Jury Records- Military Extractions
Book #105
III-A-R, Jefferson Co, MO
by Carole Goggin
Pg 5
To Whom
it may concern:
Know ye, that
George Staitzel, a Private of Captain Matthias
Newmen [sic] Company (“C”) Con Bat 31 and 33 regiments of Missouri Infantry
Volunteers who was enrolled on the Eleventh day of August one thousand eight
hundred and Sixty two to serve three years or during the war, is hereby
discharged from the service of the United States, this thirteenth day of June
1865 at Washington City, C. D. by reason of Expiration of Service (No objection
to his being re-enlisted is known to
exist) Said George Staitzel was born in
the State of Saxony, is Twenty Four years of age, Five feet Five inches high,
Dark complexion , Hazel eyes, dark hair and by occupation when enrolled, a
Carpenter. Given at Washington D. C. this thirteenth day of June 1865.
Nenners (Newman??)
Commanding the
Wm. S. Alexander
Capt 30
A C M1” Div, 15” A.C
Filed and Recorded Decr 5,
1865 Samuel A. Reppy Clerk
Pg 5
To All Whom it may Concern:
Know Ye, that
William F. Kropp, a private of Captain John Creagan’s
(??) Company (I) 22nd
regiment of Ohio, Infantry Volunteers, who was enrolled on the second day of
September one thousand Eight hundred and sixty and to serve three years or
during the war is hereby Discharged from the service of the United States, this
second day of January 1864, at Bayou Metre Arkansas by reason of reenlistment
as a veteran volunteer (No objections to his being re-enlisted is known to
exist*) said William F. Kropp was born in Jefferson in the state of Missouri is Ninteen years of
age, Five feet Eight inches high, Light complexion, Grey eyes, Light hair, and
by occupation, when enrolled, a farmer. Given at Bayou Metre,
John Buxton
the Co
F. H. Wilson
1st Leiut.
Filed and Recorded
Pg 6
To All
to whom it may Concern;
Know, Ye, That
William F. Kropp, a private of Captain John
Creagan’s Company (‘A’) 22d Regiment of Ohio Infty veteran volunteers, who
was enrolled on the third day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty
four to serve three years or during the war, is hereby discharged from the
service of the United States this twenty eighth day of August 1865, at Little
Rock Arkansas of reason of Circular (Bfo?) 30 of 1865 War Dept A.G.O. (no
objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist). Said William F. Kropp
was born in Jefferson County in the State of Missouri, is twenty years of age,
Five feet eight inches high, Light complexion, Gray eyes, Light hair and by
occupation when enrolled, a farmer, given at Little Rock Ark, this twenty eight
day of August 1865.
William Kramme
2nd Lieut Co A 22nd
Bet. Vols Commanding Capt
and Asst Compy Musters 3 division 7th AC
Filed and recorded
Page 6
To All Whom it May Concern;
Know Ye that Charles H. Bickford, a Private of
Captain Valentine Presitts Company
(M) Det. Regiment of Missouri Cavalry Volunteers who was enrolled on the first
day of August One thousand eight hundred and sixty one to serve three years or
during the war, is hereby Discharged from the service of the United States,
this 20th day of August 1864, at St. Louis Missouri by reason of
expiration of term of service. (No objection to his being re-enlisted is known
to exist)) Said Charles H. Bickford was born in
Wm. S. Hallock, Commanding the Regt 2 Lt 1st
Jas H. Burnett, Asst Comy of Musters
1st Lt Co G 1st
Comdg Detcht
Filed and Recorded
Page 6
To all Whom
it may concern:
Know Ye that Marmaduke Cantrell, a private of
Captain William Brantner’s Company
(‘F’) 18th Regiment of Missouri Infantry vet Volunteers who was
enrolled on the twenty seventh day of December One thousand Eight hundred and
Sixty four to serve one year or during the war, is hereby discharged from the
service of the United States this eighteenth day of July 1865 at Louisville,
Kentucky by reason on existing orders from the W[ar] Department dated June 22,
(No objection to his being
re=enlisted is known to exist). Said Marmaduke Cantrell was in born in
_________ in the State of Missouri, is twenty two years of age, five feet seven
1/2 inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, and by occupation when
enrolled a miner. Given at
Elias Perry
Wm W. Carr
2nd Lieut 18th
Cap’t 10th
Ills. Inftry
Vet. Vol. Comd’g Company A.C.
Div. 17th A. C.
Oath of Identity
Marmaduke Cantrell of the town of _______________ of the County of Jefferson in the State
of Missouri, on this 22nd day of June in the year one thousand eight
hundred and Sixty Six, personally appeared before me the undersigned, a Justice
of the Peace, for the County and State afore mentioned, Marmaduke Cantrell who
being duly sworn according to law declares that he is the identical person who
was private in the company commanded by Captain William Brantner in the Regiment 18 Commanded by Col. Shelton, that
he outlisted on the 27day of December, 1864 for the term of one year and was
discharged at Louisville, Kentucky on the 18 day of July 1865 by reason of
Existing orders. Marmaduke
Sworn and subscribed to me
before me the day and year above written.
James S. Williams J.P.
I certify that James
S. Williams before whom the above affidavit purports to have been made is a
Justice of the Peace duly authorized to administer oaths and that the above is
his signature. In witness. whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 2 day of July in
the year 1866 at
R. W. McMullin
Clerk of the County Court
Filed and Recorded