Jefferson County Record

March 9, 1911


~Trip to Kimmswick~

The editor had business at Kimmswick last week and went up Thursday evening. Gus A. WENOM met us at the depot and we spent the evening in his comfortable and hospitable home.  We found "Uncle" Freeman D. WATERS snugly ensconced in his den with easy chairs, a good library and all home comforts about him.  Next morning after Gus had completed his chores he took us out to view the chicken pens of "Red Wing Farm."  Mrs. WENOM is the sole proprietor and has a fine colony of Rhode Island Reds on hand and incubators turning them out at regular intervals.  We find that the chicken business has grown to numerous proportions in and around Kimmswick, and on or way out to West Kimmswick, chicken yards could be seen at every stage of the jaunt.  The new post office building at Kimmswick was shown us and it is certainly a credit to the town.  Our business did not permit of a very long stay, but we learned that the Montesano Park is leasing again and will probably be ?? this year.  Kimmswick is a beautiful location for suburban homes and when the electric is finally completed, as it surely will be at no distant day, Kimmswick will surely be ?? of the aristocratic suburbs of the city.



The many friends of Fred E. OBERMILLER will be glad to learn that in the reorganization of the Missouri Bell Telephone Company that his faithful and efficient work as superintendent of the construction has won him promotion at the hands of the new management......


~Fire at Pevely~

What might have been a very destructive fire was averted last Thursday by prompt and efficient volunteer firemen led by Henry HENKEL.  A bachelor name McKEEVER was getting his breakfast upstairs in the HENKEL store building when the gasoline stove for some reason exploded and set the room on fire.  The whole room was wrapped in flames and was badly charred and burned before the flames were finally subdued.  Had the store building burned, it is quite certain that four or five other buildings that almost adjoin the store must inevitably have been destroyed.  This suggests the thought that we have frequently expressed, that every little town ought to have some sort of fire organization and it should be organized before, not after, the holocaust.



Mrs. MAHONEY's class near Kimmswick.

A very pleasing and instructive musical was given at the residence of Mr. R. LANGEHENNIG of Moss Hollow road on Saturday, February 25th, by Mrs. Lillie MAHONEY and her pupils.  An elegant luncheon was served by Mrs. LANGEHENNIG.

The program was a very excellent one and embraced piano selections, both solos and duets.  Those taking part were Misses Edna and Mamie SMITH, Augusta and Freda DIERKS, Pearl HEMME and Emily LANGHENNING.  Vocal selections were rendered most pleasingly by the Misses Augusta DIERKS, Pearl HEMME, Edna SMITH, Emily LANHENNING, Mamie SMITH and Freda DIERKS.  


~Special Notice to Road Overseers~

All the road overseers of Jefferson County are hereby notified to meet at the courthouse at one o'clock p.m. on Monday, the 13th day of March, 1911, according to section 19561 of Road Law of Missouri, 1909, to discuss plans and methods of working roads in Jefferson County.  All road overseers are hereby notified to be present.  Philip M. REILLY, Highway Engineer


~Corn Growing Contest Meeting~

Held at Moss Hollow School March 3.

....Meeting was called to order by our teacher, G.M. STAAT....Mr. F.W.

LONGEHENNING was chosen chairman....Speech on the subject, "How to raise more and better corn" by L.H. DIERKS...Messrs. Wm DIERKS, Sr., Adolph HEMME, Sr., were appointed correspondents.  The following is a list of names enrolled for the "Corn Growing Contest":

Harvey L. MOSS, Henry HUCKIE, Jr., Albert J. RAEBEL, Adolph HEMME, Jr., Theodore RAEBEL, Daniel LANGEHENNING, Henry KRAUS, William HEILIGTAG, Herman SCHLEUTER, Arthur HUCKIE, Carson STAAT, Harry SCHMIDT, William BURNS, Ben WEDDE, Jack STAAT, William DIERKS, Jr., C.W. HESSE


~New Trust Company~

Rumor has been busy with the story for the formation of a new trust company in Hillsboro.  Inquiry has developed the fact that such a move is contemplated and that considerable progress has been made toward securing the necessary stock subscription of one hundred thousand dollars.  Frank DIETRICH is the promoter and no doubt will become the secretary and treasurer of the new corporation.  No definite plans have been made for the location of offices, but an option on a suitable site has been secured and an office building suitable for the purpose to be erected.



George DREW died at the home of his son, John DREW, last Monday morning.  Mr.

DREW came here recently from Kentucky to visit for a few weeks and took sick and grew worse till the end came.  The bereaved family has the sympathy of all who knew them in their great bereavement.


Last Wednesday evening the Elks held one of the most sumptuous banquets and card parties ever held in this city.  During the early part of the evening, those present engaged in playing progressive pitch which was most highly enjoyed by those who made use of the six tables.  At twelve-thirty they retired to the banquet table.  The room decorated in purple, the Elk's color and with carnations.  But the principal decorations were as follows: Roast squab on toast stuffed with mushrooms; potatoes on half shell, au gratin; lettuce salad; French dressing, olives, sweet pickles, imported Rhine wine, Charlotte Russe, coffee, fruit and cigars.  The event was certainly delightful and enjoyed by all. 


Mr. and Mrs. P.P. HINCHEY entertained at whist on Tuesday evening February 28.  The guests numbered thirty-six assembled shortly after eight and very soon all were greatly interested in progressive whist.  At the close of ten rounds of very interested playing, refreshments were served and prizes awarded.  The ladies' prize was won by Mrs. J. BEAN and the gentlemen's went to Dr. BLISS. And after many words of thanks the guests took leave of their host and hostess.  


Miss Nancy MONROE was the hostess at the regular meeting of the DeSoto Bridge club held last Monday.  The guests of the club were Mesdames ZORN, DARDEN and Miss BLAKEWELL.  Miss CRAWFORD won the club prize and Mrs. ZORN won the guest prize.


C.T. JARVIS is spending the week at home.


Rev. F.J. RINKIE, the pastor of the M.E. church south, spent the first of last week attending a meeting of the Board of Missions, which was held in Festus.


Dr. L. G. HAEFNER spent Monday and Tuesday of last week in Ironton doing professional work.  He is working up a good business in his line at that place.


Rev. J.D. DILLIARD, a minister of the Christian church spent Wednesday of last week in DeSoto on behalf of the Benevolent Association of his church.  He visited with Rev. RICHARDS while here.


A Mr. SCOTT has purchased the John MANESS place north west of DeSoto.  Mr. MANESS will rent a place and move to town.


Rev. DEVIN preached his regular monthly sermon at Hillsboro Sunday.


Everet HELMS came down from Valley Park Saturday night to visit with friends for a few days.


The regular meeting of the Woman's club was held Friday March 3rd at the home of Mrs. J. L. THOMAS.  The program consisted in the work of women in ancient and modern times.


Mrs. L.R. REIFSCHNEIDER returned from the hospital in St. Louis on Sunday evening.


There will be a stereopticon lecture on Japan at the M.E. Church, south tomorrow night (Friday).  No admission will be charged but there will be a free offering.


Miss Gussie SIEVERS spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks in Herculaneum.


Miss EVANS, formerly of this city, but now a missionary to Japan gave a talk to the children of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday.


Miss Nell PEASLEY, who is attending the St. Louis University, spent Sunday with her parents.


Mike STOKES and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. STOKE's mother, Mrs. J.S. DEADRICK.


T.F. CADWALLADER, who recently accepted a position as a special officer with the Missouri Pacific Railroad, spent Sunday and Monday with his family here.


Miss Elizabeth HENCHER has taken charge of the new room which has just been added to the North Ward School building.


Archie WEASE entertained the Sophomore class at his home on Monday evening and it is reported that a good time was had by all the members of the class.


Dr. G.M. MOCKBEE purchased a fine saddle and driving horse last week from a north end farmer.  The horse was delivered Monday and is a high headed sorrel with a blazed face and will make quite an addition to DeSoto's quota of good driving and riding horses.


O.M. MUNROE, Sol HOHENTHAL and E.J. BEAN were out Saturday making settlements in the probate court.


S. A. REPPY and H.B. IRWIN visited the county seat this week.


~New Suits Filed~

New suits filed in the Circuit Court are as follows:

Thomas P. EAVES vs. Martha E. EAVES for divorce.

Henry MITCHELL vs. Hattie MITCHELL for divorce.

Wm. VORNBERG vs. Carter LYONS et al; a suit for the partition of the old Edward LYONS farms at the mouth of Big River.

George M. SULLENS vs. George H. BRACKMAN; a suit for the partition of the Nathan B. SULLENS homestead on Big River.


~Birthday Surprise~

About a dozen ladies, who are neighbors and friends, walked into the PILLIARD home Monday afternoon and reminded Mrs. PILLIARD that it was her birthday and no family secret.  The surprise was complete as the Birthday Club died a natural death months ago.  The truth of the matter was that the happy affair was the scheme of her young daughter, Eva, who baked the cakes and whispered the invitations about the neighborhood.  It was certainly a graceful and grateful tribute from a thirteen year old girl to her mother, who is proverbially generous in providing pleasure for her own children and their young friends.  Mrs. PILLIARD received a number of presents and seemed very happy and her guests certainly were.



Charge: Felonious Assault

Edw. R. HOOD was arrested by Sheriff John L. BECHLER, Tuesday night, on a warrant charging him with felonious assault on the person of Rev. Jethro EAVES. Rev. EAVES, according to reports was acting as peace maker in a controversy between Dr. Geo. W. ELDERS and HOOD, concerning a bill owed to Dr. ELDERS, and discovering a knife in HOOD's hand, warned ELDERS, whereupon HOOD closed up the knife and proceeded to paste EAVES with a good sized rock, bruising and cutting up his head in vigorous fashion.  HOOD gave bond yesterday in the sum of $500 for his appearance March 18th before W.L. STONE, J.P. for preliminary examination.



Mrs. Allen PUCKET, who was mentioned, last week as having been taken to a hospital for an operation and returned without having been operated upon, lived only a few hours after arriving home.  She leaves a husband and three small children who have the sympathy of everyone.


A surprise party was given Denslow DIXON at the home of his parents Saturday night.  Quite a number of his young friends came in and spent the evening in games and amusements. Refreshments were served and all spent quite a pleasant evening.


C.H. FLINT of Bonne Terre was home last Friday and says Mrs. FLINT is improving from a second operation for cancer.


Bert OGLE of Hematite had business in our city Saturday.


Mrs. Nancy J. PATTERSON died at her home at Rush Tower.  She was the mother of Lewis PATTERSON of Festus and was 74 years of age.


Mr. PADGETT and family of St. Louis have located here.  Mr. PADGETT has been in poor health for some time and thought the change might be beneficial to him.  He is a brother-in-law of Frank HOLLADAY.


Fred STEGER spent Sunday in St. Louis.


The Daisy Sewing Club met with Mrs. Louis HARTER in Crystal City Thursday.


H.W. HACKMEISTER of Kokomo, Ind. returned to Crystal City last week.


S.T. WAGGENER had business in St. Louis Tuesday.


Mrs. I. WASSERKRUG, who has been sojourning in St. Louis, returned home last week.


Peter McLOON of Barnhart and Miss Florence GIBLER of Festus were married in Ironton, Feb. 25.  They will make their home in Barnhart.  Miss Florence was one of the leading young ladies of Festus and will be missed by a large circle of friends.


C.C. MITCHIM, Editor of the DeSoto Press, had business here Friday.


T.C.BRICKEY has gone to Hot Springs to recuperate his health. 


Miss Maud CALAHAN of Salem, MO was a visitor of John MUSGRAVES several days recently.  Miss Maud has many friends here, who are always pleased to see her.


Burnham LONG, who has been on the firm of LONG Bros., here left last week to assist his father in the office of County Clerk at Potosi, Washington County.


Rev. VELVICK and Rev. HUMPREYS, former pastors of the M. E. Church here attended the Missouri meeting last week.


Mrs. C. E. GIBLER went to St. Louis last Wednesday to purchase her spring stock of millinery.


The Frisco station has been made a flag station for the early train going north and the late train going south.



The MEISSNER telephone people had better look to their laurels as the Mutual telephone men are pushing their business and selling boxes in spite of all the bad weather and were doing a great business.


~For School Superintendent~

R.B. WILSON announces himself as a candidate for the office of Superintendent of Schools of Jefferson County at the School Election to be held April 4, 1911. 


Brother MARBURY of the Festus News thinks the collector did a fearful thing when he turned over $20,000 before the end of the year to meet current expenses.  The taxes for 1910 were for the expenses of 1910, and if Brother MARBURY will stop and think, he will realize that Collector HELLER did what he should have done.  The county's obligations have to be paid and the time to pay them is when you have the money. Does Brother MARBURY believe the present court anxious to repudiate the obligations of the county?  We think not.


Col. McMULLIN, the talented and handsome editor of the Jefferson Democrat in a recent article concerning HADLEY's administration charged the administration with extravagance, etc.  He forgot to mention the fact that the Democracy has been in the saddle during HADLEY's entire administration in the Legislature branch of the government and that the Legislature, not the Executive is responsible for the expenditures.  If people were not posted, perhaps the versatile editor of the J.D. might fool somebody into believing his story.  It is a well known fact that the Republican State officials conducted their several offices more economically than their predecessors or their successors.  While citing extravagance it might not be amiss to recall the fact that during the last session of the legislature the senators, that is the Democratic senators had six clerks each, the Republicans none.  Quite a savings.  It is graft of the worst sort to have more than one and a good corps of a dozen clerks would be more than sufficient to do all the work for the Senate.  There are many other derelictions we could and will cite later on.  


Alfred WILLIAMS...Crystal Heights to Lillie Fay DUGAN....DeSoto

Albert M. GIOVANONI….St. Louis to Cath. O. DONNELL....St. Louis

Laurena A. HUNT...Valley Park to Ora L. FOSTER...Herculaneum



J.F. MEIER was in the city the first of the week.


Julius KOHLER and family of Antonia were visiting his brother, Leo and family, Sunday.


Miss SIMON, our school teacher was the guest of the Misses JONES of near Sulphur Springs Sunday.


Miss Lulu HELTERBRAN was visiting her parents at Hematite, Sunday.


Wm. WHEELING of Bonne Terre was visiting in Pevely Sunday.


Wm. WEHMEYER was called to the city Sunday to see his niece, Miss Sophia WEHMEYER who is sick.


Dr. O.E. HENSLEY and wife entertained friends from the city Sunday.


Mrs. T.M. BRYANT of Herculaneum spent one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. F. YESBERG.


Miss Alfreda HESSE and brother, Henry, of Horine, visited Herman SCHAFER last week.


Mrs. John MITCHEL of Alton, IL, was visiting her sister, Mrs. YESBERG last week.  She left Wednesday for Poplar Bluff where she will make her future home.


Mrs. Leo KOHLER gave a quilting at her home last Thursday afternoon.  Those present were Mesdames J.F. MEIER, John SCHAFES [Schafer], H.J. HENKEL, Charles YEIDA, Wm. WEHMEYER, Ed RAPP and HEMME. 

-signed "Snowdrop"


~Sunny Side~

Spring is with us again and the farmers are busy getting ready to sow oats.


We are sorry to hear that Gus FREIDMEYER was hurt while working at Mr. BOYNCHEK's saw mill.  He came near losing an eye, but is on the road to recovery.


Mr. BRADY passed through our neighborhood last Sunday.


Miss Laura ARNZ [Arenz?] is working in St. Louis.


Misses Bessie REED and Tilda HAAS visited Miss Freida FRIEDMEYER Saturday and report her recovering.


Mr. HENDRICK's has moved from the STRICKLAND place to the BOYNCHECK place, where he will farm this year.


Mrs. CASTILE visited her daughter, Mrs. Geo. BROWN, in St. Louis last week.


Gus FRIEDMEYER leads everyone in the chicken business this spring as he has 150 young chickens.


There was a party at John HAAS' last Tuesday on the homecoming of their son, Henry, who has been attending college at Columbia, and we are glad to have Henry with us again.


It is reported that A. ZIMMERMAN and wife of St. Louis have purchased the J.J. MILLER farm and intend making it their future home.  We greet him with welcome and wish him good luck.


The diamond drill has arrived and is set up on J. L. EICHBURGER's [Eichelberger?] farm, and now old mother earth will have to yield up some of her treasurers.


John HAAS and wife are visiting in St. Louis this week.


Mrs. E. McCLAIN and son, Earl, made a business trip to Hillsboro Friday.


It is reported that there will be church here next Sunday, March 12.  Everybody come.


Listen for the wedding bells to ring soon.  Guess who.

- signed "Rainbow"



Several of our young folks attended the dance out at John DIPPEL's on Sandy Sunday, February 26, and a good time was reported.


The dance at KOHLER's hall on February 26th, was a grand success.  Music was furnished by the MOTTERT brothers.


Henry HOFFARTH and Leopold ZIPP were in St. Louis some time ago to buy some stock.  Henry bought a horse and ZIPP bought a mule.  They are very well pleased with their bargains.


Harley BRUBAKER, our tie boss, has bought some timber for himself from John ROGERS and will start the job soon.  KOHLER and SCHNEIDER will do the sawing for him.


Philip WARNECKE has taken possession of Theo. BUECHTINGS's farm since the first of March.


There was a surprise party at Edmund HOFFARTH's on February 26 and good old beer was furnished.


J.A. KOHLER and Freddie BUECHTING attended the ball at John DIPPEL's and are on the sick list since.  That is punishment for leaving when they have a dance at their own place.

- signed "Glory"


Last week was moving week. Gust SOMMNE moved back to the WURTZ place.  The WINTER brothers moved on the SCHLEUTER farm that they bought a year ago and

Philip WARNECKE took possession of the BUECHTING farm, vacated by the WINTER brothers.


Philip WARNECKE and Katie WEDDE were married on the 28th day of February by Rev. AGRICOLA.


Ben FRIEDMAN got his foot badly hurt by a log falling on it.


Fritz WEDDE Sr., Saturday of old age.  His wife died about five months ago and since then he has been in feeble health.


Leslie GLASS of St. Louis was out calling on his relation Sunday.


The Euchre party given by the Court of Honor on the 25th of February was a fair success in spite of the threatening weather.


M. ZIMPFER's Grand Opening given on the same evening was not well attended.


A house warming at E. HOFFARTH's on the same evening is reported as a grand time.

- signed "Waste Basket Hero"


~Beck, MO~

Wm. HENKE and family were visiting Henry GROB's family last Sunday.


Miss A. WESLOH went to St. Louis last Saturday to have some dental work done. She returned Sunday evening.


Rev. P. WESLOH is reported on the sick list.


Martin KERTH and wife went to St. Louis County Sunday on a visit to relatives and friends.


John NOLL is starting to move to his new home, which he bought near Catawissa.  We are sorry to see John go.


Quilting is all the go among the middle-aged women.  Mrs. T.H. BECK took one out of the frame last week, and Mrs. Fritz BLANK put one in the frame this week.


Doctor FUSZNER is in the neighborhood this week, and he informs us that he got to be grandpa for the first time.  It makes the doctor feel kind of good, because he says everybody can't be grandpa.


Mrs. Philip GLATT was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. HENKE, last week.


Frank PIPKIN bought a fine team of mules at the BECHLER Bros. sale.  We hope he will have good luck with them.


Theo H. BECK Jr., went to St. Louis last week and bought a carload of seed oats, which he intends to get out in time for the farmers to sow.



John H. REPPY of the Jefferson County Record was in town Wednesday evening on a business trip.  He stayed over night with his friend, G.A. WENOM, and took the Frisco train south Thursday morning.


Judge FRAZIER of Hillsboro held court in Kimmswick Friday.  He was taking evidence in two of three collateral inheritance tax cases.


G.A. WENOM and wife visited in St. Louis Wednesday.


F. E. OBERMILLER has secured promotion with the Bell Telephone company and will be transferred to Joplin, and will move his family and chickens to that place.


S.A. WHITEHEAD and wife spent Sunday with their son, Walter, who lives in Bonne Terre.


Mrs. Edward MEISNER was in St. Louis one day last week.


Mrs. C. H. GERARD entertained her club last Thursday.


The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. McMINN this week.


Miss Emma HIRSHFELD spent Sunday in St. Louis.


Mrs. Charles OHEIM was down Friday to visit her parents.



STUPP Bros. are busy as bees putting up the new bridge at Barnhart.


F.W. LANGHENNING visited the county seat Monday.


Mrs. Lavina WHITAKER died March 3, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. COLTON in Barnhart whither she had come on a visit from Altoona, Penn., the past winter.  She was to start home the next morning with another daughter, who had come for her.  Suddenly at midnight the call came but found her lamp trimmed and burning ready for the 'bridegrooms call."  The body only was returned to Altoona - the spirit went to the Heavenly home.  She was a devout Christian, a member of the Lutheran Church, a charming person, a loving inspiration to all whom she met.  She was in her 74th year.


~Public Sale~

I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at my place, 1 mile south of Seckman, on LeMay Ferry Road, on Friday, March 17, 1911 the following property to-wit:

Match team of gray horses, 1 horse 14 years old 16 hands, 1 horse 9 years old 14 ½ hands, 1 horse 8 years old 16 ¼ hand, cow and calf, brood sow, 68 chickens, farm wagon, buggy, mower, 2 harrows, 2 cultivators, 2 corn plows, 11 inch plow, set single buggy harness, log chain, saw, water barrels, wash tubs, wagon cover and bows, bench with vice, hardwood collapsible, wardrobes, 3 bedsteads, 5 tables, Singer sewing machine, chairs and rockers, heating stove, fancy parlor stove for coal, cook stove for wood or coal, rug, glass door, kitchen cupboard and many other things.  Terms - all sums of $20 and less cash, sums over that amount, a credit of 9 months will be given; purchaser to give bankable note, bearing 6 per cent interest, with approved security.  On sums over $10, three percent off.    Ernest SCHULZ 



- I have reduced the prices on flour and feed….C.H. GERARD, Prop., Kimmswick Roller Mill and Lumber yard.

- Job printing: Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Visiting Cards, Cards, Posters or Circulars.  Best Work. Prices Right.  The New Era.

- First-Class Merchandise, and its so….Ed POOKER, General Merchant, Jarvis, MO.

- Seed Buyers…. Chas J. SIEDLER, General Merchant, Maxville, MO.

- Frank DIETRICH, Attorney at Law, will practice in all the county.  Knorpp Bldg.  DeSoto, MO

- Chas. H. EDINGER, Local agent for McCormack Harvesting Machines, One mile southeast of Seckman. Postoffice Address, Kimmswick

- H.B. IRWIN, Lawyer, DeSoto

- PHELAN & BROCKMAN, Atty's at Law, Clayton, MO


~Guardian and Curator's Notice~

Notice is hereby given that the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO by the order of record date February 25, 1911, appointed the undersigned guardian of the person and curator of the estate of America E. DAVIS, a person of unsound mind. Felix LEUTZINGER March 9, 1911.


~Order of Publication~

In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO,

Adele BARNHART, Plaintiff -vs- Charles E. BARNHART, Defendant. 

The State of MO to the above named defendant;


This is to notify you that plaintiff has filed her petition and affidavit alleging among other things that defendant, Charles E. BARNHART is a non-resident of the State of MO and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him in this state.....plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce on the ground of desertion and general indignities...W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of Circuit Court



The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Rock Township, Jefferson County, MO, will hold its annual meeting at Antonia, MO, March 18, 1911 at 1 o'clock p.m. to elect officers and transact such other business that may come before said meeting.  Thomas J. KIRK, Secretary


~Official County Directory~

W.W. HULL - Representative

Albert MILL - Prosecuting Atty

John L. BECHLER - Sheriff

W.M. PIILARD - Clerk of County Court

John HELLER - Collector

Charles HEMME - Recorder

J.E. JONES - Treasurer

M.F. DUNNIGAN - Probate Judge

Dr. O.E. HENSLEY - Coroner

John HURTGEN - Surveyor

Theodore SEEMEL - Assessor

Felix LEUTZINGER - Public Administrator

R.B. WILSON - Superintendent of Schools



Circuit Court meets on second Monday in January, May, and September E.M. DEARING, Judge County Court meets on first Monday, February, May, August and November Jas. H. WINER, Presiding Judge; Chas H. EDINGER and Wm. KERCKHOFF, Associate Judges Probate Court meets on fourth Monday in February, May, August and November M.F. DUNNIGAN, Judge


~Church Directory~

Hematite Circuit

Methodist Episcopal Church South

First Sunday - Pevely morning and night

Second Sunday - Hematite morning and night; Sunny Side, 3 p.m.

Third Sunday - Hillsboro morning and night Fourth Sunday - Hematite morning and night At Victoria Saturday night before third Sunday Everybody's cordially invited to attend.


~Presbyterian Preaching Services~

First Sabbath of each month - Hillsboro

Preaching at Victoria - second Sabbath of each month by Rev. J.T. MITCHEL and fourth Sabbath by Rev. O.P. DEVIN.  Preaching at Lee School house the first Sabbath of each month by Rev. J.T. MITCHEL and the same hour on the third Sabbath by Rev. O.P. DEVIN. 

~Of Local and Personal Nature~

Frank SHEIBEL spent Sunday at home.


G.F. DELF of Horine was in town the first of the week.


John H. MORSE and son, Arthur, were in town Monday.


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry FORREST on Friday, March 3, 1911, a daughter.


For sale - Yearling Jersey Bull.  Price $18.  S. MAXWELL, Hillsboro, MO, Rt. 2.


A number of young ladies of DeSoto are seen horse back riding to Hillsboro these pleasant Sundays.


Miss Zoe BOOTH returned yesterday from a week's visit to her grandmother, Mrs. WITTRAM, of Festus.


For rent - Blacksmith shop, a No. 1 stand, also good house in High Ridge MO. 

Apply to John HELLER, Hillsboro, MO.


For sale - 600 budded peach trees. Six different varieties.  E. W. LAFFOON, Route 2, Box 69, Hillsboro, MO.


Paul DEVIN of DeSoto accompanied his father, Rev. O.P. DEVIN to Hillsboro and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Felix LEUTZINGER while here.


Ernest and Horace FRAZIER came home to spend Sunday.  Their brother, Frank, returned to the city with them Sunday evening for a visit.


Miss Clara LEUTZINGER made a weekend visit to Murphy, the guest of Miss Hazel REPPY, and returning stopped in St. Louis to visit her grand parents.


Eggs for sale - From thoroughbred "Rhode Island Reds."  $1.00 per setting of 15.  Mrs. S. E. CLARK, Hillsboro.


Squire E. BERGMEYER, Ben FREIDMANN and Henry SCHMIDT were in town yesterday on probate business, connected with the estate of Fritz WEDDE.


For sale: One five-year old mare mule, 15 hands high. 

Apply to Henry WOHLBOLD, Hillsboro, Rt. 2


W.J.A. SCHUBEL attended the Woodman lodge meeting at Cedar Hill last Saturday night.  Several new members were initiated.  A bountiful oyster supper followed. 


John DUGAN of the Herculaneum Lumber Co was in the county seat Monday looking after some court business, and incidentally conferring with the editor on building a new house for him.


Wanted - Man to help run a butter dairy farm on shares.  All tools, teams, 3 room house and garden furnished. Jersey cows - no scrubs.  S. MAXWELL Rt. 2 Hillsboro.


The Cooking Club was entertained last Saturday evening by Miss Mary HOEKEN in her hospitable big home.


Judge M.F. DUNNIGAN went out home again Saturday to see 'his boy'.  He arrived home Monday and brought his cousin, Miss Agnes DUNNIGAN, back with him, who will assist him in the office for a while.


Monday morning a sad surprise awaited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar MARSDEN.  Upon awakening they discovered their two days old infant dead at the mother's side.  The funeral took place in the Hillsboro cemetery Tuesday afternoon.


Rev. O. P. DEVIN preached two very excellent sermons here Sunday and will fill the pulpit the first Sunday in April which will be his last appointment at the place, the year closing at that date.  Rev. Mr. EDWARDS of Ironton will be the new pastor, the DeSoto church having grown so in the past year as now to be able to claim a pastor's full time.  Great regret is felt in having to part with this popular pastor but we congratulate DeSoto.


Wanted - Girl for general housework, good wags.  Apply to Artesian Ice Plant, DeSoto, MO.


Mrs. James H. WINER of Morse Mill and the Misses Dora and Lois McMULLIN were visitors at the McMULLIN homestead Sunday to welcome the new nephew, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. BOHME, nee Vida McMULLIN.


Prosecuting Attorney MILLER, who has suffered with his eyes since the January term of court, finds them improving under the care of a specialist in St. Louis, whom he visits twice a week.  His sister, Miss Viola MILLER is now his assistant in the office.


Judge James H. WINER purchased of Robert McCLAIN Saturday a fine four year old sorrel horse.  Jim saw him perform last fall at the Festus horse show and made up his mind to get him.  He cost up in the pictures but is a fine saddler and a very handsome animal.


Ed ENGLAND was out yesterday looking up land titles.  The J.M. ENGLAND farm Co. in which he is interested has purchased 60 acres of Joachim Creek bottom from Dr. J. Martin KERSHAW at a price approximating about $100 per acre.  What is the matter with Jefferson county land? It's all right.


Mrs. ECKLE gave a large children's party Sunday afternoon to celebrate the anniversaries of the youngest children, whose birthdays occur so near together.  Little Anna was six on Thursday and Clifford eleven on Saturday.  Twenty-five boys and nineteen girls hugely enjoyed the occasion to the fullest of gains and delightful refreshments.


Wm. KUENZLE and Leopold ZIPP of Antonia were here Monday.  KUENZLE is hopping around on three legs.  He was splitting stove wood about two months ago and a wedge flew out and cracked him on the shin, making a small cut which soon healed, but later developed into a very painful soreness about the bone, which has compelled him to use a crutch.  ZIPP says he nearly cut off his foot last winter cutting wood and says they are thinking of organizing a stove wood cutter's accident insurance company at Antonia. 

~Public Sale~

I, the undersigned, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the place known as the Ed ROGER's farm, 1 mile north of Goldman, on the Hillsboro and St. Louis gravel road on Saturday, March 11, 1911 the following property to-wit: 6 head of horses, 2 wagons and harnesses, 2 single buggies with one pole, 3 2-horse plows, double shovel plows, first class A harrow, 2 sets buggy harnesses, 10 dozen chickens, about 10 bushels of corn, lot of corn fodder, some hay, 3 head of hogs, household and kitchen furniture, consisting of bed steads, dresser, chairs, tables, new range stove, new heating stove, lot of canned fruit, sauerkraut and many other things too numerous to mention.  Terms of sale - All purchases amounting to $5 and less, cash, all over $5, a credit of nine months will be given, purchaser to give bankable note, bearing 6 per cent interest from date with approved security before property is removed from premises.  Sale begins at 10 a.m. sharp. 



~County Court~

-Bond and contract of McMULLIN and MITCHIM to do county printing approved.

-Bond of Philip REILLY, highway engineer, approved.

-Dramshop licenses granted as follows: Richard ALCOCK and James WALKER of Festus; Oscar BRACKMAN, High Ridge.

-Inquest proceedings approved and fee bills ordered certified as follows: On body of unknown floater near Herculaneum, $30.37; On body of Stephen RADKE of DeSoto, $27.93.

-Merchant tax of Herculaneum Lumber Company for 1910 ordered collected on a valuation of $3000.

-On petition of D.A. PERKINS taxes for 1909 and 1910 on 8 acres, part north-east quarter of south west quarter of section 13, township 41 and range 2, ordered collected on a valuation of $100.

-Account of J.E. JONES, Treasurer, in the sum of $106.50 for office rent, rejected.

-On petition of A. E. HUBBARD taxes for 1910 on 90 acres, north half of the northwest quarter and southeast fractional quarter of the northwest quarter of section 24, township 39, range 3 east, ordered collected on a valuation of $550.

-Petition of A.H. WELCH et al for change in Vineland and DeSoto road appeal from findings of commission to assess damages, tried by jury, verdict for HOFFMAN, $200 damages.

-J.E. JONES, county treasurer, presented settlement of warrants and scrip redeemed.



Notice is hereby given that Rock Township Mutual Protection Society will hold their annual meeting at KOHLER's hall, Antonia, MO, on Saturday, March 4, 1911 at 2 o'clock p.m.  All members should try to be present.    E. BERGMEYER, Secy.


~Guardian and Curator's Notice~

Notice is hereby given that the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO by its order of record dated February 4, 1911, appointed the undersigned guardian of the person and curator of the estate of Peter TSCHUMPERT, a person of unsound mind.  Felix LEUTZINGER.



- The Jefferson County Bank, DeSoto

- Peoples Bank of DeSoto, DeSoto, MO

- Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick, MO

- Henry HURTGEN & Son, Hillsboro

- R.A. MARSDEN, Hillsboro, MO

- J.H. WADE, General Auctioneer, Catawissa, MO

- Henry GILLMAN, 7592 South Broadway, St. Louis; Farm  

Home, Saloon and Boarding House

- Frank E. SPILKER Saloon, Green Tree Beer, Opposite the Court House

- F.J. ADAMS, Real Estate Agency, Hillsboro, MO

- DeSoto Marble Works, Monuments, Headstones, Iron Fences - C.A. SCHOELLKPF, Prop.


~Trustee's Sale~

Whereas John M. LOGAN, a single man by his certain deed of trust dated December 23, 1909 and recorded Dec. 27, 1909 in the office of the recorder of deeds of Jefferson County, MO, in Book 39, Page 337, conveyed to undersigned trustee the following described real estate, situate in County of Jefferson, State of MO to-wit:

The east half of the southwest quarter, also the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, also the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, all being in Section 28, also the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 33; also the north half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 33, and being in Township 42, Range 4, East of the fifth principal meridian and containing 260 acres, with all improvements thereon:

In trust to secure the payment of the note therein described is past due and remains unpaid; now therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said notes and to pursuance of the conditions of said deed of trust, I the undersigned trustee will sell, subject to the school fund mortgage of $2500.00, the property in said deed of trust described at public venue to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the courthouse at Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri on Saturday, March 11, 1911, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for the purpose of said trust.

Robert C. GREER, Trustee.


~Probate Court~

Annual settlement of James FOSTER upon estates of Roy, Ernest, Arie and Lila FOSTER, minors, examined and approved.


The inventory and appraisement lists of Isabella MILLER, deceased, examined and approved.


Report of sale of real estate of estate of Esther WAGNER, minor, by G.A. WENOM is by the court approved.  Curator ordered to make deed for same and take care of proceeds of said sale.


Final settlement of Emmett M. McCARTY and Marshal B. McCARTY administrators upon the estate of Wm. N.B. McCARTY dec., is by the court examined and approved and discharged.


George BECKER, admr., of estate of George ROESCH, dec'd., examined, approved, but not discharged until final receipts are filed.


Emmett McCARTY, admr., of estate of Jane E. McCARTY, dec'd., examined, approved, but administrator not discharged until final receipts are filed.


Final settlement of Maria P. BERRY and Robert F. BERRY upon the estate of B.

C. BERRY, dec'd.


Wilhelmena MILLER, executrix of estate of John MILLER, dec'd.


O.M. MUNROE upon estate of  D.M. PARK, dec'd. Court orders all second class claims and costs of court and administration to be paid in full and all fifth class claims to be probated and paid.


W. J. KRAMME, curator of the estates of the KRAMME minors, examined, approved and curator discharged.


R.A. FRAZIER appointed to appraise estate of Naomi WHITESIDE, dec'd., for collateral inheritance tax.


Upon petition filed, the court continues the final settlement of the estate of L.J. ROZIER, dec'd. and orders the executors to sell certain stock among heirs and report the sale and distribution at the May term of probate court.


Upon petition filed, the court ordered F.E. STITES, admr, in charge of estate of Theresa JOHNSON, dec'd., to sell all the real estate belonging to said estate, situate in Sulphur Springs for cash at private sale.


R.A. FRAZIER is appointed to appraise estate of Geo. ROESCH, dec'd., for collateral inheritance tax.


Emmet McCARTY appointed guardian and curator of estate of W.B. McCARTY, minor.


Annual settlement of Winnie McCULLOCH, curator of estate of Joel B. McCULLOCH, minor approved.


Annual settlement of W.C. MANION, curator of estate of W. C. MANION, minor, approved.


Annual settlement of Frederich ROSE, upon estate of John H. ROSE, dec'd., approved.


Will of Elizabeth HARNESS admitted to probate, March 4, and letters of admr. granted to Geo. HARNESS.


Demand of Mrs. Ellen SMITH against estate Marie OGDEN, dec'd., for $200 for nursing deceased, filed and cause set for hearing March 11.


Demand of Farmers & Merchants Bank of Festus against estate of Josphine McCORMACK. dec'd., on notes for $114.33, allowed.


Annual settlements approved as follows: Goldie BROUK, minor, Hattie BROUK, cur; James HIGGINS, dec'd., Frank DIETRICH, adm; Herman HOHENTHAL,de'd., Rachael HOHENTHAL, ex.; Jos. ROGERSON, dec'd., O.M. MUNROE, ex.; Charles QUIST, dec'd., Felix LEUTZINGER, adm; Ernest McCLAINE, dec'd., Anna McCLAIN, adm.; Dewey MANION, a minor, W.C. MANION, curator; Wm. H.A. RUST, dec'd., Frank FROELICH, adm.


The demand of R. COXWELL & son against the estate of Elizabeth HARNESS, dec'd., on sum of $160.60, classified and allowed.


Last will of George DREW, dec'd., was probated March 4, 1911.

Letters of administration upon the estate of George DREW, dec'd., granted to Edward DREW.

Inventory lists in the estate of George DREW examined and approved.


Inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of F.M. WIDEMAN, dec'd., ordered to sell at public auction personal property.


The inventory list in the estate of Elizabeth HARNESS, dec'd., examined and approved.

Court order $50 out of the estate of Elizabeth HARNESS to procure a suitable monument to be erected over the grave of said deceased.


The inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of America E. DAVIS, insane, examined and approved.

Felix LEUTZINGER, Public Adm., and guardian and curator of the estate of America E. DAVIS, insane ordered to sell personal property at public or private sale.


Margaret SKEWS appointed guardian and curator of person and estate of Grace and Margaret WILLIAM and John SKEWS, minors.


Clyde WILLIAMS is appointed to appraise the estate of John HIGGINS for collateral inheritance tax.


Annual settlement of Hardin BLAKE upon estate of F.W. BELEW, dec'd., examined and approved.


Upon a petition filed, the court continues the final settlement in the estate of HAEFNER & LONG, and orders the adm., to sell at public sale all notes and accounts between May 1st and 15th, 1911 and report same at next regular term of court.


~Real Estate Transfers~

Wm. Thompson to Sylvester WILLIAMS, 166a, sur 2003, $9500.

J.T. HUSKEY to Grover WILSON, 184a, s35, t41, r2, $2000.

F.W. DETGEN to Wm. THOMPSON, 316a, s15, t41, r3, $7000.

Louis GRUPE to John NOLL, Sr., 186a, s27, t42, r3, $4000.

J.F. MANESS to Levi SCOTT, 120a, s19, t40, r4, $2200.

Levi SCOTT to J.W. VIVRETT, 160a, s30, t40, r4, $4500.

R. GLAZER to Nikolous KOLLER, 43a s31, t41, r4, $900.

G.H. HEMKER to Newport Realty Co., 82a, s30, t41, r3, $1000.

J.M. DAEHN to Fred DAEHN, 102a, sur 2003, t43, r5, $5.

J.M. DAEHN to Fred DAEHN, 1.16a, sur 2001, t43, r5, $5.

F.W. BRICKEY to C.F. LEE et al in trust for M.E. church lot in Derby City, $300.

J. Geo. KOCH to Jno. R. FINLEY, lot 20, sur 747, t43, r6, $650.

      [Transcriber Note: this item is repeated as]:

J.G. KOCH to J.R. FINLEY, lot 20, sur 747, t42, s6, $650

Sophia BRUHN to Wm. C. KERCKHOFF, int. in sur 932, t41, r5, $400.

Wm. C. KERCKHOFF to Thorton HENSLEY, int. in sur 932, t41, r5, $3300.

H.B. IRWIN to Peoples Bank, 204a, s20, t40, r3, $700.

H.B. WIDEMAN to W.P.CARROW, 120a, s31, t41, r3, $4500.

F.H. MEYER to Frances GROLL, 160a, s35, t40, r3, $1.

W.F. WHITE to Wm. MUSE, 2 lots, sur 2005, t42, r6, $125.

R.C. FLESHMAN to Mary KITCHING, 66.7a, s27, t42, r5, $3000.

Luther PAGE to Emma LaROSE, lot in Derby City, Festus, $750.

Nellie HEINTZ to Anna COMBE, lot in Landsdown, DeSoto, $1.


~Administrator's Notice~

Notice is hereby given that letters of adm on the estate of F.M. WIDEMAN, dec'd., were granted to the undersigned on the 11th day of Feb 1911 by the probate court of Jefferson County, MO.....William M. WIDEMAN, adm.


~Administrator's Notice~

Notice is hereby given that letters of adm on the estate of Maria OGDEN, dec'd., were granted to the undersigned on the 11th day of Feb 1911 by the probate court of Jefferson County, MO.....Felix LEUTZINGER, adm.


~Order of Publication~

In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO, Mina BARKEMEIER and Henry BARKEMEIER, her husband, Auguste SCHULZE and Louis SCHULZE her husband, Elise FULL [PULL?] and Meta LIEBHOLTZ, Plaintiffs, - vs - August GRIEWE and Elise GRIEWE, his wife and Samuel LIEBHOLTZ, Defendants.  Now at this day come the plaintiffs herein by their attorneys and file petition alleging among other things that defendant Samuel LIEBHOLTZ has absconded and absented himself from his usual place of abode in this state, whereupon, it is ordered by the undersigned clerk of said court, that said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiffs have commenced a suit against him in this court., the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree in partition in and to the following described real estate situate lying and being in the county of Jefferson, in the state of MO,


The southeast quarter of section one in township 40, range 3 east containing 180 acres.  Also the west on fourth of the east half of the southeast quarter and the east three fourth of the west half of the southeast quarter of section four in township 40 range 4 east, containing 80 acres.

And that unless the same Samuel LIEBHOLTZ be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to he begun and holden at the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, in said county before the first day of said term, answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly.

And it is further ordered that a copy here be published according to law, in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper published in said county of Jefferson for four weeks successively, published at least one a week the last insertion to be at least thirty days before the first day of said next May term of this court.

W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court


~Executrix's Notice~

Notice is hereby given that letter of testamentary on the estate of Stephen BAST, dec'd were granted by the undersigned court of Jefferson County, MO on the 27th day of Jan. 1911.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the undersigned within one year from date of publication or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate.....Maggie BAST, Executrix



- Frank BECHLER, General Blacksmith, Wagonmaker and Horseshoeing, Hillsboro, MO

- Aug. HEILIGTAG & Son, Antonia, MO Wagonmakers and Undertakers

- John McCOURTNEY, Catawissa, MO, General Auctioneer

- BYRNS & BEAN, Attorneys at Law, DeSoto

- L.A. CHAMBERLAIN, Dentist, over Allen's Millinery, DeSoto, MO: 8a.m. to 11.a.m. Sundays

- New Saloon, J.A. KOHLER, Prop, Antonia, MO