to Cadet, Washington Co., and Chad will turn his attention to farming.


Misses Annie and Hattie MOORE entertained a number of friends New Year’s eve.


Mrs. Nellie BERRY and children were the guests of relatives in St. Louis during the holidays.


The Triangle Dance here last week was represented by Misses MUNROE, BURGESS, BYRNS and MAUTHE of DeSoto.


John O’NIEL [O’NEIL] of Hematite exhibited his fine percheron stallion in Festus Saturday.   He imported him from France.


Mrs. Ralph WAKEFIELD entertained a number of friends Saturday.


Barney McBROOM who died in DeSoto, Jan. 1st was a member of the Red Men of Festus.


Mr. Fred POLITTE and family were Herculaneum visitors Christmas.


The remains of Ross BELL who died from the effects of inhaling gass in his room in St. Louis was brought here for burial Saturday and interred in the Grand Cemetery.   


The little seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter HALBERSTADT died last week.


Dr. Jess DONNELL hied himself to Paris, TX last week and took into himself a better half.  The lucky person was a Miss GULLIE.  They will tour the South before returning to Festus.  May their pathway be strewn with flowers is the wish of the Doctor’s many friends here.


Mr. A. E [B.?] BARRELL and son were seriously hurt here last week by their taking fright upsetting the buggy, cutting Mrs. BARREL’s face and knocking the son unconscious.


~Passing of an Old Citizen~

Leroy DOVER, a well known resident of Big River Township died Jan. 3, and was buried at Pilgrim Rest cemetery at Ware on the fifth.  Mr. DOVER was of English birth, but married and made his fortune in this country.  He is survived by his widow and a number of nephews and nieces in the county.  He was seventy four years of age and had been in failing health for several years.

Mr. DOVER was a gentleman held in the highest esteem by a large circle of the best people who recognized him as a citizen and a man of great worth.


~Miss HERMAN Dead~

Miss Emma HERMAN, daughter of Otto HERMAN of DeSoto died in that city Tuesday morning of pneumonia after a short illness.  The young woman came from her position in Texas to spend the holidays with her family and was stricken fatally New Years. Miss HERMAN was genuinely loved and was well known in church and local circles. Her mother is dangerously ill of double pneumonia.




Miss Daisy STARK is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben DRURY.


Mr. and Mrs. Angelo BARSOTTI, Mrs. Lynn JOHNSTON of Texas are visiting their sister Mrs. Lee BAILY.


Helen, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George GANSNER died and was buried Friday in Danby Cemetery.


Miss Kate FUNK entertained her Sunday School Class of twenty-six members on Christmas evening.  The house was decorated in red, white and green and the evening was delightfully spent with games and music.


At the quarterly examination thirteen of the pupils of our school succeeded in getting their names on the Honor Roll, having made an average of 90 percent or over. The highest average was made by Pirl HUGHES, who made 99 Ľ percent.


The Red Men’s supper and dance last Tuesday night netted the lodge $50. The Pocahontas cleared the same.


We understand that ROZIER No. 4 will move to Festus and will occupy VOLLMAR’s old stand.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILSON are the proud parents of a fine baby boy which arrived last week.


Mrs. Ann WARNE has been confined to her bed for two weeks with a stubborn case of la grippe.


Mrs. H.B. DRAKE is seriously ill and we understand will go to Hot Springs for her health.


Fred  ? – a paralyzing stroke last week which -  - disabled his right side.


We understand that R. B. VOLLMAR is seriously ill with double pneumonia and this is the third instance he’s had of it.


~Joe MORRIS Dead~

Joe MORRIS died at the home of his brother, Samuel E. MORRIS Saturday, January 4, 1913, and was buried in Hillsboro Cemetery two days later.  Rev. E.J. HAMRICK conducted the funeral services. Mr. MORRIS was born in this county March 7, 1856.  He was married when about twenty-six years of age to Miss Fannie OGLE who lived only a year or two after their marriage.  Of this marriage one child was born, Mrs. Edward CLEMENS of Maplewood who survives her father.  He also leaves surviving him three brothers, Samuel E. and James MORRIS of this county and Wm. MORRIS of Farmington and two sisters Mrs. Richard LLOYD of Springfield, MO and Mrs. Landon WILLIAMS of this place.  Joe MORRIS was not a man of finished education in either literature or art but none surpassed him in the education of the heart.  He was beloved by the children and by those who knew him best, because he always had a kindly word for all who needed it and never failed to find an opportunity to say it.  He leaves no legacy of wealth but he leaves tender collections of a life filled with little acts of kindness and with words of comfort and cheer and his memory will be cherished by those, whom in life he loved and called friends.




Squire DIEHL came down Thursday night and deputized some of our citizens to arrest Mr. CHOTT who is a victim of insanity.  Peter FREDERITZE motored out to the residence of the deranged man and took him to the Alexander Hospital.


Charlie STEIN is supplying the town with Sunday papers.


Our burg is well filled with bad colds, sore throats and la grippe.  Wonder if the Democratic Party isn’t the cause of it.


About the best Christmas present that the writer heard of was a baby boy that Santa brought to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. NULL.


Fred BENDER is busy hauling rocks, etc.  He is going to build a new house as soon as the weather permits.


Our Road boss put signs on the Meramac Bridge, they read, “Go Slow, Danger’.  Some of the stringers are very rotten and if something isn’t done soon we won’t be surprised to hear of an accident.


Miss Alice HERMAN entertained her neighbors and some friends from St. Louis New Year ’s Eve.  Abundance of eatables and refreshments were served to the delight of the guests.


Squire MARX is circulating around with two saloon petitions.


~Accidental Shooting~

Norvell HUSKEY Killed.

Norvell HUSKEY, son of William HUSKEY, living three miles north of Hillsboro was accidentally shot by Firmen PARKER while out hunting, Saturday afternoon.  The unfortunate man was conveyed to his home.  Dr. MOCKBEE was hurried to his relief in an automobile, but the sufferer succumbed in about an hour.  The load of shot aimed at a rabbit was discharged into the man’s side, as PARKER was swinging his gun into position for a shot at the fleeing rabbit.  His chum from whose hand the fatal shot was fired is nearly beside himself over the tragedy, but was entirely exonerated by the Coroner’s verdict.  A hair trigger on a shot gun pointed in the wrong direction touched by a twig or sprung by the jar of quickly throwing the gun into position, is the only possible explanation as to how it happened.




DeSoto was a slick town Monday.  The streets were a glaze of ice and those living on the hill were fortunate in arriving at their place of business safely.


In the game of basketball between DeSoto and Festus Saturday, the former won the game score, 12 to 61.


Mrs. John DUFFY arrived home from St. Louis Friday night.


The Knight Templars held their public installation at the Temple last Thursday night.  Dr. E. W.BLISS installed the officers without the aid of the rituals, thus making the ceremony and obligations more impressive.  Ward CUNNINGHAM is the presiding officer for the year 1913 and made a pleasing address after the officers were declared installed by Sir Knight HERMAN.  The reception committee, Mesdames E. W. BLISS, Ward CUNNINGHAM and Ernest LORENZ greeted the visitors in a charming manner and as a closing feature served light refreshments.


Willford ZOLLMAN has returned to Indiana for the remainder of the year at Purdue.


The Poultry Show brought quite a number of out of town folks to see the splendid line of chickens on display.  The Show was a decided success.


Mesdames O.P. DEVIN, Pres. and A.F. SLAWSON, V.P. of the DeSoto Women’s Club will entertain the members at the formers home Friday afternoon.


Felix KEANEY has returned to St. Louis where he is attending Medical School.


Charles STOCKING of Richwood spent the weekend in our city with relatives.


Miss Anna DONNELL who spent the mid year vacation with home folks, has returned to Fredericktown.


Mr. and Mrs. A.D. WILLIAMS are home from their Christmas visit at Kansas City.


Mrs. Almaretia (?)  MORGAN, Chief of Honor of Kansas City was here Monday and Tuesday the guest of Mrs. William - ?. 


Work of grading Third Street from Boyd to Lansdowne had begun; when finished will be quite an improvement to the city.


Russell HIBBET has returned to Columbia University.


The Rebekah and Industry Lodge will hold a joint installation of officers at the Odd Fellows Hall Thursday night.


J. L. FARLEY returned Saturday from a three weeks trip to Texas.


The week of prayer will be observed at the different churches Monday Baptist, Tuesday, German M.E. Church, Wednesday, Presbyterian, Friday M.E. Church South.


The Home and Foreign Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. CRAWFORD on Easton Street.


Mrs. Charles BOOTH and family of near Hillsboro have returned to DeSoto after spending the holidays at their farm.


The Monday Club will meet with Miss Katherine McCLURE Monday January 18.  The response to roll call, New Year’s Resolutions, Miss Julia KLENN book review, Mrs. O. F. MEEK, reader.


Miss PEMBERTON of Webster Groves and Miss SEIVERS of Herculaneum have returned to resume their school work.


J. L. FARLEY, Dist. Deputy Grand Master of I.O.O.F. installed the officers of the Ware Lodge at Ware Saturday night.  H. SHUTE, S. MARSHALL, L. McKEE, F. E. GAYLOR and Bert FITCH accompanied the District Deputy and assisted in the work.


The DeSoto Press had introduced its readers to ‘The Corporal’, who will have a special column for his witty sayings.


Miss Gwendolin BRICKEY entertained a number of friends Saturday afternoon.  Miss BRICKEY left the first of the week for Fredericktown where she is attending Marvin College.


The Misses Nellie CHEATHAM and Luella WALTHERS have returned to the Normal at Cape Girardeau.


Miss Olivette [Oralette] and Oliver LAHAY returned last Thursday from a week with friends in St. Louis.


The Misses Gladys SARRIN (?) and Rebecca KENNETT have returned to Chicago after spending the holidays in our city.


The Democrats are now in the County offices and if they want their term to count they could do nothing better than to make a change in the County Farm. Get one on a decent road where those who are willing to help brighten the lives of the inmates could journey; this indeed would be a ‘feather in their cap’.   


Docket of the January Term of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Beginning Monday, January 13, 1912 [should be 1913]

Monday, January 13, 1913 – First Day

1. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Robt. J. McBROWN- Buying Junk from a minor w/out parents consent.

2. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Chas. MOSS and Max KERN – Stay of execution

3. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Arthur ENNI – Scire Facias

4. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. John BUTLER – exhibiting a deadly weapon

5. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Robt. McMILLIAN - assault with the intent to kill

6. Albert MILLER, EDGAR & BERKLEY – State of MO vs. Archie McDOWELL – forgery

7. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Gus BEFFA  – No.4 Selling liquor w/out license.

8. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Gus BEFFA  – No. 5 Same

9. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Dave PETERINE – Same


Tuesday, January 14 – Second Day

10. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Ed PETERS – concealed weapon

11. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Horace SCHAPHER – assault w/ intent to kill

12. Albert MILLER, E.C. EDGAR – State of MO vs Wm. McDOWELL & H?[Huck ?] HUSKEY – Malicious mischief

13. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. James FRANCIS – Assault w/ intent to kill

14. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Charles PHILLIPS – exhibiting deadly weapon

15. Albert MILLER, J. G. BERKLEY – State of MO vs. John EICHELBERGER – Assault w/ intent to kill

16. WILLIAMS, MILLER & REPPY – School Dist. No. 77 vs. DeSoto Special Rd. Dis. et al – injunction

17. M. B. IRWIN – Walter PATTERSON vs. Charles E. PATTERSON – partition

18. J.G. BERKLEY – Millard F. HERRINGTON vs. City of DeSoto – Damages Motion for a New Trial


Wednesday January 15 – Third Day

19. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. John WIDEMAN et al – assault w/intent to kill

20. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Wesley WIDEMAN – same

21. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Fred MILLERMAN – burglary and larceny

22. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Clayton MAUPIN – Hunting on enclosure of another

23. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. B- -Y PATTERSON – same

24. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Edward MURICE – same

25. Albert MILLER – H.B. IRWIN vs. W. KONS?ER et al – on note

26. MILLER & WILLIAMS – Sarah GIBONS et al. vs. Caleb BOWLES et al. – Partition Report of Sale

27. BYRNS & BEAN – Poindexter MANNES [Maness] vs. William KELLY – Ejectment


Thursday, January 16 – Fourth Day

28. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Rolland BRYANT- assault with intent to rape

29. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Chas. HOW---- [MOW----Mc---?]- assault w/ intent to kill

30. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Jack MARSDEN – carrying a concealed weapon

31. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Jane WASHBURN et al – burglary and larceny

32. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Harold WILSON – carrying a concealed weapon

33. P. S. TERRY – Fred SCHAFER vs. H.G. TOWNSEND et al – Demand

34. KINDER &. GREEN – C. WILLIAMS vs. A.H. B---LER [B---LEY?] – Account

35. KINDER &. GREEN –In re. naturalization petition of Va--? HIAVA   

36. KINDER &. GREEN – In re. naturalization petition of Joseph Anton ZIMMERMAN


Friday, January 17, Fifth Day

37. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. W.T. DARDEN – Petite nuisances

38. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Annie L---- Assault w/ intent to kill

39. SEFFORD & FRAZIER – August BOST (?) – St. L.I M & S Ry Co. – Damages

40. R.A. FRAZIER – Mary Ann SUFFEL vs. Mrs. E. POSCH -Damages

41. BYRNES & BEAN– Stephen HUG vs. William S. KENNER et al – Injunction motion to access damage

42. OLIVER & OLIVER & W. & W., JAMISON & THOMAS, MOSLEY [MORLEY ?] & MOODY –J.E. SMITH et al vs. S.T. NEWHOUSE et al – Accounting

43. REPPY & WILLIAMS – Fanny M. WILLIAMS et al vs. Mary TRIMBLE et al - partition

44. A. E. HAUSMAN – Mary J. SMITH vs. George RATHBUN – Suit on Note

45. BYRNES & BEAN – Brett LEWIS et al vs. Carrie M. DUCKSOP [Decksop ?] Et al – Quiet Title


Saturday, January 18 – Sixth Day

46. Albert MILLER – State of MO vs. Milton MOSS – Disturbing the peace

47. Francis WOLFF, Albert MILLER – Lena WELSCHAM vs. Benj. WELSCHAM – Divorce


49. H. B. IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR – Ernest GOWAN vs. Della GOWAN – Divorce

50. P.S. TERRY – John MYERS vs. Lucy [Liley?] MYERS – Divorce

51. P.S. TERRY – Edna COOPER vs. ---MEL COOPER - Divorce

52. P.S. TERRY – Ida ABERNATHEY vs. Noah ABERNATHY - Divorce

53. R.A. FRAZIER – Nancy WATSON vs. David WATSON - Divorce

54. P.S. TERRY – Elsie MEDLEY vs. ? MEDLEY – Divorce


~Probate Court~

Administrator of estate of John G. BEQUETTE, deceased, ordered by court to appropriate $1500 among the distributive heirs of deceased.


Upon application filed the court orders the administrator of the estate of Mary E. RUSSELL, deceased, to take charge and run the real estate of deceased for the purpose of paying debts.


Letters of administration in the estate of W. L. BOUGHTON, deceased, granted to Mary J. BOUGHTON. Inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of Wm. L. BOUGHTON deceased, filed and approved.


Upon application filed the court appoints Christine SCHMIDT, curatrix, of the estate of the SCHMIDT minors.


Annual settlement of John administrator of the estate of George RICHARDSON, deceased, filed and approved and the estate being exhausted by the distribution, the court dispenses with any further administrator and the administrator will be discharged when all the final receipts are filed.


Letters of administration on the estate of Mary E. RUSSELL, deceased, granted to G.W. RUSSELL and his bond is approved.


Demand of H. A. MORTENS against the estate of Mary E. RUSSELL deceased, on the account of $65 filed and allowed.


Inventory list is the estate of Thomas HAMPTON, deceased, filed and approved.


Inventory list in the estate of John GOLDBERG, deceased, filed and approved.


Demand of Mary AUSTIN to Eunice CHURCH against estate of Alex MILES, deceased for $160 filed.


Bond of Leo F. KOHLER, curator of KOHLER minors filed and approved.


Upon petition filed the court dispenses with any further advertisements settlements and other proceedings under the administration of the estate of J. F. PRATT, deceased, and orders the said estate turned over to Ruth A. PRATT, widow of the deceased as her absolute property.


Annual settlement of John H. REPPY, executor of the estate of Ruth WALKER, deceased, filed and approved.   


Report of the curator of the estate of the real estate of the KOHLER minors, the same remaining on file for more than ten days is by the court approved and the curator is ordered to make a deed to purchaser for same.


Final settlement of Jennie WILSON curator of the estate of Daisy WILSON, minor, filed and approved and curatrix is discharged.


Annual settlement of Jennie WILSON curator of the estate of Elizabeth and Lilia WILSON minors, filed and approved.


Last will of Addie OMOHUNDRO, deceased, admitted to probate and Adrian STEEL appointed administrator.


Inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of Addie OMOHUNDRO, deceased, filed and approved.


Gus SPILKER of St. Louis is located here with his brother, F.E. SPILKER.


Mrs. W.H. PILLIARD and little son Max spent the weekend in Hillsboro.


Supt. Edgar MARSDEN had business with the County Court on Monday.


Mrs. J. H. WINER is spending the week here while Judge WINER is holding court.


Lost – Plush laprobe, green and black, Thursday on road between Hillsboro and Silica.


Mrs. Addie DACE of St. Louis and Mrs. H. WILLIAMS of DeSoto visited relatives here at the weekend.


R.G. HOEKEN and T.B. MOSS came in from Sandy to attend the funeral of Joe MORRIS, Monday.


For Sale – Two fresh young Jersey cows. S. MAXWELL, Rt. 2, Hillsboro, MO.


Dr. MOCKBEE of Hillsboro and Dr. DENNY of Cedar Hill have invested in automobiles for service professional and otherwise.


Oscar SULLINS (?) and Patrick EVERARD were here Monday the former to visit his sister, Mrs. Albert MILLER, the latter on probate business.


Mrs. C.S. BOOTH, who with her children spent the holidays on the farm, returned to DeSoto Saturday and the Judge is an orphan again.


Misses GRIFFETH, Mable and Fern PARTNEY of Hillsboro and Miss Daisy WILSON of Morse Mill have returned to their studies at the Cape after a holiday visit at home.


The Commercial Hotel was discovered afire Monday night but great trouble and loss was averted by the prompt action of the young men boarders.  Defective flue.


Miss Birdie WILSON has begun a course in Commercial College in DeSoto and Miss Kathleen REPPY who has assisted in the Record office the past two months has returned to the DeSoto High School.


Leo F. KOHLER and wife of Pevely, Julius KOHLER and wife and Miss Lena KOHLER of Antonia were in the County Seat on Tuesday closing a deal by which Phillip KOHLER becomes owner of the old KOHLER homestead near Antonia.


Bowles School will entertain the next meeting of Rock Township teacher’s on the eighteenth.  The Specialist in music and one in reading from W.T. HARRIS Teacher’s College of St. Louis will address the meeting.  The lecturers at the Seckman meeting pledged to attend this meeting regardless of weather. 



Joseph RIESER, Decorator, Painter and Paper Hanger, Kimmswick Rt.3.

Holiday Goods of All Kinds, ECKLES, Hillsboro, MO.

Henry HURTGEN – 1st class horse shoeing and general blacksmithing, Hillsboro, MO

Jefferson County Bank, O.M. MUNRO, Cashier, DeSoto, MO.

DeSoto Roller Mills – Lily White Patent Flour 

Frank E. SPILKER Saloon, Opposite the Court House

DeSoto Marble Works – C.A. SCHOELLKOPF, Prop, DeSoto, MO

L.A. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, DeSoto, MO

F.J. ADAMS, Real Estate Agency

H.B. IRWIN, Lawyer, DeSoto

BYRNS & BEAN, Attorneys at Law, DeSoto, MO

Robert E. KLEINSCHMIDT, Lawyer, Hillsboro, MO (Son of Charles Kleinschmidt) - Trust Building

John H. REPPY, Attorney-At-Law, Hillsboro, MO (Successor to Kleinschmidt & Reppy)

   -Both Phones, Owner of the Thomas Abstracts, Jefferson County’s First Complete Abstract System


~Letters of Administration~


Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of William L. BOUGHTON, Deceased were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on 26th day of December 1912…

Mary J. BOUGHTON, Administratrix


~Sheriff’s Sale Under Special Execution~

Whereas, A. P. BOOTH on the 25th day of September, 1912 recovered judgment in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County Missouri against Newton T. ESHBAUGH by the attachment of the real estate of said Newton T. ESHBAUGH for the sum of three hundred and eighty-one dollars, costs which said debt and costs were by the court declared to be a lien upon the real estate set forth and described in – judgment, and whereas, Special Execution – from the office of the Clerk of said court, dated Dec. 11, 1912, and was to me said Sheriff, delivered on said day, by virtue whereof I have levied it upon and seized the following described property attached in said same to wit:  All the right, title and interest of the said Newton ESHBAUGH, of, in and to the following real estate situate in Jefferson County Missouri to wit”

All that part of U.S. Survey No ? Township 40, North of Range 5 East, described as intersection of Fractional Section 11 with the S.W. line of said Survey, thence N. 38 degrees…….corner of Mrs. Sarah GAMEL’s land, thence 8.1 degree W…….

Excepting however from above described tracts of land all that part thereof that was conveyed by Arthur L. ESHBAUGH and wife Ana P. BOOTH, by deed dated September 22nd 1906 (?) and recorded in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County in Book at page 458.  All the described real estate situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri.

And I will on Saturday, the 18th day of January 1913, at the front door of the Court House in the Town of Hillsboro in Jefferson County, Missouri, during the session of the Circuit Court of said County, between the hours of 9 o’clock in the forenoon and 5 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, expose said real estate to sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Judgment and Costs.  John L. BECHLER            


~Sheriff’s Sale in Partition~

Con CARLIN, Plaintiff vs. Mary P. BOYER and Sherman BOYER, Defendant,

Whereas the circuit court of Jefferson County, MO by its judgment and decree in the above entitled cause, rendered at the September term A.D. 1913 to-wit: On September 20, 1912, ordered and directed the sale of the hereinafter described real estate for the purpose of making partition and division thereof, between the parties according to which said judgment, decree and order duly aforesaid, bearing date, October 29, 1912, was to me delivered on the said October 29, 1912.

Now therefore, public notice is hereby given that I the undersigned Sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri by virtue and authority of said judgment, decree and order will on Saturday, January 18, 1913 at the north front door of the court house in the town of Hillsboro Jefferson County, Missouri between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and while the circuit court of said county is in session offer and expose to sale at public venue to the highest bidder, the real estate set forth and mentioned in said judgment, decree and order, lying being and situate in Jefferson County, Missouri and described as follows to-wit: …..

Terms of sale: One fourth cash and balance in one year; the deferred payment to be  - by deed of trust on said property and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum with privilege to the purchaser of paying all cash, provided he elect to do so before the approval or the …..

John L. BECHLER, Sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri. 


~Sheriff’s Sale in Partition~

Fannie M. WILLIAMS, nee WILSON and W.P. WILLIAMS, Jr., her husband, William A. WILSON and Ella WILSON, his wife, Martha BITTICK, nee WILSON, a widow, and Jennie WILLIAMS, nee WILSON, a widow, Plaintiffs vs. Mary TRIMBLE, nee WILSON and John TRIMBLE, her husband, John M. WILSON and Bertha, his wife, Jennie(?) A. WILSON, a widow, Daisy WILSON, Bessie WILSON and Lila WILSON, minors, and Hugh WILSON, a minor.

Whereas, the circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri by its judgment and decree of the above entitled cause, rendered at its September term …..and ordered and directed the sale of the hereinafter described real estate for the purpose of making partition and division thereof between the parties according to their respective rights and interests, a copy which said judgment, decree and order duly certified by the clerk of the circuit court….was to be delivered on said November 25, 1912.  Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned Sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri, by virtue and authority of said judgment decree and order will on Wednesday January 15, 1913, at the north front door of the court house in the town of Hillsboro Jefferson County, Missouri between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and while the circuit court of said county is in session offer and expose to sale at public venue to the highest bidder, the real estate set forth and mentioned in said judgment, decree and order, lying being and situate in Jefferson County, Missouri and described as follows to-wit: …..

Terms of sale to be 50 percent cash and the balance of the purchase price to be paid in one year and to bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from date of sale or all cash at the option of the purchaser.  John L. BECHLER, Sheriff of Jefferson County, MO.   


~Sheriff’s Sale in Partition~

Sarah GIBSON, Martha BARNETT, Anderson BOWLES, Julia HARRINGTON, Susan WILSON, Albert SCHULTZ, Josie GAMMON, Frank SCHULTZ, Ellen SCHULTZ, Alice SCHNETTENBERG, John WILSON, Jesse WILSON, Jennie HAWKINS, Elizabeth BUSH, Eliza Ann KEYES, Milton GILMER, Plaintiffs,  vs. Caleb BOWLES, David BOWLES, Jefferson BOWLES, Mary BRUEN, George HAFNEY (H--?--y), Johanna CUSICK, John GU-ER, Michael VOGELSANG and John M. DAHN, Defendants.

Whereas the circuit court of Jefferson County, MO, but its judgment and decree in the above entitled cause, render at the May term 1912, ordered and directed the sale of the hereinafter described real estate for the purpose of making partition and division thereof between the parties according to their respective rights and interests which said order was renewed by said court a the September term thereof 1912 to-wit…..

The interest of Anderson BOWLES in said real estate is subject to the – of a deed of trust 

Given by Anderson BOWLES to Michael VOGELSANG, trustee for John M. ----


Terms of Sale: Twenty five percent in cash at the time of sale, and the balance to one year, purchaser to give note with approved security for the balance of the purchase money, said deferred payment to bear interest from the day of sale until paid at the rate of 6 per cent per annum or all cash at the option of the purchaser.  John L. BECHLER, Sheriff of Jefferson County, MO.


~Letters of Administration~

Notice is hereby given that letters administration on the estate of John GOLDBERG, Deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 14th day of December, 1912….

Annie GOLDBERG, executrix


~Marriage Licenses~

Charles E. DANN, Crystal City and Gertrude BEGNETTE, Crystal City

Harry E. VAYGHN, DeSoto and Rosie A. REYNOLDS, DeSoto




Wm. RUPPEL to Peter ESSICA, lots in Hillsdale ad DeSoto….$5.


Selina L. BOAD to Conrad F. PRALLA, 150 acres, Secs 9 & 10


W.A. WELSH to Jas. MCKEEVER, Lot in Davis ad DeSoto…$35.


Louis STAFFELBACH to Rudolph T. COOK, 50 acres, 18-40-5 and 30 acres 7-40-5…$1200.


William W. THOMPSON to Judson B. POUNDS, 165 acres, 1972, ….$7100.


J. H. REPPY to Robert JENKINS, Lot in DeSoto….$67.84.


J.H. REPPY to Robert JENKINDS, Lot in O.F. DeSoto….$55.43


Wm. ELLIETT [Elliot] by trustee to Geo. MAHN, 2 lots in Boynes ad. DeSoto…$25.


Horine Townsite Co. to C. L. KENEY, Lot in Horine….$1., etc.


W.R. DONNELL Sr. to Merseal ALLEE  T. Co., 40 acres, Sur. 1976 and 90?-41-5…$500.


W. LANHAM to E. C. EDGAR, Lot in Rathbun’s ad, DeSoto…$350.50.


W. R. DONNELL to Henry DANIELS, Lot, Sur. 1948 40-6….$600.


Chas. J. NOBLE to Andrew J. HAVERSTICK, Lot in Windsor Harbor…$100