The Jefferson County, Mo. Democrat, January 23, 1890


Mrs. SHORTRIDGE, of Macon, Mo., is here this week on a visit to her parents.


Ed GREEN went to Poplar Bluff last week to fill a position of the Gould system of railroads.


The grand jury finished its labors just at the time we were making our forms Wednesday evening.


Licensed to marry James S. WILLIAMS and Emma S. MANESS, Robert E. JOHNSTON and Margaret KRATER, Charles H. FITZER and Maggie P. BROWN


The Lauman road case was a hard tussle for the jury. After being locked up some twenty hours, they gave damages for $80.


Robert E. JOHNSTON and Miss Maggie KRATER were united in marriage in the Recorder’s office last Saturday afternoon, Judge ELKINS officiating. The groom was divorced from former wife last week.


For Rent – The E.P. BAKER farm, about two miles north of Hillsboro. Apply to Thomas & Horine, Hillsboro. To right man will be cheap.


The Quarterly meeting for Hematite circuit M.E. Church, South, will be held at Festus, January 25th and 26th. Services begin Saturday, 11 a.m.; quarterly conference 3 p.m. The church will not be dedicated this time.


Owner wanted for white and red speckled yearling steer; mark: crop off right and underbit in left ear.   B.C. BERRY, Hematite


W.E. BUREN, who has for the past two winters been teaching at Mt. Hope School, near Frumet, closed his second term on the 23rd inst. The school has been favored with well deserved success, and it is to be hoped it will have as able a teacher in future as Mr. Buren has been; and we trust that W.E. may have as good success in future business as he has had at Frumet.


The “grip” or something equally as bad, struck our town last week, and almost the entire population are numbered among its victims. Among those most seriously indisposed are “Uncle Dick” MARSDEN, Recorder COLMAN, Judge ELKINS, Deputy Clerk REPPY, and Mrs. Mary P. GREEN. This week in our family of eleven, there is but one who can be said to be well, though all are yet able to go about.


It is with the deepest regret that we chronicle the fact that Squire John DURNIGAN’S reason has left him, and that his friends took him to St. Vincent asylum, in St. Louis last week. Steps will be taken to have a guardian appointed over his person and estate. He has been for years one of Meramec’s best citizens – industrious, unassuming and quiet, and has served the people of Justice for a number of years, honestly and faithfully. We trust that he may soon be restored to health and reason. Family trouble seems to be the cause, but it is not our mission to parade them in these columns.


John M. WILSON, one of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Big River township, died last Saturday, after an illness of about nine weeks, aged 72 years. He leaves a widow but no children. He and his wife celebrated their golden wedding nearly a year ago. Mr. Wilson was one of the pioneer settlers of his neighborhood, and was recognized by all as a good citizen, and we doubt if he had an enemy in the world. We shall probably receive a more extended notice for next week.


La grippe has a good hold on the people of Maxville and of all the sneezing, etc.! So far no deaths.

Hubert BECKER moved yesterday to his new place recently bought of Stephen BECKER, and intends to become an honest farmer. Martin F. BECKER, his nephew, for the last seven years with S.E. FREUND’S famous furnishing house, has taken possession of Hubert BECKER’S store, and is running in full blast. He intends to enlarge the business considerably.


The prospect for warm and sour beer for next Summer is good, for ice will be scarce and high priced, so sayeth Mr. McGINTY.


Belew’s Creek January 14

We had the pleasure last Thursday evening of attending a very pleasant party at the residence of Mr. David BLACK, given in honor of the Misses Mary BLACK and Nora NUELLE of St. Louis, who were spending a few days with friends and relatives. Those present were the Misses BECHLER, WILHITE, BUCHMILLER, BUXTON, MILLER, GANZ and SCHNEIDER, and Messrs. CLOVER, J. BECHLER, W. GUTHOR, Dr. REICE, John GANZ, F. and William BUXTON, B. OTTOMEYER, G. BECHLER, Lloyd and Stewart; also William OTTOMEYER and lady, Joseph GANZ and lady, and others. Dancing was the main enjoyment of the evening and lasted till the “Radient Saul” began to lighten up the eastern horizon, when all departed, expressing their heartfelt thanks and their kindest wishes to the genial host and hostess. May their goodness still increase and their blessings never cease.


Strayed – A yearling roan bull; also a yearling speckled heifer, mostly white; both unmarked. Any person who will inform me of their whereabouts will be compensated for the trouble. Address S.R. HAWKINS Hematite, Mo.


High Ridge – January 16

There are a few cases of influenza around here, and we hope it will spread no further. Mrs. DILLON has been sick the past week, but is now convalescing.


Wm. BRACKMANN is learning to play on the organ under instruction of Prof. BUXTON of Cedar Hill.


Squire DILLON left her Sunday morning for Hillsboro to attend Circuit court as a juryman.


A grand party was had on the 11th inst at Frank SKWOR’s in honor of the 18th birthday of his daughter, Miss Annie. Dancing was the principal feature of the evening’s merriment. Good music was furnished by Messrs. Emil HELLER, J. BURKHARDT and G. OBER. The guests arrived at an early hour and tipped the light fantastic until 11 o’clock, when the supper march resounded through the room. The guests were then invited into the dining room, where a sumptuous repast was spread before them, to which all did justice. After supper, dancing was resumed and continued to 6 a.m. when all went home rejoicing and wishing it might soon fall to the lot to attend another such enjoyable affair. Among those present we noticed J. HELLER and lady, J. WEHRLE and lady, S. MILLER and lady, A. BURKHARDT and lady, the Misses Agnes HILGERT, Lou BONACKER, Hattie MODER, Lina and Louisa WILLIAMSON, Katie MILLER, Tillie SICKENBERGER, Fannie BROOK, Emma ALT, Mary MAZANCE, Mary PIONICKA, and Annie WALLAK, and the Messrs. Will BYRNE, G.E. BONACKER, F. HILGERT, W. WILLIAMSON, M. BOLY, Charles and Aug. HELLER, C. ALT, Frank and J. WALLAK, J. MAZANCE, W. WALLAK, C. SCHUMACHER and many others whose names we have not learned.


Resolution of Respect – Oakland Lodge No. 552, January 11, 1890

In the death of Lee T. Brooks


Deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week

Dec. 13 Margaret RUSTIGE  42 years

Jan 3    Isaac SULLENS  15 years

Jan. 13  Charles Ed. BURGESS  17 years



Dec. 5  Mrs. Chas. Albert HALE   boy

Dec. 12  Mrs. James BURGESS boy

Dec. 23. Mrs. Victor MALL  boy and girl


Circuit Court – The following cases were disposed of at this term of Circuit court up to the time of our going to press.

Hannah J. WILLIAMS, blind daughter of the late Meredith Williams, died leaving in the hands of her guardian an estate consisting of $920 in money. She also left a bastard child, and some brothers and sisters. Shortly afterwards, her little child also died, and her brothers and sisters applied to the Probate Court for an order to have the money distributed to them. The application was resisted, and the Judge held that under our statutes the money escheated to the State. The matter was appealed to Circuit Court, and Judge THOMAS has had it under advisement for some months. At this term, he rendered an elaborate opinion, showing that he had made an exhaustive study of the case. He reverses the Probate Court, and orders the money distributed to the brothers and sisters of Hannah J.


Judgments rendered and attachment liens enforced against Wm. CASSELBERG as follows; Greely, Burnham Grocery Co. $279.77; Brown, Daughady & Co. $205.87; Missouri Glass Co. $122.67, Dodge Seward $51.55, Steinwender & Stoffregen $61.89


Stephen AUBUCHON was given judgment against City of DeSoto for $135 damages. His mare broke through a bridge in the town and got seriously injured, and the verdict was for the damages sustained.


Judgments were rendered against the St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Railway company, as garnishee, in cases of People’s Bank vs. J. C. WILHELM, for $23.50 and John FRECH vs. P.J. CASTELLO $21


The case of Thomas BAUER vs. Crystal City Railroad was dismissed for want of prosecution.


Mary A. FLETCHER sued Otto HERMANN on two notes as security for E.S. PYLE. The jury gave judgment for defendant on one count and for plaintiff on the other count for $131.10


Causes were dismissed against Jacob MILLER, for obstructing road; Frank DRENNON, carrying concealed weapons; James BYRNE, failing to properly construct mill dam, and John KATLETZ vs. Henry SCHLECHT, for damages.


Samuel RUSSELL vs. Isaac N. MAYFIELD, ejectment; judgment for plaintiff for premises, one cent damages and four dollars monthly rents and profits.


W.M. PLASS roadoverseer, vs. Elbert MARTIN, for road taxes, was ably prosecuted and defended, nearly all lawyers being employed. The jury gave a verdict for defendant.


John NORRIS was convicted in the Police court of DeSoto for striking an old farmer after taking apples from his wagon. He appealed to Circuit court and was again found guilty and fined two dollars.


William STETTIN sued his neighbor, Jacob HOPMEIER, for damages for killing a hog, but the jury returned a verdict for defendant.


William NOLLMAN and others to Henry BOEHLING and others, partition; order of sale was made.


Stephen L. AUBUCHON, who obtained judgment against the City of DeSoto for damages, on account of his mare breaking through a culvert, remitted $22.50 of his judgment, and the court thereupon entered up judgment in his favor for the balance $112.50

William ARMSTRONG pled guilty to assault and was fined one dollar.


John DEARING and James WILLIAMS, failing to appear to answer to indictments against them for gambling, their bonds were declared forfeited.


Jeremiah HOWALD was convicted of obstructing a public road and was fined five dollars.


Mort ROBERTS, Pat LOVETT, N. O’BRIEN, and Louis WAPPLER were convicted as aldermen of DeSoto, of illegally increasing the marshal’s compensation, and were fined one dollar each. It seems that the offense was only a technical one, and that no violation of law was intended, and hence the jury put the punishment at as low a figure as possible.


The usual grist of divorce cases was turned out as follows; Susan and Thos. N. DYER were married October 6, 1873, and in May, 1874, the husband abandoned his wife and remained away ever since; the court gave her an absolute divorce. Charles and Harriett COLLIER were married October 15, 1861; the wife abandoned her husband August 28, ’87; he was granted a divorce. Philip and Mary BLANK were married in September, 1881, and she deserted him the following December; the divorce was granted. Anna and Joseph T. HUNT were married in December 1885, after committing adultery and contracting a loathsome disease, he deserted her in August 1888; she was divorced and given custody of her little girl. Robert E. and Elmira E. Johnston were married October 25, 1887, and separated in 1889, she having refused to keep house for him and called him hard names; he was released of the matrimonial halter, but straightway slipped on another, as will be seen elsewhere in this issue. W.C. and Eliza TURNER were married in October 1880, and she abandoned him in 1888; he was made a free man. Amanda J. and Wm. T. CAHILL  were married June 3, 1867; he failed to provide for her and finally in 1888 left her alone; she was granted a divorce and her maiden name of LYZARD restored. After hearing the evidence, the divorce case of Sophia vs. George Michael KOCHNER was dismissed.


Hibert MALL and August A. JACOBS late of Germany, were made citizens of the United States.


Consolidated Coal Co. vs. R.E. MCCLENAHAN, on account; judgment by agreement for $270.72


HEITZBERG Packing Co. vs. F. AUBUCHON & Son; non-suit taken.


T.B. TAYLOR vs. Joseph BAKER, note; judgment for $190.62


Michael vs. Mary LYNCH, action for divorce, dismissed.


Forfeiture of recognizance of James WILLIAMS and John DEARING set aside at their costs.


Thomas H. McGINN was convicted of stealing a lot of clothing from Mr. HOFF at Abington’s hotel in DeSoto, and was sentenced to three years in the pen.


Margaret vs. James FARRALLY, action to set aside deed; compromised and dismissed.


T.L. vs. D.C. McMORMACK, petition for partition; dismissed.


W.P. HAMRICK  vs. Charles, Louis and G.J. JOHNSTON on notes; judgment for $282


T.O. SMITH vs. Iron Mountain Railway, damages; non suit taken.


Julia was granted a divorce from Pete McLOON to whom she was married in August 1887, on account of cruel treatment, indignities, etc.; also given custody of their child.


County Court was in session last Monday for the purpose of receiving the Assessor’s books, which were examined and accepted, and Assessor BERKELEY’S bills were allowed – against the State, $513.73 and balance of county portion, $213.73.


Personal assessment to Wm. STRAHER for 1889 was corrected to $321, instead of $670.


Taxes for 1880 to 1889, on lots 8, 9 and 10, block 22, of DeSoto, were stricken off, it being church property.


Taxes for 1877 to 1888 on lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 9, Victoria, were stricken off, they having been the property of Jefferson County.


On request of John O’FALLON, the road commissioner was ordered to resurvey and establish road leading from Sulpher Springs up Glaize Creek, and establish the grade on a portion of same.


The commissioner reported that A.K. BOYD had done $270 worth of work on the Festus and Plattin road, and Boyd was thereupon paid $248, being amount of said estimate, less 10 per cent.


The court, sitting as jury, proceeded to investigate the mental condition of Robert COLLIER the Negro in jail for the murder of Charley DAVER; and after hearing the evidence, they found said Collier insane and a fit subject for the State lunatic asylum. He will be taken to the asylum as soon as practicable.


The following demands were allowed against the county;

A.D. DAVIS for repairing Sandy bridge  $62.10

F.J. SHEIBLE cash paid Circuit court reporter  23.50

William DEERR work on road  102.75

Dr. BREWSTER expert testimony 10.00

J.J. WILSON advertising  14.25


93 acres within one-fourth mile of Hillsboro; good dwelling and outhouses; 35 acres in good state of cultivation and fine bearing orchard. Enquire of A.J. HUSKEY ON Dry Creek, or R.W. MCMULLIN, Hillsboro


Crystal and Festus

Mrs. F.P. KENNETT is quite sick with pneumonia, and several other people are confined with supposed la grippa.


I understand that the superintendent, Mr. NEALE will go to Washington D.C. in a few days. On what errand I do not know; but I supposed he minds his own business.


Pay day was abruptly cut in two last Saturday. While serving out monthly dues to the employees, Paymaster PHILLIPI took suddenly sick, and was forced to suspend further payment.


Herman Meyer, who was severely cut by glass breakage some time ago, is out again, though limping like the pendulum of a lopsided clock. He will be all OK in a few days, to tussle with the crystal plates again.


Influenza is spreading somewhat, but all cases are of a mild form, if verily it is the genuine grippe. I rather think that the success is only a bad cold “Influenzed” by fear, and selfish pride of being in the fashion.


Did you hear the roosters crow today at 4 o’clock? Richard BEQUETTE and lady increased their family by one, a wee leedle gal, weighing 10 pounds, and the way he did crow over it was astonishing! He told me this evening that there is music in the air now.

Prof. Joseph FLYNN, former proprietor of the Ste. Genevieve Fair Play, gave us a visit this week. He has just returned from Dakota, where he was prospecting. It seems though, that he shunned the vicinity of the North Pole, and like a good Democrat he came south of Mason and Dixon’s line again.


A petition went the rounds in the twin cities, and also one at Waterloo, Ill., asking Gov. FIFER of Illinois to pardon the unfortunate youth, Louis LOYSON, of Crystal City, who is now confined in the Chester penitentiary for manslaughter. The petition was headed here by Mr. NEALE and the names of hundreds of the most respected citizens followed.