Thursday,  FEBRUARY 27, 1890

Crystal and Festus; by Damphool


The foundation for a “calcine” furnace is completed at Herculaneum, the first of a series of works to go up this Summer at that place.


Please tell Mr. EITZEN, the road overseer, that the highway between Crystal and Festus, east of the bridge, needs his attention bad, very bad.


The new railroad is now completed, connection having been made with Illinois Station. A double track connects Herculaneum with the terminal.


A new superintendent now gives the finishing touches to the road between Crystal and Illinois Station. I understand his name is GOEBLER and a crack workman too.


A hundred new coal cars were added to the already numerous rolling stock of the Crystal railroad. Coal cars come now direct from Grand Tower north, instead as heretofore via St. Louis.


“Uncle Theodore” is apparently well pleased with his new saloon at North Crystal. He is now beautifying the surroundings and intends to make the place a comfortable resort during summer.


It is reliably stated that the depot for the accommodation of Festus will soon be built by the St. Joe Company. The location selected is on the land acquired of Robert MOORE, north of the Crystal railroad.


The river’s channel is playing havoc with our landings along its banks. It is preparing to leave us altogether. Perhaps the father of waters knows that the people around here have little use for his surplus.


Pension day came around Saturday, and our boys were made glad. What a vast difference between payday now and payday six years ago! Of course, there were some disturbances, but chiefly from outsiders. The ice-house was occupied by several boozy men for one night and Four Courts bleeded many purses on Monday.



Mr. Lawrence DEIGHNS wife died after a brief illness, on the evening of the 11th inst. She was buried in the STOVESAND burying grounds and the funeral was largely attended.


A telegram was sent Mr. Christopher BYRNE, who is attending college at Baltimore, Maryland, notifying him of his father’s death. He started, expecting to reach home in time for the funeral, but arrived one day too late. He will return to Baltimore on next Tuesday to resume his studies.


I think the Coroner ought to appoint a deputy in this township, as the law has been changed so that justice have no power to hold inquests, except by the permission of the Coroner.  On account of this act, passed some four or six years ago, Squire GEATLEY refused to have anything to do with the PERRY case, until permitted to do so by Dr. BRUCE; hence they had to send a person to Eureka, a distance of about eight miles, to telegraph Dr. BRUCE for permission to hold the inquest, and it was about 2 o’clock in the evening before an answer came, and the inquest was held very late, of course.


Thomas BYRNE, who has been very low since Christmas, but was thought to be slowly recovering when I last wrote you, died on the evening of the 3rd inst., at 8:30 o’clock. He was the second oldest son of Judge Patrick BYRNE, and was an exemplary young man, highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was married about fifteen months ago to Miss Katie, daughter of Mr. John DEWINE. He leaves a fond wife and child, father, mother, sisters, brothers, and a host of warm personal friends to mourn his untimely death. He was buried in the Byrnesville cemetery. The funeral was one of the largest that has taken place in this section for quite a while.


Mark PERRY met with the saddest and most unexpected death that occurred in this township for many a year. He went out on Monday afternoon, just after eating dinner to cut some rail timber. He chopped a tree, which must have started to fall in the opposite direction he had intended it; at any rate, it seems he ran in the direction the tree fell, and failed to get out of the way. One of the limbs struck and killed him instantly, breaking his back in two places and his right leg just above the knee. It must have happened shortly after he went out from dinner, as he was perfectly cold when found by Oliver CROMWELL and others about 5:30 p.m. Mark was a good, industrious man, and I am satisfied that he did not have an enemy in the world. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss, which will be sadly felt. He was buried in the Byrnesville cemetery.


Administrators Notice on the estate of Edward MCHUGH, deceased, R.W. MCMULLIN administrator

Trustees Sale, Frank KELM and his wife Amelia KELM,  W.H.H. THOMAS, trustee

Trustees Sale, Herman ZIRMAN and his wife Clementina ZIRMAN,  J.F. GREEN, trustee


Prof. James KIDD of High Ridge was in town Saturday.


Licensed to marry – Newman POUNDS and Arnette M. WILLIAMS; Anderson SWEENEY and Dicy NOLAN.


Go to the auction sale at D.F. RICHARDS, DeSoto, next Saturday for bargains in dry goods, groceries, or any other kind of goods you need.


Married in the Recorder’s office in Hillsboro, February 21, 1890, by Judge ELKINS, Mr. Newman F. POUNDS and Miss Arnette WILLIAMS, daughter of Leonard WILLIAMS all of Big River township.


Prof. Jos. FLYNN, who lately located in Festus for the practice of law, has gone to Bonne Terre and bought the “Merit” outfit, and is now publishing the Bonne Terre Democrat, a rattling good Democratic paper.


James W. THOMPSON, of near Morse’s Mill, died last Tuesday morning, after an illness of more than a month. He leaves a wife and children. He was a member of the AOUW and his family will receive $2000.


A regular communication of Shekinah Lodge, No. 256 AF & AM will be held at the hall in Festus, on Saturday evening, March 1st. Visiting brothers fraternally invited. Work in 1st degree. By order of the W.M.            D.B. FROST sec.


Mrs. John B. CRAFT, of Pevely, collected and paid over to Mr. Thompson BROWN $21.40 to assist in seating Glade Chapel church. Mrs. CRAFT used to live in the neighborhood of the church, and hence her kindly interest in it, and her efforts are highly appreciated by the members of the church.


Wanted – A married man to milk and work on farm. Would prefer one with two or three children old enough and willing to milk cows.  T.A. CHARLES


In extracting teeth, Dr. ZORN is sympathetic and sure. In filling teeth, Dr. ZORN is easy and complete. In making teeth, Dr. ZORN is pretty and a good fit. In all work of dentistry, the DeSoto Dental Rooms are without an equal in Missouri. Where other dentists fail, Dr. ZORN makes a sure success.


Strayed – A yearling roan bull; also a yearling speckled heifer, mostly white; both unmarked. Any person who will inform me of their whereabouts will be compensated for the trouble. Address, S.R. HAWKINS, Hematite


There was a great deal of talk around Grubville, last week, about an occurrence near there, over in Franklin county. A Mrs. DORAN died on Wednesday, and there was strong suspicion that her husband had caused the death. She had not been buried up to Saturday, but we did not learn whether or not an inquest was held.


The sale of personal property of John M. WILSON, deceased, took place at his late residence, near Grubville, last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Richard HAMKER was the auctioneer and R.W. MCMULLIN clerked. There was a large crowd present and the property brought good prices. The sale bill will aggregate about $5000.


Some boys at the Oak Hill school house have been behaving badly during church services held there, and are liable to get into serious trouble if they do not correct their conduct. The law of this State is strict against disturbing religious congregations, and it will be enforced if necessary. It is presumed that in this case, a gentle warning is all that is needed.


Robert RICHARDSON and Miss Susan C. BOYD were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, by Rev. J.M. HENSLEY, at residence of Robinson BOYD, in Victoria, on the 19th inst. This being Mr. RICHARDSON’s second venture in the matrimonial line his friends, to the number of about seventy-five, called at his residence on the night of the 20th and proceeded to give him and his bride an old fashioned cow-bell and tin-pan serenade. Their visit was expected and he prepared to entertain them, and every body seems happy over the result. Bob compliments the crowd on their behavior and they speak very highly of the way he treated them.


Hematite Feb. 24 – After a hard struggle and a long pull our Church at Festus is finished. It is a beautiful little church. I do not think I ever saw a nicer one for the same money. Its seating capacity is about 300. The town of Festus need not be ashamed of the structure, and well may the church be proud of it and thankful for it.



Peach blossoms were in full bloom on Tuesday.

Albert HAMEL, who is attending St. Louis Medical College, spent part of last week in DeSoto.

About $140 were cleared at the festival, given by the ladies, for improving the Catholic cemetery.

Henry LEPP has sold his wood and coal yard business to Adolph BLANK, and is now a partner of Judge HOPSON in the mill.

Dr. Martin CLOONAN, who has been practicing medicine at Warrenton for the past two years, was here on business last week. He is a Jefferson County boy.

Capt. Jos. WALTHER has purchased the CRAWFORD property, adjoining the M.E. Church on the east side. It is looked upon as an eligible site for the new mill, which is about to be erected.

It is now reasonably certain that there will be a new flouring mill built in our city at an early day. The necessary funds are forthcoming, but there is difficulty in selecting suitable location.


Notice of Disincorporation

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that a petition will be presented to the County Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, at a term of said Court to be held in Hillsboro, Mo., on Monday, the 24th day of March 1890, asking for a dissolution of the corporation of the town of Hematite in said Jefferson County.    M.W. PERKIES;   Reed MCCORMACK



John D. HEARST Is having an attack of lagrippe.

Mr. MCKINLEY and wife removed to St. Louis last week.

Col. MCDOWELL, of the Gould system, is visiting this town.

John ALDERSON has had a severe spell of the Russian grip.

Mrs. DUNSFORD moved on her farm, where she will spend the summer.

Asa ROWDEN, of the Iron Mountain railroad, moved on the BLACKWELL farm.

Miss Addie DEARING, of Washington county is visiting Miss Fannie WELCH.

Bartlow WELCH, the boy who had his eye injured by a piece of a gun cap, is recovering his sight.

Walter GIBSON, a student in the Missouri Medical College, is at home on a visit. The old home place appears to have an attraction.

Anton SINGER, living one mile north of this place, had the misfortune to have his house and contents burnt on the night of the 23rd. No insurance.

Three quarters of a mile of rock road have been built, leading from west to this place, with the exception of a small space, which needs finishing badly this muddy weather.

Col. Wm. EDGAR, of Ironton, is spoken of to succeed Judge THOMAS in case the latter gets the nomination for the Supreme judgeship. He is well qualified for the position and would be the right man in the right place.



Sickness is abating in this locality.

Fishing time will soon be here; turtles are on hand now.

John BRIMMER  has about recovered from a severe spell of lagrippe.

Daniel BONACKER is still confined to his room by having his leg broken last Fall.

Frank STOW, of Bear Creek, is erecting a fine barn, which will greatly add to the looks of his farm.

Mr. John DUNNIGAN, of St. Louis, has been out visiting his old neighbors and friends on Big River.

Mr. William HAVERSTICK has moved up on his farm in this vicinity. We are proud to see such men come into our midst.

Squire DUNNIGAN is at home and recovering from his late illness. It is to be hoped that he will be all right again in a short time.

Mr. N. CHARTRAND sold two hogs this week that were fourteen months old and weighed nine hundred and twenty five pounds gross. How is that for two pigs?

The Wheelers about House’s Springs are taking steps to start a store at that place. They intend, I think, to first try and buy out the merchants of the town, which is an honorable way to do business.

Since my last writing this part of the county has lost two good citizens, Thos. Byrne and Mark Perry. The sympathy of the neighbors is with the bereaved parents and relatives of those two who are gone. Death leaves a sting that time fails to erase.


Obituary - Martha J., wife of F.D. HEATON, died at her home in St. Francois county, near Valle’s Mines, December 9, 1889, aged 28 years, 8 months, and 8 days. She had lived a consistent member of the Baptist church for about ten years, and after a brief illness of some six days, she fell asleep. She leaves a husband and five children, together with a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. As she neared her last moments, though her suffering was great, among her last words was “O blessed Jesus.”


In Memoriam – Died January 29, 1890, infant daughter of W.G. and Mary E. MCKEE, aged two weeks and two days.


Married – FISHER – NORTH

Miss Hattie, daughter of J.W. NORTH of Kimmswick, was married to Mr. John FISHER, of South St. Louis, on the 20th instant at the NORTH residence in Kimmswick. The Rev. J.W. GAUSS of the Carondelet Presbyterian church performed the ceremony in a most impressive manner. About one hundred and fifty friends of the happy couple were present to witness the proceedings and extend congratulations. Miss Alice NORTH, the bride’s younger sister, and Mr. Will ETLING, the groom’s fast friend, were the only bridal attendants, and they added beauty and grace to the occasion. The presents were numerous and elegant, as the following will show. (a lengthy list of gifts is not transcribed)


Deaths filed with the county clerk the past week

Sept 12    Edna HORINE              12 years

Feb 8       William T. MOCKBEE    39 years

Feb 2?     Tolbert C. CARVER    68 years



Sep. 10   Mrs. Lives  boy

Dec. 9   Mrs. Sweet   girl

Dec. 17  Mrs. Miner   boy

Jan. 27   Mrs. John Cross  girl

Jan. 18  Mrs. McKee   girl

Feb. 19   Mrs. Parker   girl

Feb. 4  Mrs. Smetzer   girl

Feb. 12  Mrs. Hague   boy

Feb. 4  Mrs. Hugh Kendrix   girl

Feb. 5  Mrs. Frank Whitworh   girl

Feb. 2  Mrs. Fred W. WODDE  girl


List of Conveyances


G.W. WASHBURN and others to W.C. DAVIS



S.B. STONG to Martha SMITH


Henry LEPP to Adolf BLANK

Thomss BYRNS to Anton BROSCH

Thomas HLUZEK? to John VISKOCIL?

Fred MOORE to Bertha HEIER

John NENSEL to Joseph MAYER


W.J. MAUTHE to George RUTH