Jefferson Democrat

October 1, 1891


After our report of the interview with Judge MADISON was in type, we received a communication from him, receiving a more extended account of the Mexico convention.  We shall publish it next week.


Dr. BREWSTER has been practicing in this county for more than thirty years and, so far as we know, has never been accused of neglecting his duty, till a committee of the last grand jury made the charge on the -- of a pauper.  The charge, together with the doctor’s reply, will be found in this paper.


Freie Blaetier, published by Franz KLEIN at Festus, came to our sanctum last Friday.  It is a column folia, neatly printed and _ful of local news.  Politically it has to be “on the fence,” with a --_incline towards the Republican ---.  Mr. KLEIN asks the indulgence of the public for the first issue, because he could find no German typo in the county, and advances the supposition that our fat man could not --- set type in that language.  If he will move his cases over here, Mr. ? will agree to set more type --- in one day than he got up in his first issue in German letters.  . . . das kann derdicke Skeible--- sen thun.


We met and interviewed Judge MADISON,  one day last week, in regard to his visit to Mexico, Mo., to attend the Road-builders’ Convention.  He informed us that there was a large attendance, nearly all counties in the northern part of the State being represented.  There were County judges, surveyors, road overseers, contractors and prominent citizens in abundance.  Jefferson was the only southeastern county represented, Judge MADISON and Mr. JEWETT being our delegates.  Everybody was impressed with the necessity for good roads, and how to build and pay for them were the questions which occupied the attention of the speakers.  The general sentiment seemed in favor of amending the law, so that all road-building must be let out to contract.  There was a three days contest of road scrapers in practical road building.  First two days the trials were made in hard and rocky ground, where the machines could not work to very good advantage; but still they showed their utility.  On the third day a half mile of road was surveyed and the six contesting machines were put to work.  They had it completed in an hour and a half – graded 24 feet from ditch to ditch, rounded up in the center, and side ditches 12 inches deep.  In ground not too rocky, a half mile per day is the capacity of one machine on a road bed of above width, and the machines cost from $225 to $325 each.  The committee, appointed to decide on the contest, recommended but three of the six machines, and one of the three was the Austin, the lowest-priced of all.  Many of these machines are in the use in the northern counties, Ray having 22, Randolph 19, and Clay, Jasper, Marion and Boone 10 each.  The Judge is strongly of the opinion that each township in the county needs and ought to procure one of the machines.  He had forgotten the names of the other machines, but says they are all built on the same principle and only differ in minor details, some having certain improvements or extras which the others have not.


Superintendent WOLFE is very desirous that every school district in Missouri shall have a library, worth at least $25.  To start the ball rolling he has designated October 16th as Library Day, and expects each school to take some steps on that day towards raising means for purchase of books.  It is left to each school to adopt such measures as circumstances will indicate are best.  In order that the fund, when raised, may be expended to the best advantage, he is now at work on a scheme for selecting four libraries, to be numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, and purchased in the order named.  He will select such books as by their title ought to be appropriate and valuable, and he will distribute these books among the County commissioners and other leading educators, with the request that they make a careful examination of every page and return to him with critical notes, stating clearly every feature, page or sentence that is in any way objectionable.  If a book is found clear of objections and thought to be the right book for a Public school library, the critic is to indicate which number he thinks it ought to be classed in.  By this means he expects to be able, by some time in November, to select the four libraries, to be composed of books that are interesting, instructive and as nearly reliable as possible.  When the selections are made the schools will be furnished with catalogues.  We hope that the schools of this county will not lag behind in this matter, but that every one will take appropriate action on the 16th.


Mr. J. C. TRAVILLA, of St. Louis, was in our town last week.  He and Mr. L. HERRICK, of DeSoto, are getting up a complete map of DeSoto, with all its additions, which will be absolutely correct, showing every lot.  The work is nearly ready for the lithographer and, when completed, will be invaluable to the real estate men, and every prominent business man in the city will want a copy.  The cost, considering the probable demand, will be very reasonable, and it is quite likely that several persons outside DeSoto will find it convenient to procure a copy.  The roads leading in from the country will be correctly located on the map, and it will also designate the machine shops, fair ground, artesian wells, electric plant and the school houses, and will be a good thing to show to strangers who want to form something like a correct idea of the city.


Strayed – A red and white spotted heifer, 1 ½ years old, marked with hole in right ear.  Information paid for by Ignatz WUERZ, Antonia, Mo.


~Big Springs Spray~

By D. W.


Many of the wells and cisterns are failing in this part of the county.


Harvey WINER has been reemployed to clerk in the Wheel store at the Springs.  He is a proficient young man.


Jefferson County has increased in morals, as she has in population, for the last ten years.  She is no laggard.


Edward BURGESS has found out a short method to break Indian ponies; that is, to tame them.  He breaks their necks at once.


A daughter of Mr. Steve PERRY was seriously scalded by accident, having a teapot of boiling water turned over upon her.


Mr. V. PRICE and lady, formerly of House’s Spring and now of Johnson County, are visiting friends in this neighborhood.


The drouth we are having is causing most farmers to be idle and trusting to Providence to send rain, for which they would be thankful.


Esq. SCHULZE is improving his place by building an addition to his dwelling.  Our miller is also finishing up a large and commodious building.  He needs more room if he continues importing men from Belgium.


I have been informed that two of our good citizens at House’s Springs had a difficulty about some very frivolous matter, and were ready in a second to either pull wool or thump heads.  Stop, boys, and think!  Are you not behind the times?  Such work was only tolerated in past ages.  Take a drink and cool off.


Some time since I noticed an item in the Republic, that somewhere in Missouri there were more copperhead snakes to be seen this year than have been seen for many years.  We can verify the statement and it is applicable to this part of the country.  There have been more copperhead snakes killed in this township this Summer and Fall than there have been the previous ten years.


I have understood that the cooperative store at the Springs has undergone a change; the running of the business is now by contract, and George BOEMLER has control of the store for so much a year.  The stockholders have had an inventory of goods taken and found that the dividend is small, if any, although it appears that they have been selling a great many goods.  There is not much profit in selling goods at 12 1/3 per cent, with the expenses they have, for a country store, if they are after profits, and I guess they are from the way I have heard some of the stockholders talk.


Big Springs, Sept. 23, 1891.

~Saline Creek Sprays~

By Anthony


The drouth has killed all pastures; the steams have gone dry, so that people must haul water for miles, and ploughing for wheat is progressing but slowly.  Take it all in all, however, the crops were good in this locality.


The fortune tellers, the threshing machines, have been through the country, and now every farmer knows how rich he is.  There will be a larger area of wheat sown this Fall than ever, because the farmers know they will get rich on every bushel of wheat protected by the MCKINLEY bill.


News is scarce, excepting weddings and funerals; they are always plentiful.  Hon. Anderson BOWLES quietly passed away at his residence in St. Louis County on the 16th inst., aged 80 years.  His remains were followed to their resting place, in the family graveyard, by a large number of friends.


The Sugar Creek base ball club has ceased to exist, owing to their best man, George HERZOG, having hired to ROSENAUER & KINDLE as water-hauler.  The club is mad at George; but everybody knows how much swearing it takes to fill the tank with water and make the team go, and the amount of sleep lost in helping the girls wash dishes after supper.  How could he play ball on Sundays?  The other morning he came to work at 10 o’clock.  When asked what kept him so late, he said his brother was sick and he had set up with him all night.  I will wager a new hat that that brother wore dresses in day time, and his name was Annie or Mary, something sweeter than Jim or Jack.

Saline Creek, Sept., 19, 1891



By Eureka


Our farmers are awaiting rain, so as to be able to put in their wheat crop, the cisterns are all about giving out, as well as the wells and springs.  The drouth is also bad on the late-potatoes.


As usual, ZIPP’s picnic passed of all o.k.  It was a dry, hot day, and about twenty kegs of beer and an immense lot of soda was made way with.  The fish were excellent and splendidly cooked.  The crowd was a good and paying one, and the Maxville brass band kept playing till midnight.


We had a pretty good shake-up by an earthquake Saturday night.  It shook pretty lively.  A young man living with Frank TIEFENBRUNN was so badly scared – it being the first earthquake he ever felt – that he barred all doors and windows, and put the old gun where it was handy.  He declared it was some tramp or burglar, trying to get into the house; for everything shook, even the lamp globe took a tumble.

Maxville, Sept. 28, 1891


~Valle Minings~

By Honeybee


I will come again soon, with more news.

The streets of this little town are quite dusty.

Farmers have sown no wheat here yet, it being too dry.

J. L. GOFF visited here Sunday, noting the progress of business.

A slight earthquake shock was felt Saturday night, but no damage was done.

A severe drouth is here at present, and has dried up news items as well as everything else.

Mr. L. LAWSON, who has been residing here, has moved to the new mines near Bonne Terre, where he will make his home in future.



The following is the report of the Missouri State Board of Agriculture:

Rainfall has been below & temperature and sunshine above the normal.

The weather conditions for the past seven days have not been seasonable; the absence of rain with excess of temperature and sunshine has affected all vegetation injuriously.  Late corn is firing, pastures are burning, stock water getting scarce and winter apples are dropping.

Wheat seeding is being delayed, almost suspended, a few counties only reporting seeding progressing under difficulties.  Fear is also expressed that the seed already sown may not germinate well on account of the heat and drouth

Levi CHUBBUCK, Sec’y State Board.


~At Cost~

I am closing out, at cost, my stock of Eli walking or three wheeled plows.  This is a plow that can be used as well by a man of 60 or by one of 20 years, for if he gets tired of walking, he can ride.  I am selling them at cost because I need the money in rebuilding my shop.  Those needs other kinds of plows, drills, rolling coulters of any other farming equipment are requested to call on me, as I have reduced prices on all.  Henry HURTGEN, Hillsboro, MO


~Knorpp News~

By M. E., Knorpp, September 21, 1891


Mrs. Wesley KNORPP is very sick at the present.


Mr. REF and lady were visiting at her sisters, Mrs. KROPP’s/(Krepp’s?), at Crystal City, last week.


Rain is very much needed.  Farmers had to stop sowing wheat on account of dry weather.


Mrs. Mary BRUNE was on a visit to her father’s the past week.  She left on last Thursday, accompanied by her father, Mr. KAUSLER.

[transcriber note: Albert Henry Kausler, resident of DeSoto, was the father of Mrs. Wm. Henry Brune (Mary Margaret).


Our postmaster, Charles KNORPP, his wife and two youngest daughters, went on a pleasure trip to St. Louis Friday morning, and remained a few days.  They report having had a good time.


Mrs. T. H. HASSE, Miss Rosie and Trastie, went on a flying trip to St. Louis, Saturday week before last, and came back Sunday.  They, too, report a good time.                        


~List of Conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:


George W. ALLEN to A. F. STROUP, two lots in DeSoto …. $102

Same to Joseph LORENZ, three lots in DeSoto …. $150

C. B. ELLIOTT to R. P. MILNE, 160 acres, S24 T43 R3  …. $6000

R. P. MILNE to Viola J. MILNE, the same land … $6000

J. O. BROADHEAD to P. H. GLENDENNING, 2 ½ acres, in S13 T42, R6…$15

A--- HOLSTER (Hulster?) to James A. SCOTT, 12 acres in survey #?....$475

A. F. STROUP to John SCHREIBER, two lots in DeSoto ….$102

Maggie C. GLENDENNING to G. M. EHRET, 11 1/2 acres in survey 893….$500

Peter CHRIST to Jacob BLANK, 386 acres in survey 2970 ….$6000

E. F. LOLLAR et al to W. J. FROST, 210 acres, S10 & 11, T41, R 2 … $2100

W. A. OTTOMEYER et al, by sheriff to W. A. OTTOMEYER, 62 acres, S ?, T41, R4 …. $175

Anna M. GEHRING to Herman Whibble (Whipple?), 41 acres, S21, T41, R4…$550

Leo KOHLER to Martin ZIMPFER, lot in survey 1989 …. $400

N. SLAWSON to H. E. ZORN, lot in DeSoto … $500

H. E. ZORN to Phoebe SLAWSON, lot in DeSoto … $500

B. WILLE to Lorenz FRANK, lot in Festus … $1000

H. P. LAROSE to J. M. LAROSE, lot in Festus … $250

J. M. LAROSE to Lavetia LILLY, lot in Festus … $250



Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the Probate court of Jefferson county, Missouri, made at its August term, 1891, on the 22nd day of August, 1891, -- the undersigned, guardian of the person and property of Augustus K.[sic] MEYER, a person of unsound mind, will, on Saturday, October 3, 1891, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., a the court-house door in Hillsboro, Jefferson county, Missouri, in session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for the purpose of paying the debts and for the maintenances of said insane person, the following described real estate of said August E.[sic] MEYER, insane, to wit:  The south half and northwest fourth of southeast quarter, of section seventeen, township forty, range four east, containing 120(?) acres; and ten acres off the south end of side of the northeast fourth of southeast quarter, of section seventeen, township forty, range four east; also the northeast fourth of northeast quarter, and the north half of northwest fourth of northeast quarter, of section twenty, township forty, range four east, consisting of 60 acres, all situated in Jefferson County, Missouri.  Terms of sale – One third cash at time of sale and the balance in twelve months, the purchaser to give note with approved security for deferred payment, bearing interest from date at the rate of six per cent. Per annum, or all cast at option of the purchaser.    John CARREY, Guardian of Augustus F.[sic] MEYER, insane.  Hillsboro, September 3, 1891.


~Notice to Taxpayers~

 Notice is hereby given that I will meet the taxpayers of Jefferson Co, MO, at the following times and places, for the purpose of receiving their taxes due for the year 1891:


Central township,                                            Hillsboro,                     Sept. 24, 25, 26

Big River,                                                        Grubville,                     Sept. ----

Big River,                                                        Morse’s Mill,                Sept. ----

Big River,                                                        Frumet,                        Sept. ----

Plattin township,                                              Rush Tower,                October 5

Plattin township,                                              Danby,            October  6

Plattin township,                                              McCormack’s,   Octobe   7

Valle township,                                                Valle Mines,                  October  8

Joachim township,                                          Crystal City,                  October 12

Joachim township,                                          Festus,                         October 13, 14

Valle township,                                                DeSoto,                         October 15, 16, 17

Rock township,                                                Kimmswick,                  October 19, 20

Rock township,                                                Sulphur Spring,            October 21

Joachim township,                                          Pevely,                          October 22

Joachim township,                                          Hematite                       October 22

Central township,                                            Hillsboro,                      October ----

Meramec township,                                         Dittmer’s Store,            October 26

Meramec township,                                         Cedar Hill,                    October 27

Meramec township,                                         Byrnesville,                  October 28

Meramec township,                                         House’s Spring,           October 29

Meramec township,                                         High Ridge,                 October 30

Rock township,                                                Maxville,                      November 10, 11

Rock township,                                                Antonia,                       November 12


Bring along the number of the land you desire to pay taxes on.  A correct tax receipt will answer the purpose.  The attention of the taxpayers is called to section ---  of the Revised Statutes, which will be rigidly enforced. 

Herman HAMEL, Collector of Jefferson Co., Hillsboro, Mo., August, 27, 1891.




The fees of the petit jurors for the term of Court just closed amounted to $330.00.


Rubber boots at bottom prices, at Ed VOLLMAR’s, Hillsboro, MO.


There will be preaching at the Church in Hillsboro, next Sunday night, at 7:30 p.m., by Rev. W. F. GRUNDY.


Infant goods a specialty at SINGER’s in Festus.


Assessor MCFARLAND has about finished assessing all the townships, except Joachim, where he begins this week.


Richard, son of John Y. BUREN of near Zion, cut a bee tree on the 23rd ultim which contained 30 pounds of splendid honey.


Mourning goods a specialty at SINGER’s in Festus, MO.


Rev. O. M. MARTIN, of St. Louis, came down, yesterday, to take a squirrel hunt with John H. RAPPY and R. W. MCMULLIN.


Hats trimmed free of charge while you are waiting at SINGER’s.


Charles HERWEI---/Herweiser? starts next Saturday for Monmouth, Ills., on a visit to his sister whom he has not seen for several years.


Licensed to marry – T. H. SERRIN and Maud E. DUFFY, William Z. PRITCHETT and Alice S. WILEY, Albert E. DEWITT and Louisa BONACKER.


There will be a meeting of Hillsboro Lodge, No. 179, A. O. U. W., next Saturday evening.  The members are all requested to attend.


Eugene HIRSCH, the tombstone man, has moved from DeSoto to St. Louis.  We understand that he could not make ends meet in his business at DeSoto.


Next Sunday is German Day, and we learn that some of the Germans of DeSoto are talking about celebrating it, in appropriate style, at Mantel’s Springs.


The very unusual (for this time of year) dry and hot spell of weather which has prevailed for two weeks, was broken last Monday by a good shower of rain.


Cristian FELDNER, sister of Mrs. Geo. LONY, died at New Orleans, La., Jan 30, 1891, aged 71 years, 5 months and . . . days.  She leaves nine grandchildren, and many relatives and friends, to mourn her loss.


Chris HOCK, of DeSoto, has returned from his visit to Germany, bringing with him a magnificent hand organ.  We presume he brought no monkey for the reason that one can buy an --?-- at his saloon.


We printed a lot of job work for JARVIS & DONNELL, proprietors of the Joachim Mills, at Hematite.  The mill has been entirely overhauled, and the proprietors are paying the highest market price.


The earthquake, which occurred a few minutes before 11 o’clock last Saturday night, waked nearly everybody in town.  It was the severest shock we ever remember experiencing.  The house shook for about a minute.


Commissioner VEAZEY has been notified that the new grammars, adopted for this State, are now ready to be supplied to all who want them.  Supplies for introduction must be ordered of the publishers:  D. C. HEATH & Co., Boston, Mass.


Mrs. Thornton JARVIS is suffering an affliction which gives her and her friends some uneasiness.  One side of her face has become paralyzed and is drawn out of shape.  She has been to St. Louis, to consult Dr. GREGORY, but has gotten no relief yet.


On the 20th of September, Constable BUREN brought to jail a young man named Sam WIGGER, who was arraigned before ‘Squire WARNE for carrying a pistol.  His trial was set for the 30th, and being unable to give bond he was sent to jail for safe keeping.


Mrs. Sullivan FRAZIER, accompanied by two of her children, left last week for the Indian Territory, where she goes on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Wm. KYLE.  The Parson is now living with his son Charles, who has taken charge of the old homestead.


Our item, week before last, in regard to a lawyer, who had learned the difference between Justices and Circuit court, was a reference to Mr. MURPHY, and was doubtless misunderstood by every citizen of the county; but we learn that it was misconstrued somewhere else.


Hematite Lodge, No. . . ., A. O. U. W., will visit Hillsboro Lodge on the evening of the second Monday in October, and it is expected that a good, social and fraternal time will be had, that will result in benefit to the order.  We hope that there will be a full attendance of members of Hillsboro Lodge.


Prof. George FRIEDRICH, of Kimmswick, has recently returned from Darmstadt, Germany, where he went to visit relatives and friends of his boyhood days.  While there he found an old map of the world, make in (1483?) by Johannes SEITZER of Arnhem, which he copied.  It is a curiosity, and with few exceptions corresponds with the maps of today as far as it goes.


Judge FOX held Court all last week but went home Saturday.  There was not much to do, as witnesses in several cases were absent, from sickness and other causes.  Judge GREEN resumed the bench on Monday, and spent the time listening to arguments of motions.  The damage case from St. Louis of O’NEIL vs. YOUNG, which had been set for that day, was continued over till next term.


Road Commissioner DOVER let out the contract for building three bridges last week.  One, near the . . . place, on road from C. F. LEE’s to Festus, was laid to by Jacob GROB at . . .; one up Hillsboro and House’s Spring road near James MORRIS’, was let to Dock BOYD at $101, and another, on same road near WOHLBOLD’S, to Louis GROSSGLOSE at $168.23.  All three of the jobs were taken at less than the estimates.


We wish to call attention to the big sale of personal property by Col. John O’FALLON, which occurs next Saturday, and is advertised in this paper.  From the large amount of stock and favorable terms offered, almost any one can be saited.  Everything will be sold, regardless of price, as the Col. is forced to close out on account of his bad health.  Conveyances will be at Pevely, meeting the trains, to carry those who wish to attend the sale.  Don’t forget that the time is next Saturday, the 3rd inst.


For sale or rent, a house and barn with 5 acres of land in Hillsboro.  Inquire at Mrs. A. GEHRING for particulars or address Frank GUENTHER, 2122 Bismarck Street, St. Louis, MO.


Frank DEARING’s horse jumped out of his pasture, something not unusual for him to do, but at this time he concluded to go away, something he had never done before.  The horse was seen on the way towards Washington County, and it was supposed he was making for the place where he was born and bred; but, M. W. HORINE spent a week out in that county hunting for him, and could neither find the horse nor the place of his nativity.  The loss of the horse and expense of trying to recover him makes it pretty rough on Frank.


Andy FRANK, a young DeSoto barber, was taken before a Justice of the Peace, charged with seduction under promise of marriage.  He admitted his guilt and promised to marry the girl, claiming that such had been his intention all the while, so the case was dismissed.  He failed to keep his promise and left the city; but, was soon after located at Pine Bluff, Ark., and Constable N. P. BUREN went down and brought him back, reaching here Monday morning with the prisoner.  Frank again announces his willingness to marry the girl, but she has not come to his rescue yet. [also see Oct 8th issue]

[Transcriber notes: Andrew J M Frank, over 21, md, Miss. Rosa Johnson, under 21, on Oct. 1, 1891, Jefferson County, MO; written consent of mother (mother’s name not given; her mother was Ellen Johnson) BIRTH: a son, Andy Frank, was born in St. Louis a few months earlier on Jun 16, 1891 (Male; white; mother: Rosie Johnson, b. MO; father: Andy Frank, b. MI)



The citizens of DeSoto were considerably excited, last Sunday morning, over what they termed an earthquake, supposed to have occurred Saturday night about 11 o’clock. They were mistaken as to the cause of the shock.  Our fat man had gone down to that city Saturday evening, to attend lodge, and it was just that time of night that he went to test the strength of the Fred WAPPLER’s bedsteads.  The bedstead held up all right, but the last time the fat man saw Mr. WAPPLER, that gentleman was in earnest consultation with John BRIDELL, figuring up the probable cost of having the Jefferson House replastered.  Prof. GEHRING was doing the figuring, the job being too much for Fred and John’s algebra learning.  I’—sh!  Er kommt!”


Bazile HINEY is a good citizen who performs his public duties without grumbling; but, sometimes, he suffers as other good natured people do.  The other day he was working the road with some of his neighbors.  He had his dinner in his coat pocket, and hung his coat on the fence.  While he was grubbing away, earning his pay, a preacher came along with his dog.  The preacher and the road boss got into a conversation, while the dog got into HINEY’s pocket and abstracted his dinner and ate it up.  The road boss seems to think it is a pretty good joke on HINEY, but we do not know what the preacher and dog think about it.


Strayed – a light bay filly, ten years old last spring, rather heavy set, heavy boned, white spot in forehead and a single white stripe in face, and some white on both hind feet.  Will pay liberally for her, or for information leading to her recovery.  R. G. MADISON , Festus, Mo.


One day during the first week of Circuit court a young colored man was making himself very prominent, stepping around town nicely dressed, with Prince Albert coat and everything else corresponding, and with a neat little grip suspended to his shoulder by a strap.  One day during the next week, a Negro of about the same size but with an old slouch hat and shabby clothes, was arraigned in court on the charge of stealing a watch, and proved his innocence and unsophisticatedness to the satisfaction of the jury.  It was George WHITENER both times, and the change in his dress and appearance was made at the direction of his attorney, C. KLEINSCHMIDT.


I will sell my brick houses on Second, between and Fletcher Streets.  A five room house on a 50 foot lot and one double house, five rooms each on 50 foot lot.  Will bring 10 percent on investment.  Will sell all or one on easy terms. Enquire of C. H. H. HANDCOCK or J.R. SERRIN.


A good deal of sympathy has been wasted on Dr. Spotted WOLF, who is looked upon by some as a much persecuted individual.  The fact is, he has been dealt with very leniently, as the records will show.  He was twice, informed, beforehand, by the Prosecuting Attorney, as to what the law required and what would be the result of violating the law.  The law is not a harsh or unreasonable one, either – it was enacted for the purpose of protecting the people from frauds.  The health of the people is something that our lawmakers have a right to guard by stringent statutes.  After providing that some shall practice medicine or surgery without first being educated in the profession, and getting license from a reputable school; and also providing that none but educated and licensed pharmacists may act as druggists or druggists’ clerks, it was only proper and right that those who vend quack medicines shall be regulated.  The tax of $100 per month was not to oppress any one; but, it was intended to, in a great measure, suppress the humbugs, and we think it a good wholesome law.


Strayed – A sorrel horse, about nine years old and 13 ½ hands high, right hind foot white, small white spot in forehead, small ---- or saddle gall near center of back and collar marked.  Will pay liberally for his return to Hillsboro or for information leading to his recover.  F. R. DEARING, Hillsboro, Mo.


Frumet, Sept. 26 – The weather here is remarkably dry.  Most of the farmers are busy cutting up corn.  Some have commenced sowing wheat, notwithstanding the dry spell.  Hogs are dying with cholera in this section.  The company store at this place is doing a lively business.  For the two years ending September 16th they gained 67 ¼ percent, on the capital stock invested.  The annual election of said company was held on the 16th; Willis N. HOPSON was elected as clerk and manager for ensuing year, and C. E. MERSEAL as purchasing agent and assistant clerk.  Thomas M. BAKER and Esquire SENTER are engaged in mining; the ‘Squire still fills his official station.  The P.M. Wm. FESS(?) accompanied by his wife, went to St. Louis this week.  Assessor MCFARLAND shows his smiling face now and then.  He reports a great many people living in Jefferson County.  The school in this district, with Miss Ella FRISSELL as the teacher, is progressing nicely.  Now, Mr. Editor, I will not write any more at present; but will say, if these items show up in print, I will likely come again.                    Riverside.



Editor Jefferson Democrat:

In reply to the article of the grand jury, I would state that I have attended to every call when notified by the superintendent of the county poor house.  I have neglected my outside practice in order to give attention to the paupers.  I have made in the last two years 200 or 300 visits to prisoners, paupers and lunatics, at salary of $125 a year, costing me from $50 to $75 a year for medicine, leaving me a remuneration of $75 for my services.  

As regards the pauper lady mentioned in the report, why she has a sore ankle, which I cured two years ago; through imprudence and neglect on her part, it was again hurt and it will take some time to heal it up.  If she will give it the attention, as I directed, it will heal up again.

So you see that I have done my duty in every respect, and the paupers have had the best of medical treatment bestowed upon them; they have no complaint to make.  According to contract I have only to visit the sick when notified by the superintendent; I then wait upon them until they are well.  I have a great number of extra calls.  It is not required of me to devote all of my time and attention to the poor farm, only when called on by the superintendent.   Thos. S. BREWSTER, M. D., Hillsboro, Sept. 29, 1891



~Deaths and Births~

The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:


Date.                                       Name.                                     Age.

August 26,                   James LUTHER,                                 26 years

Sept. 11,                      William CROMWELL,                          11 months



Date.                                       Name of Mother.                     Sex.

Sept. 10,                      Mrs. Frank AUBUCHON,                    girl

Sept. 16,                      Mrs. Edward BURGESS,                    girl



~Circuit Court News~


State vs. Robert J. MCBROOM: forfeiture of recognizance set aside and cause generally continued.


Thomas C. O’HAVER vs Charles WALDRON, partition continued at cost of plaintiff.


Anna NICCOLLE was granted a divorce from her husband, Louis.  He failed to put in any defense.


State vs Joseph BRADFORD, assault:  dismissed.


Ellen MCDOWELL vs. City of DeSoto, damages for personal injuries:  continued on account of sickness of witness.


Bridget BERRY vs Nicholas LEE, Partition:  Administer of Estate of Anna SWAIN allowed $100 out of funds due minor heirs.


People’s Bank vs W. E. FITE and others:  judgment for defendants.


State vs George WHITENER, charged with stealing a watch:  defendant acquitted.


State vs Noah WILLIAMS, Andrew WILLIAMS and John HAMPTON, charged with stealing wine:  Noah WILLIAMS acquitted, Andrew WILLIAMS discharged, and John HAMPTON found guilty and sentenced to 20 days in county jail.


Robert C. FRANK filed declaration of intention of becoming a citizen of the United States.


Thomas J. WILEY vs J. C. MCMULLIN, ejectment:  judgment for plaintiff for possession of premises, and execution stayed for 15 days from Sept. 25:  plaintiff to pay his own costs and defendant the balance.  The replevin suit between same parties was compromised and dismissed.


Peter BERG vs Noah FAUBER, action for damages:  cause tried and taken under consideration by the Court till next term.


Henry COLLAUD of Belgium, and Ernst DESLAYES of Switzerland, were made full citizens.


State vs Otto SPITZ, Powel SPITZ and Chris HONIG, convicted at last term for killing fish with dynamite:  motion for new trial overruled and execution ordered.


ANDERSON vs. St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway, action for damages:  plaintiff ruled to give security for costs thirty days before next term.


GORHAM vs AUERSWALD:  plaintiff was granted appeal to St. Louis Court of Appeals.


Rudolph HARNESS pled guilty to carrying a pistol and was fined $30.


Dr. Spotted WOLF settled up the costs against him, amounted to $78.20, and his fine was commuted to the time had spent in jail, and he was set free on Tuesday morning.  He had $50 and a woman came Monday evening who furnished the balance.


Court adjourned Monday evening till next Saturday.


~Grand Jury Report~

The last grand jury submitted the following report:  We have, through a committee, examined the county farm, the place where the paupers are kept, and find that the place and buildings are in fair condition, with the exception of two buildings which are in need of new roofs, and some window lights which should be replaced.  The place seems to be well-kept in general and has a clean appearance.  The paupers said that they were well treated and had enough to eat.  We find further that Dr. BREWSTER neglects his duty in attending to sick paupers, as some of them complained that the doctor had not been there for three weeks, although one lady had a sore on her foot and needed assistance badly.

We have inspected the jail and found it and the cells therein clean and in fair sanitary condition.  The prisoners said they were humanely treated and had enough to eat.  As to the safety of the jail, we can say that it is almost impossible for any prisoner to get out if properly locked up in their cells, provided they do not have help from the outside.  We would advise, however, that the hinges of the inside hall door, which were sawed off, be replaced by new ones as soon as possible.

We have inspected and compared the settlements of the Collector with the books of the County clerk, and found everything correct.

J. M. BAILEY, Foreman.                     Jos. RUSTIGE, Secretary


~Fall Festivities at St. Louis~

The Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route are offering exceptionally low rates to the St. Louis Exposition, Fair and other attractions this year.  The displays at the Exposition, Veiled Prophet’s Parade, brilliant street illuminations, great St. Louis Fair, and all other attractions, will be on a scale never attempted before, and this will be a rate opportunity of seeing St. Louis.  Inquire of your ticket agent for special low rates, tickets and further information.  H. C. TOWNSEND, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Mo.



After an illness of six weeks, which at first was not regarded as alarming, George B. HALE died on the 20th inst., at his late residence in Piedmont, Mo.  The cause of his death was old age, and most of the family was at his bedside when death claimed him.  Deceased was born in London, England, April 23, 1809; he emigrated to this country in about 1830, and settled at Herculaneum.  He taught one among the first schools in Jefferson County.  He followed this vocation some forty years in this and adjoining counties, and finally had to quit on account of deafness.  He was one among the best penmen in the State.  Mr. Hale leaves a widow and seven children – three sons and four daughters – to mourn his death.  His life had been an active and useful one.  He had a large circle of friends and acquaintances, who highly esteemed him for his honesty, probity and fearless character in advocating what he thought was right.  The funeral took place at 3 p.m. Monday, in the family graveyard near Blackwell, Mo.                  L. C. HALE, Jr.


~Public Auction~

I will sell at public venue, at my farm on the State road, one mile north of Pevely, the same recently having been occupied by Mr. SCHINDLER, on Saturday, October 3, 1891, all the household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils and live stock formerly owned by said SCHINDLER; also 20 acres of corn in shock, and some four tons of hay.  Being compelled, in consequence of ill health, to leave Missouri for a time at least, I will, at the same time and place, also sell all my personal property – except household and kitchen furniture – now on my place at Sulphur Springs, consisting of 10 or 12 horses, mares and colts; 35 head of cows and calves – nearly all the cows giving milk and of good dairy stock; few fine hogs; four or five farm wagons, as many sets of double harness, a lot of plows, harrows, and other farming implements, one 7-foot mower, a fine 4-seated spring wagon, suitable for family use, a single spring wagon, two sets of single buggy harness, a No. 1 road cart and harness, about 20 acres of corn in the shock, (?) tons of hay, and other things too numerous to mention.

Terms – On sums over five dollars a credit of twelve months will be given, without interest, purchasers giving their notes with approved security.

Information desired will be cheerfully given at the above-mentioned place, or at my residence, near Sulphur Springs.   John O’FALLON.


Great chance for a farm of 140 acres just north of DeSoto on the Gravel Road; 2 story double frame with furnace; 100 acres in cultivation.  Hill land, woods, pasturage, bottom land.  Plenty of water, not a nicer farm in Jefferson County. Gravel Road and Railroad run right through it; station on the place.  Should double in value within 5 years.  Unexceptional terms of ten years at 4 percent interest.

This splendid place can be bought at 1/3 cash; deferred payment at any time, or any amount, on or before ten years with 4 percent interest semi-annually.  $6500 is the price.  There is big money in it for anyone who can make the first payment; will double or triple his investment.  Apply on the farm for further information to Capt. F.H. BLACKMAN or address Chas. A. BAILEY, 304 North 7th, St. Louis, MO.




STODDART & Co. Patents, Washington, DC

MOCKBEE House (Clark’s Hotel), Hillsboro, MO

New Country Store Glade Chapel, Mrs. Anna FRAZIER

M. ZIEGLER - Boss Cases, Kimmswick, MO

14 Mile House, Lemay Road, Accommodation for Man and Beast

Aug. KASSEBAUM, Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Boots, Paint, Oil, Seeds

Rob’t COXWELL Undertaker, DeSoto, MO, Robes of all kinds and emblems of every description; orders by telegraph promptly attended to

John HEINER Hotel and Saloon, Pevely, MO

R. P. STEWART Stables, DeSoto, MO

F. AUBUCHON & Son General Merchandise, DeSoto, MO

E. B. MAUPIN Auctioneer, Hillsboro, MO; he will also open a feed stable at Hoeken’s Old Stand on the first of January, where stock will be well cared for…

Leo BERRESHEIM General Merchandise, Seckman, MO

F. P. KENNER’S New Saloon, Festus, MO

Frank J. HAMPEL Hartford Fire Ins. Co. & Bloomington Nurseries, Maxville, MO

Drs. STARKEY & PALEN’s Treatment by Inhalation, San Francisco, CA

Jefferson County Bank, Bakewell & Monroe, DeSoto, MO

E. VOLLMAR Dry Goods, Hillsboro, MO

Jos. J. HOEKEN’s Cash Store

Clairette Soap

Crystal Plate Glass

Louis GREVE’s General Store, Pevely, MO

J. W. MATHEIS General Merchandise, Pevely, MO

Elmer KEMPE Boots and Shoes, DeSoto, MO

SINGER’s Millinery and Ladies Furnishings