COURT CASES involving Jefferson County, Missouri extracted from the Secretary of State - Missouri Judicial Records Database. For information about obtaining copies of the records from microfilm, please contact the Missouri State Archives Reference Room at (573) 751-3280

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Prepared for this website by Lisa K. Gendron



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Pipkin et al v. Allen et al

Contributor                     Appellant    Allen, Ann R.

Appellant                        Allen, Thomas

Respondent                     Ripkin, Philip  (Pipkin)

Respondent                     Beal, James A.

Judge                              Scott, William

Date                                Date Filed   1859

Term of Court                 1859

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1859

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Writ dismissed

Cause of Action              Petition for Partition

Reference                       29 Mo. 229

Case Summary                Both the plaintiffs and defendants were tenants on 540 acres. This case was a petition to partition the land. The plaintiffs claimed 400 of the acres. The jury found for the plaintiffs for 325 acres. The high court dismissed the writ. The partition that was ordered was never made or confirmed.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Applegate et al v. Smith et al

Contributor                     Appellant    Applegate, Mary Ann

Appellant                        Schenck, America

Appellant                        Applegate, John D.

Respondent                     Smith, James

Respondent                     Smith, Thomas

Appellant                        Schenck, J.P.

Appellant                        Jeffries, Elizabeth

Appellant                        Jeffries, Richard

Appellant                        Applegate, Polly

Judge                              Scott, William

Date                                Date Filed   1860

Term of Court                 1860

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1860

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Reference                       31 Mo. 166

Case Summary                The appellants were heirs of Thomas Applegate and claimed the land in the possession of the Smiths. The Smiths held possession under Martha, Thomas' widow. The lower court found for the Smiths. The high court affirmed the decision. Even though acquired after Thomas executed his will leaving everything to Martha, the title to the land passed to her.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Baptiste

Appellant                        Chouteau, Pierre

Date                                Date Filed   1837

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Third

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Assault and Battery

Cause of Action              False Imprisonment

Cause of Action              Petition for Freedom

Case Summary                Issue: Legality of slavery of Indians taken in 1760's French War; court affirmed Marguerite versus Chouteau 1828 or 1834; victors unclear.



Title                              Supreme Court Case Files

Title                              Beeler v. Cardwell et al

Contributor                   Appellant      Beeler, Conrad

Respondent                   Cardwell, James

Respondent                   Cardwell, D.

Respondent                   Cardwell, Ruben

Respondent                   Cardwell, Huffman

Respondent / Attorney  Green, Abner

Judge                             Ewing, Ephraim

Date                              Date Filed     1859

Term of Court               1859

Year of the Opinion      1859

Term Month                  October

Coverage                      County           Jefferson

Description                   Proceedings  Civil

Disposition                   Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action            Forcible Entry and Detainer

Reference                      29 Mo. 72

Case Summary              Beeler charged the defendants with unlawfully entering one of the fields on his farm in Big River. The defendants countered that they were not guilty because Beeler had given them access to the field for the purpose of building a fence. They further argued that Beeler agreed to let them stay on the land if they were to cultivate it. The Supreme Court ruled with Beeler, stating that in actions of forcible entry, right to possession is not taken into consideration.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Beeler, Conrad v. Cardwell

Contributor                     Judge           Bates, Barton

Appellant                        Cardwell, Huffman

Appellant / Attorney       Frissell And Green

Appellant                        Cardwell, Reuben

Respondent                     Beeler, Conrad

Appellant                        Cardwell, D.

Appellant                        Cardwell, James

Respondent / Attorney    Finsking, Thomas

Date                                Date Filed   1861

Date of Trial                   1862

Term of Court                 1862

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1862

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition to Withhold Land

Cause of Action              Petition to Compel Payment

Case Summary                Beebler claimed that the Cardwells entered his land with force and demanded surveys and money. Beebler wanted to live on the land and felt that they were wrong. The Cardwells wanted him off the land.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Bates, Henry P.

Respondent                     Wilkson, Anthony

Appellant                        Shore, Jane

Appellant                        Skeel, Samuel

Appellant                        Shore, Stephen

Appellant / Deceased     Strong, David

Respondent                     Fight, Andrew

Appellant                        Strong, Solomon B.

Date                                Date Filed   1849

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Estate Settlement

Case Summary                Affirmed and revised award of $1199 for Wilkson et al; Skeel replace Wilkson as administrator of Strong and challenged payments.

General Notes                See inventory of administrative expenses including: education; slave labor; funeral.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Totten, Michael J. v Cole, John C.

Contributor                     Appellant / Attorney Beal, J.A.

Judge                              Bates, Barton

Respondent                     Cole, John C.

Respondent / Attorney    Green, A.

Appellant                        Totten, Michael J.

Date                                Date Filed   February, 1861

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1862

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Cause of Action       Destruction of Property

Case Summary                Appellant (Cole) sued for recovery of property when respondent's (Totten) mare jumped over appellant's fence, which is of insufficient height (5'). Mare was killed by Cole's dogs. Totten sought and was awarded $125 damages.

Deceased Notes              Judgment affirmed.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Beal, James A.

Respondent                     Allen, Ann

Respondent                     Allen, Thomas

Appellant                        Beal, Ann

Appellant                        Pipkin, Philip

Date                                Date Filed   1857

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                Pipkin, Beal and Allen all common tenants who claimed land from Boyle, David who sold it to Anderson, James for a horse and cart who sold it to Russell, William. The land, however, was sold to Russell after Anderson was dead.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Bird, Benjamin B.

Respondent                     Cochran, James

Date                                Date Filed   1829

Coverage                        District        Third

County                            Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Bird properly filed security for appeal on day of trial.

Conservation Notes        Minor fire damage



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                King et al v. Blennerhassett et al

Contributor                     Appellant / Administrator   Blennerhassett, Theresa

Appellant                        Martin, George G.

Appellant / Minor           Blennerhassett, Richard Bynn

Respondent                     King, Robert A.

Appellant                        Martin, Sarah Annie

Appellant                        Blennerhassett, Edward N.

Appellant / Minor           Blennerhassett, Alice Josephine

Appellant / Minor           Blennerhassett, Theresa Bodecia

Appellant / Deceased     Blennerhassett, Richard

Respondent                     Nickerson, Edmund

Judge                              Scott, William

Date                                Date Filed   1859

Term of Court                 1859

Year of the Opinion        1859

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Petition to Set Aside Conveyance of Land

Case Summary                The deceased Richard Blennerhassett served as counsel for one Nelson Cross. For compensation for his services he agreed to accept a conveyance of land from Cross. Blennerhassett died during the case, and the plaintiffs took over. The plaintiffs were asking for the conveyance of land to be handed over to them, but the defendants denied because Blennerhassett had performed some services. The high court ruled that the deed to Blennerhassett was absolute and unconditional



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Morse, John H. v. Rathburn, George R.

Alternative Title             49 Mo. 91

Contributor                     Judge           Bliss, Philemon

Respondent                     Morse, John H.

Appellant                        Rathburn, George R.

Date                                Term of Court          1871

Term Month                    October

Date Filed                      1871

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     reversed and remanded

Cause of Action              contract

General Note                  This case was previously before the Missouri Supreme Court 42 Mo. 594

Case Summary                In 1867 the parties entered into a contract for the sale of real estate in Jefferson county by Morse to Rathburn for $21,000. The agreement contained a stipulation of forfeiture of $2,000 in case of non-performance.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Burgwald, William v. Weippert, John and Weippert, Eliza

Alternative Title             49 Mo. 60

Contributor                     Judge           Bliss, Philemon

Plaintiff in Error             Weippert, Eliza

Plaintiff in Error             Weippert, John

Defendant in Error          Burgwald, William

Date                                Date Filed   1871

Term of Court                 1871

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     judgment reformed

Cause of Action              contract

Case Summary                John Weippert entered into a contract with Burgwald, by which Burgwald contracted to erect a brick building upon the land of Eliza Weippert.



Title                          Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor               Appellant          Austin, James

Respondent               Alford, Johnson

Date                          Date Filed         1839

Coverage                  County   Jefferson

Description               Proceedings       Civil

Cause of Action        Action on Debt

Case Summary          Ownership of unpaid promissary note.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Baker, Catherine et al v. Schoeneman, Executor of Estate of Runkle, J.C, deceased

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  Baker, Catherine

Plaintiff in Error / Executor    Schoeneman, E.S.

Judge                              Fagg, Thomas J.C.

Plaintiff / Deceased        Runkle, J. C.

Date                                Date Filed   1867

Term of Court                 1867

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Estate

Disposition                     Reversed and remanded

Cause of Action              Estate Dispute

Case Summary                Catherine Baker sued the administrator of her late husband's estate to recover property. The administrator, Runkle, then billed the estate for his legal fees and costs. The county court allowed Runkle to charge the estate for his legal fees and costs but the Circuit Court held that the legal fees should have been taken from Runkle's own property rather than the estate. The Supreme Court reversed the Circuit Court's decision and remanded the case.



Title                   Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor         Respondent  Boly, William

Appellant           Linton & Sappington, George

Date                    Date Filed   1849

Coverage            County         Jefferson

Description        Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action  Action on Debt

Case Summary    Debt owed to Boly.



Title                           Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                Respondent      Bryant, Eve

Appellant                   Cooley, Lawson

Date                           Date Filed        1847

Coverage                   County  Jefferson

Description                Proceedings     Civil

Cause of Action         Foreclosure

Case Summary           Bryant held mortgage on Cooley's land.



Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Burgess, James et als. v. Kattleman, Henry et als.

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  Burgess, William

Plaintiff in Error             Kattleman, Henry

Defendant in Error          Allen, Elizabeth

Plaintiff in Error             Stouse, William

Plaintiff / Attorney          Green, A.

Defendant in Error          Burgess, James Jr.

Plaintiff in Error             Moody, Charles D.

Plaintiff in Error             Hammeel, Murray J. G.

Plaintiff in Error             Gottschalk, F.

Plaintiff in Error             Gottschalk, L.

Plaintiff in Error             Twining, William

Defendant in Error          Burgess, Eliza

Defendant in Error          Fallon, John Jr.

Defendant in Error          Allen, David J.

Date                                Date Filed   1867

Term Month                    October

Term of Court                 1867

Year of the Opinion        1867

Date of Trial                   1867

Coverage                        District        Second

County                            Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Rent

Reference                       41 Mo. 480

Case Summary                The defendants in error stated that they leased property to the plaintiffs for the purpose of cutting wood. The parties agreed to a lien for the timber in order to secure the rent payment. While the rent remained due, Twining and Moody sold staves to Kattleman. After this transaction, the defendants told the plaintiffs that the lease was no longer good and took possession of all the remaining lumber and staves.

General Notes                Two verbatim court opinions included in this file.



Title                         Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor              Appellant           Byrd, Thomas

Respondent              Knighton, Ammon

Date                         Date Filed          1842

Coverage                 County    Jefferson

District                    Third

Description              Proceedings       Civil

Cause of Action       Action on Debt

Case Summary         Debt was for $500 in wooden planks.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Cadwallader, Ezra et al. v. West, Catherine et al.


Appellant                        Cadwallader, Ezra

Respondent                     West, Catherine

Date                                Date Filed   1870

Term of Court                 1870

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson County Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings estate


Cause of Action              estate

Case Summary                The action was brought by Ezra Cadwallader and the other heirs of Isaac Cadwallader who claim that Isaac was not in a sound state of mind when he set aside over three hundred acres in Jefferson County to his doctor, William West. West having died only shortly after Isaac Cadwallader is represented by his wife, Catherine West.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Cadwallader, Ezra et al. v. West, Catherine et al.

Alternative Title             48 Mo. 483

Contributor                     Judge           Currier, Warren

Appellant                        Cadwallader, Ezra

Respondent                     West, Catherine

Respondent                     Remmington, Tony

Date                                Date Filed   1870

Term of Court                 1871

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings estate

Disposition                     reversed and cause remanded

Cause of Action              estate

General Note                  There are over fifty appellants in the case, many of whom are also members of the Cadwallader family.

Case Summary                When Isaac Cadwallader was about seventy-five years old he enlisted the aid of Dr. William West. In exchange for treating him in his old age, West received 200 acres of property. Over the next thirteen years West cared for and treated Cadwallader, gradually gaining more power over him and his estate as the old man became weaker and as Cadwallader signed successive wills in West's favor. The heirs of Cadwallader brought the suit against West and his heirs because Isaac Cadwallader eventually gave his entire estate over to West. The lower court found for West and his wife Catherine, concluding that no undue influence had occurred in the relationship of the two men.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Chouteau, Gabriel S.

Respondent                     Barlow, Joseph, Virginia

Appellant                        Keener, John, Ellen, Ephraim, Catharine

Respondent                     Chouteau, Henry

Respondent                     Ulrica, Richard W.

Respondent                     Paul, Edward W., Gabriel R.

Respondent                     Ham, Gabriel J., Rene, Anna, William A.

Respondent                     Garnell, George, Louise, Beckwith, Frederick, Julia

Appellant                        Waddle, Herman L, Susan

Attorney                          Polk, Trusten

Respondent                     Chouteau, Edward A.

Appellant                        Bollinger, George, Joel, Ann Eliza, Eli S, Henry, John, Eliza

Date                                Date Filed   1854

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                Bollinger, John purchased land from Chouteau and Soulard, but failed to make payments. Chouteau and Soulard brought suit and recovered land. Heirs claim Bollinger died before could make payments. Court held suit against Bollinger void, as he was deceased.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Chouteau, Pierre

Respondent                     Catiche

Date                                Date Filed   1837

Coverage                        District        Third

County                            Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Assault and Battery

Cause of Action              False Imprisonment

Cause of Action              Petition for Freedom

Case Summary                Issue: Legality of slavery of Indians taken in 1760's French War; court affirmed Marguerite versus Chouteau 1828 or 1834; victors unclear.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Chouteau, Pierre

Respondent                     Helen

Date                                Date Filed   1837

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Third

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Assault and Battery

Cause of Action              False Imprisonment

Cause of Action              Petition for Freedom

Case Summary                Issue: Legality of slavery of Indians taken in 1760's Fench War; court affirmed Marguerite versus Chouteau 1828 or 1834; victors unclear.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Chouteau, Pierre

Respondent                     Julia

Date                                Date Filed   1837

Coverage                        District        Third

County                            Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Assault and Battery

Cause of Action              False Imprisonment

Cause of Action              Petition for Freedom

Case Summary                Issue: legality of slavery of Indians taken in 1760's French War; court affirmed Marguerite versus Chouteau 1828 or 1834; victors unclear.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Chouteau, Pierre

Respondent                     Marguirite

Date                                Date Filed   S.D.

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Third

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition for Freedom

Cause of Action              Assault and Battery

Cause of Action              False Imprisonment

Case Summary                Issue: Legality of slavery of Indians taken in 1760's FrenchWar; the opinion read "affirmed" but victors unclear.




Title                         Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor              Appellant           Cooney, Lawson

Respondent              Rankin, C. S.

Date                         Date Filed          1848

Coverage                 County    Jefferson

Description              Proceedings       Civil

Cause of Action       Foreclosure

Case Summary         Of mortgage, 547 acres. $3000 value.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Cowen, John E. v. The St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad Company

Alternative Title             48 Mo. 556

Contributor                     Respondent  Cowen, John E.

Appellant                        The St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad Company

Judge                              Wagner, David

Date                                Date Filed   1871

Term of Court                 1871

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              contract

Case Summary                Cowen filed suit on an account for building materials for a ferry.



Title                               Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Craft, Josiah

Appellant                       Moss, Thomas

Date                                Date Filed   1847

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                    Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Petition to Halt Sale

Case Summary                To stall sale for payment of earlier judgment.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Cundiff, James

Respondent                     Cullum, Tilman

Date                                Date Filed   1855

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Cundiff owed Cullum $580.90 by promissary note. He paid $474.50 by Clark, William. Cullum sued for remaining debt. Cundiff filed amendment which was denied. Supreme court ruled that it cannot rule on amendments.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Nelson, John, to use of Haenschen & Orthwein v. Luchtemeyer, Frederick et al.

Alternative Title             49 Mo. 56

Contributor                     Judge           Currier, Warren

Respondent                     Luchtemeyer, Frederick

Respondent                     Volmack, Frederick

Appellant                        Nelson, John

Appellant                        Haenschen, Gutavus

Appellant                        Orthwein, Charles

Date                                Term Month October

Date Filed                      1871

Term of Court                 1871

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson County Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              replevin

Case Summary                Nelson and the other appellants brought the suit, seeking to recover wood, a cart and a grindstone as well as other property illegally taken.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Hamill, Hugh and Hamill, Mary v. Daily, Owen et al

Contributor                     Appellant    Daily, James

Respondent / Attorney    Hagan, Francis

Appellant / Attorney       Fletcher, T.C.

Appellant                        Daily, Owen

Appellant /Trustee          Crickett, Barney

Appellant / Minor           Daily, John

Date                                Date Filed   1861

Date of Trial                   1863

Term of Court                 1863

Term Month                    March

Year of the Opinion        1863

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Dismissed

Cause of Action              Estate Settlement

Case Summary                Mary Hamill was the widow of the deceased John Daily. As his widow, Hamill wants one-third of his estate given to her in the form of property in her county.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Bell, William H. v Cowan, John

Contributor                     Appellant / Attorney            Davis and Evans

Judge                              Bates, Barton

Respondent                     Bell, William H

Respondent / Attorney    Colman, E.d.

Appellant                        Cowan, John

Date                                Date Filed   September, 1863

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1863

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Recovery

Case Summary                Plaintiff/respondent claims defendant committed forcible entry onto his lands, then cut and carried off 100 cords of wood. Twice brought to trial, twice ruled for the plaintiff.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Dixon, Christopher

Respondent                     James, Justin

Respondent                     Jewitt, William

Date                                Date Filed   1854

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Injunction

Cause of Action              Trespass

Case Summary                Dixon and Skeel, Samuel were partners in wood cutting business that sold to steamboats from Selma landing which they had a lease for. Skeel died; Dixon refused to administer partnership effects. Skeel's admins seized lease, sold it to James and Jewitt.



Title                                        Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant / Deceased          Dobson, Mary

Respondent / Deceased  Butler, Edward

Respondent / Administrator    Butler, William

Appellant / Administrator      Johnson, Thomas C.

Date                                Date Filed   1852

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Estate Settlement

Case Summary                Dobson married Butler, Edward and then divorced him, claiming abuse. She married Dobson, Jefferson. Butler died and Mary made a claim on a few items and $200. The court held that she was not entitled to the items as she was divorced from Butler.



Title                                Series          Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Donnell, Thomas

Respondent                     England, Margaret

Respondent                     McCormack, Catharine

Respondent                     McCormack, Eliza

Respondent                     Berry, Sarah

Respondent                     McCormack, Hardy

Respondent                     McCormack, James

Respondent                     McCormack, Adaline

Respondent                     McCormack, Margaret

Respondent                     McCormack, Sarah

Appellant                        Heirs of Strickland, Thomas A.

Respondent                     England, James

Respondent                     Berry, Willis

Respondent                     McCormack, Cynthia

Respondent                     McCormack, James W.

Respondent                     McCormack, Peter

Respondent                     Donnell, Mary

Respondent                     McCormack, Caroline

Date                                Date Filed   1850

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Case Summary                Affirmed chain of title from Reagan to Kendall to McCormack and heirs.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Dover, Jerome B. v. Kennerly, Thomas J. et al.

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  Dover, Jerome B.

Plantiff in Error              Kennerly, Thomas J.

Judge                              Fagg, Thomas J. C.

Date                                Date Filed   1869

Term of Court                 1869

Term Month                    March

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Dismissed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                In 1858, Jerome B. Dover gave several negotiable promissory notes to John O'Fallon, secured by a deed of trust on a 160 acre parcel of land. As the notes came due, Dover paid them in money, or as he claimed, in merchandise from his store. O'Fallon transferred some of the notes to Thomas Kennerly and when they came due, the land held in trust was sold at auction. John O'Fallon placed the highest bid but later was unable to pay the amount bid, so the land was again advertised and sold at auction. Thomas Kennerly bought the land then later conveyed the land to John O'Fallon. Dover charged that Kennerly and O'Fallon had conspired to obtain his land at auction and asked the Circuit Court to set aside the trustee's deed to Kennerly. The Circuit Court ruled in favor of Dover, which was affirmed by the Second District Court. On appeal to the Supreme Court, the decision was reversed and the bill dismissed on grounds that no fraud on the part of Kennerly and O'Fallon had been proven by evidence.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Matthews, Newton v. Cook, Allen

Contributor                     Judge           Dryden, James

Appellant                        Foster, C.l.

Appellant / Attorney       Green, Abner

Respondent                     Matthews, Newton

Respondent / Attorney    Thomas, John S.

Appellant                        Cook, Allen

Date                                Date Filed   September, 1863

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1864

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition to Set Aside Deed

Case Summary                Plaintiff petitions to set aside a deed to property formerly belonging to himself. Claims that at the time deed conveyed the property to the defendants he was intoxicated, selling land for $160.5



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Taylor, A.R. v Hunt, Isaac, Executor of J. Hunt, deceased, et al.

Contributor                     Judge           Dryden, James

Appellant / Executor      Hunt, Isaac

Appellant / Attorney       Thomas, J.L.

Respondent / Attorney    Green, A.

Respondent                     Taylor, A.R.

Date                                Date Filed   August, 1863

Year of the Opinion        1863

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition to Compel Payment

Case Summary                Plaintiff/Respondent won judgment against James Hunt, deceased, for $116 owed. County then gave order for Isaac Hunt, the estate's executor, to pay said amount. Appellant failed to pay, claiming that he did not have the money from the estate to pay amount.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant / Administrator   Edwards

Respondent                     McKee, E.

Appellant / Administrator      Dunklin

Appellant / Deceased     Craven

Date                                Date Filed   1821

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                After time elapsed, action on $400 debt still lies.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                State to the use of Jefferson County v. Skeel, William, Smith, Francis, Howe, William S., England, James R., McCormack, Jr., Hardy, and Wiley, Augustine

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  England, James R.

Plaintiff in Error             Williams, Joseph J.

Defendant in Error          Howe, William S.

Defendant in Error          Skeel, William

Defendant in Error          Smith, Francis

Defendant in Error          McCormack, Jr., Hardy

Defendant in Error          Wiley, Augustine

Date                                Date Filed   1865

Date of Trial                   1866

Term of Court                 1866

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1866

Coverage                        Circuit         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Dismissed

Cause of Action              Election

Cause of Action              Tax Dispute

Cause of Action              Tax Assessment

Case Summary                This case involves Skeel, one of the defendents, and his election to the office of tax collector in Jefferson County. Apparently, the state believed that he did not turn over to the government the full amount he collected.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Murray, Owen v. Boyne, Edwin

Contributor                     Judge           Fagg, Thomas J. C.

Plaintiff in Error             Boyne, Edwin

Defendant in Error          Murray, Owen

Date                                Date Filed   1868

Term of Court                 1868

Term Month                    March

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Assault

Case Summary                Murray accused Boyne of assault and battery. The case was appealed on the grounds that the circuit court judge did not instruct the jury to consider that threatening words constitute assault.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Findley, John

Respondent                     Auditor of The State of Missouri

Date                                Date Filed   1827

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Petition to prohibit the sale of land to pay off debts.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Flemm, William

Appellant                        Whitmore, Noah

Date                                Date Filed   1856

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Cause of Action              Account

Case Summary                The action was on an account for $40. Several plaintiffs were involved in the case and were dropped when Flemm said he would pay part of the fee. S.C. ruled that it was erroneous for circuit to strike out 2 or several plaintiffs; must be recovery of all.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Floyd, Thomas

Respondent                     Wiley, Eli

Date                                Date Filed   1824

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Assumpsit

Case Summary                Recovery of runaway horse was an assumpsit.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Fortier, Benom v. Ball, John

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Fortier, Benom

Defendant in Error          Ball, John

Judge                              Baker, James

Date                                Date Filed   1868

Term of Court                 1868

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Damages

Case Summary                Fortier sued Ball in Jefferson County Justice's Court over the killing of a hog. At trial, the Justice of the Peace rendered judgment of non-suit. Later, on a motion of the plaintiff, the justice set the non-suit aside and at trial, rendered judgment for the plaintiff. At issue was the justice's lack of power to set aside a non-suit, and whether Ball's employee was his "servant." The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the District Court.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Foster, Emory S. et al. v. Dunklin, James L.

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Foster, Emory S.

Defendant in Error          Dunklin, James L.

Judge                              Bliss, Philemon

Date                                Date Filed   1869

Term of Court                 1869

Term Month                    March

Coverage                        District        Second District Court

County                            Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson County Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition for New Road

Case Summary                Citizens of Jefferson County petitioned the county court to establish a new road between the towns of Pevely and Sulphur Springs, and the petition was granted. James L. Dunklin, one whose land the new road would cross, motioned the court to reverse the order, which was overruled. Dunklin appealed to the Circuit Court where the County's decision was affirmed. On appeal to the Second District Court, inquiries were made into whether the road would be of benefit to the community, or was unncessary, as Dunklin claimed. The District Court reversed the lower court's decision. On appeal to the Supreme Court, the District Court's decision was reversed on the grounds that, under an 1868 law, County Courts alone had jurisdiciton over the roads in a county, therefore the District Court's inquiries into the necessity of the new road was outside the law.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Franz, George v. Hilterbrand, Philip and Weber, Albert

Alternative Title             45 Mo. 121

Contributor                     Plantiff in Error       Franz, George

Defendant in Error          Hilterbrand, Philip

Judge                              Wagner, David

Defendant in Error          Weber, Albert

Date                                Date Filed   1869

Term of Court                 1869

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              damages

Case Summary                Appeal regarding amount of damages previously assessed for injury to the plantiff caused by the killing his two horses.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Gwynn, John R. et al. v Frazier, Thompson

Contributor                     Respondent  Frazier, Thompson

Appellant                        Gwynn, John R.

Respondent / Assignee   Johnson, J.C.

Judge                              Bates, Barton

Appellant / Attorney       Fletcher, T.C.

Date                                Date Filed   August, 1860

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1862

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Property Dispute

Case Summary                Appellant claims to hold deed from James Cox, signed 1847. Respondent holds title from conveyance from Cox estate attorney.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Heirs of Ellen Richardson, deceased v. Frederitzee, John M., executor of the estate of John Richardson

Contributor                     Respondent / Executor        Frederitzee, John M.

Appellant / Attorney       Pipkin and Thomas

Respondent / Deceased  Richardson, John

Judge                              Dryden, William

Respondent / Attorney    Green, Abner

Appellant                        Heirs Of Ellen Richardson

Date                                Date Filed   March, 1863

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1864

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition to Obtain Allowance

Reference                       35 Mo. 265

Case Summary                Plaintiffs are the children of Ellen Richardson, deceased, the sole heir of John Richardson, deceased. Upon her death, the defendant became the executor of the Richardson estate; the plaintiff is seeking an allowance of $100 a month for each child.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Allen, Thomas v. King, Almeida E. et al.

Contributor                     Appellant / Attorney            Frissell And Bush

Respondent                     King, Almeida E.

Judge                              Bates, Barton

Respondent                     King, John B

Appellant                        Allen, Thomas

Respondent / Attorney    Pipkin and Thomas

Date                                Date Filed   November, 1855

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1864

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Disposition  Affirmed

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                Plaintiff brought suit in a disputed claim over the southern half of property formerly of St. Louis common land. Plaintiff claims deed from Hardy Ware, the original owner. The defendant's claim is based on a sheriff's deed. In the lower court, the plaintiff's deed was deemed fraudulent



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant / Administrator   Gamble, John G.

Respondent                     Austin, Moses

Appellant / Deceased     Gamble, Robert

Date                                Date Filed   1821

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Action on Debt



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Geiger, John

Appellant                        Owens, Samuel C.

Date                                Date Filed   1828

Coverage                        District        Third

County                            Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Negligence

Case Summary                Geiger's knowledge of horse escape must go in evidence.



Title                       Circuit Court Case Files

Alternative Series  Justice of the Peace Case Files

Contributor            Defendant Gooch, Drury

Defendant               Suites, John

Judge                      Brinker, A.

Plaintiff                  Fletcher, C.B.

Date                       Date Filed            1822

Coverage               County      Washington

Description            Proceedings         Civil

Cause of Action     Unknown

Case Summary       From Jefferson County, 1821-1822



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Callaghan, John v. McMahon, Bernhard

Contributor                     Respondent / Attorney         Green, A.

Respondent                     Callaghan, John

Judge                              Bay, W.v.n

Appellant                        Mcmahon, Bernhard

Appellant / Attorney       Thomas, J.L.

Date                                Date Filed   1861

Date of Trial                   1862

Term of Court                 1862

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1862

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition for Compensation

Cause of Action              Theft

Case Summary                McMahon told Callaway that there was land available in Jefferson County in 80 acre tracts. Callaghan asked McMahon to purchase a tract of land for him to migrate there. McMahon purchased the land in his own name and used $100 from Callaghan to pay for the land. The land only cost $10, although McMahon told Callaghan it would be $1.25 an acre. Callaghan wanted his title and $90.



Title                                Series          Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Hammond's Administrator v. Cadwallader

Contributor                     Respondent  Hammond, Amanda

Respondent                     Hammond, John

Judge                              Napton, William B.

Appellant                        Cadwallader, Isaac

Date                                Date Filed   1859

Term of Court                 1859

Year of the Opinion        1859

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Breach of Contract

Reference                       29 Mo. 166

Case Summary                John Hammond became one of the securities on Eli Cadwallader's bond as guardian of several minor children. Eli died indebted to the children, and Hammond was forced to pay that debt. Eli's brother,Isaac, agreed to help Hammond. He agreed to sell and then buy a piece of property and apply the proceeds to Eli's bond debt. This agreement did not occur however and Eli asked the court for judgment for proceeds from the sale of the land and for the amount he paid to the children. While the lower courts ruled in favor of Hammond, the higher court did not. They found that because he brought the case forward with a breach of contract, and not fraud, there were no statutes in his favor.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Beal, James A. v. Harmon, Antoine

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Harmon, Antoine

Plaintiff / Attorney          Pipkin and Thomas

Defendant / Attorney      Beal, J. A.

Judge                              Wagner, David

Defendant in Error          Beal, James A.

Date                                Date Filed   1865

Date of Trial                   1866

Term of Court                 1866

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1866

Coverage                        Circuit         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed amd Remanded

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Case Summary                This case involves a land dispute between the two involved parties. Apparently, the defendant, Beal, acquired the land from the guardian of a minor. Conflict arose when the plaintiff, Harmon, was to be ejected from the property after an order was issued from the Jefferson County Circuit Court.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Harris, Oliver D. v. Vinyard, John

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Harris, Oliver D.

Defendant in Error          Vinyard, John

Judge                              Fagg, Thomas J. C.

Date                                Date Filed   1868

Term of Court                 1868

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Case Summary                Harris sued Vinyard to eject him from a tract of land. Vinyard admitted possession of part of the land by means of a contract with the plaintiff's deceased father, though the contract was questionable. The circuit court found in favor of Harris, Vinyard appealed and the district court reversed the decision. The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the lower court and remanded the case to circuit court for further trial.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Herrington et al v. Herrington et al

Contributor                     Respondent  Hiney, Bazile

Appellant                        Herrington, Isaac A. S.

Respondent                     Herrington, John

Appellant                        Herrington, Isaac

Respondent                     Beal, James A.

Appellant / Guardian      Herrington, Isaac

Judge                              Richardson, John C.

Date                                Date Filed   1858

Term of Court                 1858

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1858

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition to Obtain Decree of Title to Land

Reference                       27 Mo. 560

Case Summary                Isaac vested title to the land in question in John to defraud his creditors. John executed a title bond to eventually convey the land to Isaac's children, of which Isaac A. S. is the only surviving one. Beal obtained a judgment against Isaac. As a result, Beal obtained a sheriff's deed for the land and got conveyance of the title from John. Beal conveyed the land to Thomas C. Fletcher, trustee for the county, to insure payment of debt. Fletcher sold the land to Hiney. The lower court denied relief to Isaac and Isaac A. S. because the claim involved fraud. The high court agreed, having decided Hiney held title to the land.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Honey, Elias F.

Respondent                     Honey, Charles

Respondent                     Honey, Ellen

Respondent / Administrator    Boyce, William H.

Respondent                     Honey Thomas

Date                                Date Filed   1853

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                Elias bought interest of real estate from John but the deed was not executed before John's death. Heirs of ohn claim Elias was only a tenant on the property. Supreme Court affirms decision because he appealed for a new trial in a different term.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant / Deceased          Honey, John W.

Respondent / Deceased  Ennis, Nicholas

Appellant / Administrator      Honey, Mary S.

Appellant / Administrator      Rankin, Charles S.

Respondent / Administrator    Perry, John

Date                                Date Filed   1838

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Fourth

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Rankin sued for value of several pigs of lead.



Title                   Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor         Respondent  Horine, Mathias T.

Appellant           Horine, Benjamin

Date                    Date Filed   1846

Coverage            County         Jefferson

Description        Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action  Estate Settlement

Case Summary    Real and personal property.

Subject               Minor, Estate, Family



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Howe v. Lee

Contributor                     Appellant    Howe, William S.

Judge                              Napton, William B.

Respondent                     Lee, John

Date                                Date Filed   1858

Term of Court                 1858

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1858

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition for Just Compensation

Case Summary                Lee purchased the land in question from Thornton Jarvis in exchange for promissory notes. Jarvis conveyed the land to Howe, who purchased the notes with the understanding that the land was to go to Lee when the notes were paid. Howe verbally agreed to postpone payment of the notes for one year, but sold the land to William Vose. As a result, Lee wanted $400, the difference between the sale price and the money still owed on the notes. The lower court awarded Lee $366.75. The high court decided Lee did have the right under equity to a bill for compensation.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Hunt, James

Respondent                     Frissell, Mason

Respondent                     Johnston, Robert

Respondent                     Pipkin, Philip

Date                                Date Filed   1856

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Breach of Promise

Cause of Action              Recovery

Case Summary                Hunt & Johnston were both indebted to Casey. Johnston Casey, with attornies, promised Hunt they would continue cause until next term then proceeded to execute judgment against him. Court found that Hunt cannot recover despite the morally improper acts.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    James, Austin

Appellant                        Jewitt, William S.

Respondent                     Dixon, Christopher V.

Date                                Date Filed   1855

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Case Summary                Court held that Dixon may challenge the status of his partnership (With Skeel, Samuel, deceased) with regard to the leased land along the Mississippi River.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Williams v. Mitchell

Contributor                     Respondent / Attorney         Johnson, T. C.

Appellant                        Williams, James

Judge                              Richardson, John C.

Respondent                     Mitchell, Henry S.

Date                                Date Filed   1858

Term of Court                 1858

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1858

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Breach of Bond

Cause of Action              Petition to Set Aside Settlement

Case Summary                Williams was the guardian of Mitchell. Mitchell claimed Williams did not correctly perform his duties as a guardian. In particular, Williams made fraudulent claims regarding expenditures. Thus, Mitchell argued that a previous settlement was void. The lower court awarded Mitchell $247.57. The high court reversed the decision, because Mitchell could not maintain an action on Williams' bond to perform his duties or in a suit to set aside the previous settlement.

General Notes                In Mitchell's petition, the value of slaves owned and their names are mentioned.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Johnston, Robert

Respondent                     Hunt, James

Date                                Date Filed   1857

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Johnston and Hunt tenants in common of land. Johnston, by agreement with Hunt, was to sell 1/2 of the property for no less than $10,000. Excess money Johnston could keep plus 1/4 interest, $1250. Hunt was to receive 1/4 interest also but did not.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Kerr, Sarah

Respondent                     Sippy, Mary Ann

Appellant                        Johnson, Jesse G.

Respondent                     Sippy, Abraham

Appellant                        Floyd, Benjamin L.

Appellant                        Kerr, George E.

Date                                Date Filed   1855

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Ninth

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Dismissed

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Cause of Action              Recovery

Case Summary                Sippy claims land from conveyance of original U.S. land patent to Glover, Richard. Johnson claims land as tenant of Floyd who was sold land from conveyance by Glover also. Parties settled before coming before Supreme Court. Case was dismissed.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Kimm, Theodore v. Weipert, John and Weippert, Eliza

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Kimm, Theodore

Defendant in Error          Weippert, John

Judge                              Wagner, David

Defendant in Error          Weippert, Eliza

Date                                Date Filed   1870

Term of Court                 1870

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                John Weippert and his wife Eliza purchased three town lots in Kimmswick, Jefferson County from Theodore Kimm, paying for the lots with three promissory notes, secured by a deed of trust. When Weipert and wife defaulted on the notes, the lots were sold, but did not bring enough to cover the entire debt. Kimm then sued to recover the remainder of the debt and seized another town lot owned separately by Eliza Weippert. The Circuit Court rendered judgment in favor of Kimm but the District Court overturned the decision. The Supreme Court affirmed the District Court's decision arguing that the contract between the Weiperts and Kimm did not intend that Eliza Weipert's property would be used to satisfy any debts from the contract.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Doan, King & Co. v. Boley, Elridge and Moon, William H.

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  King, Wyllys

Plaintiff in Error             Boley, Elridge

Defendant / Attorney      Green, Abner

Defendant in Error          Doan, William A.

Defendant in Error          Bigelow, Richard H.

Defendant in Error          King, Charles E.

Plaintiff / Attorney          Thomas, John L.

Judge                              Wagner, David

Plaintiff in Error             Moon, William H.

Defendant in Error          Doan, King & Co.

Defendant in Error          Bigelow, Richard

Date                                Date Filed   1866

Date of Trial                   1866

Term of Court                 1866

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1866

Coverage                        Circuit         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Promissory Note

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Reference                       38 Mo. 449

Case Summary                This case involves a debt incurred by King and the other defendants in error in the form of a promissory note issued to Boley and Moon, the plaintiffs in error. In Jefferson County, the defendants did not appear for the case, thus judgement was in favor of the plaintiffs.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent / Administrator Lee, Rebecca

Respondent                     Lee, Mary

Respondent / Deceased  Lee, Archeleaus

Respondent                     Lee, Giles

Appellant                        Lee, Giles

Respondent                     Lee, Jemima

Respondent                     Lee, Dorothy

Date                                Date Filed   1853

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                Giles brother of Archeleaus and sells Archeleaus' land after his death which he held in trust. Rebecca appeals because of exclusion of evidence.



Title                     Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor           Appellant   Long, Gabriel

Respondent          Kindall, Jeduthan

Respondent          Hammond, Samuel

Date                     Date Filed  1821

Coverage              County       Jefferson

Description          Proceedings           Civil

Cause of Action   Action on Debt

Case Summary     Debt; summons only item in file.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Loughridge, Robert

Appellant                        State of Missouri

Date                                Date Filed   1840

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Assault

Case Summary                Indictment for assisting slaves with assault of Rueben Cranmer; found guilty; 2 years in penetintiary.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Louis I. I.

Appellant                        Walsh, Julia

Respondent                     Allen, Nelson

Respondent                     Allen, Odille

Respondent                     Robert, Charles

Respondent                     Robert, Nelson

Respondent                     Robert, Louis

Respondent                     Robert, Mary

Appellant                        Walsh, Eward

Date                                Date Filed   1854

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                Chouteau, Auguste owed 6002 acres of land. Walsh heir of Chouteau who conveyed a portion of land to Robert. Robert claimed 20 years adverse possession.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Maddox, Thomas H.

Appellant                        Morse, John H.

Date                                Date Filed   1854

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Breach of Contract

General Notes                See two other rulings by the court on this same lawsuit.

Case Summary                Morse agreed to lease house and mill from maddox. when maddox did not repair dam, Morse's mill failed. case here in 1853. in circuit 2nd time, judge instructed jury that morse gave no evidence. court held this instruction was error on part of circuit.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Maddox, Thomas H.

Respondent                     Morse, John H.

Date                                Date Filed   1853

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Breach of Contract

Case Summary                Morse had agreement for lease, grants, rents to farm, house and mill with Maddox. Maddox did not repair dam and Morse's mill failed. Morse sued Maddox for damages. Ryland reverses judgment that Maddox did nothing to hinder Morse's mill.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Maddox, Thomas H.

Respondent                     Morse, John H.

Date                                Date Filed   1855

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Breach of Contract

General Notes                Third time court ruled on same lawsuit. See 17 MO reports and 19 MO reports.

Case Summary                Maddox leased space at his Big River Saw and Grist Mill to Morse for a "Saddle tree manufactory." Maddox cut the water and threatened to raise a mob and tar and feather Morse. Court lamented hearing this case again.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Maupin, Charles W.

Respondent                     Triplett, William

Date                                Date Filed   1838

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Damages

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                $94 judgment exceeded $34 claim in declaration.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Miller, Lucretia A.

Respondent / Administrator    Pipkin, Philip

Appellant / Guardian      Murrell, John

Respondent / Deceased  McCreery, Elijah

Date                                Date Filed   1856

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Dismissed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Cause of Action              Estate Settlement

Case Summary                Lucretia claims McCreery was her natural father and before his death wrote her a note for $800. In fear, note was later destroyed. Circuit found that Lucretia is Illegitimate daughter of McCreery, but note was void and can not recover. Case dismissed here.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Morse, John H.

Respondent                     Marsh, Charles S.

Date                                Date Filed   1853

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Debt for Rent

General Notes                Note: Gamble did not sit for this case.

Case Summary                Marsh sought payment of rent from Morse. When Morse did not show for trial, it was continued several times. On motion of plaintiff, court proceeded with trial and judgment found against Morse. Court held circuit erred in proceeding without Morse present.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Morse, John H.

Respondent                     Marsh, Charles

Date                                Date Filed   1856

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Debt for Rent

General Notes                Note: see case when previously at court.

Case Summary                Marsh sought payment of rent from Morse. When Morse did not show for trial, it was continued several times. On motion of plaintiff, court proceeded with trial and judgment found against Morse. Court held circuit erred in proceeding without morse present.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Morse, John H. v. Rathburn, George R.

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Morse, John H.

Defendant in Error          Rathburn, George H.

Judge                              Wagner, David

Date                                Date Filed   1868

Term of Court                 1868

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Damages

Case Summary                A contract through which Morse sold Rathburn a farm in Jefferson County for $21,000 contained a provision for liquidated damages in the amount of $2000 should either party fail to comply with the contract. Rathburn did not comply with some portion of the contract and Morse sued to collect the damages. The circuit court ruled that the liquidated damage provision was really a penalty, therefore Morse could only collect actual damages. The district court upheld the decision. The Supreme Court reversed the decision and remanded cause to circuit court, arguing that the damages were not excessive in view of the magnitude of the contract.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Moss, Joseph T. v. Green, Michael W.

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Moss, Joseph T.

Defendant in Error          Green, Michael W.

Judge                              Wagner, David

Date                                Date Filed   1867

Term of Court                 1867

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Breach of Contract

Case Summary                In November 1864, Moss, Green and a third party made an agreement, indicated by a memorandum, that should one of them be selected in the upcoming military draft, each of them would contribute $100 toward the cost of hiring a substitute draftee. Moss and the third man, George Moss, were both drafted but Green refused to pay. Joseph T. Moss then paid another man $700 to take his place in the Army, and sued Green to recover the money pledged. At issue was whether the memorandum constituted a binding agreement, and whether oral evidence related to the memorandum and agreement should be allowed as evidence. The county court upheld the contract, but the district court reversed the decision without stating its reasons. The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the district court, affirming the decision of the county court.



Title                   Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor         Respondent  Moss, Mark

Appellant           State of Missouri

Date                    Date Filed   1845

Coverage            County         Jefferson

Description        Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action  Action on Debt

Case Summary    On an official bond, $6000



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Moss, William, Thomas, and Mark

Respondent                     Hammond, George

Respondent                     Smith, Chauncey

Date                                Date Filed   1827

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Case Summary                Original case one of forcible entry, ruling for plaintiff.



Title                            County Civil Proceedings

Plaintiff                      Moss, Mark

Defendant                   Marks, Dennis

Plaintiff Attorney        Bent, John

Case Number 104      Nov 1831                St. Louis City County Civil Proceedings

Cause of Action         Appeal:  Breach of covenant for faulty clock; depositions from Herculaneum, Jefferson County, MO

1 Folder;  Microfilm Reel # C51561;  Folder 44



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Deriar v. Williams

Contributor                     Judge           Napton, William B.

Appellant                        Deriar, William H.

Respondent                     Williams, James L.

Date                                Date Filed   1860

Term of Court                 1860

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1860

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Unlawful Detainer

Reference                       31 Mo. 13

General Notes                Judge Scott dissented.

Case Summary                Deriar had Williams' permission to build a shanty on Williams' property and occupy it. Later, Williams gave Deriar thirty days notice to quit the property. Williams wanted possession of his land and damages for timber Deriar had cut. The lower court found for Williams. The high court affirmed the decision. Possession of land for an indefinite period did not constitute tenancy from year to year. Therefore, three months notice was not necessary.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Mitchell v. Williams

Contributor                     Judge           Napton, William B.

Appellant                        Williams, James

Respondent                     Mitchell, Erving

Date                                Date Filed   1859

Term of Court                 1859

Year of the Opinion        1859

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Breach of Trust

Reference                       29 Mo. 132

Case Summary                Williams was assigned as Mitchell's guardian. Mitchell charged Williams with not faithfully discharging his trust. He won $247.57 in judgment in the lower court. The high court reversed and remanded the case, for they found no facts in the case.



Title                                Circuit Court Case Files

Contributor                     Plaintiff / Deceased Nowland, John

Defendant                       Womder. Enoch Impleaded With McCormak, James

Date                                Date Filed   1827

Coverage                        County         Ste. Genevieve

Description                     Cause of Action       Action on Debt

Case Summary                Debt (execution from Jefferson County, McMullin, Samuel)


Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                O'Fallon, Jr., John v. Kennerly, Thomas J., et al.

Alternative Title             45 Mo. 124

Contributor                     Plantiff in Error       O'Fallon, John

Defendant in Error          Kennerly, Thomas J.

Judge                              Bliss, Philemon

Date                                Date Filed   1868

Term of Court                 1869

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

Circuit                            St. Louis Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              contract

Case Summary                Suit to enforce the specific performance of a bond to convey real estate



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Ogden, G.

Respondent                     Bush, L.

Respondent                     Husky, Silas

Respondent                     Arnold, G.

Respondent                     Northcut, Samuel

Respondent                     Gray, John

Respondent                     Johnson, A.

Respondent                     Burgess, Thomas, Aaron, Simeon, James

Appellant                        Burgess, Sanders

Respondent                     Swirl, A.

Respondent                     Watson, J.

Respondent                     Harrington, J.

Respondent                     Cromme, J.

Date                                Date Filed   1851

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Case Summary                Sanders' claim to former Spanish land grant never confirmed by board of land commissioners.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Orthwein, William et al. v. Leuchtmeyer, Frederick et al.

Contributor                     Appellant    Orthwein, William

Appellant                        Baur, Louis S.

Appellant / To The Use Of     Haueschen, Gustovus J.

Appellant / To The Use Of     Orthwein, Charles F.

Respondent                     Leuchtmeyer, Frederick

Respondent                     Volmach, Frederick

Respondent                     Cheatham, George C.

Judge                              Currier, Warren

Date                                Date Filed   1871

Term of Court                 1871

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              replevin

Case Summary                Orthwein sued in replevin to recover possession of various articles of furniture.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent / Administrator Perry, John

Appellant / Administrator      Alford, Johnson H.

Appellant / Deceased     Bates, Ellias

Appellant / Deceased     Ennis, Nicholas

Date                                Date Filed   1838

Coverage                        District        Fourth

County                            Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Bates sued for value of several pigs of lead.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Pipkin, Phillip

Respondent                     Casey, John H.

Date                                Date Filed   1849

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Damages

Case Summary                Pipkin sued to recover a slave from the estate of Keeton, John.



Title                             Series            Supreme Court Case Files

Title                             Powers, James C. v. Kueckhoff, Caspar H.

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  Powers, James C.

Plaintiff in Error             Kueckhoff, Caspar H.

Judge                              Wagner, David

Date                                Date Filed   1867

Term of Court                 1867

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                This case comes from Powers' attempt to recover a tract of land in Jefferson County and to recover damages for timber cut from said land.



Title                            Supreme Court Case Files

Title                            Reppy, B. S. et al. v. Reppy, H. S. et al.

Alternative Title          46 Mo. 571

Contributor                  Defendant in Error      Reppy, B. S.

Defendant in Error      Reppy, R. N.

Plaintiff in Error          Reppy, H. S.

Plaintiff in Error          Reppy, H. E.

Judge                           Currier, Warren

Date                             Date Filed      1870

Term of Court              1870

Term Month                 October

Coverage                     County            Jefferson

District                        Second District Court

Description                 Proceedings    civil

Disposition                  reversed and remanded

Cause of Action           promissory note

Case Summary             Both parties owed monies to Mrs. Reppy.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Reppy, S. A. vs. Jefferson County

Alternative Title             47 Mo. 66

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Reppy, S. A.

Defendant in Error          Jefferson County

Judge                              Bliss, Philemon

Date                                Date Filed   1870

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     reversal of District Court is affirmed

Cause of Action              contract

Case Summary                Reppy was hired by Jefferson County to index land records. He brought the suit seeking the remainder of his pay based on the verbal agreement with the County.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Richardson, George, by Guardian v. Richardson, Henry et al.

Alternative Title             49 Mo. 29

Contributor                     Appellant    Richardson, Henry

Respondent                     Richardson, George

Respondent / Guardian   Frederitz, John M.

Appellant                        Richardson, John

Appellant                        Richardson, Skelton

Appellant                        Richardson, Cynthia

Appellant                        Richardson, Merrill

Judge                              Currier, Warren

Date                                Date Filed   1871

Term of Court                 1871

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings ejectment

Disposition                     reversed and remanded

Cause of Action              will

Case Summary                Both parties claimed the same land under the will of John Richardson.



Title                              Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                    Respondent   Roberts, Phil

Appellant                      Coleman, John

Date                              Date Filed     1821

Coverage                       County          Jefferson

Description                   Proceedings  Civil

Disposition                   Reversed

Cause of Action            Assumpsit

Case Summary              Taking care of child was gratuitous service.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Bishop, A. W. v. Schneider, Julius F. et al.

Alternative Title             46 Mo. 472

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      Schneider, Julius F.

Judge                              Wagner, David

Plaintiff in Error             Reynolds, Thomas

Defendant in Error          Bishop, A. W.

Plaintiff in Error             Reynolds, Nancy A.

Date                                Date Filed   1870

Term of Court                 1870

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              promissory note

Case Summary                Reynolds executed to Robert E. Warren his promissory note and to secure the payment of the note he delivered to Warren a mortgage on real estate in Jefferson County.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  School Township No 6, Jefferson County

Appellant                        Wilson, Avington

Date                                Date Filed   1856

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Breach of Contract

Case Summary                County court of Jefferson ordered that a sale on all school lands should be set aside and held for naught. Wilson, however, had already purchased the lands. The court then ordered that the sheriff should put the land back on the market.



Title                             Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                  Respondent    Scott, John C.

Appellant                     Hammon, John

Date                             Date Filed      1848

Coverage                     County            Jefferson

Description                  Proceedings   Civil

Cause of Action           Action on Debt

Case Summary             $318.07 for minerals and farming on land.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Allen v. Moss et al

Contributor                     Judge           Scott, William

Respondent                     Moss, Thomas

Respondent                     Hensley, Alexander

Appellant / Attorney       Glover, S.T.

Appellant                        Allen, Thomas

Date                                Date Filed   1857

Term of Court                 1858

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1858

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Ejectment

Cause of Action              Unlawful Possession

Case Summary                Allen argued Hensley was in possession of and Moss claimed ownership of land that rightfully belonged to Allen. Moss claimed ownership as a heir of James Smirl, who had obtained the land through a chain of assignment from Hardy Ware. Allen claimed ownership through a claim of the legal representatives of Ware. The lower court found for Moss and Hensley, but the high court discovered several errors in the instructions to the jury and the admission of evidence.

General Notes                A small survey map is included in the circuit transcript. William Clark had title to part of the land claimed by Hardy Ware's legal representatives. Judge Richardson was not sitting.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Seeman, George v. Weippert et al.

Alternative Title             49 Mo. 61

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  Seeman, George

Plaintiff in Error             Weippert, John

Plaintiff in Error             Weippert, Eliza

Judge                              Bliss, Philemon

Date                                Date Filed   1871

Term of Court                 1871

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Circuit                            Jefferson County Circuit Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     reversed

Cause of Action              contract--mechanics' lien

Case Summary                George Seeman provided the materials and labor for the construction of a brick dwelling for the Weippert's on their property. After the Weippert's refused to compensate him for the work it filled suit and won a mechanic's lien against the couple in a lower court.

General Note                  This case in the counterpart to Burgwald v. Weippert et al., 49 Mo. 60.



Title                               Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Sentor, William

Appellant                       State of Missouri

Date                                Date Filed   1837

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                    Proceedings Criminal

Cause of Action              Assault and Battery

Case Summary                Of Thomas J. Graham found guilty, $50 fine.



Title                           Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                 Appellant        Sexton, Patrick

Respondent                 Stevens, Simon

Date                            Date Filed       1846

Coverage                    County Jefferson

Description                Proceedings     Civil

Cause of Action          Trouber

Case Summary            Steve took Sexton's horse.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Slade, Anton

Respondent                     State of Missouri

Date                                Date Filed   1857

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              State License Violation

Case Summary                Court upheld the conviction of Slade for selling liquor without a license. Slade argued that the amount was too small to require a license under Missouri law.



Title                                Supeme Court Case Files

Title                                Slevin, B. et al v. Reppy, Hamilton S.

Alternative Title             46 Mo. 606

Contributor                     Defendant in Error  Slevin, Bernard

Judge                              Bliss, Warren

Defendant in Error          Slevin, John

Defendant in Error          Slevin, Edward

Defendant in Error          Cain, Joseph

Plaintiff in Error           Reppy, Hamilton S.

Date                                Date Filed   1870

Term of Court                 1870

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              promissory note

Case Summary                Reppy was authorized by his brother to do mercantile business in DeSoto. To pay for supplies Reppy was issued a promissory note by his brother. Reppy was denied the use of the note by the defendants in error.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Southerland, George

Appellant / Deceased     Warner, Charles M.

Appellant / Administrator      Hunt, James

Date                                Date Filed   1855

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Damages

Cause of Action              Trespass

Case Summary                Southerland claimed Warner entered his land and killed 5 hogs. In a jury trial judgment was given for Southerland. Warner appealed, but lost judgment again. Court affirmed because there was nothing from previous trial excepted to.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                State ex rel. State Auditor v. Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson County, The

Contributor                     Appellant / Ex Rel  State Auditor

Appellant                        State of Missouri

Respondent                     Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson County, The

Judge                              Holmes, Nathaniel

Date                                Date Filed   1867

Term of Court                 1867

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson County

Court of Record              Missouri Supreme Court

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Mandamus Granted

Cause of Action              Petition for Mandamus

Case Summary                The State Auditor seeks to compel Jefferson County to collect the Militia tax. The Jefferson County Clerk of Courts argues the legislature failed to provide for tax assessment and collection. The Supreme Court declares that the General Revenue Act of 1866 makes the necessary provision for remedying this omission.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                State of Missouri v Scaggs, Abraham

Contributor                     Appellant    State of Missouri

Judge                              Bates, Barton

Appellant / Attorney       Gale, Daniel G.

Respondent                     Scaggs, Abraham

Date                                Date Filed   February, 1862

Year of the Opinion        1862

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Gambling

Case Summary                Defendant/Respondent tried for illegal gaming for holding card games in his home that went "against the peace and dignity of Missouri." In lower court, defendant claimed he was not gambling and moved to quash the indictment; court sustained.



Title                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                             State of Missouri v. Cole, John C.

Alternative Title          48 Mo. 70

Contributor                  Respondent    State of Missouri

Appellant                     Cole, John C.

Judge                           Currier, Warren

Date                             Date Filed      1871

Term of Court              1871

Term Month                 March

Coverage                     County            Jefferson

Circuit                         Jefferson Circuit Court

Description                  Proceedings   criminal

Disposition                  affirmed

Cause of Action           assault and battery

Case Summary             Cole was convicted of assault and battery.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    State of Missouri

Respondent / Interpleader      Davidson, David A.

Date                                Date Filed   1854

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Recognizance

Case Summary                Davidson bound for $100 to wright as security for Wright to appear in court. Circuit ruled that the remission of Wright discharged Davidson. Supreme Court said remission not applicable to the recognizance.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                State of Missouri v. Graham, John

Alternative Title             46 Mo. 490

Contributor                     Plaintiff in Error      State of Missouri

Defendant in Error          Graham, John

Judge                              Wagner, David

Date                                Date Filed   1870

Term of Court                 1870

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Second District Court

Description                     Proceedings civil

Disposition                     affirmed

Cause of Action              killing a hog

Case Summary                John Graham was convicted of killing Husky's hog.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  State of Missouri

Appellant                        Hilderband, William

Date                                Date Filed   1840

Coverage                        District        Fourth

County                            Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Grand Larceny

Case Summary                Unproven venue on first count of "stealing a mare"; victim of theft: Harness, Allen.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    State of Missouri

Respondent                     Hinson, Isham

Date                                Date Filed   1841

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Cause of Action              Adultery

Case Summary                With his sister-in-law; found guilty, $100 plus 1 month in jail.



Title                              Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                    Respondent   State of Missouri

Appellant                      McKay, Burt

Date                              Date Filed     1849

Coverage                       County          Jefferson

Description                   Proceedings  Criminal

Cause of Action            Grand Larceny

Case Summary              Of gold coins from William H. Timberlake.



Title                                Case Files

Contributor                     Plaintiff       State of Missouri

Defendant                       Shuffield, John

Date                                Term of Court          1827

Term Month                    Nov

Coverage                        County         St. Louis City

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Cause of Action              Horse stealing

General Notes                Victim: Jonathan Drinnen; change of venue from Jefferson County



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    State of Missouri

Respondent                     Steen, James

Date                                Date Filed   1828

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Third

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Disposition                     Reversed

Cause of Action              Assault and Battery

General Notes                See circuit transcript in oversize 4/5.

Case Summary                Due process requires grand jury for breaches of peace; alleged victim: Wiley, J.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  State of Missouri

Appellant                        Wilkson, Fight, & Bates

Date                                Date Filed   1848

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Criminal

Cause of Action              Attachment

Case Summary                Wilkson, et al, sued to have execution satisfied.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                State of Missouri v. Wilson, Augustus

Contributor                     Respondent  State of Missouri

Appellant                        Wilson, Augustus

Appellant / Attorney       Gale, Daniel L.

Judge                              Wagner, David

Date                                Date Filed   1866

Date of Trial                   1866

Term of Court                 1866

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1866

Coverage                        Circuit         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Stricken from the Docket

Cause of Action              Judicial Procedure

Cause of Action              Murder

Case Summary                This is an appeal from the Jefferson County Circuit Court. Apparently, the appellants were not present at the courthouse when they were found guilty by a jury, and as such they are allowed to try for an appeal.

General Notes                This case was ordered to be stricken from the docket.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant / Deceased          Stone, John

Appellant / Administrator      Tagart, John

Respondent                     State of Indiana

Date                                Date Filed   1851

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Recovery

Case Summary                Affirmed circuit jury instruction that statute of limitations did not start until stone in Missouri.



Title                              Superior Court Case Files

Contributor                    Respondent   Strickland, Abner

Appellant                      Wood, Abner

Date                               Date Filed    1820

Coverage                       County          Jefferson

Description                   Proceedings  Civil

Cause of Action             Action on Debt

Case Summary               Owed $215.70 from a prior court judgment.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant / Administrator   Tagart, John

Appellant / Deceased     Sloan, John

Appellant                        Sloan, Mary

Appellant                        Sloan, Priscilla

Appellant                        Sloan, Elizabeth

Respondent                     Sloan, Levi

Appellant                        Ward, James B.

Appellant                        Sloan, Benjamin

Appellant                        Sloan, Eliza Jane

Respondent                     Wilson, John

Appellant                        Foster, Chapel L.

Appellant                        Williams, James

Date                                Date Filed   1853

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Recovery

Case Summary                Sloan, Levi was sent to purchase a plot of land at a sheriff's sale for Sloan, John. Levi Y. had land deeded to himself after using John's money for purchase. Heirs of John seeking to claim property. court held there was no basis for circuit's judgment.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    The Mammoth Mining Company

Respondent                     Churchill, Levi

Respondent                     Chamberlin, Frederick B.

Date                                Date Filed   1854

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Chamberlin and Churchill won a judgment against Mammoth for sum of $28. Mammoth moved to quash execution. Court held that Redding, J.V. as acting president of company was the proper person to serve execution on and execution was proper.



Title                                    Supreme Court Case Files

Series                                  Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                    Hendrickson, Rebecca J., Administrator , & Co. v The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company

Contributor                     Appellant    The St. Louis And Iron Mountain Railroad Company

Respondent                     Hendrickson, Rebecca J.

Judge                              Dryden, James

Appellant / Attorney       Primm And Taylor

Respondent / Attorney    Beal And Hendrickson

Date                                Date Filed   August, 1863

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1863

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Recovery

Case Summary                Plaintiff brought suit against defendant for damages to 96 cords of wood taken and damaged from plaintiff's property. Awarded $192 for damages in lower court because defendant failed to appear for trial.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                O'Fallon v. The St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad Company

Contributor                     Appellant    The St. Louis And Iron Mountain Railroad Company

Respondent                     O'Fallon, John

Date                                Date Filed   1859

Term of Court                 1859

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Dismissed by Appellant at their Costs

Cause of Action              Petition for Just Compensation

Case Summary                O'Fallon claimed to have sold the railroad $2,843.75 worth of ties. He further stated that the company promised to pay him a bonus for delivering on time. The railroad company did not pay him for the ties or award the promised bonus. The defendants demurred due to insufficient evidence for the cause of action. O'Fallon won $4245.28, and the appeal was later dismissed by the appellants.



Title                         Superior Court Case Files

Contributor              Appellant           United States

Respondent              Todd, Moses

Date                         Date Filed          1819

Coverage                 County    Jefferson

Description              Proceedings       Criminal

Cause of Action       Murder

General Notes          See also 47/23.

Case Summary         Murder of Benjamin Quick with gun.



Title                          Superior Court Case Files

Contributor               Respondent       Todd, Moses

Appellant                  United States

Date                          Date Filed         1820

Coverage                  County   Jefferson

Description               Proceedings      Criminal

Cause of Action        Murder

General Notes           See also 47/20.

Case Summary          Murdered Benjamin Quick with a gun.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Valle, Francois B.

Respondent                     Rector, Wharton

Respondent                     Oden, Robert

Appellant                        Valle, Jean Baptiste

Respondent                     Bean, Johnathan L.

Appellant                        Janis, Antoine

Date                                Date Filed   1828

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Land Dispute

Case Summary                Patents and boundaries, slaves used to dig boundary lines.



Title                   Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor         Respondent  Vanzant, Abner

Appellant           Fletcher, Clement B.

Date                    Date Filed   1822

Coverage            District        Third

County                Jefferson

Description        Proceedings Civil

Disposition         Reversed

Cause of Action  Action on Debt

Case Summary    Vanzant liable on $164 bond.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Vanzaut, Abner

Appellant                        Barton, Joshua

Date                                Date Filed   1822

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

District                           Third

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Action on Debt

Case Summary                Writ issued was for recognizance, not damages.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Weinwick, George v. Bender, Joseph et al.

Contributor                     Respondent  Weinwick, George

Respondent / Attorney    Green, A.

Appellant / Attorney       Beal, J.a.

Appellant                        Bender, Joseph

Appellant                        Bender, Nicholas

Judge                              Dryden, James

Date                                Date Filed   1861

Date of Trial                   1862

Term of Court                 1862

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1862

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Disposition  Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Petition to Compel Payment

Case Summary                A promissory note in the amount of $16.64 was refused when Weinwick tried to cash it in. Signing the note to change hands was not allowed.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Respondent  Wells, Solomon

Respondent                     Wells, Sarah

Appellant                        Spitts, Florence

Date                                Date Filed   1853

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Recovery

General Notes                Note: Gamble did not sit for this case.

Case Summary                Spitts married sister of Wells and lived on land willed to her. He made improvements to the land. When land was partitioned the lines were redrawn. He was later ejected from his property and now moves to recover cost of improvements. Court held for wells.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Whitsett, James

Respondent                     Gharty, David

Date                                Date Filed   1852

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Account

Case Summary                Whitsett sued for a store account of $13.85, he won a judgment for $2.25 but the circuit dismissed the appeal; court reinstated the appeal as valid.



Title                                Case Files

Contributor                     Defendant    Wideman, Meredeth

Plaintiff                          Magenis, Arthur

Date                                Term Month Nov

Term of Court                 1826

Coverage                        County         St. Louis City

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Cause of Action              Assumpsit

General Notes                For service as attorney and counselor in murder trial of Pierre Auguste Labeaume; change of venue from Jefferson



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Contributor                     Appellant    Wilcox, Abraham

Respondent                     Strickland, William

Respondent                     Daniels, John

Date                                Date Filed   1855

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Detainer

Cause of Action              Forcible Entry

Case Summary                Wilcox sued Daniels for forcible entry and detainer. Daniels file a recognizance saying he would pay all damages/rent/etc. Wilcox never prosecuted recognizance and Daniels moved for court to dismiss it. Court held Wilcox can still recover on recognizance.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Wiley v. Robert

Contributor                     Respondent  Wiley, Augustine

Appellant                        Robert, Louis

Judge                              Richardson, John C.

Date                                Date Filed   1857

Term of Court                 1858

Year of the Opinion        1858

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Reversed and Remanded

Cause of Action              Recovery

Reference                       27 Mo. 388

Case Summary                As Sheriff, Wiley was ordered to sell off a tract of land. Robert was the purchaser, but he did not pay. In his defense he stated that he and the owner were going to agree upon the price of the sale. Wiley motioned for the answer to be stricken; it was. In the appeal, Robert claimed that the deputies were not authorized to make the sale official. The high court ruled in favor of Robert. They found that striking Robert's answer was wrong, for it was vital to his case.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Wiley v. Robert

Contributor                     Respondent  Wiley, Augustine

Judge                              Napton, William B.

Appellant                        Robert, Louis

Date                                Date Filed   1860

Term of Court                 1860

Year of the Opinion        1860

Term Month                    October

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Proceedings Civil

Disposition                     Affirmed

Cause of Action              Petition to Compel Payment

Reference                       31 Mo. 212

Case Summary                This case had been heard by the Supreme Court once before. Wiley had acted as Sheriff in selling a tract of land. He claimed that Robert was the purchaser and signed a memorandum declaring so, but that he never paid. Robert claimed that the clerks who authorized the memorandum acted fraudulently as they were not agents acting for him. The judges sided with Wiley. They were not satisfied with Robert's claim, as he could not produce a written copy of the contract he said he had with the land's owner to purchase the tract outside of the official sale by the Sheriff.



Title                                Supreme Court Case Files

Series                             Supreme Court Case Files

Title                                Livermore, Heber, et al. v Wright, Henry H.

Contributor                     Appellant    Wright, Henry H

Appellant / Attorney       Noell, John W.

Respondent / Attorney    Garesche And Farish

Respondent                     Livermore, Heber

Date                                Date Filed   October, 1862

Term Month                    October

Year of the Opinion        1863

Coverage                        County         Jefferson

Description                     Disposition  Affirmed

Cause of Action              Mechanics' Lien

Case Summary                Plaintiff/respondent furnished Wright with tools and materials for the erection of a building and then placed two mechanics liens against the property because the materials were delivered at two different times. Appellant disputes the placing of two liens against the property for the said materials.



Series – Freedom Suit

Year - 1832

Term of Court - Jul

Case Number - 55

Plaintiff - Matilda, a woman of color

Defendant - Mitchell, Henry G.; Russell, Henry

Action - Trespass, assault & battery, false imprisonment

Verdict - Freedom Suit - Plaintiff won case and freedom. Decision may have been reversed on appeal.

Office - St Louis City Circuit Court Clerk

Court of Record -

Case Type - Civil

General Notes - Plaintiff sued defendants for imprisonment, sought $500 damages; writ of habeas corpus included; plaintiff held in Jefferson County for safekeeping; defendant Mitchell initially not found.



Series – Freedom Suit

Year - 1832

Term of Court - Jul

Case Number - 50

Plaintiff - Nathan, a person of color

Defendant - Field, Alexander P.; Mitchell, Elijah

Action - Trespass, assault & battery, false imprisonment

Verdict - Freedom Suit - Defendant won. Plaintiff not freed. Decision may have been reversed on appeal.

Office - St Louis City Circuit Court Clerk

Court of Record -

Case Type - Civil

General Notes - Defendant also spelled Alexander P. Fields; plaintiff son of free woman Lydia in St. Clair County, IL; alleged defendants kidnapped him & took him on the way to Herculaneum, Missouri; sought $600 damages; defendants arrested in Jefferson County, Missouri.



Series – Freedom Suit

Year - 1832

Term of Court - Jul

Case Number - 57

Plaintiff - Anson, a boy of color

Defendant - Mitchell, Henry; Russell, Henry

Action - Trespass, assault & battery, false imprisonment

Verdict - Freedom Suit - Plaintiff won case and freedom. Decision may have been reversed on appeal.

Office - St Louis City Circuit Court Clerk

Court of Record -

Case Type - Civil

General Notes - Plaintiff, who sued by next friend William Clark, sought $500 damages; writ of habeas corpus included; defendants arrested in Jefferson County on charges of kidnapping.





Series – Freedom Suit

Year - 1833

Term of Court - Jul

Case Number - 9

Plaintiff - Sarah, a girl of color

Defendant - Johnson, Thomas; Johnson, Janus

Action - Trespass, assault & battery, false imprisonment

Verdict -

Office - St Louis City Circuit Court Clerk

Court of Record -

Case Type - Civil

General Notes - Plaintiff claimed she was free, living in Jefferson County, Missouri; sued by next friend Isham Williams & sought $500 damages; sold to trader & feared sale to Mississippi or Louisiana; plaintiff's death suggested & suit abated.