Jefferson Democrat
Nov. 27, 1890

and Festus-
MR. NEALE has gone east, on a short visit.

Main street from Derby City, east, is being macadamized. Verily, it was badly needed.

DAVID PORTER, car repairer at
Crystal City has been sick for several days, but is now on a fair way of convalescence. He had a bad spell of it.

The first business house in Moore's addition to Festus, is now completed. I understand that the gentleman building it will open a general store for the rapidly increasing population of that neighborhood.


Festus is blessed! If the weather continues as now, the new opera house may be opened with a strawberry festival on New Year's Eve. Mrs. F. BURGHARD has in her garden several patches of this delicious fruit, all in bloom, and I suppose Crystal Heights, where the bulk for market is raised, the same phenomena may be noticed.


According to the Times, Festus now sports a Professor of Music. Although he "don't" lead a conservatory, for want of such institution, still he leads a good string band, which is sufficient until the opera house is finished. 

Another business house has been established, near the corner of
Adams and Main streets, just back of the postoffice. S. HELSIER has opened a new clothing store  and it seems that he is doing well since opening his stock. It is a branch of the Main store on Franklin Avenue, St.Louis. Mr. Peter AUBUCHON, formerly of St. Mary's is handling the goods behind the counters, and I predict a flourishing trade for them.

Stephen CAMPBELL moved into larger quarters on Adams Street today. If this move signifies anything, it can certainly mean nothing less than than the prospect of an addition to the family by-and-by. Did Steve's handsome bride whisper something in his ear that made him blush and move?


The sons of St. George had their usual good time at Crystal Hall last Saturday night. All the familiar faces were there, with the exception of a few who have changed their Crystal abode to Kokomo. The music was good, and the dances were exquisite, characteristic only to our English cousins. It is a fact that in all my experience on the dancing floor, I found that the English predominate in graceful waltzing. The banquet was participated in without a fault, Tom UNDERBERRY, Billy FLETCHER, and Billy WADE doing honors, gracefully assisted by Joseph PURCELL. The hall was well filled with Madame TERPALCHORE'S disciples, and when 12 o'clock came and the watchman showed his usual stern face, everybody regretted the fleetness of time.


The last fad, which I assume will be repeated, was a public candy pulling party in HAEFNER's hall last Friday night. The hall was filled with prancing children, blushing maids, and bashful candy-dates for matrimony of the masculine gender, intermingled with stately matrons and solemn looking lords of the household. The party was a success, but the pulling wasn't worth a stick of peppermint anyhow, because it was such a soft thing - "soft sweetenin'," as Arkansas maidens call it. I formed an opinion of the pulling business on passing down Main Street next morning; it looked as if it had rained ginger drops that night. Peter CONNOLLY towered high among the above mentioned candy dates, and I believe he will get there, judging by the time it took his best girl to get the "sweetness" out of her auburn tresses the following morning. Next time I will try to be a candy-date.

Alpha Chapter, No. 199, Order Eastern Star will meet at their hall in Festus
on Monday evening, 
Dec. 1, 1890, with the following programme:
F .W. BRICKEY -- opening address
Charles  G. WARNE --recitation
Robert  C. MOORE -- vocal solo
BURTON and wife -- dialogue
MISS. Nydia BRICKEY -- organ solo
Chas. MERGENTHEIMER -- speech
D.B. FROST -- vocal solo
Miss Lydia  BRICKEY --  select reading
M.W. McNUTT -- poem by Longfellow
Mrs. F.W. BRICKEY, R.C.  MOORE, D.B. FROST, M.W. McNUTT --- quartette 

-from Sandy-
The weather is fine and health generally good. The citizens have been improving the road from JARVIS Brother's store to the rock road, near
Sandy bridge; they rocked and graveled a good part of it under the supervision of Wes MOCKBEE and Lun. METTS.


D.L. JARVIS has purchased the Ed  BURGESS farm and is busy repairing fences. J.N. DONNELL is finishing up his improvements. 


Lawrence HENSLEY who returned from Colorado a few weeks ago is improving in health. 


Mrs. L.E. ADAMS left for Colorado on the 10th.  On the 13th she had arrived at Denver, within 180 miles of her destination. She had gone to see her sister.

A very quiet wedding took place in our neighborhood on the 9th the home of  J.J. MONTGOMERY, the bride's stepfather. The contracting parties were Mr.Thomas CLOVER and MISS. Eva ADAMS, J.J.
MONTGOMERY officiating.The happy couple will make their future home in the city of De Soto. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life. 

CHARLEY JARVIS is improving in health and is expected home in a few days.  He has been in St. Louis under medical treatment for some time.

Our Sunday school is doing well with D.L. JARVIS as superintendent. On the first of last August, the superintendent offered a prize of one of Webster's unabridged dictionaries to any of the school who would commit to memory, in the space of three months, 500 Bible verses. Several started in for the prize, but all dropped out except for two, Miss Vinta HENSLEY and Miss May FREESE. When the time was up, they had far exceeded the expectations of Mr. JARVIS, having committed to memory and recited 3000 verses. The books were presented by Rev. S. FRAZIER in a very impressive manner.     
Sandy, November 20, 1890

The Gust HAMEL Mfg. Co. now carries the largest stock of lumber ever had in this city. We can fill all orders on short notice. Orders solicited from all points. Yard and office. Boyd and Second Streets, De Soto


 -Calvey Creek-
Miss Mary A. EARLEY of Catawissa, spent a few days last week in visiting friends of this locality.

Andrew DAHN one of the most estimable citizens of this section, died at his home on the 14th last, in the 79th year of his age.

August MULLMAN of St. Louis and Rutha MARKS, of this place were married at the residence of the bride's parents Sunday afternoon by Rev .

Barney McMAHON received his long looked for pension last week. The old gentleman looks hale and hardy, and seems very proud over the late election returns. 

Joseph TOMS died at his home near this place on the 10th inst. after a long illness. His remains were laid to rest in the
Calvey Creek Cemetery on the following day in the presence of a large number of friends.

Miss Annie SHANNON and W.J. EARLEY were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, in St. Patrick's Church at an early hour last Wednesday morning. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father BERRA, pastor of the church. After the ceremony, the party were driven to the residence of the bride's parents, where a splendid reception was tendered the happy couple. The newly married pair will to to housekeeping immediately at Mr. Earley's residence on Calvey. 

The Jefferson Nursery, located near Kimmswick, Jefferson County, Missouri. A fine and good assortment of fruit trees - apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum and quince, and berries of every kind, at prices - low - to suit the times. Myself or agent will call on you for your orders. H. JORGEN Prop. 


Administrators Notice: Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Harriet ABERNATHY, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 14th day of October, 1890 by the probate court of Jefferson County, MissouriCamel RUDDER, Administrator.


Administrators Notice: Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of James E. Byrne, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the ? day of November, 1890 by the probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri  M.F. BYRNE Administrator


Trustee Sale: Whereas William A. STONE and Ida A. STONE, his wife, by their deed of trust dated September 17, 18?? and recorded in the Recorder's office of Jefferson County, Missouri, in Trust Record Book No. 11, at page #?, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate in Jefferson County, Missouri.  (lot in city of De Soto)  Which conveyance was in trust to secure the payment of two promissory notes....public notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday the 13th of December 1890 at the court house door in Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the real estate above described to satisfy said notes and the expenses of executing this trust. 

A.P. BOOTH, Trustee


Sheriff's Sale As Trustee: Whereas Reuben POUNDS and Sarah POUNDS, his wife, by their deed of trust dated December 6, 188? and recorded in the Recorder's office of Jefferson County, Missouri, in Trust Record Book No. 12, at page #?, conveyed to John FRECH, as trustee the following described real estate in Jefferson County, Missouri (lot in C. C. FLETCHER's addition in De Soto) public notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned Sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri, will on Saturday the 6th of December 1890 at the court house door in Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the real estate above described to satisfy said note and the expenses of executing this trust. E. R. MAUPIN, Sheriff


Order of publication: In the circuit court of said county September term, 1890, Alice WIMMER, plaintiff, versus Charles WIMMER, defendant. (petition for divorce on the grounds of abandonment and desertion for more than one year, and for the care and custody of their infant son)


Order of publication: In the circuit court of said county September term, 1890 Thomas C. O'HAVER, plaintiff versus Charles WALDRON, James OHAVER, Edward GRAHAM, the unknown heirs of Nancy GIPSON, deceased, Elizabeth HENDERSON and ___ HENDERSON her husband defendants. (real estate partition of the estate of their father Philip O'HAVER)


 Dr. JAMES qualified as Coroner on the 21st last.

John RUF, of DeSoto subscribed for the J.D. this week.

Jacob LINDAUER of House's Springs was in 
Hillsboro Monday.

William BRYAN bought the "Co-man property" from James MOSS.

E.J. HOOGE has ordered the paper sent to him at
No. 2719 Missouri Ave. St. Louis.


Walter DAHL has ordered this paper to visit him at Kelly View, Wise County, Virginia  


F. W. STEINMEYER, of 2517 S. Second, St. Louis, will read this paper in future. The money has arrived.


A number of young people gathered at Sheriff MAUPIN's one night last week and had a good time.


T.W. PARKINSON residing about one mile north of here has been down with pneumonia, but is convalescing.

Collector HAMEL's receipts for October were: Current year's taxes $8656.47, licenses $3, back taxes $63.40, total $8722.87.


There is a white and red spotted heifer, year old next spring, unmarked and in a poor fix, at Thomas CAGE's, near Hillsboro. Owner should call for it.


We see the name of Joseph RUSTIGE in today's list of marriage licenses and presume it is the Rock Creek Squire.  Here's to his health and the bride's too.

Miss Cora Null, formerly of
Hillsboro, was married at the residence of Councilman LEYETT in DeSoto on the 19th inst, to Clinton SHORT; REV. CROW officiating.

Mr CARVER who had the misfortune to lose his wife and daughter recently and was himself laid up with severe attack of pneumonia was able to pass through town last week.

Joseph J. HOEKEN went to
Jefferson City last Monday, to urge the appointment of Judge THOMAS. The Governor had already made the appointment, but Joe had the pleasure of carrying the commission home. 

Thomas HUDGINS had one of his hands nearly cut off by a rip saw, while  working in the machine shops at DeSoto on Tuesday.  He was at once sent to the railroad hospital.  It is feared that he will lose the hand.

Minnie WASHBURN a young woman of DeSoto, who is believed to be unsound mind, is in jail on a commitment from Squire SERRIN, where she is to remain for the action of the next grand jury, on a charge of burglariously entering Mr .WALKER'S store.

Harry, son of Collector HAMEL graduated from Barnes short hand school recently. We are also informed that he has accepted a position as stenographer in the master car builder’s office in DeSoto. May success attend Harry.

A party was given at Lausen MOSS' last Friday night, which was enjoyed by all present. However, Mr. MOSS says he will have to enlarge his house before giving another party, as young people are much more numerous now than in his dancing days.


George MERSEAL of Frumet gave a party one night last week in honor of his friend Simon MCNEARNEY, who was one of the successful candidates at the late election. A monstrous crowd was there and all enjoyed themselves as only victorious Democrats can.



Clinton SHORT and Cora  NULL
Joseph  RUSTIGE  and Adelheld  WIELMS
George  W. THOMPSON and Augusta  WILSON
Frank E. BURGESS and Sarah S. RUDDER
Rufus L. HUSKEY and Laura  M. MOSS
Louis  JACKSON and Nora  BAKER  The last couple is of ebony hue.

Eugene HIRSCH, the marble man of DeSoto passed through here last Thursday with three tombstones for the Maxville cemetery, and one for that of Antonia. He informed us that he put up a magnificent monument in the new Catholic cemetery near Festus the previous week.


Mrs. BAKEWELL, wife of our Public administrator, died last Thursday after a very short illness, premature childbirth being the cause.  She was an estimable lady and leaves several small children, who will sadly miss a mother's affection and care.  It is a severe blow to the bereaved husband and we extend our heartfelt sympathies.

Tom MERSEAL is the happiest man on Big River.  The election result made him happy; but what filled his cup of happiness more than the election and the 1300 bushels of corn he gathered, is the fact that he now has a young Democratic voter in his house, something heretofore foreign to his fireside. Although is matrimonial life has been blessed with strong and healthy children in the past, his "boys were all girls" up to the arrival of this baby.


Henry SCHARRE, who has been a resident of Rock township for forty years sold his farm on Rock Creek last week to Judge SECKMAN who bought it for X. KOBLER, so we are informed. SHARRE and his present wife have never lived happily together, and when the money for the farm was paid, he gave half of it to his wife and the other he kept. He informed us that he intended to travel the remainder of his days apart from his wife, even if he had to got to the North Pole to do so.

Died -- Thursday, Nov.13th, after a lingering illness of ten months, Katharine, wife of Councilman Louis WAPPLER.  Deceased was a native of 
Germany and was married to Mr. WAPPLER in this city in 1872. She was a consistent member of the German Methodist church and bore the long months of suffering with Christian patience, ever looking forward to the reward promised to the faithful ones. She leaves a devoted husband and four children to mourn the loss of a mother's love and care.The funeral services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. FOTACH and the remains were interred in the city cemetery in the presence of a large number of sympathizing friends.  The Liederhraus society, of which Mr. WAPPLER is a member, attended in a body under the leadership of Judge HAMEL and rendered several appropriate melodies. In company with the numerous friends we extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones in this sad hour of grief.

 R.S. BROWN, brakeman on a freight train met a horrible death on the night of the 13th inst, near Jefferson Barracks. He started from the engine to walk along the top of the cars and was seen no more until his mutilated remains were found lying near the track.  BROWN had been sick and told the engineer that he would not return from St. Louis, but he subsequently changed his mind and it was on his return trip that he met with death. The unfortunate man was well known here, where he had until recently been employed as plasterer. It was his first trip as brakeman.

 We received the following letter last Friday, from the gentleman who lately purchased the "Chris HUSKEY place" dated at Audubon, Iowa, November 17, 1890.

Editor J.D: Last August I was down in your county and was favorably impressed with it, and left an offer on the HUSKEY place; my offer having been accepted, I shall move down to Hillsboro about the 25th of February next. I now want to subscribe for your paper, but do not know the price, so will send you one dollar on the same. I would like to get familiar with the names of my coming new neighbors at least. My friend, Mr. MILLER has not written me lately.

Yours truly, D.A. MORRISON


Thomas J. WILEY, know as "Long Tom of Dry Creek" was in Hillsboro last Friday, and that, too, brimful and running over, not with Bourbon county barreled lightening, nor with Green Tree elixir of life, but the good Democratic news from all over the country. For more than a year, Mr. WILEY suffered greatly with indigestion and he has been fed during that time on nothing but medicine, so to speak, but as soon as he heard the news from Missouri, Indiana, and many other states to numerous to mention, his digestive organs began to improve, he was once more hale and hardy, and began to fatten like the porkers in his pen. The fact is, he came out to the county seat for the purpose of trading pants with ELKINS or SHEIBLE, but the trade was a failure. While their clothes fitted snugly about his waist, they lacked a foot or more in length. He says as soon as he can ship his hogs, he will buy a bolt of manufactured jeans for trousers, whether the MCKINLEY bill is in force or not.


On the evening of the 14th inst., a party was given at Mr. Edward SMITH's, which was a grand affair. Regina, Cedar Hill, Belew's Creek, Sandy and Dittmer's store were represented, and a good time was had. At 12 o'clock the guests were solicited to the upper apartments, where a grand supper was spread, consisting of the nicest delicacies that a person could wish for. Among those present were Rudolph HARNESS  and lady, John GOOLEY and lady, William BUCHMILLER and lady, Robert SMITH and lady, the Misses Virginia and Florence DAHL, Laura MOSS, Maggie VOTAW,  Ross, Lulu, and Lizzie WILSON, Eva and Annie GOOLEY, Anna GEHRKEN, Julia GRAHAM, Maj.? HARNESS, Ida SMITH and Ida ARMSTRONG, Messrs. William and Fred BURTON, John BECHLER, Harry and Alexander DAHL, William HELDBRINK, Amos GRAHAM, ? OTTOMEYER, John CLOVER, R. L. HUSKEY, Otto FLETCHER, John and Henry LUDEMAN, Louis BUXTON, Henry and Oscar GEHRKEN, George LUCAS, Joe WILLIAMS, Alonzo VOTAW, John HAYES, Pat HANSON ? Noah KIDD, John DAVIS, F. H. WILLIAMS, John VINYARD, Mike MOSS, John GANS, and several others whose names we do not remember. Music was furnished by Taylor LANHAM, and the Dittmer's Store Brass and Reed Band. Everything passed off pleasantly and dancing continued until about 5 o'clock next morning, when all departed for their homes with their hearts full of joy and hoping to meet again soon.


 Double Wedding
Some ten days ago, it was announced that an interesting event would occur on Wednesday, the 19th inst. Friends of the family of John MILLER, the largest farmer in the Rock Creek Valley, and the BUSCH-BANGERT  family were invited to attend the wedding of William MILLER  and Miss  Annie BANGERT, who might be termed the adopted daughter of our genial friend, FRANK MOOREHOUSE, as well as the wedding of Henry MILLER and Miss Mary BANGERT. The brides are granddaughters of the late LOUIS BUSCH, one of our earliest German settlers. John MILLER is also one of the early German settlers of
Jefferson County and the grooms are members of the Montesano Band which did such good service in the late Democratic campaign.The wedding took place at the German Lutheran church at 8 o'clock p.m.  The hour was announced by the tapping of the church bell. Immediately a wedding march was played by the band and the bridal procession proceeded up the aisle.  (description of the wedding follows)

Vale's Mines
Peter  FRAZIER'S youngest child is very low with pneumonia.

Mrs. Susan BURNS died in Festus at the residence of her son, FELIX.  She was quite aged.

Coon hunting is a specialty. James GOFF catches one or two every week, he having the best dog in the county for coons and squirrels.


PHILLIP McGUIRE, a colored man living near here, gave a play at the request of many girls. After playing a while, some concluded to play "snap" so they commenced it, and one girl got first snap, and when she snapped at the man, he started to catch her. In running around she fell, striking her head against a hard substance with such force that she was senseless until next day.

List of conveyances filed with the recorder during the  week ending on last Tuesday:

D.M. PARK, administer estate of J.L. BYRD,   to Thomas HIGGINBOTHAM , 17 lots in De Soto.  

Philip SCHAUB to George THEIS, lot in DeSoto

Martin  ZIMPFER, curator estate of Ida  ZIMPFER  to Frederick  LONGEBENNIG

John  W. NULL to trustees Christian  CHURCH, lot in Hematite 

Nathan  SLAWSON to Thomas  CARTER

Charles  E. and  Louis   MILLER to Joseph  WELSH

Joseph  J. HOEKEN to Thomas  W. EVANS

Lorenz   KITCHNER   to John TRAVIS

Robert C. MOORE  to John  L. OGLE




James  F. ALLRED to John  W. COUCH

Heinrich  SCHARRE to  Henry   SECKMAN


Clement SEAMAN to Aaron SMITH 


Farm for sale; the E.P. BAKER farm, near Hillsboro. For particulars call on R. W. MCMULLIN, Hillsboro, Missouri