Past Commanders Veterans
of Foreign Wars
Jefferson County Post 3777
From 50 year Anniversay booklet "We Remember"
Transcribed by Lisa K. Gendron
1940-41 Edward Null
1941-42 Homer B. Graig
1942-43 Fred J. Speidel
1943-44 Robert Dunn
1946-47 William B. Milfelt
1947-48 Alfred H. Decker
1948-49 Wilbert J. Reed
1949-50 Earl Toulouse
1950-51 Davis Fite
1951-52 Clifford Hardin
1952-53 John H. Burns
1953-54 Bernard Pratt
1954-55 Walter G. Bachmann
1956-57 Pershing Govero
1957-58 Luther Squires
1959-60 Victor Lucas
1961-62 Robert Howard
1962-63 John G. Wilson
1963-64 George L. Covington
1965-66 Ernest Elliott
1967-68 Milton Greenstreet
1968-69 Robert Clark
1970-71 Joseph Sliz
1971-72 William Dorsey
1975-76 Floyd Dunham
1977-78 Dave Engel
1978-79 Donald P. Crump
1980-81 William J. Reich
1981-82 James A. Polk
1982-83 Daymond
L. Harned
1985-86 James H. McPeters
1988-89 Lindze
Ladies Auxiliary Past
Pearl Null
Irene Fite
Myrtle Allen
Mariann Burns
Hazel Allen
Elaine Buachman
Verdie Boyne
Henrietta Covington
Sue Sliz
Wanda Covington
Ethel Howard
Ivah Todd
Melba Greenstreet
Fay Dunham
Mary Sue Roberts
Mabel Carrow
Delores Engel
Pauline McDaniel
Donna Reich
Mary Johnson
Inez Fischer
Barbara Amsdon
Virginia Hill
Mary Elliott
"Honor the dead by
helping the living"
The Veteran's of Foreign Wars was organized in 1913. Organization of Jefferson County Memorial Post #3777 was initiated on November 25, 1938. Russell Kamper was appointed organizer, and on January 26, 1939 a charter was issued. The first muster was held on March 12, 1939. They began in a small room in the old Crystal City building, and later in the Masonic Hall above the E&D Room in Festus. On August 6, 1948 the membership voted in favor of purchasing "Hill-billy Park" that at one time had been called Lucas Lake. The parcel of land now called VFW Park contained 13.8 acres. Meetings continued to be held in the Masonic Hall until June, 1954, when they then moved to the present property, VFW Park. Meetings were held in a small building (Tarpaper Shack) across the lake while construction began on the new basement. The first meeting was held there on December 3, 1955 and served as the post home until 1956 when the building was completed. Additions of the bar and game room were completed by 1973.