Jefferson Democrat

Feb. 13, 1890


~Sulpher Springs~

William WARD has been running his sawing machine the past week here.


Misses Ella and Blanche GREENE have been visiting their parents since the 8th.


Miss Ida MASON was visiting her parents on the 9th inst. And returned same evening to Pevely.


Our private school has commenced again and is booming, the former teacher being again in possession, and a good attendance is expected.


John MCGUIRE has been down sick with a severe cold for a few weeks, but is improving.


Daniel GREENE, night operator at Jefferson Barracks, comes home daily and returns on evening mail train. He looks hearty.



Miss Katie BARROWS has just recovered from a spell of the LaGrippe, and Perry LEPP had a serious spell, followed by pneumonia, but is recovering.


Mrs. Geo. WILKSON is having a serious spell of pneumonia.


Miss Laura BLACKWELL of Moontown is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thos. WELCH.


Mrs. JOHNSON and family, formerly of Wyoming Territory, returned last week, preferring wind to mud.


Miss Belle MCKINNEY, of St. Louis, who had been visiting the Misses PERKINS, returned home Friday.


Rev. J. POTTER preached at Richwoods Chapel last Sunday, on progression. Messrs. MCGREADY and MADDIN were able to attend divine service, which is a sign that they are through gripping.


It is currently rumored that Col. MORSE is about to dispose of his copper mines to an eastern syndicate. We have seen some very fine specimens of ore from said mine and no doubt, if properly developed, will open up a good business in this community.


The Mammoth Mining Co. are developing their interests at the Mammoth. It is reported they have a very fine quality of zinc, with prospects of very large quantities. Mr. CHESTNUT is now pumping out the old Mammoth Cave, with a view of following up the old lead.


S.B. STONG, our old neighbor, will have his sale Saturday 15th, and will soon locate in DeSoto. We are sorry to lose a good neighbor and his amiable family. We wish them success.


Vineland Union No. 986 met in called service for the purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to our departed brother, Stephen S. POUNDS, who departed this life Jan. 29, 1890. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions of respect.



DONNELL & LEE have secured their mill dam again.


Dr. ELDERS has been confined to his bed for several days.


O.H. DONNELL thinks there is grip around, the way he grunts.


A.J. PHILLIPS is so thin he has to stand twice in same place to make a shadow.


John ARNOLD has moved to DeSoto to embark in the butcher business. One more tired farmer.


Samuel SEAT looks sad. The rabbits are most all killed in this vicinity. Well there is more money and meat in horse shoeing.


Our teacher, Mr. DAUGHERTY, seems to have an inventive mind as well as to learn young ? how to shout.


News is scarce, but LaGrippe is plentiful, every family in our village is more or less afflicted with it. If Sheriff MAUPIN has not had it yet, it would be a good idea for him to get it. (on MCGINN)


There has been a few loads of stock shipped from this place. George M. MCCORMACK and Bonaparte MCCARTY shipped a load of hogs a few weeks ago; G.W. BYRD two loads in the past few weeks. O.H. DONNELL also shipped two loads of hay to Crystal City lately. There was also some hay shipped south by G.W. BYRD, two loads. I believe the farmers do wrong to sell hay from their farms. If they would feed it to good graded stock, such as will demand now on the market from 4 to 5 cents per pound, gross, then they would have the benefit of the manure, which is a great item with a good farmer. Besides, they can drive their stock cheaper than they can ship their hay and bale it also. Good stock demands a good price always. The trouble with our farmers

is they never have their stock in the condition it should be in to demand good prices. We are not keeping up with what the market needs.



We are having a variety of all kinds of weather. The thermometer is jumping up and down from 18 above zero to 76 nearly every other day. Our sleighs have been put in order, but so far no sleighing. This has been, so far, an easy winter on stock - the stock in general looks well so far.


LaGrippe still has a grip on our citizens, some even having it a second time. Our school teacher, Miss Nannie RICHARDSON had a severe attack of it, having had to close up the school for several days. Also Edw. TRENTLEIN, the teacher of the church school here has also had a severe attack of LaGrippe, which caused him to quit teaching; but his place is filled by the Rev. J.

SCHRAM, until he is able to go ahead again. In fact, there are but few here who can say they did not have the "grip."


Our former parish priest Rev. J. BACHMEYER, of Loose Creek, Osage Co., Mo., was here on a visit to Father SCHRAM for a few days. Several members of the congregation and Rev. FELTMAN, Ph. WALDORF, Jake FUCHS, Peter MEYER, and Gregor MILLER, of Mattese parish, in St. Louis Co., met last Sunday, Feb. 1st, at Father SCHRAM's to pay their respects to Rev. BACHMEYER, and quite a sociable time was had till late in forepart of the night.


A quiet little wedding was celebrated here February 3rd. Mr. Anton DAVID's youngest daughter was married to a young gentleman from South St. Louis.



Died Jan. 29th, 1890, Katie, daughter of Albert and Katie MALL of Rock Creek, of LaGrippe, aged 2 years.


Died Jan. 8, 1890, Adolph, son of Robert and Anna PAUL, aged 6 weeks, of Rock Creek.


Died Nov. 28, 1889, Henry EHLERS Sr. of Rock Creek, of inflammation of the bowels, aged 77 years; an old resident of this county.


Dec. 28, 1889, Daniel MILLER, of Black Water Creek, aged 62 years, 10 months and 23 days, died of pneumonia. An old resident of this county, a good neighbor, loved and respected by all who knew him. The funeral was largely attended, the ceremony being held by Rev. P. WESELO, of the Lutheran Church near Maxville, Mo.


Died Jan. 30? 1890, Catherine, beloved wife of John ZIPP of Black Water Creek, near Maxville, aged 25 years, of puerperal fever, after a week's illness, leaving a child of but eight days old, besides six other small children, to the tender care of their father. She had been as good as raised here, and was loved by all who knew her.


~Administrators Sale -  John M. WILSON~ Notice of Final Settlement  

Samuel PERRY, deceased Administrators Notice –

John M. WILSON, Robert WILSON administrator Administrators Notice  

Lew? T. BROOKS, Laura BROOKS administrator Administrators Notice  

Daniel MUELLER, Catherine MUELLER administrator


A new post office called Andrea has been established in the north-west part of this county.


Rev. S. FRAZIER's wife has been very sick the past two weeks, but was reported Monday as convalescing.


"Uncle" Dick MARSDEN had a serious time with the "grip" but after three weeks confinement is out again.


Dr. BARNARD of Vineland, was in our town last Monday. His sins seem to sit lightly on him as of yore.


Colby HAMMOND, of near Hematite, reports that six of his ewes dropped eleven lambs. Pretty good for a starter.


Rev. W.T. BOWISON will preach in the Festus Presbyterian Church next Sunday.


"Uncle Dick" MAUPIN has been down a couple of weeks with the "grip" and a rising in the head, but is now going around again.


Miss Lulu WHITEHEAD, formerly of this county, was married on the 5th inst., at Denver, Colorado, to a Mr. E.W. HALL. We hope she has done well.


Married at residence of Mr. SEVRAR? near Silica, on Sunday, the 9th inst., by Squire C.G. WARNE, Mr. James Copeland and Mrs. Josephine Charleville.


Married on the 8th day of February, at the residence of Mr. Roe SMITH, Festus, Capt. Charles COLLIER to Mrs. Mary HOLDER, Squire C.G. WARNE



J.B. DOVER, LeRoy DOVER, and George MCFARLAND were appointed commissioners by the Probate Court to set off dower and homestead for widow of James S. WILLIAMS, deceased.


Francis S. SULLIVAN of this county, and Miss Laura S. HAYS of Old Mines, Washington County, were united in wed (text cut off) by Squire Cruise HIGGINBOTHAM of (cut off) ..gston, on the 4th inst.


~Licensed to marry~

Rufus CLOPP and Sarah HOLDMAN

Charles COLLIER and Mary HOLDER


James L. IRWIN and Lucy GOWAN

John CHOTT and Theresa WILBUR


(Edge of text cut off) Feb. 1st, John DUNNIGAN was found

___ insane by the Probate Court, and

___ DUNNIGAN was appointed his

___ ian, with bond of $2000, and an

___ ed to have him taken care of and

___ at an asylum.


(Edge of text cut off) Squire Thomas A. WILLIAMS died last

___ay morning, of the injuries received

___being thrown from his wagon, as

___ned last week. He was a useful

___and will be missed. He leaves a

___and several grown children by his



Prof. James T. DOUGHERTY has patented a chalk eraser, which, for use on blackboards, is quite an improvement on anything of the kind before used. He is having them manufactured in DeSoto, and is ready to supply all who want them. They should be in demand in all the schools. We do not know his prices.


The Collector's deputies are out now with notices and receipts to collect up the remainder of the personal property tax for 1889. Sullivan FRAZIER has Central township with 57 notices: James R. EVANS, Big River, 72; Phillip MOSS, Rock, 100; W.G. BOYCE, Plattin, 96; John R. REECE, Meramec, 100; George MONRO, and John DAVIS, Joachim, 310; Geo. BRECKENRIDGE and John A. TUTTLE, have Valle Township and the city of DeSoto, with 410 notices.


A week ago last Monday, Mrs. John CAREY and her daughter started for the residence of their neighbor, Mr. CARVER, and one of the wheels went down into a rut, while the opposite wheel was correspondingly up high, causing the wagon to give way, and throwing the ladies onto the ground. Mrs. C. had one of her elbows dislocated, but her daughter was not injured. Drs. JAMES

and WYNN got the bone in place again.


The "Facts" asks for suggestions as to the needs of the city of DeSoto, and we take the liberty of suggesting that one of the urgent, pressing needs, is a way over which people can get into and out of the town, other than by railroad or flying machines. From this direction it is hard to get to the town, as the mud is almost impassable, and after one gets in, he finds Main Street a regular terror to drive through. We will leave it to Bro. DENBOHN? to suggest the ways and means of getting the desired improvement.


Our friend, Wm. T. MOCKBEE, of the Mockbee Hotel, Hillsboro, died last Friday night, after a lingering illness of consumption, aged 39 years and 22 days. He was buried Sunday, Rev. Sronce conducting the funeral ceremonies. Mr. MOCKBEE's kind and genial disposition won for him many friends; while his plain manner of expressing his opinion on matters and things doubtless

made him some enemies; but all animosities are buried in the grave, and his good deeds will live after him. He leaves a widow and an aged father, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.


~Crystal City, Mo.~

Miss Blanche ACKERSON of this place, gave a progressive euchre party on Friday night, at her father's residence on Mississippi Ave. The game commenced at 8:30 and lasted two hours; after which ice-cream and other delicacies were served. At 11:30 the tables were removed and dancing, instrumental and vocal music were indulged in. Among the invited guests were

Misses MCKEE of Victoria, BRIERTON of Festus, COVER and HAAS of Crystal City, Messrs. FROST and BRICKEY of Festus, HAAS and DUPREY of St. Louis, HICKEY and ACKERSON of Crystal City. The winners of the first prize were Miss ACKERSON and Mr. BRICKEY, while Miss MCKEE and Mr. B. ACKERSON were awarded the booby prizes. After enjoying a very pleasant evening, the crowd started for their homes early Saturday morning. All joined in thanking the

young hostess and her parents for their kindness.


Mr. MOSS, our street commissioner, thought this would be an opportune time to fix up the bad places in our streets. If people do not appreciate the utility of good solid roads at such a time as this, they never will. So he spent a day notifying hands, engaging teams, and determining the best places to begin work at. Wednesday was the day fixed for beginning operations, but

by eight o'clock he had gathered a force of one man, one boy, and one team only. The Town Board has failed to levy any tax for the past few years, and they decline bringing suit against any who are liable by law to road work, and nobody seemed disposed to do anything more than they were compelled to, while those who do the most hauling and driving refused to work a lick or

pay a cent, so Mr. MOSS got discouraged and threw up his job. We regret that such a state of facts exist.


....(first line unreadable).....people of this place were invited to Mrs. Godfrey HATCHER'S on the 7th inst. to a reception given on the return of her son Clarence, who had been down South for the past few months. Everyone enjoyed themselves, tripping the light fantastic. At 12 the supper march was played, when all marched two by two, to the dining room, where an elegant supper was spread. We are pleased to have Clarence numbered among us again.


Some two or more years ago, a warrant was issued against one of the GILBERT boys, and one BAUER, both of near Fenton, for destroying some fruit trees belonging to Mrs. NOLAN of the same vicinity. GILBERT was tried by a jury before Squire SHEIBLE and convicted, but BAUER had skipped the country and was not come-at-able. Three weeks ago, BAUER was a witness before the Circuit Court, and while here he was arrested on the old warrant. Squire BOOTH and jury had a tussle over the matter last Saturday, and BAUER came out the winner.


~Kansas City, MO~

If you want to see enterprise come to Kansas City (...a description of KC...), I had the pleasure of meeting J.M. SHELTON, one of DeSoto's former teachers. He is Principal of the William Cullen Bryant School. His discipline is a praise worthy feature of his work. The cheerful, acquiescence of his teachers and pupils indicated the supervision of a gentleman and educator. To see the exit and entrance of over 700 pupils, keeping time to the tattoo of a drum by one of the pupils, with happy faces, and graceful upright carriage of person, was the best front? in my line for many a long day. DeSoto, DeSoto! Did you act wisely in letting such a teacher leave you?    (signed) A.M.


The monthly session of the Jefferson County Teacher's Institute held at Festus last Saturday, was attended by twenty-two teachers and a number of others interested in the work. President LUCKEY presided and the published programme was followed. In the absence of the person appointed to that duty, Prof. FLYNN delivered the opening welcome address. Very interesting and

practical papers were read by Miss Lulu RICHARDSON, on "Punctuation;" by Miss Anna MCCLURE on "Primary Methods of Teaching Numbers;" and by Mr. D.B. VEAZEY on "Technical Grammar." Miss Julia JARVIS, being absent, her excellent paper on "Relative Efficiency of Male and Female Teachers" was read by Mr. Frank MCFARLAND. The discussions were participated in by Profs. SCOTT and DOUGHERTY, Messrs. MCFARLAND, FLYNN, HERRIMAN, VEAZEY, NEELEY, RUTLEDGE, and others, the blackboard being used, and demonstrations made of the different manners of teaching the branches mentioned on the program. In addition to the papers and discussions, the audience was favored with a vocal duet, very sweetly sung by two little girls, Misses Belle and Mamie ROBSON. The next meeting will be held in DeSoto in April.



The bridge across the creek, connecting our enterprising village, has been taken away during the late floods, but I suppose it will be rebuilt again soon.


The clay mines and works at this place are still improving.


Upsetting clay wagons is very popular nowadays.


Mrs. M. CLOVER, of near this place, had a mess of lettuce the 2nd of February, which is something new for this time of year; although we are having Spring weather in the months of Winter.  


~County Court~

On information of Jas. H. SMITH, the court proceeded to investigate the condition of mind of Matilda I. SMITH, and did adjudge her to be of unsound mind, and ordered her taken to the State Lunatic Asylum at Fulton.


A bridge on a road in B.F. ENGLAND's field having washed away, and it being shown that a petition will be presented, asking for the vacation of said road, the overseer was ordered notified that said bridge must not be replaced at the expense of the county.


The formation of the county into road districts was deferred till first Monday in March.


Order was made permitting Jos. J. HOEKEN to erect and maintain a telegraph line along the right of way of the Hillsboro and Victoria road.


Sheriff MAUPING reported fines collected and paid over, amounting to $76.


Sarah J. BURGESS, being an insane poor person, she was replaced on the roll of persons to be assisted by the county, and a warrant was issued to George RUPKE for $8 for her benefit.


Matthew WYNN was given further time to pay his interest to School Fund.


Jas. T. MOSS, having declined to serve as commissioner to assess damages to persons along road from Morse's Mill to DeSoto, Eric PAULS was appointed in his stead.


Commissioner DOVER reported that a portion of the road leading from Bailey's Station to Hematite, at W.J. HARRISON's field, having caved in, he had surveyed another route over HARRISON's land, and had appointed as appraisers, Reed MCCORMACK, James ACKLEY, and W.H. DODSON, and said appraisers had assessed the damage to HARRISON at $28. The court approved the report, and issued a warrant to HARRISON for $28.


He also reported caving in of a portion of road on land of Louis BELLAGAMBA, and of surveying a new route over BELLAGAMBA's land, and that commissioners W.A. GAMEL, W.F. HOLT, and George GANSNER had assessed B's damages at $12. Approved and warrant issued.


The prosecuting attorney was instructed to foreclose school-fund mortgages given by J.P. SPECK and J.N. DOUGLAS.


Accounts were allowed against the county as follows:


J.B. DOVER for road hands

J.T. MOSS commissioner

J.B. DOVER road commissioner

Jas. HOPSON co. ct. judge

Hy. SECKMAN  "  "   "

T.A. CHARLES "  "   "

Geo. MCFARLAND taking pauper to county farm

E.B. MAUPIN sheriff

G.W. RUSSELL for bridge lumber



Died - Mary Ann, wife of Dr. A. CRULL, Jan. 23, 1890 at the residence of her son John CRULL of pneumonia and heart failure, after an illness of nine days. Mrs. CRULL had been unwell for some time previously, and went on a visit to her son on a cold stormy day, where she was taken sick on the evening of her arrival. Her husband was taken sick at the same time at home, and was unable to see her during her illness. She was a daughter of George and Ducia MCFRY, and was born on the 24th day of September, 1838? In Franklin county, Mo. She was married to Amandus CRULL in 1857, and became a member of the Baptist Church in 1859. Mrs. C. was not only a Christian by name, but proved to be one by her acts and deeds; she was kind to the poor and suffering, always ready to assist the sick, and that she was much liked and respected by all those who knew her could be seen by her large funeral procession and the sorry faces of those who attended her to her last resting place. Deceased was buried in the Union graveyard at Cedar Hill, and Messrs. J. LUCAS and Frank HERRINGTON delivered short, but touching addresses at the

funeral. Dr. MANSON who attended Mrs. C. deserves much praise for his assiduous and untiring attention paid her during her last illness.       Relative, at Dittmer's Store, Jan. 31, 1890


~List of Conveyances~

Anthony CAIN to Jas. G. BERKLEY two lots in DeSoto

Milton LONG to Peter SIEBLES 80 acres sec. 10, tp 40, range 3

W.E. BAGE to Wm BLAIR 78 acres sec. 28, tp 40, range 5

Joseph GENZLING to Odelia GENZLING 100? Acres sec 32, tp 42, range 5

Benjamin NICHOLS to W.T. CALVERT 40 acres tp 40 range 4

Thos. HAMILTON to John B. HAMILTON lot in Festus

Geo SMITH and others to Gus. R.? SMITH lot in DeSoto



Jan. 13  Gertrude MCCLANAHAN  6 months

Jan. 17  Benjamin F. JENNINGS 39? years

Feb. 2   Thomas Byrne 24? years



Nov. 2   Mrs. H.J. TEMING girl

Dec. 28  Mrs. Henry BONACRE boy

Jan. 8   Mrs. Charles W. MUSE girl

Jan. 19  Mrs. John GROSS girl

Feb. 6   Mrs. Isaac GIVEN dead boy



Miss HAWKINS of this city visited friends in Hematite on Monday.


Charles HEMME, contractor and builder, has several new buildings to figure on.


Mrs. G. BYRD and her two little daughters of Hematite, are visiting friends in DeSoto.


Henry METZ, who has for the past few years been employed in one of North St. Louis machine shops, is now working in DeSoto.


Commr. DOUGHERTY received petitions from different sections of the county, to be presented to the County Court, all being strongly in favor of county supervision.