County Seat of Jefferson County, Missouri
Intro by Lisa K. Gendron
The county of Jefferson, taken from the southern portion of St. Louis County, was organized by act of the Territorial Legislature Dec. 8, 1818. L. B. Boyd, Thomas Evens, Jacob Wise, William Bates, William Null, Peter McCormick and Henry Metz, were appointed commissioners to select a seat for the new county. Herculaneum was selected. James Bryant and his wife donated land on which to erect the public buildings. The first term of Circuit Court was held here on March 25, 1819, by Nathaniel B. Tucker, judge of the Northern Circuit ; Samuel Woodson, clerk; and Andrew Scott, sheriff.
However, after a few years, rapidly changing county lines created a demand for a more central location. Finally a petition to the court resulted in the appointment of Minor Mothershead, Thomas Hurst, William Hurst, Jesse Phillips, and Paschal Detchemundy, commissioners to consider removal to a more central place. A site was selected and voted on at a general election held in Aug., 1832. Charles Mothershead was appointed commissioner of the county seat at the Sept., 1834 term. After he resigned, Clinton Mothershead was appointed in his stead. Hugh O'Neal and Samuel Merry, owners of the new site donated the same to the county, April 7, 1838, but the matter was not settled until by act of the legislature, Feb. 8, 1839. The town, first called Monticello, was surveyed and laid out by George W. Waters, surveyor. The name was soon changed to Hillsboro.
Dailey Commercial Bulletin, St. Louis MO - June 13 1836
The sale of lots in this town will take place on the 21st day of June, 1836. It is in the heart of a mineral country. The district in which it lies is very well watered - the negro fork of the Maremech, called Big River and the Joachim and Platten creeks flow not far from it. It is on the direct route from St. Louis to Belleview or the Iron Mountain, and the rail road must pass immediately by it. This is a portion of that finely timbered mineral region, well adapted to the production of wheat and small grain, which is now attracting the notice of the community. As to the present mode of travelling there, a passage from St. Louis to Herculaneum of about three or four hours in a steam boat can be had any day of the week, from which a ride of fifteen miles will take the traveller to Monticello, which is the centre of the county of Jefferson. Monticello is in the vicinity of the Big River Lead Mines that now afford the finest prospects.
Journal of the Senate of the State of Missouri
Mr. Alford presented to the Senate, A petition from sundry citizens of Jefferson praying that the county seat of said county may be removed from Herculaneum the present county seat to Hillsborough in said county, Which was read, and On his motion, Was referred to a select committee, Which Mr. President named to consist of Messrs. Alford, Campbell and Sterigere.
Image of the petition (no signatures)
Petition for removal of county seat from Herculaneum
Missouri State Historical Society - Columbia Western Historical Manuscript Collection
Transcribed by Kim Miller & Lisa K. Gendron. Many thanks to Jim Johnston for his help in verifying many of these signatures.
I tried my best to verify as many of these signature as possible. If you see a family name that I have wrong, please let me know. Spellings are as written in the document.
For a county seat in the same vicinity and further that the county seat shall be removed from Herculaneum to this place above designated and your petitioning as in duty bound rule forever pray July 19,1826
Note on how to match the signature image pages to the following list. The first three images are one long list. The list below goes all the way down the left side of the first three images, and then down the right side of all three images. Then, it starts at the top left of the next three images and then to the right column to the end. In order to not cut off any names, a few of the signatures from the bottom of each page will appear at the top of the next page.
List of signatures:
Left column of first three images
Signature page 1, Signature page 2, Signature page 3
Thomas Williams
Avington K. Willson
William Wright
Thomas Moss
Mark Moss
Edward Butler
James Doyle
Moses? ___
A L Wilcox
Thos P. Bucker
Saml McMullin
Lennerd Parker
Abm. Gibbs
James Thoburn
Jas Wright
T.W. Rogers
Joseph McMullin
Thomas Brewer
Jesse Knighton
Hugh McTernan
Mike Munagan
James Dornseif
Mat (or Hart) Diel
Rbt Caving
John Brooks
Elisha Westbrook
James Robinson
James Whithead
J Thomas Whitehead
Wm Robinson
Samuel Whitehead
Robert Whitehead
Ammon Knighton
Daniel Cox
T W McGuire
Thomas Coleman
John Staples
Samuel Staples
Isaiah Goza
John Hensley
Mathew McPeake
David Stong
Thomas Herd
Louis Bolduc
William Mothershead
Thomas Lord
Isaac Hellenbrand
Samuel Herrington
John Bittick
Jonathan Hillibran
James Jones
Thomas Benton
William Williams
Zephniah Nobles
Henry Pruit (or Prewit)
Joseph Medley
Joseph Missplay X his mark
James Medley X his mark
Thomas Medley X his mark
James Green X his mark
James Shultz
John Wilson X his mark
David Dove
George Grayham X his mark
George West
Christopher Shultz X his mark
Abram Barry X his mark (his probate is spelled Barree)
Elijah West X his mark
Aaron Yurick X his mark
Aaron ________ X his mark
Johnston Shoults
Michael Brinley
Jno Noland
Samuel Graham
J Warner
J Bors(inkblot)
William Ellis
Right side of first three images
Peter Williams
John Nichols
John Rabb
Richard Hendrickson
Aaron Cook
Michel Clover
William Graham
Barkly Aly
James Stewart
(name cut off)
Orson Baker
H.H. Jones
Milton Baker
Minor Motherhead
William Hogan
B T Hansell
Jacob Stroup
Thomas Cumins
John Hendrickson
Henry G Brown
Jonathan Drinning
A Fight
Phillip W Roberts
__ holcomb Holcomb
Moses Waddell
R Haverstick
Thomas Deane
William Rogers
William Ogel
Jonathan Strickland
Henry Haverstick
Silas Williams
Washington Brown
John Brown
Thomas Williams
Henrey Cook
Robt Ogle
George _ Haverst (there is an obstruction over the rest of the name, but I'm sure it is Haverstick)
James Nowlin
Wm Donnell
Caleb O’Haver
Adam Wilson
John G Green
David K __lly
Thomas Knight
Solomon Belew
Abraham Johnston
David Null
Isacc Willson
Enoch Holcomb
Hezakiah? Wright
James Smith
John Smith
Robert Jameson
Peter Stroup
Jesse Butler
William Drenen
William Haverstick
Philip Roberts X his mark
Isaac Benton (same as name below)
Samuel Wilson X his mark
George Nash X his mark
David Sullens
Wm Stewart
Isaac Benton X his mark
Joseph Rogers X his mark
P Jarvis
B. B. Byrd
Jacob Wise
Left side of second set of images
Signature Page 4, Signature Page 5, Signature Page 6
T. C. Trustee
John Leon
Gideon Peter Norman
Heilly W Hail
Edward E. Burns
John Johnson
Bartlet Edds
George Button
Jas Camper
Elmer Niclos
H.W. Lonhg
M___ Hargis
James Armstrong
Thos Garrity
Arthur T. Dobyus
Wm T. Cox
Jachob Weidman
Hamelton Williams
Jacob Shoulse
Richard Lemastter
Benjamin English
James R___
William Bogess
John Huskey
John Williams
William Williams
A Cottle
Isaac Cottle
Azariah Holcomb
James _ Kite
John Wright
Thomas J Kemper
Thos Edwards
James Evans
Ruben ___kes
John Waddell
William Wickerham
Samuel Charles
William Breavy
James Cochran
Wilson McKeen
Merideth Wideman
Samuel Mun__
Daniel Eastwood
Samuel M Palmer
Tomas Evens
Lenard Couch
Richard Steen
Michael McKee
Willis ________
Joseph McKee
Robert Mculloch
Archibald McKee
Jacob Wilson
James Pounds
Hezekiah ________
Isaac Erving
Abraham Evens
Marke? Wideman
Samuel Lappy
Anthony Lappy
Zacharich Griffin
Abraham Benton
John Gamble
John Rogers
Aquila Wickerham
Right side of second set of images
Isaac Carrow
John S Davis
Andrew Young
Thomas Trimble
Hardin Nowlin
Robert Coxwell
John McLaughlin
Abraham Hendricks
Warner Lewis
Peter Thurman
James Steen
Jim Moss
Zacharias Moore
William Steen
Samuel __ton
Bryant Deeds
Elisha T Hayward
Wm Gray
Ga J Johnston
B J Johnston
J W Fliyile (complete guess...don't recognize the name)
James Thomas
David McMeans
Anthony Thomas
Austin Byrd
B Johnston Jr.
Wm Wright
Wm Smirl
Aaron Smirl
John C Graves
R S Stewart
J Stewart
J Wise
A M Kinney
Abr Hildebrand
Jasa Blaen (complete guess...don't recognize the name)
N. Wise
George Carter
Alexander McMeans
Jacob Swaney
Henry Boli
Samuel Byrns
William Crow
Jacob Crow
James Hart
John Sheffield
David Hilderbrant
John McGuire
Absalom Richardson
John Hick
William Mcgates
John Leech
George Dill
George Gibson X his mark
J M Eigelbarger
John Gilmore X his mark
Levi Brinley
Fredrick C Luke X his mark
Andrew Craig
Jacob Wideman X his mark