Friday, May 30, 1884
Jefferson Watchman
De Soto, Jefferson, Missouri

(transcription by Charlotte Maness)

For County Treasurer. - R. W. McMULLIN is a candidate for Treasurer of Jefferson county, Mo., subject to the Democratic nominating convention.

For Recorder. - We are authorized to announce Elias F. HONEY as a candidate for the recorder of Jefferson County, subject to the Democratic nominating convention.

Married at the residence of C.G. WARNE, Mr. Edward CUMMINGS to Miss Eliza GOZA, on Tuesday eve, the 27th inst. The ceremony was performed by 'Squire Chas. G. WARNE. There were present a few of the immediate friends and relatives, which made it a very pleasant gathering. After the usual ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Chas. WILKINSON, and dancing was kept up until a late hour. We wish this happy couple a long and prosperous journey through life.

Last Saturday George AMEL was 24 years old, and his sisters, Misses Alice and Emma, planned a surprise for him. Several members of the "Down by the Sea" Combination were out serenading the rest of the members, and when the crowd arrived at George's home they were requested to step in. They responded to that invitation with alarcity, but imagine their surprise on entering, to find the parlors lighted up and a crowd of young folks there to greet them.

N.B. WILLIAMS, the young gentleman lately employed as clerk in MANHEIMER's, is lying very sick at DUNLOP's hotel with Bright's disease of the kidneys. His mother from Bloomfield, Mo., is here attending him.

Chas. E. HOPSON has bad luck again. His little baby boy, only a couple of months old, but which promised to be healthy and strong, has been taken away. It did last Wednesday afternoon and was buried on Thursday. Charley has the sympathy of many friends.

Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. JONES have been suffering for a week past with typhoid fever, but are now thought to be improving. The parents desire to express their thanks to the many kind friends who have assisted them during the sickness of their children.

Dr. Hugh BERKLEY, who for many years enjoyed great popularity as a physician in this city, died in Bloomfield, Ky., on the 28th inst., at the home of his brother, whither he went last winter for the benefit of his health. His remains arrived in de Soto today and the funeral took place from the Congregational church.