Union Church of Antire
From Book #838 6C, at the Jefferson County History Center located in Jefferson College.
Union Church The creations of, Subscribers, and their Constitution November 11, 1839.
Transcribed by Carole Goggin , July 2010
Written on the inside front cover:
John John Byrns was born June the 7th 1825 William C. Byrns
Isaac Byrns James Byrns
Elizabeth (S?) Byrns [no explanation as to the several Byrns names-cg]
Received of Mr. Alexander Canst(?) the following sums of money which is to be paid to George Henderson
From Daniel Medly 9.84
From Josif Medly 12.00
From Chandler 10.00
From Daniel Medly 4.05
Paid Henderson 33.89
Pd Henderson 5.05
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Union Church of Antire Constitution Nov 11, 1839
We whose names are hereunto annexed and assigned do covenant and agree to give our selves [sic] unto God and to one another to watch over each other in Christian love and tenderness and keep house for God and promote each others happiness and peace.
As a Baptist Church of Jesus Christ we do agree to be constituted upon the scriptures of the Old and New Testament believing them to be the work of God and the only rule of Faith and Practice and to be known by the name of the Union Church of Antire.
Constituted by Brethren Carried Over
Nathan Arnett and A.B. Harris C. K.
William Boly MGS
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William Boly Ordained Minister G. C.
Jane Williams
Nancy Byrn Elen Crow
Nancy Prewett Jane Williams 2nd
Julia Williams (January) Jane Wilson
Jane Cockrell (Feb 23) Sally Doulin
Sarah Votaw
Boly is the only male!-cg]
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1839 Nov 23rd Met according to arrangement at Esqr Byrns. The fourth Saturday in November. No business, being on hand the church adjourned. Attended by the subscriber only. A.Harris C. K.
1839 Dec 28th Met pursuant to adjournment at the House of Eqr. Byrns. Meeting opened by Bro. Boly. After his discourse the church was called to order no business being found. A door was opened to receive members and Ellen Crow and Jane Williams 2 united with the church. After prayer the church adjourned to meet at Esqr. Byrns on the 4th Saturday in January.
A.B. Harris C. K.
1840 Jany 25th Met pursuant to adjournment at Esqr Byrns No business before the Church. Brother Boly preached a discourse. Rec’d by Letter Jane Wilson. Then adjourned to meet at Capt. Cockrell’s on the
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fourth Saturday in February. Prayer by Brother Boly. Communion season on Sabbath attended by Brother and Sisters from the Little Rock.
[Little Rock is an early Township
in North-East Jefferson County.-cg]
1840 Febry 22nd Met pursuant to adjournment at the House of Capt Cockrell’s. Meeting opened by Brother Atwell who attended with Bro. William Lemen from Illinois. Preaching by Bro Lemen. Afterwards sat in conference. No members recd then the following Rules of Decorum were constituted.
~ 23d On Sabbath, Recd Sally Dolin. AB Harris C. K.
Rules of Decorum
1. The Church Meetings shall be opened and closed by Prayer.
2. All matters of debate shall be decided by a majority except in receiving and excluding church members
3. No matters of distress shall be brought before the church accept it come in Gospel Order
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4. Only one member shall speak at a time who shall arise from his seat and address the church in a scriptural manner when he is about to make his speech.
5. The person thus speaking shall not be interrupted unless he break the rules of this decorum.
6. The person thus speaking shall adhere strictly to the subject in hand and shall in nowise reflect upon the person that spoke before so as to make remarks on this slips failing or imperfections.
7. No person shall speak more than three times to one subject without obtaining liberty from the church
8. No member shall break off abruptly or abcent him or herself from same without obtaining liberty from it.
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9. No member shall have the liberty of laughing or whispering in time of a publick speech.
10.Any member who shall willingly and knowingly offend against the rules of this decorum shall be reproved as the Church in his wisdom may think proper.
A.B. Harris C. K.
The following pages are all devoted to Strays picked up.