Circuit Court Jury Records - Liens

Book 105 III-A-R Jefferson County, Missouri History Center


Transcribed by Carole Goggin



Only the first 45 pages of the 144 lined and numbered pages in the book were used. Among the pages were Liens, a quarterly list of Jurors to sit for Grand and Petit Trials, and Military Discharges. I have extracted pertinent information from the Liens—names, dates, size and location of buildings, and specific lot or parcel description when included.  The Discharges are typed in full.      -cg



Pg 1

1/29/1858       For the amount of $605.31

William Patrick Co     VS      William O’Fallon & John O’Fallon, Jr.

            …2 story frame house, situate near the banks of the Mississippi River on the W side of the St. Louis/Iron Mountain Railroad about ½ mile N of Sulphur Springs Landing and Depot…on the SE frl ¼, Sec 29 T42N/R6E.




Pg 1

02/15/1859     For the amount of $136.25

Geo Steatzel                         VS       Nancy Rowe

            …a building on Lot 1 & 2 of Block 4 De Soto.




Pg 1

03/25/1859     For the amount of $101.75

Edward Hanlon                      VS       James Boughton

            …frame house at Pevely Station on the Iron Mountain Railroad opposite the Post Office 12 roads from said office at said station known as Boughton’s new hotel building.




Pg 1

06/01/1859     For the amount of $782.84

Henry Brolaski & Thomas H. Beckett           VS       George W. Keslar [sic]

            …1 large, 2-story frame house and ten-pin alley* is situated on Block 7, lot 2; being 25’ front by 125’ deep…bounded on the N by lot 3, E by the Railroad, S by Lot 1 & W by an Alley. Two small buildings are situated on lots 4 & 5, block 41 bounded on the N by Rollin Street, S by Lot 3, E by an alley, & W by Lot 6. Each 25’ front by 100’ deep.

*Is this a bowling alley??



Pg 2

09/12/1859     For the amount of $37.27

Henry L. Brolaski & Thomas Beckett            VS       Israel F. Dodge and Mary (his wife)

            …on building an addition on Kitchen and other improvements to a dwelling on Lots 5,6, & 7 in block 10 in the town of De Soto; bounded on the E by 2nd St., on the S by Lot 4, on the W by an alley, in all 75 ‘ front x 125’ deep.



Pg 2

01/17/1860     For the amount of $9.63

G. D. Williams VS       Jacob Mahn

            …on a building situated on Lot 10, Block 5 in the town of De Soto.


Pg 3

04/12/1860     For the amount of $19.44

George D. Williams    VS       Jacob Mahn

            …on a house and lot, Lot 10 Block 5, in the town of De Soto.



Pg 3

06/11/1860     For the amount of $68.98

David W. Morse         VS J. W. Thompson

            …an office which stands north of the Railroad at Tunnel Station near the store on an acre of ground deeded by J. W. Thompson--by D. W. Morse for Lumber etc furnished for said building.



Pg 3

06/05/1861     For the amount of $20.42

John C. Beamer & Wm Milburn                   VS       Frederick Loba

            …a frame house situated near the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad on the W side of  said Railroad on a piece of land – part of US Survey 2008; bounded on the N by Maness, on the E by the railroad, on the S by Jon N. Fletcher near the line dividing township T39N & T40N / R4E.



Pg 4

12/06/1861     For the amount of $195.00

W. C. Barton              VS       Charles Brown

            …a single frame house, one story & ½ high, 16’ x 26’, situated on Lot 19 in Town of Victoria.



Page 8

James Burgess Jr., W. S. Post, F. D. Waters, Thomas Moss, DH Dorman, H. M Parker, and T. W. Guy, Trustees of the first Presbyterian Church at Sulphur Springs Jefferson county MO

TO:  John Eisentraut Dr.  [director]

            Oct 8th, 1866} To furnishing materials and building a church house on lot number one in Block number Ten fronting on north line of Kenerly Street 96 feet thence running north on the west line of third street 87 feet 9 inches, running north on the East line of an alley 55 feet 6 inches, it being the same lot laid down on the plat of the Town of Sulphur Springs in Jefferson County, Missouri as lot No. one in Block No. Ten.

            To wit 120 perches of Stone work @ 4.50 per perch                          = $  540.00

To making and building in said Church wall 99,790 brick

as per contract together with  the necessary lime, sand &

other material for said building                                                           = $ 1442.00

Brought forward                                                                                     $ 1982.00

To Extra work on said building                                                                    37.00

Contra                                                                                                    $  2019.00

By cash paid  $1304.80                                                                     -   $  1304.80

Balance due                                                                                           $    714.20




Pg 9

07/05/1866                 For the amount of $75.00

Sulphur Springs, Jefferson Co, MO

            On or before the first day of January 1867 I promise to pay George Schoeller or his order the sum of Seven hundred and Seventy five Dollars a for the value received,  interest at Six per cent per annum from date.

Louis Giers

Filed and recorded Nov 19, 1866




Pg 10

To Henry B. Williams. Agent and Director of the Rochester and DeSoto Lead Company located at De Soto Jefferson County Missouri:  Sir.     Please take notice, that the undersigned hold a claim against the above named Company of which you are one of its authorized Directors and agents in the sum of One hundred and Sixty nine dollars and Seventy five cents for building materials and other necessary articles furnished by us in the erection and construction of the Smelting Furnace of said Company and the Stable and out building of the same, which said buildings are located in De Soto Jefferson county Missouri: And that we entered to file our Lein for the same ten days after the service of this notice, according to the provisions of Chapter One hundred and ninety five of the General Statutes of the State of Missouri entitled of “Mechanics Liens”.

De Soto Jany 14, 1867   Yours L. J. Rankin / W. R. Donnell



State of Missouri}  SS

Jefferson County}   Ira E. Leonard being duly sworn, deposes and says that in  the fourteenth day of January AD 1867 he served the within notice on Henry B. Williams one of the directors and managing agents of said Rochester and De Soto Lead Company by delivering to and leaving with him a true copy there of at De Soto in said  in said County  and the at the time & place he serve the same on E. B. Collins, one of the agents of said Co. by delivering to him a true copy thereof.

Subscribed and Sworn to before me

This 12 day of February 1867                                                                                   Ira E.  Leonard

            B. S. Reppy Justice of the peace



To Rankin & Donnell Dir.

Rochester and De Soto Lead Company

1866 Aug 7    to 7 cts nails                                70

“         ”    ”      205 ft of lumber @ 8¢            6.15

“         ” 15      200     ” lumber                       6.00

“        “ 17       125    Scan_ling                      3.75

“        ”23        3163  of  lumber                    94.89

Septr  13         1032  ”  lumber                      30.96

Octr   11         446     “  lumber                     13.38

   “      17         ,              Shingles                  18.00

   “        ”         “          Shingles                       3.00

                            48 ft of lumber                     4.44


Description of Buildings and property

All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of  (Pg 11) DeSoto County of Jefferson State of Missouri bounded and described as follows, beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Joachim Creek, on the Southern line of Pratte Street, thence westwardly with the southern line of Pratte Street to the eastern line of a piece of land marked as Railroad land on the original plat of said town on file in the clerks office of said county being a distance of about two hundred and fifty feet more or less, thence southwardly with the said eastern line of the rail road ground a distance of one hundred and ninety three feet to a stake , thence eastwardly on a line parallel to the southern line of Pratte street a distance of about one hundred and seventy feet to the middle of the main channel of Joachim Creek, thence northwardly down said channl of said creek to the place of beginning containing one acre of land more or less on which said property is erected an Lead furnace and out buildings of the Rochester and De Sotto lead company where the material above furnished was used. Said buildings being a furnace for the Smelting of lead ore containing two eyes for smelting and a steam engine and the outbuildings consist of a rough board barn, all which are upon the land above described.


State of Missouri}

Jefferson County}  Louis J. Rankin being duly sworn upon his oath says that the above is a true copy of this account against the Rochester and De Soto Lead Company for materials furnished upon the buildings erected by said Rochester and De Soto Lead Company as above described and that the balance due of One hundred and eighty one dollars and twenty seven cents accrued within six months and that the above is a true and description of the building and improvements for which said materials were furnished and upon which a Lein is claimed by the form of Rankin & Donnell of which he is a member.

Sworn and Subscribed before me              L.J. Rankin

This 12th day of February 1867

Ira Leonard

Notary Public Jefferson Co MO

Filed and Recorded Feby 14, 1867             Elias F. Honey, Clerk


Pg 12

November 1868        For the Amount $38.75

Theodore Werner      VS       William Walker

            Now comes Theodore Werner…for materials furnished [barrels of lime, cement, and more]…for a building 26’ x 16’, ele 13’8” long, 1½ stories, 3 rooms below and 3 rooms above. Also a cistern adjoining said house all on SE ¼ or the NW ¼ of Sec4, T41N, R5E … 40 acres.



Pg 13

Nov 1868        For the amount of $385.00

William Burgwold                    VS       John and Eliza WEIPPERT

            …for building a cellar wall and making cellar under house…25’ x 50’…laying the rick work on same.  …property of 2-story brick house built for Weippert in Windsor Harbor…on a lot of 3 acres, bounded on the East by St. Louis Iron Mountain Railroad, to the South and West by lands of Dr Wislizinus, and on the north by lands of Rosenstien.



Pg 13

Nov 1868        For the amount of $480.00

George Seaman                   VS       John and Eliza WEIPPERT

            …for 6000 bricks, for erection of a house in Windsor Harbor…2 story brick house in the town of Windsor Harbor..on 3 acres…bounded on the East by St. Louis Iron Mountain Railroad, on the South by lands of Dr. Wislizinus, on the W by same and on the North by Rosenstein.



Pg 14

12/23/1868     For the amount of $86.75

Lewis Alford                TO       Charles Swingler

            …for 31 ¾ days of labor at $3.00 per day…performed in erection of a log house weather boarded, and frame kitchen house…located in Lot 1, Block 1 in the town of Hillsboro.  ….Sept 14, 1868-Dec 23, 1868



Pg 15

Nov 27, 1868  For the amount of $59.00

C. Wuerz        TO       John and Eliza WIEPPERT

            …for materials furnished… [gutters, tine, conductors, elbows, slip joint, etc., and painting] for Lot 3 in Town of Windsor Harbor.



Pg 15

Dec 23, 1868  For the amount of $56.40

Lewis H. Alford                       TO       F. M. Carver

            …for 31 ¾ days labor at $2.00 per day…performed in erection of a log house weather boarded, and frame kitchen house…located in Lot 1, Block 1 in the town of Hillsboro.  ….Sept 14, 1868-Dec 23, 1868   



Pg 16

Dec 1, 1868    For the amount of $208.00

Florian Zogg               TO       John and Eliza WEIPPERT

            …for carpenter work…39 ½ days labor and supplies [window frames, cellar lights, door frames]…for brick house 2 stories high…Lot 3, town of Windsor Harbour.


Pg 17

Feb 11, 1869  For the amount of $440.04

Schulenberg & Bueckeler    TO       John and Eliza WEIPPERT

            …for lumber and materials [fencing, sashes, stringers, sieling (ceiling?) flooring and more sashes] furnished by Frederick Schulenberg & Adolphus Bueckeler for a 2-story brick house…on lot 3 Town of Windsor Harbor.


Pg 18

April 16, 1869 For the Amount of $76.86 ½

Charles Metzger       TO       George Mabee, E.S. Pyle, & E. H. Hoard - George Flint, Dir

            …to Machinery or Derrick for raising rock known as Metzger and Flints Screw power,… for iron furnished on said Derrick…and 6 days labor in fitting machinery etc.   …property is known as Derrick for hoisting rock and placing same upon the cars on the side of the track at De Soto…and is located on the lands of the St. Louis Iron Mountain Railroad…on the West side of the tracks in the Village of DeSoto, and northwest of the Depot building, south of a similar Derrick…owned by De Soto Stone Co.


Pg 19

June 1869      For the amount of $46.24

Reuben Burroughs and Byron Kyser           TO       E. P. Bennett

            …for nails, shingles, lumber…to guild a vertical-boarded frame, 1 ½ story house…erected for dwelling on Lot 3, NW ¼ of sec 3, T39N R4E..lands owned by Samuel Prentiss



Pg 19

Jan 24, 1870   For the amount of $46.12

Pleasant Ball of Vineland     TO       Hatchett & Mann

             …to 28 ½ days work on a house….about 4 acres…bought by Ball from George R. Rathburn in 1869…a frame 1 2/2 story, 12’ x 16’ near the town of Vineland.



Pg 20

Dec 28, 1869  For the amount of $1625.00

James H. Stevenson of St. Louis County   TO       William Spence

            …on January 1, 1869…Spence was the owner in fee of the following land; to wit: the SW ¼ of the NW 11/4, & the EE ¼ of the NW ¼ & the NW ¼ of the SW ¼, Sec 12 T40N, R4E…120 acres..and owner Spence…on July 7, 1869 employed Joseph C. Edgar as contractor to erect a wood cottage, one and ½ stories high adjoining to…a log house there standing on said land….aforesaid house on the grounds…2 ½ miles +/-, from Victoria Station on the Iron Mountain Railroad, said cottage standing on the west side of an Old Road leading from Victoria Station to Hillsboro….near the East line of the NW ¼ of SW ¼ Sec 12 T40N R4E.



Pg 22

Abt Sept 15, 1869     For the amount of $83.30

D. H. Rosenstein        TO       Frank Raburg            

            …for furnishing paint and for painting 2 frame houses…on the N1/2 of Block 5 in Town of Kimmswick…lots owned by Frank Raburg.


Pg 24

Nov 23, 1869  For the amount of $353.14

James E. Purdy                      TO       John Epes Cowan

            …for materials purchased [lumber pieces and hauling same, planks, joists, bridging, fencing, and accessories, moulding, shingles and hauling, flooring and hauling, etc] and used by him to construct a large two-story brick building erected upon the lands of J. E. Cowan,…Lot 7, part of US Survey 2005, in T42N R6E containing abt 100 acres.  Said building to sit on one acre….about 50 yards east of the tracks of the Iron Mountain Railroad.



Pg 25

May 30, 1870 For the amount of $191.20

Isaac Bridell    VS       Mathew Manion

            …for plastering and furnishing material for same …work done at Lot 7 Block 2 of the Railroad Addition to the town of De Soto, on a frame house…completed Dec 20, 1869.



Pg 27

Dec 20, 1870  For the amount of $30.00

Wm Bage       TO       Joseph Coffin for Alexis J. and Mary A.S. Fishback

            William Bage states …latter part of August 1870…for supplying and plastering 1 & ½ story, frame house with 2 rooms and a pantry below and 2 rooms above…erected on a Lot in the SW frl ¼ of Sec 24, T40N R4E on 12 acres +/-.


Pg 28

Dec 15, 1870  For the amount of $215.50

Isaac Bredell  VS       John Veith

            …for plastering frame house, 1 story high, 2 rooms separate; one room with arched ceiling on lot or tract beginning at the NW corner of Lot 9 of Merry and O’Neil’s Addition to the town of Hillsboro, thence 3 Chains and 17 Links South, thence 3 Chains and 17 Links East, thence 3 Chains and 17 Links North, thence 3 Chains and 17 Links West back to the place of the beginning = 1 acre +/-…land and house owned by Peter R. Kendrick of St. Louis; Bishop of the Catholic Church.  John Veith being his agent and overseer.