Jefferson County Record

January 2, 1913 


~For Our Farm Friends~


Eggs are sold in Hillsboro at 27 1/2 cents.


Miss HAGELMAN of Route 1 was in town Monday paying taxes and subscription for her father, A. G. HAGELMAN.  No place like a farm home, says she.


John PARTNEY of Route 2 has a new six horse power engine for his hay baler but has added the necessary equipment to make it a first class wood sawer.


Julius A. FREIDMEYER and mother of DeSoto, Route 1, were here paying taxes at the year end and expressing his appreciation for a good paper in more than one way.


August BONACHER, one of the county's most substantial farmers and living on Pevely Route 1, transacted the usual year end business at the county seat.


Scholarships good in the short course in Agriculture at the – have been awarded to every county in the district.  Miss –essie GRIFFITH of Hillsboro and August ROSE of Belews Creek, a champion boy corn raiser, have won those for Jefferson County.  Congratulations.


~Sulphur Springs~


Mrs. James SHELTON of Excelsior Springs spent a few days with relatives last week.


Mrs. Jas. SMITH (nee Lilly KIRK) died in St. Louis last Friday of pneumonia.  She is survived by her husband and two small sons.


Willie BULLIS and Rush STEIN have gone to Neelyville on a hunting trip.


Prof. Wallace HULL of Pittsburgh, PA is spending the holidays with his parents after an absence of several years.


Dr. and Mrs. P. H. MORRISON have been spending a few days at their country home. 


Mrs. John M. SAXTON has gone to St. Louis to spend a few weeks before leaving for the South.


Mrs. SPENCER is entertaining a house party from St. Louis for the weekend.


Mrs. MARSHALL returned home Sunday evening from St. Louis having spent Christmas there with relatives.


Mrs. C. E. CORBY [CURBY ?], Mrs. BLICKHAIN, Mrs. BYRD and Mr. Clarence CORBY are at Casa Loma.


Miss Kitten HULL spent Saturday in St. Louis with friends.


John M. STITES and S. P. HARRIS attended the TUTTLE sale Friday at Vineland.


The Sulphur Springs children gave a Christmas entertainment at the Sulphur Spring’s church Christmas evening with Mrs. McMINN and Miss Myrtle BULLIS as leaders.  Mrs. McMINN drilled the children with recitations and Miss MYRTLE played the piano for the children to sing some beautiful songs….They had a most beautiful play, “A Christmas Dream,” representing an Indian, an Italian, a Puritan and Dutch girl, a page, a Japanese and an American girl.  Mrs. Jesse MOORE acted as the Indian maid and certainly made a dandy.  Louis SILKWOOD acted as the Puritan maid, Mary MOORE as the Japanese girl, Julia EIFERT the Dutch girl, Ruth MOORE the Italian, William WALLACE the page, and Myrtle BULLIS as American girl who acted as in a dream.  They certainly play their parts fine.  A most pleasing Scripture Reading was read by Rev. W.A. McMINN.


Columbus McCULLOCH and John BRUNS of Morse Mill were Hillsboro visitors Saturday.


W. M. MUSE of Big River Township transacted business here Friday and visited the editor and family.


Rudolph STADLER of Route 2 raises fine sweet potatoes and brought Hillsboro folks some this week.


At present we have but one student taking the Agriculture Course at the University, Ernest RUSSEL of Pevely.


Richard ROZIER of Route 2 was in town Friday attending to the usual year end business which included the Record.




Mr. and Mrs. A.D. WILLIAMS are spending two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. RICHIE and family at Kansas City.


Miss Nina McLANE is entertaining Miss JAMISON of Saint Louis.


Mrs. Marie REEB and daughter Miss Delphine, of St. Louis spent Christmas week with A.J. BLAIR and family.


Dr. and Mrs. L.A. CHAMBERLAIN and daughter, Lois have returned from their visit with relatives at Poplar Bluff.


Mrs. Frank DAUSS of Farmington is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. E.J. BEAN.


Mrs. J. NEDWEDECK has returned.


Miss Viola ENGELBACH returned to Pevely after spending a few days with Miss MEEK and attending several parties given her by her friends.


Harvey FARRIS of St. Louis arrived Saturday for a visit with his family.


Master Clyde DOUGLASS is enjoying vacation days with relatives in the city.


Miss WEISE returned from a trip to the city Monday morning.


Mr. Will GOFF and son Dave have returned from Des Loge where they visited relatives.


Messrs. W. SELLMAN and Ira PILLIARD attended the dance at Festus Friday night.


Mrs. Sam BYRNS and niece Miss Melissa were the guests of relatives at Festus for the weekend.


The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BEAN who has been quite ill is some better.


Miss Luella WALTHER who is spending the holidays at home will entertain a number of friends Tuesday afternoon.


Rev. GAUSS of Carondelet will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday.


Mrs. W.E. GIBSON, Mrs. O.F. MEEK and Mrs. Louis SUDDICK of the DeSoto Woman’s Club and Rev. BRITE made a trip to the County Farm Thursday taking gifts and good cheer that made the inmates very happy.  The Misses Genevieve GIBSON, Margaret and Lucille BENSON and Ruth FOSTER accompanied them and sang Christmas carols that added as much to the service that was held immediately after the presents were distributed.


Miss Ruth CLYDE is at home from St. Louis where she held a position with Rice Stix and Co.


Dr. Frank LONG has returned from Fertile where he spent Christmas with relatives.


Mrs. FROMHOLD entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ben JEKYL and son, Ross, and Walter ALLEN of St. Louis and her son, Gus from Little Rock Christmas.


Wesley MELLOW of St. Louis who visited Robert COXWELL last week entertained in his honor Saturday evening.


L. A. BROWN of Horine had business here Saturday.


Misses Melissa BYRNES, Nan MUNROE, Justine BURGESS, Dala and Mayme MAUTHE were in Festus, Friday and Saturday.


Mrs. MEYERS of Boyd Street spent Christmas with relatives in Poplar Bluff.


~R.G. MORGAN Dead~

Just as we are agoing to press we learn of the death of R.G. MORGAN of Zion, one of the leading citizens of the county.  The funeral occurs at Zion Church Thursday afternoon.


Miss ? BAKER has returned from a visit to St. Louis.


Mrs. L. ?. FULLER has returned from a visit with Illinois relatives.


Miss Margaret GLENDINNING of Pevely visited friends in our town over Sunday.


Miss Tillie CAMPBELL gave a heart party Saturday afternoon complimentary of the Misses WALTHER and CHEATHAM.  Miss Viola ENGLEBACH won the prize, a pretty medallion.


Ed HANSAM will leave the first of the year to travel for a wholesale grocery store in St. Louis.


Mrs. Williard HUSKEY and baby Phyllis returned to Nevada Sunday.


Mrs. PAUL and daughter, Mrs. CAREY, are visiting Mrs. SHEREO [SHERE- ?] of Chester, IL.


Mrs. R. E. CURTIS has returned from a visit with her parents at Ironton.


Dr. and Mrs. E.W. BLISS have returned from a week’s stay at Arcadia.


Mrs. J. NEDWEDECK has returned home to Grand Junction, Colorado.


Mrs. O.P. DAVIN and son, Kern, returned from St. Louis Saturday evening.


Miss Emma HERMAN is here from TX to spend a few weeks.


Mrs. And Mrs. Frank WOODS of Litchfield IL are visiting her sister, Mrs. W.T. JONES.



Mr. and Mrs. Frank CLYDE entertained a family party at their home Christmas night.


Miss Nan MUNROE gave a card party Thursday afternoon at her home on 4th street.


The Misses LEDERER gave a card party Tuesday afternoon.


F. KNAPP had a small fire in his shoe store Monday morning at half past one. The building was not damaged but he lost several pairs of shoes.


Eugene PRIMM and little daughter of St. Louis were the guests of his sister Mrs. Gust HAMEL, Jr. Monday.


Miss DAVIS of Fredericktown was the guest of Miss Anna DONNELL last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles CURTIS have returned from their wedding trip to St. Louis and will be at home to their friends after January 15th.



Dorothy, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed OSTERWALD has been quite sick for several days.


Hon. Sam BYRNS of DeSoto spent Tuesday in Festus.


W.D. BOYD ate Christmas dinner in DeSoto, his former home.


Mrs. Rose JARVIS, of Hematite, visited friends in Festus last week.


Everet, son of Dr. and Mrs. C.G. HARRIS, who is attending school in Kinsey, Tenn. came home for the holidays.


G.M. TURK of Colorado arrived home last week for a month visit with parents.  Mr. TURK went to Colorado several months ago for his health which is much improved.


A. WORSCHEIM, who has been absent in Texas for several months came home to

spend the holidays with his family.


The claim agent for the Frisco was here last week settling claims.


Lee FORSHEE and wife spent Christmas in Mineral Point.


Messrs. WAKEFIELD and BRICKEY and Miss Zoe BOOTH assisted with the music at the Catholic Church Christmas morning.


The business college is flourishing; the pupils are doing excellent work, and Profs. TAGLIN and McMULLEN have proved themselves excellent instructors and the people of Festus should feel proud of the school and give it proper encouragement and try to make it permanent.


C.H. FLINT, Road Master of the Bonne Terre Road and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. WELSH and little daughter, Helen of Sikeston, MO and Mrs. E.C. FLINT and little daughter, Virginia of St. Louis ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. LEAGUE.


Mr. and Mrs. Sam BROOKS have a sick baby.


Little Gilbert DRAKE is still very sick.  He was taken with pneumonia and after recovering from it was attacked with stomach and bowel trouble and is in very critical condition and improves very slowly.


Uncle Eli DONNELL attended a family reunion at Herculaneum Christmas.


Lawrence GRIESHARBER has been quite sick for several days.


Mr. and Mrs. Chad LONG and Mr. Al LONG spent Christmas in Potosi with their parents.


Mrs. Fred SCHAFER who was taken to a hospital for treatment is improving.


Cliff SIEGRIST who is attending the Rolla School of Mines is home for the holidays.


In tearing down an old building last week Tom KINNER was seriously hurt by the building falling on him.


Mrs. T. H. LEAGUE and son Du Bart are quite ill but the Dr. says it is only a cold.


E. C. FLINT left here last Thursday to attend a convention and banquet of the McPike Drug Co. Salesmen at Kansas City Friday and Saturday and from there he will go to Omaha, Neb. and Des Moines, Iowa.  Mr. FLINT is the Western representative of the National Fruit Product Co. of Boston, Mass.


Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.P. BUREN has been quite ill for several days but was able to drive downtown Saturday.





Frank FUCHS to Herman DORNSEIF (?) 72 , US Survey 2901  43-5 ….$12,000.00


Ira DRENNEN et al to Thos. F. PIERCE, 40 a, 28-40-4 ….$1.00


Soloman WELLS to Franz FUCHS, 22a, 43-5   6…..$.1.00


Fritz LANGREDER to Peter MACOL, 3a, 10 39 - , $100.00.


W.R. DONNELL to Anton SRAHLIA [SRAHIA ?] 120a, 1039-6….$1200.


Anton SRAHLIA [SRAHIA ?] to W. R. DONNELL, 16 17 - , 32-41-6……


Geo. NECK to J.C. GOFF, 2 lots in DeSoto, …..$275.    


~Stockholder’s Meeting~

Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Kimmswick at the office of said bank in the town of Kimmswick, on Monday, Jan. 13th, 1913 at 2 p.m. for the purpose of electing directors for ensuing year and such other business as may come before the meeting.  C.H. GERARD, Pres, G.A. WENOM, Cashier


~Stockholders Meeting~

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholder of the J.M. ENGLAND Farm Company of Hematite, MO will be held at the office of the Company, Monday, Jan 13th, 1913 for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year.  Jr. ENGLAND, Pres., C.L. ENGLAND, Secy.



A meeting of the citizens of Festus and vicinity regarding the glass factory resulted in raising as subscription of twenty-five thousand dollars.  This will be a Jefferson County enterprise exclusively as no one outside the county has taken stock, and it is thought that the remainder of the stock can be easily disposed of in Festus and Crystal City.



I hereby forbid anyone trespassing or hunting either by day or night on my premises and those caught will be prosecuted for the full extent of the law. 



Notice to Personal Property Taxpayers

All delinquent personal taxes unpaid on and after January 1st 1913 will be collected by deputy collectors.  This will entail additional costs which will have to be paid by the delinquents.  No other or further notice will be given.  John HELLER Collector


Lost – Ten days or two weeks ago, a stick pin, dull gold knob set with a single pearl.  Reward at this office. 




Will ZELLER of South St. Louis spent Christmas and a few days following visiting friends in Kimmswick.


Jules ECCOFFIER, the enterprising proprietor of the Empire Hotel, gave a Shooting Match on the Commons of Kimmswick last Saturday which was well patronized and it was a common occurrence to see a man going home with a goose, turkey or duck under his arm but others got 'nix.'


M.T. CHESTNUT was down from the City, Sunday looking after his Montesano interests and say the Park will show up in the Spring as good as it ever was.


The new Fish Lake at Kimmswick is in good shape and will be open early in the spring.


Orrick and Lawrence WHITEHEAD of Bonne Terre spent Christmas week in St. Louis.


Miss Flora ARNOLD has been ill.


Misses Molly and Jessie CASSIDY spent Christmas at home.


Mabel McMINN is spending the holidays with her parents, Rev. W. A. McMINN and wife.


Mrs. GORDON of Jefferson City spent Christmas with her sister Mrs. Edward MELEANER.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred OBERMILLER entertained their relatives Christmas Day.


Walter WHITEHEAD and wife of Bonne Terre spent Christmas with S. A. WHITEHEAD

and family.


Mr. and Mrs. B.J. WATERS spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Grover BRISTOL in Hillsboro.


Edna WHITEHEAD spent the week end at Bushberg.




Louis KOHLER and his bride for a month, left here for Great Bend, Kansas, on

the 11th to visit Mr. KOHLER's brother, Andrew, and with the intention of making their future home there.


Louis THEIS has about completed building a new barn.  Ed HOFFARTH was the builder.


SCHNEIDER's and KOHLER's sawmill caught fire Monday night and did about $50

damage.  Through sparks of the engine, the scrap pipe caught fire.


Walter BERGMEYER came home Thursday from Great Ben, Kansas, to visit his parents and friends.  Walter hasn't been home for nearly three years.  He is well pleased with his new location and says there is no place like Kansas.


J.P. GILLMAN is the happy father of another girl that arrived at his house one day last week.


E.C. STAAT and Rudolph RAEBEL were to DeSoto, Sunday getting Christmas goods.


William GLASS of Barnhart was seen here Sunday getting Christmas goods.


The STRABER brothers bought George SCHNEIDER's interest in SCHNEIDER's and

KOHLER's sawmill.  They have this mill at Henry SCHMIDT's where they have 1000

logs to saw.


William and Sam KUENSKI (?) are dragging logs to be sawed into lumber for a new house.


George SCHNEIDER has about finished sawing ties and lumber on his father's place and will move his mill on Lower Belew's Creek where he has a big job on hand.


William BUECHTING and wife of St. Louis are spending Christmas here with home folks.


~Card of Thanks~

We desire to extend to our neighbors and friends our sincere thanks for their many acts of kindness during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father.  

Mrs. P.H. BYRNE and children



~Marriage Licenses~

Samuel E. SAFFELI, Bonne Terre and Bessie COLE, DeSoto

Edw. LAYMAN, Hillsboro and Nadie BOHNE, Hillsboro

J.B. DAHL, Hillsboro and Sylvia HUSKEY, Hillsboro

Edward MAUPIN, Maupin and Ida PULEN, Maupin

Keath KEATON - Colored, Valle Mines and Mattie CASEY, Valle Mines



A very fine Christmas was enjoyed at the German Lutheran Church Christmas evening.  Rev. W.W. WALLNER preached a Christmas sermon and the children gave declamations and sang songs. Then a big treat of candy and fruit followed.


Henry J. MILLER made a trip to the county seat Friday.


The son of J. William MILLER is confined to the house with some form of rheumatism.


Doc DRENNEN, and old citizen living near Sandy, who has been very ill is improved.


Isaac DRENNEN and wife visited some folks over Christmas.


~Of Local and Personal Nature~


Mr. and Mrs. W. L. STONE gave a party Saturday night.


Judge DUNNIGAN and Taylor EAVES are kindred spirits this week because misery loves company.  Each is suffering from a bad rising in the head.


Miss Susan JONES who has had a slight sick spell has recovered.


Martin ZIMPHER and Adolph KLABLE of Antonia were here Monday.


Frank PARKINS [PERKINS ?] of Vineland had business in the court house Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Dick SCHRODER of Goldman spent the holidays here with relatives.


Mrs. John HELLER went to House Springs Saturday for a visit to her daughter.


Mrs. Charles HERMAN and Miss Lillie HEMME made a trip to Sr. Louis Saturday.


Miss Linnie PRICE and Miss MOSS of Pevely have been the guests of the FRAZIER



Mr. and Mrs. William RICHERT of Kimmswick made a trip to the County Seat Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. F.E. SPILKER and Mr. and Mrs. James BOUGHTON made a week-end

motor trip to St. Louis.


Amid the stream of taxpayers Monday were Mrs. A. BOWSTAUGH and little girl of DeSoto.


Philip HINKEL, our itinerant merchant has had a busy campaign this fall in the County, the roads and weather being fine.


Fred EVANS, Sam and Joe ECKLE attended the box supper at Victoria Christmas eve and had big fun running box prices up.


Charles KARTE, W.E. CROW, W.A. WELSH and M. F. HERRINGTON of DeSoto transacted business in the County Seat Monday.


For Sale – Good, gentle-work and buggy horse, or trade for cow, etc. L.H. MYER, Hillsboro, Rt. 1.


The drought and dust continue.  A drizzle of rain fell Sunday evening, but not of sufficient quantity to lay the dust.  Wheat is needing rain badly.  Aside from that, the clear dry sun shiny weather is much enjoyed.


Christmas night ant New Year’s eve were celebrated at the hall by private dances which were much enjoyed.  After the New Year dance the young men took their instruments and went serenading.  



A meeting of the citizens of Festus and vicinity regarding the glass factory resulted in raising a subscription of twenty-five thousand dollars.  This will be a Jefferson County enterprise exclusively as no one outside the county has taken stock, and it is thought that the remainder of the stock can be easily disposed of in Festus and Crystal City.




We hereby forbid anyone trespassing or hunting either by day or night on premises and those caught will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Elizabeth BECK, John A. BECK, Fritz BECK, William BECK.



85 acre farm in cultivation. Balance timber with good house and outbuildings, cistern several good springs.  Suitable for general farming, fruit, stock and poultry raising.  1-2 miles from public school, 1-2 miles from Lutheran Church. Farm is situated 2 1/2 miles south of Maxville, MO, or 3-4 miles east of Henke Station on Frisco R.R.  For further information call or write.  Peter BLANK, Kimmswick, MO.



I offer at private sale the following live stock and many other things too numerous to mention.  2 good aged brood mares in foal to jack, 1 three year old gelding, 3 register-yearling saddle fillies, 5 weaning stud colts, 1 pure bred jersey heifer in February, 1 first class cow, 12 head of angora goats, 300 bushel of corn, 15 tons hay, all my farm machinery.  Come and see and buy at your own price.  Terms given when desired.  J.A. TUTTLE, DeSoto, RFD No. 3


Our Sunday School had its annual election of officers and teachers last Sunday resulting in Superintendent Miss Carrie KLEINSCHMIDT; First assistant, Mrs. Frank DEITRICH; Second Assistant, Miss Clara LEUTZINGER; Secretary, Miss Laura WILLIAMS; Assistant secretary, Miss Kathleen REPPY; Treasurer, Miss L. HILL; Organist Miss Kathleen REPPY, Teachers: Gleamors, Mrs. F. DIETRICH; Record Breakers, Robert KLEINSCHMIDT; Honest Workers and Busy Bess, Miss Carrie KLEINSCHMIEDT; Sunbeams, Miss Clara LEUTZINGER.


T.E. SCHNEIDER spent Sunday in St. Louis.


Harry FORREST is taking a two week vacation.


Claude F. JARVIS, court stenographer, was here yesterday.


Miss Eva PILLIARD and her brother, William, are Hillsboro visitors this week.


John L. BECHLER and wife are quartered at the Jefferson for the winter.


John ENGLEBACH of Pevely made a trip to the county seat at the weekend.


How long is your list of New Year's resolutions?  How long will it be March first?


Frank DAVIS and sister from Edwardsville, IL are visiting Mr. OFFE and family.


Mr. and Mrs. Thornton HENSELY of Pevely spent the weekend here with relatives.


George MOSS and Will FOREST of Granite City, IL came home for New Year's.


Mrs. W. HOPSON and daughter of Ware vicinity were in the County Seat on business.


F.A. HERSCHER of Argenta, ARK was a holiday guest of the SEEMEL family on Route 3. 


Misses Nellie SCHNEDIER & Gertie BUCHMILLER spent Christmas with home folks on Route 2.


Misses Zoe and Medora BOOTH made a holiday visit to Hillsboro.  Their brother Charlie is also here.


For Sale - Two Fresh Young Jersey Cows.  S. MAXWELL, Rt. 2, Hillsboro, MO.


Dr. Stanley D. JEWELL of Fredericktown was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.N. REPPY Friday and Saturday.


Ben DAHL, the nineteen year old son of Sheriff DAHL, took out a marriage license Monday to marry Miss Sylvia HUSKEY, also of Route 2.


Jack MARSDEN, a son of Clarence MARSDEN, who is studying in a business college in St. Louis, spent part of his Christmas vacation with Hillsboro friends.


Hoyt HOEKEN attended a Christmas party at the home of Robert COXWELL, Jr. and returned to his position in St. Louis New Year's afternoon.


Hillsboro has had a festive holiday week.  Besides a number of home gatherings there was a Sunday School social at the hall.  Table games and box lunch occupied the time of the guests.


Miss Hazel BOYER of Potosi has been employed to fill the position as principal of the Hillsboro schools, following the resignation of Miss Medora McMULLIN who leaves Saturday for her Ohio position.


The Bankers had a holiday New Year's and T.L. BURGESS of Pevely and R.B. and T. BURGESS motored out to exchange greetings with the bankers here.  They were accompanied by Andy LABEAUME and Del STOCKING.


Henry T. REPPY visited his brother, the editor, this week.  His health has gained greatly since a serious operation in November and he expects to return to his position in International Falls, Minn., in the Immigration Service on the tenth.


An auto party from Kimmswick motored down to the County Seat New Year's Day in one hour and six minutes.  They were Frank NAES, Frank NAES, Jr. and wife of DeSoto, William NAES, William LUDERMAN, Cesar TUNBOLD and John ARNOLD.



[Ad] Holiday Good of All Kinds - To eat - To Wear - To Look At - At ECKLES Hillsboro, MO

[Ad] Henry HURTGEN & Son, Hillsboro, MO

[Ad] Jefferson County Bank, DeSoto, MO - O.M. MUNROE, Cashier 

[Ad] Bank of Kimmswick - G.H. GERARD, President; M. ZIEGLER, V.P.; G. A. WENOM, Cashier.

[Ad] Your Stove or Range.....CUNNINGHAM-HAMEL Mercantile Co.

[Ad] The 'Lily White' Patent Flour - DeSoto Roller Mills

[Ad] 'It is a duty you owe yourself' - People's Bank of DeSoto